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Insulin Plant (Costus pictus) Extract Restores Thyroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism


Abstract and Figures

Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate the preventive effect of Costus pictus leaf extract in experimental hypothyroidism. Materials and methods: Forty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups with ten rats in each group: Control (C), hypothyroid (H), control+extract (C+E), and hypothyroid+extract (H+E). Rats in C group did not receive any intervention throughout the experimental period. The rats in the C+E and H+E groups received pretreatment with C. pictus leaf extract for 4 weeks. Subsequently, for the next 6 weeks, rats in the H group received 0.05% propylthiouracil in drinking water while C+E group received C. pictus leaf extract and H+E group received propyl thiouracil and C. pictus leaf extract. Results: Hypothyroid group rats exhibited dramatic increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels with concomitant depletion in the levels of thyroid hormones. Treatment with the extract resulted in remarkable improvement in thyroid profile. Extract produced 10.59-fold increase in plasma free T3, 8.65-fold increase in free T4, and 3.59-fold decrease in TSH levels in H+E group in comparison with H group. Treatment with the extract ameliorated hypercholesterolemia, decreased levels of plasma C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor alpha, suppressed tissue oxidative stress and prevented hepatic and renal damage caused due to thyroid hormone depletion in the H+E group. Pentacyclic triterpenes alpha and beta amyrins were identified and quantified in the extract. Conclusions: This is the first study to reveal that C. pictus extract has therapeutic potential to restore thyroid hormone levels and prevent the biochemical complications due to thyroid hormone insufficiency in the animal model of experimental hypothyroidism. Summary: The preventive effect of Costus pictus leaf extract in experimental hypothyroidism was evaluated in the present study.Hypothyroidism was induced in the experimental animals by giving 0.05% propylthiouracil in drinking water.Hypothyroid rats exhibited dramatic increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels with concomitant depletion in the levels of thyroid hormones.Treatment with Costus pictus leaf extract in hypothyroid rats significantly improved the thyroid profile. It also ameliorated hypercholesterolemia, decreased the levels of plasma inflammatory markers, suppressed tissue oxidative stress and prevented hepatic and renal damage caused due to thyroid hormone depletion.The possible active principles alpha and beta amyrins were identified and quantified in the extract through LC-MS. Abbreviations Used: APCI: Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization; AST: Aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: Alanine aminotransferase; C group: Control group; C+E group: Control+extract group; C. pictus: Costus pictus; CRP: C-reactive protein; DPPH: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl; FRAP: Ferric reducing antioxidant power; HDL: High-density lipoprotein; H group: Hypothyroid group; H+E group: Hypothyroid+extract group; LDL: Low-density lipoprotein; LC-MS: Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; MDA: Malondialdehyde; PTU: 6-Propyl-2-thiouracil; SRM: Single reaction monitoring; TSH: Thyroid-stimulating hormone; TPTZ: 2,4,6-tri-(2-pyridyl)-5-triazine; TBA: 2-Thiobarbituric acid; TG: Triglyceride; TNFα: Tumor necrosis factor alpha; TAS: Total antioxidant status.
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© 2017 Pharmacognosy Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 51
Insulin Plant(Costus pictus) Extract Restores Thyroid Hormone
Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism
S. Ashwini, Zachariah Bobby, M. G. Sridhar, C. C. Cleetus
Department of Biochemistry, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry, India
Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate the preventive
effect of Costus pictus leaf extract in experimental hypothyroidism.
Materials and Methods: Forty male Wistar rats were randomly divided
into four groups with ten rats in each group: Control(C), hypothyroid(H),
control+extract (C+E), and hypothyroid+extract (H+E). Rats in C group
did not receive any intervention throughout the experimental period. The
rats in the C+E and H+E groups received pretreatment with C.pictus leaf
extract for 4weeks. Subsequently, for the next 6weeks, rats in the H
group received 0.05% propylthiouracil in drinking water while C+E group
received C.pictus leaf extract and H+E group received propyl thiouracil and
C.pictus leaf extract. Results: Hypothyroid group rats exhibited dramatic
increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels with concomitant
depletion in the levels of thyroid hormones. Treatment with the extract
resulted in remarkable improvement in thyroid prole. Extract produced
10.59-fold increase in plasma free T3, 8.65-fold increase in free T4, and
3.59-fold decrease in TSH levels in H+E group in comparison with H group.
Treatment with the extract ameliorated hypercholesterolemia, decreased
levels of plasma C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor alpha,
suppressed tissue oxidative stress and prevented hepatic and renal damage
caused due to thyroid hormone depletion in the H+E group. Pentacyclic
triterpenes alpha and beta amyrins were identied and quantied in the
extract. Conclusions: This is the rst study to reveal that C.pictus extract
has therapeutic potential to restore thyroid hormone levels and prevent
the biochemical complications due to thyroid hormone insufciency in the
animal model of experimental hypothyroidism.
Key words: Costus pictus, hypothyroidism, insulin plant, propylthiouracil,
thyroid hormones
•  The preventive effect of Costus pictus leaf extract in experimental hypothy-
roidism was evaluated in the present study.
•  Hypothyroidism was induced in the experimental animals by giving 0.05%
propylthiouracil in drinking water.
•  Hypothyroid rats exhibited dramatic increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) levels with concomitant depletion in the levels of thyroid hormones.
•  Treatment with Costus pictus leaf extract in hypothyroid rats signicantly
improved the thyroid prole. It also ameliorated hypercholesterolemia, de-
creased the levels of plasma inammatory markers, suppressed tissue oxida-
tive stress and prevented hepatic and renal damage caused due to thyroid
hormone depletion.
•  The possible active principles alpha and beta amyrins were identied and
quantied in the extract through LC-MS.
Abbreviations Used: APCI: Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization;
AST: Aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: Alanine aminotransferase; C group:
Control group; C+E group: Control+extract group; C. pictus: Costus
pictus; CRP: C-reactive protein; DPPH: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl;
FRAP: Ferric reducing antioxidant power; HDL: High-density lipoprotein;
H group: Hypothyroid group; H+E group: Hypothyroid+extract group;
LDL: Low-density lipoprotein; LC-MS: Liquid chromatography–mass
spectrometry; MDA: Malondialdehyde; PTU: 6-Propyl-2-thiouracil;
SRM: Single reaction monitoring; TSH: Thyroid-stimulating hormone;
TPTZ: 2,4,6-tri-(2-pyridyl)-5-triazine; TBA: 2–Thiobarbituric acid;
TG: Triglyceride; TNFα: Tumor necrosis factor
alpha; TAS: Total antioxidant status
Dr.Zachariah Bobby,
Department of Biochemistry,
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate
Medical Education and Research,
Puducherry-605006, India.
DOI: 10.4103/0974-8490.199766
Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine diseases.
In the general population, the major cause for hypothyroidism is
autoimmune thyroiditis. It is characterized by decreased serum levels
of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and elevated thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH).[1] e current mode of treatment for hypothyroidism
is levothyroxine replacement therapy. However, there are certain
limitations associated with levothyroxine replacement therapy. Recent
studies have reported that a signicant number of hypothyroid
patients on levothyroxine replacement therapy experience decreased
neurocognitive function and lead poorer quality of life despite being
biochemically euthyroid.[2,3] Clinically, it has been observed that
since levothyroxine replacement therapy requires lifelong treatment,
it associated with poor compliance in some patients.[4] Hence, there
is an urgent need for more eective therapeutic strategies to treat
Recently, there has been renewed interest in the use of medicinal
plants and their bioactive constituents in the treatment of endocrine
diseases.[5] Costus pictus is one such medicinal plant belonging to the
family of Costaceae. It is commonly known as insulin plant. It is grown
in various parts of India.[6,7] e leaf of this plant is being consumed
by diabetic patients to control their blood glucose levels. Leaf extract
Pharmacogn. Res.
