Conference PaperPDF Available

Software Development Waste

  • Pivotal Software
  • Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley


Context: Since software development is a complex socio-technical activity that involves coordinating different disciplines and skill sets, it provides ample opportunities for waste to emerge. Waste is any activity that produces no value for the customer or user. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe different types of waste in software development. Method: Following Constructivist Grounded Theory, we conducted a two-year five-month participant-observation study of eight software development projects at Pivotal, a software development consultancy. We also interviewed 33 software engineers, interaction designers, and product managers, and analyzed one year of retrospection topics. We iterated between analysis and theoretical sampling until achieving theoretical saturation. Results: This paper introduces the first empirical waste taxonomy. It identifies nine wastes and explores their causes, underlying tensions, and overall relationship to the waste taxonomy found in Lean Software Development. Limitations: Grounded Theory does not support statistical generalization. While the proposed taxonomy appears widely applicable, organizations with different software development cultures may experience different waste types. Conclusion: Software development projects manifest nine types of waste: building the wrong feature or product, mismanaging the backlog, rework, unnecessarily complex solutions, extraneous cognitive load, psychological distress, waiting/multitasking, knowledge loss, and ineffective communication.
Software Development Waste
Todd Sedano
Palo Alto, CA, USA
Carnegie Mellon University
Silicon Valley Campus
Paul Ralph
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
ecile P´
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Silicon Valley Campus
Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA
AbstractContext: Since software development is a complex
socio-technical activity that involves coordinating different disci-
plines and skill sets, it provides ample opportunities for waste
to emerge. Waste is any activity that produces no value for the
customer or user.
Objective: The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe
different types of waste in software development.
Method: Following Constructivist Grounded Theory, we con-
ducted a two-year five-month participant-observation study of
eight software development projects at Pivotal, a software devel-
opment consultancy. We also interviewed 33 software engineers,
interaction designers, and product managers, and analyzed one
year of retrospection topics. We iterated between analysis and
theoretical sampling until achieving theoretical saturation.
Results: This paper introduces the first empirical waste taxon-
omy. It identifies nine wastes and explores their causes, under-
lying tensions, and overall relationship to the waste taxonomy
found in Lean Software Development.
Limitations: Grounded Theory does not support statistical
generalization. While the proposed taxonomy appears widely
applicable, organizations with different software development
cultures may experience different waste types.
Conclusion: Software development projects manifest nine types
of waste: building the wrong feature or product, mismanaging
the backlog, rework, unnecessarily complex solutions, extrane-
ous cognitive load, psychological distress, waiting/multitasking,
knowledge loss, and ineffective communication.
Keywords-Software engineering waste, Extreme Programming,
Lean Software Development
“The engineers are depressed. The project grinds them
down. . . It is hard to know which problem to tackle first.
There is coupling everywhere. . . Each layer of the system
has unnecessary complexity.. . The depth of knowledge about
the system is meager.. . There is a lot of waiting.. . Building
the Java code takes ten minutes. Starting the server takes
seven minutes. Running the Javascript tests take two minutes.
Running the integration tests take 47 minutes. Continuous
integration takes forever to run all the tests and get the code
onto the acceptance environment.
There is waste everywhere.—Software Engineer on Project
Software development is a complex socio-technical activity
that involves coordinating different disciplines and skill sets.
Identifying user needs, crafting features for those needs, identi-
fying and prioritizing value, implementing features, releasing,
and supporting products provide ample opportunity for waste
to creep in.
Here, “waste” refers to “any activity that consumes re-
sources but creates no value” for customers [1]. Reducing
waste, by definition, improves efficiency and productivity.
Waste is like friction in the development process.
However, reducing waste is difficult not least because
identifying waste is difficult. Numerous cognitive phenomena,
including status quo bias [2], hinder practitioners’ propensity
and ability to notice waste in existing practices. Identifying
the types of waste that often occur in software projects may,
therefore, facilitate reducing waste. Identifying and eliminating
waste is a key principle of lean manufacturing.
The Toyota Production System [3], [4] transformed manu-
facturing from batch-and-queue to just-in-time. The similari-
ties between batch-and-queue and waterfall software develop-
ment, as well as just-in-time and iterative software develop-
ment, inspired several software development methods [5], [6].
These methods adapt, in a top-down fashion, lean principles
for software environments.
However, manufacturing differs from software development
in significant ways. Manufacturing produces physical prod-
ucts; software is intangible. While the 1000th car costs about
as much to make as the 999th car, the marginal cost of the
1000th copy of a mobile app is near zero. While most factories
build batches of near-identical goods, much software remains
unique. Typically, manufactured products evolve much slower
than software.
Given the obvious differences between developing software
and manufacturing physical products, software development
may entail waste types never envisioned in lean manufactur-
ing. Even the most careful adaptation of lean principles for
software may not have identified such waste types. Therefore,
we conducted an in-depth, longitudinal investigation of a
successful software company to address the following research
Research Question: “What types of waste are observable
in software development?”
Next, Section II summarizes the history of lean and re-
view related work. Section III describes the research method.
Section IV presents the emergent waste taxonomy. Section V
compares this model with the waste list from Lean Software
TABLE I: Toyota Production System Definition of Manufac-
turing Waste
Waste Type Description
Inventory The cost of storing materials until they are
needed. The material might never be used.
Extra Processing The cost of processing that is unneeded
by a downstream step in the manufacturing
process. (Sometimes an inefficiency from not
seeing the entire process.)
Overproduction The cost of producing more quantity of
components than necessary for the present.
Transportation (of goods) The cost of unnecessarily moving materials
from one place to another place.
Waiting The cost of waiting for a previous upstream
step to finish.
Motion (of people) The cost of unnecessary picking up and
putting things down.
Defects The cost of rework from quality defects.
Value (added by [1]) The cost of producing goods and services
that do not meet the needs of the customer.
Non-utilized Talent
(added by [7]) The cost of unused employee creativity and
Development. Sections VI and VII evaluate the results, de-
scribe limitations, and conclude the paper.
Lean Thinking is a concept proposed by Womack [1]
following his analysis of The Toyota Production System. The
Toyota Production System prioritizes waste removal by creat-
ing a culture that pursues waste identification and elimination
in the entire production of a vehicle [3], [4]. In 1945, Toyota
optimized for the production rate of each system, keeping
like machines near each other. Ohno rearranged equipment
so that the output of one machine fed into the next machine,
slowed machines down to have the same cadence, and only
produced material when it was needed. After optimizing Toy-
ota’s factories, Toyota then trained their suppliers so that the
entire production of a vehicle was just-in-time, transforming
from mass production to lean production. The resulting “pull”
system was easy to reconfigure, minimized inventory, and
supported short production runs.
Lean Thinking describes a process of identifying and re-
moving waste in a value stream [1]. The process discerns
three types of activities: activities that clearly create value;
activities that create no value for the customer but are currently
necessary to manufacture the product; and activities that create
no value for the customer, are unnecessary, and therefore
should be removed immediately; i.e., waste.
The Toyota Production System characterized seven types of
manufacturing waste [4] shown in Table I. Later, Womack and
Liker each added a waste type: value and non-utilized talent
[1], [7].
Mary and Tom Poppendieck created Lean Software Devel-
opment [5] by adapting Lean Thinking and the Toyota Pro-
TABLE II: Comparison of Manufacturing Waste with Lean
Software Development Waste
Toyota Production System’s Man-
ufacturing Wastes
Lean Software Development
Wastes [8]
Inventory Partially Done Work
Extra Processing Relearning
Overproduction Extra Features
Transportation (of goods) Handoffs
Waiting Delays
Motion (of people) Task Switching
Defects Defects
Value (added by [1]) N/A
Non-utilized Talent (added by [7]) N/A
duction System from manufacturing to software development.
