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This experimental investigation highlights Karanja oil, a nonedible, high-viscosity straight vegetable oil (SVO), blended with fossil diesel (FD) in different volume proportions [Karanja biodiesel 10 (KB10), KB20, KB30, and KB50] in order to assess the oil characteristics and emission analysis on a diesel engine at varying load conditions (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10) kW. Results depict that brake thermal efficiency (BTE) increases, while brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) decreases with increase in blend percentage of diesel. Nitric oxide (NO) shows an increasing trend because Karanja oil has high viscosity, low volatility, and low heat content in comparison to FD. Similarly, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and hydrocarbon (HC) emission were the lowest with that diesel. In general, emission characteristics were discovered useful for KB20 over the entire range of engine operation.
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Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and
Environmental Effects
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Experimental investigation on property analysis of
Karanja oil methyl ester for vehicular usage
Swarup Kumar Nayak, Purna Chandra Mishra, Ankit Kumar, Gyana Ranjan
Behera & Biswajeet Nayak
To cite this article: Swarup Kumar Nayak, Purna Chandra Mishra, Ankit Kumar, Gyana Ranjan
Behera & Biswajeet Nayak (2017): Experimental investigation on property analysis of Karanja oil
methyl ester for vehicular usage, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental
Effects, DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2016.1173131
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Published online: 08 Feb 2017.
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Experimental investigation on property analysis of Karanja oil
methyl ester for vehicular usage
Swarup Kumar Nayak
, Purna Chandra Mishra
, Ankit Kumar
, Gyana Ranjan Behera
and Biswajeet Nayak
School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, Patia, Bhubaneswar, India;
Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Krupajal Engg. College, Bhubaneswar, India
This experimental investigation highlights Karanja oil, a nonedible, high-
viscosity straight vegetable oil (SVO), blended with fossil diesel (FD) in
different volume proportions [Karanja biodiesel 10 (KB10), KB20, KB30,
and KB50] in order to assess the oil characteristics and emission analysis
on a diesel engine at varying load conditions (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10) kW.
Results depict that brake thermal efficiency (BTE) increases, while brake-
specific fuel consumption (BSFC) decreases with increase in blend percen-
tage of diesel. Nitric oxide (NO) shows an increasing trend because Karanja
oil has high viscosity, low volatility, and low heat content in comparison to
FD. Similarly, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO
), and hydrocar-
bon (HC) emission were the lowest with that diesel. In general, emission
characteristics were discovered useful for KB20 over the entire range of
engine operation.
Emission analysis; engine
performance; fossil diesel;
Karanja oil; oil properties
1. Introduction
Due to a sharp decline in the quantity of available petroleum diesel and exponential increase in its
demand in the last two decades, the search for viable alternative has got imminent attention
among investors, researchers, and policy makers. Among the various other alternatives, the use of
biofuel or more specifically biodiesel shows the most promising solution with its application. As
they are renewable and more environment friendly than diesel, a lot of support over its use has
gained momentous strength. The application of raw vegetable oil without modification is very
limited and negligible with Compression Ignition (CI) engines, because if used without modifica-
tion the results are less effectiveness and leads to degradation of engine life (Bari et al., 2002).
Other problems faced with straight vegetable oil (SVO) as a fuel are very poor atomization caused
by very high viscosity, low volatility, and partial combustion, which results in increased soot and
smoke concentration. As biodiesels are extracted from the plant oils, the emission of green house
gases from their combustion is almost negligible (Peterson and Hustrulid, 1998). There are various
different types of nonedible vegetable oils, but this study would be considering the application of
Karanja oil. Many prominent researchers have supported the use of Karanja oil in proper blend
with diesel as an alternative fuel for the existing petroleum diesel used in CI engines. Dry seeds of
Karanja contain 11.6% palmitic acid, 51.5% oleic acid, 16% linoleic acid, and so on. The detailed
free fatty acid composition of Karanja oil is shown in Table 1. This paper mainly emphasizes the
production of Karanja biodiesel (KB) blends for determining the performance and emission
parameters on a multi-cylinder diesel engine for the substitution of conventional fuel.
