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Neurofeedback training content for treatment of stress


Abstract and Figures

Stress is one of the major problems in society and is being treated using medicine and neurofeedback therapy. Neurofeedback therapy is usually successful. The contents as stimuli for neurofeedback training are not available for stress and anxiety. This paper focuses on giving a comprehensive and critical summary of available contents for neurofeedback training. It also establishes a need for the development of content as a stimulus for neurofeedback which trains the subject on how to control his brain activity, especially in stress condition. The developed content consists of audio and game. The game is used to reduce the power of high-beta brain activity and the audio is used to enhance the amplitude of alpha brainwaves in left-prefrontal lobe. The experimental results show significant improvement in reducing stress level. The outcome is a proposed content for neurofeedback training to reduce stress, and it also improves the neurofeedback training efficacy.
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Neurofeedback Training Content For Treatment Of
Yasir Hafeez, Syed Saad Azhar Ali1, Aamir Saeed Malik
Centre for Intelligent Signal and Imaging Research (CISIR)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Abstract—Stress is one of the major problems in society and
is being treated using medicine and neurofeedback therapy.
Neurofeedback therapy is usually successful. The contents as
stimuli for neurofeedback training is not available for stress and
anxiety. This paper focuses on giving a comprehensive and critical
summary of available contents for neurofeedback training. It also
establishes a need for the development of content as a stimulus
for neurofeedback which trains the subject on how to control
his brain activity, especially in stress condition. The developed
content consists of audio and game. The game is used to reduce
the power of highbeta brain power and the audio is used to
enhance the amplitude of alpha brainwaves in rightprefrontal
lobe. The experimental results show significant improvement in
reducing stress level. The outcome is a proposed content for
neurofeedback training to reduce stress, and it also improves the
neurofeedback training efficacy.
Index Terms—neurofeedback, content development, stress.
STRESS is one of the major issues in todays world. It
can be defined as, Stress is a feeling that we have under
pressure. Sometimes the way of response to a challenge may
also be a type of stress [1]. In the case of stress, the amplitude
of alpha (812 Hz) brainwaves in rightprefrontal lobe is low.
When the relative amplitude of alpha brainwaves in right pre-
frontal is low as compared to alpha power in leftprefrontal;
the subject is in the state of stress [2]. Highbeta (2230 Hz)
brainwaves power over the sensorimotor cortex also causes
stress [3], [4]. Brainwaves and their associated functions are
presented in Table I.
Neurofeedback training is one of the treatments of stress
which enables the subject to train himself to control his brain
activity during stress and anxiety [5]. Neurofeedback trains
the subject to control his brainwaves, also in the case of
stress. Mostly, audio is used as content for neurofeedback
training to increase alpha power in rightprefrontal lobe [5],
[6]. Neurofeedback is also used to decrease the highbeta
using the game as content [7]. Generally, there is no content
available as a stimulus for neurofeedback training which
effectively increases the alpha power in rightprefrontal cortex
and decreases highbeta in sensorimotor cortex.
Content is developed for neurofeedback training which
consists of soothing music (audio) and game. This content is
helpful during neurofeedback training to increase alpha power
in rightprefrontal and reduce highbeta activity over motor
cortex. The content is an effective stimulus for neurofeedback
which trains the subject to control his brain activity.
The proposed content for neurofeedback will assist the
therapist by auto selecting the threshold, the right audio
(soothing music), and game level for the subject. The selection
of threshold, audio, and game level depends on the previous
training scores and current power of alpha and highbeta
The neurofeedback content will also improve the training
efficacy by including the multiple electrode placements over
scalp and reduce the number of training sessions.
The Neurofeedback involves recording, analysing, and pre-
senting results of measured electroencephalogram (EEG) anal-
yses to the subject in the form of reward (play/pause of the
content) to show the changes in brain electrical activity [4].
