
Collaborative governance in theory and practice

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... The Ministry of Health proceeded with the implementation of Minister of Health Regulation No. 4/2019 concerning Standar Teknis Pemenuhan Mutu Pelayanan Dasar SPM Kesehatan (PP No. 2/2018, 2018Permendagri No. 100/2018, 2018Permenkes No. 4 Tahun 2019, 2019. ...
... The Ministry of Health proceeded with the implementation of Minister of Health Regulation No. 4/2019 concerning Standar Teknis Pemenuhan Mutu Pelayanan Dasar SPM Kesehatan (PP No. 2/2018, 2018Permendagri No. 100/2018, 2018Permenkes No. 4 Tahun 2019, 2019. ...
... Additionally (Ansell and Gash, 2007). ...
The aim of research is to find factors that cause failure local government in providing access to basic types of services for hypertension sufferers according to SPM to all district residents, formulating appropriate regulations and public administration models and being able to mobilize collaboration among all pentahelix components to provide types of hypertension services according to the SPM, compiling and formulating models and strategies for collaborative collaborative governance, understand the role of facilitative leadership in collaborating across all pentahelix nodes , as well as creating breakthrough innovations in hypertension services. Research uses non-experimental qualitative methods with a case study approach, paying attention to the results of pre-eliminary studies , empirical facts and magnitude of public problems. Application of the pentahelix collaborative governance model has proven effective in increasing coverage of SPM for hypertension. Effective regulations consist of a regent's decision letter regarding the implementation of the pentahelix collaborative governance model, determining sub-district locus and a social contract between regent and all champions pentahelix. Cooperation model, roles and technical responsibilities of hypertension services for each pentahelix component at district, sub- district, village and RT/RW regional government levels, are regulated using a conceptual framework and business process standard for governance flow and reporting flow for implementation of pentahelix collaborative governance model. Facilitative and innovative leadership is the key to the success of Pentahelix collaboration in providing types of hypertension services that are easily accessible to all district residents.
... CGOs bring together a wide range of actors to enhance and co-create knowledge of complex processes, allocate resources, and make planning decisions (Newig, 2007;Olsson et al., 2004;Williams et al., 2017). Additionally, collaborative processes help manage conflicts, build trust, and mobilize action (Ansell & Gash, 2008;Wondolleck & Yaffee, 2000), and enable shared learning and cognitive flexibility (Emerson & Gerlak, 2014). With regard to these expectations, CGOs are comparable to other forms of Cross-Sector Partnerships (Clarke & Crane, 2018). ...
... With regard to these expectations, CGOs are comparable to other forms of Cross-Sector Partnerships (Clarke & Crane, 2018). Yet, prior research also highlights that collaborative processes in CGOs are embedded in regulation and public institutions (Ansell & Gash, 2008), which are associated with bureaucratic habits (Behagel & Arts, 2014). CGOs also face time and resource constraints (Biddle, 2017;Bodin et al., 2022) and are susceptible to issues of representativeness and power disparities (Purdy, 2012;A. ...
... Deliberations are transcribed in detail in meeting minutes. By design, deliberative spaces are at the very core of the functioning of collaborative governance (Ansell & Gash, 2008) and give a good overview of the objects of attention (i.e., "attention selection"; Ocasio, 2011Ocasio, , p. 1287) of these organizations. Indeed, CGOs that would not be mentioning a topic in any deliberation can be considered as not paying attention to this topic. ...
Collaborative Governance Organizations (CGOs) are commonly established to manage Socio-Ecological Systems (SESs). Collaborative processes are designed to gather information relevant to SESs from a diverse set of actors and to foster shared learning in the face of ecological adversity. Little is known, however, about how CGOs develop attention to emerging ecological adversity, which is critical for providing effective and timely responses that enhance SES resilience. The biophysical mechanisms driving emerging ecological adversity cut across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Developing attention to these mechanisms requires identifying cross-scale interdependencies and allocating limited attentional resources between local vs. global concerns, and short-term vs. long-term issues. This study explores the process of developing organizational attention to climate change in French river basins. We propose a model in which CGOs’ systemic attention develops through key interactions with the State, scientific councils, and their biophysical environment.
... Enhancing leaders' understanding through targeted educational initiatives is crucial for fostering a supportive environment for digital initiatives. [4], [13], [23], [24], [25] Leadership commitment is crucial for digital transformation. The absence of dedicated offices and teams highlights a gap in strategic planning and structural support necessary for success. ...
... This aligns with general principles of collaborative governance and participatory planning, although not directly supported by a specific theory in the literature review. Effective stakeholder collaboration is crucial for the successful implementation of smart cities initiatives, as it fosters innovation, ensures diverse perspectives are considered, and enhances the overall impact of these projects [23], [24]. Strengthening partnerships and promoting inclusive engagement are essential steps towards achieving cohesive and comprehensive smart cities development. ...
... While the findings highlight inadequate collaboration among government agencies, NGOs, and citizens, collaborative governance models offer a promising framework for fostering inclusive decision-making processes and leveraging diverse expertise. Ansell & Gash [23] discuss the importance of engaging stakeholders. As cocreators of smart cities solutions, building trust, fostering innovation, and ensuring initiatives reflect the needs and priorities of the community. ...
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In the domain of public service delivery, our research provides crucial guidance towards enhancing collaboration and achieving digital transformation. This study, focusing on Indonesian local government, uncovers insights that can reshape the smart governance dimension in the era of smart cities initiatives. Qualitative methods were used, conducting in-depth interviews with public officials, advanced observations, and detailed data collection from government agencies, NGOs, and citizens of Jambi, Indonesia. We identify significant challenges such as leadership commitment, digital talent resources, silos, and data integration deficiencies, emphasizing the need for sincere collaboration and advancing data interoperability. Addressing leadership awareness and the digital talent gap is essential for successful implementation, alongside improving cyber management and data security. Building on these challenges, the research highlights potential development areas including collaboration enhancement, prioritization of interoperability, robust data center development focusing on cyber management and data security, and targeted digital talent cultivation. Through research collaborations, this reseach aims to provide actionable insights and practical recommendations, contributing to effective governance. Tangible outcomes include a conceptual model, practical framework, and policy brief, empowering stakeholders. Ultimately, this research aspires to catalyze positive transformation, shaping a future of inclusive, innovative, and meaningful smart cities.
... This necessitates an understanding and appreciation of others' skills, competencies, and characters (Baker & Durham, 2013). Several other studies also indicate that high levels of collaborative success can be achieved when collaboration involves individuals with diverse working styles, values, cultures, educations, and occupational backgrounds (Baker & Durham, 2013;Cepiku, 2015;O'Leary & Vij, 2012;Emerson & Nabatchi, 2015;Ansell & Gash, 2008). ...
... Several previous studies have provided in-depth insights into various aspects of collaborative governance systems, including Ansell and Gash (2008) and ...
... Several prior studies focusing on the influence of collaborative competencies on collaborative governance, mediated by innovative governance in provincial government agencies, have been reviewed. Notable studies include Ansell and Gash (2008) and ...
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Objective: The study investigates the influence of collaborative competency on collaborative governance, with innovative governance serving as a mediator, in the provincial government agencies of Aceh Province, Indonesia. Theoretical Framework: the application of innovative governance to mediate the influence of collaborative competency on collaborative governance in the public sector. Method: The research utilizes the Amos software as a data processing instrument to employ the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) quantitative model. The investigation was conducted with 242 government officials from 54 Provincial Government Working Agencies (SKPA) in the province, representing top, middle, and operational management. Data of respondents were collected by disseminating closed-ended questionnaires in the form of Google forms via email and the provincial agency's WhatsApp group. Results and Discussions: The findings indicate that collaborative competency has significant direct effects on both innovative and collaborative governance, as well as a direct effect of innovative governance on collaborative governance. Additionally, the relationship between collaborative governance and collaborative competency is mediated by innovative governance. Research Implications: This research suggests that the quality and efficiency of public service delivery can be improved by enhancing collaborative competencies within government agencies, which can result in more effective and innovative governance practices. This emphasizes the necessity of creating policies and training programs that encourage the development of innovative approaches and collaborative skills among government officials. Originality/Value: In contrast to prior literature, which has primarily examined human resource competencies, effective governance, collaborative governance, employee productivity, and organizational performance. Nevertheless, the comprehensive investigation of the role of innovative governance in mediating the relationship between collaborative competencies and collaborative governance, particularly in the provincial government context, has not yet been completed.
... Pendapat lain diyakini oleh Huxham dan Vangen (Akbar, 2021) terdapat enam hal dalam proses Collaborative Governance diantaranya : Managing aims, goals atau objective ; Compromise ; Communication; Democarcy and equality; Powert and trust ; Determination, commitment and stamina. (Ansell & Gash, 2008) meyakini bahwa proses kolaborasi dan mekanisme Collaborative Governance akan berjalan dengan baik jika terdiri dari berbagai komponen diantaranya dialog antar muka, membangun kepercayaan, komitmen pada proses kolaborasi, pemahaman bersama dan adanya dampak sementara. ...
