
Public service broadcasting in the 21st century: What chance for a new beginning?

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... Competition from commercial media and social media platforms has increased. To stay relevant and appealing to audiences, PSM need to adapt to new technologies and to the ways in which information is consumed today (Bardoel & d'Haenens, 2008;Burri, 2015;Donders, 2012;Jakubowicz, 2007;Nielsen, 2010). ...
... Now competing in a market, public service broadcasting needed to adjust quickly. This involved not just keeping pace with new policies (Hallin & Mancini, 2004;Kuhn, 1985;McQuail & Siune, 1986) and new technologies, but also understanding and responding to the changing needs and interests of audiences (Jakubowicz, 2007). ...
... The project's initial phase mirrored Callon's (1986) Other PSM, and more extensively the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), will be instrumental in reshaping these values through a collaborative effort informed by two key influences. First, the international institutional framework of PSM encourages personalization (EBU, 2019; see also Jakubowicz, 2007;Murschetz, 2021), but within the context of established public service principles. Second, rather than seeking benchmarks from commercial entities, the RTBF teams draw inspiration from best practices implemented by other PSM organizations (Figure 2). ...
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In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, public service media (PSM) face a significant challenge: how to leverage recommendation algorithms to enhance their visibility and attractiveness without sacrificing their core values. This study examines the extent to which the Belgian Radio-Television of the French Community (RTBF) has integrated PSM values into the development of a recommender system for news articles on its platform ( The research highlights a conscientious effort to define and translate PSM values before the algorithm design phase, both inside and outside the organization. However, the study also reveals limitations that hinder the full realization of PSM values within the recommender system. Consequently, these values currently function more as abstract guiding principles and communication tools than tangible technical features. The study emphasizes the challenge of reconciling public service ethos with algorithmic realities and concludes by highlighting the need for further empirical research to bridge this gap in the digital age.
... While Hallin and Mancini's (2004) model has been criticized (e.g. Norris, 2009) and adjusted (Brüggemann et al., 2014Jakubowicz, 2007), it is still the most widely used model for comparative European media analysis. We take note of the criticism in our analysis, yet start our selection from Hallin and Mancini's (2004) model, that is, institutions representative of the Liberal Model, the Polarised Pluralist Model and the Democratic Corporatist Model, complemented by Jakubowicz's (2007) model covering Post-Communist countries. ...
... Norris, 2009) and adjusted (Brüggemann et al., 2014Jakubowicz, 2007), it is still the most widely used model for comparative European media analysis. We take note of the criticism in our analysis, yet start our selection from Hallin and Mancini's (2004) model, that is, institutions representative of the Liberal Model, the Polarised Pluralist Model and the Democratic Corporatist Model, complemented by Jakubowicz's (2007) model covering Post-Communist countries. Selected PSM organizations are listed in Table 1. ...
News and media web pages generate valuable consumer data, collected by third-party servers. Using longitudinal experiments, this article shows that third-party servers are active in 34 cases of European public service media (PSM) websites from 19 countries. This constitutes a pressing privacy problem in relation to GDPR and challenges the notion of PSM organizations as particularly trusted providers of media content. This has implications for their role and placement in the commercial media landscape as well as for their independency, but also for their survival in the future media landscape. Our analysis shows not only connections between the presence of advertisement and the number of third-party servers found but also a reflection of different types of European media systems. To provide a benchmark for our analysis, we also analysed 64 private media websites for the presence of third-party servers. The empirical results suggest a pressing need for discussions on whether and how PSM organizations can participate in the commercial web ecology of user data exchange and utilization, for example, for the purposes of user profiling, targeting and PSM performance measurement.
... In arguing for the democratic importance of PSM, a deliberative democracy framework is often assumed. It is also worth noting that whereas some scholars articulate a vision for existing PSB institutions in their transition to PSM (e.g., Jakubowicz, 2007;Murdock, 2005), others advocate for the application of the general principles of public service to the realm of Internet (e.g., Andrejevic, 2013;Fuchs, 2021). ...
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Since the beginning of the 21st century, public service broadcasters (PSBs) have been confronted with the rise of the Internet as a mainstream medium of communication. This has sparked a debate on the transition from PSB to public service media (PSM). In this article, we present a review of the academic literature on PSM and the Internet produced from 2000 to 2021. We focus on contributions interrogating the implications of PSM's online activities for the delivery of public service values. We identify seven streams of research and show how, as a whole, this body of work has highlighted the main tensions and dilemmas that PSM organizations have faced, given their special nature, when engaging with the technological affordances of the Internet. Researchers have also shown how the delivery of public value can be enhanced via PSM's online services. Arguing for the continued relevance of PSM, they have reasserted traditional values while also identifying new roles that PSM are called to play in the context of today's digital communications.
... The shift from analogue to digital has seen public service media (PSM) expand their offerings to mobile and on-demand delivery (Jakubowicz 2008;Lowe and Bardoel 2008;Moe 2008). However, recent developments have signalled the need for these organizations to reposition themselves once more. ...
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Recent developments in the media industries have signalled the need for public service media (PSM) organizations to reposition themselves in order to reach audiences, and also secure financial sustainability and programming rights. In repositioning themselves, PSM have increasingly embraced some of the core characteristics of platforms by developing a central video-on-demand (VOD) service as portal to PSM services, investing in exclusive content and using data to create richer user experiences and gain insights into audience practices. However, this ‘platformization’ process comes with both challenges and opportunities to reach the public service remit. This article conducts an analysis of the on-demand portals of PSM, to uncover how platformization is reshaping the PSM core remit and values, and how these are transposed in online services and offerings. The research employs a comparative case study analysis of five VOD services of PSM in Western and Northern Europe: Belgium-Flanders (VRT.NU), Belgium-Wallonia (RTBF Auvio), Finland (Yle Areena), Ireland (RTÉ Player) and Norway (NRK TV). The results discuss three main categories: interfaces and features, strategies for catalogue and content curation, and tools for discoverability and prominence.
