HERSKOVITS, Melville Jean, prof, anthropology; b. Bellefontaine, O., Sept. ro, 1895; s. Herman and Henrietta (Hart) H.; Ph. B. U. of Chicago, 1920; A. M., Columbia, 1921, Ph. D., 1923; m. Frances S. Shapiro, July 12, 1924-, 1 dau. Jean Frances. Fellow in anthropology, Board of Biol. Sciences, Nat. Research Council, 1923-26; lecturer in anthropology. Columbia, 1924-27, Howard U., 1925; asst. prof. anthropology, Northwestern U. 1921-30, asso. prof., 1931-35, prof. since 1935-, director Program of African Studies since 1951, honorary professor anthropology, Fac. de Filosofía, Bahia, Brazil; Guggenheim Memorial fellow, 1937-38; field research in Dutch Guiana, 1928-29, W. Africa, 1931, Haiti, 1934 Trinidad, 1939 Brazil, 1941-42, Sub-Saharan, Africa, 1953, 57; visiting prof. grad sch. U. I11., 1948-49. Chmn. com. on African anthropol.; chairman com. on international relations in anthropology, div. anthropology and psychology, National Research Council, 1942-50-, chmn. com. Negro studies, Am. Council Learned Socs., 1939-50. Mem. permanent council, Internat. Anthrop. Congress-, v. p., member exec. com. Internat. Union Anthropol. and Ethnol. Scis. Decorated officer Order of Honor and Merit, Haiti, officer order of Orange-Nassau, The Netherlands, Honorary fellow Royal Netherlands Geog. Assn. Royal Anthrop. Inst; fellow National Academy of Sciences, A.A.A.S. (vice president 1934), Soc. Research Child Development, Am. Anthrop. Assn. (pres. Central sect. 1939, exec. bd. 1947-, editor of The American Anthropologist, 1949-52); African Studies Association president 1957-58); member Am. Assn. Phys. Anthropologists, Am. Folklore Soc. (pres. 1945), Société des Africanistes de Paris, International African Institute (exec. council), Council on Foreign Relations, Club: University (Evanston, Illinois). Author: The American Negro, A Study in Racial Crossing, 1928; Anthropometry of the American Negro, 1930; Outline of Dahomean Religious Belief (with Frances S. Herskovits). 1933; Rebel Destiny, Among the Bush Negroes of Dutch Guiana (with same), 1934; Suriname Folklore (with same) 1936; Life in a Haitian Valley, 1937; Dahomey, 1938; Acculturation, 1938; The Economic Life of Primitive Peoples, 1940-, The Myth of the Negro Past, 1941; Trinidad Village (with Frances S. Herskovits), 1947; Man and His Works, 1948; Economic Anthropology, 1952-, Franz Boos, The Science of Man in the Making, 1953) Cultural Anthropology, 1955; Dahomean Narrative, a Cross Cultural Analysis (with Frances S. Herskovits), 1958. Homer 810 Clinton PL, Evanston, I11.