Table II presents their comparison of manufacturing waste with
software waste.
Adapting a taxonomy from a reference discipline (e.g. man-
ufacturing) for a target discipline (e.g. software engineering)
manifests at least four threats to validity:
1) The target domain may include concepts (wastes) not
found in the source domain.
2) The source domain may include concepts not found in
the target domain.
3) Concepts from the source domain may bias our percep-
tion of superficially similar but fundamentally different
concepts in the target domain.
4) The organization of concepts in the source domain may
not fit the target domain (e.g., two or more manufactur-
ing wastes might map into a single software engineering
waste or vice versa).
It is, therefore, incumbent upon researchers to empirically
evaluate concepts, taxonomies, and theories adapted from
reference disciplines. We are not aware of any direct empirical
validation of the Lean Software Development waste taxonomy;
this motivates the current study.
That said, several studies have used the Lean Software
Development waste model. For example, Power and Conboy
combine it with literature in manufacturing, lean production,
product development, construction, and healthcare. They shift
from using wastes of inefficiencies to impediments to flow [9].
Several studies applied Value Stream Mapping to software
development. Value Stream Mapping, popularized by Wom-
ack, systematically examines each stage for waste. Interest-
ingly, these studies only found waiting waste generated in a
batch-and-queue system [10], [11], [12]. One study identified
the wastes of motion and extra processing from interviews,
not the current state map [12]. These studies typically reduced
waste by switching the organization from waterfall to iterative
software development or reducing the batch size in iterative
software development [10], [11], [12].
We used Constructivist Grounded Theory [13], which in-
volves iteratively collecting and analyzing data to generate
and refine an emergent theory. We began by asking, “What
is happening at Pivotal Labs when it comes to software
development?” This led to the Theory of Sustainable Software
Development [14] and two further core categories: Team Code
Ownership [15] and Removing Waste, the topic of this paper.
Initially, the two primary data sources were participant
observation field notes and interviews with Pivotal software
engineers, interaction designers, and product managers. Inter-
views were recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed using
constant comparison. The data advanced from initial codes to
focused codes, focused codes to core categories.
When Removing Waste emerged as a core category, we
incorporated data from retrospection meetings, performed ad-
ditional interviews, and continued participant observation to
refine the category. We constantly compared emerging findings
to data from these three data sources until reaching saturation,
as described below.
A. Research Context: Pivotal Labs
We selected Pivotal Labs as the research context because it
is a successful software engineering organization, interested
in using and evolving extreme programming, and open to
research collaboration.
Pivotal Labs is a division of Pivotal—a large American
software company (with 17 offices around the world). Pivotal
Labs provides teams of agile developers, product managers,
and interaction designers to other firms. Its mission is not
only to deliver highly-crafted software products but also to
help transform clients’ engineering cultures. To change the
client’s development process, Pivotal combines the client’s
software engineers with Pivotal’s engineers at a Pivotal office
where they can experience Extreme Programming [16] in an
environment conducive to agile development.
Typical teams include six software engineers, one interac-
tion designer, and a product manager. The largest project in
the history of the Palo Alto office had 28 developers while the
smallest had two. Larger projects are organized into smaller
coordinating teams with one product manager per team and
one or two interaction designers per team.
Interaction designers identify user needs predominately
through user interviews; create and validate user experience
with mockups; determine the visual design of a product; and
support engineering during implementation. Product managers
are responsible for identifying and prioritizing features, con-
verting features into stories, prioritizing stories in a backlog,
and communicating the stories to the engineers. Software
engineers implement the solution.
Pivotal Labs has practiced Extreme Programming [16] since
the late 1990s. While each team autonomously decides what
is best for each project, the company culture strongly suggests
following all of the core practices of Extreme Programming,
including pair programming, test-driven development, refac-
toring, weekly retrospectives, daily stand-ups, a prioritized
backlog, and team code ownership.
We only observed teams at Pivotal Labs. Other teams,
especially teams in other divisions, might have a different
culture and follow different software practices.
B. Data Collection
This paper analyses data from three sources: 1) participant
observation of eight projects over two years and five months,
2) interviews with Pivotal employees, and 3) topics discussed
in 91 retrospection meetings.
1) Participant Observation: The first author collected field
notes while working as an engineer on eight projects. These
notes describe individual and collective actions, capture what
participants found interesting or problematic, and include
anecdotes and observations.
Projects are de-identified to preserve client confidentiality:
Project Unum (two product managers, four developers)
was a greenfield project providing a web front end for
installing, configuring, and using a multi-node cluster
with big data tools.
Project Duo (two interaction designers, two product
managers, six developers) added features to a print-on-
demand e-commerce platform.
Project Tes (one interaction designer, one product man-
ager, six developers) added features to management soft-
ware for internet service providers.
Project Quattuor (two interaction designers, three product
managers, 28 developers) developed two mobile appli-
cations and a backend system for controlling expensive
Project Kvin (one interaction designer, one product man-
ager, six developers) was a greenfield project for a
healthcare startup.
Project Ses (two interaction designers, one product man-
ager, ten developers) was adding features and removing
technical debt to an existing internet e-commerce website.
Project Septem (two interaction designers, three product
managers, twelve developers) was adding features and
removing technical debt to an existing virtual machine
management software.
Project Octo (one product manager, four developers)
added features for workload management of a multi-node
2) Interviews: The first author interviewed 33 interaction
designers, product managers, and software engineers who had
experience with Pivotal’s software development process from
five different Pivotal offices. Participants were not paid for
their time.
We relied on “intensive interviews,” which are “open-ended
yet directed, shaped yet emergent, and paced yet unrestricted”
[13]. Open-ended questions were used to enter into the partic-
ipant’s personal perspective within the context of the research
question. The interviewer attempts to abandon assumptions to
better understand and explore the interviewee’s perspective.
The initial interviews began with the question, “Please
draw on this sheet of paper your view of Pivotal’s software
development process.” The interviewer intentionally avoided
forcing initial topics. While exploring new emergent core
categories, whenever possible, we initiated subsequent inter-
views with open-ended questions. The first author transcribed
each interview with timecode stamps for each segment. These
interviews were spread across the duration of the research
3) Retrospection Topics: When removing waste emerged as
a core category, we began collecting data from retrospection
meetings. A retrospection meeting (or retro) is a meeting to
pause, reflect, and discuss the work done during the week, i.e.,
a safe place where any team member can discuss any issue
[17]. Retros are typically scheduled every Friday afternoon.
The entire team and important stakeholders attend these meet-
The observed Pivotal teams mostly use an emotion-based
retro format where “happy,” “neutral,” and “sad” faces are
written on the top of a whiteboard. The happy-face column
represents items that are working well and should be continued
or expanded. The neutral-face column represents items that
the team needs to “keep an eye on.” The sad-face column
represents problems that the team should try to fix. Any team
member can add any topic to any column. After a few minutes,
the team dot-votes on the topics to discuss [17]. The team uses
the remainder of the sixty-minute meeting to discuss topics.
Sometimes discussing a topic is sufficient to affect change,
other times the team creates action items.
We collected data from 91 retrospection meetings over 59
weeks from Projects Quattuor, Kvin, and Ses. (There are more
meetings than weeks since each of Project Quattuor’s three
teams held its own retro each week.)