... Penelitian ini meyakini bahwa perlu diintesifkan kerjasama dan koordinasi berbagai pihak sehingga peran dari Pelabuhan Nambo dapat maksimal karena berjalannya pengelolaan secara terpadu berbagai stakeholder didalamnya, yang tentu harus dilakukan dengan berbagai komponen sebagai berikut : 1. Dialog antar muka Temuan penelitian menemukan bahwa dialog antar muka ini belum intens digelar padahal salah satu komponen penting dalam berjalannya kolaborasi (Collaborative Governance) jika terus menerus dilakukan dialog antar muka. Hal ini diyakini oleh (Ansell & Gash, 2008) yang menyatakan bahwa dialog antar muka sangat penting dalam mendorong terjadinya kesamaan pendapat dan persepsi mengenai pengelolaan pelabuhan Nambo. Dialog yang terus-menerus memastikan bahwa semua pemangku kepentingan berada dalam satu kesepahaman tentang prioritas dan tujuan bersama untuk meningkatkan operasional pelabuhan. ...
... Dengan demikian, Pelabuhan Nambo akan menjadi salah satu pilar utama dalam pengembangan wilayah, yang berperan penting dalam mendukung perekonomian lokal, menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan, dan membuka peluang untuk industri baru. Unsur membangun kepercayaan ini juga diyakini oleh (Ansell & Gash, 2008) Komoditi perikanan 2,5 4 ...
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Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh peran strategis yang diniliki oleh Pelabuhan Nambo Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan mekanisme Collaborative Governance dalam alam mendukung distribusi barang, khususnya Aspal Buton, serta menjadi pendorong utama perekonomian daerah. Dalam pengelolaannya, pelabuhan melibatkan berbagai stakeholder, seperti pemerintah daerah, pengelola pelabuhan, perusahaan pelayaran, pengusaha logistik, dan masyarakat setempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan mekanisme Collaborative Governance dalam pengelolaan Pelabuhan Nambo Kabupaten Buton, dengan pendekatan deskriptif untuk menggambarkan dinamika kolaborasi antara berbagai pihak yang terlibat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Buton (Pelabuhan Nambo) dan di Kota Kendari dari Bulan Juni-September 2024. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Penerapan Mekanisme Collaborative Governance sangat diperlukan dalam pengelolaan Pelabuhan Nambo sehingga akan mendorong penyelenggaraan transportasi dan bongkar muat logistic menjadi lebih efisien dan efektif serta meningkatnya kinerja pelabuhan itu sendiri.
... A specific strand of literature known as collaborative governance (CG) has emerged and particularly focusses on promoting and sustaining collaboration among actors who do not always have the same goals or interests when governing a problem field in public arenas 37,38,43,44 . The distinctive elements of CG include sharing understanding, joint decision-making 38 and interaction patterns between actors over time [44][45][46] . ...
... A specific strand of literature known as collaborative governance (CG) has emerged and particularly focusses on promoting and sustaining collaboration among actors who do not always have the same goals or interests when governing a problem field in public arenas 37,38,43,44 . The distinctive elements of CG include sharing understanding, joint decision-making 38 and interaction patterns between actors over time [44][45][46] . Multiple studies combine the fields of NG and CG 38,43,47 . ...
... Research has tried to explain network formation at multiple levels: the actor level, the level of pre-existing relations between actors and the institutional level 39,85,86 . This includes an interest in the starting conditions of the process 44,47 . However, few studies address the fundamental question of how they get started in the first place 29,85 . ...
... Our third mechanism shares the focus on collective rationality with the deliberative logic, but distinguishes itself through its administrative rather than democratic rationale. The 'functional participatory planning mechanism' enhances the position of marginalized groups through pragmatist and experimental 'collaborative governance' (Ansell and Gash 2008;Emerson, Nabatchi, and Balogh 2012). Rather than unequal opportunities for interest articulation or distorted deliberative dialogues, the governance problem concerns a lack of coordination and collective problem-solving capacity (Innes and Booher 2004;Healey, 1998). ...
... Numerous studies stress the importance of trust for the enforcement of participatory planning (cf. Ansell and Gash 2008;Forester 2006). As a perception of the good intentions of others, trust facilitates participation. ...
... 16 First, we suggest bringing citizens 'and' planners as actors into the analysis points to new possible outcomes of decentralization. Although more local resources and authority may make participation in decentralized systems more meaningful from a participant's point of view (Ansell and Gash 2008;Fung and Olin Wright 2001;Goodhart et al. 2012), from the perspective of elected politicians or their civil servants, the incentives might look quite different. Referring back to the asymmetric interdependencies indicated in the process analysis above, in situations where local administrations control crucial resources for implementation, they will be less dependent on voluntary cooperation or self-help engagement, and they will not have the same incitement to exchange influence for compliance (cf. ...
It is repeatedly argued that social justice, equity and the interests of the marginalized and disadvantaged, benefit from government-driven ‘invited participation’ in spatial planning. In fact, often equity planning is described as participatory by definition. On the other hand, empirical research has repeatedly demonstrated that participatory governance initiatives may in fact be driven by other motives and has entirely different effects. By specifying four theoretical mechanisms and by arguing that Sweden fulfils crucial structural conditions as a most likely case for participatory governance success, this paper examines the opportunities for more equitable planning through invited participation based on a nationwide survey. The process-oriented analysis demonstrates that the inclusion of marginalized individuals into planning is primarily a strategy for ‘top-down’ implementation of policies already decided on, but also that also such ‘instrumental’ mechanisms suffer from weak and vague participation and obscure links to decision-making. The overall conclusion suggests that invited participation has limited potential to strengthen the interests of marginalized groups. Drawing on these observations, and elaborating on the initial theoretical expectations, an alternative ‘analytic narrative’ on the prospects for participatory governance as a means to promote equity in planning is outlined.
... Thus, when addressing stunting issues, academics consider relevant stakeholders using the concept of collaborative governance. By fostering face-to-face communication, establishing trust, upholding commitment, and exchanging common knowledge, collaborative governance aims to accommodate the interests of diverse stakeholders in working together from the planning stage to the ongoing policy process (Ansell & Gash, 2007). ...
... Collaborative Governance according to Ansell and Gash (2007) defines collaborative governance as an arrangement that regulates one or more public institutions that are directly involved with non-public stakeholders in a formal, consensus-oriented, and deliberative collective decision-making process aimed at making or implementing public policies or managing public programs or assets. This definition can be formulated with several keywords that emphasize the six collaborative characteristics stated by Ansell and Gash (2007), including: ...
... Collaborative Governance according to Ansell and Gash (2007) defines collaborative governance as an arrangement that regulates one or more public institutions that are directly involved with non-public stakeholders in a formal, consensus-oriented, and deliberative collective decision-making process aimed at making or implementing public policies or managing public programs or assets. This definition can be formulated with several keywords that emphasize the six collaborative characteristics stated by Ansell and Gash (2007), including: ...
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This research aims to understand how collaborative governance between the Buton Regency government and other stakeholders related to stunting issues can collaborate and contribute to reducing stunting rates, particularly in the Bajau ethnic community living in the Buton region. Due to their long-standing isolation above the sea, the Bajo/Bajau community has a lower level of welfare compared to other ethnic communities in Buton. Through a descriptive qualitative approach, the researcher found that although collaboration has been effective at the government level, there are still several obstacles, such as suboptimal private sector involvement and low health awareness among the Bajau community. This research can contribute to an approach to governance, especially at the regional level, that prioritizes aspects of collaboration and does not leave the socio-cultural aspects in the community. Keywords: stunting, collaborative approach, Bajau community; local government.
... 3) Implementation: Aturan dasar yang telah disepakati tersebut merupakan ketentuan yang telah disepakati sehingga dalam pelaksanaannya harus selalu dimonitor (Ansell. C & Gash. A., 2007) Dalam kolaborasi juga terdapat komponen-komponen yang membentuk siklus dan mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Diantaranya yaitu: ...
... Dampak sementara (intermediate outcomes).(Ansell. C & Gash. A., 2007) c. Unit Pengembangan BahasaUnit Pengembangan Bahasa (UPB) adalah sebuah unit atau bagian di dalam lingkungan perguruan tinggi yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa, baik Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa asing bagi civitas akademika di kampus tersebut. Unit ini biasanya memiliki program-program yang di ...
The low participation of participants in Nadwah Usbuiyyah is caused by a lack of encouragement and ineffective management of activities. Therefore, the researcher proposes collaboration between Arabic language development institutions to exchange ideas and formulate concrete steps in creating innovative solutions. This study aims to develop a collaborative strategy design as an effort to increase the participation of participants in Nadwah Usbu’iyyah at IAIN Palopo. The involved institutions include the Language Development Unit, the Arabic Language Education Study Program, and the Student Association of the Arabic Language Education Study Program. The method used is Research & Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model, consisting of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, conducted from August to September 2024. Data collection techniques include interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and documentation. The results indicate the validity level of the collaborative strategy design by language validators at 89% and content validators at 93%, both categorized as very valid. The FGD assessment also shows a feasibility rate of 91%, indicating that this strategy design is highly suitable for implementation in Nadwah Usbuiyyah activities.