CONTACT Swarup Kumar Nayak School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, Patia,
Bhubaneswar, 751024, India.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Material
In this experimental consideration, Karanja oil is being used, which is present in the seed kernel of
Karanja fruits. The kernels of Karanja are brittle and have a reddish brown color. The seed kernel
contains 4550% of oil.
2.2. Conditions for the growth Pongamia Pinnata
2.2.1. Climatic condition and soil type
Karanja tree develops in regions containing tropical and subtropical areas and develops at an
elevation of 01,200 m over the ocean level (Kureel et al., 2008). It can withstand temperatures
ranging from 0°C to 50°C, with a well-distributed annual rainfall requirement of 3002,500 mm
(Kureel et al., 2008). Unlike other trees, Karanja tree does not have a requirement for soil
suitability or its constituents, which means it can grow on almost any soil type and so does not
require prime agricultural land. It can tolerate saline and water-logged soils, but for better and
efficient productivity its growth should occur in properly drained soils with optimum moisture
content (Kureel et al., 2008).
2.2.3. Productivity
Flowering occurs in between the month of March and July in a blended color of white and purple.
Productivity depends on the method of plantation and the methods of propagation (Kureel et al.,
2008). Normally, the harvesting period is either the end of year or in between of April and June. For
an average mature tree the output is about 1,000 kg of seed per tree per year.
2.3. Basic terminologies
2.3.1. Cloud point and pour point
Cloud point for a fuel is referred to the temperature lower than which wax will form a gloomy or
cloudy emergence in diesel. It is the lower limit up to which the petroleum diesel and biodiesel could
be efficiently and smoothly (without the presence of wax) used in an engine. The pour point of a
fluid is the temperature at which it gets to be semisolid and loses its stream qualities. The pour point
of oil is the most minimal temperature at which the oil will simply flow in the given standard
conditions. Cloud point and pour point of KB were found to be 5
C and 2
C, as shown in Table 2.
2.3.2. Viscosity
It is the measure of a fluidsimperviousness to flow; the higher the viscosity of a fluid, the more
difficultly it flows. Similar to density, viscosity is also affected by temperature. With increase
in temperature, there is decrease in viscosity. Kinematic viscosity of KB was found to be 5.09 cSt
at 40
C, which is nearly similar to the data as per the literature review (Karmee and Chadha, 2005;
Table 1. Free fatty acid composition in Karanja oil.
Acid Structure Composition (%)
Palmitic acid C16:0 11.6
Stearic acid C18:0 7.5
Oleic acid C18:1 51.5
Arachidic acid C20:0 1.7
Linoleic acid C18:2 16.0
Linolenic acid C18:3 2.6
Eicosenoic acid C20:1 1.1
Behenic acid C22:0 4.3
Lignoceric acid C24:0 1.0
Pinzi et al., 2009; Sahoo et al., 2009). The kinematic viscosity of KB10 (2.89 cSt) at 40
C was within
the limits of fossil diesel (FD).
2.3.3. Cetane number
Cetane number is defined as the inverse function of the ignition delay of a fuel and the time duration
between the start of injection and the first noticeable pressure rise during combustion of the fuel. In
general, the higher the cetane numbers, the more easily the fuel will combust in a compression
setting (such as diesel engine).
2.3.4. Sulfur content
Diesel fuel contains sulfur in their chemical constituent. This sulfur in turn produces sulfuric acid on
mixing with the water vapors formed during the combustion, which is very corrosive for the engine
and extremely harmful for living beings if it gets emitted in the environment.
2.4. Experimentation
The experimental study was carried out to investigate the emission characteristics of a direct-
injection diesel engine KB and comparing it with that of diesel. The prepared biodiesel was passed
through various tests to determine its physical and chemical properties. The engine used for the
experimentation has a wide range of applications in the agricultural sector. The technical specifica-
tion of the diesel engine is elaborated in Table 3. The diesel engine was first initially started with
diesel and then with the prepared test fuels. The speed of the engine was kept constant at 1,500 rpm
under varying load conditions to measure the emission characteristics with the help of a multi-gas
Table 2. Physico-chemical properties of Karanja oil methyl ester (KOME).