A multifaceted peer reviewed journal in the eld of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products|
Cite this article as: Ashwini S, Bobby Z, Sridhar MG, Cleetus CC. Insulin
Plant (Costus pictus) extract restores thyroid hormone levels in experimental
hypothyroidism. Phcog Res 2017;9:51-9.
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S. ASHWINI, et al.: Insulin Plant Restores yroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism
52 Pharmacognosy Research, Volume 9, Issue 1, January‑March, 2017
of C.pictus can stimulate insulin secretion,[8] can regenerate beta cells
of the pancreas,[9] and has potent antidiabetic activity as evident from
experiments carried out in animal models.[9-12]
Although the antidiabetic eect of C.pictus has been well documented,
the eect of C. pictus extract on thyroid function has not been
explored so far. It has been reported that pentacyclic triterpenes such
as betulinic acid ameliorate experimental hypothyroidism.[13] We
hypothesized that C. pictus extract containing pentacyclic triterpenes
could exert benecial eect in alleviating hypothyroidism. To the best
of our knowledge, this is the rst study to investigate the eect of C.
pictus extract on hypothyroidism. In the present study, the ability of
this plant extract to ameliorate hypothyroidism was studied in propyl
thiouracil(PTU)-induced hypothyroid rat model.
PTU, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) and 2,4,6-tri-(2-pyridyl)-
5-triazine, 2–thiobarbituric acid, alpha-amyrin, and beta-amyrin were
of molecular grade purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (USA). All other
chemicals used were of analytical grade obtained from SRL(India).
Plant material
Fresh leaves of C. pictus were obtained from plants cultivated by the
Department of Horticulture, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate
Medical Education and Research(JIPMER), Puducherry. e identity
of the plant was conrmed by the Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore
(Authentication Certicate No. BSI/SRC/5/23/2011-12/Tech/630 dated
July 25, 2011).
Preparation of Costus pictus extract
Fresh leaves of C. pictus were shade-dried, powdered and extracted
overnight with 80% methanol as solvent in a shaker. e solvent was
evaporated to dryness using rotational vacuum concentrator(Martin
Christ, Germany) and the nal residue was lyophilized using
lyophilizer(Martin Christ, Germany).
Ferric reducing antioxidant power assay
Ferric reducing antioxidant power(FRAP) assay was carried out based on
the method described by Benzie and Strain.[14] e antioxidant capacity of C.
pictus extract was measured based on the ability to reduce Fe(III)-tripyridyl
triazine compound to Fe(II)-tripyridyl triazine compound. Ten microliters
of C.pictus extract at dierent concentrations was added to 300 µl of FRAP
reagent and thoroughly mixed. e reaction mixture was incubated at 37°C
for 4min. e increase in absorbance at 593 nm was measured. Astandard
curve was generated using dierent concentrations of FeSO4 solutions. e
antioxidant capacity of C.pictus extract was expressed as mmol of ferrous
equivalent Fe(II) per gram of the sample.
2,2‑Diphenyl‑1‑picrylhydrazyl scavenging assay
DPPH assay was carried out based on the method described by
Brand-Williams etal.[15] e free radical scavenging activity of C. pictus
extract was determined from the bleaching of purple-colored methanolic
solution DDPH. Hundred microliters of 0.5 mM freshly prepared DPPH
ethanol solution was added to 100 µL of sample solution in 50% ethanol
at dierent concentrations. e mixture was shaken vigorously and
incubated for 30min in the dark at room temperature. e absorbance
of each reaction mixture was measured at 517 nm. Lower absorbance
of the reaction mixture indicates higher free radical scavenging activity.
e concentration of the extract that scavenges 50% of DPPH(IC50) was
Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
analysis of Costus pictus extract
e experiment was carried out using an Agilent 1290 Innity
ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Shim-pack
XR-ODSIII C18 column was used(dimension: 150 mm×2 mm internal
diameter; particle size: 2 µm). e column oven temperature was 40°C.
e mobile Phase A was 10 mM ammonium acetate in water and mobile
Phase B was methanol. e mobile phase was used in gradient mode
as follows: 0–3min: 50% B, 3–5min: 50–100% B, 5–25min: 100% B,
25–25.1min: 100–50% B, 25.1–30min: 50% B. e ow rate was 0.2
ml/min. e run time was 30min. For detection and quantication,
HPLC system was coupled with a ermo Fisher TSQ Vantage triple
quadrupole mass spectrometer, operated with atmospheric pressure
chemical ionization positive. e discharge current was 4 µA. e
vaporizer temperature was 300°C. e sheath gas and auxiliary(Aux)
gas used were nitrogen. Sheath gas ow rate was 25 Arb. Aux gas ow
rate was 15 Arb. e analysis mode was single reaction monitoring
Animal experiments
e study was conducted in the Department of Biochemistry, JIPMER,
Puducherry, India, aer obtaining approval from the institutional animal
ethics and scientic advisory committees.
Five-month-old male Wistar rats were obtained from the institute
central animal house and maintained in polycarbonate cages
under a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle with the standard laboratory rat
chow(35% carbohydrate, 25% proteins, 7% lipids, and 3% vitamins
and minerals) and water available ad libitum. Totally, forty rats were
randomized into four groups with ten rats in each group. To induce
experimental hypothyroidism, 0.05% propylthiouracil was given
in drinking water for 6weeks, which is a well-accepted method for
induction of hypothyroidism in experimental animals.[16-18] C. pictus
extract was given at a dose of 150 mg/kg body weight/day through
oral gavage.[9] is dose was xed based on our pilot study conducted
with dierent doses and results of previously reported toxicity
studies on this plant extract.[19,20] e total duration of the study was
10weeks–rst 4weeks was considered to be Phase 1 and next 6weeks
was considered to be Phase 2. e disease condition was induced in
Phase 2(Group2 and Group4). In the groups that received C.pictus
extract treatment(Group 3 and Group4), this extract was given in
Phase 1(pretreatment) and Phase 2(co-treatment) as our aim was to
see the preventive eect of this extract.
e four groups are as follows:
• Group1:Control(C)–nointerventioninbothPhases1and2
• Group2:Hypothyroid(H)–nointerventioninPhase1and0.05%
propylthiouracil(PTU) in drinking water in Phase 2
• Group3:Control+extract(C+E)–interventionofC.pictus extract
was given in both Phases 1 and 2
• Group4: Hypothyroid+extract (H+E)–C. pictus extract was
given in Phase 1 and 0.05% propylthiouracil(PTU) in drinking
water+C.pictus extract in Phase 2.
Sample collection
Blood samples were collected at the beginning and end of the study.
Plasma was separated and used for the estimation of thyroid prole,
biochemical parameters, and inammatory markers. Body weight, food
intake, and water intake were measured periodically. At the end of the
experimental period of 10 weeks, the animals were sacriced under
anesthesia; liver and kidney tissues were excised, snap frozen in liquid
nitrogen and stored at−80°C for subsequent analysis.
