
A study of the legibility of one and two column layouts for B.P.S. publications

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... advantage over the single column layout. An example of this is the study carried out by Foster (1970) on the legibility of single and double column layouts. Participants had to scan a one-column text and a two-columns text for target words. ...
... Page size, typeface and type size used were identical in both texts. Foster (1970) concluded that for this particular arrangement, the single column layout significantly diminished legibility, i.e. the number of target words located. Hartley et al (1978) used texts arranged in either single or double column to test the effects of line length and paragraph denotation on the retrieval of information from prose text. ...
... The revision consisted of manipulating a combination of typographic features, mainly the rational use of vertical (additional space between line and sections) and horizontal space (wider margins and inclusion • When scanning for target words, the double column layout seems to have an advantage. [ Foster, 1970;Hartley et al, 1978 ] • For scientific journals and exams, a single column layout is read quicker. [ Poulton, 1959;Lonsdale et al, 2006;Lonsdale, 2007 ] • For straightforward prose a double column layout with a medium line length is better than a single column layout with long lines. ...
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A B S T R A C T : This paper presents a comprehensive review of literature on the legibility of printed text in order to provide informed guidance on the design and preparation of typographic materials. To this end, experimental findings are taken into account, as well as the perspective of typographers, graphic designers, and authors. First, the typographic features of text are reviewed and illustrated individually to identify all the features that specifically charac-terise text layouts. It is emphasized, however, that the various typographic features should be selected in relation to each other, and that it is the combination and manipulation of all these typographic features as a group that makes the text legible. Studies are then reviewed and illustrated on the typographic structure of text as a whole. This information will prove useful to anyone involved in the development of typographic materials, including typographic and graphic designers, teachers and students. K E Y W O R D S : typographic features of text, text structure, legibility, typography, reading performance 2
... Однако некоторые исследования не показали никакой разницы между представлением двойных колонок со средней длиной строки и представлением в виде одной колонки с большой длиной строки [112; 113]. Фостер [114] обнаружил, преимущество многоколоночного макета со средней или короткой строкой для текста в печатном виде. Позднее это подтвердили и для текстов в электронном виде [115; 116]. ...
... С одной стороны, Поултон [111] сообщил, что одиночные колонки с длинной строкой читались быстрее, чем двойные колонки, показывая свидетельства недостатков многоколоночного макета со средней или короткой строкой для печатных текстов на английском языке, как и [119; 122], и для электронных текстов на веб-сайтах [121]. С другой стороны, Фостер [114] обнаружил преимущество для многоколоночного макета со средней или короткой строкой для текста в печатном виде, а также и в электронном виде [115; 116]. Макет из одного столбца с длинными строками затрудняет для читателя точное определение местонахождения начала новых строк после долгого бокового движения глаз, особенно при малом межстрочном расстоянии [23], что свидетельствует о возможном взаимодействии параметров колонки и длины строки с межстрочным интервалом. ...
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В монографии приведен обзор основных исследований, касающихся процесса чтения, зрения человека применительно к процессу чтения, вопросов разборчивости и читабельности текстов, а так- же некоторых санитарно-гигиенических норм чтения с бумажных и цифровых носителей. Проведен анализ данных, полученных в ходе различных исследований. Обнаружено наличие противоречий в результатах некоторых исследований и предложены пути разрешения данной проблемы. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся вопросами восприятия инфор- мации на естественных языках. Монография может быть использована при изучении учебных курсов «Психология ощущения и восприятия», «Психология обработки сенсорной информации», «Методы и средства научных исследований», «Типографика и макетирование». Автор выражает глубокую признательность научному редактору А. Г. Тягунову и научным консультантам А. П. Сергееву и Ж. Е. Ибраевой, оказавшим значительную помощь при подготовке материалов к изданию.
