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A new primitive Neornithischian dinosaur from the Jurassic of Patagonia with gut contents

  • Dirección Provincial de Minería, Neuquén, Argentina

Abstract and Figures

We describe a new species of an ornithischian dinosaur, Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. The specimen, consisting in an almost complete skull and incomplete postcranium was collected from the marine-deltaic deposits of the Los Molles Formation (Toarcian-Bajocian), being the first reported dinosaur for this unit, one of the oldest from Neuquén Basin, and the first neornithischian dinosaur known from the Jurassic of South America. Despite showing a general stegosaurian appearance, the extensive phylogenetic analysis carried out depicts Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. as a basal ornithopod, suggesting that both Thyreophora and neornithischians could have achieved significant convergent features. The specimen was preserved articulated and with some of its gut content place in the middle-posterior part of the thoracic cavity. Such stomach content was identified as seeds, most of them belonging to the Cycadales group. This finding reveals a possible and unexpected role of this ornithischian species as seed-dispersal agent. Dinosaurs were present in most terrestrial ecosystems for 185 million years, interacting with their physical environment and other living organisms, including plants. As in modern ecosystems, there were complex ecological relations between plants and plant-eating organisms. However, there is little evidence of the type and the parts of plants on which different phytophagous dinosaurs fed 1–4. We describe a new species of ornithischian dinosaur with indubitable gut content consisting of a great amount of cycad and other plant seeds; this finding reveals that there were interactions between cycads and ornithischians in the dispersion of seeds.
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Scientific RepoRts | 7:42778 | DOI: 10.1038/srep42778
A new primitive Neornithischian
dinosaur from the Jurassic of
Patagonia with gut contents
Leonardo Salgado1, José I. Canudo2, Alberto C. Garrido3,4, Miguel Moreno-Azanza5,
Leandro C. A. Martínez6,7, Rodolfo A. Coria7,8 & José M. Gasca3,7
We describe a new species of an ornithischian dinosaur, Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. The
specimen, consisting in an almost complete skull and incomplete postcranium was collected from
the marine-deltaic deposits of the Los Molles Formation (Toarcian-Bajocian), being the rst reported
dinosaur for this unit, one of the oldest from Neuquén Basin, and the rst neornithischian dinosaur
known from the Jurassic of South America. Despite showing a general stegosaurian appearance, the
extensive phylogenetic analysis carried out depicts Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. as a basal
ornithopod, suggesting that both Thyreophora and neornithischians could have achieved signicant
convergent features. The specimen was preserved articulated and with some of its gut content place in
the middle-posterior part of the thoracic cavity. Such stomach content was identied as seeds, most
of them belonging to the Cycadales group. This nding reveals a possible and unexpected role of this
ornithischian species as seed-dispersal agent.
Dinosaurs were present in most terrestrial ecosystems for 185 million years, interacting with their physical envi-
ronment and other living organisms, including plants. As in modern ecosystems, there were complex ecological
relations between plants and plant-eating organisms. However, there is little evidence of the type and the parts
of plants on which dierent phytophagous dinosaurs fed1–4. We describe a new species of ornithischian dinosaur
with indubitable gut content consisting of a great amount of cycad and other plant seeds; this nding reveals that
there were interactions between cycads and ornithischians in the dispersion of seeds.
e holotype of Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. is an incomplete articulated skeleton including an
almost complete skull and a partial postcranium from a medium-to-large-sized specimen (estimated length
5–6 m). is specimen was found in marine-deltaic levels of the Los Molles Formation from the Middle Jurassic
(Neuquén province, Argentina); in fact, these are the rst dinosaur remains found in this geological unit.
Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. is the first neornithischian dinosaur from the Jurassic of South
America. Up to now, the South American record of Jurassic ornithischian dinosaurs was limited to just a few
specimens belonging to Heterodontosauriformes, a clade of small-sized forms that survived in Europe up to
the Early Cretaceous5–7. By contrast, the other major clade of ornithischians, the Neornithischia, was highly and
diversely represented in various Jurassic – above all Late Jurassic – localities in the world. Up to now, however, it
has been considered absent from the Jurassic localities of South America.
e material here described was found by Isabel Valdivia and Erico Otilio Berry in the locality of Los Molles
(Neuquén Province, Argentina, Fig.1) and brought, partially prepared, to the ‘Prof. Dr. Juan A. Olsacher’ Natural
Sciences Museum. In 2009 more eld work was undertaken, and further fragmentary material was collected.
1Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro-Conicet, Av. Gral. J. A.
Roca 1242, General Roca (8332), Río Negro, Argentina. 2Facultad de Ciencias-IUCA, Universidad de Zaragoza, C/
Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain. 3Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales “Profesor Dr. Juan A. Olsacher”,
Dirección Provincial de Minería, Etcheluz y Ejército Argentino, Zapala (8340), provincia del Neuquén, Argentina.
4Departamento Geología y Petróleo, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Buenos Aires 1400,
Neuquén (8300), provincia del Neuquén, Argentina. 5Departamento de Ciências da Terra, Geobiotec. Departamento
de Ciências da Terra. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-526. Caparica,
Portugal. 6Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, División Paleobotánica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo
del Bosque S/N, La Plata (B1900FWA), Argentina. 7Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas,
Argentina. 8Museo “Carmen Funes”. Plaza Huincul (8318), Neuquén, Argentina. Correspondence and requests for
materials should be addressed to L.S. (email:
Received: 02 March 2016
Accepted: 16 January 2017
Published: 16 February 2017
Scientific RepoRts | 7:42778 | DOI: 10.1038/srep42778
Systematic palaeontology
Ornithischia Seeley, 1887
Genasauria Sereno, 1986
Neornithischia Sereno, 1986
Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov.
Etymology. In honour of Isabel Valdivia Berry, who reported the nding of the holotype material.
Holotype. MOZ-Pv 6459. A skeleton comprising a nearly complete skull, and a partial postcranium (still
unprepared) consisting of 6 cervical vertebrae, 15 dorsal vertebrae, a sacrum with a partial ilium and an appar-
ently complete pubis, 9 caudal vertebrae, part of a scapula, ribs, and unidentiable fragments.
Type locality and horizon. The holotype comes from the locality of Los Molles (Neuquén Province,
Argentina) (Fig.1). The specimen was found in the marine-deltaic deposits of the Los Molles Formation
(Toarcian-Bajocian), which in this sector reaches a thickness of approximately 1,042 m8. e fossil-bearing level
is composed of laminated pelites rich in ammonitiferous concretions and vertebrate remains, located some 40 m
below the contact with the overlying unit (Lajas Formation, Bajocian-Bathonian). e presence of the ammonite
Sonninia altecostata allows the fossil-bearing level to be situated biochronologically in the early Bajocian9. In
palaeoenvironmental terms, the sedimentary succession comprises a large-scale progradational deltaic system,
dominated by wave action and the inuence of storms10,11. e dinosaur remains described here, the rst reported
from this unit, are among the oldest from Neuquén Basin12.