For co-located teams, the first author took a picture of the
whiteboard at the end of the retro and later transcribed the
topics into a master spreadsheet. For distributed teams, we
copied data from the online spreadsheets the team used in
place of a whiteboard. Attendees often wrote a short phrase as
a proxy for a larger idea (e.g., “Scope” represents “Too much
scope is causing the team stress”). When the provided topic
was too vague, we solicited a more detailed description from
an engineer that was present at the meeting. This produced
663 total items for analysis.
C. Data Analysis
We began by iteratively collecting and analyzing field
notes and interviews. We used line-by-line coding [13] to
identify nuanced interactions in the data and avoid jumping to
conclusions. We reviewed the initial codes while reading the
transcripts and listening to the audio recordings. We discussed
the coding during weekly research collaboration meetings.
To avoid missing insights from these discussions [18], we
recorded and transcribed them into Grounded Theory memos.
As data was collected and coded, we stored initial codes in
a spreadsheet and we used constant comparison to generate
focused codes.
Fig. 1: Example Retro Topic Index Card
We routinely compared new codes to existing codes to refine
codes and eventually generate categories. We periodically
audited each category for cohesion by comparing its codes.
When this became complex, we printed codes on index cards
to facilitate reorganization. We wrote memos to capture the
analysis of codes, examinations of theoretical plausibility, and
When removing waste appeared as a core category, we
analyzed data from retrospectives to investigate (theoretical
sampling). After removing irrelevant topics (e.g. complaints
about the weather), we printed each retro item onto an index
card with its original retro topic, enhanced description, ID,
and team name (see Figure 1).
Two researchers with first-hand experience of the projects
coded the retro topics and merged duplicate topics. We it-
eratively reorganized categories, keeping similar items to-
gether and dissimilar items apart. Figure 2 gives an example
classification for the psychological distress waste. The figure
shows the waste category, its cause categories and properties,
and examples of observed retrospective topics illustrating the
waste. The full chain of evidence is available [19].
We often stopped to record new insights. When the cate-
gories began to stabilize, we compared each category against
the other categories looking for relationships. Once we felt
that the categories were stable, we performed a final review
of each category to verify that the cards belonged to it.
We continued theoretical sampling for removing waste in
additional interviews and participant observations until no
further waste-related categories were evident, i.e. theoretical
We identified nine types of waste (Table III). This section
defines, elaborates, and provides examples of each type, in-
cluding associated tensions where available.
A. Waste: Building the Wrong Feature or Product
Building features (or worse, whole products) that no one
needs, wants, or uses obviously wastes the time and efforts
of everyone involved. We observed this waste affecting team
morale, team code ownership [15], and customer satisfaction.
Waste Category: Psychological Distress
Cause Property: Low team morale
Retro Topic: Frustrated developers
Retro Topic: Not managing expectations
Retro Topic: Negative attitudes
Retro Topic: Apathy
Retro Topic: Not knowing everyone on the team
Retro Topic: Project feels like it is falling apart emotionally
Retro Topic: Unacknowledged by management
Retro Topic: Messy code decreasing sense of ownership
Cause Property: Rush mode
Retro Topic: Fixed set of features with a fixed timeline
Retro Topic: Aggressive timelines
Retro Topic: Shifting deadline
Retro Topic: Scope creep
Retro Topic: Repeatedly hearing “This is due today”
Retro Topic: Long days
Retro Topic: Overtime
Cause Property: Interpersonal or team conflict
Retro Topic: Criticizing in public
Retro Topic: Difficult pairings
Retro Topic: Pairing fatigue
Retro Topic: Not listening
Retro Topic: Interpersonal conflict
Fig. 2: Waste Organization Example (Psychological Distress)
The product features for Project Ses were designed based
on a given persona—i.e. a fictional, archetypal user [20].
However, consulting several real intended users revealed that
the persona was deeply flawed as the users did not need the
product. The intended users invalidated the persona. Building
the intended product is risky and probably wasteful.
Tension: User needs versus business wants. Some projects
exhibit a tension between user needs and business goals.
Practitioners may struggle to produce something that simul-
taneously satisfies the users and the business.
On Project Quattuor, the client wanted to add a news feed to
a mobile phone application that controlled a real world product
in order to increase marketing awareness. However, user vali-
dation revealed that no users wanted this feature, and several
reacted quite negatively. Despite numerous conversations, the
marketing department insisted on adding the feature.
B. Waste: Mismanaging the Backlog
The product backlog can be mismanaged in several ways,
leading to delays of key features or lower team productivity.
On several projects, we observed engineers working on
low-priority stories through “backlog inversion.” This occurs
when the engineers working through the backlog get ahead
of the product manager who is prioritizing the backlog. For
instance, the product manager might prioritize the next ten
stories in the backlog, but the engineers get to story 15 before
the product manager gets back to prioritizing. This creates
waste as engineers implement potentially outdated, low-value,
or even counterproductive stories ahead of high-value stories.
Mismanaging the backlog can also lead to duplicated work.
We observed duplicate stories in the backlog, two engineers
working on the same story because one had forgotten to
change its status, and two engineers independently addressing
the same pain point (e.g. making the build faster) by not
communicating what they were doing in the backlog.
Tension: Writing enough stories versus writing stories
that will never be implemented. Pivotal product managers at-
tempt to provide the team with a steady stream of ready, high-
value work. This creates a tension between writing enough
stories for the team to work on and “over-producing” stories
that might never be implemented. Writing too few stories
causes the team to idle while writing too many stories wastes
the product manager’s time. We observed teams running out of
work on rare occasions; we did not observe product managers
writing too many stories.
Tension: Finishing features versus working on too many
features simultaneously. Product managers decompose a fea-
ture into a set of stories and typically aim to create the minimal
viable product as quickly as possible by sequencing the stories
to finish just enough of each feature before starting another
On Project Quattuor’s backend system, we observed one
product manager starting too many tracks of work at once
by prioritizing a breadth of features instead of finishing
started features. Unfortunately, several tracks of work were not
completed by the first release date. The work in progress was
disabled with feature flags. Starting work, changing priorities,
and halting work in flight can result in waste.
We observed that teams usually prefer to maintain a ship-
pable product while rapidly finishing the simplest possible
version of each new feature.
Tension: intransigence versus capricious adjustments.
Responding to change quickly is a core tenet of agile de-
velopment and often thought of as the opposite of refusing to
change. However, responding to change is more like a mid-
dle ground between intransigence (unreasonably refusing to
change) and thrashing (changing features too often, especially
arbitrarily alternating between equally good alternatives).
On Project Kvin, for example, the launch was delayed while
the business fiddled with the sequence and number of steps
in the user registration process. Project Duo was similarly
delayed by a product manager repeatedly resequencing an
order customization process.
C. Waste: Rework
From a Waterfall perspective, one might classify any revi-
sion of existing code as “rework.” This problematically fails
to distinguish between situations where things could have
been done right based on the information available then from
situations where new information reveals a better approach.
Contrastingly, our participants classify revising work that
should have been done correctly but was not as rework, and
improving existing work based on new information as new
work.Rework wastes time and resources by definition. We
observed numerous sources of rework including technical debt,
defects in work products, poor testing strategy, rejected stories,
stories with no clear definition of done, and ambiguous mock-
TABLE III: Types of Software Development Waste
Waste Description Observed Causes
Building the wrong feature or
The cost of building a feature or product
that does not address user or business
User desiderata (not doing user research, validation, or testing; ignoring
user feedback; working on low user value features)
Business desiderata (not involving a business stakeholder; slow stake-
holder feedback; unclear product priorities)
Mismanaging the backlog The cost of duplicating work, expediting
lower value user features, or delaying nec-
essary bug fixes.
