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Abstract and Figures

Bats are important reservoirs for many zoonotic pathogens. However, no surveys of bacterial pathogens in bats have been performed in the Caucasus region. To understand the occurrence and distribution of bacterial infections in these mammals, 218 bats belonging to eight species collected from four regions of Georgia were examined for Bartonella, Brucella, Leptospira, and Yersinia using molecular approaches. Bartonella DNA was detected in 77 (35%) bats from all eight species and was distributed in all four regions. The prevalence ranged 6–50% per bat species. The Bartonella DNA represented 25 unique genetic variants that clustered into 21 lineages. Brucella DNA was detected in two Miniopterus schreibersii bats and in two Myotis blythii bats, all of which were from Imereti (west-central region). Leptospira DNA was detected in 25 (13%) bats that included four M. schreibersii bats and 21 M. blythii bats collected from two regions. The Leptospira sequences represented five genetic variants with one of them being closely related to the zoonotic pathogen L. interrogans (98.6% genetic identity). No Yersinia DNA was detected in the bats. Mixed infections were observed in several cases. One M. blythii bat and one M. schreibersii bat were co-infected with Bartonella, Brucella, and Leptospira; one M. blythii bat and one M. schreibersii bat were co-infected with Bartonella and Brucella; 15 M. blythii bats and three M. schreibersii bats were co-infected with Bartonella and Leptospira. Our results suggest that bats in Georgia are exposed to multiple bacterial infections. Further studies are needed to evaluate pathogenicity of these agents to bats and their zoonotic potential.
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Molecular Survey of Bacterial Zoonotic Agents
in Bats from the Country of Georgia
Ying Bai
*, Lela Urushadze
, Lynn Osikowicz
, Clifton McKee
, Ivan Kuzmin
Andrei Kandaurov
, Giorgi Babuadze
, Ioseb Natradze
, Paata Imnadze
, Michael Kosoy
1Division of Vector-Borne Disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, Colorado,
United States of America, 2National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, Tbilisi, Republic of
Georgia, 3Institute of Chemical Biology, Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, 4Department of
Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America, 5Department of
Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, United States of America, 6Institute of
Zoology, Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Bats are important reservoirs for many zoonotic pathogens. However, no surveys of bacte-
rial pathogens in bats have been performed in the Caucasus region. To understand the
occurrence and distribution of bacterial infections in these mammals, 218 bats belonging to
eight species collected from four regions of Georgia were examined for Bartonella,Brucella,
Leptospira, and Yersinia using molecular approaches. Bartonella DNA was detected in 77
(35%) bats from all eight species and was distributed in all four regions. The prevalence ran-
ged 6–50% per bat species. The Bartonella DNA represented 25 unique genetic variants
that clustered into 21 lineages. Brucella DNA was detected in two Miniopterus schreibersii
bats and in two Myotis blythii bats, all of which were from Imereti (west-central region). Lep-
tospira DNA was detected in 25 (13%) bats that included four M.schreibersii bats and 21 M.
blythii bats collected from two regions. The Leptospira sequences represented five genetic
variants with one of them being closely related to the zoonotic pathogen L.interrogans
(98.6% genetic identity). No Yersinia DNA was detected in the bats. Mixed infections were
observed in several cases. One M.blythii bat and one M.schreibersii bat were co-infected
with Bartonella,Brucella, and Leptospira; one M.blythii bat and one M.schreibersii bat were
co-infected with Bartonella and Brucella; 15 M.blythii bats and three M.schreibersii bats
were co-infected with Bartonella and Leptospira. Our results suggest that bats in Georgia
are exposed to multiple bacterial infections. Further studies are needed to evaluate patho-
genicity of these agents to bats and their zoonotic potential.
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0171175 January 27, 2017 1 / 12
Citation: Bai Y, Urushadze L, Osikowicz L, McKee
C, Kuzmin I, Kandaurov A, et al. (2017) Molecular
Survey of Bacterial Zoonotic Agents in Bats from
the Country of Georgia (Caucasus). PLoS ONE 12
(1): e0171175. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171175
Editor: Wanda Markotter, University of Pretoria,
Received: November 3, 2016
Accepted: January 16, 2017
Published: January 27, 2017
Copyright: This is an open access article, free of all
copyright, and may be freely reproduced,
distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or
otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose.
The work is made available under the Creative
Commons CC0 public domain dedication.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper.
Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Bats (Chiroptera) represent one of the most successfully evolved mammalian groups on Earth
for their unique characteristics, such as a long lifespan, the capability to fly long distances dur-
ing foraging and particularly during seasonal migrations, the ability to inhabit a multitude of
diverse ecological niches, and the colonial habitation. The role of bats in epidemiology of zoo-
notic diseases is very important as they frequently live in close proximity to humans and serve
as reservoirs to different pathogens that include viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites [1,2].
Many previous and ongoing research activities predominantly focused on viral agents in bats
[3,4], but little is known about a presence of bacterial pathogens [5].
The bacterial genera Bartonella,Brucella,Leptospira, and Yersinia each consist of multiple
species, some of which are zoonotic pathogens causing diseases in domestic or companion ani-
mals and in humans. Bartonella infections have been reported from a variety of animals occur-
ring over a broad geographic distribution. Around 30 species have been described within the
genus and the number is still increasing [6]. Controversy has been raised in several studies
regarding host specificity of Bartonella [79]. Importantly, bats in the Northern Hemisphere
have been implicated as a reservoir of B.mayotimonensis that was described from a human
case of endocarditis in the USA [10,11], although the mechanism of transmission between bats
and humans remains unresolved.
Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella.
Domestic animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, camel, buffalo and dogs serve as reservoir
hosts. Humans can be infected after contacting infectious animals or drinking raw milk [12].
Knowledge of Brucella ecology in wildlife is limited although several species were described in
rodents, foxes, and marine mammals [1317]. Except for an old report of anti-Brucella aggluti-
nins in vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) in Brazil [18], no other studies have reported Bru-
cella infection in bats.
Leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis caused by L.interrogans and other pathogenic spiro-
chetes of the genus Leptospira. Animals and humans acquire the infection through contact
with water or soil contaminated with the urine of infected animals or by direct contact with
these animals [19,20]. Leptospira spp. are distributed worldwide in rats and many other mam-
malian species [21]. Recently, leptospiral infections have been identified in bats from several
countries [2224].
Among infections caused by Yersinia species, plague (Y.pestis) causes the most notorious
disease, infecting many mammalian species along with humans. Yersiniosis, occurring as an
enteric disease in humans, is caused by Y.pseudotuberculosis and Y.enterocolitica, both of
which have a broad distribution [25]. These bacteria have been frequently isolated from a vari-
ety of wild and domestic animals [26,27], but compared to Y.pestis their association with wild-
life is not as well studied. Recently, bats have been reported to be infected with Yersinia [28,29].
The country of Georgia is located between the Greater Caucasus and Lesser Caucasus
mountain ridges at the intersection of Europe and Asia. There are 109 mammalian species and
many associated zoonotic agents in this region [30,31]. Recent studies conducted in this coun-
try have demonstrated the presence of diverse Bartonella species in wild rodents [32] and sug-
gested the role of rat-associated Bartonella as a causative agent for a human illness [33].
Brucellosis is endemic in the area, with B.abortus and B.melitensis actively circulating in live-
stock and affecting local residents [34]. Leptospirosis is also broadly distributed in the country
with increasing morbidity in recent years [35].
Bats are abundant in Georgia with at least 29 species identified [36]. However, information
on bacterial infectious agents in bats from this region was absent. Understanding the preva-
lence and distribution of zoonotic pathogens in local bats would be significant from the
Bai et al., Bacterial Zoonotic Agents in Bats, Georgia
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veterinary and public health perspectives. In this study, we evaluated the presence and distri-
bution of Bartonella,Brucella,Leptospira, and Yersinia in bats collected from eight colonies
located in four regions of Georgia.
Material and Methods
Ethics statement
The work was performed in compliance with the protocol approved by the CDC Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee (protocol #2096FRAMULX-A3). Permits for the list of bat
species sought and the number of animals per colony available for sampling were obtained
from the Ministry of Environmental and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia.
Study sites and bat tissues collection
In June 2012, bats were captured manually or by using nets from eight colonies (found in
caves, building attics, or monasteries) within four sites located in four regions of Georgia: one
colony in Martvili (42˚N, 42˚E, Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region in western Georgia); three
colonies in Tskaltubo (42˚N, 42˚E, Imereti region in west-central Georgia); one colony in Gar-
dabani district (41˚N, 45˚E, Kvemo Kartli region in southern Georgia); and three colonies in
David Gareja (41˚N, 45˚E, Kakheti region in eastern Georgia). Martvili and Tskaltubo, Garda-
bani and David Gareja, are neighboring sites, respectively (Fig 1).
Fig 1. Bat sampling sites, Georgia, June 2012.
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Captured bats were delivered to the processing site in individual cotton bags. The bats were
sexed, weighed, and identified to species based on external morphological characteristics. Bats
were anesthetized using ketamine (0.05–0.1 mg/g body mass) and exsanguinated by cardiac
puncture. Tissue samples (including spleen, kidney, intestine, and others) were collected from
the bats. Samples were stored on dry ice in the field, then transferred to a -80˚C freezer in the
laboratory of Georgian NCDC before shipping to the US CDC’s laboratory in Fort Collins,
Colorado for bacterial testing.
DNA extraction and PCR detection
A small piece (~10 mg) of spleen, kidney, and intestine of each bat were homogenized sepa-
rately using a Bullet Blender1Gold homogenizer (Next Advance, Averill Park, NY) following
the protocols provided by the manufacturer. The homogenates were then transferred to a
QIAxtractor (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) platform for DNA extraction using the tissue protocol,
and the DNA was used as the template for downstream analyses. The kidney DNA was tested
for Bartonella and Leptospira; the spleen DNA was tested for Brucella and Yersinia; and the
intestine DNA was tested for Yersinia only. Molecular detection was performed using a con-
ventional PCR assay carried out in a C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA)
and/or real-time PCR assay carried out in a CFX96 Real-Time System (Bio-Rad, Hercules,
CA). The relevant genes targeted were 16S 23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS), insertion
sequence (IS711), 32-kDa lipoprotein (lipL32) gene, and peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein
(pal) gene for Bartonella,Brucella,Leptospira, and Yersinia, respectively. The reactions for ITS
were run under conventional PCR settings; the reactions for IS711, pal and lipL32were run
under the real-time multiplex PCR settings, following protocols published elsewhere [3739].
Ct value <36 with an amplification curve is recorded as positive. Positive samples for Brucella
DNA (IS711) and Leptospira DNA (lipL32) identified by real-time PCR were further tested by
conventional PCR targeting a 223 base pair-fragment in 31 kDa gene (bcsp31) for Brucella [40]
and a 423 base pair-fragment in lipL32 for Leptospira using primers [41] different from the
real-time PCR. All primers and probes used in this study are listed in Table 1. The pal primers
and probes for detection of Yersinia species were developed for this study based on a whole-
genome scan (M. Diaz, unpublished data). For any conventional PCR, the PCR products were
Table 1. Molecular detection of bacterial agents in bats from Georgia, June 2012.
Agents Gene target PCR assay Primer/probe sequences Reference
Bartonella ITS conventional Forward: CTT CAG ATG ATG ATC CCA AGC CTT CTG GCG [39]
Brucella IS711 real-time Reverse: GGC CTA CCG CTG CGA AT [37]
Brucella bcsp31 conventional Forward: TGG CTC GGT TGC CAA TAT CAA [40]
Leptospira lipL32 real-time Reverse: GAA CTC CCA TTT CAG CGA TT [38]
Leptospira lipL32 conventional Forward: CGC TGA AAT GGG AGT TCG TAT GAT T [41]
Yersinia Pal real-time Reverse: CGT GGC CTT CAA CAA CAA C This study
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analyzed for the presence of amplicons of the expected size by electrophoresis on 1.5% agarose
gels containing GelGreen stain (Biotium, Hayward, CA). Positive and negative controls were
included in each PCR assay to evaluate the presence of appropriately sized amplicons and to
rule out potential contamination, respectively.