Diagnosis. Isaberrysaura diers from all other ornithischian dinosaurs in the following autapomorphies: pre-
maxilla with posterolateral process that does not contact the lacrimal, elongated maxilla and correlated increase
in the tooth count and snout length, and the posterior process of the jugal at least as long as the anterior one.
e phylogenetic analysis revealed that this dinosaur also diers from all other ornithischians in the following
Figure 1. Geological map showing the type locality of Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. e map was
made by Alberto C. Garrido on the basis of a LANDSAT satellite image available in the Dirección Provincial de
Minería (the institution where A.C.G. works) using Adobe Photoshop CS2 Serial Number: 1045-1412-5685-
Scientific RepoRts | 7:42778 | DOI: 10.1038/srep42778
combination of synapomorphies: two supraorbitals incorporated into the orbital margin (char. 32, from 0 to 1,
shared with Agilisaurus, Haya, escelosaurus and Pachycephalosauria), a broad contact between the postorbital
and the parietal (char. 51, from 0 to 1, shared with Pachycephalosauria), subcircular supratemporal fenestrae
(char. 66, from 0 to 1, shared with most ceratopsians), and an anteriorly downturned dentary row (char. 98, from
0 to 1, shared with yreophora).
Description. e skull of the new species is estimated to be 52 cm long and 20 cm wide across the orbits, and
it is almost as high as wide (Fig.2a–d). e snout slopes anteroventrally from the posterodorsal corner of the
infratemporal fenestra to what is apparently the maxillary-premaxillary contact. e infratemporal fenestra is
dorsoventrally deep (dorsoventral length = 13.5 cm, anteroposterior length = 7 cm). In contrast, the orbit is sub-
circular, not quite as dorsoventrally tall (~6.5 cm) as anteroposteriorly long (~7 cm), smaller than the infratempo-
ral fenestra, and only visible in lateral view (Fig.2c,d). e anterolateral sector of the le supratemporal fenestra
is relatively well preserved (although the bordering bones are mostly missing): it is visible only in dorsal view. e
antorbital fossa is roughly triangular, with its base longer than the other two sides. In absolute terms, it is some-
what anteroposteriorly shorter than the orbit, its dorsoventral height being ~3.7 cm.
e jugal is triradiate. Unlike all non-cerapodan neornithischians, escelosaurus, Hypsilophodon13, and
many basal iguanodontians, but similar to the condition in basal thyreophorans and stegosaurs, the anterior
process of the jugal forms the posteroventral corner of the antorbital fossa, and surpasses anteriorly the base of
the lacrimal, as in Emausaurus, Scelidosaurus and Huayangosaurus (Fig.2d). e anterior process is almost as
long as the posterior one (~7 cm). It is straight in lateral view, as in escelosaurus and basal thyreophorans and
unlike the neornithischians Agilisaurus and Zephyrosaurus, where the anterior process of the jugal is curved13.
In some basal thyreophorans (e.g., Scelidosaurus) and in stegosaurs (Huayangosaurus, Stegosaurus), the posterior
process is much shorter than the anterior one14. e dorsal process of the jugal is proportionally as long as in
Kulindadromeus and Hexinlusaurus, and shorter than in Agilisaurus15,16. In lateral view, the very broad quadra-
tojugal is observed.
Figure 2. Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. holotype. Skull in dorsal (a and b, photograph and drawing
respectively), and le lateral (c and d, photograph and drawing respectively) views. (e) Premaxillary tooth;
(f,g) maxillary teeth (g inverted). amf, anterior maxillary fossa; aof, antorbital fossa; aso, anterior supraorbital;
d, dentary; ef, elliptical fossa; f, foramina; fr, frontal; i, infratemporal fenestra; j, jugal; mx, maxilla; n, nasals;
o, orbit; pd, predentary; pdb, postdentary bones; pmx, premaxilla; po, postorbital; pso: posterior supraorbital;
prf, prefrontal; qj, quadratojugal; sq, squamosal; stf, supratemporal fenestra. 1–7 denticles. e drawings were
processed using Adobe Photoshop CS2 Serial Number: 1045-1412-5685-1654-6343-1431.
Scientific RepoRts | 7:42778 | DOI: 10.1038/srep42778
e nasals are ~20 cm long. ere is a deep elliptical fossa along the presumed sutural contact of the nasals,
although the actual suture line cannot be seen (Fig.2a,b), a character that is present in a wide variety of dino-
saurs (Herrerasaurus, Changchunsaurus, Jeholosaurus, Haya, Agilisaurus, Stegosaurus, Heterodontosaurus and
Hypsilophodon). According to some authors17, thyreophorans lack such a fossa apomorphically, although others16
described in Huayangosaurus a shallow median depression on the dorsal aspect of the nasals.
There are two supraorbital bones in Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. The anterior supraorbital is
elongated (~10 cm), as in stegosaurs, and rod-like, as in basal ornithischians18 (Fig.2c,d). e other element
interpreted as a posterior supraorbital is located on the posterior margin of the orbit. ere is another bone sur-
rounding the orbit that is possibly part of the anterior ramus of the postorbital, broken and displaced (Fig.2c,d).
e postorbital forms most of the posterior margin of the orbit. Its jugal process surpasses ventrally half of the
orbit; it has nearly the same width as the postorbital process of the jugal. e lacrimal is anterodorsally projected;
it is rather slender, above all in its contact with the jugal. Dorsally, it contacts with the nasal, the prefrontal (mostly
visible in dorsal view), and the anterior supraorbital, whereas anteriorly it articulates with the nasals and, appar-
ently, with the maxilla. e lacrimal forms the posterior and posterodorsal margins of the antorbital fossa pretty
much all ornithischian which retain an antorbital fenestra.
e premaxilla is incompletely preserved. It is robust, and the lateral surface of the oral margin is everted, as
in the neornithischians escelosaurus, Agilisaurus, Changchunsaurus, Orodromeus, Oryctodromeus, Talenkauen
and some basal iguanodontians13.
e posterolateral process of the premaxilla does not extend far enough posteriorly to contact the lacrimal,
as in basal ornithischians and thyreophorans, and unlike Heterodontosaurus, Jeholosaurus, the basal ceratopsians
Liaoceratops and Yinlong, and basal iguanodontians such as Tenontosaurus13.
