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Procrastination and Financial Planning for Retirement: A Moderated Mediation Analysis


Abstract and Figures

The longitudinal study described in this article analyzes the mediating role of financial retirement goals in the relationship between financial retirement knowledge and retirement saving and investment behavior, and the moderating role of procrastination in people approaching retirement age. The participants in the study (N = 224) were workers between the ages of 45 and 63 years employed by small and medium-sized firms in Spain. A 3-wave design was utilized to confirm the causal effect of antecedents on consequences, the waves being set approximately 4 months apart. The results show that the relationship between financial retirement knowledge and retirement saving and investment behavior is in fact mediated by financial retirement goals. We also found that procrastination moderates both the relationships between financial retirement knowledge and goals, and the relationships between financial retirement goals and saving behavior. The theoretical and practical implications of the study for design are discussed at the end of the article.
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Gabriela Topa, Ph. D. in Psychology (1) and Teresa Herrador-Alcaide, Ph. D. in
Business Economics and Accounting (2)
(1) UNED, Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, Madrid, Spain.
(2) UNED, Department of Business Economics and Accounting, Madrid, Spain.
Corresponding Author: Gabriela Topa. UNED. Faculty of Psychology. C/ Juan del
Rosal, 10 28040 Madrid. Spain
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Funding information: This study has been conducted under the support received by
Professor Gabriela Topa from the Foundation Banco Santander, R + D 2014.
Procrastination and Financial Planning for Retirement: A Moderated
Mediation Analysis
The longitudinal study described in this paper analyses the mediating role of
financial retirement goals in the relationship between financial retirement knowledge
and retirement saving and investment behavior, and the moderating role of
procrastination in people approaching retirement age. The participants in the study (N =
224) were workers between the ages of 45 and 63 employed by small and medium-sized
firms in Spain. A three-wave design was utilized to confirm the causal effect of
antecedents on consequences, the waves being set approximately four months apart. The
results show that the relationship between financial retirement knowledge and
retirement saving and investment behavior is in fact mediated by financial retirement
goals. We also found that procrastination moderates both the financial retirement
knowledge-goals relationship and financial retirement goals-saving and investment
behavior. The theoretical and practical implications of the study for design are discussed
at the end of the paper.
Keywords: retirement; financial planning; financial knowledge; saving behavior;
Procrastination and Financial Planning for Retirement: A Moderated
Mediation Analysis
Retirement is a time of life that has grown ever longer in the developed world, and
the number of pensioners increased accordingly. At the same time, however, various
macroeconomic factors have cast a pall of uncertainty over the medium- to long-term
soundness of public pensions systems (Clark & Newhouse, 2016). Furthermore, the
responsibility of governments for pension provision has progressively been shifted onto
the individual (Catalán, Guajardo, & Hoffmaister, 2010; De la Fuente & Doménech,
2013; Lytle, Clancy, Foley, & Cotter, 2015). As a consequence, it has become ever
more important to plan financially for retirement in order to guarantee a sufficient level
of income to meet personal needs.
Financial planning for retirement was initially treated as a matter for economists,
but the field has since expanded to include psychosocial variables in an effort to
enhance the explanatory scope of theoretical models. Among other scholars, Hershey,
Jacobs-Lawson and Austin (2013) recently proposed an approach which addresses
financial planning from the standpoint of the individual’s capacity, willingness and
opportunity to plan ahead and save. This model is supported by a growing body of
empirical evidence (Leandro-França, Giardini, Hershey, & Martins, 2016; Hershey &
Mowen, 2000; Jacobs-Lawson & Hershey, 2005), although further research is needed in
view of the complex relationships between the different variables in play.
One the one hand, it has been shown more than once that the relationships between
financial knowledge and saving behavior are mediated by other variables, goals being
among the most widely studied (Boisclair, Lusardi, & Michaud, 2015). On the other,
personal character traits also influence financial planning for retirement, although little
empirical research exists in this area as yet (Drever, et al., 2015). Procrastination is one
of the character traits that may moderate relationships between planning and saving
predictors and outcomes (Brooks, 2013). Procrastination consists of deliberately putting
off or delaying an action which the subject nevertheless intends to take, especially
where delay is likely to have adverse effects (Steel, 2007). This study therefore analyses
the mediating role of financial retirement goals in the relationship between financial
retirement knowledge and saving and investment behavior, and the moderating role of
procrastination in people approaching retirement age.
Financial Planning for retirement
Financial planning for retirement is a complex process, involving a series of
decisions and actions intended to ensure the accumulation of financial resources for use
after the individual leaves active employment in the final stage of life. A comprehensive
model based on three main sets of antecedents was recently proposed by Hershey,
Jacobs-Lawson and Austin (2013), in which financial planning for retirement depends
on the individual’s own capacity, willingness and opportunity to plan and to save.
Capacity includes not only the knowledge and cognitive skills needed to plan ahead
but also, on the downside, the kind of perceptive bias and misconceptions which may
encourage errors of judgment. Meanwhile, willingness consists of the psychological
factors concerned in an individual’s motivation to plan and save. It is made up of a
shifting set of goals and emotional responses surrounding a more stable core of attitudes
and personality traits. Finally, each individual encounters opportunities and restrictions
which favor or hinder the crystallization of their decisions in actual behavior. These
external conditioning factors include social support and the general economic situation,
among others.
The Hershey model was developed specifically to explain financial planning for
retirement. Initial support for this approach was provided by various partial studies
(Hershey, Jacobs-Lawson, McArdle, & Hamagami, 2007). In the present study, we
operationalize the model proposed by Hershey et al. (2013) using three specific
variables which influence retirement saving and investment behavior (i) at the capacity
level (financial retirement knowledge) and (ii) at the willingness level (financial
retirement goals and procrastination). In the following sections, we develop theory-
driven hypotheses for the relationships between these variables, which we then test
using a longitudinal sample.
