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The full citation:
Konok, V., Pogány, Á., Miklósi, Á. 2017. Mobile attachment: Separation from the mobile
induces physiological and behavioural stress and attentional bias to separation-related
stimuli. Computers In Human Behavior, 71: 228-239. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.02.002
Mobile attachment: Separation from the mobile induces physiological and behavioural
stress and attentional bias to separation-related stimuli
Veronika Konok1, Ákos Pogány2, Ádám Miklósi1,2
1: MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group, Pázmány P. s. 1/c, H-1117 Budapest,
2: Department of Ethology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány P. s. 1/c, H-1117 Budapest,
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Veronika Konok
MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group, Pázmány P. s. 1/c, H-1117 Budapest,
Tel: +36-1-381-2179; fax.: +36-1-381-2180.
E-mail address:
Humans have a biological predisposition to form attachment to social partners. This
attachment, however, is not restricted to humans: non-human and inanimate targets are often
involved. People are increasingly engaged with their mobiles but whether their behaviour
toward these devices can be regarded as an attachment behaviour has not yet been
experimentally tested.
Here we hypothesized the existence of mobile attachment. We expected people to seek
the proximity of the mobile and give stress response upon separation from it, which manifests
both at behavioural and physiological level. We also predicted that separation from the mobile
should induce specific separation-related emotions, which leads to increased attention to
separation-related stimuli. We applied a version of the Strange Situation Test using a mobile
phone, with behavioural, physiological, cognitive and self-report measures, and the emotional
Stroop test. Additionally, we constructed a questionnaire to self-assess mobile attachment.
Separation from the mobile induced behavioural and physiological stress, proximity
seeking behaviour, and an attentional bias to separation-related stimuli for participants with
higher mobile attachment. These effects were only observable when no other mobile was
present. According to the questionnaire, secure base and safe haven are also relevant aspects
of attachment to a mobile.
These results support that humans form attachment toward their mobile which is similar
to social attachment. This could emerge by cultural recycling of the attachment system’s
evolutionary structures.
mobile phone, cell phone, human-mobile interaction, attachment, separation, attentional bias
1 Introduction
According to Bowlby (1969), humans and many animal species are born with an attachment
system that motivates them to maintain proximity to the parent. In contrast to many animal
species, this system in humans plays an important role also in adulthood and in different kinds
of relationships (Fraley, Brumbaugh, & Marks, 2005; Markiewicz, Lawford, Doyle, &
Haggart, 2006). Fraley (Fraley et al, 2005; Fraley & Shaver, 2000) assumed that in these cases,
the attachment system has been ‘co-opted’ by natural selection to serve other survival and/or
reproductive functions. Furthermore, people often develop attachment even toward non-human
targets, e.g. companion animals (Archer & Ireland, 2011; Zasloff & Kidd, 1994), places
(Scannell & Gifford, 2010) or material objects (Cipriani & Kreider, 2009; Myers, 1985). In all
forms of attachment, the proximity of the attachment figure provides a sense of security to the
individual, a secure base for exploring the environment and a safe haven in stressful situations
so that the separation from it results in separation anxiety (Bowlby, 1969; Hazan & Shaver,
Attachment to material objects has rarely been studied, and such behaviour in adulthood
has long been considered pathological (Hooley & Wilson-Murphy, 2012; Winnicott, 1971).
However, there is evidence in support that healthy, well-functioning adults also report
significant emotional attachment to special objects (Myers, 1985; Wapner, Demick, &
Redondo, 1990). The possession of these objects seems to be soothing in times of stress
(George, 2013) and contributes to greater psychological health (Wiseman & Watt, 2004).
One of the most prevalent material objects of modern society is the mobile phone. The
number of active mobile subscriptions exceeds the total world population (Ericsson, 2014).
Young adults in the USA use their mobile for 5.2 hours a day (Salesforce Marketing Cloud,
2014). Researchers assume that excessive mobile usage can become an addiction as it is
accompanied by features including withdrawal, tolerance, etc. (Walsh, 2014). However,
mobile addiction is not currently an accepted diagnostic category (it has not been included in
the DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Additionally, there is neither a standard
measure for this type of addiction nor a consensus about terminology (terminology includes
“mobile addiction”: Davazdahemami, Hammer, & Soror, 2016; “mobile dependence”: Toda,
Monden, Kubo, & Morimoto, 2006; “problem mobile use”: Bianchi & Phillips, 2005).
Besides these concerns, some degree of dependence on the mobile seems to be a general
and increasingly prevalent phenomenon. For example, 79% of smartphone owners keep their
mobile with them for all but two hours of their hours awake (Levitas, 2013). About two thirds
of mobile users report distress on being separated from their mobile (“nomophobia”: Bivin,
Mathew, Thulasi, & Philip, 2013) and this proportion is even higher in young adults (Sharma,
Sharma, Sharma, & Wavare, 2015). Such data suggest that certain dependence on mobiles is
not an extremity or a disorder but a normative phenomenon, which may have biological basis
and function.
Konok, Gigler, Bereczky and Miklósi (2016) proposed that our relationship with the
mobile phone is an object attachment, as it shares the main features of social attachment:
proximity seeking, separation anxiety, secure base and safe haven (Bowlby, 1969). Utilising a
questionnaire, Konok et al. (2016) showed that young people seek the proximity of their mobile
and experience distress upon separation. Clayton, Leshner, and Almond (2015) demonstrated
that experimental separation from a mobile resulted in increased anxiety; however, participants
could experience anxiety not only because of the mere fact of separation, but because they were
prevented to answer their phone that the experimenters rang during separation. Cheever, Rosen,
Carrier, and Chavez (2014) also separated participants from their mobile but separation anxiety
did not increase compared to the control condition.
Thus, although people report distress upon separation from their mobile (Bivin, Mathew,
Thulasi, & Philip, 2013; Konok et al., 2016), we have no experimental data to support this.
Here we test the hypothesis that mobile attachment exists, and address whether the main
features of social attachment (secure base and safe haven effect) are relevant to our attitudes
and behaviour toward our mobiles. We also test whether the presence of an unfamiliar mobile
affects separation anxiety from an individual’s own mobile.