The basic principle of the Neurofeedback is to measure the
brain activity (EEG signals) using electrodes connected on
the scalp. It identifies the brainwaves by using quantitative
EEG analysis and then provides the subject with feedback
(play/pause of content) as a reward, depending on the desired
levels of the brainwaves. In neurofeedback systems, the most
used recording technique for the brainwaves is the EEG.
EEG data are used to monitor realtime brain activities [8].
The feedback is provided to the user in the form of visual,
audio, game, reading, or spell checking. It can be imple-
mented as colour change, bar increase/decrease, vibration,
and sound. It can be integrated into the Neurofeedback game
as character/object appearance, etc. The feedback determines
the condition of the brain state whether brainwaves power is
in the desired level of threshold or not [9]. Several studies
uncover the fact that the Neurofeedback training has restorative
impacts of treating some neurological and psychological issues
such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [10],
epilepsy [11], and some addictive cognitive disorders [6].
The Neurofeedback is also found useful for the treatment
of anxiety, stress, affective disorders [12], depression [13],
fibromyalgia [14], and obsessivecompulsive disorder [15].
The Neurofeedback is also being used to enhance attention
and memory performance in healthy subjects [16]. The Neu-
rofeedback training has also been applied to healthy users.
This training has demonstrated its ability to improve certain
2016 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES)
978-1-4673-7791-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
Fig. 1: Neurofeedback process
cognitive aptitudes [8], [17]. The latter studies targeted the
enhancement of the upper section of the alpha band (10 12
Hz), which is traditionally linked to performance [18].
The most used neurofeedback content for training the sub-
jects in the treatment of ADHD is a game and video [19].It
is normally observed that theta increases [20], [21] and beta
decreases [21] in the youngsters with ADHD as compared to
the developing youngsters. Increased theta (47 Hz) is asso-
ciated with lower vigilance, and decreased beta (1330 Hz) is
associated with reduced attention [22]. Also, behavioural in-
habitation is related to the sensorimotor rhythm (SMR; 1215
Hz) [23]. As Neurofeedback aims to reduce ADHD symptoms
such as diminished vigilance, attention, and inhibition, most
Neurofeedback protocols train to inhibit theta (48Hz) and
increase beta (12 20 Hz) or SMR (12 15 Hz) over the
vertex Cz [20], [24]. A complete Neurofeedback intervention
typically comprises 2040 training sessions [20]. Effective
Neurofeedback treatment for ADHD is debated in [25].
Neurofeedback training has been done by some researchers
to train their subjects to mitigate their stress level [26]. Benio-
dakis [5] and Peniston [27] have used audio as neurofeedback
stimulus to reduce the stress level. They found out that subjects
are effectively able to reduce their stress levels.
Neurofeedback has been observed as an effective treatment
for depression [7], [28]. Choobforoushzadeh [7] used game
and audio to decrease the alpha/theta ratio in frontal lobe
but has not included multiple brain parts. Choi [28] used
audio to decrease the alpha near the vertex in frontal lobe
to increase left brain activity. The factors include in the
cause of depression can be a biochemical element, biogenetic
element, psychosocial element, mental element and/or natural
element. The victims can be alerted before going deep
into depression by measuring EEG brainwave pattern [29].
TABLE I: Brain lobes and associated functions
Brain Lobes Associated Functions
Frontal Lobe Movement, thinking initiation, reasoning
(judgement), behaviour (emotions), memory,
Temporal Lobe
(left side)
Analysis of speech, monitoring speech, read-
ing and writing, verbal memory, letter recog-
Temporal Lobe
(right side)
Decoding non-verbal patterns, visual decod-
ing, Interpreting and remembering visual in-
Parietal Lobe (left
Smooth speech, writing skills, understanding
math, reading skills, naming of objects, ver-
bal memory.
Parietal Lobe
(right side)
Drawing skills.
Occipital Lobe
(left side)
Object recognition, visual recognition, read-
ing numbers and letters, memory for written
Occipital Lobe
(right side)
Attending to left visual field.
