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For many years, philosophers of science including Feyeraband (1975), Bauer (1994) and Gjertsen (1989) have asked the question “is there a scientific method?” The answer is “yes” and “no.” Yes, because there are things that most scientists do most of the time so these might be called scientific methods or methodology.

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... Indeed, many researchers have recognised that there is no single scientific method (Lederman, Abd-El-Khalick, Bell, & Schwartz, 2002). Such recognition of the limitations of conventional characterisations of 'the scientific method' as hypothesis testing with experiments, however, do not provide any useful guidelines for how best to deal with the notion of 'the scientific method' in school science including in the context of assessment (McComas, 2014). ...
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High stakes examinations can have profound implications for how science is taught and learned. Limitations of school science such as the ‘cookbook problem’ can potentially be addressed if high stakes assessments target learning outcomes that are innovative. For example, less mindless procedural engagement and more thoughtful consideration of practical science can potentially improve science learning. In this paper, we investigate how practical work is represented in the assessment frameworks of several countries that demonstrate above average performance in the latest PISA science assessments. The main motivation is the need to understand if there are aspects of high stakes summative assessments in these countries that can provide insight into how best to structure national examinations. Assessment documents from a set of selected countries have been analysed qualitatively guided by questions such as ‘what is the construct of practical science’ and ‘what is the format of assessment?’ The examined jurisdictions used different approaches from traditional external pen-and-paper tests to internal teacher assessments that included different formats (e.g. laboratory report). Innovative approaches to the assessment of practical skills (e.g. PISA computer-based tasks) do not seem to be represented in these high-stakes assessments. Implications for innovative assessments for high-stakes purposes are discussed.
... Indeed, many researchers have recognised that there is no single scientific method (Lederman, Abd-El-Khalick, Bell, & Schwartz, 2002). Such recognition of the limitations of conventional characterisations of 'the scientific method' as hypothesis testing with experiments, however, do not provide any useful guidelines for how best to deal with the notion of 'the scientific method' in school science including in the context of assessment (McComas, 2014). ...
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The traditional description of “the scientific method” as a stepwise, linear process of hypothesis testing through experimentation is a myth. Although the teaching and learning of the scientific method have been a curriculum and assessment goal, the notion of the ‘scientific method’ itself has been identified as being problematic. Many researchers have recognised there is no single scientific method. However, there does not seem to be any useful guidelines for how best to deal with the nature of scientific methods in school science, including in high-stakes summative assessment. The article presents the use of a framework to illustrate the diversity of scientific methods that goes beyond the traditional limitations of a scientific method, to provide a more comprehensive and inclusive account, including non-manipulative parameter measurements. The framework not only clarifies the definition of scientific methods but also is adapted as an analytical framework to trace how scientific methods are framed in high-stakes chemistry examination papers from three examination boards in England. Such analyses can potentially point to what is emphasised in chemistry lessons, given how instrumental high-stakes testing is for driving teaching and learning. Results from an empirical investigation of examination questions are presented, highlighting an imbalance in the representation of methods in chemistry tests.
The reform documents point out the necessity of teaching the plurality of scientific method (SM) when scientists engage in scientific practices (SPs). The dramatic change in education due to Covid-19 pandemic necessitates examining the outcomes of online education, especially laboratory applications courses, which the students and educators used to face-to-face instruction by using real-life equipment and materials in the laboratory. The current study investigated pre-service science teachers’ (PSSTs’) understanding of SPs and SM as well as their incorporation of these elements into their teaching before and after an online course. Pre- and post-reflections of SPs and SM were used to explore their understanding, while video-recordings and laboratory teaching reports of their simulated teaching were utilised to analyse their incorporation of these elements into their own instruction. The analysis of data indicated a significant increase in PSSTs’ understanding and incorporation of SPs and SM as well as manipulative and non-manipulative investigations, non-algorithmic rationality, and different ways of gathering evidence. However, online implementation of laboratory applications course did not seem to have had an impact on their understanding of plurality of scientific methods and descriptive or experimental methods in science. Concluding remarks are made for further implications of laboratory applications course after pandemic.
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The Benchmarks for Science Literacy and the National Science Education Standards strongly suggest that students should be engaged in hands-on learning. However, from many corners, the original "mental training" rationale for school labs has been criticized, the "cookbook" nature of laboratory exercises condemned, and the prevalence of using laboratories simply to verify previous classroom content questioned. These attacks are justified. Too frequently the school laboratory is far removed from the recommendations of constructivist teaching and is at odds with the way scientists themselves investigate problems. In order to enhance and revitalize laboratory teaching, one must recognize that not all laboratory activities have the same impact on learners. The cognitive component of the exercise is one of the most potent variables worth considering in predicting how a given activity will affect students and what learning it might foster. Here the author presents a number of suggestions that will enhance the overall student laboratory experience.