1.1 Hypotheses
We hypothesized that humans show similar attachment to their mobile phone as towards
people. To investigate this hypothesis, we used multiple research approaches: self-report
questionnaires and experimental assessments of mobile attachment. For the latter, we applied
a modified version of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation Test (Ainsworth, Bell, & Stayton, 1971),
where we manipulated not only the presence of the participants’ own mobile (attachment
figure), but also the presence of an unfamiliar mobile (the test is called ‘mobile SST’
henceforth). Separation anxiety was assessed by self-reports, and cognitive performance, non-
verbal behaviour and physiological responses (heart rate and heart rate variability) during
behavioural tests. In addition, attentional bias to separation-related words was tested in an
emotional Stroop test (Bentall & Kaney, 1989) to investigate whether anxiety is driven by
From our research hypothesis, we predicted the followings for the questionnaire and the
mobile SST:
Prediction for the questionnaire:
The main features of human social attachment (proximity seeking, separation anxiety, secure
base and safe haven) are relevant to mobile attachment, so that these should emerge as principal
components of a mobile attachment questionnaire.
Predictions for the mobile SST:
Participants separated from their mobile should show more anxiety than participants not
separated from their mobile. In particular, we expected separated participants to report higher
levels of anxiety, and perform worse in the cognitive task because anxiety interferes with
attention (Egloff & Hock, 2001; Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007). Furthermore,
we expected separated participants to show more non-verbal stress behaviour (displacement
activity) and approach more frequently the place of their separated mobile (proximity seeking
behaviour) than those not separated. Regarding the physiological responses, we expected
separated participants to have higher and less variable heart rates, with frequency distributions
characteristic to physiological stress (i.e. higher power in the lower frequency and lower power
in the higher frequency bands, cf. Delaney, 2000).
In addition, we expected separated participants to react slower to separation-related
stimuli in the emotional Stroop test than unseparated participants. Emotionally relevant stimuli
require more attentional resources (MacLeod, Mathews, & Tata, 1986) and therefore, decrease
participant’s performance on tasks where the processing of such information is irrelevant for
the task. In the Stroop test, specifically, the processing of the words’ meaning interferes with
the task (i.e. identifying the colour of the word). Thus, participant’s performance is weaker for
words which are connected to their emotional disturbances or actual emotional state (e.g.
Thorpe & Salkovskis, 1997; MacLoad & Rutherford, 1992).
Based on human attachment research (Spangler & Grossmann, 1993; Spangler and
Schieche, 1998), we also predicted that the presence of an unfamiliar mobile in separated
participants should result in a reduced level of anxiety for all of the above behavioural and
physiological responses (i.e. we expected intermediate responses between full separation and
no separation).
2 Method
2.1 Participants
To determine sample size, we performed power calculations using the effect size obtained in a
comparable recent study on the effects of mobile phone separation (Clayton et al, 2015). We
determined that our sample would require 88 individuals (22 per condition); however, we tested
additional subjects in order to compensate for potential data loss or exclusion of
individuals/subtests. The participants were 93 Hungarian university students (42 men and 51
women, median age: 21 years (range: 18-26 years). This age group was chosen because they
are considered to be “cell phone natives” (Forgays, Hyman, & Schreiber, 2014), therefore we
expected that mobile attachment will be most pronounced in this age group. Eighty-seven of
the 93 participants (94%) had a smartphone, and participants had possessed their actual mobile
for 0.5-86 months (median: 15 months). The participants were studying at different universities
and came from a variety of fields of interests. We recruited the participants by the means of
poster advertisements, flyers, and Facebook posts and they received a small compensation for
their participation (soft drink/beer and chocolate).
2.2 Materials and procedures
2.2.1 Test room
The experiments took place in the Laboratory of the Department of Ethology, Eötvös Loránd
University, Budapest, Hungary. The test room (Fig. 1) was furnished with everyday objects,
including a table, a chair, a cupboard and a beanbag chair. On the table, there was a laptop,
some newspapers and a plush animal. There was a poster on the wall and there were two toy
animals on the cupboard. Test sessions were video-recorded using four digital cameras to cover
participants from various angles. Following the behavioural tests, we asked participants to fill
out the questionnaires in the adjacent room, using a PC.
Figure 1 Layout of the testing room (top view, not drawn to scale)
2.2.2 Experimental design
For the behavioural tests (Mobile SST), we used a between-subject factorial design with two
treatments (own mobile and unfamiliar mobile) each with two levels (present or absent; Table
1). Participants were assigned randomly to the experimental conditions (groups).
2.2.3 Experimental procedure
Participants sat on a chair in the test room in front of the computer. They remained sitting there
during the whole test, except for the waiting period (see below). A general description about
the study’s aim and procedure was given verbally by the experimenter and also on a written
information sheet. Both were purposely misleading: participants were told that the
experiment’s aim was to test a new wireless heart rate monitor, and to observe how heart rate
changes with various cognitive tasks. Misleading the participants was necessary to obtain
realistic results and participants were informed in advance of the possibility that they may be
misled in the informed consent.
Participants were equipped with a heart rate monitor chest strap (see later), which they
wore until the end of the experiment. Participants were then asked to do the first set of
calculations (consisting of three calculations, see later) on a paper, within one minute. Before
the first set of calculations, the participants were informed that they were allowed to use the
calculator of their mobile. No further encouragement was needed, and all participants made
use of the calculator function of their mobile.
After completing the first set of calculations (or after one minute, whichever was reached
first), the following information was provided to them: “That was the warm-up, and now the
real test will begin, where we will also measure your performance. In order for the test to be
standardised, that is, assuring it is the same for everybody, you will not be allowed to use your
phone, but you will get another phone/calculator [depending on the experimental group, see
Table 1], that everybody will use for the task.” Then the experimenter either asked for the
participants’ mobile and put it in the cupboard (Group 1 and Group 2), or left it with the
participants on the table (Group 3 and Group 4). In the latter two groups, if the participants had
put the mobile in his/her pocket or bag after the calculations, then the mobile was left there.