A. Neurofeedback Softwares
Therapists and researchers use Brain Computer Interface
systems (BCI) world widely. BCI can offer a new way for
playing video games in 2D or 3D virtual environments (VE).
In VE, it is easy to navigate, modify the selection, and
manipulate the virtual objects [3].
VE feedback games include sports, puzzles, or training.
Nowadays, universities and laboratories are developing games
and interactive puzzle in BCI to provide more interaction with
the virtual world. For example, the alertness level of car drivers
is increased by using virtual driving environment. The project
is done by researchers at the University of Tokyo. In this
project, BCI hearing system monitors the state of alertness
of drivers and warns them if they lose their concentration.
The researchers at University College Dublin in collabora-
tion with Media Lab Europe, have developed MIND BAL-
ANCE 3D video game using BCIVE. In this game, the
subject has to control the balance of an animated object
moving on the thin rope by using EEGneurofeedback.
INRIA designs several BCI systems for neurofeedback in
VE. Usetheforce is one of them in which user has to control
the launch of a virtual spacecraft, and his response is studied
in challenging environments [30].
It is inferred that the neurofeedback is clinically proved
treatment for ADHD [19], [24], [31] and epilepsy, while
2016 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES)
it has an effective treatment for stress [5], [32], [33] and
depression [34]. On average, two sessions of neurofeedback
training per week are performed. So, 68 weeks (3040
sessions) are required to find the efficacy of treatment.
Different contents are being used during neurofeedback
training to train the subject so that he can control his stress
and anxiety level. There is, generally, not a single content
for the neurofeedback training which effectively reduces the
highbeta in motor cortex along with the increase of alpha in
High brain activity in leftfrontal is responsible for
good memories and thoughts. While high brain activity
in rightfrontal is responsible for bad memories [2].
Alpha reinforcement may result in anxiety and stress
reduction. Highbeta (2230 Hz) is responsible for
agitation, restlessness, stress and anxiety. The relative
increase in alpha amplitude in leftprefrontal causes
dominance of rightprefrontal brain activity. It results
in bad thoughts and memories which increase the
stress and anxiety [2]. The brain parts, brainwaves,
and associated functions are shown in Table II.
TABLE II: Brain lobes and associated functions
EEG type Occupied
mental states conditions
Delta 0.1 Hz4Hz Dreamless sleep,
Theta 4Hz8Hz Intuitive, recall fantasy,
imaginary, creative,
dreamlike, switching
thoughts, drowsy.
Alpha 8Hz12Hz Eyes closed, relaxed, not ag-
itated, tranquil conscious.
Low Beta / SMR 12Hz15Hz Relaxed yet focused, inte-
Midrange Beta 16Hz20Hz Thinking, aware of self &
High Beta 21Hz30Hz Alertness, agitation.
It is also observed that some subjects left or discontinued
their neurofeedback training. The number of training sessions
are 1620 to find out the training efficacy and approximately
3040 sessions for neurofeedback treatment [28].
There is a need to develop content for the neurofeedback
training to help the subject to train himself on how to reduce
the stress level. The developed content for the neurofeedback
helps the subject to train himself how to enhance the amplitude
of the alpha (812 Hz) brainwaves in the rightprefrontal and
inhibit the highbeta (2230 Hz). The algorithm to implement
the content for the neurofeedback training could decide the
level of difficulty in the content. After some neurofeedback
sessions and depending on the performance of the subject brain
activity, the algorithm could decide the difficulty level and
Fig. 2: Neurofeedback Experiment Procedure
threshold level of content for further neurofeedback training
sessions. The content for neurofeedback especially designed
for stress, could improve the training efficacy and reduce
the training time for neurofeedback. The total duration of
neurofeedback training could also be reduced.
A. Participants
Participants will be recruited who fulfil the inclusion criteria
for the experiment. The inclusion criteria are that the partici-
pants should have normal or corrected to normal hearing and
visual capability, and they fill the stress level questionnaire
form and consent form. There should not any discrimination
among gender (both male and female should be recruited).