... Collaborative governance is a governing framework involving one or more governmental agencies and nonstate actors in a joint decision-making process characterized as consensus-orientation, formal and deliberate construction, geared towards the implementation of public policy or the management of public programmes or projects (Ansell & Gash, 2007). Ansell and Gash (2007) advanced preconditions for the engagement in collaborative governance: the collaboration actors include non-governmental actors; collaborative governance is initiated by the government agencies; there is direct involvement of collaborating partners in decision-making, and their roles goes beyond mere consultation; the collaborative governance arrangement is conducted in a formal setting; the decision-making approach in collaborative governance is based on consensus; the end-result of collaborative governance is the formulation and management of public policy. ...
... Collaborative governance is a governing framework involving one or more governmental agencies and nonstate actors in a joint decision-making process characterized as consensus-orientation, formal and deliberate construction, geared towards the implementation of public policy or the management of public programmes or projects (Ansell & Gash, 2007). Ansell and Gash (2007) advanced preconditions for the engagement in collaborative governance: the collaboration actors include non-governmental actors; collaborative governance is initiated by the government agencies; there is direct involvement of collaborating partners in decision-making, and their roles goes beyond mere consultation; the collaborative governance arrangement is conducted in a formal setting; the decision-making approach in collaborative governance is based on consensus; the end-result of collaborative governance is the formulation and management of public policy. ...
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The paper examined the role of public administrators in innovations in collaborative governance. The study used secondary method of data collection, which relies on consulting text books, academic journal articles, government documents and circulars, internet sources, and personal observation. The various concepts central to the work (collaborative governance and innovation) were conceptualized. Also, the imperatives of innovations in collaborative governance were explored. An examination of literature reveal that public administrators play tremendous roles in innovative collaborative governance, such as: the selection of teams of innovators, which would determine who to partner with, in a collaborative governance arrangement; clarifying the distinctive roles of the various collaborative actors; enhancing interactions and exchange between participants in collaborative governance; ensuring political support for the search for innovative solutions in a collaborative governance initiatives; directing the collective search for innovative solutions; holding meetings with, and coordinating various collaborative actors; creating a common platform of understanding and mutual cooperation among collaborative partners; ensuring that conflicts are collectively resolved among collaborative partners; creating a sense of urgency that stimulate initiation and sustenance of collaborative governance.
... The result is authentic and sustainable tourism that draws both domestic and foreign Muslims to Bukittinggi. The Halal tourist Theory by Wardi et al. and the Collaborative Governance theory by Ansell and Gash (Ansell & Gash, 2008) were used to study the integration of halal tourist development in Bukittinggi City. The following explains the data analysis used to integrate halal tourist development in Bukittinggi City: ...
... Collaboration among communities, tourism businesses, and the government demonstrates that integration has been realized in the development of halal tourism in Bukittinggi City. Actors work together to develop halal tourism in Bukittinggi City with their respective roles and responsibilities, which can be examined through the collaborative governance theory developed by Ansell and Gash (Ansell & Gash, 2008). According to this theory, there are several stages that can be carried out, which are explained as follows: ...
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This study addresses the potential of halal tourism as a promising revenue sector in Bukittinggi City, which has a majority Muslim population with the philosophy of life “Adat Basandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah.” Bukittinggi was chosen as a tourism destination based on its strong local culture, customs, and religion, which are aligned with the vision of halal tourism. Bukittinggi City has potential, but also has to face problems including limited infrastructure, halal tourism awareness, and contention over the socio-cultural impact of the arrival of foreign travelers. This research uses a qualitative method with an explanatory approach and data collection through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the community, tourism businesses, and the government contribute to integrating halal tourism development in Bukittinggi City by providing services, regulations, supervision, training, socialization, assistance, capacity building, and promotion of halal tourism. An active collaboration is also required to ensure inclusive, authentic, and sustainable growth of the tourism industry, which makes Bukittinggi a desirable halal tourism destination for Muslim visitors from all over the world. Moreover, the effective implementation of collaboration strategies between the local government, business actors, and local communities is expected to increase local economic growth and tourism image.
... The ideological use of collaborative governance can be traced back to Donahue (2008), who describes a focused interaction between society and policy to address various needs. This idea is modeled by Ansell and Gash (2008), who emphasize how collaborative governance deliberates collective public and private processes that seeks consensus between stakeholders. It excels in both complex problem-solving and interest maximization with optimal resource inputs; these include technological knowledge, stakeholder engagement, funding, and organizational structure (Sun 2017). ...
... One clear consideration must be the power to decide stakeholder status. Stakeholders may withhold an individual or group status but are often referred to as a participatory entity (Ansell and Gash 2008). This definition is not synonymous between decision-making entities, lending considerable power to those who do allocate this status. ...
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Between 2010 and 2018, Kittitas County, Washington faced an influx of Solar Power Production Facility (SPPF) proposals that challenged its traditional rural land management governance. Despite state support of decarbonized energy, variegated interpretations of project permitting procedures induced heated contentions amongst stakeholders. To explore this, this research constructs a multijurisdictional legal framework for SPPF advancement. It uses these laws to divulge the permitting processes of three case study projects founded in Kittitas County’s renewable energy history: The Wild Horse Wind Facility, the Iron Horse Solar Project, and the Columbia Solar Projects. Through a mixed methodology of project archival analysis and policy effectiveness testing, this research applies ideas of collaborative landscape governance to identify and address procedural contentions. This thesis asserts that past and current management processes remain insufficient to effectively manage SPPFs in Kittitas County. Although the county updated its code with new SPPF guidelines, additional tactics are needed to improve the procedural process. Effective SPPF management is necessary as Washington State’s decarbonization requirements become increasingly stringent. Therefore, this work coalesces its findings with that of other successful SPPF management projects to recommend collaborative governance strategies for Kittitas County. It concludes that clear SPPF siting, community-centric development, facilitated permitting deliberations and creative land use development solutions could play a pivotal role in an effective collaboration-based SPPF management scheme.
... Councils also proposed mechanisms to ensure strong local influence and a diversity of representation on RRGs, reflective of the various councils, iwi, and hapū. These suggestions are aligned with the framework of collaborative governance (Agranoff and McGuire 2001, Ansell and Gash 2008, Emerson, Nabatchi et al. 2012. Recommendations included adopting a democratic process for selecting RRG members based on population and establishing a permanent joint committee with single council representatives. ...
... They strongly believe that the reform process should be paused for few years to allow the new regulator, Taumata Arowai, to establish itself and to assess how effectively councils are meeting their current obligations and responsibilities. This viewpoint aligns with recommendations by Ansell and Gash (2008) on the importance of gradual implementation in governance reforms to ensure all stakeholders adapt effectively. If the reform proceeds, councils support a phased transition, starting with drinking water and wastewater, while deferring the transition of stormwater management until the WSEs are fully operational and resource management reforms are in place. ...
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The "Three Waters Reform" in New Zealand was initiated in response to a critical water contamination incident in Havelock North in 2016, which resulted in widespread illness and fatalities. This reform sought to restructure the management and delivery of water services to address systemic issues within the sector. The proposed transition from local council control to four regional Water Services Entities (WSEs), and subsequently to ten entities, generated considerable debate. This study comprehensively analyzed the perspectives of a key stakeholder group: local governments in New Zealand. Our analysis included local governments' submissions on the Water Services Entities Bill 2021, which detailed the provisions of the three waters reform, along with public documents. The study employed a qualitative methodology using thematic analysis to explore the data. Key concerns from local governments included the loss of local voice and accountability, centralization of power, and potential challenges in governance and implementation. Despite these concerns, there was support for including Mana Whenua in governance structures and the establishment of Taumata Arowai, a dedicated water regulator. The findings highlight the importance of transparent, inclusive processes and careful consideration of local contexts in future water governance in New Zealand.
... Some studies have distinguished the role of regulation in the welfare state, expressed as the regulatory welfare state (RWS) (Levi-Faur, 2014). Others have noted the growth of collaboration in the design and implementation of public policy and the welfare state context (Ansell & Gash, 2008;Lahat et al., 2023). However, to the best of our knowledge, the link between these two trends has not been discussed. ...
... The collaborative governance approach suggests a change in the tendency of government agencies to work in a direct command-andcontrol manner, emphasizing the added value of working cooperatively and sharing influence and responsibility with relevant partners when dealing with complex problems (Ansell & Gash, 2008). While collaborative governance emphasizes the collaboration of all stakeholders, it is not limited to any particular method. ...
Recent changes and challenges in the welfare state mean there is a need to pay more attention to collaboration in the regulation of the welfare state. The paper proposes a new theoretical perspective, the collaborative regulatory welfare state (CRWS), to refer to regulatory processes that involve collaborative practices in the welfare state. It explicates four elements that support CRWS: patterns of operation, trust, values, and professional knowledge and learning. To illustrate our theoretical claims, we offer two examples of regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper adds to the theoretical literature on the regulatory welfare state and collaborative governance and has practical implications for the regulation within the welfare state as a practice to promote societal values.
... The renewal of historic districts involves the participation and interaction of multiple stakeholders [8]. This study, based on governance actor theory and stakeholder theory [9] , systematically reviews policy documents and planning texts to construct a framework for identifying actors involved in the renewal of the Tanhualin Historic District. ...