Financial Retirement Knowledge
Of all the factors which determine financial planning for retirement, the most
widely studied has probably been the quality of personal knowledge (Atkinson &
Messy, 2011). Numerous studies suggest that the proclivity for retirement planning is
related with the extent and accuracy of specific pensions and financial knowledge
(Lusardi & Mitchell, 2011), and the same is true of the likelihood of saving (Grable &
Lytton, 1999), the effectiveness of investment strategies (Lin and Lee 2004), and saving
behaviors in general (Robb & Woodyard, 2011). However, a number of studies have
shown that the connection between financial knowledge and responsible financial
behavior is weak, at least in samples made up of students and young adults (Jones,
2005). Based on the available literature, it would seem reasonable to expect a
relationship between financial retirement knowledge and retirement saving and
investment behavior. Hypothesis 1: Financial Retirement Knowledge (T1) positively
influences Retirement Saving and Investment Behavior (T3).
Financial Retirement Goals
Existing studies have shown that financial knowledge significantly influences
saving, but it is not the only variable involved; other motivational factors also affect the
relationship (Han, Boyle, James, Yu, & Bennett, 2015; Karraker, 2014). The
willingness dimension of the Hershey model proposes that the specificity and scope of
goals exert a strong ascendancy over the orientation of financial behavior. Retirement-
related financial goals may be expressed on different levels in terms of their precision
and timing. Some may be immediate (e.g. to save $100 each month), others medium-
term (e.g. to make an annual contribution to a private pension fund), and yet others
long-term in nature (e.g. to put aside enough money for old age).
The mediation-linking model (Locke, 2001) proposes that goals are the immediate
motivational determinants of behaviors and as such they mediate the effects of all other
antecedents. Goals help people to organize their perceptions, allowing them to form
specific expectations about the future and to orient their conduct in view of the
circumstances. Though empirical studies are not numerous, research findings exist to
support the mediating role of goals in the relationship between antecedents and financial
behavior (Stawsky, Hershey, & Jacobs-Lawson, 2007), as well as other yield-oriented
activities (Diseth & Kobbeltvedt, 2010). In light of this literature, we posit that goals
will play a mediating role between financial retirement knowledge and saving and
investment behaviors. Hypothesis 2: Financial Retirement Goals (T2) mediates the
relationship between Financial Retirement Knowledge (T1) and Retirement Saving and
Investment Behavior (T3).
Though the theoretical model proposed by Hershey et al. includes personality as a
factor in financial planning for retirement via the willingness dimension, the authors
themselves recognize that little research as yet exists on this matter. A handful of
studies have addressed different aspects of personality, but these focus basically on the
locus of control (Noone, Stephen, & Alpass, 2010), self-discipline and thoroughness
(Tang, Baker & Peter, 2015), financial orientation (Loix, Pepermans, Mentens, Goedee,
& Jegers, 2005), future time perspective and risk tolerance (Hershey & Mowen, 2000;
Jacobs-Lawson & Hershey, 2005).
However, many retirement-related goals are linked to a specific time horizon. In the
first place, this is because retirement is unavoidably bound up with age, giving rise to a
series of age-graded normative goals. To put this in another way, retirement goals
appear to a great extent imposed by the mere passage of the years (Zirkel & Cantor,
1990). In the second place, many retirement-related goals are what may be defined as
“deadline goals”, which is to say they must be achieved within a specific time frame.
This in turn obliges the individual to decide how to spread limited resources across a
series of goals with differing degrees of priority (Hastings & Mitchell, 2010).
Due to these relationships between retirement goals and time, some researchers
have explored the role of time perspective on planning (Hershey & Mowen, 2000).
Despite that Zimbardo and Boyd (1999) described five different perspectives (past
positive, past negative, present fatalistic, present hedonistic, and future oriented),
several retirement studies have largely focused on future time perspective (Jacobs-
Lawson & Hershey, 2005). But recent research showed the importance of a wider
consideration of time perspective related to retirement goals (Earl, Bednall, & Muratore,
2016). They found that retirement planning was positively predicted by future
orientation, present hedonistic and past negative perspectives. Accordingly, not only the
orientation to the future, but also the personal tendency to seek instant gratification,
should influence planning behaviors.
Based on the evidence, it would seem reasonable to posit that procrastination is a
key personality trait in relation both to saving and investment behaviors in general (O’
Donoghue & Rabin, 2001) and to retirement saving in particular, given the time
constraints imposed by retirement goals. Ferrari, Johnson and Mc Cown (1995) define
procrastination in general terms as the habit of putting off tasks which are in some way
subjectively unpalatable or disagreeable, thereby hindering the efficient and successful
pursuit of the individual’s own interests. Yaakub (2000) explains that procrastinators
know what they should to do, and to an extent they also know how and may even try,
but in the end they fail to take the necessary action. As a result, procrastinators often
appear to sabotage their own efforts, and they are masters of the art of finding excuses
not to address essential tasks (Ferrari & Díaz-Morales, 2007).
Empirical research remains scant in the field of finance, but findings suggest that
procrastinators are more likely to fail to plan for retirement than people who are more
proactive (Ferrari, Barnes, & Steel, 2009). Based on the existing literature, this study
posits that the relationship between financial retirement knowledge and saving behavior
mediated by financial retirement goals will be moderated by procrastination. Hypothesis
3: Financial Retirement Knowledge (T1) and Retirement Saving and Investment
Behavior (T3), mediated by Financial Retirement Goals (T2), will be moderated by
Procrastination (T1).
Specifically, we expect the influence of Financial Retirement Knowledge (T1) on
Financial Retirement Goals (T2) to be weak in the presence of high levels of
Procrastination. In turn, the influence of Financial Retirement Goals (T2) on Retirement
Saving and Investment Behavior (T2) will be weak when Procrastination is high. In
contrast, it is expected that the association will be strong in both cases where the level
of Procrastination is low. The study hypotheses are represented in Figure. (FIGURE 1).