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Disputes about the impact of instructional guidance during teaching have been ongoing for more than a half-century. On one side of this argument are thosewho believe that all people—novices and experts alike—learn best when provided with instruction that contains unguided or partly guided segments. This is generally defined as instruction in which learners, rather than being presented with all essential information and asked to practice using it, must discover or construct some or all of the essential information for themselves. On the other side are those who believe that ideal learning environments for experts and novices differ: while experts often thrive without much guidance, nearly everyone else thrives when provided with full, explicit instructional guid- ance (and should not be asked to discover any essential content or skills). Our goal in this article is to put an end to this debate. Decades of research clearly demonstrate that for novices (comprising virtually all students), direct, explicit instruction is more effective and more efficient than partial guidance. So, when teaching new content and skills to novices, teachers are more effective when they provide explicit guidance accompanied by practice and feedback, not when they require students to discover many aspects of what they must learn. As we will discuss, this does not mean direct, expository instruction all day every day. Small group and independent problems and projects can be effective—not as vehicles for making discoveries, but as a means of practicing recently learned content and skills
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Oh, I don't know if I can do inquiry in my classroom. It's too hard, and I don't even know where to begin. " How often have you heard comments like those? Maybe you've made them yourself. Inquiry has a reputation for being a great way for students to learn but difficult for teachers to implement. It doesn't have to be that way. Inquiry comes in many forms, which can be adapted for any science classroom at any point in the year for any level of student. In this article, we describe how to help chemistry students develop a method to answer their own research question , called open inquiry, using the reaction of hydrochloric acid and aluminum foil as an example. Open inquiry isn't the only option. We explain how to structure this activity to accommodate students' varied experience and comfort levels with inquiry. Teachers can also use this straightforward method to modify other activities they're already using. W h at i s i n q u i r y, a n d w h y i s i t i m p o r t a n t ? A practical definition of inquiry is " an active learning process in which students answer research questions through data analysis " (Bell, Smetana, and Binns 2005, p 31). Inquiry incorporates the scientific practices of hypothesizing, investigating , observing, explaining, and evaluating (NRC 2011). Please note, however, three caveats: 1. Not all hands-on activities are inquiry, and not all inquiry is hands-on. Hands-on activities can be defined as any activity where students are interacting with or manipulating materials (Lumpe and Oliver 1991). For example, making 3-D molecules is hands-on but isn't necessarily inquiry. On the other hand, as long as students are analyzing data to answer a research question in their inquiry, they might get the data from the internet instead of collecting it themselves in a laboratory. 2. While inquiry is an essential part of science instruction (NRC 2000), other activities are also valuable. An effective teacher might chose to teach students the details of dimensional analysis through direct instruction, for example. Furthermore, teaching lab safety through inquiry would not be responsible!
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Almost 20 years ago, Richard Duschl (1985) wrote an important essay reminding science teachers that the descriptions of “how science functions” typically provided in class and intextbooks had fallen out of step with the most accurate interpretations. Many cheered this article in hopes that, at last, one of the most important missing elements of science instruction would finally be addressed as accurately and completely as are the topics of plate tectonics in Earth science, mitosis in biology, pH in chemistry, and Newton’s laws of motion in physics. Unfortunately, the impact of Duschl’s plea has been mixed. There has been a welcome proliferation of nature of science (NOS) elements and recommendations. Professional organizations including the National Science Teachers Association have issued position statements both advocating and defining relevant aspects of NOS (NSTA 2000). Increasing numbers of NOS standards appear in both United States (AAAS 1990, 1993) and foreign reform and standards documents (McComas and Olson 1998). The National Science Education Standards specifically includes standards focusing on science as a human endeavor and the nature and history of science across all grade levels (NRC 1996; 141, 170–171, 200–201). These NOS recommendations are a step in the right direction. However, calls for the inclusion of NOS in science teaching have been made for almost a century (CASMT 1907) with frequent reminders during much of this time (Herron 1969; Kimball 1967; Robinson 1969; Duschl 1985; Matthews 1994; McComas, Clough, and Almazroa 1998; and Lederman 1992, 2002). The reality is that in spite of these continuous and well-reasoned recommendations, some students and teachers alike still fail to understand even the most basic elements of this important domain (Abd-El-Khalick and Lederman 2000). Studies show that a few teachers do not even value the inclusion of NOS elements in instruction (Bell, Lederman, and Abd-El-Khalick 1997).A consensus of key NOS ideas appropriate for inclusion in the K–12 science curriculum has begun to emerge from a review by science educators of the extensive literature in the history and philosophy of science. The authors in this issue of The Science Teacher suggest surprisingly parallel sets of NOS content goals for K–12 science teaching that do not oversimplify science itself or overburden the existing science curriculum. This article presents nine key ideas, which represent both a concise set of ideas about science and a list of objectives to shape instruction in any science discipline.