... The participation structure reflects the practical characteristics of "professional dominance, administrative promotion, and passive resident involvement" in the renewal of historic districts. Although the renewal objectives emphasize "revitalizing urban genes, fostering fashionable cultural lifestyles, and creating a harmonious civil society," the effective collaboration among diverse actors has yet to be fully realized in practice [8]. The study suggests that establishing more inclusive participation mechanisms and balancing the relationship between preservation and development are critical pathways to optimizing governance in the renewal of historic districts [9][10]. ...
... Dalam proses penyusunan atau pelaksanaan kebijakan dan program publik, pemangku kepentingan baik dari dalam maupun luar pemerintah terlibat langsung dalam tata kelola kolaboratif. Untuk melaksanakan perencanaan pengendalian banjir dan menurunkan kemungkinan terjadinya banjir, semua pihak yang terlibat harus saling bekerja sama (Chris Ansell, 2008). Coolaborative Governance dalam hal ini mengacu pada solusi koperatif yang melibatkan organisasi sektor publik dan swasta serta masyarakat (Hayat, 2018 ...
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This research discusses the role of Collaborative Governance in overcoming potential floods in Malang City. This research is motivated by the many flooding problems in several points in Malang City that have not been resolved. The aim of this research is to examine the role of Collaborative Governance in flood management in Malang City. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The informants in this research were the Regional Disaster Management Agency and the surrounding community. The results of this research show that the duties and responsibilities of the Regional Disaster Management Agency in dealing with disasters are quite good. On the other hand, the research results found that the factors that cause flooding are not only natural factors but also a lack of public concern for the environment. Apart from that, existing obstacles to flood management are also due to limited funds, lack of public awareness, and the existence of sectoral egos.
... According to Ansell and Gash (2008), collaborative governance is known 'as a governing arrangement where one or more public agencies are engaging the nonstate stakeholders in a collective decision-making process that is formal, consensus-oriented, and deliberative, and that aims to make or implement public policy or manage public programs or assets' (Ansell and Gash, 2008, p. 543). ...
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The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in public administration and collaborative governance becomes more and more acknowledged. The main objective of the paper is to present a qualitative analysis of the role of AI in matters of collaborative governance. Now, artificial intelligence represents an important part of the modern society. AI has the great capacity of generating significant benefits for the people and the overall economy. Moreover, a system of collaborative governance proves necessary for an ethical implementation of the newest technologies involving artificial intelligence. The creation of restrictive policies with regard to the use of AI will aid in the proper implementation of the most advanced technologies while minimizing risks. On the other hand, through the collaboration between the public and the private sectors, a more secure, homogenous and developed society could be created. Collaborative governance has the potential of breaking the barriers that were in the way of the expansion of knowledge within the society, and through the involvement of artificial intelligence, new levels of functionality could be achieved. Moreover, taking into consideration the fact that artificial intelligence cannot be corrupted, a process of trust building among the community will be able to emerge
... Prioritizing regional needs, mutual learning, building democratic and legitimate institutions appears more important (Küpper & Kundolf, 2021). Conversely, the Collaborative Governance Theory promotes bringing private and public stakeholders together in a collective forum for consensusoriented decision-making (Ansell & Gash, 2008). ...
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Agriculture is deeply rooted in family and community structures, geographic endowments, cultural traditions, regional development, and technology. Cultural stickiness of practices and reducing real prices of agricultural produce are known challenges. Entrepreneurship research focuses on individuals, innovation, opportunity identification, employment, and regional development. Thus, entrepreneurship in agriculture is not a natural fit. The urgency to increase agricultural entrepreneurs is demonstrated by multiple policies promoted by governments. The complex interaction between agriculture sector and entrepreneurship necessitated a review of theories applied in research. A systematic literature review of articles in the SCOPUS database was undertaken to understand how specificities of agriculture influence different stages of entrepreneurship. The theories identified in this research fall into several broad categories: entrepreneurial career choice, feminism, values, social capital and resources, market-based theories, firm growth, decision-making, institutional and governance theories, innovation, learning, and societal perspectives. The non-profit and social motives, increasing role of women, and re-peasantization as a social preference further adds to the complexity of entrepreneurial processes. The multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary nature of agricultural entrepreneurship poses challenges to achieving theoretical convergence. Thus, agri-entrepreneurship has to be viewed from a distinct perspective. This review contributes to the entrepreneurship and agriculture literature by synthesizing various theoretical approaches, guiding in the selection of appropriate methodologies and situating agri-entreprneurship research focus within the discipline.
... The framework proposes the establishment of MPpAs using a collaborative process that begins with inclusive and representative structures supported by a unifying vision, which are all the basis for co-management and collaborative conservation approaches (Bryson et al., 2006;Ansell and Gash, 2008). A co-created vision, or narrative, (Figure 4) can foster empathy and a shared understanding of needs, challenges and opportunities (Chabay et al., 2019) and guide governance processes that define the path towards success (Lorimer, 2017). ...
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Mechanisms for marine ecological protection and recovery, including area-based conservation tools like ‘Marine Protected Areas’ (MPAs) are necessary tools to reach the Aichi Target or the forthcoming 30x30 target set by the Kunming-Montreal Biodiversity Framework. However, full ecosystem recovery takes years to manifest and the idea that MPA protection alone will foster human well-being is frequently contradicted by socio-economic evidence. Therefore, a new framework for marine area-based conservation and ecosystem restoration that reconciles the discrepancies between ecological recovery and socio-economic growth timelines is needed to effectively meet global biodiversity conservation targets. We introduce the concept of ‘Marine Prosperity Areas,’ (MPpA) an area-based conservation tool that prioritizes human prosperity as opposed to passively relying on ecosystem recovery to catalyze social change and economic growth. This concept leverages a suite of tried-and-true community-based intervention and investment strategies to strengthen and expand access to environmental science, social goods and services, and the financial perks of the blue economy. This data-driven framework may be of interest to stakeholders who support traditional area-based conservation models, but also to those who have been historically opposed to MPAs or have been excluded from past conservation processes.
... Limited collaboration and stakeholder engagement, characterized by siloed decision-making and mistrust, impede collective action and the development of innovative solutions to complex challenges. This is consistent with Ansell & Gash (2018) and Emerson et al. (2019), who emphasize the importance of collaborative governance. ...
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This study aimed to develop a public sector leadership framework for achieving higher economic development. A qualitative approach with an exploratory research design was employed, and 20 participants (Department Heads) from relevant government departments in South Africa were selected through purposive sampling. Thematic analysis was conducted on data collected through semi-structured interviews. Several significant challenges were identified within the public sector leadership, which included institutional weaknesses, historical inequalities, corruption, lack of accountability, inadequate resource allocation, resistance to change, ethical leadership deficits, compliance issues with legislative frameworks, and insufficient development of skills and resources. These issues collectively contributed to the adverse impact on economic development, such as diminished investor confidence, hindered economic growth, increased policy uncertainty, economic stagnation, erosion of investor trust, a decline in corporate competitiveness, and inefficiencies in governmental service delivery. Through the proposed public sector leadership framework, key recommendations are proposed to address the challenges and enhance economic development in South Africa.
... La governance collaborativa degli Hub di Quartiere (adattato daAnsell & Gash, 2008) ...
... Konsep terkait kejasama pemerintah ini dikenal dengan nama Collaborative Governance. Collaborative Governance merupakan perjanjian kerjasama antara pemerintah dan stakeholders nonpemerintah dalam proses pembuatan keputusan kolektif yang bersifat formal, berdasarkan konsensus, dan bersifat deliberative yang bertujuan untuk membuat atau mengimplementasikan kebijakan publik, manajemen program atau aset publik (Ansell & Gash, 2008 Pelaksanaan proses kolaborasi pemerintah dalam pengembangan dan pembangunan desa wisata demi peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat pada kenyataannya tidak selalu berjalan dengan baik, mengingat banyak sekali faktor-faktor baik internal ataupun eksternal organisasi yang membawa masing-masing kepentingan, namun terlepas dari hal tersebut proses kolaborasi harus berjalan dengan komitmen untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan bersama, namun dalam hal ini, salah satu permasalahan yang muncul dalam proses kolaborasi yaitu, tidak semua stakeholder secara sadar ikut terlibat dan melaksanakan peran serta tanggungjawabnya secara maksimal (Saputra et al., 2022) ...