The age of participants should not be less than 16 years.
B. Experiment
The participants will be demonstrated about EEG neuro-
feedback and experiment. The participant will sit on comfort-
able chair three feet away from the 24 inches monitor screen
in a sound proof room. Two electrodes will be placed on
the scalp at Fp2 and C3 according to International 1020
system of electrode placement. Brain Trainer NFS1182AC
amplifier along with software BT11.vb will be used. The
built-in game Troi with a soothing music will be used as
content for neurofeedback training. The participants will have
a keyboard/joystick to control the movement of an object in
the game and headphone for the music. The threshold for alpha
at Fp2 and highbeta at C3 will be set at 6µV and 10 µV
respectively. The duration of each session of neurofeedback
training will be 20 minutes. Two sessions per week will be
performed and total eight (8) sessions will be done.
2016 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES)
Fig. 3: The alpha brainwaves increases during neurofeedback
training. The subject is able to increase his alpha brainwaves in
rightprefrontal lobe (Fp2). 18 samples (mean) of alpha at Fp2 are
calculated and drawn as; no. of sessions = 3, each session is of 3
periods, every period is 3 minutes long. The sampling frequency of
the device is 256, 719 samples are taken in each period, and mean
is calculated for every 118 samples.
Fig. 4: The highbeta brainwaves inhibits during neurofeedback
training, the subject is able to reduce highbeta level brainwave at
motor cortex (C3). 18 samples (mean) are calculated and drawn as;
no. of sessions = 3 (9 minutes), sampling frequency = 256, samples
(mean) = (719 ×3)/118).
The neurofeedback training by using soothing music
and game shows significant improvement. The alpha and
highbeta brain activity will be observed in each session.
The results can be compared from the first session to last
session that the subjects train themselves to increase their
alpha brain activity in the rightprefrontal lobe and decrease
highbeta in motor cortex. The results after experiment show
improvement in the alpha brain activity at Fp2, Fig. 3 and
highbeta brainwave inhabitation at C3, Fig. 4.
To summarise the discussion, the developed content of
neurofeedback could assist the therapist during neurofeed-
back training for the treatment of stress. The subject train
himself on how to inhibit the power of highbeta (2230
Hz) brainwave and enhances the power of alpha (812 Hz)
in rightprefrontal. The expected outcome of this paper is
the knowledge about neurofeedback contents and their ap-
plications for different treatments and a proposed content
that improves the training efficacy of the neurofeedback and
reduces the duration of neurofeedback session, training time,
and total duration of neurofeedback training.
The authors are thankful to Centre for Intelligent Signal
and Imaging Research (CISIR), Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Malaysia for funding this research project.
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2016 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES)
... The NFT is also a treatment for stress and anxiety. The brain itself try to control the synapses, makes new connections, and improves the power of brainwaves during stress and anxiety [7]. The NFT helps the brain to control the power of brainwaves [8]. ...
... The NFT process is the recording of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, processing, analyzing, and presenting the result of the measured EEG signals to the brain in the form of some reward (score of game, play stop/pause of the music, audio, color change, and/or changes in bar chart). The basic mechanism or working process of the NFT is to record brain signals using electrodes, the electrodes feed that signal to the amplifier, and amplifier improves the signal quality after some Fig. 1: Neurofeedback process [7] process and feeds that signal to the processor. The processor can be a hardware or software for a quantitative EEG (qEEG) analysis, consists of a number of filters and classifiers. ...
... The control signal depends on the desired power or peak level of the specific frequency of brainwaves (whether to increase or inhibit the power or peak level) which is according to the condition of the brain state for improvement in mental and physical health. The whole process is performed in real−time to train the brain [7], as shown in Fig. 1. ...
