
Language structure and language function

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... La región de la incerteza que, de uno u otro modo, está abriendo el fenómeno de la modalidad en la lengua, de acuerdo con lo que resume el párrafo de Aijmer (2016: 499), es pues un rasgo preeminente de la evaluación, que convierte lo dicho de polar, axiomático o dual, en gradual. La definición de Aijmer (2016) toma como base los postulados previos de Halliday (1974Halliday ( , 2004, sin embargo, reconoce que existe una modulación en la percepción de lo dicho desde el punto de vista de los fenómenos de la posibilidad o de la temporalidad. En este sentido, Aijmer (1996) observa que, prototípicamente, la modulación, el hecho de que lo axiomático se torne en gradualmente aprehensible, es la característica más saliente de la modalidad. ...
... No obstante, también otros marcos teóricos -como pueda ser la lingüística sistémico-funcional que venimos comentando, entre otras-trabajaron al respecto. Martin (2002Martin ( , 2007Martin ( , 2019, Halliday (1985Halliday ( , 2004Halliday ( [1994) y Halliday y Matthiessen (2004) propusieron la diferenciación estratificada de los niveles lingüísticos léxico-gramatical y semántico-discursivo. Con todo, su concepción de estratificación no permite ver las categorías lingüísticas como un continuo, sino de forma discreta. Es por ello por lo que el cognitivismo aporta un giro de novedad a la forma en que se aprehende la naturaleza de la modalidad, dominio que atraviesa distintos planos de expresión. ...
... No obstante, también otros marcos teóricos -como pueda ser la lingüística sistémico-funcional que venimos comentando, entre otras-trabajaron al respecto. Martin (2002Martin ( , 2007Martin ( , 2019, Halliday (1985Halliday ( , 2004Halliday ( [1994) y Halliday y Matthiessen (2004) propusieron la diferenciación estratificada de los niveles lingüísticos léxico-gramatical y semántico-discursivo. Con todo, su concepción de estratificación no permite ver las categorías lingüísticas como un continuo, sino de forma discreta. Es por ello por lo que el cognitivismo aporta un giro de novedad a la forma en que se aprehende la naturaleza de la modalidad, dominio que atraviesa distintos planos de expresión. ...
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This paper reviews the concepts of modality and subjectivity, according to different bibliographic studies. The main purpose of the review is to note the defining flaws of both domains, which cause confusion when it comes to being explained in the uses of different linguistic units (from verbs to adverbs and discursive particles). The approximation carried out shows that the description of both concepts is intertwined from the beginning of the theorizing about it, but, above all, that its descriptive features are eminently semantic, although the grammatical (and functional) categories that mainly manifest these phenomena operate at the pragmatic level. Thus, here we propose new definitions of modality and subjectivity that they are not mutually exclusive nor overshadow either of the two domains. For this purpose, it is proposed a conception of the studied terms based in some definition of last year’s cognitive-functional theories (Nuyts and Van der Auwera 2016, Abraham 2020).
... Par conséquent, son expression est isomorphe dans le texte, dont la structure est tout aussi ascendante, mais pas dans la phrase complexe, dont la structure est descendante. L'absence d'isomorphisme entre la structure conceptuelle et la forme d' expression fournit un critère pour discriminer, au niveau de la fonction idéationnelle (Halliday, 1970), les formes d' expression non marquées des formes marquées : dans l' expression tant des rôles marginaux que des relations transphrastiques, nous pouvons considérer comme non marquée la structure isomorphe -qui reflète la structure conceptuelle -et marquée l' option non isomorphe. Dans l' expansion du procès simple, l' option non marquée est la phrase et l' option marquée le texte ; dans la connexion transphrastique, la relation est renversée : l' option non marquée est le texte et l' option marquée la phrase. ...
... S'il est vrai que la disponibilité d' options multiples demande une motivation fonctionnelle pour chaque choix et que la motivation présuppose l'isomorphisme, la motivation des choix marqués, à savoir du texte dans l' expansion du procès simple et de la phrase complexe dans la connexion transphrastique, ne relève pas de la fonction idéationnelle, dans laquelle le présupposé de l'isomorphisme n' est pas satisfait. En effet, elle répond à la fonction que Halliday (1970) qualifie de textuelle, qui envisage les structures syntaxiques comme autant d'instruments au Dans la juxtaposition (24), chaque phrase indépendante a sa perspective communicative et il n'y a pas de perspective unitaire qui inclut les deux. Comme dans une galerie de portraits, chaque tableau est fermé dans son cadre. ...
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Interclausal relations are traditionally studied within the framework of the complex sentence of endocentric subordinative form. However, there is no essential correlation between interclausal linkage and complex sentence. Interclausal relations are not meanings of subordinate clauses but conceptual relations that bridge saturated processes of equal rank. According to this premise, complex sentence is only one option for the expression of interclausal relations, along with text. Moreover, if we compare the competing structures, it turns out that the unmarked form of expression is not complex sentence but text. While a complex sentence imposes a hierarchic syntactic structure on a symmetric conceptual structure, the structure of the text and the conceptual structure of interclausal relations are isomorphic. As a marked option, the choice of complex sentence requires a specific functional motivation, which does not involve the ideation of the link itself but the communicative perspective: its function is to impose a layered communicative perspective on the connexion, which is distributed between foreground and background information.
... For instance, Hare and Goldberg (1999) found that provide-with sentences in English, such as The officers provided the soldiers with guns prime double-object datives such as The man handed a woman a box of sweets rather than prepositional datives such as The man handed a box of sweets to a woman. Provide-with sentences have the same thematic role order as double-object datives (Agent-Recipient-Theme), whereas they have the same phrasal structure as prepositional datives (NP VP [V NP PP]). ...
... This interpretation assumes that the alternation between theme-location and locationtheme orders in declarative sentences is largely influenced by the persistence of thematic emphasis (Bernolet et al., 2009). Specifically, a location-theme order what-cleft prime such as What the assistant loaded into the lift was the equipment can elicit location-theme orders in non-cleft declarative sentences such as The man loaded the bus with the luggage because in English, the thematic role of a newly introduced or emphasized entity typically follows that of a previously introduced or de-emphasized entity (e.g., Haviland & Clark, 1974;Givón, 1984;Halliday, 1970;Quirk et al., 1985). Hence, in both what-cleft primes and declarative targets, the last-mentioned thematic role (i.e., the theme role in the above examples) is emphasized. ...
