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Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. (colocynth): Biotechnological perspectives



Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. is commonly known as colocynth. The fruit pulp of colocynth has medicinal properties while the seeds have nutritive qualities. C. colosynthis is resistant to high temperatures and grows in the desert regions of North Africa, the Middle East and Western Asia. C. colocynthis likely carries genes of interest that could be explored for inducing abiotic stress resistance in transgenic plants. Although the tissue culture and molecular biology of this species have been explored, the latter has been primarily used to resolve taxonomic relationships with other members of the Citrullus genus and curcubits. Genetic mining of the plant is scarce while genetic transformation protocols are also rare. The aim of the present review is to present a brief overview of the biotechnological perspectives of C. colocynthis.
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Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. (colocynth):
Biotechnological perspectives
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva1*, Abdullah I. Hussain2
1P. O. Box 7, Miki-cho Post Ofce, Ikenobe 3011-2, Kagawa-ken, 761-0799, Japan, 2Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Natural Product and Synthetic Chemistry Laboratory, Government College University, Faisalabad 38000, Pakistan
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. (Cucurbitaceae) has medicinal
and ornamental purposes, the former derived primarily
from the fruit pulp (de Smet, 1997). Common names for
this plant include colocynth, bitter gourd, bitter apple, and
bitter cucumber in English while it is known as Koloquinthe
in German and coloquinte in French (de Smet, 1997).
C. colocynthis has only one accepted name but six synonyms
(The Plant List, 2017). In India and Pakistan, it is known as
tumba (Mahajan and Kumawat, 2013; Hussain et al., 2014).
Early literature indicates that C. colocynthis was the closest
relative or progenitor of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus
(South African watermelon) and Citrullus vulgaris L.
(Linnaeus’ watermelon)) (Assis et al., 2000), but molecular
phylogenetic analyses combined with herbarium sample
analyses conducted by Chomicki and Renner (2015)
revealed that in fact this was not true. Furthermore, what
was referred to as “Egusi” melon by Ntui et al. (2009, 2010a,
2010b) as Colocynthis citrullus L., may represent an incorrect
inversion of the Latin name and possibly a completely
different plant, since Chomicki and Renner (2015) indicated
that “Egusi” melon is Citrullus mucosospermus (formerly
C. lanatus subsp. mucosospermus; Levi and Thomas, 2005), a
position supported by morphological and phenetic analyses
(Achigan-Dako et al., 2015) and genetic studies (Paris, 2016)
(Table 1). Jarret and Newman (2000) also showed that
C. colocynthis and C. mucosospermus clustered separately using
internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Until formally
resolved, for all effective purposes, the authors consider,
within this review, the plant reported by Ntui et al. (2009,
2010a, 2010b) to be C. colocynthis.
Dane et al. (2007) employed three cpDNA regions and
the nuclear G3pdh transit peptide section with intron 2
in a using molecular phylogeography study to show how
C. colocynthis accessions migrated from xerophytic habitats in
Algeria, Chad and Egypt to Israel, Cyprus and the Middle
East, then further east to Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and
India, whereas Moroccan accessions migrated to Australia
while Israeli accessions migrated to Ethiopia.
According to Hussain et al. (2014), C. colocynthis has
the following traditional medicinal uses: “diabetes,
leprosy, common cold, cough, asthma, bronchitis,
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. is commonly known as colocynth. The fruit pulp of colocynth has medicinal properties while the seeds
have nutritive qualities. C. colosynthis is resistant to high temperatures and grows in the desert regions of North Africa, the Middle East
and Western Asia. C. colocynthis likely carries genes of interest that could be explored for inducing abiotic stress resistance in transgenic
plants. Although the tissue culture and molecular biology of this species have been explored, the latter has been primarily used to resolve
taxonomic relationships with other members of the Citrullus genus and curcubits. Genetic mining of the plant is scarce while genetic
transformation protocols are also rare. The aim of the present review is to present a brief overview of the biotechnological perspectives
of C. colocynthis.
Keywords: Abiotic stress-resistance; Colocynth; Cucurbitaceae; Medicinal properties; Plant growth regulators; Tissue culture
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2017. 29(2): 83-90
doi: 10.9755/ejfa.2016-11-1764
*Corresponding author:
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, P. O. Box 7, Miki-cho Post Ofce, Ikenobe 3011-2, Kagawa-ken, 761-0799, Japan. E-mail:
Received: 29 November 2016; Revised: 30 January 2017; Accepted: 31 January 2017; Published Online: 05 February 2017
Teixeira da Silva and Hussain: Citrullus colocynthis biotechnology
84 Emir. J. Food Agric ● Vol 29 ● Issue 2 ● 2017
jaundice, joint pain, cancer, toothache, wound, mastitis,
and in gastrointestinal disorders such as indigestion,
constipation, dysentery, gastroenteritis, colic pain and
different microbial infections.” Also, according to the same
authors, who wrote a comprehensive review on several
properties of C. colocynthis, indicated that there are multiple
medicinal and biological activities, including antidiabetic,
anticancer, cytotoxic, antioxidant, antilipidemic, insecticidal,
antimicrobial and anti-inammatory. De Smet (1997) also
reviewed earlier literature on the medicinal properties of
C. colocynthis.
The seeds of C. colocynthis contain edible oil, 56% of which
contained linoleic acids and 25% of which contained oleic
acids (Sawaya et al., 1983). Fruits hold bioactive chemical
constituents such as glycosides, avonoids, alkaloids and
terpenoids while “curcurbitacins A, B, C, D, E, I, J, K, and
L and Colocynthosides A, and B” have also been isolated
(Hussain et al., 2014). Several accessions have shown
resistance to several viruses and diseases (Dabauza et al.,
1997). The identication of such genes would assist in
breeding virus and disease resistance in other cucurbits
such as watermelon. To this end, Dabauza et al. (1997)
developed an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic
transformation protocol in which 7-day-old seedling
cotyledons were infected with strain LBA4404 carrying
the binary vector pBI121, harboring the β-glucuronidase
(gus; reporter) and the neomycin phosphotransferase
(nptII; marker) genes. Based on GUS expression, 14% of
explants were shown to be transformed. PCR conrmed
the integration of the gus and nptII genes while Southern
blot analysis conferred transmission of the gus gene to
several transgenic plants obtained by selng.
