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Evolució dels moviments socials metropolitans: experiències comparades de treball glocal



l següent article pretén incorporar les diferents reflexions que es van produir en l’intercanvi d’experiències de moviments socials metropolitans de diversos territoris en un dels tallers més concorreguts de les primeres jornades de recerca activista celebrades a Barcelona l'any 2004. En concret, els debats es plantejaren al voltant de quatre dimensions de la mobilització, el contingut dels quals constituirà el cos de l’article: 1. La dimensió territorial o espacial: el debat al voltant de l’articulació del treball local i la perspectiva global. 2. La dimensió relacional cap a enfora: les oportunitats i perills de la metàfora de la xarxa, els debats sobre les relacions amb les institucions. 3. La dimensió organitzava i relacional dins els propis moviments: el debat sobre la necessitat d’articulació o no dels diversos sectors dels moviments emancipadors, sobre els avantatges i inconvenients del Fòrums Socials i les contracimeres. 4. El repertori d’acció dels moviments metropolitans: els debats al voltant de l’utilitat de les grans manifestacions i sobre la pràctica de la desobediència civil i l’acció directa.
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This article reviews the activist research strategy in social movements, thought from the perspective of feminist epistemology. It presents retrospective analyzes of the authors’ own Activist Research experiences and puts them in the light of a new methodological framework: Feminist Activist Research (FAR). The paper starts from the proposal of the «situated knowledge» and places the emergence of the FAR at the confluence of the new global movements and the third wave of feminism. We conclude that the activist research experiences in which we have participated can be included in the FAR and suppose the most adequate approach from the social sciences to the subject social movement both epistemologically and methodologically, since they allow us to collect data and analysis that become as situated knowledge, academically relevant and socially useful.
Conference Paper
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This paper is based on jointly reflections about activist research, thought from a feminist epistemology view. That is why, after introducing our activist research experiences, we will move to the ground of Activist Feminist Inquiry. Thus, the first section deals with Donna Haraway’s epistemological approach known as situated knowledges (1988). The second section focuses on new realities and subjectivities emerging along with alter-globalization movement and third-wave feminism. The third section considers going from participatory action research to feminist activist inquiry, and explains motives of the latter. The fourth section introduces some cases in which we, female researchers, have partaken as well as reflections we have made following these epistemological approaches. As a final point, we will reach conclusions inviting us to keep on pondering about these topics within the academia
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