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How speakers sequence words and phrases remains a central question in cognitive psychology. Here we focused on understanding the representations and processes that underlie structural priming, the speaker's tendency to repeat sentence structures encountered earlier. Verb repetition from the prime to the target led to a stronger tendency to produce locative variants of the spray-load alternation following locative primes (e.g., load the boxes into the van) than following with primes (e.g., load the van with the boxes). These structural variants had the same constituent structure, ruling out abstract syntactic structure as the source of the verb boost effect. Furthermore, using cleft constructions (e.g., What the assistant loaded into the lift was the equipment), we found that the thematic role order (thematic role-position mappings) of the prime can persist separately from its argument structure (thematic role-syntactic function mappings). Moreover, both priming effects were enhanced by verb repetition and interacted with each other when the construction of the prime was also repeated in the target. These findings are incompatible with the traditional staged model of grammatical encoding, which postulates the independence of abstract syntax from thematic role information. We propose the interactive structure-building account, according to which speakers build a sentence structure by choosing a thematic role order and argument structure interactively based on their prior co-occurrence together with other structurally relevant information such as verbs and constructions.
... Beeching 2016; Scivoletto 2022: 9-12) is underpinned by Halliday's model of language functions (cf. Halliday 1970). Discourse markers, lacking referential meaning, do not perform the ideational function but rather serve the interpersonal and textual functions. ...
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This paper deals with the concept of mirativity – the linguistic expressionof surprise – in both synchronic and diachronic terms, by analyzing the case of adedicated mirative marker in Sicilian, bì (roughly meaning ‘oh!’). After pointing outsome critical issues in the study of mirativity, the paper delves into the empiricalanalysis of present-day uses of bì, and reconstructs its evolution in the history of Sicilian. Stemming from the imperative of the verb ‘to see’, it has evolved from a full verb to a discourse marker (vidì > vì > bì), whose function is precisely to expresssurprise, and it has developed a further discourse-pragmatic function of correction. In a diachronic perspective, this evolution contributes to understanding the possible sources (attention-getting) and outcomes (correction) of mirativity. The case of bì suggests that mirativity can represent a semantic (coded) meaning, arising fromand evolving into pragmatic (inferred) ones. Thus, in a synchronic perspective, mirativity may be understood as a semantic notion, i.e. a type of semantic meaning thatlanguages can mark through dedicated linguistic means, not limited to the level of morphosyntax.
... In many Arab countries, English or French is often favored in business and education, potentially marginalizing Arabic in these domains. The challenges of modernity require new approaches to Arabic language education, particularly in integrating technology and modern pedagogical methods to make the language more accessible and appealing to younger generations [9]. ...
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تعد اللغة العربية واحدة من أكثر اللغات تأثيرًا وانتشارًا في العالم، حيث تشكل أساس الثقافة الإسلامية والتقاليد الفكرية. تستكشف هذه الورقة الافتتاحية تطور اللغة العربية، هيكلها، وتأثيرها المستمر، مع تتبع جذورها من اللغات السامية القديمة إلى دورها في تشكيل الأدب والعلم والفلسفة خلال العصر الذهبي الإسلامي. كما تناقش الورقة التحديات اللغوية التي تواجه اللغة العربية اليوم، خاصة التباعد بين اللغة العربية الفصحى الحديثة واللهجات الإقليمية، وتأثير العولمة. تؤكد الخاتمة على أهمية الحفاظ على كل من اللغة العربية الكلاسيكية والفصحى الحديثة في العصر الرقمي، وتشجيع الجهود الرامية لتعزيز معرفة اللغة العربية والتواصل مع تراثها الثقافي الغني
... The word "so" is selected mainly due to its multifunctional appearance in utterances of various contexts and its frequent use by both native speakers and English learners. Previous studies have covered the functions of "so" in many regards, especially when it plays the role of a discourse marker (Schiffrin, 1987;Blakemore, 1988;Redeker, 1990;Fraser, 1999;Johnson, 2002;Raymond, 2004;Müller, 2005;Fischer, 2006;Redeker, 2006;Bolden, 2009;Buysse, 2012;House, 2013;Collet, Diemer & Brunner, 2021, etc.) Piled as ideas put forward, the analysis of the functions of "so" still persists within the framework of the earliest proposal by Schiffrin (1987), which is formed from the meta-function of language by Halliday (1970). Thus, my research presents a different way of observing the discourse functions of "so" -to explain the role of its contextual constraints in relation to the location in which it occurs in utterances. ...
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Traditional studies have been referring to Halliday’s meta-function of language to classify the uses of “so” as a discourse marker. However, there are some overlaps in the theories that were accepted earlier. Thus, this study first seeks to explore the discourse roles of “so” in terms of where it appears (utterance-initial, -middle, and -final) in dialogues and monologues of informal English language based on the TV Corpus and AntConc tool. Second, this paper tries to explain the extended use and internal functional mapping of “so” from a logical connective to a discourse marker in spoken English by building a connection between the two uses and providing an account for its functional borrowing. The ultimate goal is to render a new perspective of presenting both the logical and the discourse functions of “so” related to the syntactical structure and pragmatic context it is in.
... Linguistic analysis has identified several determinants of politeness (Brown & Yule, 1983/1991Bühler, 1934;Halliday, 1970;Jakobson, 1960;Lyons, 1977). Some are external to the interaction (e.g., the relative status of the interlocutors) while some are internal (e.g., choice of speech act, amount of imposition, or degree of friendliness). ...
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The current chapter presents a distinction between individualistic versus collectivistic cultures based on communication styles. In particular, this distinction involves the concept of "face," and cultural communicative preferences for, respectively, negative politeness and positive politeness. In light of this distinction, the chapter further investigates four social aspects of irony: (a) humor, (b) status enhancement, (c) aggression, and (d) emotional control. In a series of pilot studies 1 , the perception of these social aspects was tested in two groups of participants coming from individualistic versus collectivistic cultures and responding to both critical and praise irony. The results suggest that the individualistic group found the ironic utterances funnier and more status enhancing than the collectivistic group. While no statistically significant difference was found for aggression ratings, the results revealed that in the individualistic group, irony was rated as more face-threatening when a person's poor performance was targeted, while in the individualistic group, this effect occurred when moral behavior was targeted rather than the situation.