It has at least six premaxillary teeth (three complete, two broken, and the mold of a sixth one), as in the basal
ornithischian Lesothosaurus, the basal thyreophoran Scutellosaurus, and the neornithischians escelosaurus
neglectus and Jeholosaurus13. In the anterior part of the snout, the posterodorsal process of the premaxilla is
observed. is part of the premaxilla is broken, but this process seems to wedge into a recess of the nasal, or in
between the nasal and maxilla. e premaxillary teeth are conical and slightly asymmetrical, and point poste-
riorly, somewhat lingually. e labial side is convex whereas the lingual side is only slightly convex. e crown
is globose and has a constriction in the neck (Fig.2e). e surface of the enamel is ornamented with parallel
longitudinal crests, many of which are anastomosed. ese seem to be more pronounced in the anterior teeth,
which are also the most globose. Ornamentation is present (though less developed) in escelosaurus, and absent
in Changchunsaurus, Jeholosaurus, Zephyrosaurus, Scelidosaurus and Emausaurus13. Unlike the maxillary teeth, a
pattern of replacement is not observed in these teeth. Unlike Agilisaurus and Huayangosaurus there are no den-
ticles in the premaxillary teeth15.
Unlike all neornithischians except Agilisaurus, but similar to the condition in basal thyreophorans like
Emausaurus and Scelidosaurus, there is no diastema between the premaxillary and the maxillary tooth row13.
e maxilla of Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. is anteroposteriorly broad. ere is an anteroposterior
ridge causing the tooth row to be inset medially, as in escelosaurus, Lesothosaurus and Scutellosaurus and other
basal thyreophorans and basal neornithischians13.
On its lateral surface there are at least ve foramina dorsal to the tooth row. e dorsoventral depth of the
buccal emargination decreases anteriorly, which is an ornithischian synapomorphy according to character 26 of
Butler et al.17. Anteriorly, it is 0.6 cm in depth (measured from its border to the margin of the alveolus), whereas
at the level of the last alveolus it is almost 3.1 cm. In this respect, Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. resembles
Stegosaurus. ere is a small depression in the anterior border of the maxilla, near the suture with the premaxilla,
much like that present in Changchunsaurus, Haya, Hypsilophodon, Jeholosaurus, Orodromeus, Zephyrosaurus13
and Huayangosaurus14. is depression is here interpreted as the anterior maxillary fossa13. As in other genera
(Huayangosaurus, ZDM7001; escelosaurus, NCSM 15728), the oor of the fossa seems to be formed by a ange
of the premaxilla13,14.
e maxilla has at least 30 tooth positions. In Scelidosaurus (BMNH R1111) there are 19; in escelosaurus
20; in Agilisaurus 14; in Emausaurus 21; in Stegosaurus 24, and 27–28 in Huayangosaurus14,15,19. e maxillary
teeth are closely packed, without space between the alveolar margin and the adjacent crown. ey are lanceolate,
partially imbricate and slightly curved distally, as a result of which they are asymmetrical in labial view (Fig.2g).
ey have 5 to 7 large denticles with an angle of 45°. ey present a slight eminence at the base of the tooth crown,
much less developed than in Scelidosaurus. e enamel surface is smooth. e anteriormost maxillary teeth are
somewhat smaller than the posterior ones and are slightly twisted anteriorly (Fig.2f).
Gut contents. One of the most notable features of the discovery of the skeleton belonging to Isaberrysaura
mollensis gen. et sp. nov. is that inside the skeleton there was a mass of permineralized seeds in the
middle-posterior part of the thoracic cavity (Fig.3f). ere is little direct evidence of the feeding habits of her-
bivorous dinosaurs that matches the stomach contents preserved within a carcass1,20. Most unaltered gut contents
in plant-eating dinosaurs are found in hadrosaurid ornithopods2, whereas until now there has been no known
record in basal neornithischians. Two types of seeds were recovered close to the posterior ribs of Isaberrysaura
mollensis gen. et sp. nov., distinguished according to their size. e largest seeds preserved three layers: an outer
eshy sarcotesta, the sclerotesta, and the inner layer (possibly corresponding to the nucellus). ese seeds are
assigned to the Cycadales (Zamiineae) on the basis of a well-dened coronula in the micropylar region, whereas
the smaller, platyspermic seeds are still indeterminate.
e largest fossil seeds were found with an entire sarcotesta, suggesting that they were gobbled down, and not
chewed. is is consistent with the morphology of the maxillary teeth of Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov.
and analogous with some living tetrapods (e.g. elephants and peccaries), which eat the seeds of cycads but avoid
masticating them3. e sarcotesta is a so tissue that is normally digested, but the sclerotesta is a hard tissue that
Scientific RepoRts | 7:42778 | DOI: 10.1038/srep42778
ensures safe passage of the endosperm through the digestive tract; this germinative strategy has been proposed
for the seeds eaten by some dinosaurs3,4. e well-preserved mass of seeds with a sarcotesta, clustered close to the
ribs, suggests that the digestion in the holotype specimen of Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. was in its rst
steps in the gut.
Extant cycads produce harmful toxic compounds (e.g. cycasin), storing them in stems, leaves and seeds.
The sarcotesta in these cases contains high levels of toxins21; however, the sarcotesta is edible, especially
for large-bodied animals such as dinosaurs. The microbial “gut flora” of these reptiles probably contained
micro-organisms that produced active enzymes capable of cleaving the cycad molecule cycasin3,4,21. e seeds
with a thick sclerotesta would then pass through the digestive system, to be excreted as seed kernels. ese nd-
ings suggest the hypothesis of interactions (endozoochory) between cycads and dinosaurs, especially in the dis-
persion of seeds.
Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. shows marked heterodonty. e possession of recurved premaxillary
and lanceolate maxillary/dentary teeth in extant iguanid lizards is correlated with diets that include a mixture of
animal and plant material22. However, the stomach contents of Isaberrysaura are composed entirely of seeds, with
no evidence of animal remains.
Phylogenetic analysis. Butler dataset, Godefroit et al. version. is analysis resulted in 1740 most parsi-
monious trees of 603 steps (consistency index 0.421, retention index 0.688).
As in most previous analyses of this dataset17,23–25, the resulting consensus is an uninformative polytomy.
Reduced consensus trees were obtained using the “tree-pruning” option of TNT, a posteriori removing wildcard
taxa, following the original approach in the rst iterations of this dataset17,23,24, by contrast with other analyses,
where certain taxa were removed a priori, on the basis of previous analyses16. Given the intricate puzzle that
ornithischian phylogeny currently represents, we consider that a priori removal of taxa, although it certainly
Figure 3. Gut content of Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. (ac), seeds of cycads (c), and other seeds (s);
rib (r). (d,e) Detail of seeds of cycads: sarcotesta (sa), sclerotesta (sc), coronula (c), nucellus (n). (f) Location
of the gut content in the reconstructed skeleton of Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. e drawings were
processed using Adobe Photoshop CS2 Serial Number: 1045-1412-5685-1654-6343-1431.