Sl. No Properties Diesel KOME Reference (a, b, c) ASTM Methods
1 Density (kg/m
) 846.3 880.1 876890 D1298
2 Kinematic viscosity at 40
C 3.64 6.03 4.37 to 9.60 D445
3 Acid value (mg KOH/gm) 0.35 0.41 D664
4 FFA (mg of KOH/gm) 0.175 0.503 D664
5 Cloud point
C14 6 13 to 15 D2500
6 Pour point
C15 3 3 to 5.1 D2500
7 Flash point
C 55 168 163 to 187 D93
8 Fire point
C 74 184 209 D93
9 Calorific value (MJ/Kg) 42.72 39.71 3638 D240
10 Cetane index 48.3 55 5258 D613
11 Carbon (%, w/w) 81.33 ––
12 Hydrogen (%, w/w) 12.78 ––
13 Nitrogen (%, w/w) 1.97 Nil ––
14 Oxygen (%, w/w) 1.21 ––
15 Sulfur (%, w/w) 0.32 Nil ––
(a) Karmee & Chadha (2005); (b) Pinzi et al. 2009; (c) Sahoo et al. 2009.
Table 3. Specification of the test engine.
Make Prakash Diesel Pvt. Ltd.
Rated horse power (H.P) 14
Number of cylinders 2
Number of strokes 4
Rotation per minute (RPM) 1,500
Compression ratio 16:1
Stroke length (mm) 110
Bore diameter (mm) 114
3. Result and discussion
3.1. Brake thermal efficiency (BTE)
The discrepancy of BTE with respect to load for all prepared test fuels under varying load conditions
is depicted in Figure 1. From the figure it is seen that BTE increases with load up to 8kW and then
decreases at full load because of partial combustion. The graph shows that diesel has the highest BTE
compared to other prepared test fuels because of higher volatility, lower viscosity, and lower density
compared to KB and its blends.
3.2. Brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC)
The discrepancy of BSFC with respect to load for all prepared test fuels under varying load
conditions is depicted in Figure 2. From the figure it is seen that BSFC first decreases for all the
Figure 1. Brake thermal efficiency versus brake power (kW).
Figure 2. Brake-specific fuel consumption versus brake power (kW).
test fuels with increase in load, i.e. up to 8 kW, and then tends to increase with increase in load. It is
seen that BSFC is the highest for pure biodiesel and the lowest for diesel because of high viscosity,
density, low volatility, and the low heat content of pure biodiesel when compared with that of diesel.
3.3. Carbon monoxide (CO)
The discrepancy of CO with respect to load for all the prepared test fuels under varying loading
conditions for the working method is portrayed in Figure 3. From the figure it is depicted that with
increase in load CO shows a decreasing trend because of enhanced combustion due to the high
charge temperature and again increases to the highest load because of inadequate combustion. It is
the highest for biodiesel due to poor spray characteristics, which leads to inappropriate ignition. At
full loading condition, CO emissions for FD, KB10, KB20, KB30, and KB50 are 0.074, 0.08, 0.0639,
0.053, and 0.07 ppm, respectively.
3.4. Carbon dioxide (CO
The discrepancy of CO
with respect to load for all the prepared test fuels under varying loading
conditions for the working method is portrayed in Figure 4. From the figure it is depicted that
utilizing biodiesel-prepared trial fuels emits less CO
than FD for single working mode because of
low-temperature combustion. At full loading condition CO emission for FD, KB10, KB20, KB30, and
KB50 are 4.08, 3.8, 3.3, 3.1, and 2.8%, respectively.