Leptospira infection rate was compared between study sites and between bat species using
chi-square tests.
Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis for Bartonella species and
Leptospira species
Samples positive for Bartonella (ITS) and Leptospira (lipL32) were further identified by
sequencing analyses. The PCR amplicons were purified using a QIAquick PCR Purification
Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) according to manufacturer’s instructions, and then sequenced in
both directions using ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). For-
ward and reverse sequences were assembled using the SeqMan Pro program in Lasergene v.12
(DNASTAR, Madison, WI). Assembled sequences obtained from all samples in the present
study were compared between themselves and with reference sequences available in GenBank
after alignment using the Clustal algorithm in the MegAlign program in Lasergene. Using the
neighbor-joining method, cladogram (showing the cladistics relationship rather than phyloge-
netic relationship) was generated for Bartonella among the ITS sequences. Sequences were
assigned to clades visually based on monophyletic clusters. Phylogenetic tree was constructed
for Leptospira, Branch support was estimated using 1000 bootstrap replicates. Newly identified
sequence variants were submitted to GenBank.
Bat sampling
A total of 236 bats were captured from the trapping sites. Samples with incomplete or missing
information were excluded, which resulted in 218 bats available for analysis. The animals
belonged to eight species of five genera, including Eptesicus serotinus (n = 17), Miniopterus
schreibersii (n = 27), Myotis blythii (n = 68), Myotis emarginatus (n = 42), Myotis mystacinus
(n = 1), Pipistrellus pygmaeus (n = 11), Rhinolophus euryale (n = 28), and R.ferrimequinum
(n = 24) (Table 2). The Myotis spp. bats accounted for more than half of the tested bats. Other
bat species accounted for a smaller portion, ranging from 5% to 13%.
The number of bat species varied by site, with three, four, five, and three in Martvili, Tskal-
tubo, Gardabani, and David Gareja, respectively. All M.schreibersii bats (n = 27) were collected
in Tskaltubo. M.blythii bats were mainly captured in Tskaltubo and David Gareja (Table 3).
Table 2. Detection of Bartonella,Brucella, and Leoptospira in bats from Georiga, 2012.
Bat species # Tested Bartonella Brucella Leptospira Yersinia
# Pos Prevalence (%) # Pos Prevalence (%) # Pos Prevalence (%) # Pos Prevalence (%)
Eptesicus serotinus 17 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Miniopterus schreibersii 27 13 48 2 7 4 15 0 0
Myotis blythii 68 26 38 2 3 21 31 0 0
Myotis emarginatus 42 12 29 0 0 0 0 0 0
Myotis mystacinus 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pipistrellus pygmaeus 11 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rhinolophus euryale 28 12 43 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rhinolophus ferrimequinum 24 12 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 218 77 35 4 2 25 11 0 0
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Molecular detection
Bartonella DNA was detected in 77 of the 218 tested bat kidneys, giving the overall prevalence
of 35%. Bartonella DNA was detected in all bat species but M.mystacinus, for which there was
only one sample available for testing. The prevalence of Bartonella infection ranged from 6%
in E.serotinus to 50% in R.ferrimequinum (Table 2). The Bartonella-positive bats were present
in all colonies, with variable numbers of 4–23 per colony (the proportion of infected bats per
colony cannot be estimated as the size of the colonies was not evaluated).
Brucella DNA was detected in spleen samples of four bats by real-time PCR (IS711) and
confirmed by conventional PCR (bcsp31). The positive batsinclude two M.schreibersii and two
M.blythii. All of the four Brucella-positive bats were obtained from one site (Tskaltubo) with
three of them from one colony and the last one (M.schreibersii) from a neighboring colony.
Leptospira DNA was amplified from kidneys of 25 bats by real-time PCR (lipL32) and con-
firmed by conventional PCR (lipL32). The positive bats were M.schreibersii (n = 4) or M.
blythii (n = 21). The prevalence in M.blythii (31%; 21/68) was significantly higher (χ
= 1.89,
p<0.05) than that in M.schreibersii (15%; 4/27). The Leptospira-positive bats were found in
four colonies within two sites–one colony in David Gareja and the other three colonies in
Tskaltubo. All four positive M.schreibersii were collected in Tskaltubo; the M.blythii were dis-
tributed in David Gareja (n = 8) and Tskaltubo (n = 13). The infection rate of Leptospira in M.
blythii was 36% (8/22) in David Gareja and 30% (13/44) in Tskaltubo, with no statistical differ-
ence observed between the two sites (χ
= 0.20, p >0.05).
Yersinia DNA was detected in none of the bats, neither in spleen nor intestine.
Mixed infection
Two or three pathogens were detected in M.blythii and M.schreibersii. Two bats (one M.
blythii and one M.schreibersii) captured in different colonies within site Tskaltubo were co-
infected with all three pathogens–Bartonella,Brucella, and Leptospira. Two bats (one M.blythii
and one M.schreibersii) captured in the same colony within site Tskaltubo were co-infected
with Bartonella and Brucella; and eighteen bats (15 M.blythii and three M.schreibersii) cap-
tured in one colony in site David Gareja and in two colonies in site Tskaltubo were co-infected
with Bartonella and Leptospira. No mixed infections were observed in the remaining bat
Sequencing analysis
Sequencing analyses were performed on ITS sequences of Bartonella and lipL32 sequences of
Leptospira, both of which were amplified from bat kidney DNA.
Table 3. Geographic distribution of the captured bats, Georgia, June 2012.