C. colocynthis is able to withstand extreme desert temperatures
through a high rate of transpiration to lower leaf
temperatures below lethal temperatures (Althawadi and
Grace, 1986). In the Thar Desert in Pakistan, the perennial
plant develops an extensive root system, and despite
only receiving only 35-40 mm of rainfall per hectare,
can produce as much as 1-1.5 t of seed, but as much as
40-fold more if rainfall is high (Mahajan and Kumawat,
2013). Exploring this ability of C. colocynthis to grow in arid
climates, Schafferman et al. (2001) assessed 28 accessions
growing wild in Negev, Arava and Sinai Deserts in Israel,
and found that the mean seed oil yield ranged from 17.1%
to 19.5% (v/w) in ve high-yielding lines (dry seed weight
basis). In addition, across the 28 accessions, linoleic acid
(C18:2) was dominant (x
- = 70.1%), followed by oleic acid
(C18:1; x
- = 13.1%), palmitic acid (C16:0; x
- = 10.1%),
and stearic acid (C18:0; x
- = 6.7%). With a seed yield of
1.5-2.1 kg/10 m2, C. colocynthis may be a potential seed oil-
yielding plant for desert and arid regions (Schafferman
et al., 2001).
C. colocynthis seeds exhibit strong dormancy, and even strong
chemical or physical treatments are unable to release the
seeds from this state of dormancy (Koller et al., 1963;
El-Hajzein and Neville, 1993), although scarication of
the testa using sandpaper resulted in 61% germination
(Saberi and Shahriari, 2011). Mahajan and Kumawat
(2013) observed 51.4% germination of seeds taken from
fresh fruits and placed at 30°C and 95% relative humidity
whereas 48 h fermentation increased germination to 58.8%,
and decreased to 16.4% after storage for 12 months at
room temperature. Sen and Bhandari (1974) achieved 98%
germination after 4.5 h of treatment with concentrated
sulphuric acid and germination in the dark since exposure
to light inhibited germination.
The success of a plant genetic transformation protocol
involves a reliable in vitro regeneration protocol (except for
in planta transformation), an effective vector to transmit
the desired gene into target tissue, stable integration and
transgene expression without transgene silencing and
only as a single gene copy (Teixeira da Silva et al., 2016).
Table 1: Taxonomy of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad*
Tanonomy and classication of Citrullus colosynthis (Renner et al. 2014; Chomicki and Renner, 2015)
Citrullus colocynthis var. capensis Alef.
Citrullus colocynthis var. insipidus Pangalo
Citrullus colocynthis subsp. insipidus (Pangalo) Fursa
Citrullus colocynthis var. lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai
Citrullus colocynthis var. stenotomus Pangalo
Citrullus colocynthis subsp. stenotomus (Pangalo) Fursa
English name Species
Dessert watermelon C. lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai
Citron watermelon C. amarus Schrad.
Egusi watermelon C. mucosospermus (Fursa) Fursa
Colocynth C. colocynthis (L.) Schrad.
*Synonyms from The Plant List (2017), and within the Citrullus genus, based on Paris (2016)
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As described next, the rst aspect, i.e., effective in vitro
regeneration protocols, have been developed for C. colocynthis
and tissue derived from in vitro plantlets is available all-year
round and is suitable for both Agrobacterium-mediated and
bombardment-induced introduction of transgenes.
There have not been many studies published on the tissue
culture of C. colocynthis (Table 2). Dabauza et al. (1997)
induced callus and shoots from seedlings’ cotyledons, with
81.1% of explants being organogenic, and 68.3% forming
shoots, 80% of which could root on IBA-containing
medium. El-Baz et al. (2010) also used seedling tissue to
induce callus, mostly from stems, less so from leaves and
least from roots, but in all cases with more than 90% of
explants inducing callus from one tissue or another. Verma
et al. (2013) used disinfected shoot buds and nodes from
wild plants to induce shoots (as many as 18-20/explant)
and roots.
Ntui et al. (2009) induced shoots from cotyledon explants
within 12 days (4.4 shoots/explant in ‘NHC1-130’) but
hypocotyl explants failed to form shoots and only induced
callus. In ‘Ejagham’, 86.3% of explants induced shoots,
similar to improved cultivar NHC1-130. Averaged across
all four cultivars, 65% of shoots rooted on PGR-free MS
medium, and although acclimatized plants had a normal
appearance, in vitro, mixoploid and tetraploid shoots formed.
This regeneration protocol served as the basis for genetic
transformation experiments by Ntui et al. (2010b) in which
cotyledonary explants of ‘Ejagham’ and ‘NHC1-130’
were infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101
harboring one of two plasmids, pIG121-Hm, carrying the
gus, hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) and nptII genes,
or pBBRacdS, harboring the same three genes as well as the
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase gene.
Based on PCR of kanamycin-resistant shoots, transformation
efciency ranged from 2.4% to 9.9%, depending on the
cultivar and bacterial strain. Expanding upon this protocol,
Ntui et al. (2010a) introduced the chimeric defensin gene
from Wasabia japonica into cotyledons of ‘Ejagham’ and
‘NHC1-130’ using A. tumefaciens strain EHA101 with plasmid
pEKH1-WD, with a 25-27% transformation efciency.
Transformed plats were seen to be growing in medium in
which heavy fungal contamination was observed.
Meena et al. (2010, 2014) induced as many as 23 shoots
per shoot tip. Savitha et al. (2010a, 2010b), Shasthree et al.
(2012, 2014) and Ramakrishna and Shasthree (2016) noted
that seedling-derived leaves formed callus more than stems
(65% vs 45% of explants) while stems formed shoots
more than leaves (75% vs 51% of explants). Satyavani
et al. (2011a) induced shoots indirectly from callus, which
was induced from stem explants and a maximum of
20 shoots/explant could be induced. Taha and Mutasher
(2014) also found that seedling-derived leaves and stems
were effective (induced in 83 (leaves) - 85% (stems) of
explants) explants for callus induction. Gharehmatrossian
(2015) induced shoots indirectly from callus that had been
induced from seedling explants, but the outcome was not
quantied. More details of these studies may be found in
Table 2. Shasthree et al. (2009) found that in vitro-derived
regenerants showed considerable somaclonal variation,
including of leaves, owers, fruits and seeds.
Molecular biology in C. colocynthis research has primarily
been used in taxonomic and phylogenetic classication
through the use of molecular markers while considerable
work has been done on the characterization of genes and
transcription factors involved in abiotic stress tolerance.
Alatar et al. (2012) optimized a protocol for the isolation
of high-quality DNA from C. colocynthis from Saudi Arabia.
