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... This study also failed to meet the predetermined minimum sample size of 67 participants necessary for multiple regression testing and 85 people for correlation coefficients with expected moderate effect sizes (.15 ≤ f 2 < .35 and r = .30-.35 respectively) and an alpha of .05 (Cohen, 1992;Crano, Brewer, & Lac, 2015). Norman (2010) demonstrated a statistically significant effect size in a small sample is still valid despite the greater difficulty to achieve such a result so larger effects were necessary to achieve statistical significance. ...
... and surpassed the minimum needed (n = 30) for multiple regression with two independent variables and a large effect size (f 2 ≥ .35 ;Cohen 1992). ...
... r ≤ .35) had insufficient power due to failing to meet the minimum sample size necessary (Cohen, 1992;Crano et al., 2015). ...
... Der Effekt des Geschlechts erklärt 2.0% ( = 0.142, p = 0.002) der Aufklärung der Varianz der SLB und kann als klein bezeichnet werden (vgl. Cohen, 1992). Der soziokulturelle Hintergrund (SKH) hat einen signifikanten negativen Effekt auf die Einschätzung der SLB ( = -0.115, ...
... Auch die Stärke dieses Effekts kann als klein bezeichnet werden (vgl. Cohen, 1992). Dieser Effekt ist erwartungswidrig, da gemäss den Ergebnissen aus anderen Forschungen der familiäre Hintergrund (SKH) in einem positiven Zusammenhang mit der SLB steht (vgl. ...
... Dieser ist positiv, höchst signifikant und kann mit r = 0.442 als mittel (r > 0.3) bis gross (r > 0.5) bezeichnet werden (vgl. Cohen, 1988Cohen, , 1992 ...
... In other words, respondents from the UK and the US with a strong populist attitude (or authoritarian leanings) were less inclined to rank-order character (in relation to competencies and commitment) as their most important consideration for performing the role of prime minister or president. Although the magnitude of the correlations is small (see Cohen, 1992), the results for the data from the US and UK are significant and suggest, as we describe in subsequent sections, that populists care less about character than non-populists. ...
... We converted the ΔR2 to an effect size or f 2 (see Cohen, 1992). The magnitude of the effect for a populist attitude ranges from small to medium (see Tables 5, 6, and 7). ...
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Drawing from the field of management studies, we explore how a sample of voters in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom use a leader character framework to judge political leadership. We ask, how do voters actually assess the character of their current leaders? And, in light of the populist zeitgeist, do people who hold a populist attitude differ markedly in how they judge the character of political leaders? Our results show that voters generally consider character important. However, voters who lean toward populism believe character matters less in political leadership than individuals who scored low on the populism indicator. This durable difference merits more exploration in a political context marked by populism. Our findings about the factors that influence vote choice contribute to this conversation and to extant research that reports that some voters pay greater attention to leader characteristics than do others.
... Standardized regression coefficients from models using continuous FMI and LMI as independent variables were used as effect size indicators. The values of the standardized regression coefficients above 0.10, 0.30, and 0.50 represent small, moderate and large effect sizes, respectively [39]. The data were analyzed using Stata 15.1 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA). ...
... The results suggested that obese women were more likely than others to be in a trajectory that had persistently low HRQoL index over the 7-year follow-up [42]. According to Cohen's [39], the effect sizes for the associations between FMI and changes in HRQoL were generally small in the present study. Hence, there is some evidence suggesting that obesity is a risk factor for worsening physical HRQoL in older age. ...
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Purpose Most studies examining the associations between body composition and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in older age have been cross-sectional and analyzed only fat or lean mass. Hence, it is poorly known whether fat and lean mass are independently associated with subsequent changes in HRQoL. We investigated whether baseline lean and fat mass are associated with changes in HRQoL over a 10-year period in older adults.Methods We studied 1044 men and women from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study (age 57–70 years at baseline). Bioelectrical impedance analysis was used to derive baseline fat mass index (FMI, fat mass/height2) and lean mass index (lean mass/height2), dichotomized at sex-specific medians. HRQoL was assessed using RAND 36-item Health Survey at baseline and follow-up 10 years later.ResultsWhen controlled for lean mass and adjusted for potential confounders, high baseline FMI was associated with a greater decline in general health (standardized regression coefficient [β] = − 0.13, p = 0.001), physical functioning (β = − 0.11, p = 0.002), role physical (β = − 0.13, p = 0.003), vitality (β = − 0.08, p = 0.027), role emotional (β = − 0.12, p = 0.007), and physical component score (β = − 0.14, p < 0.001). High baseline FMI was also associated with low HRQoL in all physical domains at baseline (β: from − 0.38 to − 0.10). Lean mass was not strongly associated with HRQoL at baseline or change in HRQoL.Conclusion In older community-dwelling adults, higher fat mass is, independent of lean mass, associated with lower physical HRQoL and greater decline in HRQoL. Prevention of adiposity may contribute to preservation of a good quality of life in older age.
... Comparing the qibla error scores for the 14 Meccan-oriented mosques and the 18 other-oriented mosques yielded non-significant results across the two groups, with t(30) = -0.449 (p = 0.657, two-tailed, Cohen's d = 0.16, less than a "small" effect size per Cohen, 1992) and a Mann-Whitney U test = 118.50 (p = 0.779, two-tailed exact). ...
... On average, under Gibson's assumptions, the mosque qiblas appeared to be accurate a majority of the time, within two degrees of azimuth, and nearly always within ten degrees, better than had been expected. Cohen (1992) set a standard in social science that half a standard deviation was an effect large enough to detect with the naked eye, which, in this case, would be about two degrees of azimuth, roughly the width of a human finger extended at arm's length. The results were balanced with no significant differences in the number of errors on either side of zero. ...
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Debate has arisen over the ability of Muslim architects in the first two centuries of Islam to determine true qiblas accurately. Some believe that they had such a capability, while others think not. The argument could be more complex—perhaps some architects could, while others could not; perhaps their accuracy changed over time or over greater distances from qibla targets. Here, we investigated how the accurate qiblas of 60 mosques or related structures were, using data from Daniel Gibson’s books and websites. Contrasts were drawn between theories that the qiblas of early mosques were—or were not—generally accurate. If one were to assume that Mecca was the only qibla, qiblas would not appear to have been accurate. However, if one were to assume that qiblas changed, it would be found that qiblas were accurate to plus or minus two degrees in over half of the cases and accurate within plus or minus five degrees in over 80% of cases. Accuracy was not related to distance but did appear to improve over historical time, while distance from the target cities and historical time were positively associated. The average qibla accuracy had a near zero error, with random variations on either side of that zero error. The overall distribution was not normal—kurtotic—because a greater accuracy was found than would have been expected with a normal distribution; however, the pattern deviated more from a uniform distribution than it did from a normal distribution. To try to synthesize the competing theories, we analyzed data for only 14 of the 60 mosques, those presumed to face towards Mecca, and we found fairly high degrees of qibla accuracy with nearly 43% of qiblas within two degrees of accuracy and nearly 80% within five degrees of accuracy. Comparing the accuracy of Meccan qiblas with other qiblas of the same century, we found no significant differences in azimuth errors. While some architects were more accurate than others, early Muslim architects seemed, in general, quite capable of placing qiblas with reasonable accuracy, even though their accuracy may have improved slightly over the first two centuries of Islam.
... Cohen's d indicates the value of effect size. The small, medium and large levels of the effect size are 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8, respectively, according to Cohen's definition (Cohen 1992). γ = normalized clustering; λ = normalized path length; δ = γ/λ; Cp = cluster coefficient; Lp = characteristic path length; Eglob = global efficiency; Sp = network strength. ...