3.5. Nitric oxide (NO)
The discrepancy of NO with respect to load for all the prepared test fuels under varying load
conditions for the working modes is portrayed in Figure 5, which depicts lower NO than diesel due
to the lower premixed burning rate following the delay period because of less air entrainment and
fuel air mixing rate. The literature reveals that NO increases with engine power output because NO
advances with rise in ignition and exhaust gas temperature. At full loading condition, NO emission
for FD, KB10, KB20, KB30, and KB50 is found to be 549, 478, 471, 465, and 444 ppm, respectively,
Figure 3. Carbon monoxide versus brake power (kW).
which boost up linearly with load as a result of the higher cylinder charge temperature (Hurmke and
Barsic, 1981)
3.6. Hydrocarbon (HC)
The discrepancy of HC with respect to load for all the prepared test fuels under varying load
conditions for the working method is portrayed in Figure 4. From the figure it is depicted that HC
emission guides similar style as that of CO curves. Again, it is observed that HC emission shows a
reducing contour for all the prepared trial fuels in single working modes than that of diesel because
of absolute combustion. At full load condition, hydrocarbon emission for FD, KB10, KB20, KB30
and KB50 was found to be 40, 17, 13, 11 and 8 ppm respectively.
Figure 4. Carbon dioxide versus brake power (kW).
Figure 5. Nitric oxide versus brake power (kW).
4. Conclusion
Kinematic viscosity of KB10 at 40
C was found to be close to FD. Flash and fire points of KB were
higher than those of diesel, which signifies the safe storage and transportation of oil. From the above
results of oil characterization, it can be stated that nearly all the parameters of KB show close
agreement with FD, thereby making it a promising fuel for the partial replacement of diesel. From
the experimentation, it was concluded that BTE is the highest for diesel, while KB20 shows lose
resemblance to that of conventional fuel. BSFC is the highest for pure biodiesel at all loads because of
the high density, high volatility, and low heat content of biodiesel. CO, CO
, and HC emission were
the lowest for KB than that of diesel, while NO emission is more due to the high viscosity, low
volatility, and low heat content than diesel. Based on exhaustive engine tests, it can be concluded that
KB20 can be used as a fuel for current diesel engines without any modifications.
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Figure 6. Hydrocarbon versus brake power (kW).
... Several researchers have stated that biodiesel fuel in diesel engines produces exhaust emissions that are more environmentally friendly [18][19][20]. Biodiesel can be applied with various other oil mixtures to obtain optimal results between performance and lower emissions [21][22][23]. One of the parameters that indicates optimal combustion is the ignition delay time in a diesel engine combustion. ...
The problems facing the world today are limited fossil fuels and increasing global warming due to fuel emissions. Therefore, there is a need to transition from fossil energy to alternative energy that is environmentally friendly and renewable. Biodiesel is an alternative material that can be used as a substitute for diesel fuel. This research aims to improve the combustion quality of calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel using the magnetic field influence method. The combustion test method uses a Bunsen burner and variations in magnetic strength of 4000 gauss, 8000 gauss and 12000 gauss are given. The equivalent ratios used in combustion analysis are 0.6:1, 0.7:1, 0.8:1, 0.9:1, 1:1, 1:1.1, and 1:1.2. The fuel and air flowing in the Bunsen pipe are heated to a constant temperature of 250°C for the fuel evaporation process. Then the resulting flame was analyzed for its combustion characteristics with RGB color variables, laminar burning velocity, and flame height. The research results show that the stronger the magnetic field effect, the more optimal the combustion quality will be. This is indicated by the increasingly strong magnetic field effect exerted on the flame, causing the red color intensity to decrease, the laminar burning velocity to increase, and the flame height to decrease. This is because the magnetic field can influence the movement of O2 molecules and cause a change in the orientation of the hydrocarbon from para to ortho. As a result, diffusion combustion becomes minimal and the combustion reaction becomes faster.
... However, higher ratio of alcohol to oil is usually employed to obtain biodiesel of low viscosity and high conversion [6]. Alkali-catalyzed transesterification is very fast compared to acid catalyzed [7,8]. Methanol or ethanol is widely used in the transesterification [9]. ...