The extracted DNA was totally digestible with 1 U CfoI per
µg DNA and showed no detectable RNA contamination,
obtaining 10-20 µg DNA per tube in the 2-10 Kb range.
This DNA is useful for plant species fragment amplication
and microsatellite analysis.
The colocynth plant material used in experiments must
be precise identied to avoid confusion, especially form
interspecic hybrids with C. lanatus, in the eld (Fulks et al.,
1979), or as controlled crosses (Shimotsuma, 1960; Sain
et al., 2002). However, randomly amplied polymorphic
DNA (RAPD) and UPGMA cluster analyses are able
to differentiate C. colocynthis from C. lanatus (Levi et al.,
2001). RAPD was also used, alongside ISSR, to conrm
the genetic stability of in vitro regenerants (Verma et al.,
2013). Shaik et al. (2015) used two gene regions, the nuclear
G3pdh gene and the chloroplast ycf6–psbM intergenic spacer
region, to differentiate three Citrullus species (C. colocynthis,
C. lanatus (camel melon), and C. myriocarpus (prickly paddy
melon)) invasive to Australia, discovering that a western
and an eastern introduction of C. colocynthis may have taken
place. Mary et al. (2016) used DNA barcoding with the
trnH-psbA intergenic spacer to characterize C. colocynthis
relative to other curcubit genera, placing it as a distinct
phylum. Molecular markers thus serve as useful tools
in taxonomic differentiation and to assess evolutionary
events. Nimmakayala et al. (2011) offer a comprehensive
overview of the use of molecular markers in phylogeny
and taxonomy of Citrullus.
Si et al. (2009, 2010a; Table 3) found that 18 drought-
responsive genes related to abiotic and biotic stresses
Teixeira da Silva and Hussain: Citrullus colocynthis biotechnology
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Cultivars and
Disinfection process Culture conditions* Optimal medium**,*** Reference
R309 Testa removed from seeds and
soaked in 50% commercial bleach
with 50 g/l active chlorine for 30 min.
Rinse 3 times in SDW. Cotyledons
from 7-d-old seedlings cut in half
length-wise to yield two explants
16-h PP. Grolux bulbs. 90 µmol m−2 s−1.
26±2°C. pH NR. 1% (SG) or 3% (SIM)
sucrose. 0.8% (SG) or 1% (SIM) agar.
Plant acclimatization NR
MS in darkness for 28 d (SG). MS+100 mg/L
myo-inositol+25 µM BA (CIM, SIM). MS+2.5 or 5 µM
Dabauza et al. 1997
Three local (Nigerian)
cultivars (Ejagham,
Sewere and
one improved
cultivar (NHC1-130)
Seeds without testa dipped in
70% EtOH for 2 min, 1% NaOCl
for 20 min and rinsed with SDW.
Cotyledons of 4- or 8-d-old
seedlings cut into 1/2, 1/4 and 1/6
strips. Hypocotyls cut into 1 cm long
16-h PP. 30-40 µmol m−2 s−1. 25±1°C.
pH 5.8. 1% (SG) or 3% (SIM) sucrose.
0.8% agar. Plants acclimatized in
autoclaved vermiculite
PGR-free MS (SG, RIM).
MS+5 mg/L BA (SIM).
MS+1 mg/L BA (SEM)
Ntui et al. 2009,
2010a, 2010b
Wild plants from Wadi
Soule, Sinai, Egypt
NR. Stems, leaves and roots of
2-w-old in vitro seedlings used as
16-h PP. 80 µmol m−2 s−1. 24±2°C. All
other in vitro conditions NR
MS+2 or 6 mg/L 2,4-D+2 or 4 mg/L Kin; MS+0.1 mg/L
BA+5 mg/L NAA (CIM)
El-Baz et al. 2010
Mature plants growing
in Jaipur, India
Terminus of stems with shoot tips in
RTW+0.1% Labolene for 5 min then
0.05% HgCl2 for 2-3 min. Washed
with SDW 4-5×
16-h PP. LI NR. 25±2°C. pH 5.8. 3%
sucrose. 0.8% agar. Plants acclimatized
in sterilized soil : vermiculite (3:1)
MS+0.5 mg/L BA+0.5 mg/L NAA (SIM). MS+4 mg/L
IBA+0.2% AC (RIM)
Meena et al. 2010,
Wild plants from
river valleys in
Andhra Pradesh, India
Leaves and stems in RTW for
5-10 min, 0.1% HgCl2 for 1-2 min,
16-h PP. 2000 lux. 25±1°C. pH 5.7.
Carbon source and gelling agent NR.
Plants acclimatized in garden soil :
FYM (1:1)
MS+1.5 or 2 mg/L 2,4-D+1 mg/L BA (or 0.5 mg/L
TDZ) (2010) or 2.5 mg/L 2,4-D+1 mg/L Zea (2014) (CIM,
SIM). MS+2 mg/L IBA+1.5 mg/L NAA (RIM)
Savitha et al. 2010a,
2010b, Shasthree
et al. 2014
Wild plants from Tamil
Nadu coast, India
Stems immersed in 70% EtOH for
1-5 min, 0.1% HgCl2 for 3 min, then
washed with SDW 4×and cut into
1.0 cm long explants
8-h PP. 20-30 µmol m−2 s−1. 25±2°C.
60±10% RH. pH 5.8. 3% sucrose. 0.8%
agar. Plants acclimatized in sterilized
soil : vermiculite (3:1)
MS+1 mg/L BA+0.5 mg/L IAA+0.5 mg/L 2,4-D (CIM).
MS+1.5 mg/L BA+0.5 mg/L NAA (SIM). MS+3 mg/L
BA+0.2% AC (RIM)
Satyavani et al.
Wild plants from
Eturnagaram Tribal,
Seeds germinated in vitro (protocol
NR). Leaves, stems and cotyledons
washed with 1% Labolene, RTW
for 30 min, 0.1% HgCl2 (time NR),
then washed with SDDW. Explant
size NR
pH 5.6. All other in vitro conditions NR MS+1 mg/L 2,4-D+0.5 mg/L IAA or 2 mg/L BA+0.5 mg/L
Shasthree et al.
Wild plants growing in
Jaipur, India
Shoot buds and nodal segments in
RTW for 15 min, Extran (detergent)
for 5 min then 0.1% HgCl2 for 3 min.
Washed with SDW 4-5×
16‑h PP. Cool uorescent tubes.
25 µmol m−2 s−1. 25±1°C. pH 5.8. 3%
sucrose. 0.9% agar. Plants acclimatized
in garden soil : organic manure (1:1)
MS+2.2 µM BA (SIM).