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Quinnipiac UniversityIn the past few decades, a constructivist discourse has emerged as a very powerfulmodel for explaining how knowledge is produced in the world, as well as howstudents learn.' For constructivists like Joe Kincheloe (2000) and Barbara Thayer-Bacon (1999), knowledge about the world does not simply exist out there, waitingto be discovered, but is rather constructed by human beings in their interaction withthe world. "The angle from which an entity is seen, the values of the researcherthat shape the questions he or she asks about it, and what the researcher considersimportant are all factors in the construction of knowledge about the phenomenonin question" (Kincheloe, 2000, 342). Thayer-Bacon (1999) invoke a quilting beemetaphor to highlight the fact that knowledge is constructed by people who aresocially and culturally embedded, rather than isolated individuals. To assert thatknowledge is constructed, rather than discovered, implies that it is neither indepen-dent of human knowing nor value free. Indeed, constructivists believe that what isdeemed knowledge is always informed by a particular perspective and shaped byvarious implicit value judgments.According to Mark Windschitl (1999), constructivism is based on the assertionthat learners actively create, interpret, and reorganize knowledge in individualways. "These fluid intellectual transformations," he maintain, "occur when stu-dents reconcile formal instructional experiences with their existing knowledge,with the cultural and social contexts in which ideas occur, and with a host ofother influences that serve to mediate understanding" (752). In this view, teach-ing should promote experiences that require students to become active, scholarlyparticipators in the learning process. Windschitl (1999) goes on to note that "suchexperiences include problem-based learning, inquiry activities, dialogues with
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Cloud computing is a relatively new concept that holds significant promises for the future development and delivery of computer resources to secondary or basic education in South Africa, especially in schools most affected by the digital divide. The aim of this paper is to briefly review the extent to which cloud computing applications and services currently used by secondary education systems in developed countries around the world can be used to help breach the digital divide that currently exists in the secondary (basic) education sector in South Africa. The authors believe that South Africa has the required technology and skills to bridge the digital divide in secondary education and by doing so set the pace for the rest of the African continent. All it lacks is the political will and determination to do so.
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Many state and federal governments have mandated in such documents as the National Science Education Standards that inquiry strategies should be the focus of the teaching of science within school classrooms. The difficult part for success is changing teacher practices from perceived traditional ways of teaching to more inquiry‐based approaches. Arguments are often made about the effectiveness of these traditional strategies. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the inquiry‐based approach known as the Science Writing Heuristic approach as a treatment to traditional teaching practices on students' post‐test scores in relation to students' achievement level and teacher's implementation of the approach. A mixed‐method research approach was used to analyze the teacher observational data and students' test results. The major findings of this study are that the quality of the implementation does have an impact on student performance on post‐test scores and that high‐quality implementation of the Science Writing Heuristic approach has significant advantages in closing the achievement gap within science classrooms.
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We report a study of the effects of a collaborative inquiry approach to science on language minority students' (middle and high school) learning. The emphasis in this approach is on involving the students, most of whom have never studied science before and some of whom have had very little schooling of any kind, in "doing science" in ways that practicing scientists do. The question addressed in this study is, To what extent do students appropriate scientific ways of knowing and reasoning as a result of their participation in collaborative scientific inquiry? The focus of our analysis was on changes in students' conceptual knowledge and use of hypotheses, experiments, and explanations to organize their reasoning in the context of two think aloud problems. In September the students' reasoning was nonanalytic and bound to personal experience. They responded as if they were being asked to answer questions in a reading comprehension task. In contrast, by June they reasoned in terms of a larger explanatory system, used hypotheses to organize and give direction to their reasoning, and demonstrated an awareness of the function of experimentation in producing evidence to evaluate hypotheses.