Bat species Martvili Tskaltubo Gardabani David Gareja Total
Eptesicus serotinus 17 17
Miniopterus schreibersii 27 27
Myotis blythii 2 44 22 68
Myotis emarginatus 14 15 13 42
Myotis mystacinus 1 1
Pipistrellus pygmaeus 11 11
Rhinolophus euryale 13 15 28
Rhinolophus ferrimequinum 5 1 18 24
Total 20 100 45 53 218
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The ITS sequences of Bartonella exhibited considerable heterogeneity. The 77 Bartonella-
positive DNA represented 25 genetic variants (a variant is defined when at least one nucleotide
difference is observed between compared sequences). These variants were all unique and sub-
mitted to GenBank (accession numbers KX420713—KX420737). Only a few variants were rel-
atively close (96.3% similarity) between themselves, while the majority were largely distant
from each other and clustered into 21 clades (a clade is a cluster of sequences following neigh-
bor-joining analysis) (Fig 2). Except for E.serotinus and P.pygmaeus in which Bartonella was
detected in one individual for each species, each of the other bat species was associated with 4
to 9 Bartonella clades. For example, M.blythii was associated with nine lineages (I—IV, XV,
Fig 2. Cladistics relationship of the Bartonella variants detected in bats from Georgia based on ITS sequences. A total of 77 Bartonella ITS
sequences were obtained. The sequences belonged to 25 variants (each indicated by a unique GenBank accession number), and the variants clustered into
21 clades (marked by a unique Roman number). After each variant, it is host species and number of Bartonella sequences obtained from the host species.
The cladogram was generated by neighboring-joining method. ES: Eptesicus serotinus; MB: Myotis blythii; ME: Myotis emarginatus; MS: Miniopterus
schreibersii; PP: Pipistrellus pygmaeus; RE: Rhinolophus euryale; RF: Rhinolophus ferrimequinum.
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and XVII—XXI); M.schreibersii was associated with six lineages (III—VI, XVI, and XVIII); R.
euryale was associated with eight lineages (VII—XIII and XVII). Most Bartonella lineages were
specific to certain bat genus/species. In particular, lineages I—VI and lineages VII—XIII were
associated with Myotis spp. and Rhinolophus spp., respectively; while lineages XV—XXI could
be associated with multiple bat genera (Fig 2).
The 25 LipL32 sequences of Leptospira detected in the bats represented five variants with
sequence distances of 3.7% - 7.3% (Fig 3). All variants were novel and assigned GenBank acces-
sion numbers KX420708 –KX420712. Of the 25 sequences, the four sequences recovered from
M.schreibersii were identical (variant KX420712); while the other 21 sequences from M.blythii
were of four variants, each of which was detected in 11, 4, 2, and 4 individuals, respectively.
These variants were close to some Leptospira species that are known zoonotic pathogens. Spe-
cifically, variant KX420710 that was detected in 11 M.blythii was closest to L.interrogans with
genetic identity of 98.6%; while a few other variants were relatively close to L.borgpetersenii
with genetic identity of 96% - 97%.
Using molecular approaches, we report the detection of multiple potential zoonotic pathogens,
including Bartonella,Brucella, and Leptospira in bats from the country of Georgia.
Fig 3. Phylogenetic relationships of the five Leptospira variants detected in bats from Georgia based on lipL32 sequences. Each
variant is indicated by a unique GenBank accession number, and followed by bat species name and sequences obtained fromthe bat species.
Phylogenetic tree was constructed by neighboring-joining method, and bootstrap values were calculated with 1,000 replicates.
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Similar to early reports from other parts of the world [8,42], Bartonella species are widely
distributed in bats in Georgia with very high diversity. All genetic variants discovered in the
study were novel and do not belong to any previously described Bartonella species. Further
characterization is necessary to verify whether the identified DNA sequences represent novel
Bartonella species. Most Bartonella variants described here show specific relationships to their
bat hosts at a genus level, particularly Myotis spp. and Rhinolophus spp. Conversely, some Bar-
tonella variants were shared among bats of different genera, which suggests frequent host-shift-
ing or cross-species transmission potentially related to exchange of ectoparasites between bats
[43,44]. We do not know whether the Bartonella variants identified in the bats are responsible
for any human disease in Georgia, but a recent report that bats in northern Europe harbor a
human pathogen B.mayotimonensis [11] indicates such a possibility. New information about
Bartonella infection in bats in Georgia can provide additional insights towards understanding
the interactions between humans, animals, and parasites.
Leptospira infection was detected in the tested bats. Interestingly, all Leptospira infected-
bats were either M.blythii or M.schreibersii. No Leptospira infection was detected in bats of
other species, including the M.emarginatus which is a quite common local species. Species-
specific variations in bacterial infection rates may indicate that certain bat species are more
exposed habitually (e.g. drinking the same contaminated water) or even more susceptible to
Leptospira than other bat species [23,45,46]. Our observation of similar Leptospira infection
rates in M.blythii in Tskaltubo and David Gareja suggests that these bats were equally exposed
to the infection at different sites; while higher prevalence in M.blythii than in M.schreibersii
may suggest that M.blythii is more susceptible to Leptospira. Field observations showed that
M.blythii and M.schreibersii share the same roosts and M.schreibersii usually incorporate into
the dense groups of M.blythii, which presumably results in close body to body contact between
animals of these two species. M.blythii may transmit the infection to M.schreibersii through
urinary shedding and other similar routes. The high prevalence observed suggests that these
bats might play a possible role in the maintenance of Leptospira spp. in the environment [47].
On the other hand, one Leptospira variant identified in M.blythii was closely related to L.inter-
rogans (98.6% identity), a well-known zoonotic pathogen frequently found in rats [48]. Con-
sidering the high frequency of this variant (detected in 11 of 25 or 44% infected bats), it warns
that M.blythii may serve as a natural reservoir to L.interrogans and can potentially transmit
the infection to humans, particularly when they roost synantropically, e.g. in monasteries. Fur-
thermore, some of the variants were relatively close to L.borgpetersenii that also is a zoonotic
The most intriguing finding of this work is probably the discovery of Brucella in bats.
Although there was a single report of Brucella agglutinins in Desmodus rotundus bats from Bra-
zil [18], our study represents the first detection of Brucella DNA in bats. Similar to the finding
of Leptospira spp., the Brucella infections were found only in M.schreibersii and M.blythii.