MS+4.9 µM IBA (RIM)
Verma et al. 2013
Wild plants from Iraqi
Seeds in 90% EtOH for 30 s, SDW
several times, 0.5% NaOCl for
5-10 min, SDW. Leaves and stems
of 3-w old seedlings served as
16-h PP. 1000 lux. 25±2°C. pH, carbon
source, gelling agent NR
PGR-free ½MS (SG). MS+2 mg/L BA+0.5 mg/L
Taha and Mutasher
Source NR. Seeds treated with 10 mg/L GA3 for
24 h. 10-d-old seedlings (all parts)
used as explants
Constant darkness (CIM) or 16-h
PP (SIM). 30°C. pH 5.7. 3% sucrose.
0.8% agar. Plants acclimatized in soil
PGR-free MS (SG). MS+1 mg/L Kin+1 mg/L IAA or
MS+2× MS vitamins+2 mg/L BA+0.1 mg/L NAA (CIM,
SIM). MS+1 mg/L IAA (RIM)
Table 2: Tissue culture conditions for Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad
Teixeira da Silva and Hussain: Citrullus colocynthis biotechnology
Emir. J. Food Agric ● Vol 29 ● Issue 2 ● 2017 87
were upregulated in the shoots of seedlings of an Israeli
accession in response to PEG-induced stress. Two NAC
(no apical meristem, Arabidopsis transcription activation
factor 1 and 2, cup-shaped cotyledon 2) transcription
factors were shown to be involved in this abiotic stress
response, CcNAC1 and CcNAC2 (Wang et al., 2014a), being
inuenced by the spectral light quality (Wang et al., 2014b).
The ability to isolate and clone CcNAC1 and CcNAC2
into other plants without any drought resistance might
be an effective way of exploring arid and water-stressed
regions for expanded horticulture with drought-resistant
crops. In fact, the ability to transmit drought-resistant
signals from scion to rootstock using C. colocynthis and
watermelon (C. lanatus) (Si et al., 2010a, 2010b) holds great
promise for research on the drought-resistance mechanism
of C. colocynthis. Transcriptomic analyses of the leaves of
C. colocynthis during drought stress revealed 2545 genes
that changed signicantly during drought stress (Wang
et al., 2014c), giving promise to the mining of this plant
for drought stress-related genes.
Colocynth is a rich source of functionally important
bioactive compounds and therapeutics such as polyphenols,
glycosides, triterpenes and cucurbitacins and its fruit has
been widely used for the treatment of many diseases
including diabetes, rheumatism, paronychia, ulcer and
cancer (Hussain et al., 2014). However, the biotechnology
of C. colocynthis is still underexplored. Although some tissue
culture studies and genetic transformation experiments
exist, biotechnological research into this plant would
benet from the use of the following techniques: In vitro
owering (Teixeira da Silva et al., 2014) for controlled
crosses in vitro, use of magnetic elds (Teixeira da Silva
and Dobránszki, 2015), ultrasound or sonication (Teixeira
da Silva and Dobránszki, 2014), or thin cell layers (Teixeira
da Silva and Dobránszki, 2013) to explore alternative
pathways for growth and development in vitro. Given the
heat-tolerant nature of C. colocynthis (Althawadi and Grace,
1986), and ability to grow in water stress, mining the genes
of this plant would perhaps reveal genes that could be
cloned into other plants to induce heat stress resistance.
The ability to micropropagate and mass produce uniform
plant material in vitro, independent of season, or through
the use of bioreactors, would allow callus to be constantly
harvested for silver nanoparticle production (Satyavani
et al., 2011b) with multiple uses in agriculture, medicine
and industry. The cryopreservation of C. colocynthis seeds
has already provided one such possibility for the long-term
preservation of germplasm (Alsadon et al., 2014). Using
callus that they had induced from the leaves of C. colocynthis
(Satyavani et al., 2011a), Satyavani et al. (2011b) produced
Cultivars and
Disinfection process Culture conditions* Optimal medium**,*** Reference
Wild plants from
Koonoor river in
Warangal, Telangana
State, India
Similar protocol to Savitha et al.
2010a, 2010b; Shasthree et al.
2012, 2014
Similar protocol to Savitha et al. 2010a,
2010b; Shasthree et al. 2012, 2014
MS+1 mg/L 2,4-D+1.5 mg/L IBA (CIM). Callus on MS+2
mg/L NAA+1 mg/L IBA (RIM)
Ramakrishna and
Shasthree 2015
Seeds from wild
plants in Basar and
Koonoor river valleys,
Nizamabad and
Warangal, Telangana
State, India
Similar protocol to Savitha et al.
2010a, 2010b; Shasthree et al.
2012, 2014
Similar protocol to Savitha et al. 2010a,
2010b; Shasthree et al. 2012, 2014
MS+1 mg/L 2,4-D+1.5 mg/L BA (SEIM) Ramakrishna and
Shasthree 2016¶
2,4-D - 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; AC - activated charcoal; BA - N6-benzyladenine (BA is used throughout even though BAP (6-benzylamino purine) may have been used in the original, according to Teixeira
da Silva (2012a); CIM - callus induction medium; DDW - double distilled water; EtOH - ethyl alcohol (ethanol); FYM - farmyard manure; HgCl2 - mercuric chloride; IAA - indole-3-acetic acid; IBA - indole-3-butyric
acid; Kin - kinetin (6-furfuryl aminopurine); LI - light intensity; MS - Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium; NAA - α-naphthaleneacetic acid; NaOCl - sodium hypochlorite; NR - not reported in the study; PGR - plant
growth regulator; PP - photoperiod; RH - relative humidity; RIM - root induction medium; RTW - running tap water; SDW - sterilized (by autoclaving) distilled water; SDDW - sterilized (by autoclaving) double distilled
water; SEM - shoot elongation medium; SEIM - somatic embryo induction medium; SG - seed germination; SIM - shoot induction medium; TDZ, thidiazuron (N-phenyl-N’- 1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-ylurea); w - week (s);
Zea, zeatin. *The original light intensity reported in each study has been represented since the conversion of lux to µmol m–2 s–1 is different for different illumination (main ones represented): for uorescent lamps,
1 µmol m–2 s–1=80 lux; the sun, 1 µmol m–2 s–1=55.6 lux; high voltage sodium lamp, 1 µmol m–2 s–1=71.4 lux (Thimijan and Heins 1983). **Percentage values of solids as w/v (weight/volume) and of liquids as volume/
volume (v/v). ***Even though calli was used in the original, the term callus has been used here based on the recommendation of Teixeira da Silva (2012b). ¶Claims of somatic embryogenesis without sufcient
proof (cytological, histological, genetic), i.e., only photos of macromorphology
Table 2: (Continued)
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88 Emir. J. Food Agric ● Vol 29 ● Issue 2 ● 2017
