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Abstract and Figures

Purpose: To study the associations between aspects of endurance exercise training and the sexual libido in healthy men using a cross-sectional online survey study design. Methods: A developed online survey questionnaire was utilized. The questionnaire was based upon pre-existing validated questionnaires and use to assess elements of physical characteristics, exercise training-habits and libido of participants (n=1077). Three evidence-based categories were created for the primary outcome of total libido score and low, normal, and high response categories set. The high and normal categories were combined to form a high/normal score group and the low category formed a low score group. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated to examine group categorization. Results: Age, training intensity, and training duration of participants had significant (p<0.02) univariate relationships, with libido scores and were thus included in the multivariate model. In the multivariate model, training intensity (p<0.0001) and duration (p<0.002) components were the most significantly associated with libido group designation (high/normal vs. low). Participants with the lowest (OR: 6.9; 95% CI: 2.6-17.9) and mid-range training intensities (OR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.4-5.3) had greater odds of high/normal libido state than those with the highest training intensity. Participants with the shorter (OR: 4.1; 95% CI: 1.6-10.0) and mid-range training durations (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.3-4.8) at their current intensity also had greater odds of high/normal libido score than those with a greatest duration. Conclusion: Exposure to higher levels of chronic intense and greater durations of endurance training on a regular basis are significantly associated with a decreased libido scores in men. Clinicians who treat male patients for sexual disorders and, or council couples on infertility issues should consider the degree of endurance exercise training a man is performing as a potential complicating factor.
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Copyright © 2017 American College of Sports Medicine
Endurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido
Anthony C. Hackney1,2, Amy R. Lane1, Johna Register-Mihalik1 1
1Department of Exercise & Sport Science and 2Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of
Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Accepted for Publication: 9 February 2017
. . . Published ahead of Print
Endurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido
Endurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido
, Johna Register
, Johna Register
Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of
Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of
Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Accepted for Publication: 9 February 2017
Accepted for Publication: 9 February 2017
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Endurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido
Anthony C. Hackney1,2, Amy R. Lane1, Johna Register-Mihalik1, and 1
1Department of Exercise & Sport Science and 2Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of
Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Running title: Exercise and Libido
Address correspondence to:
A.C. Hackney, Ph.D., D.Sc., University of North Carolina, CB # 8700 Fetzer Hall UNC-CH,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
Email: Fax: 919-962-0489 Tel: 919-962-0334
There was no internal or external funding in support of this project. The authors acknowledge
there are not Conflicts of Interests relative to this work. Also, the results are presented clearly,
honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation, and the
present study do not constitute endorsement by ACSM.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Publish Ahead of Print
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001235
Department of Nutrition
School of
School of
, Chapel Hill, NC
, Chapel Hill, NC
Ph.D., D.Sc.,
Ph.D., D.Sc.,
University of North Carolina,
University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
Fax: 919
Fax: 919
There was no internal or external funding in support of this project. The authors acknowledge
There was no internal or external funding in support of this project. The authors acknowledge
there are not Conflicts of Interests relative to this work. Also, the
there are not Conflicts of Interests relative to this work. Also, the
honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation, and the
honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation, and the
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Purpose: To study the associations between aspects of endurance exercise training and the sexual
libido in healthy men using a cross-sectional online survey study design. Methods: A developed
online survey questionnaire was utilized. The questionnaire was based upon pre-existing
validated questionnaires and use to assess elements of physical characteristics, exercise training-
habits and libido of participants (n=1077). Three evidence-based categories were created for the
primary outcome of total libido score and low, normal, and high response categories set. The
high and normal categories were combined to form a high/normal score group and the low
category formed a low score group. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated to examine group
categorization. Results: Age, training intensity, and training duration of participants had
significant (p<0.02) univariate relationships, with libido scores and were thus included in the
multivariate model. In the multivariate model, training intensity (p<0.0001) and duration
(p<0.002) components were the most significantly associated with libido group designation
(high/normal vs. low). Participants with the lowest (OR: 6.9; 95% CI: 2.6-17.9) and mid-range
training intensities (OR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.4-5.3) had greater odds of high/normal libido state than
those with the highest training intensity. Participants with the shorter (OR: 4.1; 95% CI: 1.6-
10.0) and mid-range training durations (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.3-4.8) at their current intensity also
had greater odds of high/normal libido score than those with a greatest duration. Conclusion:
Exposure to higher levels of chronic intense and greater durations of endurance training on a
regular basis are significantly associated with a decreased libido scores in men. Clinicians who
treat male patients for sexual disorders and, or council couples on infertility issues should
based up
based up
on preon pre
to assess elements of physical characteristics, exercise training
to assess elements of physical characteristics, exercise training
based categories were created for the
based categories were created for the
w, normal, and high response categories set. The
w, normal, and high response categories set. The
high and normal categories were combined to form a high/normal score group and the low
high and normal categories were combined to form a high/normal score group and the low
Odds ratios (OR) were calculated
Odds ratios (OR) were calculated
Age, training intensity, and training duration of pa
Age, training intensity, and training duration of pa
significant (p<0.02) univariate relationships, with libido scores and were thus included in the
significant (p<0.02) univariate relationships, with libido scores and were thus included in the
multivariate model. In the multivariate model,
multivariate model. In the multivariate model,
training intensity (p<0.000
training intensity (p<0.000
the most
the most
significantly associated with libido group designation
significantly associated with libido group designation
(high/normal vs. low). Participants with the lowest (OR: 6.9; 95% CI: 2.6
(high/normal vs. low). Participants with the lowest (OR: 6.9; 95% CI: 2.6
training intensities (OR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.4
training intensities (OR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.4
those with the highest training intensity. Participant
those with the highest training intensity. Participant
10.0) and mid
10.0) and mid
range training durations (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.3
range training durations (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.3
had greater
had greater
odds of high/normal libido
odds of high/normal libido
Exposure to h
Exposure to h
igher levels of chronic intense and greater durations of endurance training on a
igher levels of chronic intense and greater durations of endurance training on a
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
consider the degree of endurance exercise training a man is performing as a potential
complicating factor.
Key Words: hypogonadism, testosterone, sex drive, stress, health
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 1.5 million women in the US
(6%) are infertile (National Survey of Family Growth) and, the American Society for
Reproductive Medicine affirms that infertility affects men and women equally (2,29). Moreover,
in approximately 40% of infertile couples, the male partner is either the sole cause or a key
contributing cause of infertility (2). One of the factors influencing fertility in males is a low
sexual desire; i.e., decreased libido (2). Clinically decreased libido can manifest as Male
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (MHSDD - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders [DSM-V]); which affects approximately 16-18% of the adult male population (8).
It is well known women who are involved with high levels of intensive exercise training
have an elevated risk for developing menstrual dysfunctions and potential infertility, especially if
the menorrhea as a result of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis
disruption (31). Evidence indicates that exercising men develop a similar corollary HPG axis
ypogonadal Male Condition (EHMC) (16). In the male
condition a quasi-hypogonadotropic hypogonadism exists as testosterone and luteinizing
hormone levels are both suppressed; and, abnormal sperm characteristics are sometimes
manifested (3,14). Current evidence links the development of EHMC to the combining effects of
the volume and intensity of endurance exercise training in these men (3,14,16).