... The most important anti-Chomskyan but still generative (cf., e.g., Müller 2013: 59) varieties of formalist linguistics, from the late 1970s/1980s on, are Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG; Gazdar et al. 1985) and, as a derivative thereof, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG; Pollard and Sag 1994) as well as Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG;Bresnan 2001;Kaplan and Bresnan 1982); see, e.g., Thomas (2020: Chapter 3) and the literature cited therein for a first overview. Some exponents of the much more heterogeneous "galaxy of functionalism" (Graffi 2001: 389), on the other hand, are Lakoff's (1963Lakoff's ( /1976Lakoff's ( , 1971) counterconcept of 'generative semantics', Halliday's (1970Halliday's ( , 2002 systemic functional linguistics, Dik's (1978Dik's ( , 1989 functional grammar, Givón's (1979Givón's ( , 1995Givón's ( , 2001 functionalist work, Foley and Van Valin's (1984) Role and Reference Grammar, Hopper's (1987) Emergent Grammar, Langacker's (1987Langacker's ( , 2008 cognitive linguistics, Bates and MacWhinney's (1989) Competition Model, Goldberg's (1995) Cognitive Construction Grammar, Croft's (2001) Radical Construction Grammar etc. (see Thomas 2020: Chapter 4 for an outline of a selection thereof). Note that although many 'functionalists' accept both communication and cognition as fundamental influence factors, one could subdivide the approach into functional versus cognitive linguistics (cf., e.g., Siewierska 2013; for other classifications of modern functionalistic accounts, cf. ...
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This special issue examines the question of how both formal(ist) and functional(ist) accounts or elements of theorizing can contribute to the explanation of (morpho)syntactic variation. Are formal and functional approaches really irreconcilable with each other, as often seems to be taken for granted by their respective advocates? It will be argued instead that they are rather complementary and that both can make a valuable contribution to explaining linguistic variation, in synchronic as well as diachronic respects. The integration of ways of looking at a certain phenomenon or problem from the respective other camp is proven to provide a significant added value and should not be excluded. The volume focuses on several Germanic languages and dialects, more specifically on German, Dutch, and Swedish varieties. It unites different formal and functional perspectives and, not least, it considers also semantic and phonological factors. The models covered include different versions of generative grammar, information-based morphology, construction grammar/construction morphology, natural morphology, and sociolinguistics.
... Na análise linguística, tomando por base a Gramática Sistêmico Funcional -GSF (HALLIDAY, 1978), as formas gramaticais são recursos para codificação e interpretação de experiências e modos de interação social. Estendendo para outros modos semióticos, a GDV preserva esses preceitos ao considerar que os significados pertencem à cultura (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 1996. ...
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This thesis analyses hate speech (MOURA, 2016) motivated by political discussion on social media, specifically on Facebook and Twitter. Data was collected through data scraping, mostly in 2018, when former President Lula was arrested, and the presidential campaign also took place. Thus, the corpus is made of hate speeches directed at the Brazilian presidential candidates during that year and their followers, active participants in these social media. This thesis is composed of six published research publications - four papers, a book chapter and an expanded abstract - and aims to investigate the establishment of discursive-evaluative patterns in a perspective that considers language within the social context (HALLIDAY,1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004). Based on this assumption and considering the object of study, the medium in which the discourses circulate and the language used, the following theoretical-methodological contributions were defined: the appraisal Discourse (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005), in order to understand the affect and judgments of human attitudes; Multimodality (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006) to understand the construction of meaning in discourses involving more than one semiosis; the process of word formation in the grammar of the Portuguese language (CUNHA; CINTRA, 2016) which, in addition to defining guidelines for understanding the language, can also be an appraisal resource, and; the Network Science (SCOTT, 2000; WATTS, 2003; BARABÁSI, 2003) through which it is possible to visualize the mechanisms of interactions on social media and, thus, observe the dissemination of discourse. Once the analysis of the dataset of all research items was completed, the results obtained were: (i) standardization of judgment of former President Lula and of supporters of the opposite group to the enunciator; (ii) vocabulary choice, including neologisms, and visual aids are also used to intensify or quantify the force of the attitudinal meanings; (iii) hybrid category of classification: if there is an expression of negative judgment, there is together a demonstration of affect with the same semantic; (iv) political tactics that have persisted throughout history have been leveraged by social media mechanisms; (v) considering virtual lynchings (MERCURI, 2016; MACEDO, 2018) as something that crosses the border of online and offline, it was observed that hate speeches motivated by political discussion on social media affected social relations and resulted in physical aggression.
... En ella, la noción anterior de sistema se modifica a favor de la idea de red de sistemas (network of systems), en la que las opciones (choices) se realizan de manera simultánea, en unos casos de manera independiente y desordenada, y en otros de manera dependiente y ordenadas jerárquicamente. Considera que las opciones entre unidades lingüísticas en el plano paradigmático son más determinantes que las opciones entre estructuras sintagmáticas, ya que las primeras reflejan la capacidad semántica del lenguaje (Halliday, 1970). La teoría del lenguaje de Halliday se inscribe dentro de una teoría más amplia de semiótica social. ...
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1. Los modelos lingüísticos hoy La actividad de los lingüistas se distribuye entre los avances teóricos para la explicación del fenómeno del lenguaje y los desarrollos de aplicaciones que se proponen objetivos bien diversos. La lingüística general o teórica, ajena habitualmente a los desarrollos aplicados, ha ido avanzando a lo largo del siglo XX en la constitución de una teoría explicativa sobre la capacidad humana del lenguaje y la materialización en lenguas particulares, cuya característica fundamental es la variación. Por tanto son objeto de la lingüística las vertientes cognitiva, simbólica y social del lenguaje natural. Las diversas "escuelas" lingüísticas que coexisten actualmente comparten, en líneas generales, este objeto tridimensional, pero lo hacen centrando su atención en alguno de estos aspectos, en detrimento de otros, lanzando hipótesis teóricas dispares, usando métodos científicos distintos y proponiendo formalismos de representación múltiples. La lingüística aplicada, conjunto de disciplinas orientadas hacia la resolución de problemas d e comunicación o hacia la construcción de recursos lingüísticos y herramientas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural, ha combinado, desde antiguo, estrategias y modelos diversos para la descripción, el análisis y la representación de los datos de las lenguas particulares. Estas estrategias y modelos no siempre provienen de los avances realizados en la teoría lingüística que se desarrolla coetáneamente, sino que a menudo se sostienen en las tradiciones y las finalidades mismas de las prácticas. Así, la lexicografía o la enseñanza de lenguas, sin haber estado aisladas completamente del devenir teórico y metodológico de la lingüística general o teórica, han ido construyendo su propio universo de principios y métodos orientados por la praxis. No obstante, en los últimos años, se percibe una cierta tendencia por conseguir en algunos campos aplicados una adaptación coherente, llamada por algunos "elegante", del corpus teórico y metodológico de modelos lingüísticos determinados, como viene sucediendo en una gran parte de la lingüística computacional o de la traductología. Antes de entrar a describir las principales "escuelas" u orientaciones actuales en lingüística, conviene aclarar que debajo de etiquetas denominativas como gramática, modelo gramatical, modelo lingüístico, mecanismo, formalismo o teoría lingüística, residen básicamente tres niveles epistemológicos distintos. El primero, el de la teoría del lenguaje, en el que se postulan principios generales sobre la naturaleza y el
... The inscription and invocation of attitudinal meanings display one more regularity of the corpus that remains constant in the basic, intermediate, and advanced subcorpora. From a general perspective, attitudinal evaluations are predominantly inscribed, making their attitudinal stance accessible in terms of the effort their identification and interpretation demand from the reader (Halliday 2002). attitude in academic EFL writing Nonetheless, such inscribing tendency changes when looking at each attitudinal category; realizations of judgement tend to be invoked in more than 65 % of occurrences. ...