silver nanoparticles, which were able to reduce the toxicity
of Human epidermoid larynx carcinoma (HEp-2) cell
lines by as much as 50%. Khan et al. (2016) puried a
low molecular weight serine protease with high catalytic
activity that has many possible industrial applications from
C. colocynthis seeds.
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad., an important fruit species
with medicinal and nutritional value, would serve as a
valuable crop species in arid regions (Fig. 1) such as North
Africa and the Middle East. To increase production,
micropropagation protocols need to be rened and to
fortify salt- and drought-tolerance, genetic engineering
may offer a valuable solution, especially since several genes
related to drought-tolerance have already been identied.
Basic studies on the biology and biotechnology of this plant
are needed to fortify the application of molecular marker
technology, which is fairly well developed for this plant.
The authors thank Harry S. Paris (Institute of Plant
Sciences, Agricultural Research Organization, Newe Ya‘ar
Research Center, Israel), Susanne S. Renner (Department
of Biology, University of Munich, Germany) and Werner
Greuter (Herbarium Mediterraneum, Orto Botanico, Italy)
for fruitful and insightful discussion on taxonomic issues
underlying C. colocynthis and the curcubits.
Conicts of interest
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Author contributions
Both authors contributed equally to all parts of the
development and revisions of this review.
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Table 3: 18 drought‑responsive genes coding for functional and regulatory proteins that were differentially expressed in the roots
of C. colocynthis after treatment with polyethylene glycol (modied from Si et al., 2009)
Name of gene sequence Homologous function Homologous plant GenBank accession number
CC4 Heat shock protein 70 Cucumis sativus FK707354
CC85 Heat shock 22 kDa protein, mitochondrial Glycine max GH626170
CC47 grpE like protein Arabidopsis thaliana GH626164
CC61 Putative pathogenesis-related protein Cucumis sativus GH626166
CC26 APC11 (anaphase promoting complex subunit 11) Arabidopsis thaliana GH626159
CC36 Putative alpha7 proteasome subunit Nicotiana tabacum GH626162
CC37 RBOHD (respiratory burst oxidase) Arabidopsis thaliana EU580727*
CC38 VIP2 (VIRE2-INTERACTING PROTEIN2) Arabidopsis thaliana GH626163
CC16 ABC transporter-like protein Arabidopsis thaliana FK707355
CC48 Synaptobrevin-related protein Pyrus pyrifolia GH626165
CC24 Toc34-1 (translocon outer envelope of
Zea mays GH626158
CC64 Beta-amylase Prunus armeniaca GH626167
CC32 Pyruvate kinase Arabidopsis thaliana GH626161
CC75 TIP1 (TIP GROWTH DEFECTIVE 1) Arabidopsis thaliana GH626168
CC19 Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein
Arabidopsis thaliana GH626156
CC23 Protein kinase Fagus sylvatica GH626157
CC27 Hairy meristem Petunia x hybrida GH626160
CC76 NAC 2 Glycine max GH626169
*The Ccrboh gene in Si et al. (2010b), encoding a respiratory burst oxidase
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... Citrullus colocynthis L. Schrad is an important medicinal herb (Mardani, 2008;Zargari, 1978) that is adapted to the arid environments of Middle East, West Asia, and North Africa (Schafferman et al., 1998;Ghahreman, 1978;Jayaraman et al., 2009;Amamou et al., 2011;Taxiera da silva and Hussain., 2017). Essential oil of Citrullus colocynthis is useful for biological pests control such as improved whitefly resistance in watermelon cultivars (Ramzi et al., 2013;Coffey et al., 2015). ...
... Essential oil of Citrullus colocynthis is useful for biological pests control such as improved whitefly resistance in watermelon cultivars (Ramzi et al., 2013;Coffey et al., 2015). There are also numerous studies on medicinal properties of colocynth which according to them this plant is important for its seed oil, fruit, pulp materials, and some diseases specially diabetes (Althawadi et al., 1986;Amamou et al., 2011;Hussain, 2014; Taxiera da silva and Hussain., 2017;Sargezi, 2014;Soltani and Mohammad-zadeh, 2015). ...
... Ghahreman (1978) indicated flowering of Colocynth at March, without referring to a particular geographic zone. Also, Taxiera da silva and Hussain (2017) reported the flowering season to be in September and fruit maturity in October. Both references show similar phenological periods with colocynth in our study area, and a small difference can be related to the differences in climate condition between Iran and Negev deserts. ...
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Colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis) is one of the major medicinal plants, naturally growing in deserts of Middle East and North Africa. Extending cultivation of this species is useful for sand dune fixation and livelihood of the local inhabitants. In spite of numerous studies on seed germination, there are still debates on the best methods of breaking seed dormancy for colocynth. Moreover, seed morphology, phenological stages and habitat conditions of this species is almost unravelled. This study was conducted in 2016-2020 at Gonabad desert, Iran. We established five line transects of 200 m and five plots of 4×4 m, and vegetation parameters, phenology and root morphology, soil charactristics of colocynth were measured. The pH varied between 7.0-7.5 in bare soil and 8.0-8.1 under the canopy of colocynth habitat. The soil of study area was classified as slightly saline. Two weeks pre-chilling at 4°C and night -day temperature range from 25-40°C significantly increased seed germination. In our study area, colocynth was detected as a perennial forb with long and ligneous roots (more than120 cm). Its vegetative growth starts in middle of May, seed ripening and shedding occur in October and November. Average fruit volume was 2.62 cm3 and seed number counted in each fruit varied between 250 to 420 by the length of 4-7 and 2-4 mm width. Big size fruits contained the highest seed numbers. The best harvesting time in terms of both economic value and seed viability is ripening of fruits.
... Melon seed is a good source of lipid and protein [4,5] . It contains edible oil, 56% of which is linoleic acids and 25% oleic acids [6] . Despite the nutritional benefits attributed to various plant parts, there is prevalence of malnutrition and food insecurity in developing countries due to under-utilization of plant parts by many people, high cost of animal protein sources and increasing population [7][8][9] . ...