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We argue that reform in curriculum and instruction should be based on allowing students to problematize the subject. Rather than mastering skills and applying them, students should be engaged in resolving problems. In mathematics, this principle fits under the umbrella of problem solving, but our interpretation is different from many problem-solving approaches. We first note that the history of problem solving in the curriculum has been infused with a distinction between acquiring knowledge and applying it. We then propose our alternative principle by building on John Dewey’s idea of “reflective inquiry,” argue that such an approach would facilitate students’ understanding, and compare our proposal with other views on the role of problem solving in the curriculum. We close by considering several common dichotomies that take on a different meaning from this perspective
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Inquiry instruction is a hallmark of the current science education reform efforts. Science teachers know that inquiry is important, yet most teachers lack a practical framework of inquiry to inform their instruction. Defining inquiry and assessing how much inquiry is supported by a particular activity or lab can be difficult and confusing. This article presents a simplified explanation of inquiry and provides a rubric that will enable science teachers to determine whether an activity is inquiry based and, if so, to assess the level of inquiry it supports. Additionally, the framework presented will allow teachers to easily adjust the level of inquiry in an activity and increase the amount of inquiry in their science instruction. What is inquiry? The National Science Education Standards characterize inquiry instruction as involving students in a form of active learning that emphasizes questioning, data analysis, and critical thinking. "Students at all grade levels and in every domain of science should have the opportunity to use scientific inquiry and develop the ability to think and act in ways associated with inquiry, including asking questions, planning and conducting investigations, using appropriate tools and techniques to gather data, thinking critically and logically about relationships between evidence and explanations, constructing and analyzing alternative explanations, and communicating scientific arguments" (NRC 1996, p. 105). At its heart, inquiry is an active learning process in which students answer research questions through data analysis. One might argue that the most authentic inquiry activities are those in which students answer their own questions through analyzing data they collect independently. However, an activity can still be inquiry based when the questions and data are provided, as long as students are conducting the analysis and drawing their own conclusions. Furthermore, most students need substantial scaffolding before they are ready to develop scientific questions and design effective data collection procedures to answer these questions. The ideal plan for inquiry instruction recognizes this fact and seeks to help students progress to greater inquiry skills through a series of graduated steps, as described later in this article.
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Modeling is a core practice in science and a central part of scientific literacy. We present theoretical and empirical motivation for a learning progression for scientific modeling that aims to make the practice accessible and meaningful for learners. We define scientific modeling as including the elements of the practice (constructing, using, evaluating, and revising scientific models) and the metaknowledge that guides and motivates the practice (e.g., understanding the nature and purpose of models). Our learning progression for scientific modeling includes two dimensions that combine metaknowledge and elements of practice—scientific models as tools for predicting and explaining, and models change as understanding improves. We describe levels of progress along these two dimensions of our progression and illustrate them with classroom examples from 5th and 6th graders engaged in modeling. Our illustrations indicate that both groups of learners productively engaged in constructing and revising increasingly accurate models that included powerful explanatory mechanisms, and applied these models to make predictions for closely related phenomena. Furthermore, we show how students engaged in modeling practices move along levels of this progression. In particular, students moved from illustrative to explanatory models, and developed increasingly sophisticated views of the explanatory nature of models, shifting from models as correct or incorrect to models as encompassing explanations for multiple aspects of a target phenomenon. They also developed more nuanced reasons to revise models. Finally, we present challenges for learners in modeling practices—such as understanding how constructing a model can aid their own sensemaking, and seeing model building as a way to generate new knowledge rather than represent what they have already learned. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 632–654, 2009
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The challenges faced in urban science education are deeply rooted in the ongoing struggle for racial, class and gender equity. Part of this struggle is tied to huge differences in class and involves making more equitable the distribution of resources. Another part of this struggle is tied to the rich diversity of children who attend urban schools and involves generating new ways of understanding, valuing, and genuinely incorporating into school-based practices the culture, language, beliefs, and experiences that these children bring to school. Thus, this article argues that to address these two challenges—and indeed to achieve a more just science education for all urban students— explicitly political research methodologies must be considered and incorporated into urban education. One potential route for this is critical ethnography, for this kind of methodology emerges collaboratively from the lives of the researcher and the researched and is centrally about praxis and a political commitment to the struggle for liberation and in defense of human rights. In making this argument, I have drawn from stories from my own research with homeless children. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 899–917, 2001
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An important distinction can be made between the science, technology, and society (STS) movement of past years and the domain of socioscientific issues (SSI). STS education as typically practiced does not seem embedded in a coherent developmental or sociological framework that explicitly considers the psychological and epistemological growth of the child, nor the development of character or virtue. In contrast, the SSI movement focuses on empowering students to consider how science-based issues reflect, in part, moral principles and elements of virtue that encompass their own lives, as well as the physical and social world around them. The focus of this paper is to describe a research-based framework of current research and practice that identifies factors associated with reasoning about socioscientific issues and provide a working model that illustrates theoretical and conceptual links among key psychological, sociological, and developmental factors central to SSI and science education. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Sci Ed, 89:357–377, 2005
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Drawing upon recent research, this article reviews the theory underlying the use of socioscientific issues (SSI) in science education. We begin with a definition and rationale for SSI and note the importance of SSI for advancing functional scientific literacy. We then examine the various roles of context, teachers, and students in SSI lessons as well as the importance of classroom discourse, including sociomoral discourse, argumentation, discussion, and debate. Finally, we discuss how SSI units, which encourage evidence-based decisionmaking and compromise, can improve critical thinking, contribute to character education, and provide an interesting context for teaching required science content.