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The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the use of attitudinal language stands as a potential source of effectiveness in undergraduate academic writing in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). In order to achieve this purpose, interpersonal features of a corpus of essays written by Mexican undergraduate students of English Language and Literature were analyzed. The model of appraisal (Martin, James R. & Peter R. R. White. 2005. The language of evaluation: Appraisal systems in English . Basingtoke: Palgrave Macmillan) was used to trace and contrast attitude resources of affect, judgement and appreciation in academic essays in relation to the grades they were granted by university professors at different levels of instruction. The results of the study confirm a significant relation between the use of resources of attitude and the perceived (in)effectiveness of the analyzed texts, as well as factors which potentially determine the nature of such relation and pose relevant implications for academic writing instruction in EFL in the context of the analyzed corpus.
... Scivoletto 2022a: 9-12) fa da sfondo il modello delle funzioni della lingua di Halliday: i marcatori del discorso, non avendo significato proposizionale, non svolgono la funzione ideazionale, bensì quelle interpersonale e testuale (cfr. Halliday 1970). 10 Il valore mirativo è quello principale, poiché ricopre la stragrande maggioranza delle occorrenze registrate nei dati contemporanei, mentre il valore correttivo ha una frequenza d'uso molto limitata (il rapporto tra occorrenze correttive e mirative è di circa 1 a 10). ...
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L’articolo tratta l’espressione della miratività in siciliano, prendendo in considerazione le funzioni e gli sviluppi del marcatore del discorso bì. Con miratività si intende l’espressione linguistica della sorpresa, categoria semantica che è legata al dominio della modalità nella misura in cui concerne l’atteggiamento del parlante nei confronti della proposizione. Viene analizzato dunque il caso di bì, in prospettiva insieme sincronica e diacronica: in primo luogo, si mostra come bì svolga principalmente una funzione mirativa, e in secondo luogo viene ricostruita l’evoluzione del marcatore del discorso a partire dall’imperativo del verbo di percezione ‘vedere’. L’analisi permette di riflettere sul concetto di miratività. In primo luogo, in termini diacronici, si osserva come quest’ultima emerga come funzione all’interno dell’evoluzione pragmatico-discorsiva del marcatore del discorso. In secondo luogo, in termini teorici generali, la nozione è discussa come categoria semantica realizzata e osservata ai vari livelli della lingua.
... Given the potential connection between domains and functions and based on the DFTM, this study argues in favor of attributing the 16 functions to the four domains (see Table 7) in the analysis of uni-domain and -function DMs that perform different functions in different discourse contexts (Crible, 2017). Such attribution was informed by Gonza`lez (2005), Crible and Degand (2019), Halliday (1970), and Hovy (1995). Gonza`lez (2005, p. 54) proposed that ''logico-semantic argumentative relations (of cause, reason, result, concession, contrast, time, etc.)'' are considered ''ideational.' ...
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Most theoretical and empirical studies of discourse marker multifunctionality do not approach it using a formal, systematic annotation model. Drawing on a domain-function taxonomy, this study examines 270 tokens of the discourse marker ni zhidao in Chinese media interviews. All values of the two-dimensional model designed for the whole category of discourse markers apply to ni zhidao, demonstrating its equally potent affordance on a particular discourse marker case cross-linguistically. By putting this model to the test, we found that “emphasis” needs to be added to the original 15 functions in the model, and that domains and functions need to be treated as dependent layers of pragmatic meaning. Functions determine domains, and domains need to be regarded as macro-functions to which specific functions are attributed. As such, we tentatively put forth an updated version that provides finer granularity and greater affordance, shedding new light on the pragmatic meaning of ni zhidao and the speaker’s underlying communicative intent. We propose that the sample be divided into uni-functional and multi-functional categories before being analyzed within the updated model to capture the multifunctional discourse markers in the same context-specific utterances. This study has implications for the need of more exhaustive, speech-friendly annotation models of DM multifunctionality and the cross-linguistic adaptation or refinement of established DM annotation models to cater to the unique traits of spoken DMs in different languages.
... Discourse is the core of systemic functional linguistics research which provides a context for studying vocabulary, grammar, and so on. Halliday proposes three meta-functions of language: ideational function, interpersonal function, and textual function [13] . Ostovar Namaghi Seyyed Ali intends to explore the use of modality in a random sample of expository essays written in an EFL context [36] . ...
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Based on the framework of register theory, this paper uses the song Father’s Grassland Mother’s River which is collected from the website of wedding poetry as the analysis material. Different linguistic theories to analyze discourses can reveal the linguistic approaches used by the speaker for the realization of speaking intention from the different perspectives. The purpose of this paper is to explore the merits of register theory in the discourse analysis of lyrics and to verify the applicability of register theory in the analysis of lyrics. Though literature research method, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, this paper focuses on the register of lyric, including field, tenor, and mode, studying three meta-functions and its meanings of systemic functional linguistics which refers to the field and discussion of ideational function; the tenor and discussion of interpersonal function and the mode and discussion of textual function. The study shows the nationality and musicality of the song, and elucidates the reason for its widely spread among the public. The results of analysis prove that: i) the transitivity, logical relationship and the modal system are all influenced by the vocabularies used in the lyrics; ii) the two kinds of tenor in lyrics reflect the interpersonal relationship; iii) comprehensive analysis of the thematic structure, the information structure and the rhyme and other stylistic characteristics reflects the uniqueness of the lyrics from other types of discourse
... The analysis of transitivity is important and plays a significant role in determining the ideology between participants to Halliday(1970) it reflects how people get and convert the targeted messages of the reality and how people comprehend and explain different matters of the world. Therefore, The Tehran Times portrayed ideological perspectives that reflect different dimensions of the concerned issue, and this has been done throughout the evocation of particular transitivity processes such as material and verbal processes that have been interpreted to include the use certain ideological strategies. ...
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The present study delves into exploring the ideological strategies used by The Tehran Times newspaper reports in representing news concerning the Iran Nuclear Crisis which are investigated within critical discourse analysis framework. The researcher adopts Halliday's model of transitivity (1994) and Van Dijk's Ideology and discourse (2000) discursive strategies in order to answer research's question. Based on the analysis, it has been concluded that the ideological strategies used in The Tehran times newspaper reports as burden, counterfactual, metaphor, example, polarization populism, national self-glorification, and victimization formulate a general ideological perspectives of escalating news on the Iran nuclear crisis. Where Iran is positively represented. Moreover, reflecting the U.S actions against Iran's government which are negatively represented.