... Enod ( (Cohen 1992). ACG = anterior cingulate gyrus; ORB = orbital frontal cortex; PFC = prefrontal cortex. ...
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Neuroimaging studies suggested that drug addiction is linked to abnormal brain functional connectivity. However, little is known about the alteration of brain white matter (WM) connectivity in addictive drug users and nearly no study has been performed to examine the alterations of brain WM connectivity in heroin-dependent individuals (HDIs). Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) offers a comprehensive technique to map the whole brain WM connectivity in vivo. In this study, we acquired DTI datasets from 20 HDIs and 18 healthy controls and constructed their brain WM structural networks using a deterministic fibre tracking approach. Using graph theoretical analysis, we explored the global and nodal topological parameters of brain network for both groups and adopted a network-based statistic (NBS) approach to assess between-group differences in interregional WM connections. Statistical analysis indicated the global efficiency and network strength were significantly increased, but the characteristic path length was significantly decreased in the HDIs compared with the controls. We also found that in the HDIs, the nodal efficiency was significantly increased in the left prefrontal cortex, bilateral orbital frontal cortices and left anterior cingulate gyrus. Moreover, the NBS analysis revealed that in the HDIs, the significant increased connections were located in the paralimbic, orbitofrontal, prefrontal and temporal regions. Our results may reflect the disruption of whole brain WM structural networks in the HDIs. Our findings suggest that mapping brain WM structural network may be helpful for better understanding the neuromechanism of heroin addiction.
... At the group level, the correlation between safety climate and subordinates' safety compliance was .39 while at the organizational level, the correlation was .22. Cohen (1988Cohen ( , 1992 suggested that correlations of .10 had a small effect size, correlations of .30 had a medium effect size, and correlations of .50 had a large effect size. ...
... The correlation between safety climate and subordinates' accidents was −.24 at the group level while at the organizational level, the correlation was −.10. This corresponded to between a small and medium effect for the group-level correlation and a small effect for the organization-level correlation (Cohen, 1988(Cohen, , 1992. Along these lines, effect sizes indicated that the group level accounted for more variance than the organization level (r 2 = .06 ...
Most existing safety research focuses on climate and leadership, with most leadership studies investigating transformational leadership, which is likely to be more impactful when exhibited by executives that by frontline supervisors. Therefore, focusing on frontline supervisors, we investigate how leaders who “walk the talk”, by directly modelling safety behaviours, might encourage subordinates to behave more safely. Using a three-level sample consisting of 579 employees and their supervisors working in 161 groups within 53 organizations, we test a multisource multilevel indirect effects model. Results indicate that safety climate and supervisors modelling safety compliance explain unique variance in safety outcomes. We then addressed an unanswered question concerning whether safety climate is best conceptualized as a group or organizational-level phenomenon, finding that the group-level assessment of safety climate explained more variance in safety outcomes than the organizational-level assessment of safety climate. Both sets of results are consistent with social information processing theory and social learning theory, which highlight the immediate social environment’s influence on employees’ behaviour.
... with a Power of .80, and four mindfulness skills as predictors requires at least 84 groups (Cohen, 1992). To achieve this power in Study 1, we slightly oversampled and tested 90 groups. ...
... To uncover medium sized effects with two conditions, and a Power of .80 requires at least 64 groups (Cohen, 1992). Therefore, 204 undergraduate students (mean age = 22.4 years; SD = 4.2; 66% women) participated for course credit or payment (€10). ...
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Past work has linked mindfulness to improved individual-level creativity, but remained silent about group-level creativity. Of all mindfulness skills, the ability to observe and attend to various stimuli (Observation) is the most powerful predictor of individual-level creativity. Studies examining effects of specific mindfulness skills on factors pertinent to group creativity suggest that for group-level creativity, the ability to focus attention with full awareness (Act with awareness), may be equally, or even more, important. We tested the relation between mindfulness and group-level creative idea generation using two brainstorming studies: one exploratory and one confirmatory. Mindfulness skills were either measured (Study 1; N = 88 groups) or the Act with awareness skill was targeted with a short, incidental guided meditation session (Study 2; N = 68 groups). Results from both studies showed differential relations between mindfulness and group creative idea generation: Only Act with awareness positively predicted the originality of ideas (Study 1 and 2) and the number of creative ideas in groups (Study 2). How mindfulness skills relate to creativity thus depends on the particular mindfulness skill involved and whether creativity happens at the individual or group level.
... In order for this research to be reliable, 1039 respondents are needed (J. Cohen, 1992). However, the number of participants using ...
... With a global labour population of more than 3 billion, the minimum sample size of 1039 was calculated (J. Cohen, 1992;Marcoulides & Saunders, 2006; World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2016, 2016). ...
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Organisational ICT use may also have detrimental effects such as increased stress levels of employees. This research adopted a data analysis method (Path Least Squared Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM)) based on the steps described by Hair et al. (2016): specify the structural model, specify the measurement model, and examine the data by means of determining statistical significance. When using PLS-SEM the research’ data analysis accounts for and maximises the amount of variance not explained by other variables. The key contribution of this research is the influence of technostressors on psychological safety and learning by means of PLS-SEM analysis. A model was constructed based on the findings in the literature. The reason knowing the influence is enabling and enhancing earning. In regard that some of the hypothesis do not adhere to results described in the literature this research rejected the hypothesis. There was no measurable influence of technostress on psychological safety and learning.
... medium-sized, and β = .50 large (Cohen, 1992). 335 We set an alpha level of 5 percent. ...
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Listening to music can cause experiences of nostalgia and melancholia. Although both concepts are theoretically related, to date they have not been analyzed together. In this study, we identify their theoretical underpinnings and determine how they can be measured empirically. We analyze how listening to music causes nostalgia and melancholia, and whether both experiences are related to different behavioral intentions. To this end, we conducted an online experiment with 359 participants who listened to music they considered either nostalgic, melancholic, or neutral. Afterward, participants answered 122 items related to nostalgia and melancholia. Using Structural Equation Modeling, and more specifically Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes Modeling, we first developed two new scales, the Formative Nostalgia Scale and the Formative Melancholia Scale. Both scales consist of five items each. Results showed that listening to music indeed increased nostalgia and melancholia. Although considerably different, both concepts are related nonetheless: Listening to nostalgic music increases melancholia, whereas listening to melancholic music does not increase nostalgia. In addition, both experiences are related to different behavioral intentions: Whereas experiencing nostalgia was associated with a stronger intention to share the music and listen to it again, experiencing melancholia revealed the exact opposite relation.
... Effect sizes were interpreted by Cohen's d and f 2 associated with multiple regression. 27 All statistical analysis was performed using R (version 3.5.1; ...
Objective Heart rate variability (HRV), a noninvasive indicator of autonomic regulation of cardiac rhythm, may represent the physiologic burden of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We hypothesized that the treatment-related effects of OSA on HRV in children are causally attributable to the improvement in OSA severity. Study Design Secondary analysis of outcomes from the Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial (CHAT). Setting Analysis of database. Subjects and Methods Time- and frequency-domain HRV parameters along with polysomnographic (PSG) and demographic variables were obtained from the CHAT study, which compared early adenotonsillectomy (eAT) to watchful waiting (WW) in children with OSA. The relative contributions of PSG variables and covariates to each HRV parameter were quantified. The proportion of changes in HRV parameters causally attributable to changes in OSA severity, measured by the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI), was estimated. Results In total, 404 children aged 5 to 10 years were included. The median (interquartile range) age was 6 (3-9) years. The median body mass index percentile was 82 (53), 195 (48%) children were male, and 147 (36%) were African American. The average heart rate during PSG was the strongest independent predictor of each HRV parameter ( P < .001). Although eAT resulted in statistically significant changes in the majority of HRV parameters, these effects were not causally attributable to treatment-related changes in AHI or ODI. Conclusions The average heart rate strongly modulates HRV in children with OSA. Although eAT results in discernible changes in HRV, it appears to not be causally attributable to specific treatment-related changes in AHI or ODI.
