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Súčasné poznatky o rozšírení linnéovky severskej (Linnaea borealis L.) na Slovensku / Current knowledge about the distribution of twinflower (Linnaea borealis L.) in Slovakia.



Abstract: Linnaea borealis was known as a missing species in Slovakia for several decades. It was re-discovered in 2013 on a single locality in the High Tatra Mts. In the vegetation seasons 2014 and 2015, during the intensive survey of old-growth forests of Slovakia, we confirmed Linnaea borealis in other locations. New locality has been found not only in the High Tatras, but also in the Low Tatra Mts. Currently, there are seven occurrences of the species in Slovakia. All of them are concentrated around massive boulders near the upper forest timberline or in casual avalanche gullies where Pinus mugo descends from the higher altitudes, usually on northern and north-western slopes. We recorded five phytosociological relevés with Linnaea borealis in plant communities classified within the associations Homogyno alpinae-Pinetum mugo (class Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo), Cembro-Piceetum and Vaccinio myrtilli-Piceetum (class Vaccinio-Piceetea).
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   Vegetácia ŠPR Ďumbier 
Monogracká studie o vegetaci Nízkych
        
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Slovenska V/1
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   
Slovenska V/4 
       
Naturae Tutela
        
      Zborník prác
o Tatranskom národnom parku 
      
Flóra Slovenska V/4 
 
       Príroda
Nízkych Tatier 1       
     
     Bulletin Slovenskej
Botanickej Spoločnosti
        
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Bulletin Slovenskej Botanickej Spoločnosti
  
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  8. vedecká konferencia doktorandov
a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov
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Slovenskej Botanickej Spoločnosti
    
 
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Slovenskej Botanickej Spoločnosti
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Interaktívna konferencia mladých vedcov 2011
    
Flóra Slovenska IV/1 
     
Biologické práce
Súčasné poznatky o rozšírení linnéovky severskej
(Linnaea borealis L.) na Slovensku
Current knowledge about the distribution of twinower
(Linnaea borealis L.) in Slovakia.
Marián Jasík1 & Daniel Dítě2
1 Prales, o.z. Komenského 21, SK-974 01, Banská Bystrica,;
2 Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, SK-845 23, Bratislava; e-mail:
Key words:
Abstract:Linnaea borealis
         
        Linnaea
  
Pinus mugo
Linnaea borealis
Homogyno alpinae-Pinetum mugoRoso pendulinae-Pinetea
mugoCembro-Piceetum Vaccinio myrtilli-PiceetumVaccinio-Piceetea
Linnaea borealis Caprifoliaceae
     
    
  
      
       
    
     
      
  
   
   
 Linnaea borealis    
        
  
Piceion excelsae
Pinion mugo   
     
    
    
     
    
 
 
10 11
   
    
     
       
 Pinus mugo
Picea abies
     
     
      
     
    
Picea abies
Pinus mugoSorbus aucuparia
 Vaccinium myrtillus  Homogyne alpina
 Vaccinium vitis-idaea  Avenella exuosa
 Oxalis acetosella  Calamagrostis villosa 
Linnaea borealis + Sorbus aucuparia  Pinus
mugo  Picea abies  Dryopteris carthusiana
Lycopodium annotinumHuperzia selago
Luzula sylvatica Listera cordata Veratrum
album . album Gentiana punctata +
Pleurozium schreberi Dicranum scopari-
um3, Sphagnum girgensohniiPolytrichum for-
mosumPolytrichum strictum +, Rhizomnium
punctatum  Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus 
Dicranum scopariumAnastrepta orcadensis
  
      
    
  Linnaea borealis   
     
 
  
     
Salix silesiaca
Sorbus aucuparia    
 
    
     
       
   
  
        
 
   
    Pinus cembra
  
   
      
     
 
   Poduplaskitals“
    
      
    
  
     
     
Picea abiesSalix silesiaca 
Pinus mugoPicea abies Sorbus aucu-
paria 
Lycopodium annotinumHomogyne al pi-
na Vaccinium myrtillus Picea abies, Ave-
nella exuosaCalamagrostis villosaLinnaea
borealis 1, Dryopteris dilatata , Rubus idaeus 
Gymnocarpium dryopterisOxalis acetosella
Vaccinium vitis-idaea Dryopteris carthusiana
Huperzia selago Listera cordataGentiana
asclepiadeaAthyrium distentifoliumSorbus
aucupariaPinus cembra
 Sphagnum girgensohnii  Hylocomnium
splendens Polytrichum formosum Dicra-
num scoparium Pleurozium schreberiSphag-
num fallax  Hylocomiastrum umbratum 
Nardia scalaris Plagiothecium undulatum
  