Testosterone is associated with many androgenic-anabolic processes in the male, and
while not universally accepted, it is thought to play a key role in male sexual libido (6). Being
more physically active has been shown to be beneficial reproductively for men who are
sedentary (or have a very low physical activity levels) as it results in improved testosterone
levels and libido (11,32). Conversely, there are many reports in the popular literature and on the
in approximately 40% of infertile couples, the male partner is either the sole cause or a
in approximately 40% of infertile couples, the male partner is either the sole cause or a
One of the factors influencing fertility in males is
One of the factors influencing fertility in males is
a a
Clinically decreased libido can manifest as
Clinically decreased libido can manifest as
and Statistical Manual of
and Statistical Manual of
8% of the adult male
8% of the adult male
population (
population (
omen who are involved with high levels of intensive exercise training
omen who are involved with high levels of intensive exercise training
have an elevated risk for developing menstrual dysfunctions and potential infertility, especially if
have an elevated risk for developing menstrual dysfunctions and potential infertility, especially if
as a result of
as a result of
Evidence indicates
Evidence indicates
that that
exercising men exercising men
gonadal M
gonadal M
levels are
levels are
). ).
Current eviden
Current eviden
ce links the development of
volume and intensity
volume and intensity
Testosterone is associated with
Testosterone is associated with
ile not universally accepted, it is
ile not universally accepted, it is
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
internet suggesting that men who participate in large amounts of endurance exercise training
(e.g., marathon running) can have suppressed testosterone and libido (3,5). An examination of
available peer-reviewed research literature, however, reveals the issue of libido status in males
engaged in endurance exercise has not been systematically or empirically studied. To this end,
we studied the associations between aspects of endurance exercise training and the libido status
in healthy men using a cross-sectional online survey study design.
Development of the Survey Instrument
An online survey questionnaire was developed to assess elements of physical
characteristics, exercise training-habits and sexual libido of male participants. The questions
concerning exercise training-habits were based on the International Physical Activity
Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Baecke Questionnaire; and followed recommendations of the
American Heart Association (1,4,12). The libido related questions were based on items within
the Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male Questionnaire (ADAM), Sexual Desire Inventory
(SDI-2) and the Aging Male Symptoms (AMS) Scale (18,19,23,27). The IPAQ, Baecke, ADAM,
SDI-2 questionnaires and the AMS Scale are commonly used in research-clinical settings and the
validity of each has been assessed and reported elsewhere (
10,18,19,20,24,27). The completed online survey was reviewed by an exercise physiologist and a
fertility specialist who were not involved with the study to insure legitimacy of selected question
items (i.e., content validity). The completed questionnaire and procedures for distribution were
reviewed and approved by the University of North Carolina Institutional Review Board.
Participant consent was obtained via their online access to the questionnaire; and, in which they
xercise training and the libido status
xercise training and the libido status
online survey questionnaire was developed to assess elements of physical
habits and sexual
ts were
based on
; and followed recommendations of the
The libido related questions were based on
Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male
and the Aging Male Symptoms (AMS) Scale
AMS Scale
of each has
been assessed and reported
The completed online survey was reviewed by an
fertility specialist who were not involved with the study to insure legitimacy of selected question
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
also indicated they were healthy and free of endocrine-related medical disorders and prescription
medication usage.
Survey Sample - Administration
The completed survey questionnaire was formatted into the Qualtrics (Quatrics, 2014)
online survey platform and made accessible through a specific world-wide web link
( Subsequent to establishment of the
web link, a series of email notifications were sent to sports clubs, national sports organizations,
university athletic departments, and sporting magazines publicizing the existence of the survey
and the web link site for access (~300 club/organizations were contacted). These emails
requested announcement of the survey and encouragement of participation by individuals
associated with the group/organization. The target population was adult males (>18 years old)
involved with sporting activities (e.g., walking, running, bicycling, swimming) on a recreational
and competitive basis in North America. However, clubs and organizations associated with
endurance based activities (e.g., running, triathlons, bicycling) were predominately targeted since
EHMC is more prevalent in men engaged in such activities (3,14,16). The survey administration
period was January 2014 to January 2015. Approximately every four months reminder emails
were sent to prior contacts to encourage them to continue to promote and distribute information
about the survey.
Dependent measures
The survey was constructed in three parts. The first section addressed elements of the
participant involvement (e.g., gender, medical status) and physical
(Quatrics, 2014)
wide web link
. Subsequent
to establishment of
clubs, national sports organizations,
sporting magazines
the existence of the survey
were contacted)
requested announcement of the survey and encouragement of participation
associated with the group/organization
The target
opulation was
(e.g., walking, running, bicycling, swimming)
and competitive basis in North America.
(e.g., running, triathlons,
more prevalent in men
engaged in
period was January 2014 to January 2015.
were sent to prior contacts
to encourage
about the survey.
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
characteristics/demographic information. The second part focused on exercise habits and history
of regular frequency of exercise (days/week), intensity of training effort (number of light,
moderate, hard sessions per week), duration of exercise (hours/session; total hours/week),
primary and secondary types-forms of exercise engagement, endurance sports competition
participation (type and number of events), years in training, stability of training (i.e., our intent
injury, tapering or overreaching), focus of
training (recreation, health, sporting competition), and physical activity requirements at work
(level of activity, minutes/day). Approximate oxygen uptake (VO2) percentages for respective
recommendations of Bouchard et al. (6). The third part of the survey addressed questions on
libido, targeting such issues as sexual activity, arousal, desire, attraction, fantasy, appetite,
fulfillment, needs for intimacy, and infertility issues or confounders (i.e., concussions, children
Parts one and two of the survey allowed participants to click on predetermined answer
button options, which provided appropriate ranges for each particular question and parameter
being assessed. Part three (libido) involved a three category format structure to the answer
options where participants clicked answer buttons of Yes, Maybe, No; and, based on answers
some follow-up questions were presented. Answers to part three were scaled and scored in a
Likert- ; answers were assigned plus or minus
values towards final libido score depending on the nature of the specific question. All libido
questions (15 in total) were scored and an aggregate total libido score computed (i.e., > score = >
stability of training
stability of training
(i.e., (i.e.,
tapering or overreaching)
tapering or overreaching)
at work
at work
Approximate oxygen uptake (VO
Approximate oxygen uptake (VO
) percent
) percent
for respective
for respective
The third part
The third part
of the survey
of the survey
addressed questions on
arousal, desire, attraction,
arousal, desire, attraction,
fulfillment, needs for intimacy, and infertility issues
fulfillment, needs for intimacy, and infertility issues
or confounders (i.e., concussions
or confounders (i.e., concussions
of the survey
of the survey
allowed participants to c
allowed participants to c
which provided appropriate ranges for each particular question and parameter
which provided appropriate ranges for each particular question and parameter
. Part three
. Part three
involved a involved a
where participant
where participant
s clicked answer
s clicked answer
some follow
some follow
up questions w
up questions w
values towards final l
values towards final l
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were conducted using IBM® SPSS ® v19 (2010). Frequencies
and missing data checks were conducted to confirm data integrity (i.e., relative to missing data).
Specific variables of interest included age categories, elements of exercise training intensity and
exercise training duration (see above) at the current levels of training; but all response variables
were included in initial analyses. Additionally, several exercise training variables were computed
in which elements of frequency, intensity and, duration relative to time (hour per week and years
of training) were integrated into composite scores to estimate overall dose of exercise effects.