... In the third step, the analysis moves on to novel information, that is, anything new that has been introduced either into the conversation or the ongoing activity. The pioneering work of Halliday (1970) revealed the importance of novel information in maintaining joint attention among participants in a conversation. As novelty flows, so flows the topic of attention. ...
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Neurologist-patient interaction, an important hospital situation that focuses on the care for people with language-related disorders or impairments, has attracted interest from various disciplinary standpoints. Global attention to neurologist-patient interaction is growing, with focus on communication models, patterns, applications, and various indices in the interactional contexts. Similar attention remains scanty within the Nigerian context. This study, therefore, investigated communication model in neurologist-patient interaction in selected university teaching hospitals (UTHs) in southwestern Nigeria, in order to identify the communication goals and patterns, discourse strategies, pragmatic acts, and contexts that shape the interaction. Jacob Mey's Pragmatic Acts, complemented by Emanuel and Emanuel's model of doctor-patient relationship, served as the theoretical framework. Data comprising 40 audio-recorded neurologist-patient interactions were collected from the UTHs of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Sagamu (nine); Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti (eight) and Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Osogbo (six) and University College Hospital, Ibadan (17). These were supplemented with patients' case notes and interviews conducted with neurologists. The data were transcribed following modified Arminen's notations of conversation analysis and subjected to pragmatic analysis. Four models of communication, namely paternalistic, informative, interpretive, and deliberative, exhibited through varying discourse strategies were identified in the neurologist-patient interaction with the diagnostic and therapeutic communication as goals. The paternalistic model reflected slightly casual conversational conventions and registers. These were achieved through the pragmemic activities of situated speech acts, psychological and physical acts, via patients' quarrel-induced acts, controlled and managed through neurologists' shared situation knowledge. All these produced empathising, pacifying, promising and instructing practs. The patients' practs were explaining, provoking, associating and greeting in the paternalistic model. The informative model reveals the use of adjacency pairs, formal turn-taking, precise detailing, institutional talks and dialogic strategies. Through the activities of the speech, prosody and physical acts, the practs of declaring, alerting and informing were utilised by neurologists, while the patients exploited adapting, requesting and selecting practs. Monologic contribution was the norm in the interpretive model. It involves the confirmatory and routine opening-and-closing discourse strategies. The communicative activities through the speech, prosody and physical acts showed the utilisation of deducing, predicting, prioritising and interpreting practs by neurologists; while patients adopted conforming, inquiring, requesting and deciding practs. The negotiating conversational strategy of the deliberative model featured in the speech, prosody and physical acts. In this model, practs of suggesting, teaching, persuading and convincing were utilised by the neurologists. The patients deployed the practs of questioning, demanding, considering and deciding. The contextual variables revealed that the four models often coalesced in the selected UTHs within the situational and psychological contexts. However, the paternalistic model was predominantly employed by neurologists with over six years in practice, while the interpretive, informative and deliberative models were found among neurologists below six years in practice in the selected UTHs. Neurologist-patient interaction in university teaching hospitals in southwestern Nigeria is shaped by neurologists' experience, patients' peculiarities and shared knowledge. All these reinforce the paternalistic as an invaluable model for enhanced and effective communication.
... Halliday vuelve a ser nuestra inspiración en este tema de las funciones. La variabilidad que se da en la gramática de las lenguas deriva, según este autor (Halliday 1970;1982, 62-63), de tres macrofunciones: la ideativa, la interpersonal y la textual, que define de la siguiente manera: 1) La función ideativa se relaciona con la posibilidad de una lengua de ser un medio de expresión de nuestra experiencia (exterior o interior). ...
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Material educativo para la formación lingüística del profesorado de Educación Primaria (2023).
... It focuses more on eliciting meaning from the linguistic elements in a text. (Halliday 1970, Halliday and Hasan 1976, Martin 1984, Halliday and Matthiessen 2014, Almurash 2016. ...
Writers and speakers rely on linguistic resources in the construction of texts. They are conscious of building unified, readable and decodable texts that will carry intended meanings to their audience. Different linguistic resources are deployed and utilized to construct texts, and one of the resources is cohesion. As a linguistic resource in text construction, it is a strategy of using linguistic elements that reflect a relation of meaning in a text to create unity. Such elements may be in the domain of lexis or syntax (grammar). This study examines and describes cohesion as a linguistic strategy in the construction of the poem Irọ written by Akinwumi Isola. The poem describes one of the inherent behaviour of lying or engagement in falsehood that is common among the human species. The study relies on the orientation of Systemic Functional Linguistics as advanced by Halliday and Hassan (1976). It is revealed in the study that cohesive devices are reliable instruments in text construction, in this case, a poem. The study adds to our knowledge of cohesion as it applies to the analysis of Yoruba texts.
Context: Previous research has identified a homogeneous language behavior among women speakers with a progressive mild cognitive impairment (MCI). These speakers primarily utilize verbal and non-verbal pragmatic markers with interactive functions to maintain communication with the interlocutor, and this function significantly increases in time. However, the speakers have observed variations, prompting the development of an individualized analysis of the participants’ discursive productions considering neurolinguistic models. Methods: A multimodal and individualized analysis was conducted on five women over 75, diagnosed with progressive MCI, using longitudinal and natural language corpora. The data were processed using transcription tools (i.e., verbal discourse) and annotation tools (i.e., gestures), then subjected to Principal Component Analyses due to the diverse data set and discursive modalities to analyze for each individual. Results & conclusion: The results reveal variations, even specialization, in verbal and gestural pragmatic markers based on cognitive and empathic profiles, as well as certain resilience factors among study participants. Three behavioral patterns emerge among the profiles of amnestic MCI with standard progression, multidomain MCI profiles, and MCI profiles occurring at a very advanced age in the context of good cognitive reserve. These findings encourage further research to characterize MCI as a dynamic and variable diagnostic entity from one individual to another. Additionally, corpus analysis could enable clinicians to assess the discourse of individuals with MCI for diagnostic purposes and evaluate treatments’ effectiveness, especially speech therapy.