... Tukey's post-hoc test was performed when a significant main or interaction effect was observed (p < 0.05). Effect sizes for pairwise comparisons were calculated by Cohen's d [31]. Test-retest reliability was assessed by calculating the intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs). ...
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This study examined changes in hip joint flexion angle after an intermittent or a continuous static stretching protocol of equal total duration. Twenty-seven female subjects aged 19.9 ± 3.0 years (14 artistic and rhythmic gymnasts and 13 team sports athletes), performed 3 min of intermittent (6 × 30 s with 30 s rest) or continuous static stretching (3 min) of the hip extensors, with an intensity of 80-90 on a 100-point visual analogue scale. The order of stretching was randomized and counterbalanced, and each subject performed both conditions. Hip flexion angle was measured with the straight leg raise test for both legs after warm-up and immediately after stretching. Both stretching types equally increased hip flexion angle by ~6% (continuous: 140.9° ± 20.4° to 148.6° ± 18.8°, p = 0.047; intermittent: 141.8° ± 20.3° to 150.0° ± 18.8°, p = 0.029) in artistic and rhythmic gymnasts. In contrast, in team sports athletes, only intermittent stretching increased hip flexion angle by 13% (from 91.0° ± 7.2° to 102.4° ± 14.5°, p = 0.001), while continuous stretching did not affect hip angle (from 92.4° ± 6.9° vs. 93.1° ± 9.2°, p = 0.99). The different effect of intermittent vs. continuous stretching on hip flexion between gymnasts and team sports athletes suggests that responses to static stretching are dependent on stretching mode and participants training experience.
... Groups were compared by t-tests for subgroups of n ≥ 50. Cohen's d was calculated to estimate the size of the possible difference in ISI-DK mean score between each of the sub-groups and accordingly interpreted as small (0.2), medium (0.5) and large (0.8) [37,38]. ...
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Purpose: Insomnia is a frequent sleeping disorder in the general and clinical population. With an increasing proportion of health care services being provided as outpatient care, a short, valid and reliable tool is needed to identify insomnia in medical patients under outpatient care in Denmark. The Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) could be the needed tool if found valid and reliable. Hence, the aim of this study is to evaluate elements of the psychometric properties of the Danish version of ISI (ISI-DK). Methods: Outpatients from three hospital wards and one rehabilitation center were asked to complete the ISI-DK twice, 2 weeks apart. Internal consistency, discriminative validity, test-retest reliability, and measurement error was assessed. Results: The ISI-DK was completed by 249 (79.0%) participants the first time, and 163 (65.5%) the second time. Respondents had a mean age of 58.2 years (SD 13.5) and 63.5% were women. All but one of the discriminative hypotheses was accepted. Internal consistency was high in the global scale at 0.90 and good with Cronbach's alpha at 0.75-0.88 in the proposed subscales. The test-retest reliability was good, as the intraclass correlation was 0.90 (95% CI: 0.87; 0.93). Ceiling and floor effects were low < 4.4%. Standard error of measurement was 2.52 and smallest detectable change 6.99. Conclusion: This preliminary assessment showed encouraging results supporting the ISI-DK as a valid and reliable tool for screening insomnia severity in Danish outpatients with a medical condition, but further assessments are needed.
... For correlation analyses, Spearman rho correlation coefficient (ρ) was used. Correlation strength was graded as suggested by Cohen [28]: small (< 0.3), moderate (0.3-0.5), and large (> 0.5). ...
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RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access High-resolution MRI of flexor tendon pulleys using a 16-channel hand coil: disease detection and differentiation of psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis Daniel B. Abrar1†, Christoph Schleich1†, Sven Nebelung1, Miriam Frenken1, Karl Ludger Radke1, Stefan Vordenbäumen2, Ralph Brinks2, Matthias Schneider2, Benedikt Ostendorf2, Dennis McGonagle3 and Philipp Sewerin2* Abstract Background: To evaluate the value of 3 Tesla (T) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) changes of flexor tendon pulleys for the differentiation of psoriatic (PsA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), using a novel 16-channel highresolution hand coil. Methods: Seventeen patients with active PsA, 20 patients with active RA, and 16 healthy controls (HC) underwent high-resolution 3 T MRI using the dedicated 16-channel hand coil. Images were analyzed by three independent readers for the degree of inflammatory changes, thickness of flexor tendon pulleys, and comparison to the outcome measures for RA clinical trials (OMERACT) PsA MRI score (PsAMRIS) and to its sub-scores. For correlation analyses, Spearman rho correlation was calculated. Results: Flexor tendon pulleys were thicker in PsA than in RA patients (mean difference 0.16 mm, p < 0.001) and HC (mean difference 0.2 mm, p < 0.001) and showed a higher degree of associated inflammatory changes (mean difference from RA 4.7, p = 0.048; mean difference from HC 14.65, p < 0.001). Additionally, there was a strong correlation of accessory pulley inflammation and PsAMRIS and its acute-inflammatory sub-scores, flexor tenosynovitis, synovitis, and periarticular inflammation (for the second digit synovitis ρ = 0.72, flexor tenosynovitis ρ = 0.7, overall PsAMRIS ρ = 0.72, p < 0.01). Similar robust correlations were evident in digits 3–5. Weaker correlations were evident in RA (synovitis ρ = 0.49, flexor tenosynovitis ρ = 0.49, periarticular inflammation ρ = 0.4). Conclusion: The assessment of MRI changes of flexor tendon
... Cohen's, for small size samples [164]. Interpretation of Hedges' g effect size is similar to Cohen's: > 0.2 for a small, >0.5 for a medium, and >0.8 for a large effect size [165]. Exploratory subgroup analysis on the effect in men versus women was performed on DD, anxiety and depression, HbA1c, and well-being. ...
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People with type 2 diabetes and low educational level are disproportionately affected by comorbidity, a vulnerable social network, and poor glycemic control. Likewise, this population is more often affected by a higher incidence of depression and more severe diabetes distress. These risk factors aggravate diabetes outcomes and increase mortality from type 2 diabetes. Despite an overall decline in complication rates and mortality in this population during previous decades, disadvantaged groups have benefitted less from these improvements. In this context, there appear to be a demand for person-centred and differentiated initiatives, especially considering the needs of people with T2DM with comorbid diabetes distress and depression.
... There was not a significant effect of innovation level on any characteristic at the p < 0.05 level. These results indicate that the survey did not accurately capture the degree to which the participants adopted this innovation, which could be attributed to the small sample size (see Cohen, 1992). Table 4 provides the innovation score for each of the 13 interview participants. ...
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We examined the adoption of online teaching strategies by faculty members at a large midwestern research university who participated in a year-long learning community. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to investigate changes in teaching approaches resulting from a year-long e-learning professional development initiative; and 2) to understand the perceptions of factors that influenced faculty members’ decision to adopt online or hybrid teaching approaches. The analysis was based on survey data and semi-structured interviews. Barriers, challenges, and successes to the adoption of online teaching strategies are also described in this article.
... However, the magnitude of such negative eff ect was minimal, refl ected in the relatively small size of the regression coeffi cient. In addition, since the sample size of this study is extremely large, the statistical signifi cance of the coeffi cient (t-score) may have been infl ated (Cohen, 1992). Given all these factors, it may be somewhat premature to conclude that the practice of performance management actually had a negative eff ect on the federal employee's motivation. ...
