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A New Chatbot for Customer
Service on Social Media
Anbang Xu, Zhe Liu, Yufan Guo, Vibha Sinha, Rama Akkiraju
IBM Research - Almaden
San Jose, CA, USA
{anbangxu, liuzh, guoy, vibha.sinha,}
Users are rapidly turning to social media to request and
receive customer service; however, a majority of these
requests were not addressed timely or even not addressed at
all. To overcome the problem, we create a new
conversational system to automatically generate responses
for users requests on social media. Our system is integrated
with state-of-the-art deep learning techniques and is trained
by nearly 1M Twitter conversations between users and
agents from over 60 brands. The evaluation reveals that
over 40% of the requests are emotional, and the system is
about as good as human agents in showing empathy to help
users cope with emotional situations. Results also show our
system outperforms information retrieval system based on
both human judgments and an automatic evaluation metric.
Author Keywords
Chatbot; social media; customer service; deep learning.
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.3 Information Interfaces and Presentation: Group and
Organization Interfaces.
Social media has changed the way users approach customer
service. Nearly half of U.S. Internet users are turning to
social media for help, as they can easily send off a Tweet or
Facebook status rather than call a 1-800 number or draft a
detailed email [10]. Twitter users send millions of requests
to major U.S. brands monthly. With the rapid increase in
the number of user requests, it has become increasingly
challenging to process and respond to incoming requests.
To address this challenge, many organizations form
dedicated customer service teams responding to user
requests on social media. The team consists of dozens or
even hundreds of human agents trained to address users’
various needs [9]. However, manually addressing requests
is time-consuming and often fails users’ expectations.
Recent studies show that 72% of users who contact a brand
on Twitter expect a response within an hour [19]. Yet, our
analysis of 1M conversations shows the average response
time is 6.5 hours. This gap motivated us to explore the
feasibility of chatbots for customer service on social media.
There has been a long history of chatbots powered by
various techniques such as information retrieval and
template rules [15]. Deep learning techniques have been
recently applied to natural language generation; however,
prior work focuses on general scenarios without specific
contexts [7]. Lessons could also be informed by studies of
social Q&A [5, 6, 13], where users may ask informational
questions about products or services. Yet, it is not clear how
such question types can be applied for customer service.
In this work, we create a new conversational system for
customer service on social media. State-of-the-art deep
learning techniques such as long short-term memory
(LSTM) networks are first applied to generate responses for
customer-service requests on social media. The system
takes a request as the input, computes its vector
representations, feeds it to LSTM, and then outputs the
response. The system was trained on nearly 1M Twitter
conversations between users and agents from 60+ brands.
In the evaluation, we conduct a content analysis revealing
two major themes related to user requests on social media:
emotional and informational. More than 40% of the
requests are emotional without specific informational
intents. Our system performs nearly as well as human
agents in providing empathy to address users’ emotional
requests. In addition, we find that our system received
significantly higher ratings than information retrieval (IR)
system in both human judgments and an automatic metric.
The conversation between users and customer service
agents on social media can be viewed as mapping one
sequence of words representing the request to another
sequence of words representing the response (see Figure 1).
Deep learning techniques can be applied to learn the
mapping from sequences to sequences [17].
Sequence-to-Sequence Learning
The core of the system consists of two LSTM neural
networks: one as an encoder that maps a variable-length
input sequence to a fixed-length vector, and the other as a
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decoder that maps the vector to a variable-length output
sequence (Figure 1). The advantage of LSTM is that it can
store sequential information over extended time intervals
and learn to block or pass on information depending on its
importance. Following [17], the encoder LSTM reads each
input sequence in reverse (Figure 1). This helps the learning
algorithm establish a connection between two sequences.
Word Embedding
Words in a user’s request cannot be directly used as inputs
for LSTMs; each word needs to be converted to a feature
vector. Traditional lexicon-based methods [12] can convert
words into feature vectors, and many words from social
media don’t exist in current lexicons [4]. Other feature
representations such as n-grams treat words as discrete
elements, which would result in a high dimensional vector
and, accordingly, a large number of parameters have to be
learned. This may cause data sparsity when the amount of
training data is incomparable to the number of parameters.