... 23 The lines of text should be no more than 5 inches running horizontally across a page or 30-50 characters and spaces. [23][24] Recommended leading for body text is approximately 120% of the point size (1-2 points larger). 25 In addition, the left margins should be justified and the right margins should be left ragged. ...
... 26 A two-column text layout is central to the process of locating information within a text because readers can more effectively identify target words. 22,24 The moderate line widths utilized in this format shorten the "jump" the eye must make from the end of one line to the beginning of the next. [22][23] Two-column formatting also helps readers keep their place as they read and has been established as more familiar and generally easier to process. ...
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Informed consent is essential to ethical research and is requisite to participation in clinical research. Yet most hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) informed consent forms (ICFs) are written at reading levels that are above the ability of the average person in the United States (U.S.). The recent development of ICF templates by the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, and the National Heart Blood and Lung Institute have not resulted in increased patient comprehension of information. Barriers to creating Easy-to-Read ICFs that meet U.S. federal requirements and pass institutional review board (IRB) review are the result of multiple interconnected factors. The Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) formed an ad hoc review team to address concerns regarding the overall readability and length of ICFs used for BMT CTN trials. This paper summarizes recommendations of the review team for the development and formatting of Easy-to-Read ICFs for HCT multicenter clinical trials, the most novel of which is the use of a 2-column format. These recommendations intend to guide the ICF writing process, simplify local IRB review of the ICF, enhance patient comprehension, and improve patient satisfaction. The BMT CTN plans to evaluate the impact of the Easy-to-Read format compared with the traditional format on the informed consent process.
... The influence of column setting on reading performance has generated inconclusive findings to date (for a review, see Tarasov et al., 2015). While some studies have shown that single-column texts with longer lines produce less difficulty in reading compared to multiplecolumn texts with shorter lines (e.g., Duchnicky & Kolers, 1983;Dyson & Kipping, 1997, 1998Poulton, 1959), other evidence suggests a reversal of this pattern (e.g., Foster, 1970). Intriguingly, further evidence suggests that differences in reading performance between singlecolumn and multiple-column presentations are not at all evident (Creed et al., 1987;Hartley et al., 1974). ...
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People regularly read multi-line texts in different formats and publishers, internationally, must decide how to present text to make reading most effective and efficient. Relatively few studies have examined multi-line reading, and fewer still Chinese multi-line reading. Here, we examined whether texts presented in single or double columns, and either left-justified or fully-justified affect Chinese reading. Text format had minimal influence on overall reading time; however, it significantly impacted return-sweeps (large saccades moving the eyes from the end of one line of text to the beginning of the next). Return-sweeps were launched and landed further away from margins and involved more corrective saccades in single- than double-column format. For left- compared to fully-justified format, return-sweeps were launched and landed closer to margins. More corrective saccades also occurred. Our results showed more efficient return-sweep behavior for fully- than left-justified text. Moreover, there were clear trade-off effects such that formats requiring increased numbers of shorter return-sweeps produced more accurate targeting and reduced numbers of corrective fixations, whereas formats requiring reduced numbers of longer return-sweeps caused less accurate targeting and an increased rate of corrective fixations. Overall, our results demonstrate that text formats substantially affect return-sweep eye movement behavior during Chinese reading without affecting efficiency and effectiveness, that is, the overall time it takes to read and understand the text.
... For scientific journals and reading examinations, the single column layout is read quicker. Tinker 1940 (described in Tinker, 1963a), Poulton 1959, Zachrisson 1965, Fabrizio et al. 1967, Becker et al. 1970, Foster 1970, Gregory and Poulton 1970, Wiggins 1977, Hartley et al. 1978, Lonsdale et al. 2006, Lonsdale 2007. ...