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Learning and effective teaching are both complicated acts. However, many administrators, teachers, parents, and policymakers appear not to recognize those complexities and their significance for practice. Fueling this perception, recommendations from isolated research findings often neglect the complexities in learning and teaching, and when implemented in classrooms often fall well short of the advertised effect. Consequently, education research is generally ignored, and the resulting research-practice gap raises concerns regarding the utility of university-based teacher education, and education research more generally. However, the strength of education research resides in the synergy resulting from its integration into a unifying system that guides, but does not determine, decision-making. Dewey (1929) argued for teacher decision-making guided by education research, but recently several writers have justly criticized education researchers for not providing comprehensible assistance to educators and policymakers (Good, 2007; Shymansky, 2006; Windschitl, 2005). This paper proposes a decision-making framework for teaching to help beginning and experienced teachers make sense of education research, come to understand crucial teacher decisions, and how those decisions interact to affect student learning. The proposed decision-making framework for teaching has significant utility in the design of science methods courses, science teacher education programs, effective student teacher supervision experiences, and professional development workshops.
This book: offers practical guidance in devising learning goals and suitable learning and assessment strategies; helps teachers to provide students with the skills and understanding needed to address these multi-faceted issues; explores the nature and place of socio-scientific issues in the curriculum and the support necessary for effective teaching; Science Education for Citizenship supports science teachers, citizenship teachers and other educators as they help students to develop the skills and understanding to deal with complex everyday issues.
From the book The Teaching of science which contains : The teaching of science as enquiry, by Joseph J. Schwab, and Elements in a strategy for teaching science in the elementary school, by Paul F. Brandwein. (
Inquiry experiences can provide valuable opportunities for students to improve their understanding of both science content and scientific practices. However, the implementation of inquiry learning in classrooms presents a number of significant challenges. We have been exploring these challenges through a program of research on the use of scientific visualization technologies to support inquiry-based learning in the geosciences. In this article, we describe 5 significant challenges to implementing inquiry-based learning and present strategies for addressing them through the design of technology and curriculum. We present a design history covering 4 generations of software and curriculum to show how these challenges arise in classrooms and how the design strategies respond to them.
Science laboratory activities within secondary science have traditionally followed prescriptive outlines both in the structure and reporting of the activity. Building on current understandings of writing to learn science strategies, a Science Writing Heuristic has been developed that encourages students to examine laboratory activities much more carefully in terms of having to justify their research questions, claims and evidence. This study reports on the implementation of the heuristic within a Year 7 biology classroom. A mixed-method approach was used to determine whether student performance on conceptual questions improved when using the heuristic and if using a more non-traditional write-up of laboratory activities was beneficial for students in terms of learning. Results indicate that students who used the Science Writing Heuristic performed better as a group than students who did not, and that students who completed a textbook explanation as a write-up performed better as a group than those who completed a more traditional write-up format. Student interview responses indicate a development of understanding of science inquiry and an awareness of cognitive and metacognitive processes needed to complete the activities.