Our system adopts a word embedding method, word2vec
neural network language model [8], to learn distributed
representations of words from customer service
conversations in an unsupervised fashion. The idea of
word2vec is that each dimension of the embedding
represents a latent feature of the word, which can capture
useful syntactic and semantic properties. For example, in a
discrete space, words such as “sorry”, “apologize”, and
“glad” are equally distant from each other; but word2vec
can represent these words in a continuous space and the
distance between “sorry” and “apologize” is shorter than
the distance between “sorry” and “glad”.
62 brands were selected according to three criteria. 1) A
brand has a Twitter account dedicated to customer service
(e.g. ATTCares). 2) A large variety of brands is covered to
enhance the generalizability of our findings across product
categories. 3) National brands are selected so that a national
sample from crowdsourcing is suitable for evaluation tasks.
The conversation data was collected by the Twitter public
API. We used the Streaming API to capture tweets that
@mention any of the brands; we also continuously
collected the most recent tweets from each brand. We next
matched each reply with its request based on the
“in_reply_to_status_id” and “in_reply_to_user_id” fields,
and thus reconstructed the conversation. Since the
Streaming API only contains a sample of user tweets, we
also used the Search API to get additional tweets, which
were appeared in the “in_reply_to_status_id” field, but
were not captured by the Streaming API.
Over 2.6M user requests were collected and only 40.4% of
them received replies. 87.6% of the conversations only have
one turn (one user request with one agent reply). The
collected conversations happened between Jun. 1 and Aug.
1, 2016. 30K of the 1M conversations were stratified
sampled from the brands for evaluation and the rest were
used to develop our system. Several steps were performed
to create the system:
Step 1: Clean the data. We removed non-English requests
and requests with images. All the @mentions were also
removed in the training and testing data.
Step 2: Tokenize the data. We built a vocabulary of the
most frequent 100K words in the conversations.
Step 3: Generate word-embedding features. We used the
collected corpus to train word2vec models. Each word in
the vocabulary was represented as a 640-dimension vector.
Step 4: Train LSTM networks. The input and output of
LSTMs are vector representations of word sequences, with
one word encoded or decoded at a time. In view of the
clear advantage of deep LSTMs over shallow LSTMs in
reported sequence-to-sequence tasks [17], we trained deep
LSTMs jointly with 5 layers x 640 memory cells using
stochastic gradient descent and gradient clipping.
We conducted a content analysis to identify themes related
to user requests on social media, and examined how the
system performs in responding to requests with different
themes. The system was compared with actual human
agents as well as a standard information retrieval baseline
[15], where we retrieved the response whose associated
request is most similar to a new request. The similarity
measure was based on a TF-IDF weighted vector space
model implemented in Apache Lucene [20]. The quality of
the generated responses was measured by human judgments
and an automatic evaluation metric.
Content Analysis
Following qualitative analysis methods [16], two hundred
requests were sampled and coded using a bottom-up
approach. The requests were first segmented into the
smallest logical units. A first pass was then performed to
assign categories to the units and subsequent passes were
made to revise and aggregate the categories. We found that
there were two types of request:
Figure 1. Sequence-to-sequence learning with LSTM neural networks.
1) Emotional Request. In emotional requests, users intend to
express their emotions, attitudes or opinions toward a brand
without explicitly seeking specific solutions (see examples
in Table 1). 2) Informational Request. Requests are sent
with the intent of getting information that may help users
solve their problems. This request type is similar to
informational question identified in social Q&A sites [5].
We recruited two annotators to code another sample of 200
requests using the taxonomy. First, the coders received
training in which they were introduced to the themes,
definitions, and examples. They then coded requests on a
smaller sample of the data and resolved disagreements.