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An experimental study provided evidence that text layout affects performance when reading text to search for specific information under time pressure in an examination-type situation. The present paper reports a second experimental study conducted to ascertain whether this effect extends to similar academic reading materials and situations that, contrary to examinations, are performed under no time pressure. Three layouts were used for comparison, which replicated real-life examination materials and represented three distinct levels of legibility. The results revealed that text layout affects performance under conditions of search reading even when time pressure is absent. Moreover, participants performed better with the layout conforming to legibility guidelines and considered this layout to be the easiest to use and the most attractive. In order to understand these findings, an attempt is made to specify a theoretical model of reading in academic-type situations. The model identifies and analyses the stages of the reading process that might be affected by typographic layout and adopts the hypothesis that such effect takes place at the perceptual level of reading. The outcomes from this study will prove useful to those involved in the development of written materials used in academia such as textbooks, journal articles, magazines, and tests.
... • More target words are located with a double column layout than with a single column layout. Foster (1970), Hartley et al. (1978) • For scientific journals a single column layout is read quicker. Poulton (1959) • Preference for double column layouts. ...
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Examinations are conventionally used to measure candidates’ achievement in a limited time period. However, the influence of text layout on performance may compromise the construct validity of the examination. An experimental study looked at the effects of the text layout on the speed and accuracy of a reading task in an examination-type situation. A survey of the reading strategies used in examinations was conducted to help in defining the reading context in which text layout may have an effect. A set of guidelines was also derived from research on typographic features of text and these were used to select three text layouts (intended to be more or less legible) from the layouts used in English language reading examinations. Results of the experiment showed that task time was significantly shorter and the number of correct answers per second was significantly higher with the layout conforming to legibility guidelines. Participants’ judgements indicated that this layout was also the easiest in which to find answers and the most attractive. The main conclusion of the study is that text layout affects performance in a task that involves reading text to search for specific information in order to answer questions on it under time pressure. Consequently, the construct validity of examinations may be compromised by confounding legibility with reading skills.
... On one hand, Poulton (1959) reported that single columns with long line length were read faster than were double columns, showing evidence of the disadvantages of a multicolumn layout with medium or short line length in English print text (Duchnicky & Kolers, 1983;Dyson & Kipping, 1998) and online text (Zaphiris & Kurniawan, 2001). On the other hand, Foster (1970) found an advantage for a multicolumn layout with medium or short line length in print and online text (Andreyev & Martynov, 2000;Lam et al., 2000). A single-column layout with long line length makes it difficult for the reader to accurately locate the beginnings of new lines after the long lateral eye movement, particularly when there is close vertical spacing (Bouma, 1980), suggesting a possible interaction of column setting and line length with line spacing. ...
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The purpose of the study was to analyse findings in the field of the textbooks’ legibility, readability and visual word recognition. The paper focuses on the most significant findings for comprehending the texts’ spatial characteristics during reading, word and letter recognition. The aim of the study was to analyse the factors which have induced inconsistencies between the findings acquired by scientists, as well as to compare findings which continually lead to progression in this field.
... On one hand, Poulton (1959) reported that single columns with long line length were read faster than were double columns, showing evidence of the disadvantages of a multicolumn layout with medium or short line length in English print text (Duchnicky & Kolers, 1983;Dyson & Kipping, 1998) and online text (Zaphiris & Kurniawan, 2001). On the other hand, Foster (1970) found an advantage for a multicolumn layout with medium or short line length in print and online text (Andreyev & Martynov, 2000;Lam, Lam, Liu, & Shin, 2000). ...
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The objective of this study was to establish basic reading performance that could lead to useful design recommendations for print display text formats and layouts for the improvement of reading and comprehension performance of print text, such as academic writings, books, and newspapers, of Arabic language. Readability of English print text has been shown to be influenced by a number of typographical variables, including interline spacing, column setting and line length, and so on.Therefore, it is very important to improve the reading efficiency and satisfaction of print text reading and comprehension by following simple design guidelines. Most existing research on readability of print text is oriented to build guidelines for designing English texts rather than Arabic. However, guidelines built for English script cannot be simply applied for Arabic script because of orthographic differences. In the current study, manipulating interline spacing and column setting and line length generated nine text layouts. The reading and comprehension performance of 210 native Arab students assigned randomly to the different text layouts was compared. Results showed that the use of multicolumn setting (with medium or short line length) affected comprehension achievement but not reading and comprehension speed. Participants' comprehension scores were better for the single-column (with long line length) than for the multicolumn setting. However, no effect was found for interline spacing. The recommendations for appropriate print text format and layout in Arabic language based on the results of objective measures facilitating reading and comprehension performance is a single-column (with long line length) layout with no relevance of the interline spacing.