Next, the experimenter provided a calculator (Group 1 and 3), or an unfamiliar mobile (Group
2 and 4) for the participants from the cupboard. Participants had one minute to complete the
second set of calculations (again consisting of three calculations) with the new instrument
(calculator or unfamiliar mobile). Until the end of the behavioural test participants were left
with or without their own mobile and with the new device (calculator/unfamiliar mobile;
depending on the group).
unfamiliar mobile
unfamiliar mobile
own mobile
Group 1
N = 23; 13 men, 10 women;
age median[min-max]:
Group 2
N = 24; 9 men, 15 women;
age median[min-max]:
20 [18-25];
unfamiliar mobile
own mobile
Group 3
N = 23; 12 men, 11 women;
age median[min-max]:
Group 4
N = 23; 8 men, 15 women;
age median[min-max]:
21 [19-26];
unfamiliar mobile
Table 1 2x2 factorial design of the Mobile SST. Number, age and gender distribution of
participants are provided. For each experimental group the device listed in the table was
used for the second set of calculations.
After completing the second set of calculations, the participants were told to wait alone
for a couple of minutes while their baseline heart rate was recorded. During this waiting period,
they were allowed to do anything in the room until a sound signalled that they should start
filling in the tests using the computer. A computer program (developed by Richárd Magócsi)
presented the tasks and recorded the answers and the heart rate data (see later). Subsequent
tasks started automatically as soon as the previous task had been finished. For each task
instructions were provided on the screen, so that no verbal instructions were given. The tasks
included the state anxiety measure of the short Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, a
word search puzzle, and the emotional Stroop test (see below).
The behavioural test ended after the participants had finished the three tasks on the
laptop. The experimenter went back to the participant, removed the heart rate monitor and
asked a few questions to check whether the participant had any idea about the real aim of the
study (see Appendix A). Then the experimenter escorted the participants to another room,
where they were asked to fill out the Mobile Attachment Questionnaire (see below) online,
using another computer.
2.2.4 Experimental tools and tasks applied during the behavioural test (Mobile SST)
Calculations (see Appendix B): the calculation tasks included basic calculations (adding,
subtracting, multiplying, and dividing), however, the calculations were difficult to perform
without a calculator because they involved multiple operations with 2- or 3-digit numbers.
Calculation tasks were used as a deceit i.e. to give a believable reason for taking away the
mobile from the participants; performance on these tasks was not analysed. There were two
sets of calculations (A and B) used in a random order.
Short form of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; see Appendix C;
Spielberger, Gorsuch & Lushene, 1970; Hungarian adaptation: Sipos & Sipos, 1978; short
form: Marteau & Bekker, 1992): we used the state anxiety measure with a continuous rating
scale during the experiment.
Word search puzzle (based on the method of Clayton et al., 2015): we generated eight word
search puzzles using an online generator at Each
word search puzzle consisted of 15 columns and 15 rows containing 13 words. In both the pre-
tests and the real tests, participants had 2 minutes to find as many words (listed next to the
tables) as they could. The words in each puzzle belonged to different topics. The eight puzzles
were tested for equal difficulty with a sample of university students and workers that differed
from the test population (N = 64, 8/puzzle). From the eight puzzles available, we selected three
with similar difficulties (where the mean number of words found during the tests were not
significantly different; Kruskal-Wallis test; 2 [2; N = 24] = 0.23; p = 0.89). These three puzzles
contained words on plants, animals and countries.
Emotional Stroop test (e.g. Bentall & Kaney, 1989): During this task, different words were
presented one-by-one on the computer screen. The colours of the words were randomly chosen
from the following four colours: red, blue, green and yellow. Participants were instructed to
indicate the colour of the word – as fast as possible – by pressing a key on the keyboard marked
with a sticker with the respective colour (the four keys that had to be used were the same, but
we changed the colour they represented between the tests randomly). Reaction time and the
colour identification success for each word were measured using a function of the computer
program that presented the tasks to the participants. The task consisted of four blocks, each of
them including 10 words, so in total, 40 test words were shown to the participants. The order
of the words within a block and the order of the four blocks were randomized. Before the test,
participants practiced with 20 neutral words. So in total, 60 words were shown to each
participant, but only the data of the 40 test words were analysed.
The four blocks differed regarding the topic and valence of the words, in order to assess
whether attentional bias occurs specifically to separation-related stimuli, or to any other type
of negatively valenced stimuli. Thus, one block contained negative, separation-related words
(e.g. loneliness, divorce); one block contained general negative words (e.g. lie, hell); another
block contained physical threat words (e.g. faint, infection) and one block contained neutral
words (e.g. scanner, quotation). The neutral and the general negative words were selected from
a 480-word pool used by Simor, Pajkossy, Horváth, & Bódizs (2012). Separation-related and
physical threat words were collected from the literature (e.g. Asmundson, Sandler, Wilson, &
Walker, 1992; Lundh & Czyzykow-Czarnocka, 2001). The collected words (N = 115; 20
separation-related, 22 physical threat, 25 general negative, and 48 neutral words) were rated
for valence by laypersons not involved in the tests (N = 154, each was randomly assigned
approximately 45 words from the 115 to rate; resulting in approximately 50 ratings per word).
In addition, psychologists (N = 57) rated the words for their relevance for separation and
physical threat (each was randomly assigned approximately 50 words from the 115 to rate,
resulting in approximately 30 ratings per word).
The final words of the four blocks were selected to be matched with respect to word
length category (three levels based on number of syllables) and word frequency, and the three
negative blocks with respect to valence. Word frequency was determined by means of an
application (, which provides the frequency of
Hungarian words based on a database built from texts on the internet. Forty test words and 20
practice words were selected based on the ratings of word frequency and word length (see
Appendix D for the English translation of the words). The four blocks did not differ in word
frequency (Kruskal-Wallis test; 2 [3; N = 40] = 0.28; p = 0.96) or word length (Chi-square test
of independence; 2 [6; N = 40] = 5.35; p = 0.50), and the three negative blocks did not differ
from each other in valence (Kruskal-Wallis test; 2 [2; N = 30] = 0.19; p = 0.91), but all of them
differed from the neutral block (Mann-Whitney tests; all p < 0.001). Separation-related words
differed from all the other blocks with regards to their relevance to separation (Mann-Whitney
tests; all p < 0.001), and physical threat words differed from all other blocks with regards to
their relevance to physical threat (Mann-Whitney tests; all p < 0.001).