S. ASHWINI, et al.: Insulin Plant Restores yroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism
Pharmacognosy Research, Volume 9, Issue 1, January‑March, 2017 53
Thyroid prole
Plasma free T3, free T4 and TSH were measured using rat-specic ELISA
kits from CUSABIO, Japan. e intra-assay precision and inter-assay
precision for these kits were<15%(precision details were provided by
the manufacturer in the kit).
Measurement of free T3 and free T4 was based on competitive inhibition
enzyme immunoassay technique. For estimation of FT3, standards and
samples were added to microtiter plates precoated with antibody specic
to FT3. en, biotin-conjugated FT3 was added to the microtiter plates.
FT3 present in the sample or standard competed with biotin-conjugated
FT3 to bind to the antibody present in the microtiter plates. Aer a
washing step, avidin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was
added to the wells. is was followed by addition of substrate. Finally,
the color developed was inversely proportional to the amount of FT3
in the sample/standard. Measurement of FT4 was similar to FT3 except
that microtiter plates were precoated with antibody specic to FT4 and
biotin-conjugated FT4 was added to the microtiter plates.
Measurement of TSH was based on quantitative sandwich enzyme
immunoassay technique. Here, antibody specic to TSH was precoated
onto microtiter plates. en, standards and samples were added to the
wells with HRP-conjugated antibody specic for TSH. Following a wash
step, substrate was added to the wells. e color developed was directly
proportional to the amount of TSH present in the sample/standard.
Lipid prole
e following biochemical parameters were analyzed in fasting plasma
sample using a fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer (AU-400,
OLYMPUS, Essex, UK). Total cholesterol was measured using
cholesterol oxidase–peroxidase method(Genuine Bio-systems, Chennai,
India), triglycerides (TGs) using an enzymatic glycerol phosphate
oxidase–peroxidase method (Agappe Diagnostics, Kerala, India), and
high-density lipoprotein(HDL) cholesterol by the cholesterol oxidase–
peroxidase method(Lab-Care Diagnostics, Mumbai, India). Low-density
lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol in plasma was calculated using Friedwald
Glucose tolerance
Glucose tolerance was assessed by method described by Yuan etal.[22]
Blood samples were collected from the rats aer they were maintained
in a fasting state overnight(15 h). Rats were then injected 2.0 g/kg body
weight of glucose(in 1.5 ml saline) intraperitoneally. Blood samples were
collected 2 h aer glucose injection. Plasma glucose was estimated by
the glucose oxidase–peroxidase method(Reckon Diagnostics, Vadodara,
India) in a fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer (AU-400,
OLYMPUS, Essex, UK).
Liver and kidney function tests
e following parameters were analyzed in plasma sample in a fully
automated clinical chemistry analyzer (AU-400, OLYMPUS, Essex,
UK) using diagnostic kits purchased from Pathozyme, Kolhapur, India.
Total protein was estimated using biuret method, albumin by modied
bromocresol green method, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and
alanine aminotransferase(ALT) by modied International Federation
of Clinical Chemistry method. Urea was estimated by urease-glutamate
dehydrogenase method and creatinine by modied Jaes method.
Assessment of inammatory markers
Inammatory response was assessed by measuring plasma levels of
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor
alpha(TNFα). CRP was measured using sandwich ELISA(Immunology
Consultants Laboratory, Newberg, OR, USA). e microtiter plates
were precoated with anti-CRP antibodies. e samples and standards
were added to these microtiter plates. CRP present in the sample was
bound to the anti-CRP antibody in the microtiter plates. e unbound
proteins were removed by washing. en, HRP-conjugated anti-CRP
antibodies were added. is was followed by addition of the substrate
3,3’5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) to detect the bound HRP
conjugate. Finally, the concentration of CRP was determined from the
standard curve.
TNFα was measured using solid phase sandwich ELISA (Diaclone
SAS, Besançon, France). Samples and standards were added to
antibody-coated microtiter wells. Biotinylated polyclonal antibody
specic for rat TNFα was simultaneously added and incubated. Aer
washing, the enzyme–streptavidin–peroxidase was added and nally
bound enzyme was detected using the chromogenic substrate TMB. e
TNFα in each sample was determined from the standard curve.
Assessment of hepatic and renal oxidative stress
Liver and kidney tissues were homogenized using 0.1 M ice-cold
Tris-HCI buer(pH7.5). e homogenate was centrifuged at 14,000×g
for 15 min at 4°C. e supernatant was used for the estimation of
malondialdehyde (MDA) and total antioxidant status(TAS) levels. MDA
was measured according to the method described by Ohkawa etal.[23]
TAS was estimated through FRAP assay.[14] Protein content in the liver
and kidney homogenate was estimated by the method of Lowry etal.[24]
Statistical analyses
All values were expressed as mean±standard deviation. e dierence
in mean values among the groups was analyzed using one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni post hoc test for anthropometric
parameters, tissue oxidative stress markers and plasma inammatory
markers. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni post
hoc test was used for the analyses of rest of the parameters. All the
analyses were carried out using PRISM 5 soware(GraphPad Soware,
San Diego, CA, USA, []). A P < 0.05 was
considered statistically signicant.
Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
analysis of Costus pictus extract
We explored for the presence of pentacyclic triterpenes in C. pictus
extract. It was found that C.pictus extract contains pentacyclic triterpenes,
namely alpha and beta amyrins [Table 1 and Figures 1,2]. It contains
0.45 ng of alpha-amyrin/mg of extract and 1.29 ng of beta-amyrin/mg
of extract.
Table1: Liquid chromatography‑mass spectrometry analysis of triterpenes in Costus pictus extract
Molar mass
Mode of
Amount present
(ng/mg of extract)
Alpha amyrin 426.72 23.5 APCI+ve 409 271.246 SRM 0.45
Beta amyrin 426.72 22.3 APCI+ve 409 271.246 SRM 1.29
standard for terpenes)
270.36 7.02 APCI+ve 271.2 159.1 SRM
APCI: Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization; SRM: Single reaction monitoring
S. ASHWINI, et al.: Insulin Plant Restores yroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism
54 Pharmacognosy Research, Volume 9, Issue 1, January‑March, 2017
2,2‑diphenyl‑1‑picrylhydrazyl assay
e IC50 value of C. pictus extract for DPPH assay was found to be
38.82±1.26 µg/ml. e IC50 value of positive control ascorbic acid was
found to be 6.73±0.15 µg/ml.
Ferric reducing antioxidant power assay
Antioxidant capacity of C. pictus extract as assessed by FRAP assay was
found to be 2.98±0.03 mmol Fe2+/g and that of positive control ascorbic
acid was found to be 18.76±0.38 mmol Fe2+/g.
Body weight, food intake and water intake
e results of body weight, food intake and water intake is shown in
[Table 2]. In comparison with control, PTU-induced hypothyroid rats
exhibited a signicant decrease in body weight. In comparison with
hypothyroid group, the decrease in body weight was partially prevented
in hypothyroid+extract group. In control+extract group, the body weight
was similar to control group.
e amount of food and water intake was markedly reduced in the
hypothyroid group in comparison with control. It was signicantly
improved in hypothyroid+extract group. e food intake and water
intake were found to be normal in control+extract group.
