
Linking organizational context and managerial action: the dimensions of quality in management

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... However, the role of organizational context, defined as "systems, processes, and beliefs that shape individual-level behaviors in an organization" (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004, p. 21 has been overlooked as a potentially important antecedent of SCA. This is rather surprising as previous studies have shown that the consideration of organizational context is imperative in understanding the capability development process (e.g., Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994;Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004;Parmigiani & Howard-Grenville, 2011;Pentland et al., 2012;Winter, 2012). For instance, previous research has highlighted the importance of evaluating the impact of different types of strategic orientations on SCA (e.g., Zhu & Gao, 2021) and studies have shown that shaping organizational context is the prime contribution of a firm's top management (e.g., Hu et al., 2012). ...
... For instance, previous research has highlighted the importance of evaluating the impact of different types of strategic orientations on SCA (e.g., Zhu & Gao, 2021) and studies have shown that shaping organizational context is the prime contribution of a firm's top management (e.g., Hu et al., 2012). The context-action relationship is oftentimes at the heart of firms' management processes (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994), which makes organizational context a key contributor to the development of firms' routines that comprise SCA. ...
... So far, however, this element has been overlooked in supply chain management research. Building on these arguments, we suggest that SCA is developed when firms' top management provides a suitable organizational context to nurture it (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994;Marks et al., 2001), by providing adequate processes and systems that help "achieving the desired balance between opposing demands" (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004, p. 209). According to this perspective, superior performance is not only based on firms' superior form of leadership, formal organizational structure, or strong culture. ...
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Previous literature provides ample analyses of the antecedents of supply chain agility, but the organizational context has generally been neglected. Setting up the right organizational context is important for dynamic capabilities such as supply chain agility, especially in turbulent times. In this research, we study organizational context from two aspects as antecedents of supply chain agility, i.e., a firm’s performance orientation context and its social orientation context. Based on the dynamic capabilities view, the literature on organizational context, supply chain agility, and innovation, we develop our hypotheses. We investigate the previously overlooked impact of supply chain agility on innovation performance, as we find that supply chain agility not only helps to prevent and repair short-term damage but also promotes innovation in the long term. We also consider the moderating role of the organization’s complementarity with its key suppliers in this relationship. Structural equation modeling is applied to investigate the proposed research hypotheses using lagged survey data with multiple respondents from the manufacturing sector in Pakistan.
... Organizational structure or environment is defined as a set of overarching structures and external systems that facilitate or prevent the work that the team is responsible for. It is stated that organizations need discipline and stress in order to direct their members in line with organizational goals and targets, and they need support and trust in order to create a synergistic work environment with cooperation (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1994;Gibson and Birkinshaw, 2002). In this study, the structural context of teams which is a subset of organizational structure, is considered a three dimensional concept as a discipline, stress and trust. ...
... Discipline; Discipline is expressed as a key element that makes teams a real team as a feature that encourages the voluntary efforts of the members of the organization to meet the standards expected from them (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1994;Katzenbach and Douglas, 2005). In team discipline studies, it is stated that joint control creates strong norms of behavior that result in members' common values. ...
... The 5 items developed by Ghoshal and Bartlett (1994) and used by Birkinshaw and Gibson(2002) in the studies were used by adapting to the level of the team to measure the moderator role of top management support. The scale has a reported alpha reliability of ,86. ...
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In the literature of organizational behavior, emotional labor is a very new concept that has been studied since the 1980s. However, when the relevant literature is examined, it is seen that emotional labor is generally studied at the individual level and very few studies are conducted on the basis of project teams. The main question of this study is whether some of the emotional labor behaviors and top management support determined by the organization and which the team members must comply with have an impact on the team performance in the project team works in the ICT sector. In this study, which was carried out using partial least square (PLS 3.0) method on 85 project teams, it was found that other structural antecedents outside the discipline had a significant and positive effect on some emotional labor behaviors. In terms of project output, none of the emotional labor behaviors had any effect on team performance and the speed to market affected the market succeses. In addition, the moderating role of top management support in the relationship between surface behavior and market succees is demonstrated. Top management support does not appear to have any effect on market speed.
... In the rare literature investigating the antecedents of employees' perceptions of such control mechanisms, researchers have mostly focused on the influence of information security countermeasures, such as monitoring techniques and information security education, training, and awareness (SETA) programs (D'Arcy et al., 2009;Hovav and D'Arcy, 2012) and specific management acts (Chan et al., 2005) that primarily raise employees' awareness of the existence of control mechanisms (Siponen et al., 2022). We argue that in addition to countermeasures, employees' interpretation of control mechanisms can be affected by many other elements, such as the objective properties of control mechanisms (Ouchi, 1979;Johnston et al., 2015), the organizational context surrounding the individual (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994), and the individual's direct and indirect experience of the implementation of control mechanisms (Warkentin et al., 2011;Mutchler & Warkentin, 2020). ...