Participants and procedure
The participants in the study (N = 224) were workers between the ages of 45 and 63
employed by small and medium-sized firms in Spain. A three-wave design was utilized
to confirm the causal effect of antecedents on consequences, the waves being set
approximately four months apart. The methodological rationale for the time lag between
surveys was to separate the variables by periods longer than three months in order to
mitigate the risk of common method variance. Participants were recruited based on their
age (over 45 years). The T1 procedure for the study was performed in October-
November 2014; T2 in March-April 2015; and T3 in July-August 2015. Out of the 450
employees invited to participate at T1, 324 returned complete questionnaires (72%
response rate), and 288 participated in T2 (89% response rate). Finally, 275 matched
surveys were completed at T3, but only 224 were retained after elimination of
questionnaires with more than 25% of missing responses. These 224 respondents
formed the longitudinal sample for the study.
At T1, the potential participants received a cover letter with information about
the aims of the study, as well as assurances that participation was voluntary and that
their responses would be remain anonymous and confidential, being used only for
research purposes. The envelope included the written questionnaire to be completed and
returned to the research group by mail. The questionnaires completed by the participants
were handed in to the research team in a pick-up envelope. Those participants who
returned usable surveys were contacted again at T2 and T3 following the same
The participants mean age at T3 was 51.8 years (SD = 3.9). Men made up
39.7% of the sample. Meanwhile, average job seniority was 15.3 years (SD = 10.2), and
respondents had an average of 1.04 (SD = 1.2) economic dependents in their
households. In terms of educational level, 42% of the sample had received a university
or similar level of education, 44.1% held diplomas or were high school graduates, and
the rest had received only a basic education. Professionally, 59.8% of participants were
(white or blue collar) workers, 25.4% were middle managers, and 8.9% were senior
managers. Full-time workers accounted for88.8% of the participants, and the rest were
employed part-time. Finally, 29.5% of the sample were employed in healthcare, 7.1% in
education, 18.4% in food and general retailing, 2.7% in industry, 23.2% in energy
services, 2.5% in banking and 5.8% in telecommunications.
We used standardized questionnaires to assess the key study variables. For all
scales, a score of 5 represents a higher perception or experience of the construct. Both
Financial Knowledge applicable to retirement planning and General Procrastination
were assessed at T1, Financial Retirement Goals at T2, and Retirement Saving and
Investment Behaviors at T3.
Financial Retirement Knowledge (T1)
Specific financial knowledge applicable to retirement planning was assessed using
the Subjective Financial Knowledge Scale (Goldsmith & Goldsmith, 2006), which was
refocused to center on retirement. The six items were answered via a Likert - type
response scale ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree). Examples of
items are: “I know a good deal about investing for retirement”; “I know less about
investing for retirement than most other people”. The authors tested the instrument on
two undergraduate classes receiving formal instruction in finance at Southeastern
University in the USA (one group studying Financial Analysis and the other
Marketing). Reliability in the original study was 0.85, and the second test scored 0.91.
Cronbach alpha was 0.79 in the present study.
Procrastination (T1)
General Procrastination was measured using the 13-point scale developed by Busko
(1998). The scale includes eleven statements regarding the personal tendency to engage
in procrastination and two reversed items. The original instrument was applied to 112
students with an average age of 22 years, resulting in reliability of 0.82. The Spanish
translation and adaptation of the scale prepared by Alvarez (2010), offering reliability of
0.87, reached a Cronbach alpha of 0.80 in the present study. The full survey scale was
included in the appendix.
Financial Retirement Goals (T2)
The General Retirement Goal Clarity Scale (Stawsky, Hershey, & Jacobs-Lawson,
2007) includes five statements focusing on goals and events transpiring in the preceding
12 months. Examples items are: “I set specific goals for how much will need to be
saved for retirement,” and “I thought a great deal about quality of life in retirement”.
This measure has shown high internal consistency and reliability in the past (α=0.90;
Stawski, et al. 2007). The Cronbach alpha in the present study was 0.81. A seven-point
response scale was used (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree).
Retirement Saving and Investment Behavior (T3)
The Financial Management Behavior Scale (Lawrence, Thomasson, Wazniak, &
Prawitz, 1993) was used to measure this variable. Specifically, the first subscale,
Savings, consists of nine items, from which items referring to short term savings were
excluded to leave five items applicable to retirement. Example items are: “Save money
for a long term goals”; “Plan ahead for large purchases”, “Keep an emergency fund
equal to at least 3 months of take-home income”. A Likert - type response scale was
ranging from 1 (Never) to 5 (Usually). The original reliability score reported for 133
married respondents was Cronbach alpha =.85 for this factor. Reliability was =0.88 in
the present study.
Analytic Strategy
In order to test the Study hypotheses, we performed a linear regression analysis
(Hypothesis 1) and Moderated Mediation analysis with the PROCESS macros for SPSS
22 (Hayes, 2013) to test Hypotheses 2 to 4. With Bootstrap procedures of 5.000 samples
at a 95% confidence level, the confidence intervals (CI) that did not contain 0 indicated
that the indirect effect was significant.
Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations between the study variables are
provided in Table1. Financial Retirement Knowledge was positively and significantly
associated with both Goals (r= .28) and Retirement Saving Behavior (r= .36), while
Goals and Behavior showed the strongest correlation (r= .46). Procrastination showed
negative and non significant relationships both with Goals (r= -.10) and Retirement
Saving Behavior (r= -.09). (Insert TABLE 1).
The linear regression analysis to test Hypothesis 1 shows the direct effect (b = .31, p
< .000) of FR Knowledge on Savings (R2 = .13, F (1, 222) = 33.29, p < .001). Table 2
shows the results obtained on testing Hypothesis 2 about the mediation of FR Goals in
the relationship between FR Knowledge and Saving Behavior, revealing a significant
and positive association between FR Knowledge and FR Goals (b = .42, p < .000).