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This descriptive-qualitative research aimed to descriptively interpret Mr. Bean's nonverbal language cues which fulfilled incongruity and disparagement humor. The method of analyzing the data was content analysis with input-process-output of analytical construct. The results of analysis reveal that Mr. Bean's gestures bring about movements that direct to implicature. From 88 units of analysis, there are found 62 fragments violating and only 4 fragments adhering to conventional meanings. Meanwhile, dealing with cooperative principles, there are 20 fragments violating and only 2 adhere to the principles. On the other hand, the nonverbal language cues demonstrated by Mr. Bean comprises gesture (88 times), facial expression (83), eye behavior (83), touching (28), posture (26), privacy (21), territory (21), distance (21), chronemics (9), space (8), artefactual (7), and bodily attractiveness (2). This study suggests that making humor through nonverbal language cues can provide benefits in creating a vivid learning atmosphere. Language is defined as a systematic means used for communication, communicating ideas or feelings by use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures or marks (Webster 1979). This language definition suggests that language contains two systems, forms of language and functions of language. Brown (1987) states that functionally language serves various purposes such as greeting, flattering, interrupting, requesting, lying, criticizing, complaining, joking, commanding, etc. Formally, language comprises also two systems, namely the verbal and nonverbal system. It is undeniable that in human communication, human beings do not communicate by words alone (linguistic means), but by both verbal (linguistic) and nonverbal (nonlinguistic) means to arrive at their intention. Both verbal and nonverbal components of communication interact in producing a successful piece of communication. When one of the components is missing, it results in an incongruous state of the message. The researcher found a communication that the form is nonverbal and the function is humorous in Mr. Bean's comedy performances. Some TV channels in unscheduled time broadcast the films, suggesting that Mr. Bean's films are not dedicated to a certain gender, age, social class, etc. In every minute of the performance he creates a situation of laughter. He intentionally omits one of the communicative congruence components (i.e. words/sounds) in his communication. He only uses his nonverbal language in delivering his intention (the language function) to give amusement. This research constitutes a linguistic content analysis of nonverbal language cues that reflect the characteristics of incongruity and disparagement humor. The nonverbal communication systems (Leathers 1986) used to analyze the data are limited to the visual communication, namely kinesics (facial expression, eye behaviors, gestures and posture), proxemics (space, distance, territory, and ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION
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The research aims to examine ANOVA statistic about the effect of three main aspects: First, the influence of Vocabulary Mastery on students' ability in paraphrasing the paragraph. Second, the influence of Reading Comprehension Ability on students' ability in paraphrasing the paragraph. The last is the correlation between Mastery Vocabulary and Reading Ability Comprehension of student’s ability in paraphrasing the paragraph. This research subjects involved 250 students at State Madrasah Aliyah Model Plus Skills of Manado. The results of the research indicates that there is a significant difference in how the level of vocabulary and reading mastery affects students' ability to paraphrase, and there is a significant difference in how the level of vocabulary mastery affects students' ability to read comprehension.
M. A. K. Halliday, the pioneer of contemporary Systemic Functional Grammar.
At the beginning of 1978, I had the honor of participating in the National Examination.
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This descriptive-qualitative research aimed to descriptively interpret Mr. Bean’s nonverbal language cues which fulfilled incongruity and disparagement humor. The method of analyzing the data was content analysis with input-process-output of analytical construct. The results of analysis reveal that Mr. Bean's gestures bring about movements that direct to implicature. From 88 units of analysis, there are found 62 fragments violating and only 4 fragments adhering to conventional meanings. Meanwhile, dealing with cooperative principles, there are 20 fragments violating and only 2 adhere to the principles. On the other hand, the nonverbal language cues demonstrated by Mr. Bean comprises gesture (88 times), facial expression (83), eye behavior (83), touching (28), posture (26), privacy (21), territory (21), distance (21), chronemics (9), space (8), artefactual (7), and bodily attractiveness (2). This study suggests that making humor through nonverbal language cues can provide benefits in creating a vivid learning atmosphere.
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Language matters occupy a complex site for research, which calls for ongoing academic attention from several interrelated disciplines. What makes language a polemic subject is its multi-layered relations with other unresolved aspects of identity, linguistic ideologies, hegemony, language practices and culture in ever-evolving linguistic and sociocultural contexts. Such significance of language in human communities makes it a subject of scrutiny, especially within the enduring debates on decolonialisation, education, changing sociolinguistic environments, global politics, language shifts and linguistic ideologies among other polemical zones. In many respects, this volume responds to these issues in an attempt to proffer critical interpretations of emerging trends, practices, language shifts and cultural contacts. The main focus of the various chapters in this volume is to offer additional directions towards new understandings in language-related domains. The entry points for the various chapters are multifaceted, a situation that is in line with the convolution of language matters in Zimbabwe. Certainly, this single book offers staging posts and highlights areas that deserve further inquiry for more comprehensive solutions to language polemics in the Zimbabwean context. This is imperative, particularly in contemporary times when there is an increase in the call for reimagining the future for African communities by contesting long-held conceptions of language and its usage.
Le présent article étudie deux constructions, capacitive (The main dining room seats 65) et à sujet locatif (The reign of Charles II saw the end of the great Forest courts), qui se prêtent à comparaison à plus d’un titre. Le sujet animé des constructions prototypiques des verbes à l’étude (seat et sleep, les deux verbes les plus employés pour le capacitif ; see et witness, les deux seuls verbes de ‘perception’ présents dans les constructions à sujet locatif) laisse place, dans ces constructions moins prototypiques, à un sujet inanimé locatif spatial, mais aussi temporel pour les constructions à sujet locatif. L’alignement entre fonction syntaxique et rôle sémantique n’y est pas prototypique car le référent du sujet n’est ni agent ni expérient, mais dénote, à première vue, une localisation spatiale ou temporelle. Enfin, ces deux types d’énoncés s’éloignent de l’expression d’une expérience et situation concrètes (ce que les verbes concernés dénotent habituellement).Cette étude interroge les mécanismes à l’œuvre dans les deux types de constructions, et montre que non seulement la différence d’alignement syntaxe-sémantique entre les énoncés prototypiques et les énoncés non prototypiques permet l’émergence d’une nouvelle signification verbale relevant de l’abstraction, mais qu’il existe aussi une logique de continuité entre les énoncés prototypiques (She slept well ou We saw a car with only one headlight on) et les énoncés non prototypiques. L’analyse de l’alignement syntaxe-sémantique présent dans ces deux types d’énoncés permet, dans un premier temps, d’identifier les déviations présentes à l’interface syntaxe-sémantique dans les constructions capacitives et à sujet locatif, puis de tenter de catégoriser plus précisément le type d’alignement à l’œuvre dans ces constructions, le constituant locatif thématisé n'étant ni un sujet, ni un topique habituel ; il est plutôt conçu comme un participant au procès à part entière, et non comme une circonstance. À la lumière de ces analyses, la motivation de cet alignement syntaxe-sémantique et de la topicalisation du locatif est mise au jour, de même que le sens à l’œuvre dans les deux types de constructions.