... Namely, leaders are the decision makers who decide which control mechanisms to adopt, i.e., the objective properties of such mechanisms and methods for facilitating and implementing them (Kankanhalli et al., 2003;Veiga & Eloff, 2007). In addition, the acts of such leaders nurture the organizational context that establishes a form of embedded work ethic to guide employees' behavior (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994). Moreover, different leadership styles have different management philosophies and thus may prefer different ways of implementing leaders' plans and motivating employees (Westwood, 1992;Zohar, 2002). ...
... Third, employees also rely on organizational context to interpret control mechanisms. According to Ghoshal and Bartlett (1994), organizational context refers to the form of embedded work ethic in performance and social relationship management, which offers a rationale for employees to behave in a certain way. In our research, for example, employees may speculate on whether a claimed formal control mechanism will truly be implemented based on their perceptions of the organizational context regarding performance management, i.e., the degree to which their organization values discipline and the way in which their organization generally deals with deviant behaviors (Gibbs, 1975;Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994;Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004). ...
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This paper examines the underlying mechanisms through which paternalistic leadership (PL) motivates employees’ information systems policy (ISP) compliance. We propose that the three dimensions of PL—authoritarian leadership (AL), benevolent leadership (BL), and moral leadership (ML)—influence employees’ ISP compliance by affecting their perceptions of two information security control mechanisms: sanctions and the information security climate. Based on survey data from 760 participants, we found that the impact of AL is partially mediated by employees’ perceptions of sanctions, the impact of BL is partially mediated by employees’ perceptions of the information security climate, and the impact of ML is partially mediated by employees’ perceptions of both sanctions and the information security climate. Our research extends the existing literature by exploring the impact of specific leadership styles on employees’ perceptions of information security control mechanisms and by proposing that perceptions of information security control mechanisms play a mediating role between PL and ISP compliance. The findings suggest that in addition to choosing effective control mechanisms, it is also important for leaders to adjust their leadership style to ensure that employees perceive control mechanisms in the expected manner.
... According to them, larger firms are often associated with higher levels of profitability due to economies of scale and their ability to negotiate better prices. They also have more resources to invest in research and development, leading to innovation and increased productivity (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 2014). On the other hand, smaller firms may have advantages in innovation and flexibility. ...
... However, some argued that listing should be used to define firm age, as listing is more economical and because a firm's life starts from the moment of listing (Shumway, 2001). Others refuted this argument by stating that a firm is born through incorporation as a legal entity (Götzmann, 2008;Ghoshal & Bartlett, 2014. Established firms with a long track record may have more stable earnings and established reputations, reducing the incentive for earnings management. ...
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The financial reporting practices of firms are usually influenced the certain attributes specific to such firms. The main objective of this study therefore, was to examine the effect of corporate attributes on earnings management practices of nonfinancial firms listed on the Nigerian Exchange Group for the period 2014 to 2023. The research design adopted for this study was ex post facto. Secondary data were used and the population of the study was 109 listed nonfinancial. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to select 70 companies as the sample size of this study. The Robust regression technique was used in analyzing the data and the statistical software employed was STATA 16. The results of the analysis revealed that firm age has significant negative effect on real earnings management; firm size has significant negative effect on real earnings management; and profitability has significant negative effect real earnings management of listed nonfinancial firms in Nigeria. Based on these findings, it was thus concluded that corporate attributes significantly influence earnings management practices of listed nonfinancial firms in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended among others Government and regulatory bodies should provide additional support and guidance to smaller firms to help them establish strong financial controls and reduce the possibility of earnings management.
... Key to this second approach is that companies need to work on the organizational context supporting operational managers (rather than on structural separation) to resolve the paradox of combining exploration and exploitation. The focus is on designing organizations that assist the employees through discipline, stretch, support, and trust (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994) at the individual level to make all organizational members act ambidextrously (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004). The idea of contextual ambidexterity initially advanced by Gibson & Birkinshaw (2004) is rooted in the conceptualization by Ghoshal & Bartlett (1994) that a context is characterized by four behavioural attributes (discipline, stretch, support, and trust) that stimulate individual initiative, cooperation, and learning. ...
... The focus is on designing organizations that assist the employees through discipline, stretch, support, and trust (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994) at the individual level to make all organizational members act ambidextrously (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004). The idea of contextual ambidexterity initially advanced by Gibson & Birkinshaw (2004) is rooted in the conceptualization by Ghoshal & Bartlett (1994) that a context is characterized by four behavioural attributes (discipline, stretch, support, and trust) that stimulate individual initiative, cooperation, and learning. Gibson & Birkinshaw (2004) extended their conceptualization by arguing that: ...