... At the same time, scholars and PSM alike struggle with how to evaluate the new opportunities for "personalised PSM" offered by artificial intelligence. Views differ but tend, again, to go for a maximalist interpretation of public service as a combination of universality of basic supply and universality as a full portfolio of services Jakubowicz (2007), some for a general audiences, other for niche tastes, through new, personalised consumption practices. As such, current interpretations of public service seem to continue the "everything" interpretation of universality and PSM's contribution to society. ...
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Based on the chapters in this volume, an answer to the question of what constitutes the expected contributions of public service media (PSM) to contemporary society could be "everything". Here at the conclusion of this volume, I set out to explore two related questions: How did we get here, and how can we tone the expectations of PSM down a bit without losing the core and historical responsibilities of these organisations? I explore these questions by discussing central notions including public sphere, public service, public value, and public interest, as their use and evolving meaning play a part in the power dynamics of defining both the problems and solutions that PSM should be involved in. I conclude by suggesting that, rather than focusing on the second halves of the portmanteaus, we should revisit writings about "the public", for instance, in the work of John Dewey.
... The pillars behind the mass media par excellence (Scolari, 2008), conceived as the "open window to reality [and] at society' service" (Puyal i Ortiga, 2011), are being shaken. On the one hand, management and monitoring systems have been gradually undermined by external and internal pressures; and, on the other hand, audience and stakeholders are withdrawing their support and switching to alternatives (Jacubowicz, 2007). ...
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En 2014 la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión (UER) presentaba un informe de valores con el fin de establecer un marco de indicadores intangibles de autoevaluación para los medios de servicio público. Los indicadores de valor e impacto de los servicios públicos y organizaciones se han convertido en uno de los retos de las actuales agendas de gestión. El presente artículo establece una propuesta que se nutre de la herramienta de la UER, compara y evalúa las estrategias de rendición de cuentas de tres radiotelevisiones autonómicas: EITB, CCMA y CRTVG. Los resultados evidencian que, aunque las tres corporaciones reflejan datos financieros, de gestión y gobernanza en sus páginas corporativas e informes anuales, y aunque incrementan las medidas de transparencia con respecto al ámbito institucional y el mercado de la competencia, resultan aún insuficientes a la hora de rendir cuentas a su principal stakeholder: la ciudadanía.
... PSM organizations have to abide by values such as universality, independence, excellence, quality and distinctiveness, diversity, accountability, creativity, and innovation (EBU, 2018; see also Donders and Van den Bulck, 2016). They have to do this while attempting to transform themselves into multi-media organizations (Jakubowicz, 2007); seeking interaction with a previously rather anonymous mass audience (Bennet, 2013). In fact, the new possibilities for producing, aggregating, distributing, and accessing content invite media to develop convergent media products, that is to say, "families of products with related content that are distributed in various versions and formats across platforms and channels" (Davis, 2013, p. 176). ...
In the post-broadcast era, public service media (PSM) organizations have to innovate, stay up-to-date with new ways of consuming content, and experiment with the manifold opportunities that interactivity offers for audience engagement. At the same time, they are still obligated to achieve their public service remit and guarantee that services comply with values such as universality, diversity, creativity, and innovation. This article analyzes the innovation policies and strategies of PSM to understand if these are shifting from a technology-centric to a user-centric approach. It evaluates what areas of innovation are prioritized by both policy-makers and public broadcasters and whether these areas correspond with the innovation goals entrusted to PSM organizations by scholars. To this end, we adopted a multi-case study approach. The focus is on three public broadcasters of varying size and situated in different political, cultural, and economic backgrounds: RTVE (Spain), RTÉ (Ireland), and VRT (Belgium). Based on a qualitative document analysis, we conclude that innovation remains largely technology-centric. Strategies are oriented to the implementation of new technologies, the digital distribution of the content, and the collaboration with external partners. However, these public broadcasters have not yet promoted concrete actions to encourage the participation of their audiences.
... Si las actividades digitales de la 7 TV se limitan estrictamente a sus redes sociales y a actividades básicas de interacción, como ocurre hasta ahora, lo más probable es que quede en desventaja competitiva y de desarrollo respecto al mercado privado(Leurdijk, 2007), más aún cuando las cadenas privadas nacionales y, sobre todo, las empresas de telecomunicaciones han comenzado a avanzar firmemente en la distribución de contenidos exclusivos a la carta, al estilo de las OTT originarias.Es posible que el televisor-red recupere la centralidad en el mundo audiovisual que le están disputando otras pantallas(Prado, 2010), pero para algunos académicos es evidente que el cambio que nos asiste no se emplaza bajo el marco de referencia de los canales de distribución, si no del consumo(Sjöstrand, 2018). La nueva realidad es que los espectadores, alineados al proceso democratizador de la era Internet, están destruyendo -en sentido schumpeteriano-los modelos quasi-tradicionales de negocio sobre una premisa incuestionable: consumir lo que se quiera, cuando y donde se quiera.Por tanto, consideramos que la televisión pública local solo podrá sobrevivir en el actual escenario, cada vez más comercializado y competitivo, si sigue siendo relevante para la audiencia(Jakubowicz, 2007) y, para ello, además de fomentar la participación en la vida pública mediante la transmisión de una programación sugerente y útil, debe proporcionar vías de participación dentro de la propia televisión(Hoynes, 1999) y conocer mejor las demandas de sus audiencias, especialmente los más jóvenes(Kalogeropoulos, 2019).Privatización, servicio público y digitalización. El caso de 7 TV (329-348) Revista de Comunicación, 2022, vol. ...
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Esta investigación contribuye al estudio sobre los procesos de privatización que experimentan los medios audiovisuales públicos en el actual contexto de convergencia digital. Mediante un estudio de caso de la televisión pública regional 7 TV de Murcia, que se realizó mediante una revisión documental complementada con entrevistas a expertos, se analiza si la privatización integral en la gestión de la televisión autonómica ha impulsado su desarrollo digital, permitiendo una mejora en sus acciones de transparencia y rendición de cuentas y favoreciendo la participación ciudadana en la toma de decisiones. Los resultados evidencian que, pese al conocimiento preciso de los cambios que deben acometerse ante la inminente transformación del sector audiovisual, la 7 TV se halla en una fase incipiente de cambio, anclada a un sistema de producción y distribución continuista que produce iniciativas modestas y en el que la participación ciudadana está muy limitada.