Interestingly, all Brucella positive bats were from the site Tskaltubo. The habitat preference
and geographic origin could influence the infection prevalence in these bats. It was evident for
M.schreibersii since this species was only captured in Tskaltubo; whereas absence of Brucella-
positive M.blythii bats in David Gareja (where no M.schreibersii were present) may suggest
that M.blythii contracted Brucella infection from M.schreibersii in Tskaltubo. Alternatively, as
was the case with Leptospira, bats of both species in Tskaltubo might be exposed to Brucella
independently by consuming the same contaminated source, such as water. The most studied
Brucella species (B.melitensis,B.abortus, and B.suis) are so genetically similar that some
researchers have argued for their combination into one species [49]. However, the epidemio-
logical and diagnostic benefits for separating the genus based on phenotypic and ecological
characteristics are more compelling. Therefore, it is important to distinguish genotypic and
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phenotypic differences between this newly discovered bat-associated Brucella and other Bru-
cella species. In the current presentation, we only report the detection of Brucella DNA in the
bats. Further characterization of the bacterium is in progress. Because most Brucella species
are highly pathogenic, it is important to determine whether this strain has a zoonotic potential.
We did not find any Yersinia infections in this study using recently designed primers. Since
the sensitivity of the utilized primers for detection of all Yersinia species in the field samples
has not been sufficiently evaluated in other field studies, the negative results for this bacterial
genus in Georgian bats might represent a lack of sensitivity of our assay or a need for more
broadly reactive primers.
In conclusion, bats from Georgia harbor several potential bacterial pathogens. These pre-
liminary data highlight that bats may play an important role in maintaining those agents in
nature. Further studies need to be carried out to understand the importance of these agents for
bats, other wildlife, veterinary and public health.
We wish to thank Nikoloz Tsertsvadze, Ketevan Sidamonidze and many others from the
National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, Tbilisi, Georgia for their assistance
with the bat trapping, sample collecting and processing. Thanks to Maureen Diaz from Divi-
sion of Bacterial Diseases, US CDC for helping with designing the primers/probes for Yersinia
detection. Special thanks to Ayimgul Kakenova and James Jubilee for supporting the travel of
Lela Urushadze to Fort Collins, Colorado to conduct the laboratory analysis in the Bartonella
Laboratory at US CDC.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: YB MK PI.
Formal analysis: YB.
Investigation: YB LU LO CM.
Methodology: YB.
Supervision: MK YB PI.
Writing original draft: YB.
Writing review & editing: MK CM IK AK IN GB LO LU.
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... Bacterial pathogen screening detected the presence of Bartonella sp. in a single I. vespertilionis (n = 1, EW83, Hungary) in the nymph stage that had fed on R. ferrumequinum (Figs 2 and 3). Sequence data showed the highest similarity with a Bartonella sequence found in R. ferrumequinum in Georgia (KX420722, percentage identity: 100%, query coverage: 97%) [44] (Fig 4). ...
... Bartonella species have been widely described from bats and associated ectoparasites, representing a wide range of genotypes [8,54]. We identified a single I. vespertilionis tick infected with these bacteria, with high similarity to a Bartonella infection from a R. ferrumequinum tested in Georgia (KX420722) [44]. The infected I. vespertilionis tick contained R. ferrumequinum DNA, and it was collected in Hungary, indicating that this Bartonella genotype may show a wide geographical range in this bat host species. ...
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Background Potentially zoonotic pathogens have been previously detected in bat-associated ticks, but their role in disease transmission and their frequency of feeding on non-bat hosts is poorly known. Methodology/Principal findings We used molecular blood meal analysis to reveal feeding patterns of the bat-associated tick species Ixodes ariadnae, I. simplex, and I. vespertilionis collected from cave and mine walls in Central and Southeastern Europe. Vertebrate DNA, predominantly from bats, was detected in 43.5% of the samples (70 of 161 ticks) but in these ticks we also detected the DNA of non-chiropteran hosts, such as dog, Canis lupus familiaris, wild boar, Sus scrofa, and horse, Equus caballus, suggesting that bat-associated ticks may exhibit a much broader host range than previously thought, including domestic and wild mammals. Furthermore, we detected the zoonotic bacteria Neoehrlichia mikurensis in bat ticks for the first time, and other bacteria, such as Bartonella and Wolbachia. Conclusions/Significance In the light of these findings, the role of bat ticks as disease vectors should be urgently re-evaluated in more diverse host systems, as they may contribute to pathogen transmission between bats and non-chiropteran hosts.
... melitensis, B. abortus, B. suis, B. canis, B. ovis and B. neotomae), the marine mammal species (B. pinnipedialis and B. ceti) (Foster et al. 2007) and various novel species, such as B. inopinata initially isolated from a human breast implant wound (De et al. 2008;Scholz et al. 2010), B. papionis from baboons (Whatmore et al. 2014), B. vulpis from red foxes (Scholz et al. 2016b), B. microti from voles (Scholz et al. 2008b) and numerous strains awaiting taxonomic classification from frogs (Al Dahouk et al. 2017;Eisenberg et al. 2012;Fischer et al. 2012;Kimura et al. 2017;Mühldorfer et al. 2017;Scholz et al. 2016a;Soler-Lloréns et al. 2016), reptiles (Eisenberg et al. 2020), dogs (Guzmán-Verri et al. 2019), bats (Bai et al. 2017), rodents (Tiller et al. 2010a), humans (Tiller et al. 2010b) and fish (Eisenberg et al. 2017). ...
Brucellosis is one of the most important zoonoses worldwide, primarily affecting livestock but also posing a serious threat to public health. The major Brucella species are known to cause a feverish disease in humans with various clinical signs. These classical Brucella species are (re‐)emerging, but also novel strains and species, some of them transmitted from rodents, can be associated with human infections. As a result of our review on rodent‐borne brucellosis, we emphasise the need for more comprehensive surveillance of Brucella and especially Brucella microti in rodent populations and call for further research targeting the ecological persistence of rodent‐associated Brucella species in the environment, their epizootic role in wild rodents and their virulence and pathogenicity for wildlife.
... Indeed, several bacterial genera with zoonotic potential have been described in bats around the world, such as Bartonella, Brucella, Campylobacter, Clostridium, Escherichia, Leptospira, Listeria, Pasteurella, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Yersinia, from different samples (Mühldorfer, 2013;Bai et al., 2017;Stuckey et al., 2017a;Bai et al., 2018;Ferreira et al., 2018;André et al., 2019;Ferreira et al., 2021;Szentivanyi et al., 2023). Two reviews on the subject have already been published, but one is not a systematic review (Mühldorfer, 2013), and the other, more recently published (Szentivanyi et al., 2023), despite being a systematic review with meta-analysis, differs in the scope of the present one. ...