Scientific RepoRts | 7:42778 | DOI: 10.1038/srep42778
increases the resolution of the consensus, can lead to important omissions in the phylogenetic relations of this
clade, and may result in the misidentication of clade synapomorphies. Using the “tree-pruning” option of TNT,
we searched for reduced consensus obtained aer pruning up to 5 taxa. From the multiple sets of ve taxa recov-
ered, we chose to prune Echinodon, Anabisetia, Koreanosaurus, Yueosaurus and Albalophosaurus a posteriori. e
reduced consensus tree gained 10 nodes, and recovered Isaberrysaura at the base of Neornithischia, in a trichot-
omy with Kulindadromeus and all more derived neornithischians (Fig.4). It shares with all ornithopods the pres-
ence of more than six sacral vertebrae (char. 137, from 2 to 3), a character also shared with some heterodontosaurs
and many stegosaurs and ankylosaurs.
Enforcing Isaberrysaura within yreophora resulted in 1140 equal-length trees of 607 steps (consistency
index 0.418, retention index 0.684). These trees recovered Isaberrysaura as the sister group of
Ankylosauria + Stegosauria, and are 4 steps longer than the unconstrained most-parsimonious trees. To test the
signicance of this result, 1000 replications of the Templeton test were used, comparing pairs of unconstrained
and constrained trees chosen at random from both tree spaces. All tests produced non-signicant results (see
SupplementaryInformation,C5), implying that the hypothesis of Isaberrysaura being a basal thyreophoran can-
not be rejected with condence.
Butler dataset, Baron et al. version. This analysis resulted in 69 most parsimonious trees of 594 steps
(Consistency index 0.428, retention index 0.689).
Again, the strict consensus shows a huge polytomy. To improve resolution, ve taxa were a posteriori pruned
from the consensus (Echinodon, Anabisetia, Yandusaurus, Yueosaurus and Koreanosaurus). e resulting topol-
ogy mimics that obtained by Baron et al.26, with the inclusion of Isaberrysaura among the basal neornithischi-
ans, more derived than Hexinlusaurus but less derived that Othnieliosaurus (SupplementaryFig.S1). Despite the
addition of Laquintasaura and the mergin of Lesothosaurus and Stormbergia carried by Baron et al.26, resulting in
a better characterization of the yreophora clade, Isaberrysaura remains immobile in its ornithopod placement.
Enforcing Isaberrysaura within yreophora resulted in a total of 7776 trees of 598 steps (consistency index 0.425,
retention index 0.686); four steps longer than the most parsimonious trees. Noticeably, the consensus of the con-
strained trees does not recover yreophora, which is collapsed into a big politomy together with Isaberrysaura,
Figure 4. Phylogenetic position of Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. Calibrated reduced strict
consensus obtained aer including the Argentinian taxon in the current iteration of the Butler et al.17 dataset.
Numbers over branches are Bremer support values over 1. Numbers below branches represent bootstrap
support values over 50.
Scientific RepoRts | 7:42778 | DOI: 10.1038/srep42778
Lesothosaurus, Emasaurus, the Ankylosauria plus Stegosauria clade and the Ornithopoda clade. Again, 1000 rep-
lications of the Templeton test failed to reject this topology (SupplementaryInformation,C5).
Boyd dataset. A total of 180 most-parsimonious trees of 889 steps were obtained (consistency index 0.359, reten-
tion index 0.660). e resulting topology of the strict consensus resembles that published by Boyd27, with some
important exceptions. Isaberrysaura is recovered as belonging to Parksosauridae, the sister group of Cerapoda,
but its location within this clade remains uncertain (SupplementaryFig. S2). e inclusion of Isaberrysaura
results in the collapse of both Orodrominae and escelosaurinae subfamilies into a polytomy. Isaberrysaura is
placed in a variable basal position within escelosaurinae or as a sister taxon of the clade containing Orodromeus
and the unnamed taxon from Kaiparowits. Isaberrysaura diers from all Parksosauridae in the absence of a dias-
tema between the premaxillary and maxillary teeth (char. 8, from 1 to 0), and shares with them the everted lateral
surface of the oral margins of the premaxilla (char. 5, from 0 to 1, also shared with Agilisaurus), the concavity of
the posterior end of the premaxilla for receipt of the anterolateral boss of the maxilla (char. 14, from 0 to 1) and
the presence of fused premaxillae (char. 255, from 0 to 1).
Enforcing Isaberrysaura within yreophora resulted in 72 equally parsimonious trees of 894 steps (consist-
ency index 0.357, retention index 0.657), ve steps longer than the most parsimonious placement of Isaberrysaura
within Parksosauridae. Isaberrysaura is recorded in a polytomy at the base of yreophora, in an unresolved
position between Scutellosaurus, Lesothosaurus and the clade formed by Emausaurus and Scelidosaurus. It is
important to note that in this topology no synapomorphies support the clade yreophora, due to the enforced
placement of Isaberrysaura, which indeed diers from all other thyreophorans in possessing a ventrally deected
margin of the premaxilla at the level of the maxillary teeth (char. 6, from 0 to 1, shared with Heterodontosauridae,
Orodromeus, Hypsilophodon and Zalmoxes) and in possessing a pubic peduncle of the ilium that tapers distally
and is smaller than the ischial peduncle (char. 192, from 0 to 1, shared with all neornithischians but Agilisaurus).
Again, 1000 replications of the Templeton test confronting the two topologies do not rule out the hypothesis of
Isaberrysaura being a thyreophoran (see SupplementaryInformation,C5).
Remarks. Isaberrysaura mollensis gen. et sp. nov. has been included in three dierent datasets, all of three recov-
ering it at the base of Ornithopoda. Despite the general stegosaurian appearance of the specimen, and presenting
an anteriorly downturned dentary row, a synapomorphy of yreophora, the extensive analysis carried out does
not allow us to consider the Neuquenian species as a basal member of this clade. Further preparation of the type
specimen, ndings of additional specimens and, above all, a better and more compressive dataset focused in the
basal thyreophorans may alter this results in the near future, and seed light on the Isaberrysaura puzzle: was it a
stegosaurian mimic ornithischian, with a skull shaped to prot similar vegetal resources as derived thyreophorans
or it is a very basal form of the thyreophoran clade?
e discovery of the new basal neornithischian Isaberrysaura mollensis reveals the existence of a previously
unknown morphotype among basal neornithischians. e cranium of this new species is reminiscent of that
of the thyreophorans. Among the characters shared with the latter are their large body size, their elongate and
low skull (as occurs in stegosaurs, Emausaurus), at least six premaxillary teeth (6–7 being common in many
thyreophorans, but infrequent outside yreophora), the high maxillary tooth count (as in Huayangosaurus), the
depression between the premaxilla and maxilla (as in Huayangosaurus), the very deep buccal emargination (also
found in stegosaurs), and the anteriorly downturned dentary tooth row (a thyreophoran synapomorphy). e
interpretation given here is that Isaberrysaura and the thyreophorans were convergent forms of ornithischians.
Like thyreophorans in general and the basal stegosaurs in particular, Isaberrysaura shows weak or non-existent
wear facets, indicating a lower degree of oral food processing. is in turn is consistent with the state of the seeds
found in the digestive tract.