Tertiles categories were created for the variables of interest listed above and three evidence-
based categories were created for the primary outcome of total libido score (30). The cut-points
representing the libido score categories were as follows: Low 7, normal 8-14, high 15. The
high and normal categories were combined to form a single high/normal score group and the low
category formed the low score group. Combining high/normal score groups was utilized since
the focus of the study was on the presence and occurrence of lower libido in relation to
endurance exercise training.
Demographic, exercise training, and libido characteristics of the participants were
summarized with the use of means, standard deviations, and percentages. Demographic and
exercise training outcomes potentially related to our primary outcome of libido score were
analyzed using univariate statistics (Chi-Square analyses and t-tests). Subsequently,
multivariable logistic regression (entry method) was utilized to determine adjusted odds ratios
(OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for libido score (i.e., placement in high/normal vs. low
score group) for the factors with significant univariate relationships to libido score categories.
Alpha level for all analyses was set to 0.05 a priori.
; but all response variables
; but all response variables
everal exercise training variables were computed
everal exercise training variables were computed
time (
time (
hour per week and hour per week and
to estimate overall dose of exercise effects
to estimate overall dose of exercise effects
for the variables of interest
for the variables of interest
listed abovelisted above
primary outcome of t
primary outcome of t
otal libido score
otal libido score
categories were
as follows: Low
as follows: Low
7, normal 8
combined to form a single
combined to form a single
score group
score group
ombining high/normal score groups
ombining high/normal score groups
the focus of the study was on the presence and occurrence of low
the focus of the study was on the presence and occurrence of low
endurance exercise training.
endurance exercise training.
training, and libido characteristics of the participants were
training, and libido characteristics of the participants were
summarized with the use of means, standard deviations, and percentages. Demographic and
summarized with the use of means, standard deviations, and percentages. Demographic and
training outcomes potentially related to our
training outcomes potentially related to our
analyzed using
analyzed using
univariate statistics (Chi
univariate statistics (Chi
logistic regression
logistic regression
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A total of 1366 individuals responded to the survey. Only respondents meeting all study
criteria (n=1077; healthy male and 18 years or older, complete surveys ) were included in
the analyses. The mean (±SD) physical characteristics and demographic outcomes of the
participants are reported in Table 1.
Age, exercise training intensity, and training duration components of participants had
significant univariate relationships (p<0.02; Table 2) with libido scores and were thus included in
the multivariate model. In the multivariate model, training intensity (p<0.0001) and
duration (p<0.002) were significantly associated with libido score group designation
(high/normal vs. low). Total intensity was a computed variable representative of number of
training sessions at a low, moderate, hard intensity times the hours of each per week (~oxygen
uptake (VO2) percent for respective intensities were; and high
) (see Methods). Chronic duration was a computed value representative of hours per
week training times the number of years training (at current level).
Specifically, participants with the greatest amount of low intensity training (OR: 6.9;
95% CI: 2.6-17.9) and moderate amount training (OR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.4-5.3) had greater odds of
being in the high/normal libido score group than those participants with a greater amounts of
high intensity training (Table 3).
Likewise, participants with lower duration amounts to their training (OR: 4.1; 95% CI:
1.6-10.0) and moderate duration amounts of training (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.3-4.8) also had greater
odds of high/normal libido state than those with a greatest amounts of training duration (Table
of participants of participants
and were and were
thus thus
included in
included in
the multivariate model. In the multivariate model, training
the multivariate model. In the multivariate model, training
(p<0.002) were significantly associated with libido
(p<0.002) were significantly associated with libido
score score
group designation
group designation
Total intensity was a computed variable representative o
Total intensity was a computed variable representative o
a low, moderate, hard intensity
a low, moderate, hard intensity
of each
percent for respective intensities were;
percent for respective intensities were;
. Chronic duration was a computed value representative of hours per
. Chronic duration was a computed value representative of hours per
the number of year
the number of year
s training (
s training (
Specifically, p
articipants with the
articipants with the
greatest amount
17.9) and
17.9) and
being in the
high/normal libido s
high/normal libido s
training training
Table 3)
Table 3)
Likewise, participants with
Likewise, participants with
10.0) and
10.0) and
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Age was also a
OR: 1.9, 95% CI: 1.0-3.9) and those in the mid-age category (41-55 yr; OR: 1.9, 95% CI: 0.9-41)
were more likely to be in the high/normal libido score group than those participants in the oldest
age- 56 yr).
Cronbach alpha values within the current survey ranged from 0.64 to 0.88. These were
slightly lower than the values originally reported from the survey/questionnaires on which the
current one was based (see Methods).
In this cross-sectional survey study we found that an inverse relationship exists between
endurance exercise training factors and male libido scores. Specifically, higher amounts of
intensive training or training involving greater amounts of duration within the endurance
program were associated with lower libido scores. When comparing the OR responses among
libido score classifications, participants in the low score group were approximately 64.5 to
85.5% ([1-[1/OR]] x 100) more likely to fall in that category since they did greater amounts of
higher intensity exercise. Also the low libido score group were 60.0 to 75.6% more likely to fall
into that category since they were doing greater amounts of longer duration exercise training
(28). Conversely, the effect of low - moderate intensity and shorter - moderate duration exercise
training seemed highly comparable in clearly influencing the libido scores of the participants in a
positive fashion which is in support of prior published work (32).
To our knowledge this is the first scientific, research-based study to examine the issue of
male libido and endurance exercise training. Several surveys on sexual habits and exercise
training have been conducted previously by sporting magazines (e.g., Runners World) and
0.64 to 0.88. These
0.64 to 0.88. These
slightly lower than the values originally reported from the survey/questionnaires on which the
slightly lower than the values originally reported from the survey/questionnaires on which the
sectional survey study we found
sectional survey study we found
that an inverse that an inverse
relationship exist
relationship exist
and male libido scores
and male libido scores
intensive training or training involving greater amounts of duration within the endurance
intensive training or training involving greater amounts of duration within the endurance
libido libido
hen comparing the OR responses among
hen comparing the OR responses among
do score classifications, participants in the low
do score classifications, participants in the low
more likely to fall in t
more likely to fall in t
higher intensity exercise
higher intensity exercise
. Also the low libido score group were
. Also the low libido score group were
into that category since they were
into that category since they were
, t
he effect of
he effect of
training seemed
training seemed
highly comparable in
highly comparable in
positive fashion
positive fashion
which is in support of prior
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
sporting goods manufacturers (e.g., Brooks Sports Inc., Seattle, WA, USA). However, the
constructs of the questions presented in those surveys were not based upon clinical assessment
instruments used in sexual behaviors and fertility research. Furthermore, the statistical
approaches employed with these surveys tended to be descriptive in nature and not analytical-
Several recent laboratory studies have examined issues of sexual satisfaction and libido
with exercise, but the generalizability applicability (to the current study) of the findings are
hampered by the small sample sizes utilized (n < 20) and a focus on female participants (17,22).
The findings of these latter studies did suggest that an acute exercise session enhances sexual
arousal-desire via activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), enhanced SNS activity is
a common response to a single bout of exercise (9). It is unclear if these aforementioned studies
used habitual exercisers (such as within the current study). This last point is an important
consideration as it is well established that exercise training improves the sensitivity of tissue
responses to the SNS via enhanced receptor actions, resulting in substantially lower overall
sympathetic autonomic neural tone following chronic training (9,15).