Thyroid prole
At the beginning of the study, all the groups showed normal thyroid
profile. At the end of the study in hypothyroid group, plasma free
T3 and free T4 levels were decreased 19.92-fold and 15.43-fold,
respectively, and TSH was increased 15.64-fold in comparison with
control [Table 3]. This indicates that a state of severe hypothyroidism
was successfully induced in the experimental animals. Hypothyroid
rats treated with C. pictus extract (hypothyroid+extract group)
exhibited a remarkable improvement in thyroid profile. In
hypothyroid+extract group, plasma free T3 and free T4 levels
were elevated by 10.59-fold and 8.65-fold, respectively, and further
plasma TSH was decreased by 3.59-fold in comparison with
hypothyroid group. These results clearly demonstrate that C.pictus
Table2: Body weight, food intake and uid intake of the experimental
Groups Final body
Food intake
Fluid intake
Control 328.8±4.34 16.48±1.19 31.96±1.47
Hypothyroid 270.4±5.08a12.37±1.26a18.6±3.12a
Control + extract 324.9±4.68b16.22±1.17b32.2±1.34b
Hypothyroid + extract 297.7±7.32a,b 14.92±1.15a,b 25.16±1.94a,b
Values are expressed as mean±SD. n=10/group. Dierences between the groups
were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test. aP<0.05
in comparison to control group; bP<0.05 in comparison to hypothyroid group.
SD: Standard deviation; ANOVA: Analysis of variance
Table3: Eect of Costus pictus extract on thyroid prole in the experimental groups
Parameter Time period Control Hypothyroid Control + extract Hypothyroid + extract
Free T3(pMol/L) End 4.78±0.49 0.25±0.05ax 5.18±0.23a,b,x 2.55±0.21a,b,x
Basal 4.75±0.42 4.77±0.40 4.73±0.47 4.71±0.49
Free T4(pMol/L) End 18.85±2.20 1.29±0.31a,x 21.06±2.34a,b,x 10.53±0.82a,b,x
Basal 18.76±2.27 19.09±2.18 18.88±2.14 18.71±2.09
TSH(µIU/ml) End 1.75±0.27 26.83±1.38a,x 1.69±0.24b7.52±0.53a,b,x
Basal 1.76±0.30 1.72±0.25 1.77±0.26 1.75±0.26
Values are expressed as mean±SD. n=10/group. Dierences between the groups were analyzed using two-way repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc
test. aP<0.05 in comparison to control group of the same period; bP<0.05 in comparison to hypothyroid group of the same period; xP<0.05 in comparison to basal
values of the same group. SD: Standard deviation; ANOVA: Analysis of variance; TSH: yroid stimulating hormone; Free T3: Free triiodothyronine; Free T4: Free
extract has therapeutic potential to restore thyroid hormone levels in
experimental hypothyroidism.
Control rats administered with C.pictus extract(control+extract group)
showed a small increase in plasma free T3 and free T4, and this increase
was statistically signicant in comparison with control. However, no
signicant dierence was seen in plasma TSH levels between control and
control+extract groups.
Glucose tolerance
At the end of the study, there was no signicant dierence in fasting
plasma glucose in hypothyroid group; however, 2 h postglucose load
value was signicantly elevated in this group in comparison with control
group [Table 4]. Treatment with the extract brought back the elevated
2 h postglucose load value to normal levels in hypothyroid+extract
group. Administration of the extract to control rats(control+extract
group) resulted in normal fasting and 2 h postglucose load levels. Unlike
currently used hypoglycemic drugs, administration of C.pictus extract
Figure 1: High‑performance liquid chromatography chromatogram
of (a) estrone (Internal standard for analysis of terpenes) (b) Costus
pictus extract
S. ASHWINI, et al.: Insulin Plant Restores yroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism
Pharmacognosy Research, Volume 9, Issue 1, January‑March, 2017 55
Table4: Eect of Costus pictus extract on glucose and lipid prole in the experimental groups
Parameter Time period Control Hypothyroid Control + extract Hypothyroid + extract
Fasting glucose(mg/dl) End 76.2±7.93 81.2±15.77 74.3±7.01 78.4±8.88
Basal 73.4±7.88 72.3±7.83 75.6±5.93 74.5±6.13
2 h postglucose load values during IPGTT
End 113.8±12.09 148.9±19.68a,x 110.3±8.96b119.5±11.37b
Basal 115.8±13.64 119.8±11.18 116.2±14.61 114.2±11.41
Total cholesterol(mg/dl) End 61.6±5.66 88.2±4.69a,x 63.2±4.96b68.8±5.90a,b
Basal 61.2±5.41 62.1±4.48 61.6±4.06 63.2±6.49
LDL cholesterol(mg/dL) End 17.5±4.44 47.9±5.36a,x 19.2±7.87b26.9±7.78a,b,x
Basal 18.2±6.11 18.7±5.14 18.9±6.10 18.6±4.75
HDL cholesterol(mg/dL) End 27.1±3.84 24.1±4.56 27.5±4.06 26.1±4.63
Basal 26.7±3.53 27.0±4.67 26.2±4.26 28.1±4.65
TG(mg/dl) End 84.8±6.80 79.1±7.06 82.6±6.29 79.7±6.11
Basal 81.5±7.60 82.2±6.56 82.4±7.55 82.3±5.42
Values are expressed as mean±SD. n=10/group. Dierences between the groups were analyzed using two-way repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni post
hoc test. aP<0.05 in comparison to control group of the same period; bP<0.05 in comparison to hypothyroid group of the same period; xP<0.05 in comparison to
basal values of the same group. TG: Triglyceride; LDL: Low-density lipoprotein; HDL: High-density lipoprotein; IPGTT: Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test;
SD: Standard deviation; ANOVA: Analysis of variance
Figure2: Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry spectrum of alpha‑amyrin and beta‑amyrin
S. ASHWINI, et al.: Insulin Plant Restores yroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism
56 Pharmacognosy Research, Volume 9, Issue 1, January‑March, 2017
to normal control rats did not result in hypoglycemia, but it maintained
the glucose levels.
Lipid prole
Hypothyroid group showed a profound elevation in both total
cholesterol (1.4-fold increase) and LDL-cholesterol(2.8-fold increase) in
comparison with control at the end of the study [Table 4]. In comparison
with hypothyroid group, hypothyroid+extract group exhibited a marked
reduction in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol by 1.3-fold and
1.9-fold, respectively. However, there was no signicant dierence seen
in plasma TG and HDL cholesterol levels in hypothyroid group at the
end of the study.
Liver and kidney function tests
e results of liver and kidney function tests is shown in [Table 5]. At the
beginning of the study, all the experimental groups exhibited normal liver
and kidney functions. At the end of the study, plasma AST levels were
found to be signicantly increased in hypothyroid rats in comparison
with control and treatment with extract prevented the increase in AST
levels. ere was no signicant dierence seen in plasma ALT, total
protein, and albumin levels between the experimental groups.
Plasma urea and creatinine levels were elevated in the hypothyroid group
in comparison with control. In hypothyroid+extract group, plasma urea
and creatinine levels were signicantly decreased in comparison to
hypothyroid group.
ese results demonstrate that hypothyroid rats exhibited impairment
in hepatic and renal function; treatment with C.pictus extract partially
prevented hepatic and renal damage as indicated by AST, urea, and
creatinine levels.
Inammatory markers
In comparison with control, hypothyroid group showed a drastic increase
in plasma TNFα and CRP levels by 4.21-fold and 1.46-fold, respectively.
Treatment with the extract signicantly attenuated the increase in TNFα
and CRP in hypothyroid+extract group in comparison with hypothyroid
group [Figures 3 and 4].