Conference Paper
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The EEG-neurofeedback modality has direct implication on alpha asymmetry. The efficacy of EEG-neurofeedback may be affected by the stimulus contents. This research investigated the effectiveness of 2D and 3D game stimulus content (GSC) on stress mitigation during neurofeedback training (NFT). The effectiveness is compared between stimulus contents by measuring the mean prefrontal alpha asymmetry using quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) analysis. For this, ten healthy participants among university students were recruited and performed twenty-minutes neurofeedback training (NFT) on Fp1-Fp2 within a period of sixty days to record forty sessions of data. The statistical analysis of the data after the neurofeedback training showed an effect of game contents on alpha asymmetry. The graphical analysis of alpha power showed that the 3D game content was more effective than the 2D game content. The outcome of 3D game stimulus content showed effect on the prefrontal alpha asymmetry and improve the treatment efficacy of neurofeedback for stress mitigation.
... color bar changer [12], audio [6], video [13], and games [14]) for peak-performance training [15], cognitive enhancement in healthy participants, and to influence symptoms in patients [16], [17]. In addition, the neurofeedback stimulus contents play a critical role in mitigating stress [18], [19]. ...
... Signal to control stimulus contents Audio Video Game Stimulus FIGURE 1. Method to utilize sensory stimulus as feedback for brain training [18]. ...
... Engelbregt et al. [45] used a game as a stimulus during neurofeedback training to improve cognitive performance. Hafeez et al. [18] used game stimuli for neurofeedback training (at Fp1-Fp2 to improve alpha asymmetry and suppress high beta at C3) to reduce stress. The game and video presentations are now being improved for neurofeedback by using virtual reality. ...
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The selection of stimulus contents for neurofeedback has direct implications on the efficacy of neurofeedback therapy. In particular, a suitable selection of stimulus contents facilitates the achievement of sustainability during neurofeedback sessions, which has been considered challenging during clinical practice. To further elaborate this point, this research investigates the efficacy of different neurofeedback stimulus contents (audio, video, and games) for stress mitigation. The effectiveness of the contents was measured by statistically comparing quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) features, such as alpha power and alpha asymmetry before and after neurofeedback sessions. In addition, the topographic maps of activities were constructed for a visual description. In this study, 29 study participants were recruited, and the EEG data were recorded during multiple neurofeedback sessions. ANOVA and post hoc testing verified the statistical significance of the results of the various stimulus contents, whereas a t-test verified the significance of stress mitigation because of neurofeedback. The results indicate that games exhibit higher effectiveness than audio and video contents for stress mitigation. In addition, the topographic analysis demonstrates the efficacy of neurofeedback training for stress mitigation. In conclusion, the effects of neurofeedback therapy could be enhanced while selecting suitable stimulus contents for neurofeedback protocols.
... 17 Therefore, the reduction of high-beta frequencies reduces the perception of stress. 18 Additionally, previous research demonstrates an improvement in various psychological parameters through NFB training. For example, existing research was able to show that high-beta down-training improved quality of life, sleep quality, distress, self-efficacy, depressive and anxiety symptoms. ...
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Introduction Electroencephalographic neurofeedback (NFB), as a non-invasive form of brainwave training, has been shown to be effective in the treatment of various mental health disorders. However, only few results regarding manualised and standardised NFB trainings exist. This makes comparison as well as replication of studies difficult. Therefore, we developed a standard manual for NFB training in patients with mental health disorders attending a psychosomatic outpatient clinic. The current study aims at investigating the conduction of a standardised manual for NFB training in patients with mental health disorders. If successful, the study provides new opportunities to investigate NFB in a more controlled and comparable manner in clinical practice. Methods and analysis 30 patients diagnosed with a mental health disorder will be included. After the educational interview, patients will undergo baseline diagnostics (T0). The subsequent intervention consists of 10 sessions of NFB training aiming at increasing sensorimotor rhythm and alpha-frequency amplitudes and decreasing theta-frequency and high beta-frequency amplitudes to induce relaxation and decrease subjective stress. All patients will undergo a post-treatment diagnostic assessment (T1) and a follow-up assessment 8 weeks following the closing session (T2). Changes in amplitude bands (primary outcome) will be recorded with electroencephalography during pre-assessments, post-assessments and follow-up assessments and during NFB sessions. Physiological (respiratory rate, blood volume pulse, muscle tension) and psychometric parameters (distress, perceived stress, relaxation ability, depressive and anxiety symptoms, insomnia, self-efficacy and quality of life) will be assessed at T0, T1 and T2. Moreover, satisfaction, acceptance and usability will be assessed at T1 after NFB training. Further, qualitative interviews about the experiences with the intervention will be conducted with NFB practitioners 6 months after the study starts. Quantitative data will be analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance as well as mediation analyses on mixed linear models. Qualitative data will be analysed using Mayring’s content analysis. Ethics and dissemination The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Medical Faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen (23–11140-BO) and patient enrolment began in April 2023. Before participation, written informed consent by each participant will be required. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations. Trial registration number Prospectively registered on 28 March 2023 in the German clinical trials register, DRKS00031497.