... Zoals verwoord in het denken van Karol Jakubowic: "publieke omroepen moeten hetzelfde doen, maar op fundamenteel andere manieren." [22] Eén van die manieren die bijna steeds gesuggereerd wordt is 'samenwerking' met het brede stakeholderveld. Een meer 'open' publieke omroep die zich uitstrekt naar onderwijs, cultuursector, middenveld en -zij het in mindere mate -naar private spelers. ...
... Zoals verwoord in het denken van Karol Jakubowic: "publieke omroepen moeten hetzelfde doen, maar op fundamenteel andere manieren." [22] Eén van die manieren die bijna steeds gesuggereerd wordt is 'samenwerking' met het brede stakeholderveld. Een meer 'open' publieke omroep die zich uitstrekt naar onderwijs, cultuursector, middenveld en -zij het in mindere mate -naar private spelers. ...
Technical Report
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Van publieke omroep naar publieke mediaorganisatie Van idee over strategie naar praktijk Deliverable 3-Leerstoel "Media in een samenleving van transitie'
... As public service off erings, the two VODs should also be evaluated in relation to public service ideals and purposes. However, the notion of what "public service broadcasting" is or should be is a highly contested one (Jakubowicz, 2007;Syvertsen, 1999). ...
This article presents a new method for analysing video-on-demand (VOD) publishing strategies over time. It demonstrates this method on two public service media [PSM] VOD platforms from two countries: BBC iPlayer in the UK and DRTV in Denmark. The article begins with a close analysis of their respective interfaces to contextualise our subsequent “distant reading” (Moretti, 2013) of these platforms.We use distant reading to examine the spatial and temporal patterns present in both interfaces, with our analysis based on two original data sets that have been compiled over a period of approximately 14 months (beginning in August 2019).This data is analysed and visualised in order to reveal patterns and anomalies at a macroscopic level. Through a close and distant reading of these services, we offer valuable new insights into, and metrics for, the performance and publishing strategies of PSM VOD platforms.
... Indicative of the pressure exerted on traditional public-service organizations and their quest for reinvention is also the shift in terminology from public-service broadcasting to public-service media. This is to substantiate the allegedly necessary expansion of the re mit of traditional public-service broadcasters beyond television and radio into multimedia realms such as the Internet, thus to justify the transition to an enterprise in charge of providing public-service content regardless of the means of transmission-hence publicservice media (e.g., Donders, Pauwels, & Loisen, 2012;Iosifidis, 2010;Jakubowicz, 2007;Lowe & Bardoel, 2007;Nissen, 2006;Tremblay, 2016). Hand in hand with this, arguments in favor of public-service broadcasting have shifted from presumably outdated technoeconomic considerations (e.g., scarcity of frequencies, market failure) to value-based ar guments (Nissen, 2006), including the often conjointly applied concepts of public value, accountability, responsiveness, and cooperation (Just, Büchi, & Latzer, 2017). ...
In Western Europe, the notion of public service in the media was originally associated with traditional public-service broadcasters. However, since the 1990s, the general idea of public-service broadcasting and the continuing need for it in a digitized, content-abundant environment have been questioned. In particular, public-service broadcasters’ online activities have triggered controversial discussions and policy responses, not least because of direct competition with online services of the private media. At the same time, discussions have emerged about the meaning of public service and attendant concepts such as public value, challenging the hitherto commonly accepted attachment of the concept to a specific technology (broadcasting) and a specific - publicly procured and financed - organizational setting. In response to this and backed by politics, public-service broadcasters have reinvented themselves as public-service media. They have expanded their remit beyond television and radio into multimedia realms such as the Internet and, in addition to this, have started devoting new attention to the general public as their prime target of accountability - thus opposed to the original exclusive accountability to politics. Such accountability has been pursued, among other things, through direct cooperation with the public or other ways of connecting with it, for example, through personalization efforts and participatory formats. Although the public has rhetorically become the prime target of accountability, there is little discussion or acknowledgement of the actual perceptions that the public has about the general idea of public service and how public-service broadcasters accomplish this task. With few exceptions, studies continue the dominant paradigm of audience research, which construes the public almost exclusively as consumers.
... This is not a new question. Over a decade ago Jakubowicz 6 wrote that the future of PSB may lie in its past. Yet technologies have changed dramatically, and the increased presentism of the digital world, with its constant refreshing, viral content, alerts, etc., has made the question of PSB as an agent of memory increasingly relevant. ...
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This special issue proposes a reexamination of public service broadcasting (PSB) in the light of the most recent technological, political and economic developments. Traditional public service broadcasters, ideally designed to serve citizens rather than consumers to inform the national conversations in well-informed democracies, face the double challenge of commercialization (since the 1980s) and digitization (since the 1990s). The question of their survival in this context has been posed again and again. The need for a redefinition seems inevitable.
... How do they position themselves in a platform age? Inspired by work of Gillian Doyle (2010) on the multi-platform strategies of UK media companies and other research into PSM's main characteristics (Bardoel and Lowe, 2007;Cunningham, 2015;Dahlgren, 2001;Jakubowicz, 2007), this article analyses the strategic arrangements of public broadcasters in a platform age. ...
The notion of public service media is used to describe public broadcasters’ provision of services that contribute to the democratic, cultural and social objectives of society, and this on multiple devices and across various technologies. While most research focuses on the theoretical case for public service media, this contribution analyses how public broadcasters strategically position themselves as providers of public service media. What are their distribution strategies in a market that is no longer dominated by the media themselves, but is characterised by a growing concentration of power in the hands of the so-called platforms and a continuous influx of new entrants? The article is based on a qualitative document analysis of public broadcasters’ strategies in Flanders, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Complementary expert interviews were also carried out. Our main finding is that public broadcasters are distributing more and more varied types of content online, but that digital-only content remains limited and is considered as a subsidiary activity. Ample reference is made to the surrounding environment as a means to legitimise the existence of public broadcasters. However, this is not yet translated into concrete and focused distribution strategies.