Hepatic and renal oxidative stress markers
In both liver and kidney tissues, hypothyroid rats displayed signicant
elevation in MDA levels and signicant reduction in TAS levels in
comparison with control [Figures 5 and 6]. In hypothyroid+extract
group, the lipid peroxidation was found to be suppressed as indicated
by decrease in MDA levels; in addition, TAS levels were enhanced in
comparison with hypothyroid group. MDA and TAS levels were found
Table5: Eect of Costus pictus extract on parameters of liver and kidney function in the experimental groups
Parameter Time period Control Hypothyroid Control + extract Hypothyroid + extract
AST(U/L) End 85.4±2.76 102.8±4.66a,x 87.1±2.81b89.4±3.75a,b,x
Basal 86.7±3.06 83.2±3.49 85.2±3.58 84.8±2.90
ALT(U/L) End 50.5±3.31 54.2±4.49 52.2±3.77 52.1±3.48
Basal 49.7±4.27 51.8±4.49 51.5±4.14 50.1±4.75
Total protein(g/dl) End 7.3±0.32 7.21±0.28 7.42±0.35 7.33±0.36
Basal 7.32±0.25 7.26±0.30 7.34±0.33 7.29±0.24
Albumin(g/dl) End 3.26±0.27 3.23±0.20 3.36±0.32 3.3±0.30
Basal 3.23±0.22 3.24±0.24 3.32±0.23 3.41±0.33
Urea(mg/dL) End 24.2±3.82 43.5±7a,x 25.3±4.14b31.5±3.72a,b,x
Basal 24.6±3.34 25.1±3.21 26±4.16 24.6±3.86
Creatinine(mg/dL) End 0.52±0.10 1.03±0.25a,x 0.50±0.11b0.68±0.12a,b,x
Basal 0.52±0.09 0.51±0.12 0.49±0.10 0.51±0.10
Values are expressed as mean±SD. n=10/group. Dierences between the groups were analyzed using two-way repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc
test. aP<0.05 in comparison to control group of the same period; bP<0.05 in comparison to hypothyroid group of the same period; xP<0.05 in comparison to basal
values of the same group. AST: Aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: Alanine aminotransferase; SD: Standard deviation; ANOVA: Analysis of variance
to be similar between control group and control+extract group. To
summarize the results, treatment with extract ameliorated hepatic and
renal oxidative stress seen in hypothyroid rats.
e present study was conducted to evaluate the eect of C.pictus extract
in experimental hypothyroidism. Severe hypothyroidism was induced
in rats by administration of 0.05% PTU in drinking water for 6weeks.
Plasma levels of free T3 and free T4 were signicantly decreased and TSH
levels were dramatically increased in hypothyroid group. is conrmed
the successful induction of hypothyroidism in the experimental groups
under study. PTU is a reversible goitrogen. It induces hypothyroidism
by inhibiting crucial enzymes required for thyroid hormone synthesis,
namely thyroperoxidase and peripheral deiodinase.[25] Inhibition of
these enzymes impairs the iodination of tyrosyl residues and coupling
of iodotyrosyl residues to form iodothyronine.[26,27] Treatment with the
extract in hypothyroid+extract group produced 10.59-fold increase in
plasma free T3, 8.65-fold increase in free T4, and 3.59-fold decrease in
TSH in comparison with hypothyroid group. Since PTU is a reversible
goitrogen, withdrawal of PTU can restore the levels of thyroid hormones.
Hence, the experiment was designed such that in H+E group aer Phase
Plasma TNF alpha levels (pg/ml)
Figure3: Eect of Costus pictus extract on plasma tumor necrosis factor
alpha levels measured at the end of the study. Dierences between the
groups were analyzed using one‑way analysis of variance with Bonferroni
post hoc test. a= P < 0.05 in comparison to control group, b=P < 0.05
in comparison to hypothyroid group; C: Control group; H: Hypothyroid
group; C+E: Control+extract group; H+E: Hypothyroid+extract group
S. ASHWINI, et al.: Insulin Plant Restores yroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism
Pharmacognosy Research, Volume 9, Issue 1, January‑March, 2017 57
1 (period of pretreatment with C. pictus extract), in Phase 2 along
with the C. pictus extract PTU administration was continued until
the end. Animals in hypothyroid+extract group showed a signicant
improvement in thyroid prole despite continued PTU administration
in Phase 2. ese results prove that C. pictus extract has therapeutic
potential in improving the thyroid hormone levels in experimental
is is the rst study to reveal the eect of C.pictus extract in ameliorating
hypothyroidism. It is possible that C. pictus extract upregulates the
expression of key enzymes involved in thyroid hormone synthesis,
namely thyroperoxidase and 5’deiodinase, or increases the activity
of these enzymes, thereby stimulating the thyroid gland to secrete
thyroid hormones. However, the possibility that the reason for the
improvement in thyroid prole in C.pictus extract treated hypothyroid
rats due to antagonizing eect of C. pictus extract on PTU cannot be
excluded. To conclusively prove the aforementioned mechanism,
further investigations on expression and activity of thyroperoxidase and
5’deiodinase in the thyroid gland and metabolism of PTU on treatment
with C.pictus extract needs to be carried out.
Previous studies have shown that C.pictus extract has good antioxidant
property.[28] Our ndings are in agreement with these studies as indicated
by the results of DDPH assay, FRAP assay, tissue MDA and TAS.
C.pictus extract also showed good anti-inammatory eect. We found
that administration of C. pictus extract signicantly reduced plasma
TNF-α and CRP levels in hypothyroid rats. C. pictus extract, being a
good antioxidant and anti-inammatory agent, could help to repair the
damage caused by PTU in the thyroid gland.
It has been reported in previous studies that pentacyclic triterpenes
such as betulinic acid alleviates experimental hypothyroidism. It
reduces TSH levels and improves T3 and T4 levels in PTU-induced
hypothyroid rats.[13] Hence, we explored for the presence of similar
pentacyclic triterpenes in C. pictus extract. We found that C. pictus
extract contains alpha and beta amyrins both of which belong to the
family of pentacyclic triterpenes. Alpha and beta amyrins possess potent
anti-inammatory, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, and anti-nociceptive
eects.[29-32] Further, it has been reported that alpha and beta amyrins
inhibit nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kβ) activation.[33] Betulinic acid
alleviates experimental hypothyroidism by preventing the activation of
NF-kβ. Activation of NF-kβ interferes with T3-dependent induction of
5’-Deiodinase gene expression, leading to impairment in the production
of thyroid hormones.[34,35] Since alpha and beta amyrins in C. pictus
extract are also pentacyclic triterpenes, structurally similar to betulinic
acid and inhibit NF-kβ activation, it is possible that amyrins ameliorate
experimental hypothyroidism through similar mechanism.