Then, they independently coded the requests. Agreement
between the coder was high (kappa coefficient = 0.79, p <
.001). After disagreement was solved, 40.5% of the requests
were emotional and 59.5% of them were informational.
Human Evaluation
Three evaluation measures were derived from prior work to
assess the response quality: 1) Appropriateness. An
appropriate response should be on the same topic as the
request, and should also “make sense” in response to it [15].
2) Empathy. The reply should give individualized attention
to a user and make s/he feel valued [14]. 3) Helpfulness. A
helpful reply should contain useful and concrete advice that
can address the user request [6].
Crowdflower was used to recruit participants. All 703
participants were native English speakers and they were 18
or older. The geographic distribution of participants was
USA (66.0%), UK (22.8%), Canada (8.5%) and Australia
(2.7%). Participants had to fill out at least one gold question
in order to participate the survey. 14.1% of participants
failed the check and their responses were removed.
In a survey task, participants were first instructed to learn
the three rating criteria appropriateness, empathy, and
helpfulness with definitions and examples. Then, they were
shown a request and asked to rate the three responses from
our deep learning system, IR, and human agent
respectively. The responses were arranged in random order
to control order effects. 200 requests were sampled and thus
600 responses were rated. Each response was rated by 5
participants according to the three criteria. The ratings were
made on a 7-point scale from strongly disagree (-3) to
strongly agree (+3) with whether the response met the given
criterion. Intra-class correlation (ICC(1, k)) of participants’
ratings was ranged from 0.60 to 0.87, indicating moderately
high reliabilities [2]. The average of participants’ ratings of
a response was used to measure the quality of the response.
We performed three two-way ANOVA tests to examine the
influence of agent type (deep learning, IR, human agent)
and request type (emotional, informational) on the three
dimensions (Figure 2). On appropriateness ratings, the
main effects of agent type (F(2, 594) = 109.46, p < .001) and
request type (F(1, 594) = 44.86, p < .001) and the interaction
between them (F(2, 594) = 5.61, p < .01) were significant at
the 0.01 significance level. The two-way ANOVA of
empathy scores revealed the significant main effects of
agent type (F(2, 594) = 52.37, p < .001) and request type (F(1,
694) = 44.21, p < .001), and interaction effect between these
(F(2, 594) = 3.48, p < .05). Similarly, the results for
helpfulness showed the significant main effects of agent and
request types (F(2, 594) = 87.86, p < .001; F(1, 694) = 25.9, p <
.001), and the interaction (F(1, 594) = 7.17, p < .001).
User: Your customer service is
horrible! You don't even know
how to deliver packages!
Agent: I'm sorry to hear that.
What was the delivery date
provided in your order?
User: Comcast is the worst.
Agent: Hi, please let us know
if you need assistance.
User: Can't wait to travel with
you next week for the 1st time
of my life with you ;)
Agent: We can't wait to see
you! We're excited to have
you onboard with us soon!
User: How do I disable the alarm
system on my 2009 Toyota matrix?!
Thanks in advance! stranded work
in the am gotta get there.
Agent: Hi, you may visit: (URL)
User: Downloaded Nike training
club app but won't let me in. Just
shows the loading circle before the
error message occurs
Agent: We're here to help. Please
dm us the device you're using and
we'll get started.
User: I'm booking a flight and I am
not seeing the 25% back on my
rewards. Do I have to book on PC?
Agent: Hi, you can find out more
about the pay's website here: (URL)
Table 1. Examples of user requests on social media and their
corresponding replies generated by our deep learning system.
(a) Appropriateness (b) Empathy (c) Helpfulness
Figure 2. Comparison of human ratings on three dimensions by agent and request types. The two-way ANOVA results for the I
interactions between agent and request types are (a) F(2, 594) = 5.61, p < .001; (b) F(2, 594) = 3.48, p < .05; (c) F(1, 594) = 7.18, p < .001.
Interestingly, there was no statistically significant
difference between deep learning and human agents on
empathy for emotional requests (t-test, p = 0.15; Figure 2b),
indicating that our system has a similar ability as actual
agents to show empathy toward users in emotional
situations. Table 1 shows our system recognized different
emotional situations and offered empathy accordingly.