... However, a small amount of water can be added to the solid substrate and mixed thoroughly to measure the pH using a pH electrode (Lonsane et al., 1992). There are various optimization techniques available to enhance enzyme activity by studying the combined effect of temperature, moisture content, pH using the BoxÀBehnken design, central composite design, etc. (Nayak et al., 2017). Different microorganisms will have different optimum pH values to produce the maximum enzyme activity, and also, different enzymes will have stability at different pH. ...
Based on the substrate or media, the fermentation process is classified as submerged fermentation (SmF) and solid-state fermentation (SSF). SmF involves the growth of microorganisms as a suspension in a liquid medium in which various nutrients are either dissolved or suspended as particulate solids in the media. This process is carried out under aseptic conditions in a bioreactor or fermenter. SmF is well established on the industrial scale due to well-designed bioreactors and is highly suitable for microbial, plant, and mammalian cell cultures as they require high water content for their growth. SSF is defined as the growth of microorganisms on an insoluble solid matrix with minimal water content. Thus it is close to the microorganism’s natural habitat and is especially used for fungi. Bioreactor design is very crucial in transferring the process technology from shake flask to pilot or industrial scale. Bioreactors are classified into submerged reactors and solid-state reactors based on the physical state of the substrate or media used for the fermentation. The main criteria for the selection of bioreactors include culture conditions required for the selected microorganisms, simplicity in operation, scalability, material demand, and the cost of the equipment. Bioreactors can also be operated in batch, fed-batch, or continuous mode based on the nature of microorganism, substrate, and product. In this chapter, different types of reactors used for SmF and SSF will be discussed. In addition, important design parameters in terms of transport processes such as mixing, power requirement, and oxygen dispersion will be discussed, which play a major role in productivity of the reactors.
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The environmental concerns associated with mineral oil lubricants have led to the exploration of vegetable oil‐based lubricants as a more sustainable and benign alternative. Nanolubricants have emerged as one of the innovative solution for producing improved friction reduction as well as better thermal and tribological performances. This research investigates the potential of karanja oil as a base lubricant, improved with copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles as additives. Different amounts of CuO (ranging from 0.01% to 0.1% w/w) were introduced to karanja oil to form nanobiolubricants. These formulations were subsequently evaluated for their physiochemical and tribological properties, such as thermal stability by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), kinematic viscosity, viscosity index, pour point, and anti‐wear characteristics following ASTM standards. Remarkably, even at low nanoparticle loadings, significant improvements in anti‐wear performance were observed. The study aims to elucidate the lubricating behavior of karanja oil when combined with CuO nanoparticles, revealing that these nanobiolubricants exhibit enhanced physicochemical and tribological properties, as well as improved thermal stability. These results emphasize the key role of nanoparticle concentration in optimizing the effectiveness of formulations.
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The need to mitigate environmental impacts in the power sector has driven research into sustainable bio-liquid insulation alternatives for transformers. This study focuses on developing and rigorously evaluating biodegradable electro-insulating liquids, specifically Karanja oil and Mahua oil, as eco-friendly substitutes for conventional petroleum-based transformer oil. To reduce viscosity, a decane paraffin solvent was added. Comprehensive analyses of the physicochemical properties, AC and impulse breakdown characteristics under various conditions, statistical AC and impulse breakdown voltage, partial discharge behavior, and Weibull distribution survival analysis were conducted. Results show that additive-included Karanja oil and Mahua oil have promising potential as sustainable bio-liquid insulation alternatives. Both oils exhibit good physicochemical characteristics and excellent dielectric breakdown under AC and impulse exposure. Superior performance in survival and hazard in adverse conditions was supported by partial discharge inception voltage and Weibull statistical analysis with Karanja oil and Mahua oil. While some limitations were identified, they can be addressed with appropriate mitigation approaches. This methodical development and analysis underscore the environmental compatibility of these oils without compromising performance metrics. The findings establish Karanja oil and Mahua oil as promising, efficient alternatives for sustainable power transformer insulation, expanding viable options for the power industry.