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We developed a decision tree that integrates relevant organizational adaptation theories to respond to radical changes. The understanding of organizational adaptation often requires a combination of multiple theoretical lenses, especially considering today’s radical changes in technologies, markets, and regulations. However, the research streams on adaptation and change are often disconnected and we lack a unifying adaptation framework that might reveal the synergistic contribution of each theoretical perspective to the problem. To fill this important lacuna, we integrate four relevant scholarly perspectives on the topic: dynamic capabilities, ambidexterity, vertical alliances, and horizontal strategic alliances. Our main contribution is an integrative decision tree that unveils when and why each perspective is most appropriate to respond to radical changes. Our research also unpacks dynamic capabilities theory by suggesting when ambidexterity, vertical, and horizontal alliances are appropriate to integrate the upper-level theory of dynamic capabilities, and how they can overcome some of its limitations. The paper also clarifies that, in order to adapt ambidextrously after radical changes destroying core and/or complementary assets, companies need specific alliance strategies.
... In an effort to drive an increase in the salesforces' work motivation, there are two dimensions of manageable management roles, namely performance management and social support [4]. One of the types considered capable of providing social support for its members is empowering leadership [5]. ...
... In addition to performance management, social support is stated as another factor that drives the motivation increase [4]. One leadership type considered capable of providing social support for its members is empowering leadership [5]. ...
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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world into a new era that has demanded changes in various sectors, including the management of salesforces in retail stores. Due to the pandemic, changes in consumers’ habits have raised challenges for salesforce management to increase its salesforces’ personal motivation to encourage optimal work behavior. This study aims to identify the impact of performance management and empowering leadership on constructing the personal motivation of the salesforces in the retail market. The survey of this research was conducted on 223 salesforces from various sectors, such as food & beverages, personal care, home care, etc., in East Java, Indonesia. The data obtained in this study were discussed in two parts, the first is a descriptive analysis, and the second is an analysis of the relationship between concepts. This study reveals that performance management and empowering leadership directly and significantly affect the personal motivation of the salesforces in the retail market.
... Ambidexterity is facilitated within an entire business unit by creating an organisational context that enables individuals to make their own judgements on how to divide their time between the demands of adaptability (exploration) and alignment (exploitation). This organisational context is characterised by a combination of stretch, discipline, support and trust Gibson and Birkinshaw (2004), Ghoshal and Bartlett (1994) ...
... Contextual ambidexterity is characterised by employees dividing their time between exploration and exploitation on a day-to-day basis in a high-performance organisational context that reconciles forces of discipline, stretch, support and trust (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1994). It utilises a more behavioural and social means to integrate exploitation and exploration (Andriopoulos and Lewis, 2009). ...
Purpose Incumbent retail organisations need to develop new capabilities to adapt with the increasingly competitive retail landscape. Despite the growing relevance of innovation in retail practice, the strategic management of innovation in retailing is still vastly under-researched. This explorative study thus aims to investigate how incumbent retail firms can organise for innovation from an organisational ambidexterity perspective. Design/methodology/approach A single-case study of an established Swedish retail firm was conducted from December 2016 to July 2018 and followed up in June 2021. The authors followed the process of implementation of organisational changes aimed to increase innovation in the company, particularly the introduction of a digital marketing initiative and a corporate innovation hub. Data collection was based on nine semi-structured interviews and participant observations and unstructured interviews from 13 meetings and workshops. An abductive approach to data analysis was followed, iteratively comparing theoretical concepts and empirical data using open, axial and selective coding to distil findings into aggregated themes. Findings Given the inherently limited formalisation of innovation processes in most retail organisations, structural ambidexterity appears to be necessary when the aim is radical, strategic retail innovation. Structural mechanisms are able to safeguard the space and resources to focus on long-term research and projects with higher risk and uncertainty; however, integration of innovation activities to the mainstream organisation is critical. Pursuing contextual ambidexterity, wherein instead of structural solutions, employees are empowered to divide employees' time between innovation-related and efficiency-related tasks, is more likely related to retail innovations that are incremental and operational. Originality/value The paper contributes to the emerging topic of strategic management of innovation in retailing, by explicating how incumbent retailers can organise for innovation depending on the type of innovation that is aimed for, using organisational ambidexterity as a novel perspective.
... We find that RPM, rather than IPM, plays a more active role in the integration of management mechanism. Although some researchers argue that contextual ambidexterity (the use of behavioral and social means to integrate the disparate demands of different strategies) emerges when managers shape an organizational context with proper degrees of SS and PM (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1994;Gibson and Birkinshaw, 2004), few extant papers have provided further insights into the mechanism by which the trade-offs between exploitation and exploration is realized or managed and empirically explained the effect of adopting a specifically integrated mechanism on IA. After all, the importance of adopting a balanced and comprehensive set of ambidextrous organizational approaches simultaneously has been emphasized in literature (Kauppila, 2010). ...
... Respondents rated the items on a 7-point Likerttype scale ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree, indicating where they felt their company ranked on each of these items. Ghoshal and Bartlett (1994) define organizational context in terms of four behavior attributes: discipline, stretch, support, and trust. In order to measure organizational context by developing multi-item scales to represent the dimension of these attributes, Gibson and Birkinshaw (2004) identify two factors to represent the combination of the items developed for them: SS for discipline and stretch, and PM for support and trust. ...