Our focus was to establish whether an association between libido and endurance training
characteristics exists. As noted an inverse relationship between the duration/intensity
characteristics of endurance training and libido was identified. However, why increasing
duration and, or intensity of exercise training reduces a male s libido score cannot be ascertained
from the data obtained in this study. This study was not designed to explore a potential
mechanism. As mentioned earlier, the presence of EHMC is more prevalent in endurance-trained
men and the condition is associated with lowered basal testosterone, which can be linked to
reduced libido. But, currently the only means of detecting the existence of EHMC is through
have examined issues of sexual satisfaction a
have examined issues of sexual satisfaction a
nd libido
nd libido
applicability (to the current study)
applicability (to the current study)
of the findings are
of the findings are
and a focus on female participants
and a focus on female participants
an acute
via activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
t is unclear if these
used habitual exercisers (such as within the current study)
it is well established that exercise training improves the sensitivity of tissue
via enhanced receptor actions,
following chronic training
Our focus was to establish whether an association between libi
Our focus was to establish whether an association between libi
exists. A
exists. A
s noted a
s noted a
characteristics of endurance training and libido
characteristics of endurance training and libido
, ,
or or
ntensity of
ntensity of
from the data obtained in this
from the data obtained in this
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
measurement of reproductive hormonal levels within the blood or saliva. The present study did
not ascertain hormonal profiles of the respondents. Hence, we cannot state whether EHMC was a
direct factor in our participants with lower libido scores. Likewise, select medication use (e.g.,
performance enhancing drugs [PED]), existing psychological disorders (i.e., depression), and/or
chronic low caloric intakes are well established factors associated with suppression of
testosterone and reduced libido (13,14,26). For participation, we asked our males if they were
healthy and not under medical supervision, thus we feel the likelihood of these factors
confounding our outcomes is unlikely -
adherence and must acknowledge these were potential confounders in our data.
Increased volumes of intensive exercise training may also result in greater levels of
physical and mental fatigue in an individual, which could
motivation towards sex. In the current survey, we did not ask participants to report on their
overall level of general fatigue or lethargy. Typically with excessive physical fatigue,
experienced exercising individuals reduce their training loads to allow recovery (25). Our
participants reported they were in a stable period of consistent training for a number of months at
the time of the survey. This last fact also suggests that they were not overreaching / overtraining
which is associated with the development of the Overtraining Syndrome, which is linked to
sexual dysfunction (15). Nonetheless, the influential aspects of general exercise fatigue from
chronic exercise training as a possible causative mediator of reduced libido scores seems a
logical likelihood and needs to be pursued in future research.
It was expected the age of the participants would be associated with libido score
categorization. We found the two younger age groups participants had a greater likelihood of
placement in the high/normal libido score group than the oldest age group. Evidence indicates
are well established factors associated with
are well established factors associated with
suppression of suppression of
For participation, we asked our males
For participation, we asked our males
if they
if they
healthy and not under medical supervision, thus we feel the likelihood of these facto
healthy and not under medical supervision, thus we feel the likelihood of these facto
potential confounder
potential confounder
in our data
in our data
ncreased volumes of intensive exercise training
ncreased volumes of intensive exercise training
also result
also result
physical and mental fatigue in an individual, which
physical and mental fatigue in an individual, which
In the current survey, w
In the current survey, w
e did not ask participants to report on their
e did not ask participants to report on their
level of general fatigue
or lethargy
or lethargy
pically with excessive
pically with excessive
exercising individuals reduce their training loads to allo
exercising individuals reduce their training loads to allo
participants reported they
were in a stable period of
were in a stable period of
the time of the survey
the time of the survey
This last fact also suggests
This last fact also suggests
which is associated with the
which is associated with the
development of the
development of the
Nonetheless, the influential aspects of
Nonetheless, the influential aspects of
chronic exercise training
chronic exercise training
logical likelihood and
logical likelihood and
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
that male libido does decrease with aging (13), and one could argue this was a factor influencing
membership in the low libido score group. However, Lindau and Gavrilova (21) report that
medically healthy men of this age group (i.e., 56 yr) have active sexual desires and not until
70-85 years of age may there be sizable declines; being ~50-80% less than that observed 20-40
years earlier in life. Relative to this last point, the odds ratio observed for the influence of
exercise training intensity and duration were of a significantly larger magnitude than that of age
We acknowledge our sample was one of convenience, with potential response bias and
hence is a limitation. We also asked our subjects to complete the questionnaire only once, but
with multiple reminded notices sent to organizations it is possible some duplication occurred.
Another aspect of our study which limits the interpretation and generalizability of the findings is
our reliance upon self-reports and recall from our respondents. As a result of these factors, our
findings should be viewed as preliminary in nature and more work on this topic is needed.
To conclude, this systematic study using an online survey approach suggests men
engaged in higher intensities and greater durations of endurance training on a chronic basis (i.e.,
years) are significantly associated with decreased libido scores. Although our findings are
preliminary, the results suggest that clinicians who treat male patients with regard to Male
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and/or council couples on infertility issues should take into
account the degree of endurance exercise training a man is performing as a potential
complicating factor.
for the influence of
for the influence of
larger magnitude than that of
larger magnitude than that of
ur sample was one of convenience, with potential response bias
ur sample was one of convenience, with potential response bias
We also asked our subjects to complete the questionnaire only once, but
We also asked our subjects to complete the questionnaire only once, but
to organizations it is possible some duplication occurred.
to organizations it is possible some duplication occurred.
the interpretation and gen
the interpretation and gen
and recall from our respondents.
and recall from our respondents.
viewed as preliminary in nature
viewed as preliminary in nature
and more work on this topic is
and more work on this topic is
, this systematic study using an online survey approach
, this systematic study using an online survey approach
igher intensities and greater
igher intensities and greater
durations of
durations of
are significantly associate
are significantly associate
d withd with
suggest that clinic
suggest that clinic
poactive Sexual Desire Disorder
poactive Sexual Desire Disorder
account the degree of
account the degree of
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
There was no internal or external funding in support of this project. The authors acknowledge
there are not Conflicts of Interests relative to this work. Also, the results are presented clearly,
honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation, and the
present study do not constitute endorsement by ACSM. The authors wish to acknowledge the
support of all the different sports clubs and organizations that aided in the distribution of our
The authors wish to acknowledge the
The authors wish to acknowledge the
support of all the different sports clubs and organizations that aided in
distribution of our
distribution of our
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. The physical and exercise training characteristics of the participants. *Mean and SD for
categorical rating of measurement (Age: 1: < 18 years = not included in analysis; 2: 18-25; 3: 26-
40; 4: 41-
Minimum Maximum Mean SD
Age Group
2.0 5.0 3.39* 0.96
51.8 159.0 76.4 12.3
1.42 2.29 1.79 0.08
16.0 35.0 23.63 3.06
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Summary of key responses from survey on aspects of exercise training characteristics
and elements. Associations * = statistically significant association with libido groups (Low vs.
Normal/High). Abbreviations: Med = medium (tertile), yr = year, IS = intensity sessions/week (#
low, # moderate, # high), T = tertile, hr = hour, hr/wk = hours per week, VO2% = approximated
VO2%/ IS (# low [ 35%], # moderate [50%], # high [ 70%]) (7). = rounding of numbers to
0.1 decimal (i.e., affects overall percentage totals).