Plethora of human and animal studies have proved that hypothyroidism
is associated with elevated plasma total cholesterol levels.[36-39] It
has been reported that PTU-induced hypothyroid rats exhibited
hypercholesterolemia with no signicant increase in plasma TG
levels.[40,41] Our results are in agreement with these studies. In the
present study, treatment with C.pictus extract resulted in remarkable
reduction in total cholesterol as well as LDL-cholesterol levels in
hypothyroid rats. Hypocholesterolemic eect of C.pictus extract could
be attributed to the presence of pentacyclic triterpenes such as alpha
and beta amyrins in the extract. Santos etal. have shown that alpha and
beta amyrins exert potential antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic
eects.[42] It has been reported that pentacyclic triterpenes possess
hypolipidemic eect by downregulation of lipogenic genes such as acety
l-CoA carboxylase, stearoyl-CoA desaturase 2, glycerol-3-phosphate
acyltransferase, and acyl-CoA cholesterol acyltransferase.[43,44]
C.pictus extract could alleviate hypercholesterolemia in PTU-induced
hypothyroid rats through similar mechanism. We have reported in our
earlier studies with C.pictus extract that it contains signicant amount
of phenolic compounds and avonoids.[45] Apart from amyrins,
phenolic compounds and avonoids could also be responsible for the
hypolipidemic activity exhibited by C. pictus extract in hypothyroid
Liver and kidney are important target organs of thyroid hormones.
Hypothyroidism leads to perturbed liver and kidney function.[46,47]
In the present study, plasma levels of AST, urea and creatinine were
signicantly elevated in hypothyroid rats. Plasma ALT level showed an
increase, but it was not signicant. e increase in levels of transaminases
in hypothyroidism is due to inadequate levels of thyroid hormones and
decreased hepatic clearance.[47] e raise in plasma urea and creatinine
levels in hypothyroid rats is due to reduced glomerular ltration rate
and decreased tubular secretion of creatinine.[46,48] In the present study,
Plasma CRP levels (µg/ml)
Figure 4: Eect of Costus pictus extract on plasma C‑reactive protein
levels measured at the end of the study. Dierences between the groups
were analyzed using one‑way analysis of variance with Bonferroni post
hoc test. a =P < 0.05 in comparison to control group, b=P < 0.05 in
comparison to hypothyroid group; C: Control group; H: Hypothyroid
group; C+E: Control+extract group; H+E: Hypothyroid+extract group
Tissue MDA (µMol/mg of protein)
Figure 5: Eect of Costus pictus extract on tissue malondialdehyde
levels measured at the end of the study. Dierences between the groups
were analyzed using one‑way analysis of variance with Bonferroni post
hoc test. a = P < 0.05 in comparison to control group of liver tissue,
b=P < 0.05 in comparison to hypothyroid group of liver tissue, u=P < 0.05
in comparison to control group of kidney tissue, v=P < 0.05 in comparison
to hypothyroid group of kidney tissue; C: Control group; H: Hypothyroid
group; C+E: Control+extract group; H+E: Hypothyroid+extract group
S. ASHWINI, et al.: Insulin Plant Restores yroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism
58 Pharmacognosy Research, Volume 9, Issue 1, January‑March, 2017
it was observed that oxidative stress was seen in the liver and kidney
tissues of hypothyroid rats as indicated by increased MDA and decreased
TAS in these rats. e presence of oxidative stress further augments the
hepatic and renal damage caused due to thyroid hormone insuciency.
Treatment with C. pictus extract signicantly decreased the levels of
AST, urea and creatinine in hypothyroid rats compared to untreated
group, further hepatic and renal oxidative stress were also found to be
decreased on treatment with extract. Previous studies have suggested that
exogenous antioxidants can alleviate hepatic and renal damage caused
in experimental hypothyroidism.[49-52] e protective eect of C.pictus
extract against hypothyroidism-induced kidney and liver damage could
be attributed to its antioxidant eect and its ability to restore thyroid
hormone levels.
In the present study, we found that body weight, food intake and water
intake were signicantly reduced in hypothyroid rats. ese results are
in line with earlier studies.[16,17,51] e reduction in water intake is due to
impaired ability to excrete water load in hypothyroidism.[53] e reduction
in food intake could be due to impairment in energy metabolic process
and decrease in basal metabolic rate as reported by previous studies.[54,55]
Treatment with C.pictus extract improved both food and water intake.
e benecial eect exhibited by the extract on the aforementioned
anthropometric parameters is mainly due to improvement in thyroid
prole caused by the extract. Although induction of hypothyroidism by
PTU is a well-accepted method of creating hypothyroidism in experimental
animals, it is still associated with certain limitations. is model fails
to produce increase in body weight as seen in human hypothyroidism.
is has been reported in earlier studies.[16,17,51] We have also observed
the same in our study. Despite this limitation, this model is still used
worldwide till date because PTU-induced hypothyroid rat model mimics
most of the main features of human hypothyroidism. yroidectomized
hypothyroid model was not used because in thyroidectomized rats there
is danger of removal of associated parathyroid glands resulting in tetany.
Although this is the rst study to report the benecial eect of C.pictus on
PTU-induced hypothyroidism, the exact mechanism at molecular level
has not been explored in the same. Further investigations at molecular
level are needed to conclusively prove the exact mechanism by which
C.pictus extract exerts its benecial eect with respect to thyroid prole
in experimental hypothyroidism.
e present study has revealed that C. pictus extract ameliorates
experimental hypothyroidism. Treatment with C. pictus extract in
PTU-induced hypothyroid rats increased plasma free T3, free T4 levels
and decreased TSH levels. Further, the extract exhibited antioxidant and
anti-inammatory eects, improved plasma lipid prole and partially
prevented hepatic and renal damage in hypothyroid rats. Pentacyclic
triterpenes alpha and beta amyrins were identied and quantied in the
extract. Amyrins could be responsible for the aforementioned benecial
eects exhibited by C. pictus extract in experimental hypothyroidism.
However, the exact molecular mechanism through which C. pictus
extract ameliorates hypothyroidism warrants further investigations.
C.pictus extract has the potential to emerge as a novel therapeutic agent
in the treatment of hypothyroidism.
We acknowledge metabolomics facility at Centre for cellular and
molecular platforms (C-CAMP), Bengaluru, India, for the LC-MS
analysis of C.pictus extract. We acknowledge technical services of
Ms.Padma Ramakrishnan, Technology associate, C-CAMP and
Dr.Kannan Rangiah, Technology manager, C-CAMP.
Financial support and sponsorship
We are grateful to Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education
and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India for providing nancial
assistance in the form of intramural research grant.
Conicts of interest
ere are no conicts of interest.
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Dr. Zachariah Bobby is Professor and Head in Department of Biochemistry, JIPMER, Puducherry. He has more than
20years of teaching and research experience. His areas of research interest include molecular basis of metabolic syndrome,
post-menopausal state, chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism and effects of treatment with medicinal plant extracts like
green tea, amla (Indian goose berry), soy isoavones and insulin plant in alleviating the complications of some the above
mentioned pathological conditions in experimental animal models. He has more than 75 publications.
Dr. Zachariah Bobby
... Phyllanthus amarus (Family: Euphorbiaceae) henceforth referred as PA has been reported to possess thyroxine like activity [5,6] . Work was done to explore the thyroxine like activity of Phyllanthin, Hypophyllanthin and combination of both against Propylthiouracil induced hypothyroidism and it was concluded that phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin possess thyroxine like activity and two compounds when administered together were found to possess more activity [7,8] . The concentrations of T 3 , T 4 , TSH and TNF-alpha in the blood serum of the animals were calculated from the standard curves of the same which were constructed by plotting the mean absorbance obtained for each reference standard against its concentration specified in the ELISA kits using ORIGIN software [9,10] . ...
... It is known that the plant PA possesses anti-inflammatory activity. Aqueous and hexane extracts of PA have demonstrated the ability to inhibit nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), attenuation of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), endotoxininduced nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and inhibited NF-kappa-B production in vitro as well [7] . The same extracts inhibited the induction of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-10, and interferon-gamma in human whole blood and reduced TNF-alpha production in vivo. ...