Purpose-Despite the importance of SMEs in Malaysia's economy, the likelihood of their failure is relatively high. From a strategic standpoint, a lack of appropriate competitive advantage is the primary cause of this scenario. In this direction, the purpose of this research is to configure a sustainable growth model of SMEs, in which strategic innovation plays a role in bridging the gap between desired growth and managerial-level competencies. Design/Methodology/Approach-Following a pragmatic research paradigm, the study has employed a sequential mixed method design. The quantitative data have been collected from 52 Malaysian SCORE-enlisted manufacturing SMEs, while the qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with seven SME decision-makers. The required analysis performed via SmartPLS3.0 and NVivo10. Alongside, an effective triangulation strategy has implemented in the context of explaining causation among selected variables. Findings-The statistical outcomes reveal that crowdfunding and opportunity recognition are positively related to sustainable growth of SMEs while exploitative and explorative innovation also mediate the associations between those competencies and desired growth. The qualitative results supports the obtained model and demonstrates varying effects on expected business growth with regard to several concerns. Research limitations/Implications-There is a need for more discussion about both the process and outcomes of this pilot study. Conducting a pilot study does not guarantee success in the main study, but it does increase the likelihood. Practical implications-The study's findings can improve businesses' competitiveness and differentiation in an uncertain business environment. In reality, the study provides owners or managers of SMEs with insight on how to grow their business in a sustainable fashion based on various managerial competencies and innovation initiatives. Social implications-These findings may have a positive social change impact by encouraging more innovation strategies in SMEs, which can enhance sustainability-oriented business performance and support a healthier economic system. The idea could also serve as the cornerstone for SMEs to accomplish Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Originality/Value-Little research has been undertaken on sustainable growth of Malaysian SMEs. This study addresses this knowledge gap. It provides a holistic growth theory that explains the sustainability-oriented competitive advantage of a firm. Keywords-Crowdfunding, Exploitative innovation, Explorative innovation, Sustainable growth
... Selon Ghoshal et Bartlett (1994) Par ailleurs, à partir de la synthèse de la littérature sur la notion de « qualité », de « gestion » et de « qualité de la gestion », la qualité de la gestion a été définie comme la caractéristique d'un système de gestion qui permet la satisfaction des attentes des aceturs concernés par ladite gestion. Dans le cadre de la gestion des communes, six acteurs clés sont concernés directement ou indirectement par la gestion des communes. ...
... Tableau N°1 : Eléments de comparaison entre les sept dimensions de la qualité de la gestion de Ghoshal et Bartlett (1994) et les six dimensions issues de la synthèse de la littérature sur la qualité de la gestion Dimensions de la qualité de la gestion selon Ghoshal et Bartlett (1994) Dimensions de la qualité de la gestion selon la synthèse de la littérature sur les concepts de « qualité », « gestion » et « qualité de la gestion » ...
Le Bénin, à l’instar de la plupart des pays africains, s’est engagé dans le processus de décentralisation suite à la conférence nationale des forces vives de la nation de février 1990. Les nouvelles communes, créées à la place des anciennes sous-préfectures, sont appelées à mettre en œuvre des compétences à elles dévolues avec pour finalité la démocratie locale et le développement à la base. Mais pour certains auteurs comme Vigoda-Gadot et al (2018) et Chitou (2013), les administrations publiques (Etat, entreprises publiques) sont généralement mal gérées et affichent des contre-performances récurrentes. La question qui se pose est de savoir si les nouvelles communes béninoises qui sont aussi des structures publiques peuvent faire exception à ce constat général de mauvaise qualité de la gestion des administrations publiques.L’objectif principal de cette étude est d’identifier les principaux déterminants de la qualité de la gestion des communes au Bénin. La démarche méthodologique est basée sur les modèles économétriques avec des données en panel à travers le logiciel STATA d’une part et la méthode d’évaluation des performances dénommée Data Enveloppement Analysis (DEA) d’autre part. En particulier, le modèle DEA a permis de mesurer les efficiences techniques globale, pure et d’échelle afin d’en faire un lien avec la qualité de la gestion des communes. Aux termes de l’étude, les résultats obtenus se présentent comme suit :- l’efficacité dans le fonctionnement des organes de gouvernance, la qualité des outils de gestion et la qualité du système d’information influencent positivement et significativement la qualité de la gestion;- les résultats montrent qu’il existe une relation entre l’efficience et la qualité de la gestion. Le score d’efficience technique globale influence positivement et significativement la qualité de la gestion lorsqu’il est dessus des seuils qui varient de 76,4% à 82,9% en fonction des modèles estimés. En dessous de ces seuils, l’efficience technique globale influence négativement la qualité de la gestion
... Top management's risk-taking ability can positively influence innovation in an organization [47]. As per Ghoshal and Bartlett [48]; the General Manager can help in shaping the organizational context of the firm, resulting in an innovative firm. ...