Libido Score Group
Total X
% (count)
% (count)
% (count)
33.3 (20)
18.8 (191)
19.6 (211)
13.3 (8)
38.5 (392)
37.1 (400)
25.0 (15)
28.8 (293)
28.6 (308)
> 56
28.3 (17)
13.9 (141)
14.7 (158)
exercise (per
1.7 (1)
9.3 (94)
8.9 (95)
21.7 (13)
58.3 (589)
56.2 (602)
30.0 (18)
25.8 (261)
26.1 (279)
> 10
46.7 (28)
6.6 (67)
8.9 (95)
Hours of
(per week)*
1.7 (1)
9.6 (98)
9.2 (99)
10.0 (6)
33.1 (336)
31.8 (342)
23.3 (14)
35.0 (356)
34.4 (370)
> 10
65.0 (39)
22.2 (226)
24.6 (265)
Primary exercise
1.7 (1)
1.9 (19)
1.9 (20)
88.3 (53)
79.9 (812)
80.4 (865)
5.0 (3)
9.4 (95)
9.1 (98)
0.0 (0)
1.0 (11)
1.0 (11)
3.3 (2)
5.5 (56)
5.4 (58)
1.7 (1)
2.3 (23)
2.2 (24)
Other exercise
modes regularly
63.3 (38)
70.8 (720)
70.4 (758)
36.7 (22)
29.2 (297)
29.6 (319)
81.7 (49)
73.3 (745)
73.7 (794)
18.3 (11)
26.7 (272)
26.3 (283)
71.7 (43)
68.1 (693)
68.3 (736)
28.3 (17)
31.9 (324)
31.7 (341)
90.0 (54)
85.2 (866)
85.4 (920)
10.0 (6)
14.8 (151)
14.6 (157)
*Wt. Lift
80.0 (48)
57.6 (586)
58.9 (634)
*Wt. Lift
42.4 (431)
41.1 (443)
rounding of numbers to
rounding of numbers to
% (count)
% (count)
% (count)
% (count)
18.8 (191)
18.8 (191)
19.6 (211)
19.6 (211)
38.5 (392)
38.5 (392)
37.1 (400)37.1 (400)
28.8 (293)
28.8 (293)
28.6 (308)
28.6 (308)
28.3 (17)
28.3 (17)
13.9 (141)
13.9 (141)
14.7 (158)
14.7 (158)
1.7 (1)
1.7 (1)
9.3 (94)9.3 (94)
8.9 (95)
21.7 (13)
21.7 (13)
58.3 (589)
58.3 (589)
30.0 (18)30.0 (18)
25.8 (261)
25.8 (261)
46.7 (28)46.7 (28)
6.6 (67)
6.6 (67)
1.7 (1)1.7 (1)
9.6 (98)
9.6 (98)
10.0 (6)
10.0 (6)
33.1 (336)
33.1 (336)
23.3 (14)
23.3 (14)
65.0 (39)
65.0 (39)
1.7 (1)
1.7 (1)
88.3 (53)
88.3 (53)
Other exercise
Other exercise
modes regularly
modes regularly
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
81.7 (49)
72.4 (736)
72.9 (785)
18.3 (11)
27.6 (281)
27.1 (292)
28.3 (17)
47.8 (485)
46.7 (502)
71.7 (43)
52.2 (529)
53.3 (572)
Reason for
exercise training
*Wt. Loss
63.3 (38)
39.0 (397)
40.4 (435)
*Wt. Loss
36.7 (22)
61.0 (620)
59.6 (642)
Stress Relief
40.0 (24)
30.1 (306)
30.6 (330)
Stress Relief
60.0 (36)
69.9 (711)
69.4 (747)
50.0 (30)
14.5 (147)
16.4 (177)
50.0 (30)
85.5 (870)
83.6 (900)
70.0 (42)
34.9 (355)
36.9 (397)
30.0 (18)
65.1 (662)
63.1 (680)
20.0 (12)
35.8 (364)
34.9 (376)
80.0 (48)
64.2 (653)
65.1 (701)
Physical activity
at work (per day)
< 30 minutes
58.3 (35)
66.9 (679)
66.4 (714)
60 minutes
28.3 (17)
16.7 (170)
17.4 (187)
10.0 (6)
10.0 (102)
10.0 (108)
> 3 hours
3.3 (2)
6.3 (64)
6.1 (66)
Completed a
31.7 (19)
45.6 (463)
44.8 (482)
68.3 (41)
54.4 (553)
55.2 (594)
Number of
19.5 (8)
43.8 (242)
7.3 (3)
12.1 (67)
11.8 (70)
73.2 (30)
44.1 (244)
46.1 (274)
Completed a
61.7 (37)
75.6 (769)
74.8 (806)
38.3 (23)
24.4 (248)
25.2 (271)
Number of
52.2 (12)
48.6 (120)
48.9 (132)
13.0 (3)
10.1 (25)
10.4 (28)
34.8 (8)
41.3 (102)
40.7 (110)
76.7 (46)
75.1 (763)
75.2 (809)
23.3 (14)
24.9 (253)
24.8 (267)
Number of
84.6 (11)
51.9 (138)
15.4 (2)
31.6 (80)
30.8 (82)
0.0 (0)
18.2 (46)
17.3 (46)
Years exercise
training at
current level
< 1
3.3 (2)
6.4 (65)
6.2 (67)
8.3 (5)
20.6 (210)
20.0 (215)
20.0 (12)
30.4 (327)
20.0 (12)
14.9 (152)
15.2 (164)
> 10
48.3 (29)
27.0 (275)
28.2 (304)
Chronic i
(T; IS x yr)*
Low (0
13.8 (8)
34.9 (324)
33.7 (332)
Med (1140
19.0 (11)
33.2 (308)
32.4 (319)
67.2 (39)
31.9 (296)
34.0 (335)
Exercise at
current level (T;
Low (< 1
11.7 (7)
27.0 (275)
26.2 (282)
Med (3
40.0 (24)
45.9 (467)
45.6 (491)
83.6 (900)
83.6 (900)
36.9 (397)
36.9 (397)
63.1 (680)
63.1 (680)
34.9 (376)34.9 (376)
65.1 (701)65.1 (701)
66.9 (679)
66.9 (679)
66.4 (714)
66.4 (714)
16.7 (170)
16.7 (170)
17.4 (187)
17.4 (187)
10.0 (102)
10.0 (102)
10.0 (108)10.0 (108)
6.3 (64)
6.3 (64)
6.1 (66)
6.1 (66)
31.7 (19)
31.7 (19)
45.6 (463)
45.6 (463)
44.8 (482)
44.8 (482)
68.3 (41)
68.3 (41)
54.4 (553)
54.4 (553)
55.2 (594)
19.5 (8)
19.5 (8)
43.8 (242)
43.8 (242)
7.3 (3)7.3 (3)
12.1 (67)
12.1 (67)
73.2 (30)
73.2 (30)
44.1 (244)
44.1 (244)
61.7 (37)
61.7 (37)
75.6 (769)
75.6 (769)
38.3 (23)
38.3 (23)
24.4 (248)
52.2 (12)52.2 (12)
13.0 (3)
13.0 (3)
34.8 (8)
34.8 (8)
Number of
Years exercise
Years exercise
training at
training at
current level
current level
< 1< 1
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
High (> 10)
48.3 (29)
27.0 (275)
28.2 (304)
Training hours
per week (T; hr)*
Low (1
11.7 (7)
42.7 (434)
41.0 (441)
Med (7
23.3 (14)
35.0 (356)
34.4 (370)
High (> 10)
65.0 (39)
22.2 (226)
24.6 (265)
Total intensity
(T; IS x hr/wk x
Low (0
8.6 (5)
33.9 (315)
32.5 (320)
Med (310
22.4 (13)
33.0 (306)
32.4 (319)
High (410
69.0 (40)
33.1 (307)
35.2 (347)
Chronic Duration
(T; hr/wk x yr)*
Low (1
11.7 (7)
31.0 (315)
29.9 (322)
Med (20
21.7 (13)
34.9 (355)
34.2 (368)
High (50
66.7 (40)
34.1 (346)
35.9 (386)
35.9 (386)
35.9 (386)
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 3. Multivariate (logistic regression) model with adjusted odds ratios for libido score
group. Only significant clinical and biological factors noted.