... Non Commercial Use spectrometry have facilitated a variety of new metabolite discoveries. Mutually complementary methodologies like TLC, GC-MS, LC-MS, HPLC and HPTLC were employed to obtain a comprehensive metabolomic profile (Ashwini et al., 2017;Nadumane et al., 2011;George et al., 2007). Near about eighteen major biochemical compounds are reported in saponified extract of C. pictus leaves using GC-MS (George et al., 2007;Devi, 2019) (Table 5.4). ...
... Near about eighteen major biochemical compounds are reported in saponified extract of C. pictus leaves using GC-MS (George et al., 2007;Devi, 2019) (Table 5.4). Besides these methanolic extracts of leaves are reported to contain flavonoids and phenols (Ashwini et al., 2015) as well as pentacyclic triterpenes α and β amyrins (Ashwini et al., 2017). Phytochemical studies of leaves have shown three major flavonoids namely Astragalin, kaempferol, quercetin and eight phenolic compounds that were Iso vitexin Galangin, Naringenin, Genistin, Onion, Licochalcone A, α and β amyrins (pentacyclic triterpene) (Table 5.4). ...
... Non Commercial Use spectrometry have facilitated a variety of new metabolite discoveries. Mutually complementary methodologies like TLC, GC-MS, LC-MS, HPLC and HPTLC were employed to obtain a comprehensive metabolomic profile (Ashwini et al., 2017;Nadumane et al., 2011;George et al., 2007). Near about eighteen major biochemical compounds are reported in saponified extract of C. pictus leaves using GC-MS (George et al., 2007;Devi, 2019) (Table 5.4). ...
... Near about eighteen major biochemical compounds are reported in saponified extract of C. pictus leaves using GC-MS (George et al., 2007;Devi, 2019) (Table 5.4). Besides these methanolic extracts of leaves are reported to contain flavonoids and phenols (Ashwini et al., 2015) as well as pentacyclic triterpenes α and β amyrins (Ashwini et al., 2017). Phytochemical studies of leaves have shown three major flavonoids namely Astragalin, kaempferol, quercetin and eight phenolic compounds that were Iso vitexin Galangin, Naringenin, Genistin, Onion, Licochalcone A, α and β amyrins (pentacyclic triterpene) (Table 5.4). ...
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Diabetes mellitus is one of the world's significant wellness issues, affecting the urban population more than the rural areas. The prevalence of this disease is increasing speedily day by day. Effective regulation of blood glucose levels is the most critical factor in decreasing the dangers of diabetic complexities. Chemically synthesized anti-diabetic drugs available in the market have many side effects; therefore, plant-derived substances may provide a better alternative medicine to combat diabetes. These natural molecules are presumed to be effective, economical as well as with no side effects. Among different accessible plants, garlic (Allium sativum), a typical cooking flavor, and a long history as a people cure have anti-diabetic potential. According to several reports, garlic's antiglycation, antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory properties have been related to its function in preventing diabetes. Notwithstanding, there is no standard concession to utilizing garlic for anti-diabetic purposes, principally due to less logical proof from human examinations and discrepant information from animal studies. A promising approach to cure this disease by garlic plant molecules focuses throughout this chapter. In this book chapter, the authors collected the scientific evidence available throughout the various experimental platforms and literature related to the garlic plant's functional role in improving the blood sugar level of diabetic patients. This book chapter focuses on the pharmacology, secondary metabolite profiling, ingredients of garlic plant with insulin-mimetic activity, and its health benefits. Garlic supplements are useful in treating diabetic patients, and this chapter content may disclose a path for the researchers to combat this disease in the future. Keywords: Anti-diabetic; diabetes mellitus; insulin; Allium sativum; insulin secretagogue; metabolic syndrome
... Therefore, there is a critical need for more efficient therapeutic methods to treat hypothyroidism.(S. Ashwini et al., 2017) Graves' Disease: The disease known as hyperthyroidism, often known as a "overactive thyroid," is characterised by presence of excess amounts of free thyroid hormones Triiodothyronine (T3) and/or thyroxine (T4) produced and secreted by the thyroid gland (Iddah et al., 2013). The most typical autoimmune condition and cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves' disease.The TSH-receptor, which is present on the cell surface membrane of thyroid follicle cells, is complementary to the antigen binding site on the spontaneously produced IgG antibodies made by patients with this condition. ...
Plant diseases caused by various pathogens need to be controlled to maintain the quality and abundance of food availability, feed, and fiber produced by growers around the world. Different approaches may be used to prevent, mitigate or control plant diseases. Beyond good agronomic and horticultural practices, growers often rely heavily on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Such inputs to agriculture have contributed significantly to the spectacular improvements in crop productivity and quality over the past decades. However, the environmental pollution caused by excessive use and misuse of agrochemicals, as well as fear-mongering by some opponents of pesticides, has led to considerable changes in people’s attitudes towards the use of pesticides in agriculture. Consequently, some pest management researchers have focused their efforts on developing alternative inputs to synthetic chemicals for controlling pests and diseases. Among these alternatives are those referred to as biological controls. A variety of biological controls are available for use, but further development and effective adoption will require a greater understanding of the complex interactions among plants, people, and the environment (Ahmad et al., 2011). To that end, this article is presented as an advanced survey of the nature and practice of biological control as it is applied to the suppression of plant diseases to explore the relationships between microbial diversity and biological control, briefly outline future directions that might lead to the development of more diverse and effective biological controls for plant diseases.
... However, treatment with the plant leaf extract significantly reduced plasma levels of cholesterol as well as the inflammatory markers, blocked oxidative stress in the tissues, and inhibited renal and hepatic damage often observed in hypothyroidism. It is found that alpha and beta amyrins are the main active compounds thought to be responsible for the therapeutic effects (Ashwini et al., 2017). Interestingly, silver nanoparticles of C. pictus methanolic extracts have shown a surge in phenolic and flavonoid contents and increased antioxidant activity (Selvakumarasamy et al., 2021). ...
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Extensive attention has been focused on herbal medicine for the treatment of different endocrine disorders. In fact, compelling scientific evidence indicates that natural compounds might act as endocrine modulators by mimicking, stimulating, or inhibiting the actions of different hormones, such as thyroid, sex, steroidal, and glucose regulating hormones. These potentials might be effectively employed for therapeutic purposes related to the endocrine system as novel complementary choices. Nevertheless, despite the remarkable therapeutic effects, inadequate targeting efficiency and low aqueous solubility of the bioactive components are still essential challenges in their clinical accreditation. On the other hand, nanotechnology has pushed the wheels of combining inorganic nanoparticles with biological structures of medicinal bioactive compounds as one of the utmost exciting fields of research. Nanoparticle conjugations create an inclusive array of applications that provide greater compliance, higher bioavailability, and lower dosage. This can safeguard the global availability of these wealthy natural sources, regardless of their biological occurrence. This review inspects future challenges of medicinal plants in various endocrine disorders for safe and alternative treatments with examples of their nanoparticle formulations.
... Unani medicine provides a wide range of treatments for this disease using traditional drugs. Many single drugs have been reported as anti-hypothyroidism agents, like Muquil (Commiphora mukul) [50], Asgandh (Withania somnifera) [51,52], Berge Sahajna (Moringa oleifera) [53,54], Kachnaar (Bauhinia variegata) [51,52,55], insulin plant (Costus igneus) [56], Darchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and Filfil Daraz (Piper longum) [16]. ...