... Gibson and Birkinshaw [26] suggest the importance of a performance management system and social context create simultaneous and complex behavioral responses which foster both alignment and adaptability. Trust, discipline, stretch, and support are the four dimensions that can be developed inside the organization and can impact employees' initiative-taking ability, cooperation, and learning in the company [48]. Alternatively, these four dimensions can be combined under one category, that is, high-performance work system in an organization that related OA and firm performance [63]. ...
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An organization's long-term survival depends upon its capability to have a balance of exploitation of existing technologies with the exploration of future opportunities. This balanced approach of working is termed as Organization Ambidexterity (OA). This paper attempts to explain, empirically, the role of different organizational factors on OA and to compare results for manufacturing private and public sector firms in the Indian context (sample size n = 120). OA antecedents like strategic orientation, top management, manager, HR policies, organization culture, individual characteristics, organization structure, procedures & policies, and informal routines have been identified and hypotheses are presented for OA as the dependent variable. To validate hypotheses, a questionnaire survey was conducted. Results of multiple regression analysis and correlation are demonstrated to illustrate the dependence of OA on these organizational factors. Analysis shows that these variables have a different impact on OA in the public and private sectors.
... We find that RPM, rather than IPM, plays a more active role in the integration of management mechanism. Although some researchers argue that contextual ambidexterity (the use of behavioral and social means to integrate the disparate demands of different strategies) emerges when managers shape an organizational context with proper degrees of SS and PM (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1994;Gibson and Birkinshaw, 2004), few extant papers have provided further insights into the mechanism by which the trade-offs between exploitation and exploration is realized or managed and empirically explained the effect of adopting a specifically integrated mechanism on IA. After all, the importance of adopting a balanced and comprehensive set of ambidextrous organizational approaches simultaneously has been emphasized in literature (Kauppila, 2010). ...
... Respondents rated the items on a 7-point Likerttype scale ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree, indicating where they felt their company ranked on each of these items. Ghoshal and Bartlett (1994) define organizational context in terms of four behavior attributes: discipline, stretch, support, and trust. In order to measure organizational context by developing multi-item scales to represent the dimension of these attributes, Gibson and Birkinshaw (2004) identify two factors to represent the combination of the items developed for them: SS for discipline and stretch, and PM for support and trust. ...
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Drawing on relevant literature, this study investigates the process of realizing innovation ambidexterity (IA) by proposing a theoretical model and adopting a specifically integrated mechanism with the aim to resolve strategic dilemmas in ambidextrous organizations (AOs). We analyzed a sample of 136 cross-sectional surveys collected from business managers of 132 medium- and high-tech firms in China by employing a structural equation model combined with moderation analysis to test our hypotheses. Our findings indicate that the second-order theoretical model fits the data well and AO, represented by a higher-order construct, positively affects IA. Instead of structural ambidexterity, balanced contextual ambidexterity and radical performance management can be effectively applied as the factors of the second-order construct; the design comprising balanced contextual ambidexterity and performance management is thus helpful in resolving strategic dilemmas. Our findings demonstrate that Chinese firms, as technology latecomers, are more inclined to conduct near-radical innovation. The risk of exploration crowding out exploitation efforts exists in Chinese high-tech firms. Furthermore, we provides greater insights into the moderating impact of intra-organizational practice on IA based on the fact that performance measurement balance (PMB) did not directly influence the achievement of IA and clarifies the positive role that PMB plays in improving IA.
... A central concern of organizational adaptive operations is the balance between the exploration of new possibilities and the exploitation of existing certainties [39,53]. Thus, the development of process actors' ability to implement change rapidly and inherently requires the availability of appropriate tools and methods, and the proper organizational culture being put in place [14,15,58]. The results that we have obtained confirm that the use of agile BMP approaches based on the Scrum framework affects process actors' contextual ambidexterity to the greatest extent. ...
... Aunque es previsible que no existan modelos ún icos o singu lares, lo cierto es q ue la literat ura ha sido poco explícita acerca de lo que se entiende por comportamientos ambidiestros de los empleados. CONSTRUYENDO ORGANIZACIONES AMBIDIESTRAS ... Ghoshal y Bartlett (1994), y, más recientemente, Kang et al. (2 007) permite identificar la iniciativa y la cooperación como comportamientos fundamentales en un empleado ambidiestro. La iniciativa implica estar alerta acerca de las oportunidades que surjan más al lá de los límites del propio trabajo y que estén alineadas con los objetivos de la organización. ...
... Knowledge sharing can occur and flow freely among library staff when trust is highly regarded between colleagues. Ghoshal and Bartlett (1994) contended that trust is one of the four dimensions that have an impact on an individual's actions in the workplace. This could be inferred that with trust, employees can learn a lot from colleagues and share their knowledge with others as well. ...