Heart rate measurement
We used a Garmin ANT+ Heart Rate Monitor (Part No.: 010-10997-00) with an ANT+ USB
stick (Part No.: 010-01058-00) to measure heart rate (both devices produced by Garmin
International, Inc., Olathe, USA). The Heart Rate Monitor senses the R waves of the QRS
complex of the heart’s electrical activity, and sends the signals in terms of R-R intervals to an
USB stick connected to the laptop, using ANT short-range wireless technology. R-R interval
data were analysed using the Kubios HRV 2.2 software with the built-in option for correcting
artefacts (R-R intervals which were at least 0.3 sec smaller/larger than the local mean R-R
interval were detected as artefacts). As motion can influence heart rate (Bernardi, Valle, Coco,
Calciati, & Sleight, 1996), only the relatively motionless periods when subjects completed the
tests (STAI, word search puzzle and Stroop) were analysed. We computed the following time
and frequency domain parameters to measure sympathetic/parasympathetic activity: (1) mean
heart rate (bpm), (2) heart rate variability (SDNN), (3) relative power of the very low frequency
(“VLF”: 0-0.04 Hz), (4) low frequency (“LF”: 0.04-0.15 Hz), (5) high frequency (“HF”: 0.15-
0.4 Hz) bands and (6) LF/HF ratio.
Behaviour coding
Participants’ behaviour during the waiting period (3.5 minutes) was coded by the first author
using Solomon Coder beta 15.11.19 (developed by András Péter, 2015). Displacement
activities (self-contact; see Troisi, 2002), proximity seeking and maintaining behaviours
toward the mobile and exploration was coded as defined in Table 2. To assess interrater
reliability, a second coder coded eight test videos (two from each experimental group).
Interrater reliability was very good for all variables (Cohen’s κ was between .75 and 1).
Following behavioural coding, the proportion of the waiting period spent on the given
behaviour was analysed.
Behavioural element
Own mobile contact
Contact with own mobile using hands
Unfamiliar mobile
Contact with unfamiliar mobile using hands
Cupboard contact
Contact with the cupboard using hands
Own mobile look
Looking at own mobile
Cupboard look
Looking at the cupboard
Looking at anything in the room (e.g.
poster) except for the mobiles, the
calculator, the newspapers and the cupboard
Reading the newspapers
Cupboard proximity
Within 60 cm of the cupboard (tiles on floor
used as markers)a
Own mobile proximity
Within 100 cm of the mobile (except for
when the mobile was in the pocket or bag of
the participant, which were excluded)b
Stress behaviour
Any dynamic contact with own body (e.g.
scratching, arranging hair, etc.); static body
postures (e.g. arms rest in the lap of the
subject) were not coded
Table 2 Definitions of behaviours coded during the waiting period. a60 cm was used as
proximity threshold to separate walking next to the table from approaching the
cupboard. b100 cm was used as proximity threshold to include situations when the
participants sat on the chair and their mobiles were at one side of the table.
2.2.5 Mobile Attachment Questionnaire (MAQ)
We constructed this questionnaire (see Appendix E) for self-assessing mobile attachment.
Items were selected so that they described the main aspects of social attachment: proximity
seeking, separation anxiety, secure base and safe haven (Ainsworth et al., 1971; Bowlby, 1969)
with regards to the mobile, and we also included items regarding the participant’s need for
continuous contact with others through the mobile (based on a previous questionnaire: Konok
et al., 2016). The questionnaire contained 48 items (see Appendix E for the items and the
original scales they belonged to before the item-selection and principal component analysis).
Participants had to rate each statement on a 5-grade scale based on how characteristic they
were to them (from not characteristic at all to very characteristic).
2.2.6 Statistical analysis
Assumptions of statistical tests were considered prior to the analyses. Statistical analyses were
carried out using SPSS (version 22.0.0). If the analysis and data required, the appropriate
transformations were applied to normalise distribution.
MAQ: Answers from the questionnaire were processed using an item-selection procedure
based on Rattray and Jones (2007). Selection resulted in keeping 46% of items (22 of 48 items
were selected; for more details of item-selection, see Appendix F). Principal component
analyses were conducted with Varimax rotation on the remaining items. Items that had a 0.4
or greater loading on a single component were retained (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
Component scores and total score (mean of all items) were used for further analyses, and
participants who did not have a smartphone were excluded (N = 6).
Mobile SST: The random assignment of subjects to the experimental groups was examined
using One-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square tests: we investigated whether the
four groups differed in age, gender and MAQ total score.
Own mobile look, Own mobile contact and Own mobile proximity were highly correlated
(Spearman’s r = 0.90; 0.56; 0.56; all p < 0.001), so we retained only Own mobile contact for
later analyses. Cupboard proximity, cupboard look and cupboard contact were also highly
correlated (Spearman’s r = 0.60; 0.70 and 0.81, p < 0.001, respectively) so we retained only
Cupboard proximity. Distributions of all the behavioural responses were zero-inflated (at least
30% of the participants had zero values) and some of them included an excess of maximum
values (100%) as well. The variables were therefore transformed into categorical variables with
two or three values [0 and 1, or 0, 1 and 2 depending on whether non-zero values could be
allocated to one or two (low and high) distinguished groups]. The transformed variables are
presented in Appendix G.
For further analysis of the group differences in behavioural, cognitive (word search
puzzle), self-report (STAI) and heart rate variables, we merged two groups based on the results
of a post hoc analysis. This analysis showed that when their own mobile was present, the
behaviour of the participants with or without the unfamiliar mobile were not different, but they
behaved differently compared to the participants in the two other groups (results of this post
hoc analysis are presented in Appendix H). Therefore, these two groups (Group 3 - with own
mobile and without unfamiliar mobile; Group 4 - with own mobile and with unfamiliar mobile)
were merged in this analysis of group differences (for the new groupings, see Table 4).
Table 4 Revised grouping based on post hoc analysis. For each group the sample size is
Differences in behavioural responses, test scores (STAI and word search puzzle) and
heart rate measures among these new groups were analysed using One-way ANOVA, Kruskal-
Wallis and Chi-squared tests.