... The selection of stimulus contents is based on the practitioner's expertise for a particular therapeutic application of neurofeedback training. Several studies have used different stimulus contents for neurofeedback training for different applications related to cognitive therapeutic effects (e.g., audio stimulus content [14]- [16], audio-visual stimulus content [17], [18], and game stimulus content (GSC) [5], [7], [8], [19]). ...
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The neurofeedback stimulus content has direct implications for the efficacy of the psychophysiological applications for neurofeedback modality. In particular, enhancements of neurofeedback stimulus content can facilitate improvements in the efficacy of neurofeedback applications in clinical practice. To further elaborate on this aspect, this study introduced systematic enhancements in neurofeedback stimulus content by developing enhanced neurofeedback stimulus content for stress mitigation. The enhancements included the automatic selection of color of neurofeebdack stimulus content environment and instruction messages, as well as, the adaptive selection of threshold of quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) features, such as frontal alpha power and frontal alpha asymmetry. The enhancements were based on the outcomes from previous research on the selection of neurofeedback stimulus content for stress mitigation. The improvement in the efficacy of neurofeedback stimulus content was measured statistically by comparing the QEEG and topographic maps. In this study, electroencephalogram data from 20 participants were acquired during multiple sessions of neurofeedback. Analysis of variance and a post hoc test were used to verify the improvement in the efficacy of the neurofeedback application for stress mitigation after the enhancements of the neurofeedback stimulus content; a t–test was used to verify the statistical significance of the stress mitigation by the neurofeedback p < 0.05. The results indicate that the enhancement of the developed neurofeedback stimulus content facilitated stress mitigation during the early sessions of neurofeedback. In conclusion, the efficacy of neurofeedback can be improved using the developed stimulus content with enhancements.
... Theta band in the temporo-parietal areas has been associated with discomfort and disorientation when using the VR headset [47]. Alpha and beta bands reflect the conscious states of the brain, with increasing stress results in decreased alpha and increased beta activities [48,49]. For the present analysis, both bands are further decomposed into sub-bands: low-alpha (8-10 Hz), high-alpha (10-13 Hz), low-beta (13-18 Hz) and high-beta (18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30). ...
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Adults are constantly exposed to stressful conditions at their workplace, and this can lead to decreased job performance followed by detrimental clinical health problems. Advancement of sensor technologies has allowed the electroencephalography (EEG) devices to be portable and used in real-time to monitor mental health. However, real-time monitoring is not often practical in workplace environments with complex operations such as kindergarten, firefighting and offshore facilities. Integrating the EEG with virtual reality (VR) that emulates workplace conditions can be a tool to assess and monitor mental health of adults within their working environment. This paper evaluates the mental states induced when performing a stressful task in a VR-based offshore environment. The theta, alpha and beta frequency bands are analysed to assess changes in mental states due to physical discomfort, stress and concentration. During the VR trials, mental states of discomfort and disorientation are observed with the drop of theta activity, whilst the stress induced from the conditional tasks is reflected in the changes of low-alpha and high-beta activities. The deflection of frontal alpha asymmetry from negative to positive direction reflects the learning effects from emotion-focus to problem-solving strategies adopted to accomplish the VR task. This study highlights the need for an integrated VR-EEG system in workplace settings as a tool to monitor and assess mental health of working adults.