Purpose - The main aim of this paper is to find out whether the library staff is in compliance with the practice of knowledge sharing practices and whether there is a need for knowledge sharing strategies. Hence, the objective is to find out the degree to which knowledge sharing practices among library staff in their daily operations. Design/Methodology/Approach - This study proposes that knowledge sharing practices involve managerial support and individual creativity. It also suggests that senior management needs to support the process of knowledge sharing activities... This conceptual study intends to present its conceptual framework based on previous studies and findings. Findings - Previous studies have indicated that five factors such as environmental factor, teamwork, trust, work culture, and technology have a positive effect on knowledge sharing practice. Research limitations/implications - This study is limited to the library staff at the IIUM academic library in Gombak campus. It estimates and measures the efficiency and effectiveness as well as explore the effect of knowledge sharing and use of knowledge practices amongst the library staff at IIUM academic library. Originality/value – This is original research aims to enhance the body of literature in knowledge sharing practices in academic libraries by using IIUM Gombak campus library staff as a study setting.
... By exploring the relationships between various variables, such as SC-Ambidexterity, SC-Adaptability, SC-Agility, and SC-Resilience, the study aims to uncover insights that can help optimize and improve supply chain performance. By examining how these factors interact and impact each other, the research seeks to provide valuable knowledge for guiding decision-making and enhancing overall supply chain management (Ghoshal, 1994). The primary focus of this context is to optimize time and effort for each supply chain partner by balancing the demands for adaptability and alignment. ...
This research aims to explore the significance of supply chain (SC) resilience by integrating SC-Resilience and SC-Ambidexterity concepts. SC-Ambidexterity refers to the simultaneous application of SC-Adaptability and SC-Alignment capabilities within the supply chain. In line with the dynamic capabilities view (DCV) of the firm, this research adopts a quantitative approach to investigate the relationship between variables in the context of manufacturing and production companies in Pakistan, specifically in Karachi. The results of this case study have revealed a strong positive impact of SC-Ambidexterity on SC-Resilience, confirming the significance of adopting concurrent and synchronized supply chain capabilities. Furthermore, the analysis indicated that SC-Agility plays a crucial role as a mediator in the relationship between SC-Ambidexterity and SC-Resilience. The findings suggest that organizations that proactively invest in developing both ambidextrous capabilities and agility are more likely to achieve a higher level of supply chain resilience, enabling them to effectively navigate turbulent business environments.
... In fact, context plays an essential role in organizations. It can influence the occurrence and meaning of both organizational behaviors and individual behaviors on the part of organizational members (Johns, 2006;Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994). Generally, employees in an organizational context constantly evaluate whether their personal standards meet organizational requirements to determine the extent to which they can be themselves at work (Bandura, 1991). ...
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To investigate the antecedents of employee authenticity systematically from the organizational context and to examine the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction in this relationship, we conducted a three-wave study among 1349 Chinese employees. The results show that the four categories of the organizational context investigated, i.e., organization, leaders, colleagues and task, significantly and uniquely predicted employee authenticity. Specifically, in the organization category, both organizational support and organizational justice positively predicted employee authenticity. In the leader category, inclusive leadership positively predicted employee authenticity. In the colleague category, high-quality relationships with colleagues was a significant and positive predictor. In the task category, job demands negatively predicted employee authenticity, while job autonomy and possibilities for development positively predicted employee authenticity. In addition, drawing on self-determination theory (SDT), basic psychological need satisfaction was found to mediate the relationships between all these organizational contextual factors (including authentic leadership) and employee authenticity. Our study investigated the antecedents of employee authenticity systematically and comprehensively from the perspective of organizational context and revealed the mechanism underlying these relationships, thereby extending our understanding of how employee authenticity forms in organizations and shed light on managerial practices to promote employee authenticity.
... Extensive training is an investment in developing personnel, which leads to strong employees' views of organisational support (Wayne, Shore, & Liden, 1997). Information sharing promotes mutual trust and support (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994). Employees believe that organisations evaluate their contribution (Robinson, Kraatz, & Rousseau, 1994) when they share their viewpoints on rewards, perceived fairness, and performance (Aggarwal, Datta, & Bhargava, 2007). ...