Deep learning outperformed IR in all three aspects of
ratings (t-test, p < .01). The advantage of deep learning over
IR was more evident on emotional than informational
questions (Figure 2). However, the performance of both
deep learning and IR agents dropped significantly when
requests became informational (t-test, p < .001), Post hoc
comparisons indicated that human agent performed equally
well on different requests (e.g. t-test, p = 0.94; Figure 2c).
Another interesting observation was that, unlike IR, deep
learning agent transferred certain writing styles from one
brand to another. For example, banking customer service
agents often adopted formal language such as “I apologize
for the poor user experience” in their responses. However,
responses generated by our system became more casual
“I’m sorry you feel this way”. It is possible that a majority
of brands used informal styles on social media. Our system
learned these styles and applied them other brands.
Automatic Evaluation
The field of natural language generation has benefited
greatly from the existence of an automatic evaluation
metric, BLEU [11], which grades an output response
according to n-gram matches to the reference (the response
from a human agent). We applied this metric to a large
testing data set including 30K user requests. Again, deep
learning performed significantly better than IR (t-test, p <
.001; see Figure 3). Moreover, we compared deep learning
and IR within each brand. In general, the BLEU scores of
deep learning were higher than the scores of IR across
brands at the 0.01 significance level.
Traditional customer service often emphasizes users’
informational needs [9]; however, we found that over 40%
of user requests on Twitter are emotional and they are not
intended to seek specific information. This reveals a new
paradigm of customer service interactions. One explanation
is that, compared with calling the 1-800 number or writing
an email, social media significantly lowers the cost of
participation and allows more users to freely share their
experiences with brands. Also, sharing emotions with
public is considered as one of the main motivations for
using social media [1]. Future studies can examine how
emotional requests are associated with users’ motivation in
the context of social media.
Deep learning based system achieved similar performance
as human agents in handling emotional requests, which
represent a significant portion of user requests on social
media. This finding opens new possibilities for integrating
chatbots with human agents to support customer service on
social media. For example, an automated technique can be
designed to separate emotional and informational requests,
and thus emotional requests can be routed to deep learning
chatbots. The response speed can be greatly improved.
Deep learning outperformed IR in all the measures. This is
primarily because of deep learning, as a statistical-based
approach is much better at handling unseen data and thus
more flexible than keyword search approaches. For
instance, given a reference reply to the request “my flight is
delayed” and one to “my order is cancelled”, a deep
learning based system is able to generalize the reply in both
scenarios and provide meaningful replies to unseen
questions such as “my flight is cancelled”, for which the
most appropriate replies can hardly be retrieved from
limited requests/topics available in the training data.
The performance of deep learning and IR systems
decreased when requests switched from emotional to
informational, especially in the case of empathy ratings.
One explanation is that users’ informational needs are more
diverse than their emotional situations. As a result, it is
more challenging to learn and apply the knowledge to
informational requests. The drop in empathy ratings is
probably due to the lack of emotional words in
informational requests. Machine learning techniques are not
able to recognize subtle emotions in these requests and
response empathetically. Future systems could consider
additional contextual information such as users’ social
media profiles to better understand their emotional status.
We observed that deep learning based system was able to
learn writing styles from a brand and transfer them to
another. Future work can explore the functionality in a
more supervised fashion by filtering the training data with
certain styles and specifying the target style for output
sentences. This raises new opportunities of developing
impression management tools on social media. As written
text from brands and individual users affect how they are
perceived on social media [18], such a tool can help them
create images of themselves they wish to present.
Finally, chatbots on social media offer a new opportunity to
provide individualized attention to users at scale and
encourage interactions between users and brands, which can
not only enhance brand performance but also help users
gain social, information and economic benefits [3]. Future
studies can be designed to understand how chatbots affect
the relationship between users and brands in a long term.
Figure 3. BLEU scores of deep learning and IR systems.
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