... found in the guano of bats in India, 18 and Brucella DNA sequences were detected in the spleens of two different species of bats from Georgia that were co-infected with Bartonella and Leptospira. 19 In Africa, B. abortus, B. melitensis, B. inopinata, and B. suis were reported in wildlife; the pooled seroprevalence was 13.7% in buffalo, 7.1% in carnivores, and 2.1% in antelope. 20 The elk in the Paradise Valley is a maintenance host for B. abortus and transmits the bacteria to cattle in the northern portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. ...
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Objective Brucellosis is a serious public health issue in Qinghai (QH), China. Surveying the seroprevalence and isolation of B. abortus strains from marmots is key to understanding the role of wildlife in the maintenance and spread of brucellosis. Methods In this study, a set of methods, including a serology survey, bacteriology, antibiotic susceptibility, molecular genotyping (MLST and MLVA), and genome sequencing, were employed to characterize the two B. abortus strains. Results The seroprevalence of brucellosis in marmots was 7.0% (80/1146) by serum tube agglutination test (SAT); one Brucella strain was recovered from these positive samples, and another Brucella strain from a human. Two strains were identified as B. abortus bv. 1 and were susceptible to all eight drugs examined. The distribution patterns of the accessory genes, virulence associated genes, and resistance genes of the two strains were consistent, and there was excellent collinearity between the two strains on chromosome I, but they had significant SVs in chromosome II, including inversions and translocations. MLST genotyping identified two B. abortus strains as ST2, and MLVA-16 analysis showed that the two strains clustered with strains from northern China. WGS-SNP phylogenetic analysis showed that the strains were genetically homogeneous with strains from the northern region, implying that strains from a common lineage were spread continuously in different regions and hosts. Conclusion Seroprevalence and molecular clues demonstrated frequent direct or indirect contact between sheep/goats, cattle, and marmots, implying that wildlife plays a vital role in the maintenance and spread of B. abortus in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau.
... Endoparasites Trematoda: Allassogonoporus amphoraeformis, Castroia nyctali, Lecithodendrium granulosum, L. hovorkai, L. linstowi, L. spathulatum, Mesotretes peregrinus, Ophiosacculus eptesicus, O. mehelyi, Parabascus lepidotus, P. duboisi, Plagiorchis asper, P. koreanus, P. vespertilionis, Prosthodendrium aelleni, P. ascidia, P. carolinum, P. chilostomum, P. ilei, P. longiforme, P. magnum, Pycnoporus heteroporus, P. megacotyle (Tinnin et al. 2011;Combes and Clerc 1970;Chiriac and Barbu 1973;Shimalov et al. 2002) Fig. 4 Spectrogram of serotine echolocation calls. The y-axis displays frequency (kHz) and the x-axis time (ms) Serotine Eptesicus serotinus (Schreber, 1774) Trypanosomatidae: Trypanosoma dionisii (Lord and Brooks 2014) Nematoda: Filaria vesperuginis, Litosoma sp., Molinostrongylus alatus, M. vespertilionis, Physaloptera myotis, Pterygodermatites bovieri, Rictularia bovieri, Skrjabinocapillaria eubursata, Strongylacantha glycirrhiza (Tinnin et al. 2011;Skvortzov 1973;Genov et al. 1992;Tkach and Zdzislaw 1996) Cestoda: Hymenolepis christensoni, Myotolepis crimensis, M. grisea, Staphylocystis syrdariensis, Vampirolepis acuta, V. balsaci, V. rysavyi, V. skrjabinariana (Tinnin et al. 2011;Shimalov et al. 2002) Acanthocephala: Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (Tinnin et al. 2011) Apicomplexa: Polychromophilus murinus (Lord and Brooks 2014) Bacteria: Bartonella sp., Borrelia burgdorferi (Bai et al. 2017) Virus: CalV (Kemenesi et al. 2016), EBLV-1 (e.g., He et al. 2014;Harris et al. 2006;Robardet et al. 2017), gammaherpesvirus (Molnár et al. 2008Kemenesi et al. 2014), hantavirus (Farina and Lankton 2018) European bat lyssavirus EBLV-1 (phylogroup I) is detected in the majority of bat rabies cases and is primarily found in serotine bats. Few cases of transmissions of EBLV-1 to other terrestrial animals (sheep, stone marten, and domestic cats) and humans have been recorded, confirming that the risk of spillover infection remains low but not negligible ). ...
This comprehensive species-specific chapter covers all aspects of mammalian biology, including paleontology, physiology, genetics, reproduction and development, ecology, habitat, diet, mortality, and behavior. The economic significance and management of mammals and future challenges for research and conservation are addressed as well. The chapter includes a distribution map, a photograph of the animal, and a list of key literature.
Various bat species worldwide have been identified as Leptospira carriers, especially in tropical regions. In this study, we investigated the infection of Vespertilionidae bats by pathogenic Leptospira in north-west Russia. Out of 264 bats from 13 species, the urine of 24 specimens tested positive according to a polymerase chain reaction test. The infected species were exclusively Myotis bats: M. brandtii (1/56; 1.8%); M. dasycneme (9/40; 22.5%); and M. daubentonii (14/47; 29.8%). The detected Leptospira strains were similar to L. kirschneri and L. borgpetersenii.