Furthermore, a statistically significant direct effect of FR Knowledge on Saving
Behavior (b = .29, p < .001) was found, as well as a statistical effect of FR Goals on
Saving Behavior (b = .45, p < .001). Hence, there is a significant indirect effect of FR
Knowledge on Savings through FR Goals (b = .13, p < .001). Finally, we tested the
significance of this mediation effect through the bootstrapping procedure, which
showed that the confidence interval for the indirect effect does not contain zero (.05,
.21), supporting the significance of the mediation effect. These results provide
reasonable confirmation of Hypothesis 2. (TABLE 2).
Finally, we tested both Hypotheses 3 and 4 following the procedures recommended
by Hayes (2013), as shown in Table 3. (TABLE 3). Upon testing Hypothesis 3
regarding the moderating effect of procrastination on the relationship between FR
Knowledge and FR goals, we found a statistically significant negative effect (b = -.37, p
< .01). The negative sign taken by this interaction suggests that the effect of FR
Knowledge on Goals will be greater when procrastination is low than when it is high.
Hence, the data support Hypothesis 3. The direct conditional effects of FR Knowledge
on Goals at the two levels of the moderator are displayed in Table 4. Where the effect of
FR Knowledge on Goals was strong at the low level of Procrastination, it was
correspondingly weak and lacked statistical significance when Procrastination was high.
(TABLE 4). Figure2 depicts the moderation effect. This figure shows a strong
relationship between FR Knowledge and Goals when procrastination is low, whereas
high levels of procrastination result in a weaker relationship. (FIGURE 2).
On testing Hypothesis 4, we found a significant coefficient for the interaction term
(FR Goals x Procrastination) on Savings (b = -.30, p = .02, t = -2.29, 95% CI [-.55, -
.04]), as Table 3 shows. Hence, we may conclude that Hypothesis 4 is also supported.
The negative sign of this interaction supports the conjecture that FR Goals will have a
stronger effect on Saving Behavior when Procrastination is low than when it is high.
The indirect conditional effect of Knowledge on Savings through Goals at the two
values of Procrastination is shown in Table 5, and described in Figure 3. (TABLE 5).
The results of Table 5 show that the conditional effect of Goal mediation is
statistically significant and strong when procrastination is low, but it is weak and it loses
significance when the level of procrastination is high (95% CI = [-.05, .10]). In view of
this result, the data supports Hypothesis 4. (Insert FIGURE 3).
The purpose of this study was to establish whether the relationship between
financial retirement knowledge and saving behavior was mediated by financial
retirement goals, and in turn whether procrastination moderates these relationships. To
this end, we carried out a longitudinal study involving three waves of data collection.
Using four different instruments, we found a consistent pattern of relationships between
financial knowledge and saving and investment behaviors.
In the first place, this study shows that the relationship between financial
knowledge and saving on behalf of is mediated by goals, suggesting that goals serve to
link more general motivational antecedents with performance in a specific area. These
findings should enrich debate over the relationship between financial knowledge and
responsible financial behavior (Johnson & Sherraden, 2007; Boisclair, et al., 2014).
Hence, our results support the hypothesis that this relationship is influenced by third
variables (Huston, 2010), such as cognitive skills (Gaurav & Singh, 2012), and the
complexity of financial decisions (McLaughlin & Somerville, 2013). In contrast to
existing research, then, this study provides evidence, previously lacking, to support the
mediation of third variables in the relationship between financial knowledge and saving
behavior (Mien & Thao, 2015).
Secondly, the present study shows that procrastination influences financial
outcomes. This is shown in two ways: to begin with, procrastination has a negative
effect on goal setting and then, when they have finally been set, it has a negative effect
on the expression of goals in actual behavior. In this regard, our evidence is also in line
with previous research which showed an interaction between financial goal strength and
planning worry in the prediction of retirement saving contributions (Neukam &
Hershey, 2003). Related to this point, other studies which have explored the role of
personality in the relationships between financial knowledge and behavior (Letkiewicz
& Fox, 2014). Though we used self-reported measures of financial behavior, our
findings are consistent with the results reported in other studies applying objective
measures of wealth accumulation (Letkiewicz & Fox, 2014).
In the third place, if procrastination results from a problem of self-control (Ferrari,
Barnes, & Steel 2009), this would be a relevant aspect to address in early education
programs designed to foster long-term financial planning behaviors (McWhirter,
Luginbuhl, & Brown, 2014). The possibility that procrastinators have a poor self-image
again suggests a possible avenue for early intervention (Ferrari, Driscoll, & Díaz -
Morales, 2007).
Fourthly, our findings raise the question whether procrastination is specific to the
financial domain, or whether it is a broader individual trait. Klingsieck (2013a) claims
that procrastination appears as a specific phenomenon associated with different life
domains, but not extremely so, as demonstrated by his study performed in six domains.
Meanwhile, it is important to distinguish between procrastination as a form of
dysfunctional foot-dragging and strategic hesitation, which may be considered a normal
part of the decision-making process (Klingsieck, 2013b).
In the fifth place, the total explained variance in saving behavior does not exceed
30%, and in this light it seems reasonable to suppose that a significant number of
variables escaped our analysis. To begin with, the study does not address the attitudinal
and emotional aspects involved in the decision-making process, although preliminary
evidence suggests that the emotions may influence economic decisions (Hariharan,
Adam, Astor, & Weinhardt, 2015; Ifcher & Zarghamee, 2014), especially in the kind of
contexts, like retirement, that cause anxiety (Gutiérrez & Hershey, 2013). However, it is
not only negative emotions that need to be taken into account. Positive feelings like
hope also appear to drive preparation for age-related changes (Earl, et al., 2016). In the
same vein, a recent study showed that perceived time may differ from clock time and
time compression the perception that time passes more quickly than actual time-
would be a psychological phenomenon that also drives saving behaviors (Aadland &
Shaffer, 2015). Moreover, empirical research continues to accumulate evidence
regarding the impact of psychological biases on financial information processing, also
among experts (Resende & Zeidan, 2015). Taken together, these studies suggested that
future work may be to related procrastination to other variables, in order to increase the
explained variance of saving behaviors (O'Shea, Monaghan, & Ritchie, 2014).