Although the reason for the many similarities between Isaberrysaura and the thyreophorans could have been
the diet they had in common, we still lack a clear idea of the diet of these dinosaurs beyond their ingestion of
cycad seeds and other seed plants. We conjecture that the summer diet consisted mainly of fructications, but
we remain completely ignorant of what food resources were used in periods when the seeds were unavailable.
e palaeobotanical association of conifers (Podocarpaceae, Araucariaceae and Cheirolepidiaceae), Cycadales,
Bennettitales and ferns from the Middle Jurassic of Neuquén Basin suggests humid-temperate to warm cli-
mates28–31. ese plants would belong to forest to open environments; such a diversity of environments with a rich
ora would have yielded enough food resources for the development of Isaberrysaura and the associated fauna.
e central and southern sector of Neuquén Basin was invaded by the waters of the Pacic Ocean from the
Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) to the Lower Cretaceous, interrupted only by brief periods of continentalization32–34.
e deposition of the Los Molles Formation was associated with the rst major ooding of the basin, with the
development of low-energy marine facies in restricted environments decient in oxygen, grading towards the far
south of the basin into the deltaic, shallow marine and estuarine deposits of the Lajas Formation10,11,35–39. To date,
no outcrops of a clearly continental origin providing terrestrial vertebrate remains have been found for this period
(Pliensbachian-Bathonian) in Neuquén Basin, so the discovery of this new ornithischian certainly contributes to our
knowledge of the Jurassic dinosaur faunas of Patagonia, known above all from Late Jurassic forms.
To assess the phylogenetic position of Isaberrysaura, it was coded in the three largest datasets availa-
ble in the literature: two dierent versions of the matrix built by Butler et al.17, one aer Makovicky et al.23,
Ruiz-Omeñaca et al.24, Barrett et al.25 and Godefroit et al.16 (SupplementaryInformationC1), and the other
Scientific RepoRts | 7:42778 | DOI: 10.1038/srep42778
aer Ham et al.40, and Baron et al.26, (SupplementaryInformationC2); and the dataset published by Boyd27
Butler dataset, Godefroit et al. version. e Butler dataset includes a total of 57 taxa scored for 227
characters, ve of which (112, 135, 137, 138, 174) were treated as ordered (see SupplementaryInformation). e
resulting dataset was analysed with TNT v1.5v41. A heuristic search with 1000 replicates, followed by branch
swapping by tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR), holding ten trees per replicate, was conducted. Additional
rounds of TBR were performed, obtaining increasing numbers of trees (up to two million), but no impacts on
the topology of the consensus were observed other than increasing computing times, so all the following analyses
were performed with the rst set of trees.
Butler dataset, Baron et al. version. The second version of Butler’s dataset includes a total of
55 taxa scored for 227 characters, five of which (112, 135, 137, 138, 174) were treated as ordered (see
SupplementaryInformation). Following Baron et al.26, 100 replications of new technology searches, including
sectorial searches, ratchet, dri and tree fusing algorithms were carried under default settings, followed by and
additional round of TBR using the obtained trees as starting seeds.
Boyd dataset. Isaberrysaura was also coded in the dataset by Boyd27 for a total of 69 taxa coded for 255 char-
acters (see SupplementaryInformation). A heuristic search with 1000 replicates, followed by branch swapping
by tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR), holding ten trees per replicate, was conducted. is was followed by an
additional round of TBR using the obtained trees as starting seeds.
Constrained searches. To explore the alternative hypothesis of Isaberrysaura being a thyreophoran, con-
strained searches were conducted enforcing the monophyly of the clade that contains Isaberrysaura within
yreophora in both datasets. Aer enforcing the constraint, the same search settings as those described above
were used for the constrained search.
e Templeton test42,43 was used to test the signicance of these results. e test was run using a modied
version of the TNT script by Schmidt-Lebuhn (see SupplementaryInformation, C4, original script can be down-
loaded at e Templeton test compares topologies in pairs
in order to ascertain whether they are both signicantly supported by the data or whether one of them can be
rejected. is test has been used in previous dinosaur studies, normally comparing the topologies of one of the
most parsimonious trees with one or more constrained topologies, both topologies being chosen at random from
the results of the normal and constrained tree searches. Due to the high numbers of trees recovered in both the
normal and constrained searches performed in our study, we consider that a comparison of one pair of trees may
not be representative, so we modied the script from Schmidt-Lebuhn (Schmidt-Lebuhn, n.d.) to run for 1000
iterations, each time choosing pairs of trees at random, and recording the results of each Templeton test in a table
that is saved as an output le. e script works in the current version of TNT, and a detailed description of how it
works is included with the script in the supplementaryinformation.
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is paper forms part of projects CGL2014- 53548-P subsidized by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y
Competitividad”, the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the University of
Zaragoza and the Government of Aragón (“Grupos Consolidados”). We are grateful to Isabel Valdivia and Erico
Otilio Berry, who reported the nding to the “Prof. Dr. Juan Olsacher” Museum. We are also grateful to Richard
Butler, Paul M. Barrett, Clint Boyd, and Susannah Maidment for their contributions to substantially improving
the manuscript. Rupert Glasgow edited the text in English. Débora Palledini cooperated in the preparation of the
material, and the Dirección Provincial de Minería de Neuquén provided logistical support for the eldwork. e
Subsecretaría de Cultura de Neuquén granted the eldwork permits.
Author Contributions
L.S., J.I.C., A.C.G., M.M.-A., L.C.A.M., R.A.C. and J.M.G. designed the study, collected data, performed the
comparative and analytical work, and wrote the paper. A.C.G. did the geological work and made the geological
map, and L.C.M. carried out the identication and analysis of the seeds. All authors discussed the results and
commented on the manuscript.
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Competing nancial interests: e authors declare no competing nancial interests.
How to cite this article: Salgado, L. et al. A new primitive Neornithischian dinosaur from the Jurassic of
Patagonia with gut contents. Sci. Rep. 7, 42778; doi: 10.1038/srep42778 (2017).
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... The lack of denticles and high-crowned, slightly recurved morphology is reminiscent of known ornithischian premaxillary teeth, although we are unable to identify a clade with identical tooth morphology. Premaxillary teeth occur in early-diverging ornithischians such as Lesothosaurus (Porro et al., 2015;Sereno, 1991), some early ornithopods (Barrett & Han, 2009;Brown & Druckenmiller, 2011;Galton, 1974), Early Jurassic thyreophorans such as Scutellosaurus (Breeden et al., 2021;Colbert, 1981), Laquintasaura , Herrera-Castillo et al., 2021, heterodontosaurids (Butler et al., 2012;Sereno, 2012), ceratopsians, pachycephalosaurs (Sullivan, 2006), neornithischians such as Thescelosaurus and Jeholosaurus (Boyd, 2014), the ankylosaurs Silvisaurus (Eaton, 1960) and Cedarpelta (Carpenter, 2001), and the stegosaurs Huayangosaurus (Sereno & Dong, 1992) and Isaberrysaura (Salgado et al., 2017). Premaxillary crowns of Lesothosaurus are distally recurved with denticulate mesial and distal margins and lack a ridged surface ornamentation (Porro et al., 2015;Sereno, 1991). ...