This article presents and discusses preliminary research on a new heuristic tool for learning from laboratory activities in secondary science. The tool, called the science writing heuristic, can be used by teachers as a framework from which to design classroom activities. Theoretically, the science writing heuristic represents a bridge between traditional laboratory reports and types of writing that promote personal construction of meaning. Two eighth-grade classes participated in using the science writing heuristic during an 8-week stream study. The teacher and one of the researchers collaboratively developed activities based on the science writing heuristic that the teacher implemented. Nineteen target students were studied in depth. Characteristics of report writing and students' understanding of the nature of science were investigated, using interpretive techniques. There is evidence that use of the science writing heuristic facilitated students to generate meaning from data, make connections among procedures, data, evidence, and claims, and engage in metacognition. Students' vague understandings of the nature of science at the beginning of the study were modified to more complex, rich, and specific understandings. The implications of the study for writing in science classrooms is discussed. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 1065–1084, 1999
Lee S. Shulman builds his foundation for teaching reform on an idea of teaching that emphasizes comprehension and reasoning, transformation and reflection. "This emphasis is justified," he writes, "by the resoluteness with which research and policy have so blatantly ignored those aspects of teaching in the past." To articulate and justify this conception, Shulman responds to four questions: What are the sources of the knowledge base for teaching? In what terms can these sources be conceptualized? What are the processes of pedagogical reasoning and action? and What are the implications for teaching policy and educational reform? The answers — informed by philosophy, psychology, and a growing body of casework based on young and experienced practitioners — go far beyond current reform assumptions and initiatives. The outcome for educational practitioners, scholars, and policymakers is a major redirection in how teaching is to be understood and teachers are to be trained and evaluated. This article was selected for the November 1986 special issue on "Teachers, Teaching, and Teacher Education," but appears here because of the exigencies of publishing.
An effective classroom, where teachers and students are communicating optimally, is dependent on using constructivist strategies, tools and practices. There are two major types of constructivism in the classroom: (1) Cognitive or individual constructivism depending on Piaget's theory, and (2) Social constructivism depending on Vygotsky's theory. Similarities include inquiry teaching methods and students creating concepts built on existing knowledge that are relevant and meaningful. Differences include language development theory where thinking precedes language for cognitive constructivism and language precedes thinking for the theory of social constructivism. Understanding communicative tools and strategies helps teachers to develop individual learning methods such as, discovery learning, and social interactive to develop peer collaboration.
Presents the "extended discretion" approach as another dimension to conventional biology laboratory investigations. Results of a study comparing this approach to BSCS investigations indicate that tenth-grade students can handle increased discretionary demands related to their learning activities, thus encouraging responsibility and independence. (CS)
This study explored the impact of using a socioscientific issue (SSI) based curriculum on developing science content knowledge. Using a multi‐level assessment design, student content knowledge gains were measured before and after implementation of a three‐week unit on global warming (a prominent SSI) that explored both the relevant science content and the controversy surrounding global warming. Measures of student content knowledge were made using a standards‐aligned content knowledge exam (distal assessment) and a curriculum‐aligned exam (proximal assessment). Data were collected from 108 students enrolled from two schools. Quantitative analysis of the distal assessment indicated that student post‐test scores were statistically significantly different than their pre‐test scores (F = 15.31, p<0.001). Qualitative analyses of student responses from the proximal assessment indicated that students, on average, expressed more accurate, more detailed, and more sophisticated understandings of global warming, the greenhouse effect, and the controversy and challenges associated with these issues following the three‐week unit. Combined results from the proximal and distal assessments explored in this study offer important evidence in supporting the efficacy of using SSI as contexts for science education. In addition to a discussion of the components of an SSI‐based curriculum, this study provides support for the use of SSI as a context for learning science content.
The overall aim of this study was to examine the complex interrelations among stu- dent engagement, scientific thinking practices, and student role taking and social interaction in the context of school-based science lessons. Typically, elementary hands-on science classes are organized with 3 main parts to every lesson: (a) teacher introduction, (b) small group investigation time, and (c) whole class reporting time in which students report about their small group investigations to the class. In this study, 2 classroom interventions, based in part on this standard format, were designed to guide students in constructing scientific understanding. Both interventions involved instruction in the same set of intellectual roles that could be applied during small group investigation time. These roles included (a) predicting and theorizing; (b) summarizing results; and (c) relating predictions, theories, and results. The difference between the intervention classes was that 1 class received specific audience role assignments during reporting that corresponded to the intellectual roles and required students to check other students' work (ROLES + AUD ROLES). The other intervention class did not receive audience role assignments during reporting, although the students were still using the intellectual roles during the small group investigation time (ROLES). The purpose of such a design was to examine if the intellectual roles and corresponding audience roles would encourage student engagement more effectively than the use of the intellectual roles alone. Transcripts of whole class reporting time were coded using 4 engagement categories based on the work of Hatano and Inagaki (1991): (a) negotiating understanding of classroom procedures and standards, (b) monitoring comprehension of content, (c) challenging, and (d) coordinating theories and evidence. Students in the ROLES + AUD ROLES class were more active in initiating engagement episodes of every type than students in the ROLES class. Teacher-initiated engagement episodes demonstrated a different pattern, with the teacher initiating more negotiating and monitoring comprehension episodes in the ROLES + AUD ROLES class and more coordinating theories and evidence episodes in the ROLES class. Findings are discussed in terms of the importance of combining guidance in the social as well as intellectual norms associated with scientific thinking and discourse.