Between Tertiles
Odds Ratio
(placement in
Vs. low)
CI (95%)
Low vs. High
vs. High
Low vs. High
vs. High
Low vs. High
vs. High
1.6 1.6
Low vs. High
vs. High
vs. High
... 14 15 Nevertheless, some consistent self-reported symptoms have been correlated with LEA, leading to REDs and can potentiate the need for further assessment in step 2 and a final physician-led diagnosis in step 3. The foremost symptoms include a history of bone stress injuries (BSI), [16][17][18][19][20][21][22] menstrual cycle dysfunction, [23][24][25][26][27] low libido in males, [28][29][30] eating disorders/disordered eating (ED/DE) behaviours and various depressionrelated and anxietyrelated symptoms. 27 31-33 It is beyond the scope of this paper to review each tool or questionnaire that has attempted to screen for symptoms, indicating a risk of LEA and/or ED/DE, leading to REDs [34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47] (for a review of these questionnaires, see Tortsveit et al 9 ). ...
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Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) has various different risk factors, numerous signs and symptoms and is heavily influenced by one’s environment. Accordingly, there is no singular validated diagnostic test. This 2023 International Olympic Committee’s REDs Clinical Assessment Tool—V.2 (IOC REDs CAT2) implements a three-step process of: (1) initial screening; (2) severity/risk stratification based on any identified REDs signs/symptoms (primary and secondary indicators) and (3) a physician-led final diagnosis and treatment plan developed with the athlete, coach and their entire health and performance team. The CAT2 also introduces a more clinically nuanced four-level traffic-light (green, yellow, orange and red) severity/risk stratification with associated sport participation guidelines. Various REDs primary and secondary indicators have been identified and ‘weighted’ in terms of scientific support, clinical severity/risk and methodological validity and usability, allowing for objective scoring of athletes based on the presence or absence of each indicator. Early draft versions of the CAT2 were developed with associated athlete-testing, feedback and refinement, followed by REDs expert validation via voting statements (ie, online questionnaire to assess agreement on each indicator). Physician and practitioner validity and usability assessments were also implemented. The aim of the IOC REDs CAT2 is to assist qualified clinical professionals in the early and accurate diagnosis of REDs, with an appropriate clinical severity and risk assessment, in order to protect athlete health and prevent prolonged and irreversible outcomes of REDs.
... Therefore, reduced leptin levels are associated with infertility due to the starvation response that ensures the maintenance of reproductive function only if an adequate energy intake is available (111)(112)(113). Finally, as a consequence of HPG-A disruption, decreased libido and altered spermatogenesis may be detected (114,115). ...
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Functional hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (FHH) is an increasingly frequent condition, whose pathological mechanisms are not yet fully clarified. The concept of FHH has now completely replaced that of late onset hypogonadism, that only concerned the ageing man. FHH is the result of an impairment of the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis (HPG-A) function, resulting in decreased testosterone concentrations associated with low or inappropriately normal gonadotropin levels and infertility; it can be diagnosed once organic causes of hypogonadism are excluded. The growing occurrence of FHH derives from its association with widespread conditions, such as obesity and diabetes mellitus, but also to the increasing ease and frequency of use of several drugs, such as opioids, glucocorticoids, and sex steroids. Moreover, given the tendency of many subjects to excessive physical activity and drastic reduction in caloric intake, FHH may also be secondary to low energy availability. Finally, the association with HIV infection should not be overlooked. Therefore, there is an important variability in the diseases that can lead to FHH. Despite the heterogeneity of the underlying pathologies, the mechanisms leading to FHH would seem quite similar, with the initial event represented by the impairment at the HPG-A level. Nevertheless, many different biological pathways are involved in the pathogenesis of FHH, therefore the aim of the current paper is to provide an overview of the main relevant mechanisms, through a detailed analysis of the literature, focusing specifically on pathogenesis and clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.
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Objectives To determine the association between surrogates of low energy availability (EA) and proposed health and performance outcomes of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) in a clinical sample of adolescent and young adult male athletes. Methods Male athletes ages 15–30 years presenting to a sports medicine clinic at two tertiary care centres were invited to complete a survey about athlete health and well-being. Participants were divided into low EA and adequate EA groups based on survey responses. The associations between low EA and REDs outcomes were evaluated using χ ² tests and ORs were calculated using binomial logistic regression (significance: p<0.05). Results Low EA was associated with increased frequency of self-reported immunological, metabolic, psychological, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal dysfunction; reduced endurance performance, response to training, judgement, coordination and muscle strength; and increased irritability and depression. Low EA athletes were more likely to have self-reported cardiovascular dysfunction (OR 2.87, 95% CI 1.56 to 5.26) and psychological illness (OR 3.23, 95% CI 1.91 to 5.41), decreased training response (OR 2.64, 95% CI 1.38 to 5.03) and endurance performance (OR 2.26, 95% CI 1.13 to 4.52) and were less likely to have self-reported gonadal dysfunction (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.81), than adequate EA athletes (p<0.05). Conclusions Low EA surrogates are associated with many adverse health outcomes and performance effects of REDs in male athletes. More prospective REDs research in males is needed to improve various aspects of REDs screening in young male athletes.
Objective The main objective of this study was to investigate the risk of eating disorders, exercise addiction, depression, and low energy availability (LEA) in Danish female and male elite compared with sub-elite athletes. Design A cross-sectional study. Setting An online survey. Participants A total of 410 elite athletes (mean age 20.1 years, 51% females) and 206 sub-elite athletes (mean age 21.3 years, 52% females) from 15 different sports. Assessment of Risk Factors: Eating Disorders, exercise addiction, depression, and LEA. Main Outcome Measures The Sick Control, One Stone (6.5 kg), Fat, Food, the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire, the Exercise Addiction Inventory, the Major Depression Inventory, and the Low Energy Availability in Females Questionnaire or the Low Energy Availability in Males Questionnaire. Results We found that more female sub-elite athletes compared with elite athletes had risk of eating disorders (EDs) (37.4% vs 23.4%; P < 0.012) and the same was found for males (23.2% vs 10.4%; P = 0.005). More athletes with risk of EDs had risk of exercise addiction (12.8 vs 5.4%, P = 0.006), depression (27.3 vs 4.2%, P < 0.001), and LEA (females 55.1 vs 40.7%, P = 0.024, and males 29.4 vs 13.7%, P = 0.036, respectively) compared with athletes without risk of EDs. Conclusions Sub-elite athletes have a higher risk of eating disorders compared with elite athletes. Regular screening of ED symptoms and associated conditions in elite and especially sub-elite athletes may ensure early identification.