... The premaxillary teeth of the ankylosaur Silvisaurus are low-crowned, denticulate, and triangular in shape (Eaton, 1960). The stegosaur Huayangosaurus has phylliform, strongly denticulate teeth with a distally offset apex (Sereno & Dong, 1992), and Isaberrysaura has conical, slightly asymmetric globose teeth that lack strong ornamentation (Salgado et al., 2017). Teeth of the early thyreophoran (?) Laquintasaura have a very similar overall gross morphology with lingually inclined, isosceles-shaped crowns that possess a distinctive highly ridged ornamentation on the labial and lingual surfaces, although the ridges are not as strongly developed and there are coarse serrations on the carinae of Laquintasaura that are absent here . ...
... In contrast to the symmetrical crowns of Scutellosaurus and Lesothosaurus, the crowns' tips are offset distally, as seen in Scelidosaurus and Emausaurus, but, as with Scutellosaurus, the crowns have equal numbers of denticles on each margin. Maxillary teeth in early stegosaur Isaberrysaura have a similar overall morphology with distally offset lanceolate crowns bearing prominent denticles on both the mesial and distal margins and a smooth enamel surface (Salgado et al., 2017), but the broad central eminence seen in Morphotype A is poorly developed. Neornithischians, such as Agilisaurus, Hexinlusaurus, Yandusaurus, Hypsilophodon, Thescelosaurus, Jeholosaurus, Orodromeus, and Nanosaurus, and pachycephalosaurs, such as Stegoceras (Fig. 11), have a similar overall morphology to Morphotype A with triangular crowns bearing marginal denticles (Carpenter & Galton, 2018;Hudgins et al., 2022). ...
... Insects are capable of dispersing spores and pollen grains, the fossil evidence for which has been reported from the Permian (Fig. 7; Khramov et al. 2023). Dinosaurs as predators dispersed plants, in the process of foraging, from the Early Jurassic ( Fig. 7; Salgado et al. 2017). The cranial anatomy of fossil birds also reveals that birds as biotic vectors dispersed seed from the Early Cretaceous ( Fig. 7; Hu et al. 2022). ...
... 11, fossil evidence reveals plant dispersal by insects at least from the early Permian(Khramov et al. 2023). 12, dinosaurs are known to have played a role from the Early Jurassic(Salgado et al. 2017); 13, birds from the Early Cretaceous(Hu et al. 2022); 14, mammals from at least the Eocene(Collinson & Hooker 2000;Tiffney 2004). 15, there is evidence of humans dispersing plants in the early Holocene(Spengler 2020). ...
Dispersal, whether active or passive, plays a crucial role in biogeography by facilitating the movement of propagules away from their original location. Botanical geographical zonation, resulting from the co-evolution of plants and their environment, has been established since the remarkable plant diversification during the Devonian Period (c. 419–359 Ma). However, a significant knowledge gap exists in understanding plant dispersal between living and fossil organisms due to the rarity of opportunities for tracing plant dispersal in geological history. In this study, we present evidence of two plant dispersal routes and verify their occurrence through the examination of geographical zonation, changes in plant diversity, and latitudinal and longitudinal gradients during the Devonian. We analyse global occurrence data from widely-distributed and extensively-studied Devonian plants. The two dispersal routes, namely clockwise and anticlockwise, connect the South China and Euramerica–Siberia realms. These routes clearly demonstrate inland and inter-land dispersal models, closely linked to Devonian sea–land topography and dispersal vectors such as wind and ocean currents. Moreover, these models probably apply to all Devonian plants. Our comprehensive synthesis of plant dispersal in deep time reveals that propagule diversity and dispersal vectors have progressively increased and become more complex over time, facilitating plant colonization and diversity changes. Importantly, our study unveils the dispersal models of fossil plants, demonstrating the equivalent models observed in extant plants that have been established since the Devonian Period.
... Most of the ornithischian diversity from South America comes from Upper Cretaceous deposits of Argentina (Table 3), with few occurrences from Jurassic deposits (e.g. Pol et al. 2011;Barrett et al. 2014;Salgado et al. 2017;Rauhut et al. 2020) Aside from osteological remains, ornithischian ichnites have also been recovered from several localities in South America, mainly in Uruguay, Bolivia, and Brazil (Leonardi 1994). Regarding the Brazilian record, it is the most expressive in terms of diversity and number of occurrences, including trackways and some isolated footprints of quadrupedal ornithischians (mostly related to thyreophorans) and several morphotypes related to ornithopods (see Figure 1 and Supplementary data). ...
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Supposed dinosaur remains were collected between 1859 and 1906 in the Lower Cretaceous Recôncavo Basin (Northeast Brazil). Since these materials remained undescribed, and most were considered lost. Recently, some of these historical specimens were rediscovered in the Natural History Museum of London, providing an opportunity to revisit them after 160 years. The specimens come from five different sites, corresponding to the Massacará (Berriasian-Barremian) and Ilhas (Valanginian-Barremian) groups. Identified bones comprise mainly isolated vertebral centra from ornithopods, sauropods, and theropods. Appendicular remains include a theropod pedal phalanx, humerus, and distal half of a left femur with elasmarian affinities. Despite their fragmentary nature, these specimens represent the earliest dinosaur bones discovered in South America, enhancing our understanding of the Cretaceous dinosaur faunas in Northeast Brazil. The dinosaur assemblage in the Recôncavo Basin resembles coeval units in Northeast Brazil, such as the Rio do Peixe Basin, where ornithopods coexist with sauropods and theropods. This study confirms the presence of ornithischian dinosaurs in Brazil based on osteological evidence, expanding their biogeographic and temporal range before the continental rifting between South America and Africa. Additionally, these findings reinforce the fossiliferous potential of Cretaceous deposits in Bahia State, which have been underexplored since their initial discoveries.
... Seventeen valid taxa are currently recognised (Maidment et al. 2008;Dai et al. 2022). The earliest stegosaurs are from the Middle Jurassic, including five valid taxa: Loricatosaurus (Nopcsa 1911), Huayangosaurus (Dong et al. 1982), Isaberrysaura (Salgado et al. 2017), Adratiklit (Maidment et al. 2020) and Bashanosaurus (Dai et al. 2022). The stegosaurs achieved a global distribution by the Late Jurassic, including ten taxa: Dacentrurus (Owen 1875), Stegosaurus stenops (Marsh 1887), Alcovasaurus (Gilmore 1914), Kentrosaurus (Hennig 1915), Tuojiangosaurus (Dong et al. 1977), Chungkingosaurus (Dong et al. 1983), Gigantspinosaurus (Ouyang 1992), Hesperosaurus (Carpenter et al. 2001), Jiangjunosaurus (Jia et al. 2007), and Miragaia (Mateus et al. 2009). ...