Backlog inversion
Working on too many features simultaneously
Duplicated work
Not enough ready stories
Imbalance of feature work and bug fixing
Delaying testing or critical bug fixing
Capricious thrashing
Rework The cost of altering delivered work that
should have been done correctly but was
Technical debt
Rejected stories (e.g. product manager rejects story implementation)
No clear definition of done (ambiguous stories; second guessing design
Defects (poor testing strategy; no root-cause analysis on bugs)
Unnecessarily complex solutions The cost of creating a more complicated
solution than necessary, a missed opportu-
nity to simplify features, user interface, or
Unnecessary feature complexity from the user’s perspective
Unnecessary technical complexity (duplicating code, lack of interaction
design reuse, overly complex technical design created up-front)
Extraneous cognitive load The costs of unneeded expenditure of
mental energy.
Suffering from technical debt
Complex or large stories
Inefficient tools and problematic APIs, libraries, and frameworks
Unnecessary context switching
Inefficient development flow
Poorly organized code
Psychological distress The costs of burdening the team with
unhelpful stress.
Low team morale
Rush mode
Interpersonal or team conflict
Waiting/multitasking The cost of idle time, often hidden by
Slow tests or unreliable tests
Unreliable acceptance environment
Missing information, people, or equipment
Context switching from delayed feedback
Knowledge loss The cost of re-acquiring information that
the team once knew.
Team churn
Knowledge silos
Ineffective communication The cost of incomplete, incorrect, mislead-
ing, inefficient, or absent communication.
Team size is too large
Asynchronous communication (distributed teams; distributed stakehold-
ers; dependency on another team; opaque processes outside team)
Imbalance (dominating the conversation; not listening)
Inefficient meetings (lack of focus; skipping retros; not discussing
blockers each day; meetings running over (e.g. long stand-ups))
Technical debt refers to the risks of delaying needed tech-
nical work, by taking technical shortcuts, usually to meet a
deadline [21]. These shortcuts are waste and often burdens the
team later, as described in the extraneous cognitive load waste.
On Project Quattuor, engineers felt pressured to deliver stories
quickly and skipped refactoring, resulting in many weeks of
rework after the first release.
Defects and bugs in the code, stories, mock-ups, and code
result in rework. On every project, we observed defects. On
several occasions, mistakes in stories and acceptance criteria
resulted in engineering rework. On Project Quattuor, the inter-
action designers created mockups optimized for English, not
the target language. After implementing the application, the
team realized that the target language text needed more space
than the English translations, requiring rework for several
design components. On Project Kvin, the interaction designer
forgot to consider mobile phones when creating the mock-ups.
After building a few screens, the team realized that the website
did not work well on mobile devices requiring rework.
Rejected stories—stories that a product manager rejects
delivered work because the implementation does not satisfy the
acceptance criteria—requires rework as the developers need to
fix the delivered work.
Stories with no clear definition of done (e.g. stories with am-
biguous acceptance criteria or ambiguous mock-ups) resulted
in rework. On Project Ses, the engineers showed a finished
story to the interaction designer for feedback. The interaction
designer pointed out a missing interaction, which was neither
in the story nor the mock-up
D. Waste: Unnecessarily Complex Solutions
Unnecessarily complex solutions can be caused by feature
complexity, technical complexity, or lack of reuse. Unneces-
sary feature complexity wastes users’ time as they struggle to
understand how to use the system and achieve their objectives,
e.g. requiring the user to fill in form fields not related to
the task at hand. Some features bring unnecessary technical
complexity since a simpler interaction design would have
solved the same problem.
On Projects Tes, Ses, and Septem, complicated legacy
components were refactored into simpler, easier to understand
components. However, personal and organizational goals may
misalign on this issue—one Pivotal engineer complained that
a client engineer’s attitude was, “the more complicated, the
better, as that means my role is more important” —Participant
Another way to increase system complexity is through a
lack of reuse, i.e., building a new component instead of
reusing an existing one. In code, lack of reuse can manifest
as duplicated code and similar components that have similar
functionality. In mockups, lack of reuse produces “snowflake
designs,” interaction designs which do not take advantage of
design reuse, e.g. two unique user interaction flows that could
be unified into similar experiences or two visual components
that solve the same concern.
On Project Duo, the interaction designer created a left-
to-right navigational flow for configuring the product but
designed a top-to-bottom navigational flow for the checkout
page. Both sequences allowed the user to change a previous
choice, jump to the correct page, and invalidate dependent
information. In retrospect, using the same interaction design
treatment for both would have been faster.
On Project Quattuor, multiple interaction designers pro-
duced different design treatments for the same concept. The
product shipped multiple versions of layouts, lists, alerts, and
buttons, some with expensive interactions to delight users.
On Project Kvin, the interaction designer created two sets
of form inputs which necessitated multiple CSS styles for the
HTML form input tags. Singular designs require engineering
to build unique solutions with no possibility of reuse.
Tension: Big design up-front versus incremental design.
Many projects exhibit a tension between up-front and incre-
mental design. Rushing into implementation can produce inef-
fective emergent designs, leading to rework. However, big up-
front design can produce incorrect or out-of-date assumptions
and inability to cope with rapidly changing circumstances,
also leading to expensive rework. The desire to avoid rework
and differing development ideologies, therefore, motivates the
tension and disagreement over big design up-front versus
incremental design.
The observed teams expected the product features to change
even when the client had clearly defined the project. On
all projects with interaction designers, after the interaction
designer conducted user research and discovered new infor-
mation about the user’s needs, the feature set changed. No
amount of up-front consideration appears sufficient to predict
user feedback. The observed teams preferred to incrementally
deliver functionality and delay integrating with technologies
until a feature required it. For example, an engineer would only
add asynchronous background jobs technology when working
on the first story that requires the needed technology, even if
the team knew it would need the technology at the project’s
We observed teams using common architectural and design
solutions from similar, previous projects without explicit ar-
chitectural or design phases.
E. Waste: Extraneous Cognitive Load
Cognitive Load Theory [22] posits that our working mem-
ory is quite limited and overloading it inhibits learning and
problem solving [23]. Intrinsic cognitive load refers to the
innate complexity of the task, while extraneous cognitive load
refers to the cognitive load unnecessarily added by the task
environment, or the way the task is presented [24]. Reducing
the burden on working memory by removing extraneous cog-
nitive load is therefore associated with more efficient learning
among other positive outcomes [25].
Since many software development activities have high
intrinsic cognitive load and developer’s mental capacity is
a limited resource, we view extraneous cognitive load as
waste. While we cannot observe cognitive load directly, we
did observe sources of extraneous cognitive load including
overcomplicated stories, ineffective tooling, technical debt, and
Overcomplicated stories—user stories that are unnecessarily
long, complex, unclear, or replete with pointers to other
necessary information—are precisely the sort of task materials
that Cognitive Load Theory predicts will overburden working
memory. On Project Quattuor, one story modifying the pre-
sentation of status resulted in the pair creating a spreadsheet
listing out the complex behavior. The logic had become too
complex to reason about in an individual’s working memory.
The team, concerned about code maintenance and readabil-
ity, asked the product manager if simplifying the logic was
Ineffective tooling includes convoluted, nonfunctional, pre-
mature, complicated, unstable, outdated, unsupported, time-
consuming, or inappropriate-for-the-task software libraries,
as well as poorly designed development environments and
deployment processes. Participant 13 said that one arcane
technology “makes me angry enough that I want to hack
into it, expose how useless and horrible it is, and wipe this
miserable product off the face of the earth!”