... Thus full transparency or at least openness on recommendations is needed, however competitive interests may prevent PSM organisations from sharing too many details about their recommender systems. However, the special position of PSM organisations in the media markets [21,31,44] may call for media regulation to monitor the level of transparency of the PSM recommender systems, to protect users' rights of transparency [20] and the competitive balance between commercial media and publicly funded media. ...
Conference Paper
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Public Service Media (PSM) websites are an interesting case for the implementation of recommender systems for media personaliza- tion, as the PSM organizations need to balance the optimization of exposure with traditional but ill-de ned PSM policy goals such as fairness, viewpoint diversity and transparency. Furthermore, the mathematical logic of recommender system needs to be adapted to the legacy broadcasting scheduling and publishing strategies and procedures. Finally, as the PSM organizations step into new territories, domestication and adaption of the recommender sys- tem technologies must take place while PSM organizations try to embrace the new knowledge and new professions associated with recommender systems. Based on 25 in-depth interviews conducted from December 2016 to April 2019, this paper presents a cross- European analysis of the implementation of recommender systems in nine European public service media organizations from eight countries. The ndings indicate that PSM organizations, although viewing personalisation as competitive necessity, approach rec- ommendation systems with hesitation in order to maintain core PSM-values in the online environment. Furthermore, although the collaborative ltering chosen by the PSM organizations indicate a user-centered approach, curation systems on top of recommender systems re-install a broadcaster-centric approach.
... In different studies, the impacts and consequences of digitalization on media organizations have been investigated. In some of them, the general aspects of digitalization impacts on media industry have been described [20]. Some other researches have been devoted to digitalization impacts on Public Service Media (PSMs) [21][22][23]. ...
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The paper sets out to offer understanding into the ‘disruptiveness’ of technology. Termed disruptive technologies, the discourse was situated and discussed within the context of the influence of new media technologies on media practice and management. The study examines the concept of technology as well as x-rays the implication of the activities of the new media technologies in media practice and management. It opines that the emergence and development of new media technologies generate changes that present opportunities and challenges to media practice and management. Particularly, the discourse recognizes the new ways and manners in which the activities of these media technologies are creating new jobs and tasks; that ultimately require new skills to harness and manage. It also considers the threats faced by the traditional media and argues that the management needs strategic thinking that recognizes and appreciates the impact of new media technologies on traditional media in other to develop managerial capabilities that would cushion and complement the technological effects on them. The paper is a conceptualized discourse; conducted by interpreting literature with shared research interest. As technology and people can mutually influence each other; to shape the society they operate in, this discourse presents insight to the media management on typical changes occurring in businesses as a result of the presence of new media technologies. This potentially prepares management on strategy required to harness technological gains to achieve organizational aims and build robust business environment.
... Media organizations that produce serious journalism may pursue a steady subscriber base, which they hope to achieve by nurturing loyalty to the brand and cultivating trust in the quality of their journalism (Boczkowski and Mitchelstein 2013). Public service media have charters that oblige them to educate, inform, and sustain social cohesion (Splichal, 2007), and an ongoing challenge for public service media is interpreting their mission in the light of the contemporary societal and technological context (Jakubowicz 2007;EBU 2016). The performance metrics by which these organizations measure the success of their algorithmic recommendations will reflect these particular goals, namely profitability, loyalty, trust, or social cohesion (Bod o 2018; Hindman 2017; Van den Bulck and Moe 2017). ...
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Available open access! Using survey evidence from the Netherlands, we explore the factors that influence news readers’ attitudes toward news personalization. We show that the value of personalization depends on commonly overlooked factors, such as concerns about a shared news sphere, and the depth and diversity of recommendations. However, these expectations are not universal. Younger, less educated users have little exposure to non-personalized news, and they also show little concern about diverse news recommendations. We discuss the policy implications of our findings. We show that quality news organizations that pursue reader loyalty and trust have a strong incentive to implement personalization algorithms that help them achieve these particular goals by taking into account diversity expecting user attitudes and providing high quality recommendations. Diversity-valuing news readers are thus well placed to be served by diversity-enhancing recommender algorithms. However, some users are in danger of being left out of this positive feedback loop. We make specific policy suggestions regarding how to address the issue of diversity-reducing feedback loops, and encourage the development of diversity-enhancing ones.
... The online presence of public broadcasters has not only increased the number of platforms available for expressing opinions, but it has also enhanced the opportunities for users to create and share content themselves. This has led PSM researchers and policymakers to encourage audience participation in the production and distribution of PSM content (Carlsson, 2013;Enli, 2008;Jakubowicz, 2007). However, despite these high expectations from audience participation, little research has been done on the values and meanings media users themselves assign to the participatory opportunities in PSM (Hasebrink, 2012: 60;Vanhaeght and Donders, 2017). ...
In public service media (PSM) theory and policy, it is argued that more audience participation is needed in the production of PSM programs. However, little research has been done on the actual implementation and evaluation of audience participation in practice. Therefore, we investigate the values and meanings media users attach to participatory opportunities in PSM. We focus on the case of Bel10, a radio project of the Flemish public broadcaster VRT, as audience participation in radio is an under-researched field. First, we look at the literature to provide an overview of the main challenges PSM is dealing with in relation to audience participation. Subsequently, we conduct 24 in-depth interviews with participants in the Bel10 project and 10 focus groups with non-participating listeners. Finally, we conclude that audience participation is especially valued by media users when it contributes to societal objectives, such as being critical of the status quo.