      
   
     
  
      
Picea abiesPinus cembra Sorbus aucu-
paria 
Picea abies Pinus mugoPinus cem-
bra 
Vaccinium myrtillus Lycopodium annoti-
numHomogyne alpinaDryopteris dilata-
ta , Avenella exuosaVaccinium vitis-idaea
 Huperzia selago  Dryopteris carthusiana 
Oxalis acetosella  Linnaea borealis +, Picea
abies , Sorbus aucuparia  Pinus cembra 
Calamagrostis villosa  Rubus idaeus Listera
cordataAthyrium distentifolium
 Sphagnum girgensohnii  Polytrichum
commune  Sphagnum capillifolium  Pleu-
ro zium schreberi  Hylocomnium splendens
 Dicranum scoparium  Mylia taylorii 
Polytrichum strictum Dicranum scoparium
Racomitrium heterostichumAnastrepta orca-
  
   
    
       
     
  
carpatica     
    
   
    
     
      
     
     
     
        
         
Picea abiesBetula carpatica
Pinus mugoBetula carpaticaPicea abi-
es Sorbus aucuparia Salix silesiaca Pinus
Vaccinium myrtillusPicea abies, Linnaea
borealis 2b, Vaccinium vitis-idaeaLycopodium
annotinumOxalis acetosellaAvenella exu-
osa  Orthilia secunda 1, Calamagrostis villosa
Rubus idaeus Gymnocarpium robertianum
 Dryopteris dilatata +, Dryopteris carthusia-
na  Sorbus aucuparia Homogyne alpina 
12 13
Prenathes purpurea  Adenostyles alliariae 
Pinus cembraSalix silesiaca 
Hylocomnium splendens Sphagnum gir-
gen sohnii  Pleurozium schreberi  Dicra-
num scoparium  Polytrichum strictum  Ble-
pha rostoma trichophyllum  Chiloscyphus
pal lescens  Plagiothecium laetum  Ptilium
crista-castrensisRacomitrium microcarpon
Tritomaria quinquedentata
   
 
     
       
  
   
 
     
   
Picea abiesSorbus aucuparia 
Pinus mugoPicea abies Sorbus aucu-
paria 
 Linnaea borealis 2b, Lycopodium annoti-
numDryopteris carthusianaPicea abies
, Homogyne alpinaVaccinium myrtillus
 Vaccinium vitis-idaea  Oxalis acetosella
 Avenella exuosa  Dryopteris dilatata ,
Calamagrostis villosa Rubus idaeus Sorbus
aucupariaLuzula sylvatica
Hylocomnium splendens Sphagnum gir-
gensohnii  Pleurozium schreberi Poly tri -
chum formosum  Dicranum montanum Ble-
pharostoma trichophyllum  Brachythecium
reexum  Eurhynchium speciosum  Mylia
    
      
   
       
   
   
   
     
     
     
      
   
     
     
     
 
    
Pinus cembraPicea abiesSorbus au-
cuparia  Salix silesiaca Larix decidua
Pinus cembraPicea abies Salix silesiaca
Lonicera nigra
Vaccinium myrtillusVaccinium vitis-idaea
Linnaea borealis 1, Avenella exuosaOxalis
acetosella  Dryopteris dilatata , Dryopteris
carthusianaSorbus aucupariaHuperzia sela-
goLuzula luzuloidesGymnocarpium rober-
tianum Calamagrostis villosaRubus idaeus
 Salix silesiaca  Lycopodium annotinum 
Picea abiesPinus cembraHomogyne alpina
Chamerion angustifoliumAdenostyles allia-
riaeHylotelephium maximum 
 Hylocomnium splendens  Pleurozium
schreberiDicranum scopariumPoly tri-
chum communeRacomitrium microcarpon
 Sphagnum capillifolium  Anastrepta orca-
densis  Jungermannia leiantha  Bazzania
    
     
  
      
   
     
 
  
      
     
   Linnea borealis  
Lis tera cordata   
   
     Roso pendu-
linae-Pinetea mugo  Homogyno al-
pinae-Pinetum mugo   
   
   Vaccinio-Piceetea, 
Cembro-Piceetum   
    
   Vaccinio myrtilli-Piceetum
Piceion excelsae 
   
    
  
      
  
   
  
     
     
      
  
      
    
     
   
Linnaea borealis
Fig. 1. Distribution of Linnaea borealis in Slovakia: – localities conrmed after 2013, – not conrmed historical sites.
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    
 Linnaea borealis   
      
Linnaea borealis
     
    
    
    
       
     
     
     
  
     
      
  
    
      
Jahrbuch des Ungarischen
Acta Botanica Neerlandica
         
   Flóra Slovenska. IV/2  
 
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica
   Panzensoziologie Grundzüge
der Vegetationskunde. 3. Auage  
Červona kniga Ukrajini. Roslinnij
Flora Ilustrata a Romaniei Pteridophyta
et Spermatophyta
   Červená kniha ohrožených
a vzácných druhů rostlin a živočichů SR a ČR. Vol. 5. Vyšší
     
     
 
     Flóra Slovenska IV/1.
   