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Until recently, there has been an abundance of research dedicated to investigating the organisational results of high-performance work systems (HPWSs). But few studies were conducted on the individual results of HPWSs, particularly employee creativity and also the mechanism by which employee creativity is influenced by HPWSs. Drawing on the theory of social exchange, this study is aimed at filling this gap by examining the mediating impact of perceived support from the organisation on the association between HPWSs and creativity of employees. A cross-sectional approach along with a quantitative-deductive causal method was adopted, and Bangladeshi Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector was the focus in this study. We collected data utilising self-administered questionnaires from 211 full-time employees and applied partial least square-structural equation modelling for our statistical analysis. Our research findings emphasise that HPWSs positively affects perceived support from the organisation, subsequently enhancing creativity of employees. Furthermore, the outcomes also suggest that perceived support from the organisation acts as a mediator in the connection between HPWSs and the creativity of employees. Our study makes a significant contribution to the SME literature on what ways SMEs might enhance employee creativity. Moreover, the findings relating to this research have also implications for managers as well as practitioners. It is crucial for SMEs to implement HPWS that in turn encourage employee creativity. In order to stimulate employee creativity, SME businesses should adopt HPWS that foster employees' perceptions of organisational support. Once the implementation of HPWS is done, it becomes essential for SME employees to be motivated and perceive strong support from their employer, which, in turn, leads to increased creative behaviour.
... Качество управления может быть определено как степень соответствия управления и надзора за компанией потребностям и ожиданиям (которые были установлены или соблюдение которых является обязательным) компании, ее клиентов и других заинтересованных сторон [4]. ...
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The authors analyze the content of the category “management quality”, systematize and structure the architecture of the elements that describe this category. The methodology for assessing the quality of management of the World Management Survey is presented, which identifies 18 main management practices and includes questions in 5 fields in the areas of manufacturing, healthcare, education and retail trade. Methodological approaches to assessing the quality of management of organizations used by the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the European Central Bank are studied. The parameters of management quality based on the expert evaluation method are analyzed. As a result of the study, the author’s architecture of parameters for assessing the quality of management has been developed, that combines general and specific indicators taking into account industry-specific features of non-financial corporations (trade, construction, industry and transport) in the context of soft skills and hard skills.
... From another viewpoint, Duncan (1976) found that to be competitive; successful organizations need to possess two separate structures; one that encourages exploitation and the other, exploration. In the 1990s, the term "ambidexterity" was coined to describe these structures, and its use gained momentum in organizational behavior (i.e., March, 1991;Levinthal & March, 1993;Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994;Tushman & O'Reilly, 1996). In the 2000s, the literature began to describe it as the CoA (i.e., Raisch & Birkinshaw, 2008;Raisch et al., 2009;Simsek, 2009;Lavie et al., 2010). ...
Ambidexterity explains why companies engage in seemingly contradictory strategies in their effort to improve competitiveness. In supply chains, the literature provides neither a generally accepted definition of supply chain ambidexterity (SCX) nor a proper measure of relevant constructs. In addition, scholars have argued that ambidexterity is only an academic concept with no practical implications. This chapter evaluates supply chain integration (SCI) and supply chain agility (SCA) as antecedents to SCX. A conceptual framework consisting of four theoretical components, concept of ambidexterity (CoA) in conjunction with paradox theory (PT), theory of constraints (TOC), institutional theory (IT), and resource-based view (RBV) – resource-advantage theory (R-A), is proposed as a meta-theoretical guide for research, teaching, and practice. The chapter first introduces this Sustainable Innovation Capability Framework (SICF), explains its components, and then outlines the relevance of SCX in supply chains. A concept of an ambidextrous growth mindset (AGM) is also introduced with relevance to sustainability and innovation.
... En relación a la cultura organizativa con la ambidestreza, podría argumentarse que ésta está basada en un tipo de cultura organizativa (Ghoshal y Bartlett, 1994;Gibson y Birkinshaw, 2004) que promueve diferentes conocimientos y la integración de múltiples aspectos a desarrollar. ...
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Este artículo recoge los principales fundamentos teóricos sobre la cultura de las organizaciones y la ambidestreza. Comenzaremos acotando el término cultura desarrollando también sus niveles y sus principales elementos, así como el concepto de ambidestreza, abordaremos una revisión de las aportaciones de diferentes autores para, posteriormente, estudiar las distintas perspectivas, sus formas, y la relación entre ambos conceptos.
... In contrast to the previous approaches, coopeting firms that pursue this approach aim to manage cooperative and competitive behavior simultaneously within the same organizational unit and thereby tackle tensions directly (Hoffmann et al., 2018). Contextual integration involves establishing a context that nurtures and sustains discipline (defined as having clear standards, fast-cycle feedback, and consistent sanctions), support (instilled by the access to resources outside of one's own unit and more help-oriented senior management), and trust (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994). Moreover, contextual integration also entails the development of capabilities that "support concurrent competition and cooperation with the same counterparts" (Hoffmann et al., 2018: 3043). ...
... Previous research has emphasized their position as organizational linking pins and suggested that occupying this position gives them the power to initiate innovations (Kanter 1981), to connect the operational and strategic elements of a firm's activities (Hornsby, Kuratko, and Zahra 2002;Ren and Guo 2011), to support and accelerate entrepreneuring (Burgelman 1983;Floyd and Woolridge 1992), or to delay or sabotage it (Balogun and Johnson 2005). Additionally, middle management can facilitate the sharing of knowledge internally and externally because of their unique position (Ghoshal and Bartlett 1994;Mustafa, Richards, and Ramos 2013;Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995). In turn, this unique position can afford them the knowledge, social capital (Hornsby, Kuratko, and Zahra 2002), and networks (Kuratko et al. 2005) to spot unique and valuable entrepreneurial opportunities as well as the capabilities to develop and exploit opportunities (Hornsby et al. 2009). ...