Technical debt introduces the risks of the code being harder
to understand and modify. We observed teams suffering from
technical debt with long-running, existing code bases. On
Project Tes, for example, running the test suite produced
87,000 lines of output, including deprecation warnings, ex-
ceptions, and test noise. Engineers ignored the overwhelming
output which contained important information. On Project Ses,
dead code littered the code base along with convoluted objects.
Project Septem suffered from engineers introducing an idea
in one part of the code base, but not applying the concept
systematically. These examples illustrate how technical debt
creates more things developers need to remember: in other
words, how technical debt increases extraneous cognitive load.
Multitasking—performing two or more activities simultane-
ously or rapidly alternating between them—increases cognitive
load as the multitasker attempts to hold two or more sets of
information in working memory or needs to unnecessarily re-
load the information into working memory. While observed
engineers prefer to finish one task before beginning the next
task, they also try to convert excessive waiting (e.g. long
builds, long tests, waiting for feedback) into productive time
by multitasking (see waiting/multitasking waste description for
more detail).
F. Waste: Psychological Distress
“Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any
demand made upon it” [26]. Stress may be beneficial (eustress)
or harmful (distress). We see psychological distress as a kind
of waste for the same reason as extraneous cognitive load: de-
velopers are a limited resource, which distress consumes. Job-
related psychological distress causes absenteeism, burnout,
lower productivity, and a variety of health problems [27].
On Project Quattuor, for example, the team rushed to release
a fixed feature set by a fixed date. Daily, the team decreased a
countdown written on an office whiteboard to the release date.
We observed low team morale, rush mode, lack of empathy,
and waiting too long to resolve interpersonal issues leading
to people working inefficiently. Furthermore, the team felt
that over-emphasizing the deadline was increasing stress and
leading to poor technical decisions and eventually erased the
countdown from the whiteboard. Participants felt that fixing
both scope and schedule was antithetical to Pivotal’s software
process, where the client either chooses the release date and
gets only the features ready by then or chooses key features
and ships the product when the features are ready.
G. Waste: Waiting/Multitasking
Having developers waiting around, working slowly, or
working on low-priority features because something is pre-
venting them from proceeding on high-priority features wastes
their time and delays their projects. For example, we observed
developers waiting on (or looking for) product managers and
designers to clarify a story’s acceptance criteria. On Project
Quattuor, product managers started multitasking while accept-
ing stories because the acceptance environment was unreliable.
We also saw team members waiting around because of missing
video-conferencing equipment.
Ohno described waiting waste as hidden waste since people
start working on the next job instead of waiting [3]. The
Toyota Production system exposes waiting waste by requiring
someone to pull the red cable to halt the production line. On
Project Ses, it took 58 minutes to run the build locally and 17
minutes on the build machine due to parallelization on four
machines. Team members would push code as a branch to
the build machine instead of running tests locally. While the
build machine ran the tests, the engineers would either wait or
context switch onto different work. If the branch passed, some
time later, they would merge their code into the team’s code.
If the branch failed, the engineers would decide either to finish
the work that they were doing or to switch back and fix the
issue. Some engineers found the context switching exhausting.
This “solution” to avoid waiting created extraneous cognitive
load waste.
Tension: Wait, block, or guess. When needed information
is missing, engineers appear to have three options: 1) wait
for the information, 2) suspend (block) the story and work on
something else, or 3) act without the information. The best
option depends on how far into the story the pair is, how long
they have to wait, and their confidence in their guess.
Tension: Waiting versus context switching. When pos-
sible, engineers would often use waiting time to attempt to
remedy problems or reduce the duration of future waiting (e.g.
shorten the build). When this was not possible, engineers often
worked on something else instead of idling. Unfortunately, task
switching decreases productivity and increases mistakes [28].
For short waits, taking a break (e.g. playing table tennis) may
be less wasteful than switching to another task.
H. Waste: Knowledge Loss
Knowledge loss occurs when a team member with unique
knowledge leaves a team or company—the latter being a more
extreme form of knowledge loss.
In projects with knowledge silos, team churn leads to wasted
effort as the team regains lost knowledge. For legacy systems,
we observed teams sleuthing the code base, commit messages,
and completed stories in the backlog to understand the code.
On Project Octo, a complete team turnover required the new
team to spend months understanding the system, during which
the team’s velocity was practically zero.
The observed teams reduced knowledge loss by actively
removing knowledge silos and caretaking the code by adopting
the principles, policies, and practices of Sustainable Software
Development [14]. Teams promoting knowledge sharing ap-
pear less susceptible to knowledge loss from team churn or
team member rotation.
I. Waste: Ineffective Communication
Ineffective communication is incomplete, incorrect, mislead-
ing, inefficient, or absent communication. We observed that
large team sizes, asynchronous communication, imbalance in
communication, and inefficient meetings reduced team pro-
We observed issues with asynchronous communication on
Project Quattuor. The team was distributed between two of-
fices separated by an hour commute. We observed the team
using remote pairing and engineers commuting between the
offices to mitigate the effects of a large distributed team, but
communication issues continually arose in the retrospections.
On Project Ses, we observed that one person dominated
meetings, which prevented quieter personalities from sharing
their perspectives.
On Project Quattuor, when the project started, the iOS team
was not effectively reflecting on its process to make informed
decisions. Adding weekly retros helped the team reflect and
respond to problems. Over several weeks, the remaining teams
added their own retros.
TABLE IV: Comparison to Lean Software Development Waste
Software Development Wastes Lean Software Development
Building the wrong feature or
Extra features
Mismanaging the backlog Partially done work
Rework Defects
Unnecessarily complex solutions Not described
Extraneous cognitive load Not described
Psychological distress Not described
Waiting/multitasking Delays
Task switching
Knowledge loss Relearning
Ineffective communication Not described
Not observed Handoffs
This section compares and contrasts our waste taxonomy
(Section IV), with Lean Software Development’s waste tax-
onomy [8] category by category.
While several categories are analogous (Table IV), we
observed four types of waste not found in Lean: unnecessarily
complex solutions, extraneous cognitive load, psychological
distress, and ineffective communication (see Section IV for
details). Meanwhile, we did not observe Lean Software De-
velopment’s handoff waste type.
Handoffs: We did not observe handoff waste—the loss of
tacit knowledge when work is handed off to colleagues—
as Pivotal follows an iterative software development process
with cross-functional teams. We did observe waiting waste
as engineers might contact people outside the team who
had needed information. Handoffs certainly contribute to the
wastes of knowledge loss,ineffective communication, and
waiting. However, our data does not support handoffs as a
type of waste.
Building the wrong feature or product and Extra fea-
tures: In our model, building the wrong feature or product
describes not addressing user or business needs. Pivotal’s
process relies on user validation to assess value in solving
the user’s needs and iterating from a minimal viable product.
In Lean Software Development, the extra features waste de-
scribes adding in features that are not necessary for the user’s
current needs. Both perspectives align on delaying features
until necessary. Extra features does not cover the waste from
missing important business needs. Building the wrong feature
or product subsumes extra features.
Mismanaging the backlog and Partially done work: There
is common ground between both taxonomies on reducing large
batch sizes into smaller batches with an ideal of “continuous
flow,” where work is routinely moving through the system
hence decreasing feature lead time. However, in Lean Software
Development, partially done work is work that is not tested,
implemented, integrated, documented, or deployed. Any fea-
ture description that is not implemented, any code that is not
integrated or merged, any code that is untested, any code that
is not self-documenting or documented, and any code that is
not deployed where the user can receive value is partially done
The observed teams did not view materials flowing through
the system as waste. Interaction designers need to produce
just enough mockups, product managers need to write just
enough stories, and developers need to write just enough code
to make the story work. In any continuous flow system, there
are unfinished materials at each step.
