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Performance assessment of façade integrated glazed air solar thermal collectors


Abstract and Figures

Present trends on solar thermal systems for building integration define the need of integrated solar technologies for façades. The integration of solar systems in façades allows for the direct connection of solar systems to heated spaces, and automated air solar collectors based on the trombe-mitchell provide a suitable technology for its adoption in multi-rise buildings with decentralized-individual HVAC systems in Central-European and Mediterranean heating dominated climates. This paper reviews the main principles of such building envelope components, and the construction and design considerations of two air-based solar thermal collectors. Full scale preliminary prototypes of these systems were tested at the KUBIK by Tecnalia test facility in an Oceanic Climate (Koppen Geiger Cfb zone). The observed thermal performance is analyzed, and the process of a full scale installation in a real building envelope retrofitting process of a building in Spain is reviewed.
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Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000000
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of AREQ 2017.
International Conference Alternative and Renewable Energy Quest, AREQ 2017, 1-3 February
2017, Spain
Performance assessment of façade integrated glazed air solar
thermal collectors
Roberto Garay Martineza,
, Julen Astudillo Larraza
a Tecnalia, Sustainable Construction Division, C/ Geldo s/n, Edificio 700, 48160, Derio, Bizkaia, Spain
Present trends on solar thermal systems for building integration define the need of integrated solar technologies for façades. The
integration of solar systems in façades allows for the direct connection of solar systems to heated spaces, and automated air solar
collectors based on the trombe-mitchell provide a suitable technology for its adoption in multi-rise buildings with decentralized-
individual HVAC systems in Central-European and Mediterranean heating dominated climates.
This paper reviews the main principles of such building envelope components, and the construction and design considerations of
two air-based solar thermal collectors. Full scale preliminary prototypes of these systems were tested at the KUBIK by Tecnalia
test facility in an Oceanic Climate (Koppen Geiger Cfb zone). The observed thermal performance is analyzed, and the process of
a full scale installation in a real building envelope retrofitting process of a building in Spain is reviewed.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of AREQ 2017.
Keywords: Solar thermal systems; Building envelopes; Integration; Integrated Solar Collector Envelopes;
1. Introduction
With energy efficiency and an ultimate need to reduce primary energy consumption of buildings towards
sustainability, energy systems are increasing its presence in building envelopes. Solar energy systems such as solar
thermal and photovoltaic systems are being implemented in buildings, boosted by energy procurement policies and
user/owner will to reduce the overall energy costs in buildings.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 667 178 958; fax: +34 946 460 900.
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Solar thermal systems are commonly used as a heat source for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
systems in buildings, in such a way that the need for electricity or fossil fuels in the building is reduced. Also, a large
fraction of solar energy is commonly used for Domestic Hot Water (DHW) heating. These systems can be classified
as indirect systems, as solar energy flows to the building use across the HVAC/DHW system.
In direct systems, solar heat is directly used in the building, without the need for its connection to HVAC
networks in the building. These systems are commonly air-driven systems, where indoor air is circulated across the
collector and introduced back into the building with a certain heat gain. Depending on various possible air loops,
other circulations are possible, such as heating of outdoor ventilation air prior to its introduction to the building.
In [1], a Passive solar collector module for building envelope is proposed, which provides a flexible air
circulation in the collector, with up to 4 different circulation schemes (trombe wall, parieto-dynamic wall, solar
chimney, ventilated façade). In this paper, two engineered solutions of this concept are detailed and their
performance assessed.
Due to increased requirements in the use of solar energy in buildings, an evenly increasing building envelope
surface is required. This implies that the impact of solar thermal technologies in the overall aesthetics of the building
also increases. For this reason, solar systems in buildings are evolving from “technical kits” to building envelope
systems. The seamless integration of these technologies in buildings is required to ensure that building owners
accept their integration in their property.
The presented solution integrates the solar thermal system within a curtain wall scheme, suitable for retrofit or
new-constructed buildings, which also facilitates dimensional adaptation to construction projects.
2. Air solar collectors
Air solar collectors are relatively easy constructions where solar energy is absorbed and transferred to an air
stream. Depending on the particular type of collector, the air stream is forced by a fan, or created by the thermal
buoyancy of the air as it is heated.
Most commonly referred solar collectors are glazed constructions, where a glass cover is used to generate a
channel over the absorber. The glazing serves the dual purpose of allowing solar radiation into the collector, and
insulating the collector and the heated air from outdoor conditions.