... .25, and .64 taken to demonstrate small, medium, and large effects, respectively (J. Cohen, 1992). ...
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Laboratory tasks used to elicit a cardiovascular stress response in the laboratory can involve either active or passive coping. However, in previous work, passive stress tasks often incorporate a distinct physical stress element, such as the handgrip or cold pressor task, meaning observed changes in cardiovascular parameters may be the result of the physical element of the stressor rather than truly reflecting psychological stress. The present study aimed to establish the validity of a psychological passive stressor; one more analogous to active tasks than those previously employed in laboratory studies. Twenty‐six young, healthy adults completed a speech task in the laboratory following a resting baseline period. Twelve months later, they were invited back to the laboratory and watched the video recording of their speech. Analyses confirmed that while both tasks elicited significant SBP and DBP change (all ps < .001), only the active task was associated with HR and CO reactivity (both ps < .001), while only the passive task was associated with TPR reactivity (p = .028). Furthermore, the passive stressor was associated with a mixed hemodynamic profile, whereas the active stressor was associated with a clear myocardial profile. This study confirms that watching a video recording of oneself complete a speech task is associated with a more vascular response profile, a response associated with passive coping contexts. This paper reports on a laboratory study investigating the validity of a psychological passive stressor, following a traditional cardiovascular reactivity protocol. The results establish the validity of this task to invoke passive coping. This task overcomes limitations inherent in previous passive stress tasks.
... as small, 0.50-0.79 as moderate, and ≥ 0.80 as large (Cohen 1992). The data were expressed as means (M), standard deviations (SD), and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics, v. 23.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) or the specialized spreadsheet (Hopkins, 2015). ...
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The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of holding the chair handles during the assessment of older women’s knee flexion and extension isokinetic and isometric strength. Of 57 older women (≥ 60 years) selected from a convenience sample for this research, 23 were randomly chosen to perform the tests twice for reproducibility analyses. Each participant performed maximal isokinetic knee extension and flexion at 60°/s and 180°/s angular velocities and isometric tests under two conditions: (i) holding the lateral handle of the chair (HOLD) and (ii) supporting the hands on the shoulders with the arms crossed (i.e., not holding the handle; NHOLD). Participants performed significantly better in the HOLD compared to the NHOLD condition. Slightly lower intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC = 0.870 – 0.956) were noted for the HOLD than for the NHOLD condition (ICC = 0.900 – 0.981), so that the HOLD performance on days 1 and 2 was different on some measures. Owing to the higher reliability coefficients in the NHOLD condition, results suggest that, when assessing knee strength in older women, the evaluee should place their hands over their shoulders with arms crossed in front of the chest (NHOLD) to maximize assessment reliability (reproducibility of performance).
... Prior to this study, information on the coefficient of determinants between 25OHD and neonatal outcomes was unavailable. In general, the coefficient of determinants of 0.3 is considered sizeable (21). Thus, using a conservative estimate of coefficient of determinants of 0.3 with a 95% confidence interval, we calculated that present sample size of 77 had a power of 77% to detect significance in the associations. ...
Introduction: 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) is the principal biomarker of vitamin D status. In circulation, 25OHD is primarily bound to vitamin D binding protein (VDBP), leaving a small proportion bound to albumin and as free form. Previous studies have suggested that free 25OHD is better correlated with health outcomes. However, in pregnancy where VDBP level is extremely elevated, the correlations between free 25OHD with health outcomes are far from conclusive. Here we show the associations of maternal and cord total, free and bioavailable 25OHD concurrently with neonatal anthropometric measurements in healthy pregnant mothers-neonates pairs. Method: Total 25OHD level was measured by using chemiluminescent immunoassay. Free and bioavailable 25OHD were calculated using published mathematical models. Results: The results showed that birth weight and head circumference were negatively associated with maternal total 25OHD but not significantly associated with free and bioavailable 25OHD. There were no significant associations between cord total, free and bioavailable 25OHD with any of the neonatal anthropometric measurements. Conclusion: The outcomes of this study should encourage further research in a larger sample size. Notably, future research could lead to the establishment of causative relationships and plausible mechanisms between maternal and cord 25OHD with neonatal anthropometric measurements.
... Verilerin dağılımlarının, aritmetik ortalama, mod, medyan, çarpıklık ve basıklık katsayıları gibi istatistikler üzerinden incelenmesi, betimsel yöntemler olarak belirtilmektedir (Abbott, 2011;Kirk, 2008 Bu değerler 0.14"den büyük olduğu için etkinin gücü yüksek olarak ifade edilebilir (Cohen, 1992;Cohen, 1998 ...
... In many fields, the effect size has been a good practice for empirical research findings. In scales (Cohen, 1988 and1992;Akbaryan, 2013;Maher et al. 2013), small r = 0.1, medium r = 0.3, and large r = 0.5 and very large = 0.70, and the possible range is +1 to -1. These estimates provide a description of the size of the observed effects independently of misleading influences from the sample size (Fritz, 2012). ...
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Physical and physiological quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds from landrace populations cultivated in two Quilombo villages, in Parana State, Brazil 1. Abstract-In Brazilian Quilombo Villages, many species of edible plants have been cultivated on small acreages where women-working forces have been applying rudimentary, cooperative and successful agro-ecological methods since long ago. There, we collected seed samples of landrace populations of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to investigate the weight of one hundred seeds, moisture contents, seed formation, storage insects, and seedling emergence using washed river sand. The weight (SW100) of the rice hulls ranged from 2.45 to 3.26 gm and common bean grain ranged from 12.76 to 35.32 gm, and the moisture contents were about 10%. The mean percentage of emergence of the rice populations was below 60% and the common bean had values from 0 to 93%. We found the usual, negative and significant correlations of the percentage of normal seedlings with the non-germinated seeds.
... Smaller SDs when using VASs have also been shown by Funke and Reips [1]. A smaller SD translates into smaller standard errors and thus provides more power to statistical analyses [29]. As the recruitment of participants is always difficult in the health context, this is an important reason to consider VASs in this area. ...
... Additionally, the effect sizes (95% CIs) were calculated using Cohen's d only among those who completed the questionnaire at 3-and 6-month follow-up, although the effect sizes may be biased due to drop-outs. Values of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 are generally interpreted as small, medium, and large effects, respectively, Cohen (1992). Subgroup analyses were conducted separately for respondents who had high scores (higher than 5) and low scores (5 or lower score) of job crafting at baseline. ...
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Objective The current randomized controlled trial investigated the effectiveness of a job crafting intervention program on work engagement as the primary outcome and job crafting as the secondary outcome among Japanese employees. Methods Participants who met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to an intervention group (n = 138) or a control group (n = 143). The job crafting intervention program provided only to the intervention group consisted of two 120-minute group sessions with e-mail or letter follow-up. Outcomes were assessed at baseline and at 3-month and 6-month follow-up in both groups. Results In the total sample, the job crafting intervention program showed a non-significant effect on work engagement at both 3-month and 6-month follow-up. Also, job crafting did not improve significantly. However, the program showed a significant intervention effect on work engagement (p = 0.04) with small effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.33 at 3-month follow-up) of workers in a lower job crafting subgroup. Conclusion The job crafting intervention program may not be sufficiently effective to improve work engagement and job crafting for the entire sample of participants. However, it may be effective for workers in lower job crafting subcategories. Clinical Trial Registration UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (, identifier UMIN000026668.
... The means and standard deviations of the variables are shown in Table 1. The correlations between the variables are shown in Figure 2. Following Cohen (1992), the effect sizes of r in the social sciences can be categorized as small (0.10), medium (0.30) and large (0.50). ...