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Stegosaurs are a small but iconic clade of ornithischian dinosaurs. They and their sister taxa, the ankylosaurs, formed the clade Eurypoda which means 'broad-footed'. Here, we describe a stegosaur from the Upper Jurassic Qigu Formation of Xinjiang, China, based on an associated partial skeleton that includes axial, pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, limb and armor elements. It can be diagnosed as a new taxon, Angustungui , based on numerous autapomorphies. Some morphologies of Angustungui are more similar to the taxa from Europe, Africa and North America than to those from Asia. Our phylogenetic analysis recovers it as the sister taxon of Loricatosaurus . More importantly, the narrow and claw-shaped ungual of Angustungui proves that Eurypoda, at least stegosaur, has claw-shaped unguals. Besides, we revised the character scores for Chinese stegosaurs based on observations of the specimens.
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Thescelosaurines are a group of early diverging, ornithischian dinosaurs notable for their conservative bauplans and mosaic of primitive features. Although abundant within the latest Cretaceous ecosystems of North America, their record is poor to absent in earlier assemblages, leaving a large gap in our understanding of their evolution, origins, and ecological roles. Here we report a new small bodied thescelosaurine—Fona herzogae gen. et sp. nov.—from the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA. Fona herzogae is represented by multiple individuals, representing one of the most comprehensive skeletal assemblages of a small bodied, early diverging ornithischian described from North America to date. Phylogenetic analysis recovers Fona as the earliest member of Thescelosaurinae, minimally containing Oryctodromeus, and all three species of Thescelosaurus, revealing the clade was well‐established in North America by as early as the Cenomanian, and distinct from, yet continental cohabitants with, their sister clade, Orodrominae. To date, orodromines and thescelosaurines have not been found together within a single North American ecosystem, suggesting different habitat preferences or competitive exclusion. Osteological observations reveal extensive intraspecific variation across cranial and postcranial elements, and a number of anatomical similarities with Oryctodromeus, suggesting a shared semi‐fossorial lifestyle.
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Stegosaurs are a minor but iconic clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, yet due to a poor fossil record, their early evolution is poorly understood. Here, we describe a new stegosaur, Baiyinosaurus baojiensis, gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Jurassic Wangjiashan Formation of the Pingchuan District, Baiyin City, Gansu Province, China. The frontal of Baiyinosaurus possesses a unique characteristic among Stegosauria: it is wider than long and contributes to both the medial and anterior margins of the supratemporal fenestra. The character combinations of dorsal vertebrae of Baiyinosaurus are also different to other stegosaurs: its neural arches are not greatly elongated, its parapophyses are well developed, and its neural spines are axially expanded in lateral. The features of the frontal and vertebrae of Baiyinosaurus are reminiscent of basally branching thyreophorans, indicating that Baiyinosaurus is transitional in morphology between early thyreophorans and early-diverging stegosaurs. Systematic analysis shows that Baiyinosaurus is an early-diverging stegosaur.
The use of more than one nomenclatural code is becoming increasingly common in some biological sub-disciplines. To minimize nomenclatural instability, we have decided to establish a higher level systematization for Thalattosuchia under both the International Code of Phylogenetic Nomenclature (‘PhyloCode’) and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (‘Zoological Code’). We undertook a series of phylogenetic analyses with an expanded dataset to examine the origins of Thalattosuchia within Crocodylomorpha, and determined the clade’s diagnostic characters. Based on these analyses, we provide updated diagnoses for Thalattosuchia and its subclades under both the PhyloCode and Zoological Code. We also introduce two new nomina that are regulated under the PhyloCode (Neothalattosuchia and Euthalattosuchia), and the nomen Dakosaurina, which is registered under both nomenclatural codes. Moreover, we introduce PhyloCode-compliant phylogenetic definitions for Thalattosuchia and its subclades. As we cannot reliably discriminate between the positional hypotheses for Thalattosuchia within Crocodylomorpha, the clades’ origins are as much of a mystery today as they were over a century ago. However, we hope that using the same diagnostic characters to define the same clades, with the same nomina, under both nomenclatural codes will be an example to others to follow.
Vertebrate‐mediated seed dispersal is a common attribute of many living plants, and variation in the size and abundance of fleshy diaspores is influenced by regional climate and by the nature of vertebrate seed dispersers among present‐day floras. However, potential drivers of large‐scale variation in the abundance and size distributions of fleshy diaspores through geological time, and the importance of geographic variation, are incompletely known. This knowledge gap is important because fleshy diaspores are a key mechanism of energy transfer from photosynthesis to animals and may in part explain the diversification of major groups within birds and mammals. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain variation in the abundance and size distribution of fleshy diaspores through time, including plant–frugivore co‐evolution, angiosperm diversification, and changes in vegetational structure and climate. We present a new data set of more than 800 georeferenced fossil diaspore occurrences spanning the Triassic–Oligocene, across low to mid‐ to high palaeolatitudes. We use this to quantify patterns of long‐term change in fleshy diaspores, examining the timing and geographical context of important shifts as a test of the potential evolutionary and climatic explanations. We find that the fleshy fruit sizes of angiosperms increased for much of the Cretaceous, during the early diversification of angiosperms from herbaceous ancestors with small fruits. Nevertheless, this did not cause a substantial net change in the fleshy diaspore size distributions across seed plants, because gymnosperms had achieved a similar size distribution by at least the Late Triassic. Furthermore, gymnosperm‐dominated Mesozoic ecosystems were mostly open, and harboured low proportions of specialised frugivores until the latest Cretaceous, suggesting that changes in vegetation structure and plant–frugivore co‐evolution were probably not important drivers of fleshy diaspore size distributions over long timescales. Instead, fleshy diaspore size distributions may be largely constrained by physical or life‐history limits that are shared among groups and diversify as a plant group expands into different growth forms/sizes, habitats, and climate regimes. Mesozoic gymnosperm floras had a low abundance of fleshy diaspores (<50% fleshy diaspore taxa), that was surpassed by some low‐latitude angiosperm floras in the Cretaceous. Eocene angiosperm floras show a mid‐ to high latitude peak in fleshy fruit abundance, with very high proportions of fleshy fruits that even exceed those seen at low latitudes both in the Eocene and today. Mid‐ to high latitude proportions of fleshy fruits declined substantially over the Eocene–Oligocene transition, resulting in a shift to more modern‐like geographic distributions with the highest proportion of fleshy fruits occurring in low‐latitude tropical assemblages. This shift was coincident with global cooling and the onset of Southern Hemisphere glaciation, suggesting that rapid cooling at mid‐ and high latitudes caused a decrease in availability of the climate conditions most favourable for fleshy fruits in angiosperms. Future research could be focused on examining the environmental niches of modern fleshy fruits, and the potential effects of climate change on fleshy fruit and frugivore diversity.