Background The genus Costus is the largest genus in the family Costaceae and encompasses about 150 known species. Among these, Costus pictus D. Don (Synonym: Costus mexicanus) is a traditional medicinal herb used to treat diabetes and other ailments. Currently, available treatment options in modern medicine have several adverse effects. Herbal medicines are gaining importance as they are cost-effective and display improved therapeutic effects with fewer side effects. Scientists have been seeking therapeutic compounds in plants, and various in vitro and in vivo studies report Costus pictus D. Don as a potential source in treating various diseases. Phytochemicals with various pharmacological properties of Costus pictus D. Don, viz. anticancer, anti-oxidant, diuretic, analgesic, and anti-microbial have been worked out and reported in the literature. Objective The aim of the review is to categorize and summarize the available information on phytochemicals and pharmacological properties of Costus pictus D. Don and suggest outlooks for future research. Methods This review combined scientific data regarding the use of Costus pictus D. Don plant for the management of diabetes and other ailments. A systematic search was performed on Costus pictus plant with anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, and other pharmacological properties using several search engines such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, SciFinder, other online journals and books for detailed analysis. Results Research data compilation and critical review of the information would be beneficial for further exploration of its pharmacological and phytochemical aspects and, consequently, new drug development. Bioactivity-guided fractionation, isolation, and purification of new chemical entities from the plant as well as pharmacological evaluation of the same will lead to the search for safe and effective novel drugs for better healthcare. Conclusion This review critically summarizes the reports on natural compounds, and different extract of Costus pictus D. Don with their potent anti-diabetic activity along with other pharmacological activity. Since this review has been presented in a very interactive manner showing the geographical region of availability, parts of plant used, mechanism of action and phytoconstituents in different extracts of Costus pictus responsible for particular action, it will be of great importance to the interested readers to focus on the development of the new drug leads for the treatment of diseases.
Plant phenolics are the largest group of secondary metabolites found in higher plants, which have a myriad of therapeutic properties, deployed as a remedy for treating many serious ailments. Phenolics are generally relevant in food, chemical, agriculture, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Recently, the demand for plant derivatives is colossal; thus, reviving many protocols for extraction, isolation, elucidation of phytoconstituents of plants was intensified. There are numerous chromatographic and analytical techniques involved in the identification of specific bioactive compounds. In the current study, phenolics were extracted from the methanolic leaf extract of Costus pictus. Costus pictus is a rhizomatous perennial medicinal herb recognized as an insulin plant that has a place in the Costaceae family. The leaves are consumed as a dietary munching agent as it can reduce blood glucose level. Phenols were identified from the leaf extract of C. pictus by extraction of phytoconstituents from the leaf; it was done first by extracting with methanol solvent utilizing a Soxhlet apparatus. The preliminary phytochemical screening uncovers the presence of numerous phytoconstituents; later phytoconstituents were separated by eluting with organic solvent through column chromatography by petroleum ether and ethyl acetate as a descending and ascending order (9:1 to 1:9, V/V). All the column fractions were accumulated independently and eluted on thin-layer chromatography (TLC) plates for TLC analysis. The high-performance thin-layer chromatography analysis reveals the presence of phytoconstituents eluted on pre-coated TLC plates along with the standard compounds and distinguished by their RF values. The compounds with the same RF values were separated from preparative TLC plates, pooled together and characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography, diode array detector and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The three phenolic compounds, m/z 701 oleuropein glucoside, m/z 475 isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside and m/z 179 caffeic acid, with corresponding daughter ions were identified.
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic physiological glucose metabolic disorder. It has affected millions of people all over the world thereby having a significant impact on quality of life. The management of diabetes includes both nonpharmacological and conventional interventions. Drawbacks in conventional therapy have led to seeking alternative therapy in herbal medicine. Therefore, the need to review, elucidate and classify their mode of action in therapy for diabetes disease arises. Materials and methods: Comprehensive literature reports were used to review all conventional agents and herbal therapy used in the management of diabetes. An online database search was conducted for medicinal plants of African origin that have been investigated for their antidiabetic therapeutic potentials. Results: The results showed that of the documented sixty five plants used, fourteen inhibit intestinal absorption of glucose, three exhibit insulin-mimetic properties, seventeen stimulate insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells, twelve enhance peripheral glucose uptake, one promotes regeneration of beta-cell of islets of Langerhans, thirteen ameliorate oxidative stress and twenty induces hypoglycemic effect (mode of action is still obscure). Thirteen of these plants have a duplicate mode of actions while one of them has three modes of actions. These agents have a similar mechanism of action as the conventional drugs. Conclusion: In conclusion, antidiabetic activities of these plants are well established; however, the molecular modulation remains unknown. It is envisaged that the use of herbal therapy will promote good health and improve the status of diabetic patients.
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Aqueous (AEC), methanolic (MEC) and ethanolic (EEC) extracts of leaves of the plant Costus igneus (C. igneus) were screened for their phytochemical constituents and free radical scavenging activity. Blood glucose lowering effect of three extracts were checked and also the activities of hexokinase and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase were estimated. Concentration of MDA, GSH and activities of catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase were evaluated in diabetic treated rats. MEC being most potent extract among three, a dose dependent study was conducted with MEC (25, 50, and 100 mg/kg BW) on hypoglycemic and antioxidant activities and MEC at a dose of 100 mg/kg BW exerted maximum beneficial effects. MEC at a dose of 250 mg/kg BW exerted toxicity by elevating the levels of serum glutamate oxaloacete transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP).
The preventative effect of insulin plant (Costus pictus) leaf extract on hyperglycaemia, insulin sensitivity and dyslipidaemia in fructose-fed insulin resistant rats was investigated in the present study, further the possible underlying mechanism was also explored. It was observed that under insulin resistant condition this plant extract decreases hyperinsulinaemia by improving insulin sensitivity at the peripheral level through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. At molecular level decreased activation of molecules involved in stress sensitive signalling cascade and down regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines were noticed. Furthermore the effects of this plant extract on adipokine profile and plasma homocysteine were evaluated. The possible active components responsible for the beneficial effect exerted by this plant extract have also been identified and quantified. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study on insulin plant extract on the aforementioned animal model.
Background: Nigella sativa Linn. or Black cumin was tested anti-oxidant effect including its anti thyroid effect. Material: Adult male Wister rats (200g) were divided into: control and experimental. Hypothyroidism was induced by propylthiouracil. Oil of Nigella Sativa was administrated to animal models of hypothyroidism in daily doses of 400 mg/ kg / BW via gastric intubation for 4 weeks. Body weight gain, food intake, % food conversion efficiency, water intake, blood thyroid hormones were determined. Histological study of the thyroid gland was carried out .Data were expressed as mean ± SEM and were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-tests. Results: Improvement in body weight, food and water intake in treated hypothyroid rats were observed. Nigella sativa increased serum triiodothyronine thyroxin and decreased TSH. No change in sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, magnesium, for all treated hypothyroid rats. Histological examination of the treated hypothyroid rats showed improvement in the follicular cell height and colloid content. Conclusion: Nigella sativa oil has antioxidant effect that could ameliorate PTU induced oxidative stress and damage of thyroid follicles so could be considered to have a significant therapeutic role in hypothyroid disease. Studying the effect of Nigella sativa components on cells of thyroid could be tested in the future to identify which of them is involved in treatment.