Research on lean, energy-deficient athletic and military cohorts has broadened the concept of the Female Athlete Triad into the Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) syndrome. REDs represents a spectrum of abnormalities induced by low energy availability (LEA), which serves as the underlying cause of all symptoms described within the REDs concept, affecting exercising populations of either biological sex. Both short- and long-term LEA, in conjunction with other moderating factors, may produce a multitude of maladaptive changes that impair various physiological systems and adversely affect health, well-being, and sport performance. Consequently, the comprehensive definition of REDs encompasses a broad spectrum of physiological sequelae and adverse clinical outcomes related to LEA, such as neuroendocrine, bone, immune, and hematological effects, ultimately resulting in compromised health and performance. In this review, we discuss the pathophysiology of REDs and associated disorders. We briefly examine current treatment recommendations for REDs, primarily focusing on non-pharmacological, behavioral, and lifestyle modifications that target its underlying cause – energy deficit. We also discuss treatment approaches aimed at managing symptoms, such as menstrual dysfunction and bone stress injuries, and explore potential novel treatments that target the underlying physiology, emphasizing the roles of leptin and the activin-follistatin-inhibin axis, the roles of which remain to be fully elucidated, in the pathophysiology and management of REDs. In the near future, novel therapies leveraging our emerging understanding of molecules and physiological axes underlying energy availability or lack thereof may restore LEA-related abnormalities, thus preventing and/or treating REDs-related health complications, such as stress fractures, and improving performance.
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Çoğu insan gıda alımını, öğünler arasında atıştırmalıklarla birlikte 24 saatte üç öğün şeklinde gerçekleştirir (Kant, 2018; Paoli ve ark., 2019). Yemek sonrası plazma insülin konsantrasyonları yükselir ve ardından periferik dokularda glukoz alımını ve oksidasyonunu artar (Thiebaud ve ark., 1982). Ayrıca insülin, diyet yağının yağ dokusunda depolanmasını destekleyen lipoprotein lipazı aktive eder (Lafontan ve Langin, 2009). Oruç sırasında (örneğin gece boyunca) plazma insülin konsantrasyonlarının düşürülmesi, açlığın devam etmesi durumunda fizyolojik insülin direnci durumuyla sonuçlanan glikozdan yağ oksidasyonuna geçiş olan lipolize izin verir (Lafontan ve Langin, 2009; Soeters ve ark., 2012). Çeşitli postprandiyal sinyaller (örn. plazma safra asitleri, fibroblast) büyüme faktörü 19 (FGF19), lipidler), yemek alımından 4-5 saat sonra sistemik dolaşımda hala artmaktadır (Schrezenmeir ve ark., 1993; Van Nierop ve ark., 2019; Meessen ve ark., 2020). Evrimsel bir bakış açısından insan vücudunun daha düşük öğün sıklığına alıştığı düşünülebilir (Meiselman, 2000). Metabolik esneklik (yani karbonhidrat ve yağ asidi oksidasyonu) metabolik sağlığın bir özelliğidir. Öte yandan sürekli/sık gıda alımı, metabolik esnekliğin azalmasına, obeziteye ve tip 2 diyabete neden olabilir (T2DM) (Smith ve ark., 2018). Yaşam tarzıyla ilişkili bu hastalıklar, modern beslenme alışkanlıkları ve hareketsiz yaşam tarzıyla ilişkilidir (Kopp, 2019).
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Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) was first introduced in 2014 by the International Olympic Committee’s expert writing panel, identifying a syndrome of deleterious health and performance outcomes experienced by female and male athletes exposed to low energy availability (LEA; inadequate energy intake in relation to exercise energy expenditure). Since the 2018 REDs consensus, there have been >170 original research publications advancing the field of REDs science, including emerging data demonstrating the growing role of low carbohydrate availability, further evidence of the interplay between mental health and REDs and more data elucidating the impact of LEA in males. Our knowledge of REDs signs and symptoms has resulted in updated Health and Performance Conceptual Models and the development of a novel Physiological Model. This Physiological Model is designed to demonstrate the complexity of either problematic or adaptable LEA exposure, coupled with individual moderating factors, leading to changes in health and performance outcomes. Guidelines for safe and effective body composition assessment to help prevent REDs are also outlined. A new REDs Clinical Assessment Tool-Version 2 is introduced to facilitate the detection and clinical diagnosis of REDs based on accumulated severity and risk stratification, with associated training and competition recommendations. Prevention and treatment principles of REDs are presented to encourage best practices for sports organisations and clinicians. Finally, methodological best practices for REDs research are outlined to stimulate future high-quality research to address important knowledge gaps.
Physical activity is likely to be beneficial for male sexual health, with some evidence suggesting it could be as effective as pharmacological therapy for certain aspects of male sexual dysfunction. More evidence of efficacy of physical activity in sexual dysfunction is needed. However, insights into possible mechanisms linking physical activity with improved male sexual function may give doctors confidence in recommending it for their patients, while waiting for more robust clinical trial evidence.
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In this article, the physiological impact of one form of stress - physical exercise - on the neuroendocrine system will be discussed. The specific intent of the review is to present an overview of stress endocrinology, the conceptual models associated with this area of study, and a discourse on the dual role of exercise as both a stressor and a modifier of stress within the neuroendocrine system. These points are addressed with respect to the current research literature dealing with exercise endocrinology in an adult population.
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To examine the relation between health and several dimensions of sexuality and to estimate years of sexually active life across sex and health groups in middle aged and older adults. Cross sectional study. Two samples representative of the US population: MIDUS (the national survey of midlife development in the United States, 1995-6) and NSHAP (the national social life, health and ageing project, 2005-6). 3032 adults aged 25 to 74 (1561 women, 1471 men) from the midlife cohort (MIDUS) and 3005 adults aged 57 to 85 (1550 women, 1455 men) from the later life cohort (NSHAP). Sexual activity, quality of sexual life, interest in sex, and average remaining years of sexually active life, referred to as sexually active life expectancy. Overall, men were more likely than women to be sexually active, report a good quality sex life, and be interested in sex. These gender differences increased with age and were greatest among the 75 to 85 year old group: 38.9% of men compared with 16.8% of women were sexually active, 70.8% versus 50.9% of those who were sexually active had a good quality sex life, and 41.2% versus 11.4% were interested in sex. Men and women reporting very good or excellent health were more likely to be sexually active compared with their peers in poor or fair health: age adjusted odds ratio 2.2 (P<0.01) for men and 1.6 (P<0.05) for women in the midlife study and 4.6 (P<0.001) for men and 2.8 (P<0.001) for women in the later life study. Among sexually active people, good health was also significantly associated with frequent sex (once or more weekly) in men (adjusted odds ratio 1.6 to 2.1), with a good quality sex life among men and women in the midlife cohort (adjusted odds ratio 1.7), and with interest in sex. People in very good or excellent health were 1.5 to 1.8 times more likely to report an interest in sex than those in poorer health. At age 30, sexually active life expectancy was 34.7 years for men and 30.7 years for women compared with 14.9 to 15.3 years for men and 10.6 years for women at age 55. This gender disparity attenuated for people with a spouse or other intimate partner. At age 55, men in very good or excellent health on average gained 5-7 years of sexually active life compared with their peers in poor or fair health. Women in very good or excellent health gained 3-6 years compared with women in poor or fair health. Sexual activity, good quality sexual life, and interest in sex were higher for men than for women and this gender gap widened with age. Sexual activity, quality of sexual life, and interest in sex were positively associated with health in middle age and later life. Sexually active life expectancy was longer for men, but men lost more years of sexually active life as a result of poor health than women.
