The energy supply of buildings in urban contexts is undergoing significant changes. The increase of renewable sources for electrical and thermal energy generation will require flexible and secure supply systems. To reflect and consider these changes in energy systems and buildings, dynamic simulation is one key element. Sparse and limited access to detailed building information as well as computing time are challenges for building simulation on urban-scale. In addition, data acquisition and modelling for building performance simulation (BPS) are time-consuming and error-prone. To enable the use of BPS on urban-scale, this paper presents TEASER, an open framework for urban energy modelling of building stocks (open-source at TEASER provides an interface for multiple data sources, data enrichment and export of ready-to-run Modelica simulation models. The paper presents TEASER's methodology and package structure. Three use cases show TEASER's capabilities on the building, neighbourhood and urban scales. © 2017 International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)