In the Stroop test colour identification was almost perfect for each subject, so we did not
analyse the data for colour matching. In the analysis of reaction time, outliers (defined as above
mean + 2 SD, i.e. >1112 ms) were excluded (116 of 3116 data points, or 3.7%). Reaction times
(response variable) to the 40 test words were analysed in Generalized Linear Mixed Models
(GLMM) to investigate the effects of experimental group (fixed factor based on the revised
grouping, Table 4), theme of the Stroop words (fixed factor), MAQ total score (covariate), as
well as their two- and three-way interactions. The model also included participant ID as a
random term.
“No Mobile” Group
“Unfamiliar Mobile” Group
“Own Mobile” Group
Neither the subjects own,
nor the unfamiliar mobile
are present
(previously: Group 1)
N= 21;
11 men, 10 women;
age median [min-max] =
22 [18-25]
Only the unfamiliar mobile
was present
(previously: Group 2)
N = 24;
9 men, 15 women;
age median [min-max] =
20 [18-25]
Own mobile was present
(unfamiliar mobile was
present/ absent)
(previously: Group 3+4)
N = 42;
19 men, 23 women;
age median [min-max] =
21 [19-26]
Correspondence of the MAQ and mobile SST
We investigated whether and to what degree the results from the questionnaire (MAQ) and the
mobile SST were consistent in two separate analyses, based on mobile presence. First, in
separated participants (i.e. Group 1 and 2), we used Pearson and Spearman correlations and
independent samples t-tests to investigate whether the attachment levels from the questionnaire
(MAQ) are associated with anxiety-related variables (behavioural variables, heart rate
variables, STAI score and word-search performance) from the mobile SST. We included only
separated participants in this analysis because we expected association only when the mobile
was absent.
Second, in unseparated participants (Group 3 and 4), we could investigate whether the
attachment levels from the questionnaire (MAQ) are associated with physical contact with the
mobile. Using an independent samples t-test, we compared MAQ total scores of participants
contacting and not contacting their mobile.
For each statistical test, we provide effect size (e.g. Φ for chi-square, η2 for Kruskal-
Wallis and r for Mann-Whitney tests).
2.2.7 Ethic statement
The study was approved by the United Ethical Review Committee for Research in Psychology
(EPKEB) (reference number of the approval: 57/2015).
3 Results
3.1 Mobile Attachment Questionnaire
Our prediction that principal components of the MAQ would reflect the main aspects of social
attachment (proximity-seeking, separation anxiety, secure base and safe haven) was partly
supported. The principal component analysis resulted in four components according to both
the eigenvalues (higher than 1) and the scree plot. Items 14, 2, 30, 34, 10, 43 and 16 were
removed iteratively (in the listed order) because of cross-loadings (loadings of 0.4 on more
than one factor). The final version of the questionnaire contained 15 items (see Appendix E for
the original, raw version and the final 15 items with their loadings on the respective principal
The four components (Table 5) were interpreted as Separation insecurity (decreased
sense of security when separated from the mobile), Separation anxiety (increased tension or
anxiety upon separation from the mobile), Safe haven (turning to the mobile in tense situations
to decrease anxiety) and Secure base (being more confident/at ease in the presence of the
mobile). The four components together explained 70.8% of the total variance. The internal
consistency of the final version of the questionnaire was excellent (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.91).
The Cronbach’s alphas for the sub-scales were 0.91 (Separation insecurity); 0.76 (Separation
anxiety); 0.83 (Secure base) and 0.74 (Safe haven). However, instead of sub-scale scores we
used the component scores and the total score (mean of all items) in the analysis.
If my phone runs out of battery, I do not feel
If I do not have my phone on me, I do not
feel safe.
If I leave my phone at home, I do not feel
If I lost my phone, I would not feel really
safe for long.
If I am stressed I take out my phone to calm
If I left my phone at home, I would be
willing to go home for it even from a
distance (more than 5 minutes away from
I am nervous/ tense when I leave my phone
at home.
It does not bother me when I leave my
phone at home/ it runs out of battery.
(reverse scored)
I am nervous/ tense when my phone runs
out of battery.
If I feel uneasy/tense in company, I take out
my phone.
In a tense situation I take out my phone.
If I am nervous, dealing with my phone
does not calm me down. (reverse scored)
If my phone is in my hand, I feel more
I am not more confident/ easy-going if I
have my phone with me. (reverse scored)
If my phone is in my hand, I can behave
more easily/ unreserved.
Table 5 Item loadings on the principal components of the Mobile Attachment
Questionnaire (MAQ) and the percentage of variance explained by the components
3.2 Mobile SST
The four groups did not differ in terms of age (p = 0.19), gender (p > 0.25) or MAQ total score
(p > 0.25).
The answers to the post-experiment questions showed that none of the participants had
figured out what the experiment’s real aim was. Although three participants responded that the
experiment was somehow related to the use of mobile phones, they were also far from revealing
our research questions ( for instance, one of them replied that we wanted to measure whether
the calculation task was more difficult to do using an unfamiliar than their own mobile).
3.2.1 Differences between experimental groups in behaviour, cognitive performance,
self-reported anxiety and heart rate parameters
We expected from separated participants to report more anxiety and show poorer cognitive
performance, but we found no difference compared to unseparated participants. The three
experimental groups did not differ in their STAI state anxiety score and in the number of words
found in the word search task.
Separated participants, however, approached the cupboard and showed stress-behaviour
(displacement activity) more often than unseparated participants. The three groups differed in
the proportion of participants who approached the cupboard (Chi-square test; 2 [2, N = 85] =
8.39, p = 0.015; Φ = 0.31) and in the proportion who showed displacement activity (2 [2, N =
85] = 8.6; p = 0.014; Φ = 0.32; Fig. 2). Post hoc Chi-square tests showed that in the „No
Mobile” Group more people approached the cupboard than in the „Own Mobile” Group (2 [1,
N = 62] = 8.98, p = 0.003; Φ = 0.38). Additionally, more participants showed displacement
activity in the „No Mobile” Group than in the „Own Mobile” Group (2 [1, N = 62] = 4.1; p =
0.04; Φ = 0.26), and in the „Unfamiliar Mobile” Group (2 [1, N = 43] = 8.5; p = 0.004; Φ =
0.45). Participants’ behaviour in “Own Mobile” and “Unfamiliar Mobile” conditions did not
differ significantly.