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Food choice and consumption is affected by inadequate food preparation, cooking methods and porosity of data on their nutrient composition etc. This study therefore assessed the proximate, mineral, fatty acids (FA), amino acids (AC), Vitamin A and carotenoid compositions of melon soups prepared using different indigenous methods. Purchased melon seeds from Calabar Cross River State Nigeria was prepared and cooked using standard methods. Nutrient compositions of the two soups (Method-1: melon + water leaf + bitter leaf and Method-2: melon + water leaf + pumpkin leaf) were analysed using standard methods. Nutrient compositions of the soups (Method 1 and method 2) varied as follows. Protein 10.27±0.14% and 11.21±0.10%; fats 9.58±0.15 and 11.15±0.15%; carbohydrate 71.85±0.35 and 69.40±0.35% respectively. Leucine was the most abundant amino acid in the two soups (0.99 ±0.00 and 1.16 ±0.00 respectively), followed by arginine (0.64 ± 0.00 and 0.76 ±0.00 respectively). Methionine and tryptophan were found in the least amount. Method-2 had more amounts of phosphorus (47.53± 0.32), magnesium (17.83± 1.01), calcium (50.52± 4.10), sodium (15.86± 2.30) and zinc (0.47± 0.01) compared to Method-1. Method-1 had higher amounts of potassium (148.12± 0.14), copper (0.68±1.01) and iron (1.04± 0.91). The soups were also rich in oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids. The α-carotenoids, β-carotenoids, β-cryptoxanthin and vitamin A contents of the Method-2 were significantly (p<0.05) higher compared with the method-1. The soups are rich in essential nutrients although in variable amounts. Consumers should leverage on the information on their nutrient compositions for better food choice and nutritional outcome.
... C. colocynthis probably carries genes that can be tested to induce abiotic stress resistance in transgenic plants. Although tissue culture and molecular biology of this species were studied, the latter was primarily used to solve taxonomic relationships with other species of the genus Citrullus and Cucubates [18]. ...
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W pracy scharakteryzowano najważniejsze rośliny szeroko stosowane w Iraku do celów leczniczych. Zastosowano metodę opisową na podstawie danych literaturowych. Badania wykazały, że wiele roślin leczniczych stosowanych w Iraku, a należących do różnych rodzin botanicznych wykorzystywano w medycynie tradycyjnej do leczenia chorób. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono 10 najważniejszych roślin należących do 9 rodzin botanicznych, które były i są nadal wykorzystane i używane jako rośliny lecznicze. Większość rodzimych roślin wciąż wymaga szczegółowych badań, które mogą dostarczyć wielu interesujących danych. Znajomość tradycyjnej wiedzy i roślinleczniczych może odegrać kluczową rolę w eksploatacji i odkrywaniu naturalnych zasobów roślinnych w Iraku.
... C. colocynthis is a desert plant that grows in sandy arid soils belonging to the family of Cucurbitaceae (Alshammary and Ibrahim, 2014;Pravin, 2013). In English language, it is known as bitter apple and in Arabic is Hindal (Marzouk et al., 2011), Abujahl watermelon in Persian (Hajar et al., 2012) Koloquinthe in German and coloquinte in French (Al-Snafi, 2016;Teixeira and Hussain, 2017). C. colocynthis is a medicinal plant that grows widely in Egypt, Sudan, and many other African counties (Shawkey et al., 2014;Kapoor et al., 2020;Dash et al., 2015). ...
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In this study, the phytochemical screening of Citrullus colocynthis (C. colocynthis) crust, pulp, and seed extracts was studied to evaluate and compare their antioxidant capacities and total phenol contents. C. colocynthis fruit, including crust, pulp, and seed, was extracted using n-hexan, methanol, and 1, 1, 2 trichloroethane, respectively, using a soxhlet. Phytochemical screening, antioxidant capacity using the Ferric-Bipyridine Reducing Capacity of total antioxidants (FBRC) and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) methods, and total phenol content were assessed to estimate their effect on the antioxidant capacity of C. colocynthis. The results showed that the seed extract showed negative results for all tests except fixed oil and fats, protein, and amino acids, while the pulp extract showed positive results for most tests. The crust extract showed positive results for reducing sugar, tannins, and saponins. The total phenol content of Yemeni C. colocynthis demonstrated the highest value compared to C. colocynthis from different areas. Antioxidant capacity showed the highest values for pulp and the lowest values for crust according to FBRC and FRAP methods. Based on these results, antioxidant capacity and total phenol content values showed that pulp has the highest values, while crust has the lowest values.
... The role of C. colocynthis as a nurse plant can increase biodiversity and combat desertification in mobile, nutrient-poor sandy deserts [30,31]. The ecological and economic importance of C. colocynthis and its ability to tolerate drought and heat stress make this plant a potential cash crop grown in marginal lands in arid regions [32,33]. Understanding environmental abiotic stress impacting seed germination and seedling establishment of C. colocynthis should be considered when adopting it as an economic cash crop with potential medicinal properties and biofuel production. ...
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Citrullus colocynthis, a native plant with potential uses as a feedstock for edible oil, biodiesel, and animal feed make it a potential cash crop. The importance of propagating this species under saline arid habitats necessitates understanding environmental factors affecting salinity and drought tolerance during the germination stage. Here, we assessed the impacts of seed collection time, the temperature of incubation on salinity, and drought tolerance during the seed germination stage of different accessions growing in the botanical garden of the University of Sharjah. No previous study assessed the interactive effects of these factors on the drought and salinity tolerance of this species. Three accessions (9, 10, and 13) differed in fruit and seed size and color, and germination behavior, and were selected from an earlier study. Seeds that matured in summer and winter on these accessions were treated with three salinities (0, 50, and 100 mM NaCl), and PEG levels (0, −0.3, and −0.6 MPa) and incubated at two temperatures (20/30 and 25/35 °C). The results showed significant effects of all factors (collection time, temperature, drought, and salinity) and their interactions on germination percentage. Seeds of C. colocynthis were very sensitive to salinity and drought stress, and the sensitivity depended on the time of seed collection, accession, and incubation temperature. The overall germination and tolerance to salinity and drought were significantly greater in seeds of accession 10, seeds that matured in summer, and seeds incubated at 25/35 °C. The germination in NaCl solutions was greater than in PEG solutions, indicating that seed germination was more sensitive to osmotic stress created by PEG than NaCl. Moreover, when transferred from NaCl, the recovery of ungerminated seeds was greater than in PEG solutions. This result indicates that the detrimental effect of salinity in C. colocynthis could be mainly attributed to osmotic rather than ion-toxicity effects. To adopt C. colocynthis as a cash crop or to restore degraded desert habitats, it is recommended to use seeds of drought- and salt-tolerant accessions (e.g., 10), especially those that mature in summer.