One of Gianyar Regency's tourist settlements is Blahbatuh Village. In Blahbatuh Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency, this study aims to ascertain the type of collaborative governance in tourism village development. All parties, including the government, society, and other stakeholders, are hoped to benefit from collaborative governance. Descriptive qualitative research methodology was employed in this study. The analysis makes use of collaboration success measures developed by Deseve and collaboration process indicators developed by Ansell and Gash. The findings of this study demonstrate that the Blahbatuh Village administration has established partnerships with several groups, including the commercial sector and the local community, to build the Blahbatuh Tourism Village and boost the local tourism industry and economy. The findings of this study demonstrate that the government of Blahbatuh Village has established partnerships with several groups, including the private sector and the local population, to build the Blahbatuh Tourism Village and boost the local community's economy and tourism. The establishment of the Blahbatuh Tourism Board (BTB), a community-based management organization for the tourism village, is one example of teamwork. The researcher's conclusion is that the Blahbatuh Village Government's Collaboration process, while in line with Deserve's Collaboration success metrics, is nevertheless hindered by the availability of human resources. This study makes the recommendation to increase the actors' level of trust in the program and its objectives. This study makes the recommendation to increase the players' level of trust in the program and its objectives while also forging cooperative linkages in the form of rules. Keywords: Collaborative, Governance, Tourist Village
... For instance, urban green initiatives, such as citizen-led tree-planting programs, contribute to improved ecosystem services and climate resilience in cities [6,7]. Moreover, collaborative governance models that include citizens in decision-making processes often lead to more equitable and effective environmental policies [8][9][10]. Thus, fostering citizen engagement in nature protection is not only a practical necessity but also a moral imperative for ensuring the sustainability of natural systems. ...
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Plants are an essential component of ecosystems; however, their significance is frequently underestimated, resulting in less effective conservation efforts. One approach to address plant blindness (PB) or plant awareness disparity (PAD) is to establish connections between plants and animals, as animals inherently attract more human attention. In this study, we employed an online questionnaire to manipulate visual materials featuring plant flowers alone, plant flowers accompanied by pollinators, and pollinators in isolation. We assessed participants' willingness to protect (WTP) and the perceived attractiveness of both plants and their pollinators. Our findings revealed that pollinators presented alone received higher WTP scores than plants. Moreover, the visual association between pollinators and plants enhanced WTP plants. Conversely, plants were consistently perceived as more attractive than pollinators, irrespective of whether the flowers were displayed alone or alongside pollinators. The perceived attractiveness of both plants and pol-linators was significantly correlated with WTP. Notably, colourful pollinators such as Selasphorus rufus, Vestiaria coccinea, and Danaus plexippus positively influenced WTP plants, while the remaining five species (predominantly invertebrates) did not exhibit a similar effect. We propose that establishing a connection between visually appealing pol-linators and plants can help mitigate PB/PAD. These pollinators should be utilised as umbrella species to enhance human attention and interest in pollination processes and plant biology.
... In general, the level of public trust (Ansell and Gash 2008) in the performance of the Police in the Thirty-four Regional Police has a value of 77.36% (Abubakar, Prasojo, and Jannah 2017) The following is the distribution of the new ETLE station spots that were held in the National Phase I: So it can be seen that the biggest cost element is the network cost (Undesa 2007), which should get more attention regarding its use. And the fact is that currently the Indonesian National Police do not yet have the ability to establish their own network. ...
The topic of privatization rarely appeared dominantly in the implementation of activities controlled by the police in Indonesia before. However, in other countries in the last two decades, the wave of privatization has been inevitable due to the increasing number of government, military and police activities that cannot be carried out on their own, especially in matters that occur after the procurement of special equipment, such as maintenance and matters related to the operation of the equipment. itself. This condition occurs due to the incompetence of personnel and is supported by the inability of a timely budget with planning activities. Therefore, public participation in cooperation in traffic law enforcement (Public Private Partnerships in Traffic Enforcement), especially in the context of public transparency and more open communication, is very important in order to lead to success and sustainable implementation of all activities of the Indonesian National Police, especially in Traffic Corps. This paper is expected to be able to identify the need for such a business model in the future to make a policy making easier. Keywords: Privatization; Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement; Public and Private Cooperation; Public Private Partnerships in Traffic Enforcement
... This collaboration can enhance the effectiveness of waste management programs. The theory of collaboration suggests that interaction among various stakeholders can lead to better solutions (Ansell & Gash, 2021). The government must provide adequate facilities and clear educational programs, while the community is expected to actively participate in waste management. ...
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This study examines community participation in chemical waste management in urban areas, aiming to understand the extent of community involvement in protecting the environment from the harmful impacts of hazardous waste. The introduction outlines the importance of managing chemical waste in densely populated urban areas and the risks arising from a lack of public awareness and knowledge. This research employs a qualitative approach, utilizing in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and direct observations. Interviews were conducted to explore community perspectives and motivations, questionnaires were used to assess their level of participation and understanding, and observations were carried out to examine real actions in waste management practices. The results indicate that community participation remains low, influenced by limited outreach, awareness, and support facilities. This study highlights the need for improved education, facility provision, and partnership programs between the government, community, and private sector for more effective and sustainable chemical waste management.
... Pendekatan ini tidak bisa hanya dilakukan oleh guru, namun perlu dukungan dari orang tua siswa, masyarakat, pemerintah, dan pihak swasta. Implementasi strategi ini sesuai dengan konsep collaborative governance (Ansell & Gash, 2007), yang menyatakan bahwa pelaksanaan sebuah kebijakan public memerlukan campur tangan banyak pihak. Oleh karenanya dalam GLS sesuai hasil penelitian, proses peningkatan literasi dasar dilakukan dengan memenuhi tiga hal: pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana literasi, penciptaan lingkungan literasi, dan dukungan dari Masyarakat atau komunitas termasuk pemerintah. ...
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Background: The national level of basic literacy skills in Indonesia, as assessed by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), remains alarmingly low. This is an anomaly considering the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (Gerakan Literasi Sekolah/GLS) at the elementary school level, which has introduced various strategies for enhancing basic literacy skills.Objective: Therefore, this study aims to analyze strategies for improving basic literacy skills among elementary school students to support an increase in PISA scores.Methods: The research method employed in this study is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which involved analyzing journal articles published between 2019 and 2024 related to strategies for enhancing basic literacy skills in elementary school students in Surabaya. The researchers reviewed five journal articles obtained from Google Scholar.Results: The findings reveal several strategies that have been implemented to improve basic literacy skills among elementary school students, including literacy habituation through GLS and teaching methods such as the formation of literacy clubs, reading aloud, and the use of visual media. Necessary support includes the provision of facilities and infrastructure, awarding incentives, and collaborative support from all stakeholders. Meanwhile, obstacles include the absence of a dedicated literacy team, inadequate facilities and infrastructure, and changes in school leadership policies regarding literacy activities.Conclusion: The strategy to improve basic literacy involves holistic efforts through habitual literacy activities, student-centered teaching methods, and collaborative support from all stakeholders (schools, parents, communities, governments, and private sectors), aiming to enhance students' critical thinking, global mindset, and PISA performance while addressing challenges like inadequate resources and policy changes.
... The fourth is the regulation and arrangement of disaster-prone areas to reduce the threat of disasters that occur On this basis, there needs to be an optimally integrated interconnectedness of systems, subsystems, sectors, and stakeholders. The concept of interconnection between systems and stakeholders is the collaborative Penta helix concept [1]. This collaborative concept was born from the governance paradigm in Public Administration Science, especially the concept of collaborative governance [2]. ...
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This paper explains the efforts of F-PRB of West Sumatra Province in optimizing the role of actors using the Penta Helix concept. This study applied descriptive qualitative methods and data collection methods are interviews, and documentation. The conclusions of this study showed that The Penta Helix concept is the right concept to be applied in the context of disaster mitigation by F-PRB. Then the second conclusion is that implementing the Penta helix concept in F-PRB is still not optimal. It can be seen from one of the involvement of stakeholders that it is still not balanced and also not representative in terms of the number of each element. The third is collaboration process with these five stakeholders is quite optimal. There are Several recommendations need to be considered form this research. The first is that F-PRB and stakeholders in each element must increase the number of members involved and join the forum to be representative. F-PRB also needs to embrace and involve elements of society at the village level to be involved and join the membership of this forum. Then, there needs to be more intense collaboration activities related to disaster mitigation creating a resilience society.
... Collaborative governance was one of the key topics throughout the course. Ansell and Gash (2008) consider collaborative governance as an alternative to "adversarial and managerial" regulation. They argue that collaborative governance models bring public and private actors together to encourage "consensus-oriented decision-making". ...
... The system functions autonomously, collecting data on recycled plastic bottles by barcodes or tags attached to intelligent garbage vending machines (Rutqvist et al. 2019). Strategic partnerships are established with stakeholders, such Behavioral change A sustainable service design approach can motivate individuals to reduce plastic consumption, recycle more, and adopt sustainable alternatives, promoting sustainable practices (Tong et al. 2018), (Blanco et al. 2009;Tong et al. 2018) Stakeholder engagement A sustainable service design approach ensures that all relevant stakeholders are involved in designing an effective incentive system, resulting in a more inclusive and effective solution (Ansell and Gash 2008), (Garnett and Cooper 2014), (Joseph 2006), Long-term viability A sustainable service design approach prioritizes longterm sustainability in incentive systems, considering scalability, adaptability, and economic feasibility to ensure system success and avoid unintended consequences (Manzini and Vezzoli 2003), (Fiksel 2006), (Seadon 2010) Systemic change A sustainable service design approach addresses the plastic waste system's structural issues through innovative solutions, extending beyond behavioral change (John et al. 2019). (Manning et al. 2023), (Galli, Nothomb et al. 2014) Scalability and replicability The smart incentive system should be scalable and replicable across different regions or communities, utilizing a sustainable service design approach that considers scalability from the outset. ...