A series of test experimental analyses have been performed to analyze the performance parameters of CI engine fueled with diesel and biodiesel blends. The various biodiesel blends have been prepared as K0L20D80, K5L15D80, K10L10D80, K15L5D80, and K20L0D80 with the combination of Karanja and Linseed biodiesel along with diesel. The results indicate that the performance parameters of blends have been given adjacent results to diesel. A higher concentration of Karanja oil as compared to linseed oil in diesel blends has given better results for performance parameters. The results demonstrated that K15L5D80 gives better results compared to all other blends and is close to diesel for the performance parameters of CI engine.
The present study investigates ethylene glycol diacetate as a prospective oxygenated additive for jatropha-karanja dual blended biodiesel for enhanced engine characteristics of a diesel engine. The experiments have been conducted at constant speed of 1500 rpm on a variable compression ratio diesel engine working with biodiesel having 10–30% of Jatropha and karanja oil methyl ester and 1–3% of additive. The brake thermal efficiency increased by 3.6–4.2% while the brake specific fuel consumption reduced by 0.08–0.24 kg/kWh for fuel blends by adding 3% additive. The hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions reduced by a maximum of 7 ppm and 0.02% respectively with slight increase in nitrogen oxide over entire range of fuel blends. The peak cylinder pressure attained 53.2 bar with maximum heat release rate 63.7 J/oCA by addition of 3% additive. Thus, the ethylene glycol diacetate can be adopted as a suitable additive for jatropha-karanja blend dual biodiesel to achieve improved engine characteristics of diesel engines.
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Non-edible jatropha (Jatropha curcas), karanja (Pongamia pinnata) and polanga (Calophyllum inophyllum) oil based methyl esters were produced and blended with conventional diesel having sulphur content less than 10mg/kg. Ten fuel blends (Diesel, B20, B50 and B100) were tested for their use as substitute fuel for a water-cooled three cylinder tractor engine. Test data were generated under full/part throttle position for different engine speeds (1200, 1800 and 2200rev/min). Change in exhaust emissions (Smoke, CO, HC, NOx, and PM) were also analyzed for determining the optimum test fuel at various operating conditions. The maximum increase in power is observed for 50% jatropha biodiesel and diesel blend at rated speed. Brake specific fuel consumptions for all the biodiesel blends with diesel increases with blends and decreases with speed. There is a reduction in smoke for all the biodiesel and their blends when compared with diesel. Smoke emission reduces with blends and speeds during full throttle performance test.
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Short-term performance tests using crude palm oil (CPO) as fuel for a diesel engine showed CPO to be a suitable substitute, with a peak pressure about 5 per cent higher and an ignition delay about 3° shorter compared with diesel. Emissions of NO and CO were about 29 and 9 per cent higher respectively for CPO. However, prolonged use of CPO as fuel caused the engine performance to deteriorate. After 500 h cumulative running with CPO, the maximum power was reduced by about 20 per cent and the minimum brake specific fuel consumption (b.s.f.c.) was increased by about 26 per cent. Examination of the different parts after the engine was dismantled revealed heavy carbon deposits in the combustion chamber; traces of wear on the piston rings, the plunger and the delivery valve of the injection pump; slight scuffing of the cylinder liner; and uneven spray from the nozzles. The affected parts were installed in a new identical engine one by one to evaluate the performance of each respectively. Tests revealed that the main reason for engine performance deterioration was ‘valve sticking’, caused by carbon deposits on the valve seats and stems. This resulted in leakage during the compression and power strokes and a reduced effective compression ratio and subsequently affected the power and fuel economy. Valve sticking alone contributed about 18 and 23 per cent to the deterioration in maximum power and minimum b.s.f.c. respectively.