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Currently, neurofeedback training can be used not only to treat the patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning difficulties, etc. but also to improve cognitive abilities of healthy people. Training protocols based on alpha, theta, or theta/beta power calculated from Electroencephalogram (EEG) are commonly used in the neurofeedback training. However, when the standard neurofeedback protocols are used, the EEG recording is required before the training to obtain the training threshold for each subject. In this paper, we propose a fractal dimension (FD)-based neurofeedback training protocol with adaptive algorithm, which does not need any before-training recording. The algorithm is integrated in the Shooting game. The efficiency of the FD-based neurofeedback training in comparison with traditional individual theta/beta based neurofeedback training is assessed using Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL) tests such as matrix rotation (for spatial ability), change detection (for focused attention), math processing (for cognitive abilities) and test of attentional vigilance (for attention of vigilance). 40 subjects participated in the study. They were divided randomly into FD-based neurofeedback training group and theta/beta ratio-based training group. The results show that after neurofeedback training participants from FD-based training group has similar or better test performance than the one from ratio-based group.
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There was no affirm study that differentiates the brainwaves between depression subjects and healthy subjects until today. Hyperactivity and low activity of the brain activities in various parts and regions could be evaluated and studied though the brainwaves measured from the electroencephalogram (EEG). The losing ability of the brain to transmit signals and information that caused a person to be depressed makes a person influences their normal daily activities. Depression is a mood disorder which may affect our daily work, sleep, eating habits and general health. Therefore, it is a general term and commonly infected by anyone. The aim of this study was to determine the differences of alpha waves between normal and depression groups. Throughout the research, depression screening measurements of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) were taken into accounts in order to identify the normal and depression groups. A total of 4 normal subjects and 4 depressed subjects participated in this study. A 32 channels EEG was used to detect the difference of alpha waves in depression and normal groups. The alpha waves in depression group were found out to be lower compared to the normal group in both close eyes and open eyes conditions. The T-Test statistical analysis shown that there were significant differences in the alpha-1 waves in close eyes condition and alpha 1 and alpha-2 waves in the open eyes condition for depression group. In addition, the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe and temporal lobe had found out to have much lower alpha waves in the depression group compared to the normal group. In short, by measuring the alpha waves of a person using EEG may be a biomarker in differentiating a healthy or depressed person in the future.
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Neurofeedback is a kind of biofeedback, which teaches self-control of brain functions to subjects by measuring brain waves and providing a feedback signal. Neurofeedback usually provides the audio and or video feedback. Positive or negative feedback is produced for desirable or undesirable brain activities, respectively. In this review, we provided clinical and technical information about the following issues: (1) Various neurofeedback treatment protocols i.e. alpha, beta, alpha/theta, delta, gamma, and theta; (2) Different EEG electrode placements i.e. standard recording channels in the frontal, temporal, central, and occipital lobes; (3) Electrode montages (unipolar, bipolar); (4) Types of neurofeedback i.e. frequency, power, slow cortical potential, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and so on; (5) Clinical applications of neurofeedback i.e. treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, insomnia, drug addiction, schizophrenia, learning disabilities, dyslexia and dyscalculia, autistic spectrum disorders and so on as well as other applications such as pain management, and the improvement of musical and athletic performance; and (6) Neurofeedback softwares. To date, many studies have been conducted on the neurofeedback therapy and its effectiveness on the treatment of many diseases. Neurofeedback, like other treatments, has its own pros and cons. Although it is a non-invasive procedure, its validity has been questioned in terms of conclusive scientific evidence. For example, it is expensive, time-consuming and its benefits are not long-lasting. Also, it might take months to show the desired improvements. Nevertheless, neurofeedback is known as a complementary and alternative treatment of many brain dysfunctions. However, current research does not support conclusive results about its efficacy.