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The ongoing digitalization in the training sector produces new demands on the media‐didactical competence of trainers. We conducted an online survey of 279 trainers in Germany to investigate the relationships among media‐didactical competence, media‐didactical self‐efficacy, attitudes toward the use of digital media and the actual use of digital media in training. Furthermore, we compared trainers who attended a course on digital media with trainers who did not attend such a course. The analysis of the theoretically expected correlations between the variables resulted in not all hypotheses being accepted. The analysis of the group differences showed that the trainers who attended a course on digital media had higher media‐didactical competence and media‐didactical self‐efficacy scores and used digital media more often in training. There was no significant difference in negative attitudes. The implications for the promotion of the media‐didactical competence of trainers are discussed.
... For the accelerometer data, this was consistent for total days, weekdays, and weekend days. However, correlations were small in magnitude, 29 ranging from 0.08-0.20. The strength of correlation differed across the various sex combinations of the parent-child dyads. ...
Background: Parents are central to healthy development in early childhood. Study objectives were to examine the associations between parent and child sedentary behaviour and physical activity in a large representative sample of Canadian 3-5-year-olds, and to determine if associations differed between sons and daughters and mothers and fathers. Data and methods: Participants were 1,116 children aged 3-5 years and one of their biological parents from cycles 2-5 (2009-2017) of the repeated cross-sectional Canadian Health Measures Survey. Sedentary time, light-intensity physical activity (LPA), and moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) were objectively-measured in both parents and children with Actical accelerometers. Average minutes/day for all valid days, valid weekdays, and valid weekend days (n=935) were calculated. Screen time of both parents and children was parent-reported, and average hours/day were calculated. Pearson correlations and linear regression models with interaction terms were conducted. Results: In the overall sample, all of the parental physical activity and sedentary behaviours were significantly correlated with children's behaviours (r=0.08-0.20). No significant parental or child sex interactions were observed in linear regression models so models were not stratified by parent or child sex. Significant associations with small effect sizes were observed between all of the parental behaviours and children's behaviours. For accelerometer data this was consistent for total days, weekdays, and weekend days. Discussion: Parental sedentary behaviour and physical activity may be intervention targets in early childhood. This appears consistent regardless of the sex of the parent or child. Given the small effect sizes observed, additional intervention targets should also be considered.
... To overcome representativeness problems in the sample, its statistical power was measure with Cohen's retrospective test (1992), using the stats program G * Power (Faul et al., 2009). In our case, the sample's statistical power was 0.888, higher than the 0.80 limit set by Cohen (1992). ...
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This paper analyses the relationship between servant leadership, innovative capacity and performance in Third Sector entities and proposes a mediation model. This research is based on a two-fold theoretical approach: the servant leadership approach and the resource-based approach. The data have been obtained through a survey sent to territorial and functional managers of Third Sector entities. The fieldwork ran from June to September 2019. At the end of the entire process, 85 valid questionnaires were obtained. For the analysis of the results, a double methodology has been used: (1) a method of second order structural equations (PLS-SEM) and, (2) qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). The main contributions of this work are: 1) a double theoretical approach has been applied in this work, which has allowed to adequately define the relationships between servant leadership, innovation capacity and performance in Third Sector entities; (2) the application of a double data analysis methodology has allowed us to obtain robust and reliable results; (3) the measures of the three composites used (servant leadership, innovative capacity and performance) have adequate reliability and validity values; (4) the servant leadership positively influences the performance of Third Sector entities being able to explain the 35.6% of the variation of the performance of these entities and besides, it is a necessary condition for this performance to take place, (5) the average innovative capacity in the influence of the servant leadership in the performance of the entities of the Third Sector, being a necessary condition. Mediation is total, eliminating the direct effect of servant leadership on the performance of third Sector entities and increasing the capacity to explain the variation in the performance of Third Sector entities up to 44.7%.
... The effect size of the final result from the posttest means comparison was determined using Cohen's d effect size index developed by Cohen (1992). The effect size index has a range value of .20 as small, .50 as medium and .80 as large. ...
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The study determined the effect Computer Assisted Instructional Package (CAIP) on students' achievement in Introductory Accounting in Universities in NorthEast , Nigeria. One research question and four null hypotheses guided the study. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the sstudy. An intact class setting of 124 business education students at 100 level of 2017/2018 academic session was taught using CAIP, while the students in the control group were taught using the conventional teaching method. Introductory Accounting Achievement Tests I and II were used. A reliability coefficient of 0.83 was obtained for Introductory Accounting Achievement Test using the split-half method. Data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test. The findings revealed that students taught Introductory Accounting using CAIP had significantly higher academic achievement than those taught using conventional teaching method. Based on the findings, the study concluded that the developed CAIP has a large effect on students' achievement in introductory accounting. It was recommended that IA-CAIPs should be adopted in the teaching of Introductory Accounting concepts and practices in Nigerian universities.
... A mérőeszközök alapadatainak (skálaátlag és szórás) megadása mellett azokat független mintás t-próbával hasonlítottuk össze a két csoportban (élsportolók és kontroll). Az összefüggések erősségét Cohen-d hatásméret-mutatóval (Cohen, 1992) becsültük. A kérdőívek belső konzisztenciáját a Cronbach-alfa-mutatóval adtuk meg. ...
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Háttér és célkitűzések A perfekcionizmus adaptív és maladaptív formái eltérő módon kapcsolódnak számos, az élsport terén alapvető tényezőhöz (pl. teljesítmény, célorientáció). Vizsgálatunkban ezért a perfekcionista jellemzőkön és az érzelemreguláció minőségén alapuló látens klaszterek azonosítását tűztük ki célul serdülőkorú élsportoló- és kontrollmintában. Feltártuk továbbá az egyes csoportok szubjektívjóllét-mutatóit is. Módszer 744 versenyszerűen sportoló középiskolást (60,2% fiú, átlagéletkor = 16,83 év, szórás = 1,39) és 591 nem élsportoló osztálytársukat (50,8% fiú, átlagéletkor = 16,91 év, szórás = 1,65) vontuk be a felmérésbe. A kamaszok a következő három skála rövid változatát töltötték ki: Majdnem tökéletes skála (Rice és mtsai, 2014), Kognitív Érzelem-reguláció Kérdőív (Garnefski és Kraaij, 2006) és Serdülő mentális egészség kontinuum skála (Keyes, 2006). Eredmények Látensprofil-elemzés segítségével mind az élsportoló-, mind a kontrollmintában egy jól interpretálható 3 osztályos megoldás körvonalazódott megfelelő illeszkedési mutatókkal. A kontrollcsoportban adaptív, maladaptív és nem perfekcionista profilok bontakoztak ki, ami számos korábbi teoretikus és empirikus eredménnyel egybecseng. Az élsportoló kamaszok körében nem perfekcionista csoportot nem tudunk azonosítani. A maladaptív perfekcionisták maladaptív érzelemszabályozással csoport mellett a versenyszerűen sportolók körében az adaptív perfekcionisták két további osztályt építettek fel: míg az egyik adaptív érzelemszabályozó stratégiákat képes mozgósítani, addig a másik adaptív perfekcionista csoport minimális mértékben alkalmaz kognitív érzelemregulációs folyamatokat. A hat látens osztály közül az adaptív perfekcionista élsportolók adaptív érzelemregulációval jellemezhetők a legkiemelkedőbb szubjektívjóllét-szinttel mind a globális, mind az érzelmi, a pszichológiai és a társas well-beinget tekintve. Következtetések Rámutattunk arra, hogy az azonosított látens perfekcionizmus csoportok az érzelemszabályozás és a pozitív mentális egészség különböző szintjeivel és mintázatával jellemezhetők.