We found no group differences in exploration and reading the newspapers (p = 0.17 and
0.24, respectively).
Figure 2 Percentage of participants (a) that approached the cupboard and (b) showed
displacement activity (self-contact) in the three experimental groups. One asterisk
indicates significant difference at p < 0.05, whereas two at p < 0.01 level.
We found partial support for our prediction that separated participants would have a
higher and less variable heart rate, with higher power in the lower frequency and lower power
in the high frequency bands. The three groups did not differ in mean heart rate and heart rate
variability (SDNN), relative power of LF and VLF bands and LF/HF ratio (all p > 0.18).
However, experimental groups were different in the relative power of the HF bands (Kruskal-
Wallis test: 2 [2, N = 83] = 6.58; p = 0.037) and the relative power of VLF band also showed
a non-significant difference (One-way ANOVA; F [2, 80] = 2.69; p = 0.074; Fig. 3). Post hoc
Mann-Whitney and t-tests showed that in the “No Mobile” Group the relative power of the HF
band was lower than in the “Own Mobile” Group (U = 240.50; p = 0.012; r = 0.39), and in the
“Unfamiliar Mobile” Group (U = 149.00; p = 0.048; r = 0.35). Additionally, the relative power
of the VLF band was higher in the “No Mobile” Group than in the “Own Mobile” Group (t[58]
= 2.07; p = 0.048; d = 0.55). Heart rate indices in the “Own Mobile” and “Unfamiliar Mobile”
conditions did not differ significantly.
Figure 3 The relative power of the high frequency (HF; white boxes) and very low
frequency (VLF; striped boxes) bands in heart rate variability in the three experimental
groups. Asterisks indicate significant differences at p < 0.05 level.
3.2.2 Emotional Stroop Test
We expected separated participants to show an increased attentional bias to separation-related
stimuli and higher interference with performance on the Stroop test. For participants who had
a higher self-reported mobile attachment (MAQ), we found support for this prediction. The
GLMM showed that there was a significant three-way interaction between experimental group,
MAQ total score and theme of the words on reaction time (F[6; 2858] = 2.23; p = 0.037).
To reveal the causes of this three-way interaction, we analysed the two-way interactions
of experimental group and MAQ separately for each theme. We found that neither MAQ, nor
experimental group, nor their interaction had an effect on reaction time in case of neutral
(GLMM; all p > 0.25), general negative (all p > 0.08) and physical threat words (all p > 0.15).
However, in case of separation-related words, the interaction of MAQ and experimental
group had a significant effect on reaction time (GLMM; F[2, 721] = 3.34, p = 0.036; Fig. 4,
Table 6).
Figure 4 Relationship between self-reported mobile attachment (MAQ) total score and
reaction times to the separation-related words in the Stroop test, separately in the three
experimental groups. The relationship between the two variables was significant only in
the case of the “No Mobile” Group (GLMM).
± SE
95% CI
MAQ score * EG
[Own Mobile Unfamiliar Mobile]
45.08 ± 28.54
[-10.95; 101.12]
MAQ score * EG
[Own Mobile No Mobile]
100.83 ± 41.94
[18.49; 183.18]
Table 6 Results of the generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) with reaction time in the
Stroop test as dependent variable, experimental group (EG) as fixed factor and Mobile
Attachment Questionnaire (MAQ) total score as covariate. Only the statistics for the
interaction of experimental group and MAQ score are presented (changes between levels
of the given variable are indicated in squared brackets).
When analysing the MAQ total score’s effect on reaction times to separation-related
words separately in the three groups, we found that in the “No Mobile” Group participants with
higher MAQ had higher reaction times (F[1,176] = 3.90; p = 0.05; parameter estimate ± SE =
76.82 ± 38.91; 95% CI = [0.03; 153.61]), while in the “Unfamiliar Mobile” and “Own Mobile”
groups MAQ had no significant effect on reaction time (p > 0.25 and p = 0.19, respectively).
Therefore, as we predicted, the increased attentional bias to separation-related words for highly
attached participants was only observable in the case of full separation from any mobile phone,
but not when an unfamiliar mobile was present.
3.3 Correspondence of the questionnaire and the mobile SST
Our prediction that the MAQ would show significant associations with variables in the
behaviour test was only partly supported. In those groups where the participant’s own mobile
was absent, only higher state anxiety (STAI) was associated with higher mobile attachment
(MAQ) score (rs [44] = 0.40, p < 0.01; 95% CI = [0.12, 0.64]). Heart rate parameters,
displacement activity (self-contact) and proximity to the cupboard showed no association with
MAQ (all p > 0.25). In those groups where the participant’s own mobile was present, those
that contacted and those that did not contact their own mobile did not differ significantly in
their MAQ score (t[40] = 1.33, p = 0.19; d = 0.41).
4 Discussion
4.1 Mobile SST
The results of the Mobile SST support that humans form attachment toward their mobile: they
seek the proximity of the mobile and show stress response upon separation. First, separation
from the mobile in the Mobile SST induced self-contact behaviour (also called as displacement
activity; Sevenster, 1961) which was previously reported to correlate with stress/anxiety in
humans (Triosi, 2000).
Separated individuals also had different heart rate responses compared to unseparated
participants. Different frequency distributions were observed in their heart rate variability:
lower power of the HF band and higher power of the VLF band. These parameters reflect
higher sympathetic activity and therefore, stress (e.g. Delaney & Brodie, 2000).
Furthermore, separated participants tried to repair proximity to their mobile. They
approached the cupboard where their mobile was placed more frequently than unseparated
participants. Importantly, separated participants did not explore the room or read the
newspapers longer than unseparated participants, suggesting that approaching the cupboard
was not due to a general tendency to occupy themselves in the absence of their mobile.
Although there are some self-reported data that people try to keep their mobile nearby as much
as possible (e.g. Levitas, 2013), our study is the first that revealed proximity-seeking on the
behavioural level.
