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KoKo: Bildungssprache im Vergleich: korpusunterstützte Analyse der Sprachkompetenz bei Lernenden im deutschen Sprachraum - ein Ergebnisbericht



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South Tyrol is an interesting object of linguistic studies for different reasons: e. g., its role as “national semi-centre” from a pluricentric perspective, its mar-ginal position within the German speaking area and the language contact situa-tion. The aim of this contribution is to serve as a study on the lexis of the writ-ten standard language in South Tyrol. To this end, we will present both rele-vant aspects and tendencies with respect to resources, codices, tools and meth-ods used for the investigation of lexical phenomena and the related description of lexical particularities. In so doing, we will focus on the lexical inventory and semantic features rather than on grammatical or phonological aspects of the lexis. Furthermore, we will present insights gained from model writers and also from novice writers in a school context.
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English. This paper describes an extended version of the KoKo corpus (version KoKo4, Dec 2015), a corpus of written German L1 learner texts from three different German-speaking regions in three different countries. The KoKo corpus is richly annotated with learner language features on different linguistic levels such as errors or other linguistic characteristics that are not deficit-oriented, and is enriched with a wide range of metadata. This paper complements a previous publication (Abel et al., 2014a) and reports on new textual metadata and lexical annotations and on the methods adopted for their manual annotation and linguistic analyses. It also briefly introduces some linguistic findings that have been derived from the corpus. Italiano. Il contributo descrive una versione estesa del corpus KoKo (ver-sione KoKo4, Dic 2015), corpus che rac-coglie produzioni scritte di apprendenti di tedesco L1, provenienti da tre distinte re-gioni germanofone, a loro volta situate in tre diversi paesi. Il corpus KoKò e an-notato dettagliatamente su differenti livelli linguistici rilevanti, quali gli errori o al-tre caratteristiche linguistiche non diretta-mente ricollegabili a deficit individuali, ed arricchito da un'ampia gamma di meta-dati. Questo contributo integra una prece-dente pubblicazione (Abel et al., 2014a) e informa sui nuovi metadati testuali e sulle nuove annotazioni lessicali cosi come sui metodi adottati per la loro annotazione manuale e per le loro analisi linguistiche. Inoltre presenta brevemente alcuni risul-tati ricavati dal corpus.
Der vorliegende Band der Reihe StandardWissen Lehramt bietet eine genau auf die Bedürfnisse von Lehramtsstudierenden an Pädagogischen Hochschulen und Universitäten zugeschnittene Einführung in die Didaktik des Texteschreibens im Deutschunterricht. Mit seinem gut strukturierten Aufbau inklusive Übungsfragen ermöglicht das Buch eine optimale Vorbereitung auf Klausuren und mündliche Prüfungen.
This thesis focuses on young adults who are not able to write correct texts due to their poor spelling competence. This prompts the question what characteristics these young people have in common in order to find suitable methods to improve their spelling. Due to the lack of research for this age group this paper takes a qualitative and hypotheses-generating approach. Therefore this thesis also aims at being a basis for further research. The first aspect that is being dealt with is the question why correct spelling is so important for young adults on different levels: Being able to spell correctly is essential for being successful at school. Moreover, modern societies are mainly based on written communication. Therefore being able to spell correctly is a prerequisite to participate fully in a society because this competence helps with communicating successfully by fixing unambiguously what is meant. Finally, the ability to spell correctly also influences the students’ life after leaving school, for example when it comes to educational opportunities. The following text analyses which principles for supporting students with poor spelling can be deduced from existing specialist literature which concentrates on primary school students and secondary students aged 10 to 15. Here, the main aspects of discourse concerning the question how the issue can be tackled in a didactically appropriate way are being introduced as well as different models of how the ability to spell correctly is being developed and which processes are involved in writing correctly according to spelling rules. Starting from the term “spelling competence” it will be analyzed which factors interact when developing this competence. Here a distinction is being made between internal factors like motivation and types of knowledge and external factors like conditions determined by extracurricular circumstances or by lessons. The synopsis of these findings leads to the conclusion that – taking into consideration both the students’ age and the complexity of spelling – learning in this area can only be successful, if the learners are actively involved in the planning, carrying out and evaluating of their learning process. Thus, the concept of self-regulated learning and different models for this approach are being introduced and their essential elements brought together in a matrix. In this context a distinction is being made between cognitive, meta-cognitive, motivational and emotional components. Moreover, results of the research how these components are involved in learning processes are being presented and it is discussed how self-regulated learning can be supported. The empirical part of this paper comprises qualitative investigations of eight 6thform students whose spelling competence is below average. Different qualitative research methods like interviews, Loud Thinking of the students when revising texts and the analysis of the products of these revisions were combined. Additionally, standardized questionnaires (SELLMO, SESSKO) were applied. Based on the interviews, the views of the interviewees concerning the subject matter are being reconstructed, documented in case studies and compared by using a system of categories that is established for this purpose. As a result, characteristics of students with a poor spelling competence are derived and depicted by means of a typology. Motivational and meta-cognitive aspects are seen as essential in this context and their distinctness leads to the construction of four different types. At the end of this paper the findings of the theoretical part are related to the empirical results with the aim to come to conclusions concerning the question of how the spelling competence of 6th form students can still be improved. As a result, the focus is on the individual learner because now the characteristics of students with poor spelling abilities described in this paper can be used. Thus empirically valid principles for teaching, teaching materials and the organization of lessons can be established.
The distinction between basic interpersonal conversational skills (BICS) and cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) drew attention to the very different time periods typically required by immigrant children to acquire conversational fluency in the school language as compared to grade-appropriate academic proficiency in that language. The distinction also highlighted the problematic educational consequences of conflating social and academic language. The BICS/CALP distinction was embedded within a broader framework that specified the role of societal power relations in framing both the organization of schooling and teacher-student identity negotiation. It is argued that the distinction is consistent with a wide range of research and has also proven effective in generating positive changes in educational practice and policy in relation to culturally and linguistically diverse students.