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Biodiesel was prepared from the non-edible oil of Pongamia pinnata by transesterification of the crude oil with methanol in the presence of KOH as catalyst. A maximum conversion of 92% (oil to ester) was achieved using a 1:10 molar ratio of oil to methanol at 60 degrees C. Tetrahydrofuran (THF), when used as a co-solvent increased the conversion to 95%. Solid acid catalysts viz. Hbeta-Zeolite, Montmorillonite K-10 and ZnO were also used for this transesterification. Important fuel properties of methyl esters of Pongamia oil (Biodiesel) compare well (Viscosity = 4.8 Cst @ 40 degrees C and Flash point = 150 degrees C) with ASTM and German biodiesel standards.
Though a considerable number of publications about biodiesel can be found in literature, several problems remain unsolved, encompassing economical, social, and technical issues. Thus, the biodiesel industry has come under attack by some environmental associations, and subsidies for biofuel production have been condemned by some governments. Yet, biodiesel may represent a truly competitive alternative to diesel fuel, for which fuel tax exemption and subsidies to energetic crops are needed. Biodiesel must increase its popularity among social movements and governments to constitute a valid alternative of energy source. In this sense, the use of nonedible oils to produce biodiesel is proposed in the present review. Moreover, the compromise of noninterference between land for energetic and food purposes must be addressed. Concerning technical issues, it is important to consider a transesterification optimization, which is missing or incomplete for too many vegetable oils already tested. In most cases, a common recipe to produce biodiesel from any raw material has been adopted, which may not represent the best approach. Such strategy may fit multifeedstock biodiesel plant needs but cannot be accepted for oils converted individually into biodiesel, because biodiesel yield will most likely fail, increasing costs. Transesterification optimization results depend on the chemical composition of vegetable oils and fats. Considering "sustainable" vegetable oils, biodiesel from Calophyllum inophyllum, Azadirachta indica, Terminalia catappa, Madhuca indica, Pongamia pinnata, and Jatropha curcas oils fits both current biodiesel standards: European EN 14214 and US ASTM D 6751 02. However, none of them can be considered to be the "ideal" alternative that matches all the main important fuel properties that ensure the best diesel engine behavior. In search of the ideal biodiesel composition, high presence of monounsaturated fatty acids (as oleic and palmitoleic acids), reduced presence of polyunsaturated acids, and controlled saturated acids content are recommended. In this sense, C 18: 1 and C 16:1 are the best-fitting acids in terms of oxidative stability and cold weather behavior, among many other properties. Furthermore, genetic engineering is an invaluable tool to design oils presenting the most suitable fatty acid profile to provide high quality biodiesel. Finally, most published research related to engine performance and emissions fails in using a standard methodology, which should be implemented to allow the comparison between tests and biofuels from different origin. In conclusion, a compromise between social, economical, and technical agents must be reached.
The greenhouse effect, thought to be responsible for global warming, is caused by gases accumulating in the earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, which makes up half of the gas accumulation problem, is produced during respiration and combustion processes. This paper provides an outline of the carbon cycle for rapeseed oil-derived fuels. Plant processes, fuel chemistry and combustion are examined with respect to carbon. A diagram is presented to interpret the information presented graphically. A comparison of carbon dioxide emissions from the combustion of rapeseed oil biodiesel and petroleum diesel is made. Complete combustion converts hydrocarbon fuels to carbon dioxide and water. The carbon cycle consists of the fixation of carbon and the release of oxygen by plants through the process of photosynthesis, then the recombining of oxygen and carbon to form CO2 through the processes of combustion and respiration. The carbon dioxide released by petroleum diesel was fixed from the atmosphere during the formative years of the earth. Carbon dioxide released by biodiesel is fixed by the plant in a recent year and is recycled. Many scientists believe that global warming is occurring because of the rapid release of CO2 in processes such as the combustion of petroleum diesel. Using biodiesel could reduce the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Karanja: A potential source of bio-diesel
  • R S Kureel
  • C B Singh
  • A K Gupta
  • A Pandey
Kureel, R. S., Singh, C. B.,Gupta, A. K., and Pandey, A. 2008. Karanja: A potential source of bio-diesel. http://www. National Oilseeds & Vegetable Oils Development Board.