While we did observe a product manager starting too
many features at once (as described in the mismanaging the
backlog waste section), we mostly observed work flowing in a
relatively orderly fashion with minimal delay. Large amounts
of waiting designs or stories would have been classified as
mismanaging the backlog waste.
Mismanaging the backlog includes observed wastes be-
yond partially done work, namely, sequencing low priority
work before high priority work, accidentally duplicating work,
capricious thrashing, or delaying necessary bug fixes. Lean
Software Development does not cover these wastes.
Rework and Defects: While both taxonomies agree on
defects as waste, our rework concept subsumes defects.Rework
includes mistakes made by the product managers (in writing
acceptance criteria), the interaction designers (in creating
mockups) and the developers (in writing tests and code).
Poor testing strategies and delaying testing can cause rework.
Rework also includes shortcuts intentionally made by team
members to save time leading to technical debt. Finally, our
definition of rework distinguishes mistakes that could have
been avoided from problems only obvious in hindsight.
Waiting/multitasking and Task switching:Multitasking
and task switching describe the same behavior. The desire to
have developers work on one thing at a time is common to
both models.
Waiting/multitasking and Delays: In our model, waiting
includes delays from not having the needed information or
resources to get one’s work done as well as the cost of slow
tests and unreliable tests. In Lean Software Development,
delays are “waiting for people to be available who are working
in other areas” to provide needed information that is not
available to the developers [8]. Both wastes describe the cost
of missing needing information. Waiting subsumes delays.
Knowledge loss and Relearning: In our model, knowl-
edge loss is the cost from members rolling off the team.
In Lean Software Development, relearning is “rediscovering
something we once knew” [8], which includes the cost of
an individual not remembering a decision already made. The
observed teams see forgetting as a natural part of the human
experience, not as a waste. Included in relearning is failing
to engage people in the development process. We did observe
product managers having difficulty in involving some stake-
holders, which we include in the building the wrong feature or
product waste. Knowledge loss focuses relearning to simply
regaining departed knowledge.
While other factors may affect software engineering waste,
we focus only on those that we observed during the study.
Grounded Theory studies can be evaluated using the following
criteria [13], [29]:
Credibility: “Is there sufficient data to merit claims?” This
study relies on two years and five months of participant-
observation, 33 intensive open-ended interviews, and one
year’s worth of retrospections.
Originality: “Do the categories offer new insights?” This
study is the first empirical study of waste in software de-
velopment. It not only discovered new waste types but also
supports and expands existing waste types that have not pre-
viously undergone rigorous empirical validation in a software
engineering context.
Resonance: “Does the theory make sense to participants?”
We presented the results to the organization. Seven participants
reviewed the results and this paper. They indicated that the
waste taxonomy resonates with their experience: “These are
pain points that we all felt. This covers what we learned on
the projects” —Participant 33; “I have lived through these
projects. . . No other waste comes to mind” —Participant 31.
This process produced no significant changes, which is not
surprising because participant observation mitigates resonance
Usefulness: “Does the theory offer useful interpretations?”
This study identifies software development wastes that are
not identified in manufacturing and explains why certain
behaviors, events, and actions can cause software engineering
waste. It provides a rich waste taxonomy for identifying wastes
in practice.
Regarding external validity, Grounded Theory is non-
statistical, non-sampling research; therefore, the results cannot
be statistically generalized to a population. Based on existing
research and our experience, none of the identified wastes
appear peculiar to Pivotal or Extreme Programming. However,
Pivotal is a very effective organization, which uses iterative
development and has been concerned with eliminating waste
for almost two decades. Organizations that are newer, less
experienced, less concerned with waste, or use less iterative
methods may experience additional waste types. For example,
waiting waste manifests in organizations that hand feature doc-
uments between teams or use large batch sizes of features [10],
[11], [12]. Researchers and professionals should, therefore,
take care to adapt our findings to their contexts case-by-case.
Finally, the results might be influenced by researcher bias
or prior knowledge bias. During participant observation, the
researcher may lose perspective and become biased by being
a member of the team. That is, while a participant-observer
gains perspective an outsider cannot, an outside observer might
see something a participant observer will miss. Similarly,
while prior knowledge helps the researcher interpret events
and select lines of inquiry, prior knowledge may also blind
the researcher to alternative explanations [30]. We mitigated
these risks by recording interviews and having the second and
third authors review the coding process.
This paper presents the first evidence-based taxonomy of
software engineering waste, identifies numerous causes of
waste, and explores fundamental tensions related to specific
waste types. Nine waste types are identified: building the
wrong feature or product, mismanaging the backlog, rework,
unnecessarily complex solutions, extraneous cognitive load,
psychological distress, waiting/multitasking, knowledge loss,
and ineffective communication. Each waste is illustrated with
examples taken from observed projects at Pivotal, showing
how the waste materializes, and in some cases how it is
removed or eliminated. We also compare our taxonomy to
Lean Software Development’s waste taxonomy.
Our taxonomy emerged from a Constructivist Grounded
Theory study, including the collection and analysis of data
from two years and five months of participant-observation of
eight software development projects; interviews of 33 software
engineers, interaction designers, and product managers; as
well as one year of retrospection topics. The analysis of the
retrospection topics reveals that the observed Pivotal teams
care deeply about finding and eliminating waste in their
software development processes.
While this research supports parts of the Lean Software
Development waste taxonomy, it differs in three key ways:
1) it introduces four new waste categories: unnecessarily
complex solutions, extraneous cognitive load, psychological
distress, and ineffective communication; 2) it does not support
Lean Software Development’s handoffs waste category; and
3) its waste categories are largely broader than Lean Software
Development’s categories. As such, our taxonomy is more
expressive and more accurately describes the observed data.
To be clear, the Lean Software Development’s taxonomy of
wastes was developed top-down, by mapping manufacturing
wastes onto software development concepts. It was not empir-
ically tested and therefore does not have the same epistemic
status as our taxonomy, which was developed bottom-up from
rigorous primary data collection and analysis.
Several avenues for future research have potential. Studying
different kinds of projects in different organizations may reveal
new types of waste, or improve our understanding of existing
categories. Furthermore, understanding wastes and their causes
is just the first step in devising techniques for reducing waste
and mitigating its effects. We would also like to investigate
how teams use feedback loops to identify, manage, and reduce
Thanks to Ben Christel for his assistance in sorting retro
topics and helping with the initial analysis. Thank you to Rob
Mee, David Goudreau, Ryan Richard, Zach Larson, Elisabeth
Hendrickson, and Michael Schubert for making this research
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... The cause may be due to people, process or the domain itself. Moreover, if not addressed, waste can evolve and impact other aspects of the software and lead to productivity issues [11] [9]. Identifying and eliminating SDW is paramount for enhancing productivity, reducing costs, and ensuring delivery timelines. ...
... Sedano et al. [9] and Alahyari et al. [1] provided a comprehensive list of SDW through elaborate participant-observation studies, identifying common waste types such as rework, waiting, and ineffective communication and more and mentioned the lack of underscoring unified approach to defining and measuring waste [1]. While studies have not explicitly mentioned any SDW measures, Kai Petersen presents lean indicators such as maintenance request inflow, lead time, and workload to identify waste and uses the cumulative flow diagram to visualize handovers [6]. ...
... Definition: Measure of active work on copies of a project exploring their directions without contributing back to the parent project indicating a different vision. SDW Type: Building the Wrong Feature/Product [9][1] ...