This research aims to deliver the fundamental, theoretical and empirical background surrounding electronic reading. It is structured into five sections starting with a reading definition, reading process, and a comparison between reading from paper and from an electronic format. The fourth section discusses the variables that influence reading electronic texts. These variables are classified into three categories: the individual or user variables (age, gender, experience and educational level); the text layout variables (font type and size, line length, spaces between lines of text, colour); and the applied technology (hardware and software). In the fifth section, a summary of previous studies is given and a framework for these variables is suggested based on the previous surveys.
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Selecting an optimal layout of academic text for display on screen was affected by several factors such as; type of material, subject or readers` age. In this study researcher assumed that each reading strategy requires a specific layout. Thus, the study starts with an understanding of the way that students interact with the text in both formats [electronic and paper]. Findings from this phase were linked with three common typography variables to provide standards for optimal design. In this chapter, the findings of this research are interpreted in the light of the theoretical perspective of the study by linking it with the objectives of the study already set out in chapter one. The first section is devoted to debating the outcomes related to the use of the Internet and eBooks by children at school and at home. This is identified as the first layer of the children's usability of online text, suggesting a further analysis of the children's experience of the e- text with a focus on the reading processes of the schoolbook in both versions [paper and online]. The third section is devoted to discussing the results related to readable Arabic font size and type. Section four is concerned with the findings from testing the effect of line length on reading speed and comprehension of Arabic text; whereas, the fifth section is devoted to debating the outcomes related to the new method for presenting Arabic texts.
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This study assessed the reliability of nine different measures used in reading and typographic research. Test-retest correlations were calculated for university students and schoolchildren, both male and female. It was clear that some measures were more reliable than others: for example, oral reading was highly reliable, but comprehension was not. The results are discussed with reference to the objectives of different types of measure.
This paper describes an experiment that tested the ease of reading specific formats that could be used for on-line publications, such as magazines. A single scrolling column with a relatively long line length, the format in which browsers frequently display web pages, was compared with a three column paged format. No differences in reading rate were found, but faster readers had better comprehension scores when reading the three column format, compared with slower readers. A single paged column, that was introduced to separate the effects of the number of columns from the method of movement (scrolled vs paged), showed that paging is faster than scrolling. In addition, with paged movement, a single wide column is read faster than three columns. This result was attributable to subjects within the age range 18–24 years. In contrast to reading performance, subjective judgements of ease of reading rated the three column format as easier to read. The results are discussed with reference to the familiarity of text formats in print and on screen and some possible differences between user's reading patterns are suggested.
The primary objective of this paper is to critically evaluate empirical research on some variables relating to the configuration of text on screen to consolidate our current knowledge in these areas. The text layout variables are line length, columns, window size and interlinear spacing, with an emphasis on line length due to the larger number of studies related to this variable. Methodological issues arising from individual studies and from comparisons among studies are identified. A synthesis of results is offered which provides alternative interpretations of some findings and identifies the number of characters per line as the critical variable in looking at line length. Further studies are needed to explore the interactions between characters per line and eye movements, scrolling movements, reading patterns and familiarity with formats.
This paper describes a comparison study of the effectiveness of an article set in the old and in the revised typographical format of Programmed Learning and Educational Technology. The results indicated no significant differences in terms of reading speed, comprehension, scanning scores or preferences. Some implications for journal design and research are considered.
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