In looking back at the last review of research on the language-science connection to appear in ARAL (van Naerssen and Kaplan 1987), one is struck by the great changes in this relationship that have taken place over the past dozen or so years. On a general level, such changes are perhaps inevitable given the youthfulness of this area as a research domain, but more specifically, they can be traced in large part to two related trends: 1) a shift away from research with direct pedagogical aims and motivations, and 2) the powerful influence of the interdisciplinary field known as social studies of science. Both trends will be recurrent themes of this review.
The Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) is an instructional technique that combines inquiry, collaborative learning, and writing to change the nature of the chemistry laboratory for students and instructors. The SWH provides a format for students to guide their discussions, their thinking, and writing about how science activities relate to their own prior knowledge via beginning questions, claims and evidence, and final reflections. The SWH approach helps students do inquiry science laboratory work by structuring the laboratory notebook in a format that guides students to answer directed questions instead of using a traditional laboratory report. In this approach, students must make a claim (inference) about what was learned through the laboratory experiment and provide evidence to support that claim. Then, through reflective writing, students continue to negotiate meaning from experiment(s) they conducted. This article provides instructors an overview of how to implement the SWH in their chemistry laboratory course. Keywords (Audience): First-Year Undergraduate / General
Important considerations regarding national science standards. Keywords (Audience): General Public
Classrooms across the United States increasingly find White teachers paired with ethnic minority students, but few of these teachers are prepared for the disparities such cultural integration presents. This is particularly true vis-à-vis science education. While classrooms have diversified, science instruction has not necessarily followed suit. Two theories, constructivism and culturally relevant pedagogy, have been identified as mechanisms to diminish the disparities in science education. Yet culturally relevant pedagogy has not had the same impact as constructivism, even though it has been posited as a crucial means to better assure ethnic minority access to education. A case study of two classroom teachers investigates whether and how constructivism can be leveraged to develop culturally relevant pedagogy in science instruction. Identifying practical possibilities for culturally relevant pedagogy in science education is important for students, teachers, and the future of the U.S. workforce because it provides a means of increasing marginalized students' access to science and technological fields. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Sci Ed92:994–1014, 2008
Angela Calabrese Barton*University of Texas, Austin, Science Education, Austin, Texas 78756Received 1 June 2001; accepted 12 June 2001Introduction: The Questions That Frame Urban Science EducationWe have prepared this discussion of capitalism, critical pedagogy, and urban scienceeducation in conversation format in order to keep problematic the contextual realities ofprivilege, power, and knowledge in urban settings. The conversation begins with a discussion ofkey issues in education in general and then leads into a critique of the relationships amongcapitalism, science, and education. This more general beginning is important because it enablesthe argument that we are not looking in the right places in science to bring about meaningfulreform based on social justice. Only when we see the problems in science education as problemsat a societal level, which always mediates the other problems, can we aspire to any hope. Indeed,McLaren makes three key claims here: (a) that the relationship between capitalism and urbaneducation has led to schooling practices that favor economic control by elite classes; (b) that therelationship between capitalism and science has led to a science whose purposes and goals areabout profitability rather than the betterment of the global condition; and (c) that the marriagesbetween capitalism and education and capitalism and science have created a foundation forscience education that emphasises corporate values at the expense of social justice and humandignity. We conclude this conversation by describing the implications that critical pedagogymight have for productively confronting these three main issues in urban settings.