Bats play an important role in the survival of the ecosystem, however, bats are also becoming reservoirs and vectors in the transmission of some human diseases. There are many genera of bacteria that have been reported to exist in the body of a bat and can infect a human being including Salmonella, Bartonella, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas , and Neisseria . The study aimed to detect bacteria on the bat’s body and to evaluate its implications on tourism, especially tourism in the Special Economic Regions (KEK) of Mandalika. An observation was made from August 2022 to January 2023. Bat samples were taken at several nests in the bat’s natural habitat in Mandalika, between Kuta, Mertak, Prabu and Mekarsari villages. The observation of bacterial culture was performed from samples isolated from rectal swabs and blood collection. Carry Blair Transport Media was used as transport media. In the laboratory, samples were aseptically cultured in Soy Trypticase media and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. The colonies were subcultured and examined on their colony characteristics, cell characteristics using Gram staining and biochemical characteristics using biochemical testing. Identification of the bacteria referred to Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Microbiology Ninth edition. From 90 bats caught, there were 5 species of the bats that were infected by bacteria, namely Cynopterus nusatenggara, Rosettus amplexicaudatus, Eonycteris spelaea, Rhinolopus acuminatus , and hipposideros diadema . There were 13 species infecting those bats including Kurthia sp., Shigella sp., Bacillus sp., Proteus sp. Proteus vulgaris, Clostridium sp., Serratia sp., Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus epidermis, Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericia coli , and Acinotobacter calcoaceticus were identified. In conclusion, the study highlights that various bacterial species inhabit bats in Mandalika, which may pose health risks to humans and have implications for tourism development in the area. This underscores the importance of implementing biosecurity measures and public health monitoring, especially in tourism sectors within ecologically sensitive regions like Mandalika.
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Bats are known to inhabit both caves and open space areas. Bulgaria is among the Еuropean countries with the highest number of bat species. The species found in the country are distributed over a wide area. They range from the Pyrenees and the British Isles to the Pacific region and the Far East. Many bat species are carriers of potential human pathogens. Bats play an important role in agriculture and act as a biological pest crop control agent. Bulgarian bat ecosystem comprises temperate climate and a wide range of abiotic factors, including humidity, darkness, sunlight, and temperature variations. The metabolism of bats and their body temperature vary significantly between the period of activity and the hibernation. Fluctuations in body temperature can potentially impact host microbiome biodiversity. Temperature variations may induce a high level of microbial mutagenesis. Additionally,the existence in large, mixed-species colonies, togeteher with a relatively long individual lifespan (4 – 16 years) and extensive travel distances, enhances the likelihood of encountering multiple pathogens in a single host organism. This, in turn, facilitates genetic variations and re-combinations among those microbial pathogens, thereby raising their potential to breach species barriers. In this review, we summarized and analyzed the available scientific information concerning the potential microbial human pathogens associated with bats, alongside with our preliminary data on the biodiversity of bats blood microbiome. Future research should focus on bats as both pathogens carriers and dynamic models for predicting emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases.
Bats from three provinces in Vietnam (Lai Chau, Son La, and Dong Thap) were examined for the presence of pathogenic Leptospira or specific antibodies using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Tissue specimens from 298 bats belonging to 11 species were analyzed using a real-time PCR assay specific for leptospires of pathogenic species. Leptospiral DNA was identified in 40 bats from following species: Rousettus amplexicaudatus (5/9; 55.5 %), Rousettus leschenaultii (17/42; 40.4 %), Myotis hasseltii (8/25; 32 %), Taphozous longimanus (3/12; 25 %), and Eonycteris spelaea (7/32; 21.9 %). Based on secY phylogeny, sequences from M. hasseltii bore a strong resemblance to L. borgpetersenii. Sequences from other species revealed unique lineages: one of them resembled Leptospira sp., previously identified in Rousettus madagascariensis (Madagascar) and Rousettus aegyptiacus (South Africa); the second lineage showed close relation to L. kirshneri; and the third held an intermediary position between L. noguchii and L. interrogans. Through ELISA, anti-Leptospira antibodies were found in 83 of 306 bats, with the highest seroprevalence observed in R. leschenaultii (44/48; 91.6 %), R. amplexicaudatus (6/8; 75 %), and E. spelaea (19/25; 76 %). 66 of these ELISA-positive samples were tested using MAT; 41 of them were confirmed in MAT as positive. The predominant serogroups in our study were Tarassovi and Mini.
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Lymphadenopathy and fever that developed in a woman in Tbilisi, Georgia, most likely were caused by a ratborne Bartonella strain related B. tribocorum and B. elizabethae. The finding suggests that this Bartonella strain could be spread y infected rats and represents a potential human risk. © 2016, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). All rights reserved.
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This document is the first attempt to develop a Regional Action Plan for Caucasian Bat Conservation. It is also the first attempt in the Caucasus to create an integrated conservation action plan addressing a group of species that are found on the territory of several countries. The Action Plan agreed by regional specialists is an important guiding paper in the field of the bat conservation. This Plan is intended to serve as guidelines for generating National Action Plans in the countries of the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Russia.
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Bartonella infections are widespread and highly prevalent in rodents. Several rodent-associated Bartonella species have been related to human diseases. Recently, Bartonella species was reported as the etiology of a human case in the country of Georgia (Caucasus). However, information on Bartonella in rodents in Georgia is absent. Rodent hearts were collected from Georgia to investigate the presence and diversity of Bartonella species. Bartonella bacteria were cultured from 37.2% (16/43) of rodents examined, while Bartonella DNA was detected in 41.2% (28/68) of rodents by polymerase chain reaction targeting citrate synthase (gltA) gene. Sequences of gltA showed that rodents in this region harbored multiple Bartonella strains, including Bartonella elizabethae, Bartonella tribocorum, Bartonella grahamii, and an unknown genogroup. The first three Bartonella species, known to be rat-associated and human cases linked, were commonly observed in wood mice (Apodemus [Sylvaemus] uralensis) (5/8 positive with B. elizabethae and B. tribocorum) and social voles (Microtus socialis) (4/6 positive with B. grahamii and B. elizabethae) in this study. The frequent distribution of these Bartonella species suggests that they may contribute to unidentified clinical infections. The unknown genogroup was observed in 24 Bartonella isolates and/or DNA extracts from heart tissues, all of which were obtained from Libyan jirds (Meriones libycus). Further characterization of the bacterial cultures based on sequence analysis of four additional genes (ftsZ, nuoG, rpoB, and ssrA) supported that the jird-associated Bartonella strains comprise a distinct monophyletic clade. The impact of this bacterium on wildlife and human health needs to be determined.