... As it has already been said, plenty of quality, transparency and value models and indicators have been developed in recent years so as to assess the level of openness regarding the television broadcasters or their corporations. This applies to worldwide broadcasters, going from Latin America (Rodríguez and Villanueva 2010) through an integrated model which, generally speaking, audited television broadcasters from Australia (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC); Azerbaijan (Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company ITV); Canada (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, CBC); Chile (Televisión Nacional de Chile, TVN); Spain (Radio Tele- The second model analyzed, presented by Valencia-Bermúdez and Campos-Freire, is based on the concept of synthetic value indicator and it was designed to carry out a multidimensional audit of the broadcasting public services based on the UNESCO and EBU (2015) standard-setting instruments: even though it does not comprehensively address all the public information (as this is not its objective), it outlines a number of issues on accountability and the participation that encourages transformation of audience into citizens (Jakubowicz 2009), as well as the strengthening of the existing mechanisms in order to move towards a participatory democracy. When implementing this in the television corporations from the historical nationalities and regions of Spain (CRTVG, EiTB and CCMA), the conclusions shown by the authors are clear. ...
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One of the features of current society is linked to the ever-increasing demand that both public and private institutions account for their daily activities through the publication of information and data related to them. In this sense, the media are dually obliged, because they are companies and they also work with a public service body, as is the case of information. This chapter takes on the need for conceptually systematizing what we know as accountability, governance and transparency regarding public service television broadcasters, and we will do so by means of a comprehensive bibliographic review. In addition, the main transparency assessment models for these institutions are here highlighted and scored, describing their implementation already fulfilled in various geographical areas, together with their different results but with just a single reading: society—and law—goes far ahead of the institutions’ answer.
... MediaCorp must provide quality news consistent with normative values of PSB service (see Jakubowicz, 2007;Debrett, 2009), it has to satisfy its role as a state broadcaster (such as nation building, public education and others. However, it must also fulfil its commercial responsibilities that satisfy Temasek Holdings. ...
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Does public service broadcasting (PSB), with its 20th-century state-controlled and state-funded structure, still have a role to play in increasing access, public participation and a strong national media system in today’s globalising East Asia? This article, by taking Singapore as a case study, examines why and how traditional PSB media players have been forced to change their institutional and transactional responses to the ‘shocks’ of digitisation. In particular, it examines how the rise of Web 2.0, with its de-territorialised media services and social media, challenges PSB’s relevance as trends towards universal access, a greater participatory culture and active audiences render PSB content increasingly anachronistic.
... In different studies, the impacts and consequences of digitalization on PSMs have been investigated. In some of them, the general aspects of digitalization impacts on media industry have been described (Jakubowicz, 2007;Tambini, 2015). Some other researches have been devoted to digitalization impacts on PSMs. ...
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Media industry ecosystem has undergone major transformations due to emergence of disruptive innovations. When industry ecosystem incumbents have dynamic organizational capability and make necessary strategic changes, they could exploit disruptive innovations. Managers’ cognitive capabilities, dynamic organizational capabilities, and strategic changes are three variables that have key relationships; therefore, this research focuses on this relation. Since dominant logic reflects the internal relation of managers’ cognitive capabilities, dynamic organizational capabilities and strategic changes, in this research the relationship between two variables of disruptive innovation (DI) and dominant logic (DI) has been evaluated. IRIB organization top managers replied to questionnaire. Both types of causal and correlation relations of two variables were evaluated by PLS technique. Research findings reveal 3 indexes and 10 attributes related to DI variable and three indicators and eight attributes related to DI. This model has good fitness and reveals the necessity of improving managers’ recognition of digitalization phenomenon as disruptive innovation and undertaking new dominant logic and related strategic actions. Organizations lack the power of exploiting disruptive innovation if they don’t improve managers’ recognition of digitalization phenomenon, not create dynamic organizational capabilities and not welcome strategic changes.
... According to Mercedes Medina and Teresa Ojer [22], four key indicators of a public service can be set: service to the audience, diversity of the offer of programmes, technological innovation and social responsibility. They also say, based on Jakubowicz's [23] words, that public media "should hold the leadership in the analogue blackout, be on all content distribution platforms, attract the audience and develop interactive systems over the Internet to maintain and increase contact with the public". ...
Conference Paper
The advent of social networks has transformed the ecosystem of communication by multiplying the possibilities of interaction between the media and the users. In this new digital context, the media must innovate and take advantage of the social networks. The objective of this research is to analyse the strategies of the main public televisions of Europe in the social environment. To do this, its presence and popularity in twelve social networks are studied. The result evidences a scarce use of the social networks, except in some groups of television like the British BBC or the German ZDF whose strategies are risky, innovative and successful. These strategies can serve as example on how to take advantage of the networks to reach the audience and improve public service media.
... The question of how and how far PSB succeeds in redefining its relationship with the public, especially with younger strata, while simultaneously adjusting to new technological realities have been International Journal of Communication 11 (2017) Value of Public Service 995 identified as key for its future survival (Jakubowicz, 2007). As many argue (e.g., Lowe & Bardoel, 2007), this presupposes a conceptual transition from PSB to the technologically neutral term PSM, which liberates PSB from its technological legacy of traditional broadcasting and makes it possible to renew and redefine the public service ethos for a multimedia environment. ...
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Confronted with new technological options, changing usage patterns and rising criticism, public service broadcasters (PSBs) are paying fresh attention to the public as a target for accountability. This article first investigates how PSBs are repositioning themselves through increased responsiveness to and collaboration with the public and assesses the permissibility of such strategies, bearing in mind the traditional ethos and core principles of public service. The second part reacts to the finding that, while there is much talk about the public and the need to reconnect, little is known about the public’s perception regarding the importance of the idea of public service in times of media change. Results of a Swiss representative case study show that people still consider public service highly important in times of the Internet. Unexpectedly, linear regression and structural equation modeling reveal that this assessment is virtually independent of sociodemographics and individual values.