Full-text available
Software Development Waste (SDW) is defined as any resource-consuming activity that does not add value to the client or the organization developing the software. SDW impacts the overall efficiency and productivity of a software project as the scale and size of the project grows. Although engineering leaders usually put in effort to minimize waste, the lack of definitive measures to track and manage SDW is a cause of concern. To address this gap, we propose five measures, namely Stale Forks, Project Diversification Index, PR Rejection Rate, Backlog Inversion Index, and Feature Fulfillment Rate to potentially identify unused artifacts, building the wrong feature/product, mismanagement of backlog types of SDW. We apply these measures on ten open-source projects and share our observations to apply them in practice for managing SDW.
... Quality assurance 0,70% [85,99,87] Implementing processes and procedures to ensure that products or services meet defined quality standards and customer expectations. ...
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In the high-paced, uncertain, and resource-constrained environment of software startups, achieving product-market fit and acquiring initial customers are critical yet challenging tasks. These challenges are often exacerbated by the absence of strategic planning, inefficient requirements selection processes, inadequate resource allocation, and insufficient market research, leading to an alarming 63% failure rate among software startups. The Product Manager (PM), responsible for product strategy, planning, and results monitoring, plays a pivotal role in navigating these complexities; however, the PM role is often undervalued and lacks a universally accepted definition. This study aims to enhance the understanding of the PM's role within software startups by conducting a comprehensive Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Employing a rigorous selection methodology, we reviewed 134 studies and identified 662 distinct PM tasks across 122 activities. Notably, only 7 studies (5.73%) specifically addressed the software startup context, revealing a substantial gap in the literature. Our findings indicate that while product planning and requirements prioritization are dominant topics, many critical activities remain underrepresented, underscoring the need for targeted research in these areas. By addressing the unique challenges faced by software startups, we pave the way for more targeted and effective PM strategies. Future research should consider adopting mixed-method approaches to deepen the understanding of PM practices and investigate underexplored areas such as go-to-market strategies, roadmap creation, and requirements selection within the startup context.
... No entanto, os desafios de comunicação persistem, influenciados pelo número de profissionais envolvidos, tempo necessário para tarefas, questões técnicas e complexidade das atividades (Herbsleb et al., 2006). A comunicação é essencial para organizar o trabalho cooperativo e evitar problemas como trabalho duplicado, conflitos de escopo de tarefas e atrasos (Sedano et al., 2017). ...
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O desenvolvimento de software é uma atividade desafiadora e em constante transformação. Atualmente, projetos de desenvolvimento de software contam com equipes distribuídas (Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software-DDS). Tais projetos enfrentam desafios de comunicação e coordenação, os quais têm sido amplamente investigados na literatura. Todavia, ainda não houve uma compreensão clara dos desafios e das práticas específicos para diferentes tipos de arranjos de equipe em projetos de DDS. Portanto, realizou-se uma Revisão da Literatura do tipo Revisão de Escopo (ScR) embasada no PRISMA, com o objetivo de identificar os desafios, as práticas e os diferentes arranjos de equipes virtuais em DDS em 26 estudos. Foram identificados desafios e práticas em cinco dimensões (interações sociais; processos, eventos e mecanismos de colaboração; distâncias e diferenças; aspectos humanos; e aspectos organizacionais) que influenciam, de forma positiva ou negativa, a comunicação e a coordenação em projetos de DDS, além de quatro tipos de arranjos de equipes: colocalizada, distribuída, remota e hibrida. Conclui-se que a comunicação promove a coordenação em DDS, e que a adaptação de abordagens de gestão de projetos é necessária para o sucesso de tais projetos. Palavras-chave: desenvolvimento distribuído de software (DDS); comunicação; coordenação; equipe virtual. ABSTRACT Software development is a challenging and constantly changing activity. Currently, software development projects involve 1 ARTIGO FAST TRACK-PUBLICADO ORIGINALMENTE NO 34° ENANGRAD, 2023, realizado no INSPER, em São Paulo-SP, nos dias 3, 4 e 5 de novembro de 2023.
This chapter provides an overview of the suite of traditional grounded theory research methods. First, the ideas of research and research methods is introduced. This is followed by presenting the origin of grounded theory from sociology including its overviews and evolution into three versions: Glaserian GT, Strauss-Corbinian GT, and Constructivist GT. Next, the key reasons propelling the use of traditional grounded theory methods in Software Engineering are presented including when it makes most sense to apply traditional GT methods. Next, a set of common challenges of practising traditional GT methods in software engineering contexts are described as patterns. The chapter concludes with a discussion of how to address these common challenges, motivating the need for an updated and contextualised set of guidelines in the form of a new version called socio-technical grounded theory (STGT) for conducting, presenting, and evaluating qualitative research in today’s modern digital world.
Context and Motivation – Developer eXperience (Dev-X) is a recent research area that focuses on developers perceptions, feelings, and values with respect to software development and software quality. Research suggests that factors and practices related to Dev-X can have a substantial impact on developer productivity (Dev-P). However, despite a large and diverse body of literature on factors that can impact Dev-P in general, there is no coherent and comprehensive characterization of how Dev-X-specific insights can influence developer productivity. Aims – In the presented research, we aim to provide a coherent, comprehensive characterization of factors and practices related to Dev-X, with a particular focus on those factors and practices that potentially affect Dev-P. Method – To this end, we performed a systematic literature review and identified 218 relevant papers in this area. We characterize the papers based on the related frameworks, and concepts common to Dev-X and Dev-P as presented in the existing literature. Dev-X factors such as ’work fragmentation’ and practices such as ’collaboration with owner-developer’ are identified using a grounded-in-the-literature, content-analysis method, guided by the theory. For each Dev-X factor, we identify attributes that might be used to assess/measure the current status (of an organisation or project) regarding that factor and how that factor and its effects on productivity have been evidenced in the literature (mentioned vs. considered in questionnaires vs. substantiated with a more positivist evaluation). Results – We identify 33 Dev-X-related factors and 41 Dev-X-related practices which are organized into ten themes to summarize their influence. The results suggest that the availability of required resources, relevant expertise re the allocated tasks, and fewer interruptions are among the top positively impacting factors. Conversely, factors like code complexity, heterogeneous contexts of tasks, and non-adherence to standardization harm Dev-X and Dev-P. Top industrial practices employed to mitigate the negative influence of factors include characterization-based task assignments, mental model support, and the timely evolution of technologies. Conclusions – Overall, this research suggests that organizations can influence Dev-P through improved Dev-X, incorporating suitable practices to mediate relevant factors in their context. Important in this regard are practices like fragmenting large tasks, highlighting the utility of proposed tasks/changes to the developers, and promoting (developer) ownership of artefacts. Finally, our results point to areas where further research seems appropriate, i.e., where Dev-X factors/practices have been proposed as being impactful on Dev-P but not yet fully substantiated or explored as such (factors like ‘Nature of Activity’ and practices like choosing practices/protocols appropriately).
Cybersecurity concerns of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and infrastructure are growing each year. In response, organizations worldwide have published IoT security guidelines to protect their citizens and customers by providing recommendations on the development and operation of IoT systems. While these guidelines are being adopted, e.g. by US federal contractors, their content and merits have not been critically examined. Specifically, we do not know what topics and recommendations they cover and their effectiveness at preventing real-world IoT failures. In this paper, we address these gaps through a qualitative study of guidelines. We collect 142 IoT cybersecurity guidelines and sample them for recommendations until reaching saturation at 25 guidelines. From the resulting 958 unique recommendations, we iteratively develop a hierarchical taxonomy following grounded theory coding principles and study the guidelines’ comprehensiveness. In addition, we evaluate the actionability and specificity of each recommendation and match recommendations to CVEs and security failures in the news they can prevent. We report that: (1) Each guideline has gaps in its topic coverage and comprehensiveness; (2) 87.2% recommendations are actionable and 38.7% recommendations can prevent specific threats; and (3) although the union of the guidelines mitigates all 17 of the failures from our news stories corpus, 21% of the CVEs evade the guidelines. In summary, we report shortcomings in each guideline’s depth and breadth, but as a whole they address major security issues.