         
   Diagnostic, constant and dominant taxa of
the higher vegetation units of Slovakia. 
  
Biológia (Bratislava)
 
Bulletin Slovenskej botanic-
kej Spoločnosti
 Květena alpinských holí Nízkých Tater v zá-
padní části       
      
Magyar Flóra I–II
 A Magyar orvosok és természetvizsgá-
lók vándorgyülésének történeti vázlata és munkálatai, 
Rozmieszczenie roślin naczyniowych w Tat-
       
Zoznam nižších
a vyšších rastlín Slovenska
      
        
        
  
    Zoznam nižších a vyšších
rastlín Slovenska
Studia Ośrodka Dokumentacji
Linnaea borealis
      Linnaea borealis 
     
Věda Přirodní
          
Lyžičník pyrenejský (Cochlearia pyrenaica DC.) – staronový druh podhoria
Belianskych Tatier a poznámky k jeho výskytu na Slovensku
Cochlearia pyrenaica DC. – notes to the occurrence of a rediscovered species
from the foothills of the Belianske Tatry Mts, Slovakia
Daniel Dítě1, Blažena Sedláková2 & Zuzana Dítětová1
1Botanický ústav, Slovenská akadémia vied, Dúbravská cesta 9, SK-845 23, Bratislava;
2Správa TANAP, 059 41, Tatranská Štrba 75; e-mail:
Abstract:Cochlearia pyrenaica
Cochlearia tatrae
      
Cochlearia pyrenaica
         
Cochleario pyrenaicae-Cratoneuretum
Key words: Brassicaceae  Lyco po do-Cratoneurion commutati   
  Cochlearia pyrenaica 
 
     
       
     
       
     
    
      
   Cochlearia ta-
trae 
     
   
      
     
     
  Lycopodo-Cratoneurion com-
mutati  Cochleario pyrenaicae-Crato-
neuretum  
    
       
     
    
      
     
     
  
    
     
      