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Heterodontosaurids comprise an important early radiation of small-bodied herbivores that persisted for approximately 100 My from Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous time. Review of available fossils unequivocally establishes Echinodon as a very small-bodied, late-surviving northern heterodontosaurid similar to the other northern genera Fruitadens and Tianyulong. Tianyulong from northern China has unusual skeletal proportions, including a relatively large skull, short forelimb, and long manual digit II. The southern African heterodontosaurid genus Lycorhinus is established as valid, and a new taxon from the same formation is named Pegomastax africanus gen. n., sp. n. Tooth replacement and tooth-to-tooth wear is more common than previously thought among heterodontosaurids, and in Heterodontosaurus the angle of tooth-to-tooth shear is shown to increase markedly during maturation. Long-axis rotation of the lower jaw during occlusion is identified here as the most likely functional mechanism underlying marked tooth wear in mature specimens of Heterodontosaurus. Extensive tooth wear and other evidence suggests that all heterodontosaurids were predominantly or exclusively herbivores. Basal genera such as Echinodon, Fruitadens and Tianyulong with primitive, subtriangular crowns currently are known only from northern landmasses. All other genera except the enigmatic Pisanosaurus have deeper crown proportions and currently are known only from southern landmasses.
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The systematic relationships of taxa traditionally referred to as ‘basal ornithopods’ or ‘hypsilophodontids’ remain poorly resolved since it was discovered that these taxa are not a monophyletic group, but rather a paraphyletic set of neornithischian taxa. Thus, even as the known diversity of these taxa has dramatically increased over the past two decades, our knowledge of their placement relative to each other and the major ornithischian subclades remained incomplete. This study employs the largest phylogenetic dataset yet compiled to assess basal ornithischian relationships (255 characters for 65 species level terminal taxa). The resulting strict consensus tree is the most well-resolved, stratigraphically consistent hypothesis of basal ornithischian relationships yet hypothesized. The only non-iguanodontian ornithopod (=basal ornithopod) recovered in this analysis is Hypsilophodon foxii . The majority of former ‘hypsilophodontid’ taxa are recovered within a single clade (Parksosauridae) that is situated as the sister-taxon to Cerapoda. The Parksosauridae is divided between two subclades, the Orodrominae and the Thescelosaurinae. This study does not recover a clade consisting of the Asian taxa Changchunsaurus , Haya , and Jeholosaurus (=Jeholosauridae). Rather, the former two taxa are recovered as basal members of Thescelosaurinae, while the latter taxon is recovered in a clade with Yueosaurus near the base of Neornithischia.The endemic South American clade Elasmaria is recovered within the Thescelosaurinae as the sister taxon to Thescelosaurus . This study supports the origination of Dinosauria and the early diversification of Ornithischia within Gondwana. Neornithischia first arose in Africa by the Early Jurassic before dispersing to Asia before the late Middle Jurassic, where much of the diversification among non-cerapodan neornithischians occurred. Under the simplest scenario the Parksosauridae originated in North America, with at least two later dispersals to Asia and one to South America. However, when ghost lineages are considered, an alternate dispersal hypothesis has thescelosaurines dispersing from Asia into South America (via North America) during the Early Cretaceous, then back into North America in the latest Cretaceous. The latter hypothesis may explain the dominance of orodromine taxa prior to the Maastrichtian in North America and the sudden appearance and wide distribution of thescelosaurines in North America beginning in the early Maastrichtian. While the diversity of parksosaurids has greatly increased over the last fifteen years, a ghost lineage of over 40 myr is present between the base of Parksosauridae and Cerapoda, indicating that much of the early history and diversity of this clade is yet to be discovered. This new phylogenetic hypothesis provides a comprehensive framework for testing further hypotheses regarding evolutionary patterns and processes within Ornithischia.
Lesothosaurus diagnosticus from the upper Elliot Formation of South Africa and Lesotho (?Hettangian-Sinemurian) is an important early representative of Ornithischia. In previous studies it has been recovered in several positions on the ornithischian tree including as the earliest known member of Thyreophora, the earliest known member of Neornithischia and as a member of an even a more basal ornithischian lineage, one that diverged before these major groups appeared. Given this taxon's important position as one of the few well-known early ornithischians, it is surprising that details of much of its anatomy remain unpublished. A second non-heterodontosaurid ornithischian taxon, also from the upper Elliot Formation, Stormbergia dangershoeki, has also been recovered as the earliest known member of Neornithischia; however, the validity of this taxon has been challenged. Hence, a reassessment of the taxonomic statuses and systematic positions of L. diagnosticus and S. dangershoeki within Ornithischia is required as an important step in the investigation of the early evolution of this group. A comprehensive redescription of the post-cranial material of L. diagnosticus and a re-evaluation of other 'fabrosaur' material (including the hypodigm of S. dangershoeki) was carried out to provide new information on the anatomy of these taxa and to better resolve the relationships at the base of the ornithischian tree. This study has found that the material of L. diagnosticus and S. dangershoeki almost certainly represents the same taxon and that the apparent differences between these genera is probably a product of ontogentic (rather than taxonomic) differences. A revision of the phylogenetic relationships of L. diagnosticus (when synonymized with S. dangershoeki) recovers it as the basal most member of Neornithischia.
Osteological remains of ornithischian dinosaurs are rare in the Purbeck Limestone Formation (and penecontemporaneous formations in England), in contrast to the comparative abundance of their preserved footprints. This paper reviews all the currently known British ornithischian material from the Purbeck Limestone Formation and its equivalents, provides descriptions and comparative observations where appropriate, and reassesses the taxonomic status of the material. The reasons for the depauperate nature of this 'fauna' are considered briefly. The Purbeck Limestone Formation ornithischian 'fauna' of the Isle of Purbeck comprises: Camptosaums hoggii (Owen, 1874) comb, nov., representative of an iguanodontian ornithopod; Echinodon becklesii Owen, 1861a, a small (?heterodontosaurid) ornithischian, and generically indeterminate nodosaurid ankylosaur material. The affinity of the enigmatic 'granicones' also discovered at Durlston Bay is discussed, and other ornithopod remains from contemporary deposits in Buckinghamshire and Yorkshire are described.
Although herbivory probably first appeared over 300 million years ago, it only became established as a common feeding strategy during Late Permian times. Subsequently, herbivory evolved in numerous lineages of terrestrial vertebrates, and the acquisition of this mode of feeding was frequently associated with considerable evolutionary diversification in those lineages. This book, originally published in 2000, represented the first comprehensive overview of the evolution of herbivory in land-dwelling amniote tetrapods in recent years. In Evolution of Herbivory in Terrestrial Vertebrates leading experts review the structural adaptations for, and the evolutionary history of, feeding on plants in the major groups of land-dwelling vertebrates, especially dinosaurs and ungulate mammals. As such it will be the definitive reference source on this topic for evolutionary biologists and vertebrate paleontologists alike.