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Background: Estimates of the effectiveness of neurofeedback as a treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are mixed. Aims: To investigate the long-term additional effects of neurofeedback (NFB) compared with treatment as usual (TAU) for adolescents with ADHD. Method: Using a multicentre parallel-randomised controlled trial design, 60 adolescents with a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of ADHD receiving NFB+TAU (n=41) or TAU (n=19) were followed up. Neurofeedback treatment consisted of approximately 37 sessions of theta/sensorimotor rhythm (SMR)-training on the vertex (Cz). Outcome measures included behavioural self-reports and neurocognitive measures. Allocation to the conditions was unmasked. Results: At 1-year follow-up, inattention as reported by adolescents was decreased (range ηp(2)=0.23-0.36, P<0.01) and performance on neurocognitive tasks was faster (range ηp(2)=0.20-0.67, P<0.005) irrespective of treatment group. Conclusions: Overall, NFB+TAU was as effective as TAU. Given the absence of robust additional effects of neurofeedback in the current study, results do not support the use of theta/SMR neurofeedback as a treatment for adolescents with ADHD and comorbid disorders in clinical practice. Declaration of interest: None. Copyright and usage: © The Royal College of Psychiatrists 2016. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) licence.
The study of neurofeedback and neuromodulation offer a window into brain physiology and function, suggesting innovative approaches to the improvement of attention, anxiety, pain, mood and behavior. Resources for understanding what Neurofeedback and neuromodulation are, how they are used, and to what disorders and patients they can be applied are scarce, and this volume serves as an ideal tool for clinical researchers and practicing clinicians in both neuroscience and psychology, to understand techniques, analysis, and their applications to specific patient populations and disorders. The top scholars in the field have been enlisted and contributions offer both the breadth needed for an introductory scholar and the depth desired by a clinical professional. Includes the practical application of techniques to use with patients Includes integration of neurofeedback with neuromodulation techniques Discusses what the technique is, for which disorders it is effective, and the evidence basis behind its use Written at an appropriate level for clinicians and researchers.
The history of stress research - milestones and people. Definitions and modern concepts of stress as well as the conflict between Hans Selye and the psychologists are described in this review. The molecular and physiological mechanisms of stress and their possible pharmacological intervention are introduced. The cycle of stress is presented as a new concept of the stress reaction, trying to bridge the gap between physiology and psychology. The cycle is a circular event in life, composed of 4 phases: (1) the resting ground phase, (2) the tension phase, (3) the response phase, and (4) the relief phase. In each phase, both physiological and psychological components can be assessed. These components are the basis for the proper handling of each phase and provide a unified model for the psycho-biological response to stress. In addition, parameters of the cycle such as frequency, duration, and intensity can be measured, providing an effective tool for stress management. Finally, modern techniques and mechanisms for coping with stress are discussed like the Norwegian Gate Theory and Lazarus Dichotomy Model for the Stress Reaction. In the above models, specific examples of how people respond to the first time encounter of stressful events and how soldiers cope with stress are presented.
Anxiety and depression are very widespread among cancer patients. The state of anxiety covers a wide range of symptoms connected to fear, restlessness and changes in the autonomy of the patient. Neurofeedback is a behavioral technique of operant learning, in which participants learn to effect the electric activity of their brain, through a dynamic process of visual and auditory feedback. This training seeks to change the frequency of subjects’ electroencephalogram (EEG), something achieved by the majority of participants. Neurofeedback is a technique which has been successfully used in recent decades as a tool for treating a number of clinical cases. Amongst the clinical cases studied are autism, epilepsy, chronic pain, cases of major depression and also the effects of cancer upon different psychological parameters and the quality patients’ lives. Pelvic cancer and its medical treatment seem to increase anxiety and depression, which affect patients’ daily lives.