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... The most recent data on Arolla pine phytocoenoses within the northern High Tatras were published by Jasík et al. [11] and Jasík & Dítě [10], who documented findings of Linnaea borealis, an extremely rare species in the Western Carpathians. Finally, Zięba et al. [39] published a larger number of Arolla pine relevés from both the Slovakian northern and, especially, southern part of the Tatra Mountains. ...
Knowledge of the overall syntaxonomic and habitat variability of forest communities with Arolla pine (Pinus cembra) within the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians) is still insufficient as field research was hindered by their hardly accessible localities and deforestation for high mountain grazing. Arolla pine woodlands were traditionally classified within the association Pino cembrae-Piceetum Myczkowski et Lesinski 1974, but recent surveys recognize more numerous units. Hitherto unpublished releves from the north-eastern part of the Tatra Mountains document the occurrence of several floristically and ecologically distinct Arolla pine communities: (1) acid woodland of Homogyno alpinae-Pinetum cembrae on nutrient-poor habitats over quartzitic bedrock, and (2) calcareous woodlands of species-poor Pyrolo rotundifoliae-Pinetum cembrae of sites with a well-developed, tangled humus soil horizon, Cystopterido montanae-Pinetum cembrae on habitats influenced by both limestones and quartzites, Primulo elatioris-Pinetum cembrae bound to sites with the most favourable humidity, and Seslerio tatrae-Pinetum cembrae with the most pronounced calcareous character.
... More recently, JASÍK et al. (2014) andJASÍK & DÍTĚ (2016) published relevés of special habitats where Arolla pine grows with Linnaea borealis -an extremely rare species in the Tatras and in all of Slovakia. VALACHOVIČ (2014) published relevés of the Arolla pine forest above the lake Popradské Pleso (Mengusovská Dolina, central part of the High Tatras) with brief comparison to previously published relevés. ...
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In Tuexenia, vol. 38, Zięba et al. published an extensive syntaxonomical study of Arolla pine (Pinus cembra) forests, based on 108 relevés from both Poland and Slovakia. The authors stated that only a few works have been dedicated to the Arolla pine forests of the Tatras, and that calcicolous communi-ties have not been studied previously. However, only Polish authors were cited, and studies on Arolla pine forest communities from Slovakia were neglected. In total, 141 relevés of (mixed) Arolla pine communities were published between the years 1932–2016 from the Slovakian part of the Tatras. The present article briefly introduces the respective literature sources and refers to an alternative syntaxonomical synthesis of Arolla pine communities recently published: simultaneously, the relevés of Zięba et al. are reclassified. Missing literature sources are reflected in the use of the incorrect altitudinal value for the “theoretical tree line” (1,550 m a.s.l.) as well as in the controversial evaluation of documented Arolla pine stands as “relict forests”, although traces of spontaneous secondary succession are detectable on most of the sites due to historical anthropogenic disturbances. The problematic issues are shortly discussed, based on available literature and documented field data.
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The last version of Red List was published already more than 10 years ago but the knowledge of the flora of Slovakia has substantially improved due to large-scale mapping projects and taxonomical research. Therefore an updated fifth edition of the Red List is presented in this paper. For evaluation, we accepted IUCN categories (ER, CR, EN, VU, NT, LC, DD, NA, NE) and criteria (A–D), which were used first time in the history of Slovak Red Lists of ferns and flowering plants. In total 1 218 taxa are listed (the complete list of taxa is given in Electronic Appendix 1), which is nearly 34 % of the total number of 3 619 native taxa and archaeophytes of the flora of Slovakia. More than 80 taxa (7 %) were not confirmed in the flora (66 Regionally Extinct, 17 Probably Regionally Extinct), 155 taxa are evaluated as Critically Endangered (13 %), 171 Endangered (14 %) and 201 taxa are regarded Vulnerable (17 %). The largest group represent 347 taxa evaluated as Near Threatened (29 %), 162 taxa are assessed as Least Concern (13 %), 91 taxa are in category Data Deficient (7 %), and 8 taxa belong to categories of Not Evaluated and Not Applicable (1 %). In this Red List, 27 taxa are included as new for the flora of Slovakia and 14 taxa were rediscovered. Short history of Slovak Red lists of rare and threatened plants is also briefly mentioned.
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In this paper a new finding of the relict species Linnaea borealis (Caprifoliaceae) in the Bielovodská dolina Valley (Vysoké Tatry Mts, NE Slovakia) is reported in the context of published data on the distribution of the species, as well as a summary, clarification and evaluation of the information about its occurrence in Slovakia. Linnaea borealis is occuring in the confirmed location in the undergrowth of sparse, only slightly more closed, spruce forest laced with stone pine and mountain ash at an altitude of 1 260 – 1 680 m. The stand has a character of a primeval forest and L. borealis grows here mainly on small and medium-sized boulders, and usually creates smaller micro-stands, often even on the small hills at the base of trees and on the rocky substrate covered with a layer of mosses in the vegetation of the Piceion excelsae alliance.
Starting from the general principles of the Zürich-Montpellier school for the description of vegetation by means of field estimations of abundance, cover etc., the authors criticise the scales adopted by most workers, and some of their interpretations. The following analytical characters of vegetation, and methods of estimation, are discussed: height (layering, recognition of synusiae), peripheral and internal cover, density, abundance, sociability, vitality, fertility, and phenological stage of taxa or layers. The main weaknesses of the usual scales for estimation of these characters (see list of references) are considered to be: 1. The use of combined scales for estimation of abundance and cover, and of vitality and fertility. 2. The lack of equivalence in the range of values for each class in most of the existing scales. 3. The limited range of some of the scales, and the absence of provision for more detailed estimations. 4. The inexact definition of degrees of abundance and sociability in the Braun-Blanquet scale. 5. The confusion about the concept of density. A number of proposals is made for the use of scales with closer intervals, based on decimal, logarithmic or other systems. These leave less room for personal interpretation, and are more suitable for subsequent calculations and autecological studies. A method of reducing errors by carrying out certain estimations in two successive steps is suggested, e.g. by estimating peripheral and internal percentage cover (Fig. 1) separately and multiplying both values to obtain real cover. The proposed scales have been tested in routine field work by the authors and other workers in a wide range of vegetation types. An example is given of an analysis of Dutch coastal sand dune vegetation in which some of the proposed scales have been applied. The authors hope that their proposals for a more accurate description of vegetation will help to consolidate the basic principles underlying the Braun-Blanquet system of classification.
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