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Based on Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics, this thesis analyzes Elizabeth II’s 2020 Christmas speech and studies how the Queen uses language skills to obtain the support of the audience. Through the method of functional discourse analysis, this paper explores the performance of the three metafunctions of language in discourse. A comprehensive and in-depth analysis of Christmas speeches shows the operability and applicability of systemic functional linguistics theory in explaining political discourse, which is of practical significance. In addition, representative and contemporary political discourses are selected, and the analysis results are more practical.
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One of the concerns of feminist linguists is to examine the language which is used to represent men and women of a society. The study in hand has considered this issue and tries to explore the language used by the female author dealing with issues of women of Pakistan. Shahla Abdullah's “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust” is analyzed from the lens of the transitivity model. The emphasis is laid upon the woman's portrayal and the ideological representation through the transitivity patterning. The three steps analysis as given by Burton (1982) has been followed for the analysis of the data. Material and mental processes have been used dominantly with the frequency of 42.4% and 17% respectively which depicts the struggle of Pakistani women against oppression and marginalization. The findings demonstrate that the narrative constructed by Abdullah is the reiteration of the stereotypical woman who suffers due to the patriarchal setup and the hegemony of the male counterpart. The study concludes that being a woman, Abdullah could not deviate from the set norms and hence, is unable to construct a new discourse to inspire and empower the woman belonging to the underprivileged sect of society.
Research in communication studies has suggested that Al-Jazeera produces different versions of news stories for different audiences. Yet, examining the linguistic means used to create these versions has remained under-researched. Drawing on Fairclough’s three-dimensional model (1992) and Halliday’s Transitivity model (1985), this study aims at exploring how Al-Jazeera Arabic (AJA) and Al-Jazeera English (AJE) discursively represented the participants involved in the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian conflict in headlines. The analysis of transitivity patterns in AJA and AJE headlines reveals both similar and different representations of the conflict. Although they avoided negative labeling of the Russian government, both channels ascribed conflict escalation to it, highlighting civilians suffering and protesting. Nevertheless, while AJE emphasized the Ukrainian government vulnerability, AJA presented the conflict as a confrontation between two symmetrical forces. Similarities are attributed to organizational and social institutional forces, while differences result from different editorial policies and audience preferences. As discursive and social practices, the headlines contribute to shaping audience perceptions of the conflict, with AJA challenging the prevailing western narrative of the conflict while AJE reinforcing it.
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Developing language skills for students in Vietnam is an issue that needs attention. This article used interdisciplinary research methods between Linguistics and Education. Descriptive method was implemented to describe the characteristics of the Middle School Literature Program, the sixth grade Literature textbook set compiled. Analytical method was used to analyze the teacher's method of teaching literature and the linguistic abilities that need to be formed for students during this period. Developing this capacity is providing the most effective means to perfect thinking capacity. This article surveys teachers' Literature teaching methods applied to students at some Vietnamese schools with the aim of developing students' language and at the same time this will also be an information channel for completing Improve and criticize Literature textbooks compiled according to the new General Education Program (2018) in Vietnam that are in the early stages of being used.
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Konstruowanie tekstu narracyjnego w procesie interakcji dorosły – dziecko nie odzwierciedla w pełni spontanicznych i indywidualnych osiągnięć dziecka w rozwoju kompetencji narracyjnej. Jest raczej odbiciem jego kompetencji komunikacyjnej (w danym kontekście sytuacyjnym) (Shugar, Bokus 1988) i językowej. W artykule podjęto próbę opisu możliwości narracyjnych dwóch dziesięcioletnich dziewczynek z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu lekkim w tym samym wieku życia. Różnił je zespół genetyczny, jedna z badanych była obarczona zespołem Pradera-Williego, druga – zespołem Downa. W analizie materiału empirycznego zwrócono uwagę na cechy narracji ze względu na zmienną wynikającą z zespołu uwarunkowanego genetycznie oraz ze względu na zmienną wynikającą z niepełnosprawności intelektualnej. Summary Constructing a narrative text in the process of adult-child interaction does not fully reflect the child’s spontaneous and individual achievements in the development of narrative competence. It is rather a reflection of his/her communicative (in a given situational context) (Shugar, Bokus 1988) and linguistic competence. The article seeks to describe the narrative abilities of two ten-year-old girls with mild intellectual disability at the same age. The difference between them was genetic syndromes: one suffered from the Prader-Willi syndrome, the other from the Down syndrome. The analysis of the empirical material focused on the narrative features with respect to the variable stemming from the genetically determined syndrome and with respect to the variable stemming from intellectual disability.
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The concept of rheme, being one of the axes around which communication revolves, represents the proposition of a unit of information in various linguistic streams, on from the structuralist school of Prague. Our point of interest here will be to draw a historical sketch of this term, by considering three major milestones that mark its history: its use in the analyses of Greek classical philosophy and logic, in the analyses of medieval linguistic speculation, and its rediscovery in the nineteenth century by German linguistics until its consolidation as a syntactic grammatical category in the Prague school, as well as the various developments it has subsequently experienced until its stipulation as a strictly grammatical category in the so-called metaoperational theory. In particular, we will focus on how it has been applied to Spanish within the framework of different theories.
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This paper explores how trust can be repaired after receiving online negative reviews. In this study, trust repair strategies are classified into six categories, and their effects on benevolence, ability, and integrity are examined. A predominant reliance is discerned on trustworthiness demonstration for affective repair strategies within online negative review responses, showcasing a noteworthy efficacy in reinstating trust across the dimensions of benevolence, integrity, and ability. Through a systematic analysis of these strategies, this paper not only uncovers the intricate interplay between responses and their consequential impacts on three dimensions of trust but also provides valuable comprehension of the multifaceted dynamics inherent in trust repair. By offering a refined understanding of the strategies involved in repairing trust, this research contributes actionable insights with theoretical insights into trust repair in digital business communication and practical implications for individuals and organizations grappling with the intricacies of navigating challenging online negative reviews.
Esta pesquisa fundamenta-se na linha “Texto e discurso, nas modalidades oral e escrita”, de forma a visar à leitura e à produção de textos e discursos, sob o ponto de vista sócio-cognitivo-interacional, estando, pois, unida, especificamente, ao estudo do discurso da pandemia exposto no publicamente no site do Governo Estadual de São Paulo. Foram realizadas duas análises de posts deste governo sobre a perspectiva tridimensional da ACD. Este estudo conta, para a fundamentação teórica do levantamento bibliográfico e, para a escolha do corpus, mediante levantamento documental, retirados do site, com os estudos postulados por GIL (2002). Teoricamente busca conteúdo em diversos autores, mas se ancora nos estudos da ACD de Fairclough (1989) e (2001) bem como Kress e Hodje (1979) e Kress (1990), em menor escala. Como primeiros resultados se percebeu a dissonância entre os Governos Federal e Estadual (foco deste artigo) no tocante à questão da condução da pandemia e, adiante as perspectivas das dimensões de análise podem ser ampliadas e desdobradas em outros significados, explicitados linguisticamente, mas nem sempre absorvidos em uma leitura rápida.