Additionally, we found in case of separation-related words of the Stroop test, that
separation influenced reaction time, in interaction with self-reported mobile attachment
(MAQ). This is in contrast with neutral, general negative and physical threat words, where
separation did not affect reaction time. Therefore, our finding suggests that separation from the
mobile induced separation-specific emotions (e.g. loneliness, abandonment) which decreased
performance for similar words. Furthermore, previous studies have found that trait differences
such as trait anxiety mediate the effect of short-term states (e.g. a stressful situation) on
attentional bias and the consequent task-interference in the Stroop test (MacLoad &
Rutherford, 1992). Similarly, in our test, separation from the mobile (short-term state) and self-
reported mobile attachment (trait difference) together increased attentional bias to separation-
related stimuli.
In contrast to Clayton et al.’s (2015) findings, cognitive performance on the word search
puzzle was not affected by separation from the mobile. However, in that study the
experimenters rang the participants’ mobile during separation which might have decreased
performance. In our experiment, the increase in anxiety level might have been too mild to affect
cognitive performance (note that only stress above a certain level decreases performance;
Yerkes and Dodson, 1908; Martens & Landers, 1970).
In contrast to physiological and non-verbal stress responses, self-reported state anxiety
(STAI) levels were not affected by separation from the mobile. However, behavioural and
physiological parameters often diverge from self-reports (e.g. Borkenau & Liebler, 1993), and
could give more reliable information about affective states (Stone and Nielson, 2001; Troisi,
Interestingly, the effects of separation from the mobile were apparent only when no other
mobile was present. The presence of an unfamiliar mobile decreased the effects of separation
from their own mobile, similarly to the calming effect of a stranger on children who are
separated from the caregiver (Spangler & Grossmann, 1993; Spangler and Schieche, 1998).
Naturally, adults have a higher tolerance of separation from attachment figures and a higher
acceptance of other social partners. Therefore, although they may be distressed upon separation
from their mobile, an unfamiliar mobile has the potential to comfort them.
4.2 Mobile Attachment Questionnaire
In addition to proximity-seeking and separation anxiety, other features of social attachment,
like secure base and safe haven effects (Bowlby, 1969; Hazan & Shaver, 1994) are also relevant
aspects of mobile attachment because these emerged as principal components of the MAQ. In
line with our study, previous research also suggested that people may feel more confident in
social situations if their mobile is close to them (Stald, 2008), and they may use the mobile as
a stress-relieving object (Jung, 2014).
The MAQ proved to be a valid assessment tool of mobile attachment. Although non-
verbal behaviour and heart rate responses in the Mobile SST did not show the expected
associations with MAQ, self-reported state-anxiety and reaction time to separation-related
words in the Stroop test was associated with MAQ score in separated participants.
4.3 Conclusion
In summary, our study is the first that gives experimental support for the hypothesis that people
are attached to their mobile and it can be understand in Bowlby’s (1969) evolutionary
framework. Humans are prone to develop attachment toward their partners, friends (Fraley et
al., 2005; Markiewicz et al., 2006) and also members of other species (Archer & Ireland, 2011;
Zasloff & Kidd, 1994), suggesting that the ability to form attachments toward group mates has
played a significant role in the evolution of our social behaviours. As in our previous work
(Konok et al., 2016), we assume that the capacity to form an attachment to the mobile phone
may be the consequence of cultural co-option of the neuronal circuits of the attachment system
(‘neural recycling hypothesis’, Dehaene & Cohen, 2007; see also Parkinson & Wheatley,
2015). This may explain why our attitude and behaviour toward the mobile may share many of
the constraints and features that are characteristic to interpersonal attachment (e.g. proximity-
seeking, separation stress, secure base and safe haven).
We do not think, however, that attachment to the mobile would be the same in every
aspect as attachment to animate agents, especially humans. Objects (e.g. mobiles) have no
agency, and the “responsiveness” they offer is decoupled from the care and compassion people
seek from a human partner (Keefer, Landau, Rothschild, & Sullivan, 2012). However, unlike
other (social) targets, their presence is much more reliable and controllable so that they may be
attractive for many people. This is in accordance with Winnicott's (1971) theory of transitional
objects, which states that children can cope with the temporary absence of their caregivers with
the reliable presence of a valued object (e.g. blanket).
Despite the differences, we suggest that the interpretation of human-mobile interaction
using ethological concepts (cf. Korondi et al., 2015 in case of human-robot interaction), such
as attachment, may be more fruitful in driving future research than trying to explain it as a
manifestation of extreme behaviour (e.g. addiction). We are in the middle of a nascent digital
culture, with children being born into the world of smart devices. There is a need for further
research to investigate how these devices change our socioemotional life and cognitions, in
order to overcome potential problems or challenges they might cause. The first step in this
direction is to clarify how our attitude and behaviour toward the mobile phone shares features
of interpersonal relationships.
We thank Katalin Tóthné Maros, Richárd Magócsi, Danielle Riffer-Reinert and Lisa Wallis for
their help, and we are grateful to all participants. The study was supported by the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences (F01/031), and the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA
Appendix A
Post-experiment questions:
What do you think the real aim of the test was?
Was there anything strange, unusual or suspicious during the test?
Was there any difficulty or problem with the programs?
Appendix B
Calculation tasks
‘A’ set of calculations:
‘B’ set of calculations:
Appendix C
Short STAI
A number of statements which people have used to describe themselves are given below.
Read each statement and mark on the scale the value which indicates the best how you feel
right now, that is, at this very moment.
There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any one statement but
give the answer which seems to describe your present feelings best.
How are you feeling right now?
I feel calm.
Not true at all Completely true
I am tense.
Not true at all Completely true
I feel upset.
Not true at all Completely true
I am relaxed.
Not true at all Completely true
I feel content.
Not true at all Completely true
I am worried.
Not true at all Completely true
Appendix D
English translation of the word-stimuli of the emotional Stoop test:
Practice words:
Sample of test words (40 words were presented in blocks of four, with order of blocks and
within-block order of words randomized):
Neutral words:
Separation-related negative words:
break up
General negative words:
Physical threat-related negative words:
Appendix E
Mobile Attachment Questionnaire
The table shows the items of the raw version of the Mobile Attachment Questionnaire with
abbreviations of the original “scales” they belonged to (according to our expectations).