In its most simple configuration, air solar collectors are created with the erection of a glazed pane in front of a
brick wall, and the perforation of venting holes on the upper and lower edges of the wall. This constructions, when
installed in irradiated façades (South façades in the Northern hemisphere), will serve to heat the building. However,
the performance of this system would be substantially increased with some control of the otherwise completely
natural and uncontrolled ventilation. Airflow control by means of operable ventilation grilles will avoid overheating
of the served building, and also cooling phenomena in cold, non-irradiated periods (e.g. winter nights).
Although the concept is relatively simple, a modern implementation of such a system should incorporate a set of
properties to ensure the proper formal integration of the system in buildings, a seamless and confortable operation,
and reduced user disturbance when it is installed in retrofit projects.
3. The Tecnalia passive air solar collector system
In European Patent [1], a modular passive solar collector system is presented which presents a suitable root for
the development of several air solar thermal collector systems. This concept is underpinned on a high quality curtain
wall Aluminum frame, where the collector is housed.
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Fig. 1. Schematics of the air solar collector in a building [1].
The proposed system is compatible with a modular curtain wall system in new-built constructions, and with wall
overcladding solutions in building energy retrofits. In this later case, the system is suitable for installation over
unglazed walls, with additional thermal insulation of the wall.
The system incorporates a set of operable louvres where the ventilation scheme of the air channel can be
modified. These louvres are three way actuators which rotate according to manual or automatic systems. Figure 2
depicts the louvre system and some of the possible ventilation schemes.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 2. (a) Detail of the T-shaped louvre system. (b and c) Ventilation schemes [1].
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4. Implementations
Several implementations of this system have been produced, with variants related to the final purpose of the
system, and available degrees of freedom for the design.
4.1. Common Engineered parts
Both systems are rooted in the same platform, consisting in a set of conventions. The following elements are the
common key elements:
- Aluminum frame system: An aluminum frame was designed, manufactured and tested for assembly. The
resulting concept is tested for structural integrity, and a manufacturing protocol is available, which facilitates
to focus design on specific variables related to the thermal performance of the system and its variants.
Although specific mechanical validations might be necessary, the system is validated for large dimensions,
with tentative heights above 3m, and widths larger than 1m.
- Actuator system: An actuator system was defined which allows the T-shaped louvre to rotate up to 270º.
Cone gears were used, and a chassis defined to allow for the integration of the louvre system, the rotation
axis, and a standard HVAC rotational actuator. All the assembly is designed to fit within a tubular frame in
de main Aluminum frame system. A tray for ventilation fans is also defined, based on low profile, ventilation
fans commonly used for electrical cabinets.
- Louvre system: The louvre system, compatible with the previously mentioned actuator and frame
assemblies. The louvre system consists on plastic rotational elements within a plastic housing. The relatively
smooth assembly ensures that minimal air leaks are produced in the junctions. Based on the same assembly
concept of fixed envelope and rotational core, T, I and L-shaped variants allow for different degrees of
freedom in the design of ventilation loops.
- Glazing and blind: A double pane, Low-emissive glazing is used in the standard configuration; a roller blind
is installed in cases where summer overheating is possible.
Figure 3 shows two phases in the assembly process of the aluminum frame, louvre system and actuator in project
RETROKIT, Toolboxes for systemic retrofitting [3].
Fig. 3. Aluminum frame, louvres and actuators in the assembly process.
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4.2. MeeFS air solar collector system
In EU project MeeFS, Multifunctional Energy Efficient Façade System [2], an air solar collector was
implemented, where Phase Change Materials were installed to smooth the temperature output of the system along
the day. This system is capable of providing the 4 main ventilation schemes due to its two L-shaped louvres (figure
Fig. 4. Venting schemes of the air chamber in the MeeFS solar collector.
4.3. RETROKIT solar collector and ventilation module
In EU project Retrokit [3], a ventilation module was implemented with solar air pre-heating. This system is used
to heat outdoor air only. This system is capable of selecting the most suitable intake to the ventilation system. One
T-shaped louvre system selects outdoor air, or air from the collector according to a pre-defined algorithm.
5. Experimental assessment
The thermal performance of the systems presented in this project was tested at the KUBIK by Tecnalia [4] test
facility within 2013, 2014 and 2015. KUBIK by Tecnalia is a multi-rise building aimed at realistic testing of building
concepts, for which it provides a fully adaptable environment (internal boundary conditions, HVAC system layout,
adaptation of building envelopes, fully customizable building automation & control). It is located in Derio, on the
Atlantic coast of Spain, which exhibits a Cfb climate based on the Koppen climate classification system [5]. The Cfb
climate characterizes most of central and West Europe, including the British Islands, and some locations in the
Mediterranean Coast. The KUBIK test facility is designed and operated as a test facility to bridge the gap between
laboratory testing and full scale deployment, and is customized on a case-by case basis to meet the specific needs of
each project.