Sixth, goal-setting and the expression of goals in actual behaviors occur in a context
subject to a range of social pressures, and peer comparison could therefore account for a
part of the unexplained variance in behavior, as various other studies in fact suggest
(Koposko, Kiso, Hershey, & Gerrans, 2015). Financial goals and behaviors are, of
course, a part of adult life, and in this light it is necessary to consider the very probable
presence of a life partner with whom the subject shares financial decisions. Partner
involvement in specific financial education measures and in other more general
financial socialization actions taken by employers might, then, have an impact on an
individual’s specific saving and investment behaviors (Eccles, Ward, Goldsmith, &
Arsal, 2013).
Finally, let us consider the limitations of this study. Despite its longitudinal design,
which allows us to draw conclusions as to the relationships between antecedents and
outcomes, the study was carried out on a small, unrepresentative sample. On the one
hand, the use of convenience samples has been often criticized because they would be
affected by unknown selectivity. On the other, national samples should allow us to
obtain generalizable results for the population of older adults as a whole
(Teerawichitchainan, & Knodel, 2015). However, this option entails a further restriction
due to the reduced amount of participants aged 45 and over. Hence, a “two-stage
sampling” approach was adopted (Van Solinge, 2013), by selecting a specific pool of
small and medium-sized firms in Spain, and then invited their actual population of
workers approaching retirement in the firms concerned to participate. This procedure
was applied due to the ease of communication with the Human Resource Management
departments in small and medium-sized firms. Related to this point, the use of self-
reported data is a further limitation affecting our findings. In this regard, future studies
should use randomly selected, representative samples capable of linking the
participants’ responses to objective data, such as the amount of their savings and the
contributions to pension schemes and other investments they make each year.
Our findings suggest various possible interventions to help improve financial
planning for retirement. Financial education programs need to broaden their objectives
to include not only cognitive issues and information, but also the emotional factors and
executive functions affecting the relationship between financial knowledge, goals and
behavior (Rodríguez-Fernández, Ramos-Díaz, Ros, & Fernández-Zabala, 2015). If
procrastination can be defined as a character trait which adversely affects planning and
saving by some people, early interventions could be designed to strengthen self-image
and improve self-control in order to minimize the impact of stalling (Bauselas, 2014).
Meanwhile, coaching in the area of financial planning could help pension providers’
adult clients address their personal tendency to put off tasks and drag their feet (Disney,
Gathergood, & Weber, 2015). Assuming procrastination to be a general trait, moreover,
professional support could in fact improve task performance in all life domains and not
just in the area of financial behavior (Azkune, Almeida, Lopez, Chen, 2015; Lv, Guo,
Liu, Zhang, & Jocshi, 2015).
To conclude, the importance of this study lies basically in its longitudinal nature, as
the relationships between financial planning antecedents and outcomes are rarely
explored over time and linked with influences stemming from other levels, like
personality traits. This approach should help improve our understanding of the factors
acting retirement saving and investment behavior.
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Appendix Escala de Procrastinación General y Académica (Busko, 1998). [General
Procrastination Scale]
1. Cuando tengo una fecha límite para hacer algo, espero hasta el último minuto para
hacerlo. [When I have a deadline to do something, I wait until the last minute to do it]
2. Encuentro una excusa para no hacer lo que tenía que hacer. [I find excuses to not do
what I had to do].
3. Tiendo a perder mucho el tiempo. [I tend to waste a lot of time].
4. Aplazo la toma de decisiones difíciles [I postpone making hard decisions].
5. Casi siempre llego a tiempo a mis reuniones [I arrive at my meeting almost always on
6. Cuando me canso de hacer una tarea, tiendo a aplazarla. [When I get bored of doing
an assignment I tend to postpone it].
7. Cuando me aburro de una tarea, tiendo a aplazarla. [When I get bored of an
assignment I tend to postpone it].
8. Me disgusta seguir pautas estrictas. [I dislike following strict guidelines].
9. Sin tener que desarrollar otra actividad importante, aplazo realizar una tarea.
[Without a having a more important assignment I postpone an assignment]
10. No puedo cambiar mi hábito de perder el tiempo. [I cannot change my habit of
wasting time].
11. Tiendo a descuidar las tareas que me son muy difíciles. [I tend to neglect
assignments that are too hard].
12. Me distraigo fácilmente cuando trato de concentrarme en hacer algo. [I get
distracted with ease when I try to concentrate on something].
13. Cuando tomo una decisión, la cumplo. [When I make a decision, I keep it].
Correlations and Descriptive Statistics
1. FR Knowledge T1
2. Procrastination T1
3. FR Goals T2
4.Retirement Saving and
Investment Behavior T3
Nota: N = 224, M=Mean, SD= Standard Deviation, T1= Time 1, T2= Time 2, T3= Time 3.
*p<.05; **p<.01
Regression results for testing mediation of FR Goals (T2) in the relationships between
FR Knowledge (T1) and Retirement Saving and Investment Behavior (T3) (Hypothesis
a x b
95% IC
Total effect FR Knowledge on Saving
Direct Effect: FR Knowledge Saving
Direct Effect: FR Goals Saving Behavior
Indirect Effect: FR Knowledge FR Goals
Saving Behavior
[.06 .21]
Nota: N = 224. SE = Standard Error; IC= Confidence interval. Bootstrap = 5.000 samples.