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This study presents an innovative incentive-driven plastic recycling system aimed at urban sustainability, tackling the escalating problem of plastic waste and its environmental repercussions. The suggested solution integrates real-time data collecting, intuitive technologies, and customized incentives to promote recycling engagement. The research examines the attitudes, practices, and perceptions of 288 survey participants about plastic recycling and the incorporation of technology. Findings indicate that 56% of respondents participate in recycling activities, with relationships between technology familiarity and recycling behavior implying the viability of this method. Cross-tabulation and regression analysis highlight the impact of demographic factors, including age and societal pressures, on recycling behavior. This establishes a basis for focused attempts to enhance recycling rates. The system’s Design provides innovative solutions to barriers such as accessibility and cost, allowing scalable application in various urban settings globally. Furthermore, the participants exhibit moderate technological proficiency, underscoring the necessity of accommodating diverse levels of technical competence in system design. This study demonstrates how incentive-based strategies can transform recycling practices and promote an environmentally advantageous and economically sustainable paradigm for widespread global implementation.
... In recent years, scholars have noticed the importance of leadership in the process of collaborative governance, which can effectively promote the achievement of collaboration and improve the performance of collaborative governance (Cepiku & Mastrodascio, 2021;Ansell & Gash, 2008;Carlson, 2007;Huxham & Vangen, 2000). Therefore, the study of regional collaborative governance should not only focus on the design of the system level but also pay attention to the role of leadership in the process of collaboration. ...
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Studies on regional collaborative governance based on China's institutional context are abundant, but the leadership perspective behind regional collaborative governance has rarely been discussed in previous studies. Based on a review of relational leadership theory, this study adopts the grounded theory methodology to study the three cities bordering Guangdong, Hunan, and Guangxi provinces, condensing the components of relational leadership in regional collaborative governance and the general explanatory framework. The research found that relational leadership in regional collaborative governance is composed of mission-driven, social capital, governance resources, trust shaping, common learning, interaction mechanisms, and public value. Among them, mission-driven is the motivation, social capital and governance resources are the basic conditions, trust shaping and common learning are actions, the interaction mechanism is the carrier, and public value creation is the goal. At present, the main problem of regional collaborative governance is that the governance mechanism is "built but not run.” It is necessary to build an effective network governance system through the relational leadership of leaders, improve the overall public leadership of regional governance, and promote a governance system to operate more effectively. This research not only explores the dynamic leadership process of regional collaborative governance, but also enriches the micro perspective of regional collaborative governance research, expands the theoretical space of collaborative leadership, makes up the "leadership deficit" in the field of regional collaborative governance, and has reference significance and practical enlightenment for further promoting the performance of collaborative governance in the cross-region context.
... This involves the active participation of the government, commercial sector, academia, and civil society (Ansell & Gash, 2008). ...
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Expanding their perspectives helps students comprehend the linkages between several subjects and the global context. They can hone their critical thinking abilities, investigate various viewpoints, and enlarge their horizons. Therefore, expanding horizons through the delivery of knowledge in a fresh perspective and scope is necessary to increase the quality of competent students. The goal of Bunga Bangsa High School's waste management campaign programme is to raise students' awareness of the urgency of the current climate catastrophe. through a range of exercises, talks, and workshops, among other things. The exercises are designed to provide participants a comprehensive grasp of the significance of waste management by shedding light on environmental challenges. This programme, which incorporates students actively in the campaign, aims to implement Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 12, Responsible Consumption and Production, by fostering a deeper understanding of the waste management process, from personal to industrial waste, particularly in Bandung City.
... Collaborative governance can be understood as a practice that combines elements of both Social Science, in terms of understanding societal relationships, norms, and collective behaviours, as well as elements from Political Science, in terms of understanding governance structures, power dynamics, and public policy processes (Ansell & Gash, 2008). I consider the Social Science perspective and approach collective behaviour in relation to meaning-making and futures-making through a design inquiry. ...
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This article explores how design scenarios can support anticipation, collaborative governance, and democratic decision-making across sectors. In focus is the use of scenario building that is communicated through conceptual and process diagrams, as well as contextual situations of people participating with designed artefacts to illustrate how scenario building can encourage community engagement to address challenges like water security and stewardship. By building on established design practices and literature on scenarios in design, the article proposes ‘Anticipative Collaborative Governance’ as a model for creating long-term, systemic solutions through design. It further contributes to cross-sector collaboration by introducing twelve guiding principles to strengthen connections between anticipatory, systemic, and collaborative design.
... Literature in International Relations has primarily concentrated on the pragmatic impact of such organisations on inter-state crises (Haas, 1983) and the dysfunctions arising from their bureaucratic structures Finnemore, 1999, 2004). Other disciplines have explored the influence of international organisations as significant actors in global politics due to their power or authority (Avant et al., 2010;Joachim, Reinalda and Verbeek, 2008;Oestreich, 2012;Verbeek, 1998, 2004), as well as in the contexts of global (Legler, 2013), multi-level (Bache andFlinders, 2004;Hooghe and Marks, 2003), collaborative (Ansell and Gash, 2008), indirect (Abbott and Snidal, 2010, 2015a, 2015b, and meta-governance (Sørensen and Torfing, 2009). However, there remains a substantial gap in empirical studies that elucidate organisational strategies to diminish discord in managing global crises and support the execution of essential functions such as providing meaning (a shared understanding of the nature of the threat) and control (strategies for action, methods, and rationales) (Ansell, Boin and Keller, 2010;Boin et al., 2016). ...
... The concept of collaborative governance is applicable in this context. Collaborative governance is the practice of convening a wide range of stakeholders, such as government agencies, civil society organizations, and local communities, to cooperatively tackle intricate issues (Ansell & Gash, 2008). Collaborative governance in the realm of environmental security can serve as a means to connect top-down policy interventions with bottom-up community-based efforts. ...
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Deforestation has become the primary concern of environmental security in Jayapura Regency Papua Province due to massive logging and illegal wildlife hunting. This research focuses on the role of state and non-state actors in promoting environmental security in Rhepang Muaif Village Jayapura Regency through the Isyo Hills ecotourism destination. Indigenous peoples in Rhepang Muaif Village harbored concern about land clearing in their customary forest caused by palm oil company activities. To support the research, a qualitative research method with thematic analysis is conducted with primary and secondary data collection. This research found four main actors, namely the state/government, academics, NGOs, and the youth community. Each actor significantly contributes to supporting the achievement of environmental security in Rhepang Muaif village. The government plays a role in forming regulations that support conservation and infrastructure assistance. Academics play a role in conducting research and community services. Additionally, NGOs play a role in the initial mapping of Rhepang Muaif village and its biodiversity potential. Meanwhile, the youth community plays an important role in promoting ecotourism and raising the potential of this village to receive the 2024 Tourist Village Award. ANALISIS PERAN AKTOR NEGARA DAN NON-NEGARA DALAM MENDUKUNG KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN: STUDI KASUS EKOTURISME ISYO HILLS DI KAMPUNG RHEPANG MUAIF, KABUPATEN JAYAPURA ABSTRAK Deforestasi telah menjadi perhatian utama keamanan lingkungan di Kabupaten Jayapura Provinsi Papua akibat pembalakan liar dan perburuan ilegal satwa endemik. Penelitian ini berfokus pada peran aktor negara dan non-negara dalam mempromosikan keamanan lingkungan di Kampung Rhepang Muaif pada Kabupaten Jayapura melalui destinasi ekowisata Isyo Hills. Masyarakat adat di Kampung Rhepang Muaif menaruh perhatian pada pembukaan lahan pada hutan adat sebagai dampak kegiatan perusahaan kelapa sawit. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan analisis tematik dimana data dikumpulkan secara primer melalui wawancara, dan secara sekunder melalui kajian literatur. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat sinergitas peran antara aktor negara yaitu pemerintah pusat dan daerah serta aktor non-negara seperti akademisi, NGOs, dan komunitas pemuda. Pemerintah berperan dalam menyusun regulasi dan bantuan infrastruktur. Akademisi berperan dalam pemetaan potensi mula-mula kampung Rhepang Muaif, serta melalui berbagai program penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. NGOs berperan dalam mendukung pemetaan dan potensi kampung. Sementara komunitas pemuda berperan penting dalam mempromosikan ekowisata dan meningkatkan potensi kampung sehingga mendapatkan anugerah desa wisata pada tahun 2024.
... Also, these process factors are supported or enhanced by the institutional and cultural factors (refer to the path model in the Appendix). The dynamic structure of local political efficacy supports the common ground of a voluntaristic and artefactual nature in existing local democracy models such Voluntas as the EPG model, collaborative governance model, and associative democracy (Ansell & Gash, 2008;Cohen & Rogers, 1995;Fung & Wright, 2003). ...