... It also inactivates transport proteins thereby inhibiting microbial growth. Flavonoids have been shown to exhibit their actions through effects on membrane permeability and by inhibition of membrane bound enzymes such as the ATPase and phospholipase 65 . Phenols antibacterial effects are largely due to their ability to inhibit enzymes and bind with various soluble proteins present on the bacterial cell membrane. ...
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Aim of the present study is to evaluate antibacterial efficiency of mixed powder preparation from the leaf and flower of Stereospermum chelonoides and its phytochemical evaluation. Bacterial species tested were isolated from UTI cases and showed multidrug resistance property. Stereospermum chelonoides is one of the medicinal trees worshiped as Holy plants in Thyagaraja Swamy Temple in Thiruvarur. It belongs to the family Bignoniaceae commonly called Sivappu Pathiri. All parts of the plant show a biological efficiency evidenced through various ethnobotanical databases. Traditional healers use this plant as a heal for vomiting, eructation, piles, acidity, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, loss of taste, malaria and other fevers. Antimicrobial activity was assessed by making use of two bacterial isolates by disc diffusion and drug dilution method. Zone of inhibition, MIC, MBC, Percentage inhibition and IC50 were calculated using standard textual methods. Qualitative and quantitative phytochemicals were assessed by making use of textual procedures. Active principle of the SCMPEE was evaluated by the column chromatography, TLC, LC-MS and NMR methods. Aqueous (SCMPAE) and ethanolic (SCMPEE) extracts produced good antibacterial activity against all the test organisms with efficient MIC and MBC. Percentage of inhibition ranges from 53.1% to 84.2%. Stereospermum chelonoides extracts inhibited the growth of gram negative urinary bacterial isolates with 274.4 μg/ml IC50 for Klebsiella pneumoniae by SCMPEE. Qualitative phytochemical analysis showed the presence of tannins, saponins, terpenoids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, anthraquinones and polyphenols in both the extracts. Active principle assessment indicated the presence of quercetin 3 -O-Glucoside, which could exert antibacterial efficiency via protein precipitation mechanisms.
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Plants have held profound cultural and medicinal significance throughout human history. Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad, known as Tumba in Rajasthan, Kaudtumba in Punjab, and Garhtumba or Indriyian in Haryana, stands as a crucial wild plant, resembling the watermelon vine and thriving in arid terrains. Local communities have long utilized this wild plant for diverse purposes. The genus is abundant in secondary metabolites, playing a pivotal role in the body's defense mechanisms. This study aimed to unravel the essential phytochemicals present in Citrullus colocynthis. The preliminary phase involved quantitative analysis, followed by screening of total phenolic and flavonoid content of different accessions. Subsequently, HPLC was employed to quantify the variance of phenolics and flavonoids in 10 selected accessions. The study highlights significant phenolic content in accession CRR19064 (69.17 ± 0.03 mg TAE/g) and CRB19004 (69.12 ± 0.01 mg TAE/g) from methanolic extracts. Regarding flavonoids, accession CHR19013 displayed the highest content (76.74 ± 0.03 mg QE/g), followed by accession CPM19021 (74.37 ± 0.01 mg QE/g) from methanolic extracts, underlining their potential medicinal benefits. The Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to explore correlations between bioactive components and accessions. The first five principal components explained 83.41% of cumulative variability. Further, Agglomerative Hierarchical Analysis categorized the accessions into four clusters. These findings crucial to discover the therapeutic potential applications of this wild plant, paving the way for future research and targeted utilization of its bioactive components. In conclusion, the study underscores the wealth of bioactive compounds in C. colocynthis, reaffirming its potential in traditional medicine and providing valuable insights for future pharmacological research and drug development.
Since prehistoric times, medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) have been employed for various therapeutic purposes due to their varied array of pharmaceutically relevant bioactive compounds, i.e. secondary metabolites. However, when secondary metabolites are isolated directly from MAPs, there is occasionally very poor yield and limited synthesis of secondary metabolites from particular tissues and certain developmental stages. Moreover, many MAPs species are in danger of extinction, especially those used in pharmaceuticals, as their natural populations are under pressure from overharvesting due to the excess demand for plant‐based herbal remedies. The extensive use of these metabolites in a number of industrial and pharmaceutical industries has prompted a call for more research into increasing the output via optimization of large‐scale production using plant tissue culture techniques. The potential of plant cells as sources of secondary metabolites can be exploited through a combination of product recovery technology research, targeted metabolite production, and in vitro culture establishment. The plant tissue culture approach provides low‐cost, sustainable, continuous, and viable secondary metabolite production that is not affected by geographic or climatic factors. This study covers recent advancements in the induction of medicinally relevant metabolites, as well as the conservation and propagation of plants by advanced tissue culture technologies.
Neuropathic pain is a disabling condition caused by various diseases and can profoundly impact the quality of life. Unfortunately, current treatments often do not produce complete amelioration and can be associated with potential side effects. Recently, herbal drugs have garnered more attention as an alternative or a complementary treatment. In this article, we summarized the results of randomized clinical trials to evaluate the effects of various phytomedicines on neuropathic pain. In addition, we discussed their main bioactive components and potential mechanisms of action to provide a better view of the application of herbal drugs for treating neuropathic pain.
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Cancer is a challenging ailment and represents the main reason for death worldwide for humans and animals. Although great developments have hindered cancer progression, several adverse effects are associated with modern chemotherapy. Natural remedies, such as the usage of medicinal plant or their products in cancer treatment, may decrease prejudicial side properties. Recently, the modern research scheme and innovative screening practices for herbs or plants have enabled phytochemical discovery for the prevention and treatment of cancer. This criticism highlights herbs such as acacia, basil, black seeds, cedar, castus, ficus, garlic, ginger, indigo, onion, pomegranate, quince, and thyme, promising anticancer effects. The present review also revealed the mode of action of each herb as anticancer effects at level in vitro and in vivo studies. The item also totalizes the vital mechanisms and signaling molecules involved in preventing cancer diseases. This will fill the investigate gap in the exploration of using natural molecules and encourage researchers in clinical trials of anticancer agents from herbs for humans and animals.