**p < .01. ***p < .001.
Results of testing the Moderation of Procrastination both on the FR Knowledge-FR
Goals Relationships, and on the FR Goals - Retirement Saving and Investment Behavior
Relationship (Hypothesis 3 and Hypothesis 4)
Criterion variable: FR Goals (T2)
Predictor Variable
FR Knowledge (T1)
Procrastination (T1)
Interaction FR Knowledge x Procrastination
F(3, 220)
Criterion variable: Retirement Saving and Investment Behavior (T3)
Predictor Variable
FR Goals (T2)
FR Knowledge (T1)
Procrastination (T1)
Interaction FR Goals x Procrastination
F(4, 219)
Note: N = 224. a Unstandardized coefficients b
*p <.05;**p < .01; ***p < .001.
Results of testing Moderated Mediation of Procrastination in the Relationship between
FR Knowledge and FR Goals
95% IC
Procrastination (T1)
1.89 (Low)
2.9 (High)
Note: N = 224. a Unstandardized coefficients b; SE = Standard error; IC= Confidence interval. LL= lower
limit; UL= upper limit. Bootstrap = 5.000 samples.
Results of testing Moderated Mediation of Procrastination in the Relationship between
FR Goals and Saving Behavior
Moderator levels
95% IC
Procrastination (T1)
1.89 (Low)
2.94 (High)
Note: N = 224. a Unstandardized coefficients b; SE = Standard error; IC= Confidence interval. LL= lower
limit; UL= upper limit. Bootstrap = 5.000 samples.
Hypothesized model
FR Knowledge
Saving and
Behavior T3
FR Goals
Moderation of Procrastination (T1) on the FR Knowledge (T1)-FR Goals (T2) relationship.
Low FR Knowledge
High FR Knowledge
Dependent variable
FR Goals
Moderation of Procrastination (T1) on the FR Goals (T2) - Saving Behavior (T3) relationship.
Low FR Goals
High FR Goals
Dependent variable
Saving Behavior
... Various studies in the field of psychology also unanimously agree that a clear and well-defined goal is crucial as it predisposes an individual to get involved in planning activities, which further enhance the saving contributions Hershey et al., 2010;Stawski et al., 2007). According to prior works, the positive effect of personal goals for retirement on the decision-making of FPR is noted (Hershey & Mowen, 2000;Topa & Herrador-Alcaide, 2016;Topa et al., 2018;Stawski et al., 2007). In recent studies, more empirical evidence has tested . ...
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The life expectancy rate of individuals worldwide has risen, and China is not excluded. Combined with an aging population, increasing pressure on the pension fund system, and a lack of savings, it poses a significant challenge to financial security unless measures are taken to improve individuals’ planning and financial well-being in retirement. This study aims to examine the psychological factors that influence individuals' FPR, thereby expanding the explanatory models for retirement savings decisions and behaviors. Using the CWO Model and supported by image Theory and the 3M Model, this research focuses on how the interaction between future time perspective, risk tolerance, retirement goal clarity, subjective financial literacy and objective financial literacy as psychological characteristics influence individuals' FPR. To obtain meaningful results, back translation was used to check the accuracy of the preliminary translation of research instruments. This translation method was also combined with the pretest method of expert reviews and cognitive interviews to increase the validity of the survey questionnaire. A purposive sampling technique will be applied to collect data from adults who are over 23 years old and have a certain income stream in six cities in China. The Structural Equation Modelling software will be used to examine the hypotheses of direct and mediating effects. This study has implications for financial market regulators, policy makers, and consumers. Keywords: CWO model; decision-making; financial planning; financial literacy; psychological factors; retirement
... Most studies have investigated procrastination in young adults in the academic context (e.g., putting off performance-related tasks such as studying for exams at university; Grunschel et al., 2018;Katz et al., 2014;Klassen et al., 2008;Watson, 2001). There is, furthermore, evidence for procrastination behavior with regards to job hunting (Senécal & Guay, 2000), health-related behaviors (e.g., going for check-ups; Sirois, 2007), leisure activities (e.g., joining a sport group; Hen & Goroshit, 2018), tax filing (Kasper, 2004), or even saving for retirement (Topa & Herrador-Alcaide, 2016). These examples illustrate that procrastination behavior may be present across the entire (adult) lifespan; research so far, however, has almost exclusively focused on younger adults and has neglected how procrastinatory tendencies develop in older age. ...
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Procrastination as an intentional delay of personal tasks in spite of anticipating negative consequences as a result is a widespread behavior, particularly among young adults. Previous research points to a reduction of procrastinatory tendencies across the adult lifespan; it is unclear to date which mechanisms underlie this decrease of procrastination behavior. Given evidence of fear of failure strongly influencing younger adults to postpone the start or delay of intended actions, as well as a possible decrease of fear of failure with increasing age, this study set out to explore a potential mediating effect of fear of failure on procrastination. A total of 197 participants, aged 18 to 90 years, took part in this study via online questionnaires. Statistical analyses showed that procrastination behavior decreased across the adult lifespan. Higher levels of fear of failure were linked to more procrastination behavior. A mediation analysis indicated that the relationship between age and procrastination was mediated by fear of failure. Results are discussed in terms of theoretical and practical implications.
... In the context of lifespan development, although individuals continually adjust their goals and proactively respond to different challenges with advancing age (Baltes 1997), most research on preparations for old age has focused on financial planning for retirement in samples of middle-aged/ older workers or those who have just retired (e.g., Moffatt and Heaven 2017;Topa and Herrador-Alcaide 2016;van Rooij et al. 2012). However, alongside finances, individuals experience changes with advancing age in many different domains, including their social network, health, and work status. ...