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Context: Software development is a complex socio-technical endeavor that involves coordinating different disciplines and skill sets. Practitioners experiment with and adopt processes and practices with a goal of making their work more effective. Objective: The purpose of this research is to observe, describe, and analyze software development processes and practices in an industrial setting. Our goal is to generate a descriptive theory of software engineering development, which is rooted in empirical data. Method: Following Constructivist Grounded Theory, we conducted a two-year five-month participant-observation of eight software development projects at Pivotal, a software development company whose process is based on Extreme Programming. We interviewed 33 software engineers, interaction designers, and product managers, and analyzed one year of retrospection topics. We iterated between data collection, data analysis and theoretical sampling until achieving theoretical saturation and generating a descriptive theory. Results: 1) This research introduces a descriptive theory of Sustainable Software Development. The theory encompasses principles, policies, and practices aiming at removing knowledge silos and improving code quality (including discoverability and readability), hence leading to development sustainability. 2) At the heart of Sustainable Software Development is team code ownership. This research widens the current definition and understanding of team code ownership. It identifies five factors that affect ownership. Developers achieve higher team code ownership when they understand the system context, have contributed to the code in question, perceive code quality as high, believe the product will satisfy the user needs, and perceive high team cohesion. 3) This research introduces the first evidence-based waste taxonomy, identifying eight wastes along with causes and tensions within wastes. It also provides a comparison with the taxonomy of wastes found in Lean Software Development. Limitations: While the results are highly relevant to the observed company, Pivotal, the outcomes might not apply to organizations with different software development cultures. Conclusion: The Sustainable Software Development theory refines and extends our understanding of Extreme Programming by adding new principles, policies, and practices (including Overlapping Pair Rotation) and aligning them with the business goal of sustainability. One key aspect of the theory is team code ownership, which is rooted in numerous cognitive, emotional, contextual and technical factors and cannot be achieved simply by policy. Another key dimension is waste identification and elimination, which has led to a new taxonomy of waste. Comparing this taxonomy to Lean Software Development’s list of wastes revealed our taxonomy’s parsimony and expressiveness while illustrating wastes not covered by previous work. Overall, this research contributes to the field of software engineering by providing new insights, rooted in empirical data, into how a software organization leverages and extends Extreme Programming to achieve software sustainability.
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This paper outlines my concerns with Qualitative Data Analysis' (QDA) numerous remodelings of Grounded Theory (GT) and the subsequent eroding impact. I cite several examples of the erosion and summarize essential elements of classic GT methodology. It is hoped that the article will clarify my concerns with the continuing enthusiasm but misunderstood embrace of GT by QDA methodologists and serve as a preliminary guide to novice researchers who wish to explore the fundamental principles of GT.
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Context: Conventional wisdom says that team disruptions (like team churn) should be avoided. However, we have observed software development projects that succeed despite high disruption. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to understand how to develop software effectively, even in the face of team disruption. Method: We followed Constructivist Grounded Theory. The primary researcher conducted participant-observation of several projects at Pivotal (a software development company), and interviewed 21 software engineers, interaction designers, and product managers. The researcher iteratively sampled and analyzed the collected data until achieving theoretical saturation. Results: This paper introduces a descriptive theory of Sustainable Software Development. The theory encompasses principles, policies, and practices aiming at removing knowledge silos and improving code quality (including discoverability and readability), hence leading to development sustainability. Limitations: While the results are highly relevant to the observed projects at Pivotal, the outcomes may not be transferable to other software development organizations with different software development cultures. Conclusion: The theory refines and extends the understanding of Extreme Programming by adding a few principles, policies, and practices (like the unique Overlapping Pair Rotation practice) and aligning these principles, policies, and practices towards the business goal of sustainability.
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Grounded Theory (GT) has proved an extremely useful research approach in several fields including medical sociology, nursing, education and management theory. However, GT is a complex method based on an inductive paradigm that is fundamentally different from the traditional hypothetico-deductive research model. As there are at least three variants of GT, some ostensibly GT research suffers from method slurring, where researchers adopt an arbitrary subset of GT practices that are not recognizable as GT. In this paper, we describe the variants of GT and identify the core set of GT practices. We then analyze the use of grounded theory in software engineering. We carefully and systematically selected 98 articles that mention GT, of which 52 explicitly claim to use GT, with the other 46 using GT techniques only. Only 16 articles provide detailed accounts of their research procedures. We offer guidelines to improve the quality of both conducting and reporting GT studies. The latter is an important extension since current GT guidelines in software engineering do not cover the reporting process, despite good reporting being necessary for evaluating a study and informing subsequent research.
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Value stream mapping (VSM) has been successfully applied in the context of software process improvement. However, its current adaptations from Lean manufacturing focus mostly on the flow of artifacts and have taken no account of the essential information flows in software development. A solution specifically targeted toward information flow elicitation and modeling is FLOW. This paper aims to propose and evaluate the combination of VSM and FLOW to identify and alleviate information and communication related challenges in large-scale software development. Using case study research, FLOW-assisted VSM was used for a large product at Ericsson AB, Sweden. Both the process and the outcome of FLOW-assisted VSM have been evaluated from the practitioners' perspective. It was noted that FLOW helped to systematically identify challenges and improvements related to information flow. Practitioners responded favorably to the use of VSM and FLOW, acknowledged the realistic nature and impact on the improvement on software quality, and found the overview of the entire process using the FLOW notation very useful. The combination of FLOW and VSM presented in this study was successful in systematically uncovering issues and characterizing their solutions, indicating their practical usefulness for waste removal with a focus on information flow related issues.
Conference Paper
Eliminating waste is a core principle of lean thinking. Despite the emergence of literature that applies lean in the software domain, an underlying analysis of this literature reveals the fundamental interpretation of waste has remained largely unchanged since its origins in manufacturing. Lean defines waste as any activity that does not directly add value as perceived by the customer. Software development is a creative design activity, not a production activity, and agile teams and organizations are more akin to complex adaptive self-organizing systems than repetitive production lines. Waste has different meaning in such systems. This paper reframes the lean concept of waste as impediments to flow in complex human systems. Drawing from ongoing research, this paper presents an updated categorization to describe the impediments faced by teams and organizations. The categories are extra features, delays, handovers, failure demand, work in progress, context switching, unnecessary motion, extra processes, and unmet human potential. These categories provide a foundation for helping teams and organizations to see, measure and reduce impediments to flow in their systems.
Set the Stage Lay the groundwork for the session by reviewing the goal and agenda. Create an environment for participation by checking in and establishing working agreements. Gather Data Review objective and subjective information to create a shared picture. Bring in each person's perspective. When the group sees the iteration from many points of view, they'll have greater insight. Generate Insights Step back and look at the picture the team created. Use activities that help people think together to delve beneath the surface. Decide What to Do Prioritize the team's insights and choose a few improvements or experiments that will make a difference for the team. Close the Retrospective Summarize how the team will follow up on plans and commitments. Thank team members for their hard work. Conduct a little retrospective on the retrospective, so you can improve too.