Teaching in urban schools, with their problems of violence, lack of resources, and inadequate funding, is difficult. It is even more difficult to learn to teach in urban schools. Yet learning in those locations where one will subsequently be working has been shown to be the best preparation for teaching. In this article we propose coteaching as a viable model for teacher preparation and the professional development of urban science teachers. Coteaching—working at the elbow of someone else—allows new teachers to experience appropriate and timely action by providing them with shared experiences that become the topic of their professional conversations with other coteachers (including peers, the cooperating teacher, university supervisors, and high school students). This article also includes an ethnography describing the experiences of a new teacher who had been assigned to an urban high school as field experience, during which she enacted a curriculum that was culturally relevant to her African American students, acknowledged their minority status with respect to science, and enabled them to pursue the school district standards. Even though coteaching enables learning to teach and curricula reform, we raise doubts about whether our approaches to teacher education and enacting science curricula are hegemonic and oppressive to the students we seek to emancipate through education. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 941–964, 2001
Scienti®c literacy is a term that has been used since the late 1950s to describe a desired familiarity with science on the part of the general public. A review of the history of science education shows that there have been at least nine separate and distinct goals of science education that are related to the larger goal of scienti®c literacy. It is argued in this paper that instead of de®ning scienti®c literacy in terms of speci®cally prescribed learning outcomes, scienti®c literacy should be conceptualized broadly enough for local school districts and individual classroom teachers to pursue the goals that are most suitable for their particular situations along with the content and methodologies that are most appropriate for them and their students. This would do more to enhance the public's understanding and appreciation of science than will current efforts that are too narrowly aimed at increasing scores on international tests of science knowledge. A broad and open-ended approach to scienti®c literacy would free teachers and students to develop a wide variety of innovative responses to the call for an increased understanding of science for all.
The last decade has brought considerable progress in our understanding of how institutions like museums affect people's lives. However, there is still a great deal we do not know, and the research challenges ahead sometimes appear quite daunting. In this paper, we suggest that three characteristics of learning, its personal nature, that it is contextualized, and that it takes time, are critical to understanding and investigating the impact that museums have on people's lives. These characteristics have long been recognized, and we believe that recent research has emphasized their importance, but they are yet to be consistently well addressed in research. In the paper, each characteristic is elaborated and its implications for research examined. In particular, we argue that a search for a wider range of learning outcomes, the use of a wider range of research methods, and a greater consideration for, and recognition of, the significance of time are the principles for the future research agenda. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Sci Ed88(Suppl. 1):S4–S16, 2004
The purpose of this article is to describe a community-based science project that was coproduced with urban teenagers and to elaborate on my understanding of what it means to create a practicing culture of science learning. This understanding will be positioned in relation to various educationally relevant discourses and research on urban science education, concluding with an exploration of these questions: In what ways did an urban planning and community gardening project help to create a learning environment in which science was relevant? To whom was science relevant and toward what ends? It is argued that in a practicing culture of science learning, science was relevant because (a) it was created from participants' concerns, interests, and experiences inside and outside science, (b) it was an ongoing process of researching and then enacting ideas, and (c) it was situated within the broader community. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 860–877, 2001
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the impact of Internet Virtual Physics Laboratory (IVPL) instruction with traditional laboratory instruction in physics academic achievement, performance of science process skills, and computer attitudes of tenth grade students. One-hundred and fifty students from four classes at one private senior high school in Taoyuan Country, Taiwan, R.O.C. were sampled. All four classes contained 75 students who were equally divided into an experimental group and a control group. The pre-test results indicated that the students’ entry-level physics academic achievement, science process skills, and computer attitudes were equal for both groups. On the post-test, the experimental group achieved significantly higher mean scores in physics academic achievement and science process skills. There was no significant difference in computer attitudes between the groups. We concluded that the IVPL had potential to help tenth graders improve their physics academic achievement and science process skills.
The question of what students gain by engaging in socioscientific inquiry is addressed in two ways. First, relevant literature is surveyed to build the case that socioscientific issues (SSI) can serve as useful contexts for teaching and learning science content. Studies are reviewed which document student gains in discipline specific content knowledge as well as understandings of the nature of science. SSI are also positioned as vehicles for addressing citizenship education within science classrooms. Although the promotion of citizenship goals seems widely advocated, the specifics of how this may be accomplished remain underdeveloped. To address this issue, we introduce socioscientific reasoning as a construct which captures a suite of practices fundamental to the negotiation of SSI. In the second phase of the project, interviews with 24 middle school students from classes engaged in socioscientific inquiry serve as the basis for the development of an emergent rubric for socioscientific reasoning. Variation in practices demonstrated by this sample are explored and implications drawn for advancing socioscientific reasoning as an educationally meaningful and assessable construct.
This study investigated elements of pedagogical knowledge when students'' higher order thinking was an explicit and focused instructional goal. The findings suggest a model that consists of 6 elements. It seems that, for all these elements, the source of differences between teachers'' various pedagogies may be tracked to the basic distinction between a traditional transmission-of-knowledge approach to instruction versus a reform oriented constructivist approach. The findings portray how these two pedagogies are played out when higher order thinking is viewed as a distinct educational goal. Appropriate activities are insufficient for students'' active thinking. In the absence of adequate pedagogies, teachers adopt algorithmic approaches for teaching thinking that decrease the cognitive demands of tasks. Practical recommendations are discussed.