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Extending research on determinants of preparations for old age across adulthood, we examined the relationship between well-being, perceived control, and preparations for old age over time, along with variation in the strength of these relationships depending on domains of functioning, cultures, and age. We analyzed longitudinal data from the Ageing as Future study assessing changes in well-being, perceived control, and preparations in four different life domains (social relations, finances, work, and health) across a five-year period collected from adults aged from 30 to 85 years in Germany (N = 623), Hong Kong (N = 317), and the USA (N = 315). Positive feelings about one’s current situation predicted greater perceived control five years later, and vice versa. Also, perceived control and preparations were positively associated over time, with only a few exceptions within each domain. For example, high control beliefs were related to subsequent greater preparations and well-being within the domain of social relations and finances, with weak effects of culture. These results suggest that current well-being may promote adaptive behaviors in later life, with the accumulated effects over time. Thus, focusing on how to improve our well-being may promote engagement in preparations for old age. Our results also indicate that these relations in our model vary by contexts, highlighting the importance of variability in age-related processes.
... One of the respondents said that most teachers rely upon government-regulated contributions as their safety net for retirement, although it does not provide a high pension. Many individuals are not prepared adequately for retirement (Graber, J. G., 2020) due to procrastination (Topa et al., 2016) and attitudes toward retirement planning (Kadir et al., 2020). Table 6 displays the summary of the financial literacy level, revealed that among four (4) variables measured, three (3) variables (insurance, investment, and retirement planning) denote majority of the responses established that respondents "disagree" which is interpreted as "low literacy" level. ...
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This study aims to assess the financial literacy of elementary and secondary public school teachers in the Surigao del Norte Division, Philippines. The research focuses on four indicators: savings and borrowing, investment; insurance; and retirement planning. It determines the financial literacy level and its relationship when grouped according to its profile variables. The study utilizes a quantitative research design using regression analysis and descriptive statistics using mean, standard deviation, correlation, and percentages. The result will be used to develop necessary intervention programs to increase the teachers' financial literacy for sustainable development.
... This process involves carrying out specific procedures and decisions to achieve these needs. Among these decisions is determining the sources and amount of retirement income that retirees will receive and the underlying expenditures, such as the cost of living and health care expenses (Topa & Herrador-Alcaide, 2016), as well as determining predictors of FPR behaviour. ...
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Hundreds of financial planning literature reviews exist; only a few papers discuss the context of retirement. This paper aims to give researchers clarity and confidence on financial planning for retirement (FPR) by incorporating diverse perspectives, including theories, methodologies, and determinants of FPR. Given the importance of conceptual models to test hypotheses and predict information in a scientific study, the literature illustrated a dearth of model adoptions in examining the determinants that shape individuals’ perceptions of FPR behaviours. This paper highlights the pertinent gaps in the literature regarding the significant outcomes of empirical and theoretical contributions that relate to cognitive, psychological, and external variables influencing FPR. This review consists of two steps. The first step contains database searches, whereas the second step retrieves and screens all pertinent articles extensively covered over nearly 20 years between 2000–2019. In addition, this paper provides researchers with primary key features in prior publications, such as publication trends in years and countries, sample types, and statistical techniques employed.
Retirement planning has taken the world center stage today due to population aging. Globally, nations are turning ‘grey', which makes retirement planning crucial not only with respect to time but also with respect to post-retirement well-being. Though extant literature has identified and discussed retirement planning, as established by previous reviews, there exists a lack of clear definition and understanding of the concept, leading to absence of conceptual clarity. Thus, the meaning of retirement planning remains scattered in the studies, with papers focusing on various aspects of the construct and evaluating other independent variables. In light of the above, we present a systematic review by synthesizing existing research and defining retirement planning. We have identified and examined 169 articles published between 2007 and 2023 that have generated a three-phase structured definition of retirement planning. We also draw the defined construct's antecedents (including mediators and moderators). Drawing on the Theory, Context, Characteristics, Methodology (TCCM) framework, the study's findings highlight the significant gaps in retirement planning literature and present a pathway for further research.
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With a possible decline in public pension benefits, private savings will become critical for maintaining desired living standards, yet most people undersave. We focus on one of the possible explanations for this: trust in the state. Using data from a dedicated survey and applying structural equation modeling, this study demonstrates that Polish citizens cherish the unconditional, albeit subconscious, belief in the state as a potential rescuer of last resort in life-threatening situations. This trust plays an essential role in people’s propensity to save for the future. We discuss potential explanations of this phenomenon and its consequences for social policymaking.
With the number of elderly (classified as those aged 65 and over) expected to double worldwide by 2050 to a projected 2.1 billion (United Nations 2017), the implications for a nation’s socio-economic resources can be considered to be y critical. In Malaysia, the rise in the aging population is projected to reach 15.3% by 2030, a rise of almost 10% from the 2010 figure (DOSM 2016), with the majority of individuals not on a secure financial retirement footing. The Employees Provident Fund (EPF), which is the main source of income for a Malaysian upon retirement, announced that Malaysians do not have enough savings in their EPF accounts to support them through their ‘golden years’. In line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, this chapter focuses on Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 3, examining the factors which impact the financial preparedness of Malaysians and the implications for their families. Using a survey-based methodology among Malaysians aged up to 60 years of age across Malaysia, the chapter contributes to the current policy debate surrounding the financial well-being of individuals and presents practical implications for identified stakeholders including the government, financial service providers, the ageing population, and their families.
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We conduct 2 incentivized random-assignment experiments to investigate whether overconfidence is impacted by (a) incidental mild positive affect, or (b) incidental mild negative affects—anger, fear, and sadness. We measure overconfidence using overestimation of past quiz-performance and overestimation of past quiz-performance compared to peers. The results of the first experiment indicate that the effect of positive affect on both measures of overconfidence is positive and significant for male subjects. Although mood-inducement is equally successful for female subjects, their overconfidence is unaffected by positive affect. These positive affect results are robust to various specification checks. In the second experiment, we find consistent evidence of neither anger, fear, nor sadness’s effect on overconfidence; the lack of a result is attributable either to a genuine lack of relationship between these affects and overconfidence or to confounded mood-inducements. The effect of positive affect on overconfidence may help explain the relationship between mood and speculative bubbles and between mood and trading volume. Further, our results have implications for the effect of happiness on overconfidence and the role of emotions in economic decision-making, in general. Finally, we examine the neural evidence supported by our data.