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Lymphadenopathy and fever that developed in a woman in Tbilisi, Georgia, most likely were caused by a ratborne Bartonella strain related B. tribocorum and B. elizabethae. The finding suggests that this Bartonella strain could be spread by infected rats and represents a potential human risk.
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A growing number of recent studies have highlighted bats as a reservoir for Leptospira bacteria, pointing out the potential role of bats in the epidemiology of the most widespread zoonotic disease in the world [1]. Because leptospirosis is a largely neglected disease, a number of unan-swered questions remain about the ecology and evolution of Leptospira, especially those associated with bats. Here we summarize what has been recently learned about this emerging but enigmatic host–pathogen association. We show how this system can provide exciting new opportunities to obtain insights into the evolutionary ecology of bat-borne pathogens and propose future directions to disentangle the role of bats in human leptospirosis. What Do We Know, Briefly, about Leptospirosis and Leptospira?
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Brucellosis is considered as endemic zoonotic disease in the country of Georgia. However, the burden of the disease on a household level is not known. Therefore, this study sought to determine the benefits of active surveillance coupled to serological screening for the early detection of brucellosis among close contacts of brucellosis cases. We used an active surveillance approach to estimate the rate of seropositivity among household family members and neighboring community members of brucellosis index cases. All participants were screened using the serum tube agglutination test (SAT). Blood cultures were performed, obtained isolates were identified by a bacteriological algorithm, and confirmed as Brucella spp. using real-time PCR. Further confirmation of Brucella species was done using the AMOS PCR assay. A total of 141 participants enrolled. Of these, 27 were brucellosis index cases, 86 were household family members, and 28 were neighboring community members. The serological evidence of brucellosis in the household member group was 7% and the rate at the household level was 21%. No screened community members were Brucella seropositive. Majority of brucellosis cases were caused by B. melitensis; only one index case was linked to B. abortus. We found evidence of brucellosis infection among household family members of brucellosis index cases. B. melitensis was the most common species obtained. Findings of this active surveillance study highlight the importance of screening household family members of brucellosis cases and of the use of culture methods to identify Brucella species in the country of Georgia.
The influence of factors contributing to parasite diversity in individual hosts and communities are increasingly studied, but there has been less focus on the dominant processes leading to parasite diversification. Using bartonella infections in bats as a model system, we explored the influence of three processes that can contribute to bartonella diversification and lineage formation: (1) spatial correlation in the invasion and transmission of bartonella among bats (phylogeography); (2) divergent adaptation of bartonellae to bat hosts and arthropod vectors; and (3) evolutionary codivergence between bats and bartonellae. Using a combination of global fit techniques and ancestral state reconstruction, we found that codivergence appears to be the dominant process leading to diversification of bartonella in bats, with lineages of bartonellae corresponding to separate bat suborders, superfamilies, and families. Furthermore, we estimated the rates at which bartonellae shift bat hosts across taxonomic scales (suborders, superfamilies, and families) and found that transition rates decrease with increasing taxonomic distance, providing support for a mechanism that can contribute to the observed evolutionary congruence between bats and their associated bartonellae. While bartonella diversification is associated with host sympatry, the influence of this factor is minor compared to the influence of codivergence and there is a clear indication that some bartonella lineages span multiple regions, particularly between Africa and Southeast Asia. Divergent adaptation of bartonellae to bat hosts and arthropod vectors is apparent and can dilute the overall pattern of codivergence, however its importance in the formation of Bartonella lineages in bats is small relative to codivergence. We argue that exploring all three of these processes yields a more complete understanding of bat-bartonella relationships and the evolution of the genus Bartonella, generally. Application of these methods to other infectious bacteria and viruses could uncover common processes that lead to parasite diversification and the formation of host-parasite relationships.
As the frequency and prevalence of zoonotic diseases increase worldwide, investigating how mammal host distributions determine patterns of human disease and predicting which regions are at greatest risk for future zoonotic disease emergence are two goals which both require better understanding of the current distributions of zoonotic hosts and pathogens. We review here the existing data about mammalian host species, comparing and contrasting these patterns against global maps of zoonotic hosts from all 27 orders of terrestrial mammals. We discuss the zoonotic potential of host species from the top six most species-rich mammal groups, and review the literature to identify analytical and conceptual gaps that must be addressed to improve our ability to generate testable predictions about zoonotic diseases originating from wild mammals. Predicting zoonotic disease events remains a prominent scientific challenge. In response to increasing frequency of emerging infectious disease events caused by animal-borne (zoonotic) pathogens, recent advances assess the biogeographic patterns of human infectious diseases. A disproportionate representation of mammal-borne zoonoses among emerging human disease has sparked research emphasis on mammal reservoirs because improved understanding of mammal host distributions may lead to improved predictions of future hotspots for zoonotic disease emergence. In addition to spatial distributions of animal hosts and human disease, the concept of ‘disease risk’ is a topic of intense analysis, and has been quantified on the basis of hindsight where regions undergoing frequent or intense human disease events are categorized as possessing numerous factors that interact to increase disease risk.
Definitive diagnosis of leptospirosis has traditionally depended upon the isolation of leptospires from clinical specimens or the demonstration of seroconversion in paired acute and convalescent serum samples. Both of these approaches require expertise not routinely available in clinical laboratories and usually result in delayed diagnosis. Conventional PCR assays have been developed, but all have limitations which have restricted their widespread use. In order to overcome these limitations, a real-time PCR assay was developed using a 423 bp target on the lipL32 gene, which is conserved among pathogenic serovars of Leptospira. Reactions were monitored by SYBR green fluorescence and melting curve analysis. Representative serovars from 16 species of Leptospira and over 40 species of other bacteria and fungi were tested. Positive results were obtained with all pathogenic leptospiral serovars, with the exception of Leptospira fainei serovar Hurstbridge. The analytical sensitivity of this assay was 3 genome equivalents per reaction; approximately 10 genome equivalents were detectable in human urine. Leptospiral DNA was amplified from blood containing EDTA or citrate anticoagulants, but heparin, sodium polyanetholesulfonate and saponin were inhibitory. The assay successfully detected leptospiral DNA from serum and urine samples of patients with leptospirosis. This assay has the potential to facilitate rapid, sensitive diagnosis of acute leptospirosis.