... Die maximale Anzahl der auf ein Konstrukt gerichteten, zu analysierenden Beziehungen im Modell ist sieben für den ISM. Bei 266 Datensätze kann auch bei kleinen Werten von R 2 ein Signifikanzniveau von 1% erwartet werden (Cohen, 1992;Hair, Hult, Ringle, Sarstedt, Richter & Hauff, 2017). ...
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Die DOPPIK-Reform war für die kommunalen Verwaltungen in Deutschland eines der zentralen Modernisierungsprojekte der letzten 20 Jahre. Dieser Beitrag untersucht den aktuellen Stand der Implementierung des doppischen Rechnungswesens und managerialistischer Steuerungsinstrumente. Auf Basis einer Sichtung der internationalen Literatur zur Implementierung managerialistischer Formen der Steuerung wird vertiefend untersucht, in welchem Umfang Ansätze des Performance Managements und des Strategischen Managements in Kommunen implementiert wurden und welche Faktoren hierfür relevant sind. Empirische Grundlage ist eine Befragung der Kommunen in Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Sachsen-Anhalt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Umstellung auf eine doppische Rechnungsführung weitgehend vollzogen ist. Eine managerialistische Form der Steuerung wurde dagegen nur in sehr wenigen der untersuchten Kommunen eingeführt. Gleichzeitig ist festzustellen, dass die derzeit verfügbaren theoretischen Modelle zur Erklärung der Implementierung managerialistischer Instrumente in deutschen Kommunen nicht ausreichen.
... is a small e ect and f 2 = .15 is a medium e ect; J. Cohen, 1992). ...
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Receiving social support can entail both costs and benefits for recipients. Thus, theories of effective support have proposed that support should address recipients' needs to be beneficial. This paper proposes the importance of support that addresses recipients' self-regulatory needs. We present a novel construct-regulatory effectiveness of support (RES)-which posits that support that addresses recipients' needs to understand their situation (truth) and to feel capable of managing their situation (control) will engender support benefits. We hypothesized that receiving support higher on RES would predict beneficial support outcomes. We further hypothesized that these effects would be especially pronounced for self-regulation relevant outcomes, such as better mood and increased motivation, which, in turn, can be important for successful self-regulation. We established the construct validity of RES and then investigated its effects in daily life and in laboratory support discussions. In 8 studies and a meta-analysis pooling across studies, results showed that RES predicted self-regulation relevant support outcomes, and these effects of RES were stronger than the effects of perceived responsiveness, a construct that is known to enhance interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, RES was linked to self-regulatory success: Participants who received support higher on RES were more motivated to perform well on a stressful speech, which subsequently predicted better speech performance. These findings enhance knowledge of effective social support by underscoring the importance of addressing recipients' self-regulatory needs in the support process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
... This sample size allowed us to detect effects that were small-medium or larger for individual coefficients in our focal regression analyses (specifically, f 2 s ≥ .0454, where .02 is small and .15 is medium, according to Cohen, 1992), with Power = .80 and α = .05. ...
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Children aged 4.75-8.50 years (n = 127) heard testimony about improbable or impossible events-referencing either spoken hear-say, a book, or the internet-and judged whether the events could occur in reality. A separate baseline group (n = 48) judged the events without hearing testimony. Relative to baseline, younger children (4 and 5 years) reported greater belief that improbable events could occur when testimony referenced hearsay and less belief when testimony referenced the internet. In contrast, older children (8 years) were less likely to believe improbable events could occur when testimony referenced hearsay and believed testimony that referenced a text-based source (a book or the internet) at rates similar to baseline. Beliefs about the occurrence of impossible events were similar (and low) across ages and testimony conditions. Implications for children's learning from spoken and text-based sources are discussed.
... The research was funded by Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, and Addis Ababa University negative correlation) to 1 (perfect positive correlation). Accordingly the results of our study revealed correlation value of 0.233 which is a weak correlation as per Cohen's the interpretation of a correlation coefficient (-0.3 to +0.3=weak correlation) [14]. ...
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Objective: Analytical methods comparison for the determination of blood glucose are essential in clinical laboratory practice as it improves the quality of health care through accurate and reliable clinical decision making. Therefore, the study was done to assess the analytical performance between point-of-care glucometer named easy touch glucose monitoring system and spectrophotometer named EMP-168 biochemical analyzer for blood glucose determination in horse. Results: Twenty paired samples from horses visiting SPANA clinic of college of veterinary medicine and agriculture Addis Ababa University was used. Data obtained from both instruments was compared. The results showed that the mean value of blood glucose concentrations were higher in glucometric method (106 mg/dl) than the spectrophotometric (73 mg/dl) with the calculated t-statistic significantly different p-value of 0.000. This study showed the clinical inaccuracy of the glucometer over the spectrophotometer.
... ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi SD1 2 þ SD2 2 2 r Where M diff is the difference in means between two trials, and SD1 and SD2 are the SD of the two trials. Effect sizes were interpreted as small (0.20-0.49), moderate (0.50-0.79) or large (�0.80) (Cohen, 1988(Cohen, , 1992. Data are presented as mean and 95% confidence intervals (CI). ...
Objectives Investigate whether a range of cooling methods can extend tolerance time and/or reduce physiological strain in those working in the heat dressed in a Class 2 chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) protective ensemble. Methods Eight males wore a Class 2 CBRN ensemble and walked for a maximum of 120 min at 35 °C, 50% relative humidity. In a randomised order, participants completed the trial with no cooling and four cooling protocols: 1) ice-based cooling vest (IV), 2) a non-ice-based cooling vest (PCM), 3) ice slushy consumed before work, combined with IV (SLIV) and 4) a portable battery-operated water-perfused suit (WPS). Mean with 95% confidence intervals are presented. Results Tolerance time was extended in PCM (46 [36, 56] min, P = 0.018), SLIV (56 [46, 67] min, P < 0.001) and WPS (62 [53, 70] min, P < 0.001), compared with control (39 [30, 48] min). Tolerance time was longer in SLIV and WPS compared with both IV (48 [39, 58 min]) and PCM (P ≤ 0.011). After 20 min of work, HR was lower in SLIV (121 [105, 136] beats·min−1), WPS (117 [101, 133] beats·min−1) and IV (130 [116, 143] beats·min−1) compared with control (137 [120, 155] beats·min−1) (all P < 0.001). PCM (133 [116, 151] beats·min−1) did not differ from control. Conclusion All cooling methods, except PCM, utilised in the present study reduced cardiovascular strain, while SLIV and WPS are most likely to extend tolerance time for those working in the heat dressed in a Class 2 CBRN ensemble.
... standardized effect sizes regarding the association between two variables (Cohen, 1992). ...
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For migrant students enrolled in a postsecondary institution where the language of instruction is not their native language, experiencing anxiety using a new language can manifest in their daily social interactions, and lead them to avoid using the target language, thereby undercutting their academic and social adaptation. We propose that this vicious cycle of language anxiety and intercultural experiences is influenced by language mindsets (i.e., beliefs about the extent to which language learning ability is fixed versus malleable). We conducted three studies (N = 581), including a social interaction task, a double-blind randomized experiment, and a preregistered cross-sectional survey, to test the role of language mindsets on English-as-a-second-language (ESL) students' rejection sensitivity, perceived rejection, self-and experimenter-reported contact avoidance, willingness to interact with peers, and the amount of time in using English. We found that fixed (vs. growth) language mindsets were linked to negative perceptions of language-based rejection and self-and experimenter-reported contact avoidance. Importantly, growth language mindsets mitigated perceived language-based rejection and encouraged future communication among those with low (but not with high) perceived English competence. The findings highlight that growth mindsets contribute to the resilience of language minority students during their university experience, especially for those with low English competence.