... Los dos pilares sobre los que se asienta el medio de masas por excelencia (Scolari, 2008), concebido en la mayor parte de Europa como la ventana abierta a la realidad y al servicio de la sociedad (Puyal i Ortiga, 2011), comienzan a tambalearse. Por un lado, el sistema de gestión y control de los radiodifusores públicos se ha ido debilitando y desprestigiando por el agravamiento de presiones internas y externas; y, por otro, la audiencia y grupos de interés les están retirando progresivamente su apoyo y se decantan por otras alternativas (Jacubowicz, 2007). ...
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En 2014 la Union Europea de Radiodifusion (UER) presentaba un informe de valores con el fin de establecer un marco de indicadores intangibles de autoevaluacion para los medios de servicio publico. Los indicadores de valor e impacto de los servicios publicos y organizaciones se han convertido en uno de los retos de las actuales agendas de gestion. El presente articulo establece una propuesta que se nutre de la herramienta de la UER, compara y evalua las estrategias de rendicion de cuentas de tres radiotelevisiones autonomicas: EITB, CCMA y CRTVG. Los resultados evidencian que, aunque las tres corporaciones reflejan datos financieros, de gestion y gobernanza en sus paginas corporativas e informes anuales, y aunque incrementan las medidas de transparencia con respecto al ambito institucional y el mercado de la competencia, resultan aun insuficientes a la hora de rendir cuentas a su principal stakeholder: la ciudadania.
... The pillars behind the mass media par excellence (Scolari, 2008), conceived as the "open window to reality [and] at society' service" (Puyal i Ortiga, 2011), are being shaken. On the one hand, management and monitoring systems have been gradually undermined by external and internal pressures; and, on the other hand, audience and stakeholders are withdrawing their support and switching to alternatives (Jacubowicz, 2007). ...
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The European Broadcasting Union presented in 2014 a report on PSM values in order to establish a self-assessment framework of intangible indicators for Public Service Media. Value and impact indicators have become one of the present challenges for public services and organizations. The article presents a proposal based on the EBU tool, comparing and assessing accountability strategies of three Spanish regional broadcasters: EITB, CCMA, and CRTVG. All of them report on financial, management, and governance data via their corporate websites, while also increasing transparency measures for institutions and competitive markets. However, findings show a lack of accountability to their main stakeholder: society.
... Norway and Sweden have more in common with each other than either of them has with Denmark (Gundelach 2000, Sejersted 2011 ). Furthermore, a two-nation study "enables the researcher to investigate a much larger number of contextual or micro variables than is feasible in large-scale multinational studies" (Hantrais 1999 , 99). 5. Prevalent PSB scholars have argued that one should exchange the term public service broadcasting for public service communication (Born 2005 ), public service media (Lowe and Bardoel 2007 ), digital commons (Murdock 2005 ), or public service content (Jakubowicz 2007 . But I do also draw on documents produced at a later stage. ...
This chapter examines how the Norwegian and Swedish public service broadcasters NRK and SVT reflect on their mandate in an age of convergence, digitalization, and globalization, and how they legitimate their role in relation to the classical PSB aspects of democracy and enlightenment. Empirically, the study is based on interviews with people holding important positions within the broadcasting institutions, together with a close reading of the broadcasters’ strategy documents and annual reports. The study shows that SVT leans on the traditional PSB rhetoric, focusing on its democratic role and dedication to enlightening and serving the public in arguing for its continued importance, while NRK focuses more upon its adaptation to the processes of digitalization and convergence, presenting itself as a digital media house.
... Por lo tanto, el reto actual de los canales es distribuir contenido a través de la máxima cantidad posible de dispositivos, no sólo el televisor, sino también en la web y a través de aplicaciones de soportes móviles (Martínez & Mena, 2013;Wildman, 2008;Jakubowicz, 2007). Este cambio tecnológico permite al individuo ser proactivo en la selección de canales MONOGRÁFICO y contenidos, y obliga a los canales a trabajar más para tratar de determinar qué contenidos o dispositivos tendrán éxito (Lawson-Borders, 2005:161). ...
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p>Gracias a la digitalización, los contenidos televisivos pueden disfrutarse en múltiples pantallas además del televisor. Las compañías de televisión han desarrollado un modelo de televisión online e interactivo que permite un consumo personalizado a través de varios soportes. Siguiendo el modelo de las televisiones nacionales en el entorno digital, analizamos aquí la oferta digital de las televisiones públicas autonómicas en España desde la óptica de la medición de audiencias. La segunda fuente de financiación de estas televisiones proviene de la publicidad y los anunciantes demandan datos de audiencia para invertir en los medios. Por eso, encontrar un sistema de medición de audiencias que unifique todos los dispositivos es esencial para el desarrollo de la estrategia online desde el punto de vista comercial. Para el análisis se han elegido las televisiones autonómicas pioneras, la Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA) y Euskal Irrati Telebista (EITB). La metodología empleada será la observación directa y análisis crítico. </p
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In today's intricate media landscape, the resilience and relevance of public service media (PSM) depend on their capacity to align with the diverse and evolving expectations of the public. However, the audience perspective is often overlooked, resulting in a limited understanding of public expectations. This study employs a bottom-up approach that allows for a re-evaluation of the expectations from the audience's viewpoint. It investigates the public's expectations for PSM, drawing on data from 10 focus group discussions (with 60 participants) conducted in the Czech Republic. The findings indicate that expectations can be categorized into four primary dimensions: (1) the expected roles and functions of PSM; (2) the general characteristics of the PSM content (defining the desired nature of PSM content); (3) the principles governing the functioning of PSM (outlining how PSM should operate); and (4) specific requirements concerning PSM news and non-news content. In the latter dimension, objectivity emerged as one of the most critical expectations and a major source of dissatisfaction. While participants collectively value objectivity, they disagree on its definition. A deeper examination revealed that certain public expectations may be unattainable due to the simplistic view of objectivity held by some.