The construct validity and the test-retest reliability of a self-administered questionnaire about habitual physical activity were investigated in young males (n = 139) and females (n = 167) in three age groups (20 to 22, 25 to 27, and 30 to 32 yr) in a Dutch population. By principal components analysis three conceptually meaningful factors were distinguished. They were interpreted as: 1) physical activity at work; 2) sport during leisure time; and 3) physical activity during leisure time excluding sport. Test-retest showed that the reliability of the three indices constructed from these factors was adequate. Further, it was found that level of education was inversely related to the work index, and positively related to the leisure-time index in both sexes. The subjective experience of work load was not related to the work index, but was inversely related to the sport index, and the leisure-time index in both sexes. The lean body mass was positively related to the work index, and the sport index in males, but was not related to the leisure-time index in either sex. These differences in the relationships support the subdivision of habitual physical activity into the three components mentioned above.
Sexual dysfunction is a common and distressing side effect of many drugs, both prescribed and otherwise. In this brief overview, the normal biology of sexual function is outlined, together with the central and peripheral underlying chemical mechanisms. Knowledge of the normal biology of sexual function, along with knowledge of the mechanism of action of different drugs, helps one to predict whether a medication might cause sexual problems. Psychotropic drugs in particular can have both short- and long-term effects on sexual function, depending on length of exposure to an individual agent. This contribution provides an overview of those drugs which are most likely to be associated with sexual dysfunction, including not only prescribed medication but also recreational drugs and those commonly used by patients with mental health problems. The contribution ends with an outline of the management of drug-induced sexual side effects.
This report presents national estimates of the fertility of men and women aged 15-44 years in the United States in 2006-2010 based on the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). Data are compared with similar measures for 2002. Descriptive tables of numbers, percentages, and means are presented and discussed. Data were collected through in-person interviews of a nationally representative sample of the household population aged 15-44 years in the United States between July 2006 and June 2010. The 2006-2010 NSFG sample is comprised of 22,682 respondents including 10,403 men and 12,279 women. The overall response rate for the 2006-2010 NSFG was 77%, 75% for men and 78% for women. Many of the fertility measures among men and women aged 15-44 based on the 2006-2010 NSFG were generally similar to those reported based on the 2002 NSFG. The mean age at first child's birth for women was 23 and the mean age at first child's birth for men was 25. One-half of first births to women were in their 20s and two-thirds of first births were fathered by men who were in their 20s. On average, women aged 15-44 have 1.3 children as of the time of the interview. By age 40, 85% of women had had a birth, and 76% of men had fathered a child. In 2006-2010, 22% of first births to women occurred within cohabiting unions, up from 12% in 2002. These measures differed by Hispanic origin and race and other demographic characteristics.
The prevalence of androgen deficiency in men increases with aging. Two common instruments, the Aging Male Symptoms (AMS) scale and the Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male (ADAM) questionnaire, are often used to screen for androgen deficiency in clinical practice. The aim of this study is to compare the capability of the AMS scale and the ADAM questionnaire to detect androgen deficiency in middle-aged Taiwanese men. In April 2008, a free health screening was conducted by Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital. All participants completed a health questionnaire and had blood samples drawn between 8:00 am and noon. Serum total testosterone (TT), albumin, and sex hormone-binding globulin levels were measured. The level of free testosterone (FT) was calculated. Clinical symptoms associated with androgen deficiency were screened by using the AMS scale and ADAM questionnaire. Androgen deficiency was defined as TT < 300 ng/dL or both TT < 300 ng/dL and FT< 5 ng/dL. In total, 339 men were included in the final analysis, with the mean age of 54.6 ± 4.9 years (range, 47-65 years). Androgen deficiency was found in 75 men (22.1%) based on the criteria of TT < 300 ng/dL, and in 54 men (15.9%) based on the criteria of TT < 300 ng/dL and FT < 5 ng/dL. When detecting participants with both TT < 300 ng/dL and FT < 5 ng/dL, the sensitivity and specificity of the AMS scale were 57.4% and 48.1%, compared with 66.7% and 25.6% for the ADAM questionnaire. In a sample of middle-aged Taiwanese men, neither the AMS scale nor the ADAM questionnaire had sufficient sensitivity and specificity to detect androgen deficiency. In addition to using those 2 screening instruments, a thorough physical and biochemical workup should still be conducted in patients at risk or suspected of androgen deficiency.
An increasing number of investigative research studies point to participation in endurance exercise training as having significant detrimental effects upon reproductive hormonal profiles in men. Specifically, men chronically exposed to this type of exercise training exhibit persistently reduced basal (resting-state) free and total testosterone concentrations without concurrent LH elevations. Men displaying these symptoms have been deemed to exhibit the "exercise-hypogonadal male condition". The exact physiological mechanism inducing the reduction of testosterone in these men is currently unclear, but is postulated to be a dysfunction (or perhaps a readjustment) within the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular regulatory axis. The potential exists for the reduced testosterone concentrations within exercise-hypogonadal men to be disruptive and detrimental to some anabolic-androgenic testosterone- dependent physiological processes. Findings on this point are limited, but do suggest spermatogenesis problems may exist in some cases. Alternatively, reductions in circulating testosterone concentrations could have cardiovascular protective effects and thus be beneficial to the health of these men. Present evidence suggests the exercise-hypogonadal condition is limited to men who have been persistently involved in chronic endurance exercise training for an extended period time (i.e., years), and it is not a highly prevalent occurrence (although, a thorough epidemiological investigation on the topic is lacking in the literature). Many questions regarding the male reproductive endocrine adaptive process to exercise training still remain unanswered, necessitating the need for much further investigation on the topic, especially with respect to the exercise-hypogonadal condition.
The effects of 9 months of aerobic exercise on aerobic work capacity (physical fitness), coronary heart disease risk factors, and sexuality were studied in 78 sedentary but healthy men (mean age, 48 years). The men exercised in supervised groups 60 min per day, 3.5 days per week on average. Peak sustained exercise intensity was targeted at 75-80% of maximum aerobic working capacity. A control group of 17 men (mean age, 44 years) participated in organized walking at a moderate pace 60 min per day, 4.1 days per week on average. Each subject maintained a daily diary of exercise, diet, smoking, and sexuality during the first and last months of the program. Beneficial effects of chronic, vigorous exercise on fitness and coronary heart disease risk factors were obtained in close agreement with prior studies. Analysis of diary entries revealed significantly greater sexuality enhancements in the exercise group (frequency of various intimate activities, reliability of adequate functioning during sex, percentage of satisfying orgasms, etc.). Moreover, the degree of sexuality enhancement among exercisers was correlated with the degree of their individual improvement in fitness.
The construct validity and the test-retest reliability of a self-administered questionnaire about habitual physical activity were investigated in young males (n = 139) and females (n = 167) in three age groups (20 to 22, 25 to 27, and 30 to 32 yr) in a Dutch population. By principal components analysis three conceptually meaningful factors were distinguished. They were interpreted as: 1) physical activity at work; 2) sport during leisure time; and 3) physical activity during leisure time excluding sport. Test-retest showed that the reliability of the three indices constructed from these factors was adequate. Further, it was found that level of education was inversely related to the work index, and positively related to the leisure-time index in both sexes. The subjective experience of work load was not related to the work index, but was inversely related to the sport index, and the leisure-time index in both sexes. The lean body mass was positively related the the work index, and the sport index in males, but was not related to the leisure-time index in either sex. These differences in the relationships support the subdivision of habitual physical activity into the three components mentioned above.