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Residents’ self-governance associations (RSAs) in Seoul, South Korea, have been established to enhance local democracy at the grassroots level. Do participants in RSAs feel political efficacy? What factors influence the political efficacy of community benefits and consensus building through RSAs? This study aims to theorize and test the relationships between citizens’ political efficacy, as measured by participation satisfaction, community benefits, and consensus building, and various socioeconomic, cultural, procedural, and institutional factors. Multilevel ordered logit models of surveys from 1,319 RSA participants suggest that the citizen-led decision-making process, participation frequency, trust in neighbors, and budget and staff support are positively associated with political efficacy. To promote grassroots democracy and enhance the political efficacy of participating citizens, local RSAs should be operated in a voluntary, cooperative, and democratic manner. Supporting local self-governance organizations and their activities with adequate funding and effective administration is crucial for success.
... Ketiga, modularization. Strategi ini bertuju an untuk men-ciptakan solusi yang dibagi menjadi serangkaian mo dul yang dapat digunakan secara fleksibel dalam menanggapi perubah an dalam berbagai aspek masalah yang dihadapi (Ansell & Gash, 2008). Semen tara itu, Pot et al. (2022) menyebutkan lima strategi secara temporal yang dapat digunakan aktor kebijakan untuk menavigasi tantangan dari ancaman langsung dan krisis yang datang secara ber samaan. ...
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Para ahli administrasi seringkali menggunakan istilah “governance” dalam administrasi publik, yang paling sering dikaitkan dengan birokrasi. Governance merupakan sebuah tata kelola bersama yang bersifat jejaring dalam membangun kelembagaan untuk menangani permasalahan publik yang ada di masyarakat secara mendesak dengan mekanisme kolaborasi. Teori tata kelola pemerintahan (governance) bergerak secara dinamis dari waktu ke waktu dan dapat menyesuaikan dengan problematika publik yang berkembang secara kompleks. Kajian governansi dan kebijakan publik merupakan kajian yang selalu menarik dibahas oleh berbagai kalangan, utamanya dalam bidang ilmu administrasi publik, ekonomi, sosial dan politik. Banyaknya ketidakpastian, keambiguan serta kompleksnya permasalahan dalam sebuah tata kelola pemerintahan bersama atau governance memberikan nuansa menarik yang ada dalam bidang ini. Dalam tataran praktis pemerintah dan berbagai aktor governance lain meliputi swasta, masyarakat, media dan universitas harus membuat sebuah skema dalam menciptakan bagaimana kebijakan publik yang dibuat harus bisa memenuhi tuntutan dan harapan masyarakat secara luas dalam urusan pembangunan yang ada. Buku Teori-teori Governansi dan Kebijakan Publik Kontemporer hadir untuk menginformasikan dan memberikan wawasan kepada masyarakat mengenai pendekatan teoritis governansi dan kebijakan publik secara kontemporer yang menyesuaikan dengan keadaan dan perkembangan zaman yang ada saat ini. Dengan harapan buku ini dapat membangun literasi yang ada dalam bidang ilmu sosial dan politik utamanya terkait ilmu administrasi publik, kebijakan publik dan governansi publik sebagai suatu kajian menarik dalam bidang ilmu administrasi.
... Collaborative Governance adalah usaha dari pemerintah dalam rangka mengatasi masalah publik dengan cara berkerjasama atau melakukan kemitraan dengan masyarakat, instansi swasta lain untuk meningkatkan kualitas dari hasil program/kegiatan yang dilakukan. Definisi collaborative governance menurut Ansell dan Gash (Ansell & Gash, 2008) adalah suatu bentuk susunan kepemerintahan, dimana satu atau lebih instansi publik secara langsung berhubungan dengan stakeholder nonnegara dalam sebuah proses pengambilan keputusan yang formal, berorintasi pada konsensus, deliberatif dan menuju pada formulasi atau implementasi kebijakan publik, atau dapat pula dalam manajemen program atau asset publik. ...
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ABSTRAK Implementasi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) pada perencanaan wilayah pedesaan menjadi fokus dalam memenuhi ketahanan energi terbarukan di tingkat desa. Penyelenggarannya membutuhkan perhatian dalam pemenuhan berbagai aspek, salah satunya peningkatan infrastruktur riset dan kolaborasi riset. Namun, tidak banyak yang melihat bagaimana pengaruh dari beberapa variabel tersebut. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh infrastruktur riset dan kolaborasi riset terhadap pengembangan PLTS di Desa Pematang Johar, Kecamatan Labuhan Deli, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis eksplanasi asosiatif. Pengumpulan data melalui metode survei kepada responden pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam pengembangan PLTS, institusi terkait, pengelola proyek, dan masyarakat desa. Studi ini melibatkan variabel-variabel yang saling mempengaruhi baik secara dependen seperti infratruktur riset dan kolaborasi riset, serta independen yakni pengembangan PLTS. Populasi dalam penelitian ini merupakan masyarakat dan institusi terkait di Lingkungan Desa Pematang Johar. Sampel survey didasarkan pada 120 (seratus dua puluh) orang peserta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial terdapat pengaruh infrastruktur riset terhadap pengembangan PLTS sebesar 33,7%, dan terdapat pengaruh kolaborasi riset terhadap pengembangan PLTS sebesar 57%, serta secara simultan terdapat pengaruh infrastruktur riset dan kolaborasi riset terhadap pengembangan PLTS sebesar 66%. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa upaya pengembangan PLTS yang didampingi oleh peningkatan infrastruktur riset dan kolaborasi riset mendatangkan tingkat keberhasilan yang lebih baik. Namun, belum berdampak cukup besar dalam mempengaruhi penyelenggaraannya secara keseluruhan. Kata kunci: infrastruktur riset, kolaborasi riset, pengembangan PLTS, Pematang Johar
... Dalam konteks ini, pengelolaan sektor pariwisata yang efektif dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), terutama melalui mekanisme collaborative governance. Ansell & Gash (2008) menyatakan bahwa collaborative governance adalah proses pengambilan keputusan bersama antara pemerintah dan lembaga non-pemerintah untuk mengelola aset publik, termasuk sumber daya yang terkait dengan sektor pariwisata. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran collaborative governance dalam pengembangan pariwisata sebagai upaya peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kabupaten Sinjai, dengan fokus pada Peraturan Daerah Nomor 6 Tahun 2013 tentang Pengembangan Pariwisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk mengkaji interaksi antara pemerintah, masyarakat, dan sektor swasta dalam implementasi kebijakan pariwisata, dengan studi kasus di Desa Tongke-Tongke, Kecamatan Sinjai Timur, yang memiliki destinasi wisata Taman Nasional Hutan Mangrove. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kolaborasi antara pemangku kepentingan, seperti pemerintah daerah, masyarakat, dan sektor swasta, telah berhasil mendorong pengembangan infrastruktur, promosi destinasi, serta peningkatan kualitas layanan pariwisata. Namun, masih terdapat kendala dalam koordinasi dan partisipasi aktif masyarakat. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa penguatan sinergi antar pihak sangat diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan peningkatan PAD melalui sektor pariwisata. Dalam hal ini, kolaborasi antara Dinas Pariwisata dan masyarakat menjadi faktor kunci dalam memperkuat pengembangan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Dengan demikian, hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan rekomendasi bagi pengambil kebijakan dalam merumuskan strategi yang lebih efektif untuk pengembangan pariwisata yang berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan PAD Kabupaten Sinjai. This research aims to analyse the role of collaborative governance in tourism development as an effort to increase Local Own-source Revenue (PAD) in Sinjai Regency, with a focus on Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2013 concerning Tourism Development. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to examine the interaction between the government, the community, and the private sector in the implementation of tourism policies, with a case study in Tongke-Tongke Village, East Sinjai District, which has a Mangrove Forest National Park tourist destination. The results showed that collaboration between stakeholders, such as local governments, communities, and the private sector, has succeeded in encouraging infrastructure development, destination promotion, and improving the quality of tourism services. However, there are still obstacles in coordination and active community participation. This research also found that strengthening synergies between parties is needed to achieve the goal of increasing PAD through the tourism sector. In this case, collaboration between the Tourism Office and the community is a key factor in strengthening sustainable tourism development. Thus, the results of this study are expected to provide recommendations for policy makers in formulating more effective strategies for tourism development that contribute to increasing the PAD of Sinjai Regency.
... For instance, the literature on wicked problems (Rittel and Webber 1973) in societal safety (see e.g. Laegreid and Rykkja 2015; Almklov et al. 2018a), institutional logics (e.g., Thornton et al. 2012) and collaborative governance (e.g., Ansell and Gash 2008) all seem to share the premise that there is "something" about sectoral and organizational interfaces that cause particular problems of interaction and collaboration both on the operational level where cultural difference between profession might lead to issues (e.g. Van Scotter and Leonard 2022) and in the bureaucracies above them (e.g. ...
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This paper studies the role of day‐to‐day social interaction among emergency call central operators and its effect on interagency collaboration in emergencies. In 2017 the police, fire and health emergency call centrals in a region in Norway were co‐located. This was done largely retaining their formal structures and responsibilities, which follows strict sectorial boundaries. However, the proximity afforded by co‐location −placing the centrals in the same building− led to the emergence of informal interactional patterns among the operators. Much of this interaction is seemingly trivial and only loosely connected to resolution of critical tasks. Our study, however, shows that it formed a basis for improved collaboration and development within the centrals. Through an ethnographically oriented normal operations study, our focus is not primarily on the outcomes of spatial proximity during emergencies, rather on the processes leading up to the outcomes: How the foundations emerge for quality in critical moments, how trust was established in the first place, how the involved actors could learn to know what others know, and how a learning‐oriented community of practice was developed over time. In interviews, our informants were surprisingly uniform in their positive assessment of the co‐location. The main question of the paper is thus not whether the operators were satisfied with the change, but more why, and whether this perceived improvement affected the outcome of their work in terms of emergency response capabilities. The paper thus argues for the importance of the social “undercurrents” evolving over time—the informal, trivial and often organizationally “invisible,” day‐to‐day interaction that provides the collaborative basis for dealing with critical situations.