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Callus cultures from stems, leaves and roots of colocynth were initiated on MS media supplemented with various combinations of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) with kinetin (KIN) and benzyladenine (BA) with α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The highest percentage of callus formation frequency (98.9%) was obtained from stem explants grown on MS media supplemented with (1.0 mg/L) 2,4-D + (1.0 mg/L) KIN. The total phenolics and flavonoid content of the colocynth callus cultures were measured. The results showed that the MS medium supplemented with 6.0 mg/L 2,4-D + 2.0 mg/L KIN (MD3) gave the highest content of total phenolics (19.2 mg/100g d.w.) in leaf-derived calli. The highest content of flavonoids (47.3 mg/100g d.w.) was obtained in stem derived calli grown on the same medium (MD3). Antioxidant activities of extracts were determined using different assays, including DPPH radical scavenging activity, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) scavenging activity and ferric reducing power. Leaf-derived calli cultured on MS medium + 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D + 1.0 mg/L KIN (MD1) showed the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity (85.3%). The highest percentage of H2O2 scavenging activity (61.4%) was detected in leaf explant-derived calli growing on MD1. The leaf-derived calli growing on (MD3) gave the highest ferric reducing power (22.3 μg/g d.w.), compared to the activities of stems, leaves and roots of in vitro grown seedlings (3.28, 12.9 and 2.85 μg/g d.w.), which were used as controls. On the basis of the current findings, we conclude that MS media supplemented with different combinations of 2,4-D and KIN yields higher phenolics, flavonoids contents and antioxidant activities than MS media supplemented with BA and NAA.
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many explant cultured on ms media for callus induction and then cultured callus om regeneration media to obtain shoots and roots
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We report an efficient somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration system using leaf cultures of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) and assessed the effect of plant growth regulators on the regeneration process. Initially leaf explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with different concentrations of auxins viz., 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, gibberellic acid alone and along with combination of 6-benzylaminopurine. The different forms of calli such as compact, white friable, creamy friable, brownish nodular, green globular and green calli were induced from the leaf explants on MS medium containing different concentrations of auxins and gibberellins. Subsequently initial callus was subcultured at 1.5 mg L−1 BAP + 1.0 mg L−1 2,4-D which resulted in 25 % somatic embryos from 85 % nodular embryogenic nodular callus that is highest percentage. Similarly the lowest percentage of somatic embryos was recorded at 2.5 mg L−1 BAP + 0.5 mg L−1 NAA from 55 % embryogenic globular callus i.e., 16 %. High frequency of embryo development takes place at intermittent light when compared with continuous light in the individual subcultures. The cotyledonary embryos were developed into complete platelets on MS medium. In vitro regenerated plantlets were washed to remove the traces of agar and then transferred to sterile vermiculite and sand (2:1) containing pot.
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Conversion constants and procedures necessary to interconvert photometric, radiometric, and quantum light units are described for sunlight and 9 electrical light sources.
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The orchid genus Dendrobium contains species that have both ornamental value and medicinal importance. There is thus interest in producing cultivars that have increased resistance to pests, novel horticultural characteristics such as novel flower colours, improved productivity, longer flower spikes, or longer post-harvest shelf-life. Tissue culture is used to establish clonal plants while in vitro flowering allows for the production of flowers or floral parts within a sterile environment, expanding the selection of explants that can be used for tissue culture or genetic transformation. The latter is potentially the most effective, rapid and practical way to introduce new agronomic traits into Dendrobium. Most (69.4 %) Dendrobium genetic transformation studies have used particle bombardment (biolistics) while 64 % have employed some form of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. A singe study has explored ovary injection, but no studies exist on floral dip transformation. While most of these studies have involved the use of selector or reporter genes, there are now a handful of studies that have introduced genes for horticulturally important traits.
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Yes it is. This is the answer to the title. Why the question was asked is because plant scientists appear to be almost equally divided in their use of the abbreviation BA and BAP to describe the exact same cytokinin, 6-benzyladenine or 6-benzylamino purine, a synthetic compound (the natural form being Cytokinin B) commonly used in plant tissue culture. This short paper seeks to provide some clarification and to highlight the issues and disputes regarding the nomenclature of this (and other) cytokinins. A short survey of 38 countries indicates that BAP is used in 63% many more countries than in BA. Interestingly, in Japan at least, Wako and Sigma-Aldrich list the purchasable product as BAP, directly influencing the choice by scientists.
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In plant tissue culture, the disorganized (or undifferentiated) tissue that forms in response to stress or a whole array of in vitro treatments results in the formation of a disorganized mass of tissues, or callus, in both solid and liquid media. In animal and human bodies, it could also be referred to as cancer (in terms of disorganized growth) or callus (in terms of hardened growth). However, the plural form of the word callus, if we were to follow strict Latin rules, would be calli, or the Anglicized form (US or UK) would be calluses. Despite this, the term callus and calli are used very loosely in the literature when referring to the plural (> 1). I propose that the term callus be used in singular and plural form to describe the process and the object, and even in the plural form to describe unquantifiable masses of callus. In other words, I do not advocate the use of the term calli. For example, callus formed on leaf explants; callus tissue was removed from leaf explants; a large amount of callus formed on leaf explants. Should the singular and plural form be treated as one term in English, as for sheep, fish or pollen, in which the singular and plural forms are treated equally? In which cases could calluses be used? I examine this discrepancy in more detail in this short paper.
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. (wild gourd) is a desert plant of the Cucurbitaceae, naturally adapted to arid environments. It was known in biblical times as a source of seed oil and its fruits were used as an efficient laxative.
Solanum torvum Swartz (family: Solanaceae) is commonly known as turkey berry. This plant is found in tropical Africa, Asia and South America. S. torvum, is an important medicinal plant in tropical and subtropical countries is widely used like food and in folk medicine around the world. This aims a comprehensive of the chemical constituents, pharmacological, and clinical uses. A number of metabolites are in good yield and some have been shown to possess useful biological activities belonging mainly to steroid glycosides and saponins, flavonoid, vitamin B group, vitamin C, iron salts and steroidal alkaloids. Extracts and metabolites of this plant, particularly those from leaves and fruits possess useful pharmacological activities. A survey of the literature shows S. torvum is mainly used for the treatment of fever, wounds, tooth decay, reproductive problems and arterial hypertension. Many pharmacological studies have demonstrated the ability of this plant to exhibit Anti-oxidant activity, cardiovascular, immunomodulatory and nephroprotective activity supporting its traditional uses. This review attempts to highlight the available literature on S. torvum with respect to ethnobotany, chemical constituents and summary of various pharmacological activities.