A section of the South façade of the building was used for the experimentation of both systems. The MeeFS
system was installed and tested in mid 2013, while the RETROKIT substituted the previous prototype in late 2014.
In figure 5, South views of the experimental collectors are presented.
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(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Proof of concept MeeFS (a) and RETROKIT (b) solar collector modules in the South Façade of the KUBIK building
Both test set-ups were sensorized with similar criteria. Solar radiation and ambient conditions were recorded by
the central meteorological station setup in Kubik. Additionally, ambient temperature was measured in the vicinity of
the prototypes with local sensors. Internally, air temperature and collector surface temperature were measured at
three different heights inside the solar collector. Indoor measurements consisted on ambient air temperature, radiant
temperature and relative humidity. In figure 6, details of the sensor scheme used in the MeeFS experiment can be
Fig. 6. Sensor scheme for the experimental campaign of the MeeFS prototype
Data was gathered with a minute frequency, and several analyses were performed. Due to different scopes in the
research, different data was pursued. In MeeFS, a transfer-function-like expression was targeted, for its
implementation in the control system of the product. In Retrokit, the overall possible temperature increase in the
system was targeted, with different results for various moments in the day.
The mathematical expressions obtained from the MeeFS experiment is presented in (1 and 2). Two equations are
required to correctly model the thermal performance of the air channel and the PCM thermal storage layer. Further
detail of the research output of the MeeFS project is available in [6].
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        
    
    
 (1)
        
    
  
    
 (2)
In Retrokit, regression techniques were used to find suitable expressions of the thermal performance of the solar
collector for different ambient temperature and solar radiation cases. In figure 7, collector outlet temperature, and
inlet-outlet temperature gains for various moments along the day are shown.
Fig 7. Service temperature levels and temperature gain in the air stream in the RETROKIT Solar air collectorFull scale integration in occupied
6. Full scale implementation in a building retrofitting project
The overall goal of project MeeFS is a development of an industrialized concept for building envelope
retrofitting with multifunctional envelope panels. The system, based on a modular grid is then equipped with various
technologies such as insulation, green façade, ventilation and solar technologies. The air solar collector presented in
this work was designed to fit into the MeeFS grid. A demonstration setup of this system will be constructed in Spain
in 2016, where 2 air solar collectors will be installed.
These collectors were constructed in an industrial setting near Bilbao, and transported by Road for final
installation. The systems were delivered with all automatic parts and control system already installed.
Fig 7. Original configuration and façade project for the energy retrofitting of the MeeFS demonstration building in Mérida, Extremadura, Spain.
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7. Conclusions
In this paper, a technological platform for the development and particularization of air-solar collectors is
presented. Two particular developments are presented where a dynamic solar façade with automatic control, and a
ventilation module with an integrated solar heater.
Experimental performance of these collectors was tested, and mathematical models and heat gain metrics were
obtained. In project MeeFS, the performance of the solar collector is defined by two equations. In project Retrokit,
the solar gain capacity of the device is set at 5ºC over inlet/ambient air.
At present state, the solar thermal platform has evolved, and industrially manufactured prototypes were delivered
to a demonstration setup in a real building in Spain.
The research leading to the results reported in this work has received funding from the European Union Seventh
Framework Programme FP7/20072013, projects Multifunctional Energy efficient Façade System (MeeFS, Grant
Agreement no 285411) and Toolboxes for systemic Retrofitting (Retrokit, Grant Agreement no 314229).
[1] Amundarain Suarez, A., Campos Dominguez, J. M., Chica Paez, J. A., Meno Iglesias, S., Uriarte Arrien, A., Garay Martinez, R., et al. (2014).
Passive solar collector module for building envelope. European Patent EP 2520870 B1, 5 March 2014.
[2] MEEFS, Multifunctional Energy Efficient Façade System, EU FP7 GA nº 285411, (2016/07/22)
[3] RETROKIT, Toolboxes for systemic retrofitting, EU FP7 GA nº 314229, (2016/07/22)
[4] R. Garay, et al., Energy efficiency achievements in 5 years through experimental research in KUBIK, in: 6th International Building Physics
Conference, IBPC 2015, Torino, 2015. Energy Procedia Volume 78, November 2015, Pages 865-870, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.009
[5] Kottek, M., J. Grieser, C. Beck, B. Rudolf, and F. Rubel, 2006: World Map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification updated. Meteorol.