... The model explained 62% (equivalent to R 2 ) of the variance of gamer loyalty. Such an explained proportion was equivalent to a very large effect size, according to the methodological literature (e.g., Cohen, 1992). Such a large effect size revealed the practical relevance of the study findings herein. ...
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Online games are popular electronic commerce applications that have a business model of selling gaming items to gamers. Such a business model helps gamers attain gaming goals while cultivating their gaming habits. Gaming habits can lead gamers to play games automatically, indicating their impact on gamers. However, little is known about how gaming habits affect gamers’ perceptions of the prices of the gaming items, goal-attaining motivation, and online gamer loyalty. Grounded in the consistency principle, we construct a framework to explain how gaming habits impact motivation to attain gaming goals, perceived price fairness, and online gamer loyalty. We collected 5,144 responses from online gamers and used structural equation modelling to test the research model. We found that gaming habits are positively related to motivation to attain gaming goals and perceived price fairness, which are further positively related to online gamer loyalty. Ours is the first study using the perspective of the consistency principle to examine the mechanism underlying the impact of gaming habits on online gamer loyalty. Our findings provide novel insights for electronic commerce managers that they could focus on enhancing perceived price fairness and motivation to attain gaming goals, thus establishing a loyal user base. Such findings could also apply to interactive hedonic systems, indicating their potential academic impact.
... In order to study the potential relationship between implementation of crossword puzzles, student collaboration, and impact of crossword puzzles on learning, the Spearman's correlation coefficients between these variables were calculated and the results of which are shown in Table 6. The effect sizes are judged in terms of Cohen's (1992) criteria in which 0.1 is a small correlation, 0.3 is medium, and 0.5 is large. First, a statistically positive relationship was found between student collaborative learning and crossword puzzle implementation scores (r = .506, ...
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In higher education, there are calls to incorporate active learning experiences that place the student at the center of learning, rather than encouraging students to be passive listeners. For students to have a deeper and more meaningful learning experience, educators can use an active learning approach. This approach attempts to engage students at higher levels of thinking so that they are more interested in, better engaged with, and understand the course material better. The aim of this study was to investigate students’ perceptions of Plickers and crossword puzzles as low‐cost pedagogical tools to foster active learning in an undergraduate course in food science and technology. A mixed‐method survey consisting of a 5‐point Likert scale and open‐ended qualitative questions was administered via Blackboard to elicit student responses. A total of 121 students were enrolled for the course and 70.2% (n = 85) completed the survey. Plickers were found to be easy to use (mean = 4.66), provided opportunities to answer to formative questions anonymously (mean = 4.60), and helped increase participation in class (mean 4.05). The majority of students felt that crossword puzzles required them to think critically (mean = 4.53) and provided them with the opportunity to assess how well they understood the course content (mean = 4.45). Moreover, a statistically positive relationship was found between student collaborative learning and crossword puzzle implementation scores (r = .506, p < .01). The findings demonstrated that when implemented effectively, Plickers and crossword puzzles contributed to greater enhanced student engagement. These pedagogical tools can be applied as formative assessment instruments and offer a low‐cost alternative to the limitations encapsulated by didactic pedagogy.
... None of the ANOVA test results were significant. However we mention that the type II error rate for these tests, which we estimated using the g*power software [47], [48] that follows the method of Cohen [49], was rather high. ...
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A brain-computer interface (BCI) based on electroencephalography (EEG) is a promising technology for enhancing virtual reality (VR) applications-in particular, for gaming. We focus on the so-called P300-BCI, a stable and accurate BCI paradigm relying on the recognition of a positive event-related potential (ERP) occurring in the EEG about 300 ms post-stimulation. We implemented a basic version of such a BCI displayed on an ordinary and affordable smartphone-based head-mounted VR device: that is, a mobile and passive VR system (with no electronic components beyond the smartphone). The mobile phone performed the stimuli presentation, EEG synchronization (tagging) and feedback display. We compared the ERPs and the accuracy of the BCI on the VR device with a traditional BCI running on a personal computer (PC). We also evaluated the impact of subjective factors on the accuracy. The study was within-subjects, with 21 participants and one session in each modality. No significant difference in BCI accuracy was found between the PC and VR systems, although the P200 ERP was significantly wider and larger in the VR system as compared to the PC system.
... The convergent validity of the OCI-CV was examined using Pearson coefficients to compare its correlations with LOI-CV Survey Form, MASC1, MASC2-OCS, CDI, TOCS, and CBCL-OCS scores in all groups and its correlation with the 10-item CY-BOCS score in the OCD group. Cohen's effect size conventions were used to describe the magnitude of effects (small: r ≥ 0.1; medium: r ≥ 0.3; large: r ≥ 0.5) [45]. The discriminant validity of the OCI-CV was assessed by comparing its Pearson correlations with the SCQ total score. ...
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The study assessed the ability of the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Child Version (OCI-CV) to detect pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) using receiver operating characteristic analyses. The sample consisted of 114 cases with current OCD, 340 cases with other psychiatric disorders (OPD), and 301 healthy controls (HC) ages 7 to 18 years. All 755 participants were assessed with two semi-structured interviews and seven rating scales. In a comparison of current OCD cases and all other participants, the optimal OCI-CV cut-score was 11 with an area under the curve (AUC) of .88. In a comparison of current OCD cases and OPD cases, the optimal OCI-CV cut-score was 11 with an AUC of .82. In a comparison of current OCD cases and HC, the optimal OCI-CV cut-score was 10 with an AUC of .94. The results indicate that the OCI-CV provides an effective screen for pediatric OCD using empirically derived cut-scores.
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The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method is often used in the estimation of buildings’ airtightness. However, recent research demonstrated that this regression technique neglects a significant part of uncertainty. This paper investigates two alternative methods: Weighted Line of Organic Correlation (WLOC) and Iterative Weighted Least Square (IWLS). A series of 30 repeated tests were performed on a newly-constructed apartment in Brussels (Belgium). Real uncertainty and its estimation were compared for the three regression methods. In-situ observations showed that the statistical significance of differences between regression techniques depends on the considered pressure difference. Theoretical calculations showed that uncertainties estimated with IWLS and WLOC were higher than OLS. Lastly, comparing calculations and in-situ observations confirmed that IWLS and WLOC provide a better uncertainty estimation than OLS. Therefore, WLOC or IWLS should be preferred to OLS, especially in the presence of wind. WLOC is expected to be more robust than IWLS since it does not imply an iterative procedure. Along with ongoing work investigating other sources of errors, these findings contribute to a deeper understanding of uncertainty in fan pressurization tests.
Background: Efficient walking requires the interaction of the three sensory systems for a good maintenance of the balance. In blind people, lack of visual input can harm for walking mechanics. The aim of this study was to compare plantar pressure variables during walking with and without immediate use of textured insoles in blind subjects. Methods: The design of the present study was self-controlled study. 12 blind men (age: 29.66±4.39 years) volunteered to participate in this study. A foot scan system (sampling rate: 300 Hz) was used for measuring plantar pressure variables during walking with and without textured insoles. Paired sample t-test was used for statistical analysis. Alpha level was set at p< 0.05. Results: Stance time duration did not show any significant difference between both walking with and without insole conditions (p>0.05). Results demonstrated that the medio-lateral displacement of the center of pressure during walking with insoles was lower than that walking without insoles by 35.51% (p= 0.001). First metatarsal peak plantar pressure and force during walking with insoles decreased by 25.69% (p= 0.020) and 64.30% (p= 0.004), respectively. While, peak plantar pressure in second and third metatarsals during walking with insoles increased by 20.03% (p= 0.041) and 28.9% (p= 0.023), respectively. Also, peak force in second metatarsal during walking with insoles was greater than that during walking without insoles by 19.70% (p= 0.010). Conclusion: Textured insoles improved medio-lateral postural control during walking. Therefore, it could be recommended for blind individuals. However, further study is warranted.