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The way we speak and the words we choose to convey a certain message are not neutral. They are overloaded with certain meanings that represent our worldview, namely when delivered by most influential people like religious leaders and used in contexts which are ideologically constructed like that of the speech of Pope Francis with his symbolic power and role in religious diplomacy. The main aim of this study is to investigate the construction of experiential meanings in Pope Francis' historical speech during his apostolic journey to Morocco on March 19, 2019, by examining the specific linguistic choices employed. This study employs the transitivity model within the framework of systemic functional linguistics (SFL) as its theoretical foundation for analysis. Precisely, using quantitative analysis, this paper endeavors to address two key questions: Firstly, what distributions and patterns of transitivity has Pope Francis utilized in constructing experiential meanings in his speech in Morocco? Second, what functions do the transitivity processes and each participant involved have in the delivered speech text, aiding the speaker in conveying their intention? The dataset comprises 182 clauses extracted from the aforementioned speech. The results of this study showed that Pope Francis employed six types of transitivity processes, totaling 186 processes. Yet, material processes, constituting 62%, and mental processes, comprising 15%, were identified as dominant, suggesting their significant roles in conveying vibrant information in his speech that aimed to enhance dialogue and foster friendly relations between Catholicism and Islam, promoting cooperation in the construction and establishment of a world characterized by sincere, courageous, and essential collaboration. The findings therefore indicate that transitivity choices play a crucial role in conveying implicit meanings.
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Nominalization, as a grammatical process, involves the transformation of verbs and adjectives into nouns. This linguistic phenomenon serves the purpose of enhancing conciseness and facilitating comprehension in news articles. However, it also holds the potential to alter the representation of drug addiction. The objective of this study is to conduct an analysis of how drug addiction is portrayed in English and Arabic newspaper articles in Iraq, employing a systemic functional linguistics (SFL) perspective with a specific emphasis on the utilization of nominalization. To achieve this, two articles, one in English and one in Arabic, have been meticulously chosen for examination. The study delves into the impact of nominalization on the depiction of drug addiction in news coverage, exploring the diverse aspects of nominalization that contribute to the overall meaning conveyed in these articles. By investigating language choices, particularly the employment of nominalization, the research endeavors to comprehend how drug addiction is shaped and its societal implications. Drawing inspiration from the works of Michael Halliday and the concept of grammatical metaphor, the study seeks to unravel the role played by nominalization in condensing information and imparting significance within news articles. The findings of this research enrich our comprehension of the linguistic mechanisms employed in the portrayal of drug addiction within Iraqi culture and how this issue is framed within the realm of news reporting. Through an analysis of the linguistic strategies employed in newspaper articles, this study provides valuable insights into the construction of meaning and the portrayal of drug addiction in the media. Ultimately, the study concludes that the usage of nominalization in news articles concerning drug addiction can contribute to the perpetuation of stigma and discrimination against individuals grappling with addiction. It is imperative for journalists to be cognizant of how nominalization shapes the representation of drug addiction and to utilize this technique responsibly.
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Niyi Osundare extensively investigates the natural world, which is the habitat inhabited by nonhuman beings, in his poems. As a result, his poetry is referred to as eco-poetry. There have been a lot of studies of Niyi Osundare’s poetry that have focused on traditional aesthetics, political power, exile, and the African experience, but not enough studies that have looked at the leadership of animals in their natural habitats. The main sources of information for the study are Niyi Osundare’s The Leader and the Led and Random Blues. This study examined the animal metaphor in relation to leadership from the viewpoints of Lakoff and Johnson’s conceptual metaphor theory and Michael Halliday’s transitivity theory. Four main participant and process categories are identified by the data as being present in the poems, with the Material and Relational processes having the largest frequency distributions (62.98% and 22.22%, respectively). This large proportion indicates both the ongoing activity in the African continent and the significant demands that people are under in their desire to rule the biosphere. The the low occurrence of verbal and mental processes in followers (11.11% and 7.40%, respectively) suggests that both animal and human leadership aspirants are more interested in what followers do than followers are. Also, the findings revealed the metaphorical representation of each animal thus: serpent(complacence), leeches and lice (parasite), orangutans (class), beasts (hard labor), crocodile (betrayal), hive (defense), lion (subjugation), antelopes/impalas (fright), hyena (glutton), giraffe (nonchalance), zebra (duplicity), elephant (destruction), warthog (ugliness), rhino (violence), snake (anarchy), lamb (peace), tiger (aggression), doe (compassion). Overall, the study concluded that we need leaders and followers who are similar to lambs and does for harmonious cohabitation in the ecosystem.
Discourse analysis, especially ethnomethodological approaches, has become a powerful tool for investigating classrooms. However, such analyses run the risk of relying on subjective researcher interpretations of data and of unconscious biases influencing the findings. In this paper, we will present a case study of an attempt to investigate problematic teacher questions which highlights these risks. The main implication of this case study is that discourse analyses must take into account multiple perspectives on the discourse.
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In transitivity studies, the current existing problem of adopting different upward approaches to the description of the experiential metafunction has resulted in the abortive discourse analysis of texts. This study, therefore, attempts to observe the common features of English and Myanmar transitivity systems from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). It is found that: English and Myanmar transitivity systems share five common features: richness, hierarchicalness, flexibleness, metaphoricalness, and abstractness. With respect to the feature of richness, the two transitivity systems can construe the experience of the physical, social, mental and abstract world by a variety of different process types and participant roles. In terms of the feature of hierarchicalness, all the different processes of the two languages are categorized into superordinate, basic and subordinate level processes. With respect to the feature of flexibleness, in English and Myanmar transitivity configurations, process types can change from one type to another depending on context, background knowledge, life experience, etc. even though they construe the same domain of world experience. With respect to the feature of metaphoricalness, when the congruent form is reworded into metaphorical form, the process, participant roles and circumstances may change in English and Myanmar transitivity configurations. Regarding the feature of abstractness, each level of process differs from one another in terms of the degree of abstractness, that is, English and Myanmar transitivity systems are relatively similar in the identification of superordinate and basic level processes, whereas their transitivity configurations which are subordinate to basic level processes vary greatly between the two languages. This study helps to deepen the understanding of the nature of the two languages. It also makes an important contribution to the further study of comparing the transitivity configurations of transitivity systems in English and Myanmar and their realizations.
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