Z., 15, 259-263. DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2006/0130.
[5] D. Kolaitis, R. Garay Martinez, M. Founti, An experimental and numerical simulation study of an active solar wall enhanced with phase
change materials, Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 71-80, 2015
... They exist under two principal configurations: concentrators and plane collectors. The latter, being able to use water or the air as thermal agent, are present in several research tasks [11][12][13][14][15][16][17], which relate to the optimization of the thermal effectiveness. The reduction of post-harvest losses can be obtained by using a modular solar drier, for which the air is preheated by the solar collectors.Thus there are several configurations of the plane solar collector with air, such as single glazing and double glazing with single pass or double passes.Preliminary studies have found that for a double glazing collector, the useful heat flux is greater than that of a single glazing unit [7,18]. ...
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The European construction sector (a fragmented SMEs dominated business with high economic and environmental impact and high technological inertia) faces a major challenge to reduce the emissions by almost 90% in 2050. This requires new innovative solutions and services to be rapidly implemented in the market. Research Infrastructures that give support for later-stage developments (high Technology Readiness Levels) can play a relevant role in both the technological development and market introduction of construction products for energy efficient buildings. The following paper describes such an infrastructure (KUBIKby Tecnalia) located in Bilbao (Spain) and its major outcomes in the period 2011-2015.
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Solar walls can be used to increase the overall energy efficiency of a building. Phase Change Materials (PCM) are capable of increasing the effective thermal mass of building elements, thus decreasing the overall energy consumption. Recently, the incorporation of PCM in a solar wall has been proposed, aiming to increase the total energy efficiency of the system. The main scope of this work is to investigate the thermal behaviour of a PCM-enhanced solar wall (PCMESW), using experimental and numerical simulation techniques. A prototype PCMESW is installed in a large-scale test facility and is exposed to dynamically changing climate conditions. A broad range of sensors, used to monitor the time-evolution of several important physical parameters, is employed to assess the dynamic response of the PCMESW. In addition, a Computational Fluid Dynamics tool is used to numerically investigate the thermal behaviour of the PCMESW prototype. Predictions of the developing flow- and thermal-field in the PCMESW’s air cavity are validated by means of comparison with the obtained measurements; in general, good levels of agreement are observed. Results of the numerical simulations may support the design optimization process of innovative PCMESW systems. 1Introduction
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The most frequently used climate classification map is that of Wladimir Köppen, presented in its latest version 1961 by Rudolf Geiger. A huge number of climate studies and subsequent publications adopted this or a former release of the Köppen-Geiger map. While the climate classification concept has been widely applied to a broad range of topics in climate and climate change research as well as in physical geography, hydrology, agriculture, biology and educational aspects, a well-documented update of the world climate classification map is still missing. Based on recent data sets from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia and the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) at the German Weather Service, we present here a new digital Köppen-Geiger world map on climate classification, valid for the second half of the 20 century. German Die am häufigsten verwendete Klimaklassifikationskarte ist jene von Wladimir Köppen, die in der letzten Auflage von Rudolf Geiger aus dem Jahr 1961 vorliegt. Seither bildeten viele Klimabücher und Fachartikel diese oder eine frühere Ausgabe der Köppen-Geiger Karte ab. Obwohl das Schema der Klimaklassifikation in vielen Forschungsgebieten wie Klima und Klimaänderung aber auch physikalische Geographie, Hydrologie, Landwirtschaftsforschung, Biologie und Ausbildung zum Einsatz kommt, fehlt bis heute eine gut dokumentierte Aktualisierung der Köppen-Geiger Klimakarte. Basierend auf neuesten Datensätzen des Climatic Research Unit (CRU) der Universität von East Anglia und des Weltzentrums für Niederschlagsklimatologie (WZN) am Deutschen Wetterdienst präsentieren wir hier eine neue digitale Köppen-Geiger Weltkarte für die zweite Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Passive solar collector module for building envelope
  • Amundarain Suarez
  • A Campos Dominguez
  • J M Chica Paez
  • J A Meno Iglesias
  • S Uriarte Arrien
  • A Garay Martinez
Amundarain Suarez, A., Campos Dominguez, J. M., Chica Paez, J. A., Meno Iglesias, S., Uriarte Arrien, A., Garay Martinez, R., et al. (2014). Passive solar collector module for building envelope. European Patent EP 2520870 B1, 5 March 2014.