Durant les 50 dernières années, de nombreuses études ont été menées sur la locomotion humaine et sur le transport de charges individuel. Même si elles apportent un cadre théorique précieux, ces études ne permettent pas de comprendre les mécanismes mis en place par les individus lorsqu'ils doivent porter un objet à plusieurs. Dans ce projet, nous nous sommes donc intéressé à l'aspect collectif du transport de charges et avons cherché à comprendre comment une dyade d'individus se déplace lorsque ceux-ci portent un objet ensemble. Pour ce faire, nous avons dans un premier temps quantifié différents paramètres locomoteurs largement étudiés en biomécanique (approche cinématique, mécanique et dynamique), chez des individus sains transportant une charge légère. Nous avons étudié les individus se déplaçant de façon isolée, puis nous avons envisagé la dyade et la charge à transporter comme un seul système. Nous avons également fait varier la complexité du transport de charges en demandant aux sujets de réaliser une seconde tâche ou en faisant varier la masse de la charge transportée. Enfin, nous avons pu réaliser une étude préliminaire sur la collaboration entre un patient polyhandicapé et un patient cérébrolésé, dans le but d'inscrire l'étude du comportement collectif dans la rééducation des personnes en situation de handicap. Les résultats principaux de cette thèse fournissent un protocole solide d'étude du transport collectif de charges. Nous avons montré que les sujets qui transportent un objet à deux se déplacent de façon aussi économique que lorsqu'ils se déplacent seuls. L'ajout d'une tâche secondaire a quant à elle entraîné une détérioration du déplacement pendulaire du système composé des individus et de la charge. Lorsque la masse de la charge augmente, le déplacement du système est affecté. Pour des charges égales à 40% du poids corporel, nos résultats ont montré une détérioration du comportement pendulaire et une diminution de l'amplitude du centre de masse du système étudié. Enfin, concernant les personnes en situation de handicap, nous avons montré que la collaboration entre deux individus souffrants de déficience intellectuelle était moins intéressante d'un point de vue rééducatif que la collaboration avec un individu sain.
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The Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (CHEXI) and the Adult Executive Functioning Inventory (ADEXI) are reliable and valid rating instruments for assessing working memory and inhibitory control. However, a teenage version of this instrument has not been available, and the aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the psychometric properties of the Teenage Executive Functioning Inventory (TEXI). After interviewing both researchers/clinicians and adolescents themselves, a questionnaire with 20 items was created. Data from adolescents age 13–19 years (n = 302) and their parents were thereafter collected. Factor analysis showed that the TEXI has two clear factors: working memory and inhibition. Further, the TEXI was shown to have high reliability in terms of internal consistency (≥ .85), split-half reliability (≥ .81) and inter-rater reliability between self-ratings and parent ratings (.82). In sum, the TEXI is a reliable questionnaire for measuring working memory and inhibition in adolescents. The two versions of the TEXI are presented in the appendices of this paper and they will be freely available on the Internet.
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A constante mudança tecnológica impõe ás industrias novos desafios e necessidades de adaptações, a maneira de se relacionar com os clientes se renova frequentemente com o desenvolvimento de novos canais de comunicação. Esse artigo fará uma abordagem prática sobre a efetividade dos canais de comunicação: Google AdWords, e-mail marketing e Facebook integrados com o e-commerce no aspecto de prospecção de clientes. Em sequência avalia-se o comportamento da conversão dos clientes prospectados em venda efetivamente. Foram utilizados dados de 27 meses de campanha de marketing de uma indústria metalúrgica em cada um dos 3 canais de comunicação. Posteriormente foi feito a análise do índice de correlação de Cohen e inferido análises de regressão linear e one-way ANOVA que explicassem estatisticamente a dinâmica das campanhas de marketing nos diferentes canais de comunicação com a atração de clientes. Comprovadamente, conclui-se que as campanhas de marketing possuem efeito positivo nos
The aim of our study was creating a questionaire to diagnose smartphone addiction and its intensity. By fusing 24 items of four categories into a questionaire, we developed a reliable way to estimate the level of smartphone addiction on students.
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Purpose This study aims to understand the relationships among relationship quality, repurchase intention, word-of-mouth and the moderation effect of the loyalty program. Design/methodology/approach Base on social exchange theory and trust commitment theory, the study hypothesizes that relationship quality is a multidimensional construct consisting of trust, satisfaction, commitment and perceived value. Relationship quality is posited to influence word-of-mouth, and this relationship is mediated by the repurchase intention. Loyalty program is expected to moderate the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Data were collected through online survey and mall intercept in North Island of New Zealand. 144 responses were obtained and were analyzed through SEM. Findings The findings support a multidimensional construct for relationship quality; however, the moderation effect of the loyalty program was insignificant. Originality/value This study helps to understand the relationship quality in the e-tailing industry. Theoretical and practical implications are finally discussed.
The Excoriation (skin‐picking disorder) dimensional scale (SPD‐D) is a new measure of excoriation skin picking disorder (SPD). The 5‐item scale was developed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (Fifth Edition) obsessive–compulsive spectrum disorders sub‐workgroup to assist in the dimensional assessment of SPD. The aim of the present study was to provide a psychometric evaluation of this new scale in a large community sample. 803 participants were recruited from online community noticeboards around Australia. The results indicated that the SPD‐D demonstrated a unidimensional structure, high internal consistency (rs = .87, .86, and .92 across three samples), and good test–retest reliability (rs = .86). The SPD‐D also demonstrated good convergent validity with the Skin‐Picking Scale Revised (rs = .90) as well as divergent validity with the generalised anxiety disorder scale (rs = .40). Overall, the SPD‐D appears to be a brief and reliable measure of SPD symptomatology.
Burnout can lead to numerous negative outcomes for athletes. While we know a reasonable amount about how athlete burnout develops over time, we know comparably less about the role of coping in this process. The present study aimed to help address this issue by examining the role of coping tendencies in predicting changes in athlete burnout over a six-month period. A sample of 141 junior athletes (mean age = 17.3 years) completed measures of coping tendencies (problem-focused and avoidance coping) and burnout. Participants also completed the measure of burnout on two further occasions, three months and six months after the initial assessment. Conditional latent growth curve modelling revealed that coping tendencies predicted changes in athlete burnout over time. In this regard, avoidance coping predicted increases in athlete burnout, whereas problem-focused coping was unrelated to changes in athlete burnout. These findings provide evidence that an athlete's tendency to use avoidance coping strategies is linked to burnout development over time.
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This article is about exploring the relationship between internal human resources auditing and environmental control in the US public sector. The main purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which the determinants of internal audit staff have the potential to influence the predictive value of the public sector control environment. The tools of the work are presented by a quantitative correlation analysis to determine the interdependence of variables (aspects of recruitment, accountability) and resultant indicator (public sector environment). By systematizing literary sources and approaches to solving the problem, as well as using the COSO 2013 Internal Control Framework as a theoretical framework, the authors focus on the question of how much internal audit recruitment, and accountability experience can influence in the foreseeable future and each of the two major COSO components. The empirical analysis was presented in the research, which made it possible to substantiate the following conclusions: the results of two multiple linear regression models did not show statistically significant except for recruitment, nonparametric correlation of Kendall’s Tau-b correlation is allowed to identify significant interrelationships development. The findings of the study may be useful for implementing further transformational changes in the functioning of the global economy in the context of the growing role and importance of international audit and its positive impact on the public sector in the United States. Keywords: Internal Auditing, Personnel Factors, Control Environment, Management, Innovation.
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