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Challenges facing public retirement plans - Volume 15 Issue 3 - ROBERT L. CLARK, JOSEPH P. NEWHOUSE
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The objective of this integrative literature review was to evaluate the quality of retirement planning programs described in the extant literature. This was accomplished through a qualitative analysis of methodological and efficacy criteria as described by Flay et al. (2005), Kazdin (1982, 2010 and Murta (2005). Several databases were consulted in searching for retirement program articles, including: Academic Search Premier, Medline, PsycInfo, and Web of Science, among others. Retirement planning intervention articles published in English, Portuguese, and Spanish were considered, with a focus on their evaluation methods and results. Eleven studies were identified that described the procedures for both program implementation and intervention evaluation. Results revealed methodological shortcomings in the papers reviewed, with concerns being related to a lack of experimental or quasi-experimental approaches, a failure to use previously validated measurement instruments and longitudinal assessments, and insufficiently robust data analysis procedures. That said, however, there was evidence from multiple investigations that the intervention programs examined led to increases in knowledge, positive changes in attitudes linked to retirement, and an increase in retirement-linked planning and preparation behaviors. Identification of strengths and weaknesses in the methods used and efficacy of these interventions could facilitate the construction of a research agenda aimed at promoting more favorable research designs. Use of more rigorous designs would stand to improve the internal validity of these retirement programs and, consequently, progress in this field.
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The scientific study of resilience is a subject of great interest in the field of psychology to provide a new and positive view of human development. To promote adolescent adjustment, is necessary to determine individual and contextual factors that influence resilience during the developmental stage of adolescence. The objective of this study was to analyze the relations between resilience and variables such as self-concept and social support; and to identify variables that predict resilience. The sample is made up of 1250 adolescents (M=13.72, SD=1.09). Three assessment instruments were administered: the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), the Dimensional Self-Concept Questionnaire (AUDIM), the Perceived Social Support from Family and Friends Questionnaire (AFA) and the Teacher Social Suppport Scale (HBSC-2006). Positive correlations between self-concept and social support with resilience were founded. Test scores of self-concept and social support varied depending of the level of resilience. Self-concept and social support were predictor variables of resilience. Key words: resilience; self-concept; perceived social support; adolescence; positive psychology.
Se estudió la presencia de la procrastinación general y académica en un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria (N = 235) de ambos géneros pertenecientes a colegios no estatales de Lima metropolitana, para lo cual se utilizó la Escala de Procrastinación General y Académica (Busko, 1998). Sobre la base del análisis de los resultados se encontró que la procrastinación académica era mayor que la general, y no existían diferencias significativas según rol genérico y el grado de estudios. Se adjunta el instrumento utilizado, el cual fue adaptado del inglés al español por el autor del presente trabajo, con la intención de que sirva para futuras investigaciones.
Financial literacy and Canadians' capacity to plan for retirement is of primary importance for the policy debate over pension system reform in Canada. In this paper, we draw on internationally comparable survey evidence on financial literacy and retirement planning in Canada to investigate how financially literate Canadians are and who does plan for retirement. We find that 42 percent of respondents are able to correctly answer three simple questions measuring knowledge of interest compounding, inflation, and risk diversification. This is consistent with evidence from other countries, and Canadians perform relatively well in comparison to Americans but worse than individuals in other countries, such as Germany. Among Canadian respondents, the young and the old, women, minorities, and those with lower educational attainment do worse, a pattern that has been consistently found in other countries as well. Retirement planning is strongly associated with financial literacy; those who responded correctly to all three financial literacy questions are 10 percentage points more likely to have retirement savings.
In an increasingly risky and globalized marketplace, people must be able to make well-informed financial decisions. New international research demonstrates that financial illiteracy is widespread in both well-developed and rapidly changing markets. Women are less financially literate than men, the young and the old are less financially literate than the middle-aged, and more educated people are more financially knowledgeable. Most importantly, the financially literate are more likely to plan for retirement. Instrumental variables estimates show that the effects of financial literacy on retirement planning tend to be underestimated. In sum, around the world, financial literacy is critical to retirement security.
The OECD International Network on Financial Education has addressed the demand for an internationally comparable measure of financial literacy by developing a financial literacy questionnaire that can be used across a diverse range of countries. This questionnaire takes into account knowledge, behaviours, and attitudes related to personal finance and is designed to identify similarities and differences in levels of financial literacy around the world. It is currently being piloted in 12 countries, with the expectation that the final survey instrument will become a useful tool for policy-makers, academics, and financial education programme designers seeking to identify robust questions to assess financial literacy.
Investment decisions are decisions about future consumption as well as the purchase of intangible goods, which involve both high uncertainty and high perceived risk. Based on the literature on consumers' information search, this study proposes that the extent of consumers' information search is influenced by investment-specific individual differences (subjective knowledge, the amount of investment and perceived risk), personal traits (attitudes toward risk and inherent novelty seeking) and demographic characteristics (age, education and income). Consumers' use of information sources is also investigated; the sources include literature, media, the Internet, friends/family and professional financial services providers. Using data from 2000-01 MacroMonitor, supporting empirical evidence is found for all of the proposed determinants' impacts on consumers' information search except education. Subjective knowledge and income are also found to significantly and differently influence consumers' use of each of the information sources. INDEX WORDS: Investment decisions, Information search, Information sources, Financial investment, Consumer decision making