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The biology and preimaginal morphology of Italian endemic species Isturgia sparsaria (Hübner, 1809) (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)

  • Oberösterreichische Landesmuseen Biologiezentrum

Abstract and Figures

The geometrid species Isturgia sparsaria (Hübner, 1809) is restricted to Italy and its biology is unknown. Recently, several individuals of this species have been successfully reared in captivity. Experiments with various potential host plants are reported. The larva was reared successfully on Genista tinctoria L. and Ulex europaeus L. (both from family Fabaceae). Adult insects, as well as ovum, larva, and pupa are illustrated and/or briefly described.
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The biology and preimaginal morphology of Italian endemic species
Isturgia sparsaria (Hübner, 1809) (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)
1 Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Rosenstein, 1, 70191-Stuttgart, Germany;
(corresponding author)
2 Bodoweg-8, 70327-Stuttgart, Germany;
3 Rettenbachwaldstr. 8/1, A 4820 Bad Ischl, Austria;
Abstract.Isturgia sparsaria -
 Isturgia            
             
Isturgia  
Isturgia sparsaria 
I. punctistrigariaI. messapiaria
Isturgia sparsaria
  -
   
  
Material and methods
Isturgia sparsaria
  
               
      
et al....
      
      
     
     
      
Results and discussion
Food plants and preimaginal stages.        
Food plant.     Isturgia       
              
    
 Lonicera Artemisia Prunus   
Preimaginal stages
Larva.               
    
                -
       
    -
             
Genista tinctoria  Ulex europaeus 
Isturgia sparsaria 
Spartium junceum 
 I. sparsaria 
Nota Lepi. 40(1): 25–29 
Figures 1–8. 1–6.Isturgia sparsaria1.
6–7.678.Isturgia sparsaria
et al....
Table 1.Isturgia sparsaria     -
Family:  Larval reaction
Lathyrus pratensis
- Ononis spinosaprocurrens Ononisrepens
- Cytisus scoparius Sarothamnusscoparius
- Chamaecytisuspurpureus
- Genista sagittalisGenistellasagittalis
- Medicagosativa
- Trifoliumcampestre
- Dorycnium pentaphyllumgermanicum
Dorycnium germanicum
- Lotuscorniculatus
- Astragalusalpinus
- Securigera variaCoronillavaria
- Viciasepium
- Vicia sativanigraViciaangustifolia
- Viciacracca
Fabaceae: Genista tinctoria  
Fabaceae: Ulex europaeus .
Salicaceae: Salix purpurea  
Fagaceae: Quercus robur  
Rosaceae: Prunus spinosa  
Apiaceae: Bupleurum falcatum 
Lamiaceae: Thymus vulgaris 
Caprifoliaceae: Lonicera tatarica 
Compositae: Artemisia albaA. camphorata 
I. sparsaria
S. junceumGenista tinc-
      
   Isturgia sparsaria  Quercus  
    -
Quercus robur
      
     
Nota Lepi. 40(1): 25–29 
    
      
          
          
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Full-text available
Goal: Revision of European Ennominae moths, covering 202 species in 30 colour plates. Comprehensive text and rich illustration of structures for all species. Four new species are described, 140+ taxonomic changes are proposed and systematic checklist for entire European and adjacent regions' Geometridae fauna is provided. Multi-authored monograph is planned to come out in summer 2019.
141 European Ennominae species covered. 709 specimens in 16 colour plates. Comprehensive text for each genus and species. 145 text-figures of diagnostic characters and other morphological structures. New synonymies, status revisions, new combinations and numerous new distribution data. Systematic catalogue.
The generic classification of moths of the tribe Macariini Guenée is reviewed critically, and a revised classification is presented. The review is based on a survey of species across the taxonomic and geographical range of the tribe. In the new framework, the number of genera is reduced considerably. Two genera are very large: Macaria Curtis (mainly New World) and Chiasmia Hübner (largely Old World) together include over half of all macariine species. Twenty-three genera are accepted in the tribe; the identity of two genera remain uncertain. No single character defines the tribe, but diagnostic features include one or more of the following: the presence of enlarged setae (‘horns’) on the uncus in the male genitalia; a divided valva; and a modified condition of sternum A8 in the male. The taxonomic history of the tribe is reviewed briefly and the problems of previous systems are explained mainly by the regional approach adopted. A diagnosis is presented for each genus. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 134, 257–315.
Moths of Europe Geometrid moths
  • P Leraut
Leraut P (2009) Moths of Europe, vol. 2, Geometrid moths. N.A.P. Editions, Verrières le Buisson, France, 808 pp.
Lepidotteri Eteroceri D'Italia -Geometridae Ennominae I
  • C Flamigni
  • G Fiumi
  • P Parenzan
Flamigni C, Fiumi G, Parenzan P (2007) Lepidotteri Eteroceri D'Italia -Geometridae Ennominae I. Natura Edizioni Scientifiche, Bologna, 382 pp.
A review of the genera of Macariini with a revised classification of the tribe (Geometridae: Ennominae) Zoological Journal of the Additional notes on the Lepidopterous fauna of San Cataldo (Southern Italy) Notes from a collecting trip in the spring and early summer of 1931
  • M Scoble
  • M Krüger
Scoble M, Krüger M (2002) A review of the genera of Macariini with a revised classification of the tribe (Geometridae: Ennominae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 143(3): 257–315. https://doi. org/10.1046/j.1096-3642.2002.00008.x Worm-Hansen JG (1935) Additional notes on the Lepidopterous fauna of San Cataldo (Southern Italy). Notes from a collecting trip in the spring and early summer of 1931. Entomologiske Meddelelser, København 19: 277–285.
The Geometrid Moths of Europe 1
  • A Hausmann
  • Archiearinae
  • Orthostixinae
  • Desmobathrinae
  • Geometrinae Alsophilinae
Hausmann A (2001) Introduction, Archiearinae, Orthostixinae, Desmobathrinae, Alsophilinae, Geometrinae. In: Hausmann A (Ed.) The Geometrid Moths of Europe 1. Apollo Books, Stentrup, 1–282.
Die Spanner des Paläarktischen Faunengebietes.
  • Prout
Prout LB (1912–1916) Die Spanner des Paläarktischen Faunengebietes. In: Seitz A (Ed.) Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde, Vol. 4. A. Kernen, Stuttgart, 1–479.
Die Spanner des Paläarktischen Faunengebietes.
  • Wehrli
Wehrli E (1939–1954) Die Spanner des Paläarktischen Faunengebietes. In: Seitz A (Ed.) Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde, Vol. 4, supplement. A. Kernen, Stuttgart, 254–766.
Additional notes on the Lepidopterous fauna of San Cataldo (Southern Italy). Notes from a collecting trip in the spring and early summer of 1931.
  • Worm-Hansen