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In a constantly transforming high-choice, platform-dominated media landscape, PSM need clues to keep citizens engaged and deliver value while sustaining its core mission to contribute to informed citizenship, nurture public debate, and strengthen social cohesion and national identity. Based on a national survey of the Spanish population (N = 1,717), this study taps into Spanish citizens’ expectations of PSM and their evaluations of the national public broadcaster TVE to, following Fawzi and Mothes’ (2020) work, examine the discrepancies between these two measures. The analysis then focuses on how this disappointment gap relates to PSM consumption and populist attitudes. Consistent with previous literature, respondents’ expectations align with normative media functions and programming mandates as defined from a regulatory and theoretical standpoint. However, individuals show high but unfulfilled expectations for PSM. Higher expectations-evaluation discrepancies show positive associations with anti-elite populist attitudes. In contrast, consumption relates to a lower gap and hence higher fulfillment of citizens’ demands for PSM. In conclusion, this study supports the need for PSM to actively connect with its audience and reaffirms the inconsonance of populist attitudes with PSM institutions.
The chapter provides succinct overviews and a comparison of the historical genesis, development and current state of public service broadcasting in the USA and the European Union, with an emphasis on internal commercialization and the influence of the commercial environment. Thus, the chapter adopts a comparative perspective in exploring the influence of economic imperatives on public service broadcasting in the USA and the EU, while also laying out the consequences for its contents to gauge to what extent it is serving its social functions. Emphasizing the importance of a media economics perspective, the chapter argues that tracking the money that flows into the systems, both public and private, and the money spent by their commercial counterparts, is the best way to understand the systems, their histories, and current states. In addition, the chapter argues that any analysis of public service broadcasting systems, including the relevant policies, needs to be connected to the editorial output in order to make a comprehensive assessment of their contributions to society. The chapter concludes by making the case that while European public service broadcasting is in better shape than its marginal American counterpart, more public money should be spent on both sides of the Atlantic in order to approach fulfilling the non-economic, societal goals of public service broadcasting, which can be summarized as correcting for market failure.
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As publicly funded organizations operating in a sector characterized by ever-greater private-sector provision, public service broadcasters need to build a robust case for their continuing legitimacy. This article examines the discursive strategies of the BBC in the United Kingdom in the context of the last three Royal Charter reviews. It shows that since the early 2000s, and particularly during the most recent Charter review, the BBC has deployed influential policy ideas on the creative economy to build a case that in keeping with the times emphasizes its economic contribution as well as its more traditional role in fostering political and cultural citizenship.
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La interactividad es fundamental en el desarrollo de un servicio público televisivo adaptado a la era digital y a las nuevas demandas de los consumidores. Las redes sociales se han revelado como herramientas esenciales para fomentar la participación online y transformar las relaciones con el público. Partiendo de este contexto, la siguiente investigación analiza las estrategias de interacción desarrolladas por la corporación de Radio Televisión Pública en España (RTVE) a través de sus perfiles en las redes sociales. Para ello, se ha contabilizado, en primer lugar, el número de cuentas activas en distintas plataformas y dividido en subcategorías segundo su asociación a una serie de ficción, un programa, una de las cadenas o el grupo corporativo. Se ha restringido el recuento a los perfiles sociales relacionados con el medio televisivo, excluyendo así los radiofónicos. A partir de una metodología cuantitativa se han estudiado las estrategias de 3 de sus cuentas: RTVE, TVE y El objetivo principal es examinar si su nivel de interacción se corresponde con las posibilidades que ofrece el espacio online.
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The focus of this paper is on the role of audiovisual archives for PSBs with regards to their function as democratic and inclusive institutions. We discuss the importance of audiovisual archives as integrated parts of PSBs, argue that accessibility of archives is a universal service and as such, a fundamental factor for PSBs to fulfil their democratic functions in the 21st century. We investigate structural, legal and institutional factors that impact on the state of archives using empirical evidence from four archives of PSBs and focus on four key elements of accessibility, namely equality, cross-border access, media literacy and contextualisation, and archives awareness. Our research highlights some of the struggles and contradictions that PSBs find themselves into as a result of pressures and tensions between institutions, the market and the citizens.
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Transnationalizing Radio Research presents a theoretical and methodological guide for exploring radio's multiple »global ages«, from its earliest years through its recent digital transformations. It offers radio scholars theoretical tools and concrete case studies for moving beyond national research frames. It gives radio practitioners inspiration for production and archiving, and offers scholars from many disciplines new ways to incorporate radio's vital voices into work on transnational institutions, communities, histories and identities.
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With the advent of popular social media platforms, news journalism has been forced to re-evaluate its relation to its audience. This applies also for public service media that increasingly have to prove its utility through audience ratings. This ethnographic study explores a particular project, the development of ‘concept bible’ for the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE’s online news; it is an attempt to solve these challenges through new journalistic practices. The study introduces the concept of ‘nuanced universality’, which means that audience groups’ different kinds of needs are taken into account on news production in order to strengthen all people’s ability to be part of society. On a more general level, the article claims that despite its commercial origins, audience segmentation can be transformed into a method that helps revise public service media principles into practices suitable for the digital media environment.
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A mídia social tornou-se um termo chave em Estudos de Mídia e de Comunicação e no discurso público por caracterizar plataformas como Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Wordpress, Blogspot, Weibo, Pinterest, Foursquare e Tumblr. Este artigo discute o papel do conceito da esfera pública para entender a mídia social criticamente. Vai contra a interpretação idealista de Habermas e a favor do entendimento cultural-materialista do conceito de esfera pública, baseado na economia política. Analisa que a noção original de Habermas deveria ser mais bem entendida como um método de crítica intrínseca do que algo que criticamente escrutiniza os limites da mídia e da cultura com base em relações de poder e econômica política. O artigo introduz um modelo teórico de mídia a serviço do público e o usa como base para identificar três antagonismos da esfera da mídia social contemporânea, nas áreas da economia, estado e sociedade civil. A conclusão é a de que esses limites só podem ser superados se a colonização do mundo da mídia social for enfrentada politicamente, para que a mídia social e a internet possam se tornar serviços públicos e bens comuns de mídia.