Reversed items are indicated with a minus sign next to the abbreviation. Items which were
retained after item-selection are in bold. The principal components on which the final items are
loaded on are presented in the third column.
SH= Safe haven
SB= Secure base
PS= Proximity seeking
SA= Separation Anxiety
NC= Need for contact
SI= Separation Insecurity
the items are
loaded on in
the final
In a tense situation, I take out my phone. SH
If I have my phone on me, I can behave more easily/unreserved.
I do not go to anywhere without my phone. PS
I am nervous/tense when I leave my phone at home. SS
I like to be constantly available for other people. NC
If I am nervous for some reason, I take out my phone. SH
If my phone is in my hand, I can behave more
easily/unreserved. SB
I regularly check my phone even if it does not ring/does not
sign a message. PS
I am nervous/tense when my phone runs out of battery. SS
I’m nervous if I cannot be reached on the phone. NC
If I am stressed I take out my phone to calm down. SH
If my phone is in my hand, I feel more confident. SB
My phone is within my reach at night, even if I did not set any
alarm. PS
I am nervous/tense, if I do not have my phone on me. SS
I’m nervous if I cannot get through somebody. NC
Dealing with my phone calms me down. SH
If I do not have my phone on me, I am more inhibited/shy with
strangers. SB
If I left my phone at home, I would be willing to go home
for it even from a distance (more than 5 minutes away from
home). PS
If I do not have my phone on me, I do not feel safe. SS
Sometimes I turn off/mute my phone so that people cannot
disturb me. NC-
I do not care whether my phone is with me or not. PS-
If my phone is not in my hand, I am more inhibited/shy with
strangers. SB
If I left my phone at home, I would be willing to go home for it
if I were close by (a couple of minutes away from home). PS
If my phone runs out of battery, I do not feel safe. SS
It's annoying for me to be constantly available for others. NC-
If I feel uneasy/tense in a company, I take out my phone. SH
If I have my phone with me, I can focus on/pay attention to/be
absorbed in things better. SB
When I sit down somewhere (e.g. in a cafe, a lecture, to a
dining table, etc.), I put my phone at a visible place, within my
reach. PS
If I leave my phone at home, I do not feel safe. SS
I am nervous when I miss something for some reason (e.g. I have
not got my phone on me, or it has run out of battery) or I do not
get to know if something happened to my acquaintances. NC
If I get into an uneasy/embarrassing situation, I start to twiddle
with my phone. SH
If I have my phone on me, I am friskier/more curious. SB
At home I take my phone with me even into the bathroom. PS
I cannot bear for long without my phone. SS
If a close friend/family member doesn’t pick up the phone, I
start to worry/have a bad feeling. NC
If I am nervous, dealing with my phone does not calm me
down. SH-
When I am talking with a friend, I often check my phone. SB
I always try to keep my phone on me. PS
I would be sad for long, if I lost my phone. SS
When I am talking with strangers, I often check my phone. SB
I like my phone to be in my field of vision when I am
working/studying. PS
If I lost my phone, I would not feel really safe for long. SS
If I am in an unfamiliar/new situation, I often take out my phone.
I always carry my phone charger with me. PS
It does not bother me when I leave my phone at home/it runs
out of battery. SS-
I am not more confident/easygoing if I have my phone with
me. SB-
If my phone runs out of battery, I charge it immediately. PS
I like to constantly hold my phone in my hand. PS
Appendix F
Details of the item selection procedure on MAQ
Items 17, 22, 27, 32, 33, 37, 44, 47 were removed because of low variance in the responses
(more than 50% of the responses fell into any of the extremes). Item 20 and 25 were removed
because of the corrected item-total correlations were less than 0.3. Inter-item correlations were
also checked and resulted in further exclusions of items. Two items (items 1 and 6) had a
correlation coefficient greater than 0.8, so the one with the lower item-total correlation (item
6) was removed. Items 3, 5, 8, 13, 15, 21, 23, 28, 31, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48 were removed
because they had inter-item correlation coefficients lower than 0.2.
Appendix G
Transformed behavioural responses and the analyses in which they were used
MAQ = Mobile Attachment Questionnaire
Values of the transformed
categorical variable
Analysis in which the variable was used
Own mobile
zero, non-zero
MAQ validation (in Group 3 and 4)
zero, non-zero
effect of experimental groups (all groups) and
MAQ validation (in Group 1 and 2)
zero, non-zero
effect of experimental groups (all groups)
low (below median [45%])
and high (above median
effect of experimental groups (all groups)
Appendix H
Post-hoc analysis of the Mobile SST
The four groups differed in the proportion of participants showing stress behaviour (Chi-square
test; 2 [3, N = 85] = 9.44; p = 0.024; Φ = 0.33) and in the proportion of those who stayed in
the proximity of the cupboard (2 [3, N = 85] = 8.39; p = 0.039; Φ = 0.31).
Post hoc Chi-square tests revealed that more participants showed stress behaviour in
Group 1 (when no mobile was present) than in Group 2 (when only the unfamiliar mobile was
present; 2 [1, N = 43] = 8.50; p = 0.004; Φ = 0.44) and in Group 3 (when only the own mobile
was present; 2 [1, N = 42] = 4.97; p = 0.026; Φ = 0.34). There was no significant difference
between Group 3 and 4 (when both mobiles were present); Group 2 and 4, Group 1 and 4, and
Group 2 and 3 (all p > 0.1).
More people approached the cupboard in Group 1 (when no mobile was present) than in
Group 4 (when both mobiles were present, 2 [1, N = 40] = 4.4; p = 0.035; Φ = 0.33) and in
Group 3 (when only the own mobile was present, 2 [1, N = 42] = 4.86; p = 0.027; Φ = 0.34).
There was no significant difference between Group 1 and 2, Group 2 and 3, Group 2 and 4 (all
p > 0.15), and Group 3 and 4 (no statistical test was done because none of the participants
approached the cupboard in neither group).
There were no group differences in case of exploration and reading the newspapers (p >
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