Many governments worldwide have set up gov-tech incubators to support the development of technology startups focused on improving public services. Additionally, numerous cities and regional governments have established various tech hubs and incubators to support the development of local technology startups, some focusing on innovating public goods and services. This chapter utilises a review of existing literature and documented case studies to define what “gov-tech incubators” are, analyse the factors that influence their development, examine the various forms they take, and explore the roles they can play in strengthening the ecosystems of actors working together to support the development and implementation of technology solutions and capabilities for the public sector. The findings underscore the importance of creating an environment that enables GovTech to flourish. This includes establishing clear strategies and visions, promoting open innovation, and ensuring that digital transformation initiatives are user-centric and inclusive. However, the urgency of addressing barriers such as the digital divide, bureaucratic inertia, and resource constraints cannot be overstated. It is essential to fully harness the potential of GovTech incubators and accelerate the pace of public sector transformation.
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Il volume presenta e discute i risultati di un articolato progetto di ricerca, che ha analizzato approfonditamente - attraverso l’adozione congiunta di diverse prospettive e linee di ricerca - il sistema dei servizi per contrastare la grave marginalità nella metropoli romana, esaminando la rete di organismi che operano a diversi livelli per affrontare il fenomeno della povertà urbana estrema, con il fine ultimo di restituire una conoscenza completa e aggiornata del sistema di accoglienza e sostegno alle persone senza dimora nella Capitale, evidenziandone i punti di forza e di debolezza, nonché le sfide e le opportunità future. L’analisi è arricchita da specifici approfondimenti tematici, tesi a rapportare il sistema dei servizi ai bisogni specifici della popolazione delle persone senza dimora, nonché ad approfondire strategie di intervento particolarmente innovative, come l’Housing First. Contribuiti di: Carmelo Bruni, Caterina Cortese, Fiorenza Deriu, Luca Di Censi, Lucia Fiorillo, Raffaella Gallo, Vera Kopsaj, Sergio Mauceri, Alessandro Radicchi, Filippo Sbrana, Stefano Scarcella Prandstraller, Eleonora Schirmo.
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To effectively align corporate social responsibility (CSR) with poverty reduction agendas, companies need to be more inclusive and collaborative with other actors. Cross-sector partnerships in CSR implementation have emerged as a new approach and practice, as promoted by public administration scholars. Key actors in partnerships may come from government, civil society represented by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and corporations. However, designing successful and effective partnerships that are relevant to cross-sector dynamics and political contexts has proven to be a challenge, especially in developing countries and new democracies, such as Indonesia. This paper provides the main characteristics of effective cross-sector partnerships derived from examining three case studies in Indonesia and Tanzania. Both represent cross-sector partnerships with varying scope and depth. In this paper, one can observe and extract the main characteristics of effective partnerships based on the three case studies, each with its described model. In particular, the characteristics used to assess the effectiveness of the model include ownership, alignment and synchronization, accountability, reduced dependency, resource sharing, along with representation and legitimacy.
This study aims to analyze the implementation of spatial planning policies through a case study of the application of Lamandau Regent Regulation No. 13 of 2012 on the "Nanga Bulik, a Beautiful City" slogan. Employing a qualitative approach, the research utilized in-depth interviews, observations, and document studies. The findings reveal that although the policy has been implemented, several challenges persist, including a lack of competent human resources, weak inter-agency coordination, and limited community and private sector participation. Nevertheless, supporting factors such as the local government’s commitment and the region’s strategic potential were identified. The study recommends enhancing policy dissemination, strengthening standard operating procedures, and fostering cross-sector collaboration to ensure successful implementation. These findings are expected to contribute theoretically to the development of public policy and reinforce the concept of city branding for sustainable urban development.
Wicked problems have forced policy makers to develop new strategies for policy design that deal better with complexity. Both cross-sectoral and multi-actor collaboration are presented by collaborative governance advocates as potential solutions. Nevertheless, even if both approaches have been theoretically linked to policy innovation, there is little empirical evidence to support those relationships and none that compare the innovative potential of different collaborative approaches. Using regression analysis, we analysed 529 policy strategies promoted by Barcelona City Council as part of the Pla de Barris (‘neighbourhood plan’) strategy to identify whose participation in policy design is more meaningful in terms of innovation. Within the public sector, both collaborative government and cross-sectoral collaboration appear to be related with policy innovation. However, when non-public actors – in particular, third-sector organisations – get involved in the policy-design process (through co-creation), the innovative potential of the policy output increases significantly.
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Collaborative governance has developed into a well-established strand of public administration research. An impressive number of empirical studies document how collaborative governance processes can be relatively volatile, multi-vocal, distributed and heterogeneous. Hence, it is commonly observed that the actor composition changes over time, actors’ reasons for participating differ, the collaboration consists of multiple sub-projects, and there are many diverse outcomes. Bricolage theory and theories of robust governance provide insights that can make collaborative governance theory more attentive to such dynamics and draw a more nuanced picture of what enables actors to collaborate or prevent them from doing so. The contribution from bricolage theory and theories of robust governance is to recast collaboration as loosely coupled situated practices in which actors use what is available in terms of storylines, skills, tools and relationships to work together to produce different public-value outcomes. Based on these insights, we propose the study of collaborative governance as tangled moments of bricolage. We also provide some guidelines on how to conduct such studies and illustrate their usage with reference to a concrete case study of a collaborative governance process.
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Este artigo tem como objetivo delinear a configuração dos estudos sobre liderança e governança públicas, com foco na aplicação prática de análises de políticas públicas, por meio de Revisão Sistemática da Literatura internacional. Para o levantamento das informações foi utilizado o método Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Esta Revisão Sistemática da Literatura foi realizada nas bases Web of Science e Scopus, a partir do recorte temporal de 2019 a 2024, com abrangência nos idiomas inglês e espanhol e tendo como objeto somente artigos científicos. Foram examinados 15 artigos e os resultados apontam, por meio de análise gráfica, de nuvem de palavras e da análise qualitativa do corpus da pesquisa, que existe uma produção científica plural nesse universo temático, com diferentes frentes de estudo e abordagens analíticas. A pesquisa conclui que a liderança pública efetiva e adaptada ao seu contexto é essencial para a governança eficaz e a implementação de políticas públicas, pois promove coordenação, engajamento e supera desafios em contextos complexos. Palavras-chave: Governança Pública; Liderança Pública; Políticas Públicas; Redes de Políticas Públicas.
In this digital era, collaborative management is needed to improve service quality and be supported by multiple stakeholder participation to provide optimal service. This research aims to investigate the role of collaborative governance in the quality of immigration services and the role of numerous stakeholder participation in the quality of immigration services. Investigate the correlation between supply chain service and service quality. This research method uses a quantitative method approach, research data was obtained by distributing online questionnaires via the Google Form platform. The questionnaire is designed to contain statement items on a Likert scale of 1 to 7. A 7-point Likert scale can minimize measurement errors and be more precise. The Likert scale used in this research is (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) quite disagree, (4) Neutral, (5) quite agree, (6) agree, (7) Strongly agree. The respondents for this research were 567 senior employees of the immigration department in Indonesia who were determined using a simple random sampling method. Research data analysis uses the partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modelling (SEM) approach with data processing tools using SmartPLS 4.0 software. The variables in this research are the dependent variables, namely collaborative governance, and multiple stakeholder participation and the dependent variable is the quality of immigration services. The stages of data analysis are validity testing, reliability testing and significance testing of hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion that have been presented in this research, this research uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) method for data analysis, it can be concluded as follows, it is concluded that collaborative governance has a positive and significant relationship to the quality of immigration services, multiple stakeholder participation has a positive and significant relationship to the quality of immigration services. Supply chain service has a positive and significant relationship with service quality. Implementing collaborative governance can encourage improvements in the quality of immigration services. Implementing multiple stakeholder participation can encourage improvements in the quality of immigration services.
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Oral Presentation Conference Abstract is available on Page 122 & 123. Vocational education and training (VET) plays a crucial role in preparing individuals for careers that require practical skills with specialized knowledge and improving soft skills (e.g. communication, intergenerational co-working and collaboration, etc.). The integration of such skills within the VET program contributes to a skilled and adaptive future workforce. In today's diverse work environments, individuals from different age groups bring unique perspectives, experiences, and insights to the classroom. Hence, this article explores the efficacy of hackathons as a tool for promoting intergenerational learning skills among lifelong learners in VET programs. We aimed to assess if hackathons can be used as a tool to promote innovation and group working skills among VET learners to provide technical expertise and collaborative working skills to address the challenges of the future.
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