This chapter reviews the justifications, economic, cultural, political and technical that led to regulation of the medium of television and the initial choice to subject public TV to the monopolistic system. These justifications are then applied to the study of the two historical, legal models of regulation (US commercial model and PSB model) and to the classifications applied by the scholarship. An analysis is also provided of the circulation of these two models around the world. The author deals briefly with the origin of PSB in Europe, the cultural features inherited from the BBC model and the circulation of this model outside Europe. Finally, she discusses some (heuristic) cultural models, created by scholars of other social sciences that may help to measure the relationship between the political system and public service broadcasting.
This chapter analyses data on the structure of public service broadcasters to pinpoint the dynamics of the appointment process of public broadcasters’ managing bodies and to offer a more realistic analysis of parliamentary appointments. The examination of legislation provides some initial data, however, the normative framework alone, if not contextualized in the broader scenario of the political-institutional environment of a country, can be misleading for the overall analysis, since it may provide a limited (and sometimes mistaken) view of the governance of public broadcasters. The author interprets the normative framework by viewing it through the form of government adopted, and how it developed diversely over time in certain emblematic countries (three of them with parliamentary government: the UK, Italy and Spain, and one with a form of semi-presidential government).
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As publicly funded organizations operating in a sector characterized by ever-greater private-sector provision, public service broadcasters need to build a robust case for their continuing legitimacy. This article examines the discursive strategies of the BBC in the United Kingdom in the context of the last three Royal Charter reviews. It shows that since the early 2000s, and particularly during the most recent Charter review, the BBC has deployed influential policy ideas on the creative economy to build a case that in keeping with the times emphasizes its economic contribution as well as its more traditional role in fostering political and cultural citizenship.
The relationship between public radio and its audience has undergone significant change since the adoption of Web 2.0 technology. Web 2.0 allows an audience to interact easily and speedily with a public service broadcaster, forming an inclusive, two-way listening environment. This contrasts with the traditional one-way model of public broadcasting. This research project used New Zealand public radio broadcaster RNZ National as a case study. The phenomenon was studied from the perspective of those who listen to content, and those who create it. Findings include the ready adoption of Web 2.0 technology by the audience and the validation of that participation by RNZ National hosts and producers.
This book presents a selection of papers from the 2017 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'17), held between the 11st and 13th of April 2017 at Porto Santo Island, Madeira, Portugal. WorldCIST is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges involved in modern Information Systems and Technologies research, together with technological developments and applications. The main topics covered are: Information and Knowledge Management; Organizational Models and Information Systems; Software and Systems Modeling; Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; Multimedia Systems and Applications; Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; Big Data Analytics and Applications; Human–Computer Interaction; Ethics, Computers & Security; Health Informatics; Information Technologies in Education; and Information Technologies in Radiocommunications.
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Gracias a su sólido espacio comunicativo, Escocia posee el mayor centro regional de producción de medios del Reino Unido. La televisión ha jugado un papel crucial en el desarrollo de su industria audiovisual y la promoción cultural. Los dos principales medios de difusión, BBC Scotland y Scottish Television (STV), proporcionan una considerable cantidad de contenidos a la audiencia escocesa. Sin embargo, la comunidad gaélica y su lengua ocupaban muy poco espacio hasta la creación del canal BBC Alba. El canal de televisión BBC Alba nació en 2008 con el objetivo de cubrir esta carencia. Es decir, dar cobertura informativa a esta comunidad, garantizar la presencia de su lengua y reflejar la diversidad cultural de las distintas naciones del país en el sistema comunicativo público nacional. El servicio público audiovisual es un elemento clave como herramienta de construcción y representación de la identidad. Esta comunicación se centra en el análisis del sistema de radiodifusión en Escocia, particularmente la representación gaélica en la BBC Alba, y evalúa el cumplimiento de los objetivos de servicio público audiovisual y diversidad cultural.
Los medios de comunicación públicos viven tiempos de un profundo cuestionamiento de sus funciones sociales y dinámicas profesionales. La crisis económica ha obligado a reducir los presupuestos de las radiotelevisiones públicas, lo que está repercutiendo en la calidad de su servicio. Además, factores como la instrumentalización política o la corrupción en su gestión económica, han generado fuertes críticas hacia el papel de estos medios de titularidad pública en nuestra sociedad. En concreto, en el contexto europeo encontramos un intenso debate sobre los problemas y sobre todo, el futuro de Servicio Público de Comunicación (SPC o Public Service Media —PSM—) que este libro pretende abordar de forma detallada y panorámica. Desde una óptica novedosa, centrada en los medios de proximidad, el presente trabajo aborda tres grandes cuestiones: un repaso a la necesidad actual de los SPC en el contexto europeo; la urgente redefi nición de los medios públicos en la era digital en torno a conceptos como gobernanza, calidad informativa e innovación; y fi nalmente, se profundiza en el intenso debate generado por el cierre de Radiotelevisió Valenciana (RTVV). En este sentido, esta obra colectiva, con reconocidos autores del ámbito académico y profesional, pretende aportar conocimiento y argumentos de futuro para comprender la importancia de lo público en el complejo entorno mediático en el que vivimos y contextualizar la necesaria recuperación del servicio público de radio y televisión en la Comunidad Valenciana.
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A tentação, sobretudo em contexto europeu, de olhar para um qualquer ponto no passado recente como um momento menos crítico da vida do serviço público de média existe...
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Especially in a European context the temptation to look at any point in the recent past as a less critical moment in the life of public service media (PSM) exists...
The aim of this research is to show the evolution of public service media (PSM) on social networks -especially Facebook and Twitter-, as a response to the challenges imposed by the new media market. Constant technological changes and the audience fragmentation have put PSM at the crossroads, so they should design long-term strategies and change management models in order to justify their existence, funding, indispensability and value. Within the frame of governance on the Internet, and characterized by horizontal relationships and dialogue, it seems that PSM have faced the challenge, opening up the path to more active publics. Results obtained show, however, that PSM in Europe have a strong presence on Facebook and Twitter, although less than 10 % of them are supported by social media guidelines. The number of followers is constantly increasing, but it does not result in an improvement of users’ engagement.
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