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This study examines whether, and how, top management influences middle management’s support of corporate entrepreneurship activities. Specifically, the study explores the influence of top management characteristics, i.e. strategic planning capacity and entrepreneurial orientation, on manager’s decision to support innovation adoption. We report on the findings from a vignette study. Research participants included a group of 259 experienced business professionals: 148 from the United States and 111 from China. The results suggest that the alignment of strategic planning capacity and entrepreneurial orientation influences middle management’s support for corporate entrepreneurship in both cultural settings.
... Future studies, in an effort to examine organizational ambidexterity more holistically, could focus on both structural and contextual ambidexterity. Alongside the balanced and combined dimensions of ambidexterity, researchers could assess how systems, processes, and values (i.e., the context) (Adler et al., 1999;Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994) can facilitate managerial and employee responses to the demands for both exploration and exploitation in organizations (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004). ...
The outbreak of COVID‐19 has brought the world to a standstill, with severe consequences on economic and health systems, requiring the identification and implementation of innovative solutions. This study's aims are threefold: first, to examine the impact of balanced and combined dimensions of ambidexterity on for‐profit organizations' innovation performance related to pandemics; second, to uncover whether and to what extent such innovation performance contributes to tackling global health grand challenges (i.e., mortality rate, risk of infection, and life expectancy) associated with pandemics; and, third, to investigate the moderating role of social equalities in health in the relationships between innovation performance and health‐related outcomes associated with pandemics. To uncover how for‐profit firms tackle the health‐related consequences of pandemics, we examine whether they have introduced product innovations to the health sector, defined as the market introduction of a new or significantly improved good, that have helped address the health challenges associated with the COVID‐19 pandemic. Using a panel dataset (1974–2020) with 15,062 firm‐year observations from the United States, we show that both the separate and the synchronous implementation of the balanced and combined dimensions of ambidexterity have a strong positive effect on firms' innovation performance and, particularly, innovation initiatives related to the pandemic. The results also reveal that innovation activities (i.e., granted patents and citations focused on COVID‐19) negatively affect mortality rate and risk of infection, as well as the positive impact of innovation on increasing life expectancy, with social equalities in health moderating this relationship. Taken together, we make novel contributions to the literature on how to tackle the health‐related consequences of pandemics through innovation and provide actionable managerial guidance on how firms can enhance innovation performance.
... In addition to the informal climate, organizational context also consists of the formal systems, processes, and beliefs that shape individual-level behaviors in an organization (Burgelman, 1983;Denison, 1990;Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994). Importantly, the organizational context is not merely a matter of the informal organizational climate, or focused purely on formal structure and processes, but "encompasses these notions; it reflects a combination of the structural context, culture and climate" and is considered "an objective, higher-level attribute" of the organization as a whole (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004, p. 213). ...
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Prior research suggests that the organizational context supports the emergence of employee ambidexterity; however, the interplay between formal and informal context has been largely unexplored. We analyze this interplay with a multilevel, multi-source data set of 2,446 individual employees nested in 77 organizations. We find that a promotion climate – unlike a prevention climate – contributes to employee ambidexterity. In addition, formalization positively moderates the effects of both promotion and prevention climate on employee ambidexterity, while centralization weakens the positive effect of promotion climate. Our results advance a contingency perspective that brings together formal and informal contextual drivers of employee ambidexterity and shows that even though an informal climate signals the preferred manner of goal pursuit, a formal structure affects the impact of such signals by delineating opportunity corridors of admissible behaviors.
... Finally, companies that show exceptional results in dynamic, volatile, and highly competitive environments have certain key success factors, and the decisions made by top management are categorised into three groups: 1 purpose 2 processes 3 people (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 2007;Anand et al., 2009). ...
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This paper aims to study the relationship between the continuous improvement maturity level and the stages of service operations competitiveness, relating the abilities of each continuous improvement maturity level to the aspects that are inherent to each stage of service operations competitiveness in the hospital sector. This paper was developed by means of exploratory field research using a case study method in three hospitals. The findings of this study are innovative in the research field, as this research proposes a theoretical model that seeks to identify the relationship between service operations competitiveness and its continuous improvement maturity level. As implications, the results of this study suggest that hospitals that decided to implement continuous improvement programs have better capabilities to offer services that are more competitive and continuously improve their processes to serve their patients better. Keywords: continuous improvement; service operations competitiveness; health care service operations; hospital service operations.
... According to Kahn's (1990) study, if frontline employees feel that their participation in the DL process is meaningful, they will consciously participate and put more effort into the DL process. When the organizational atmosphere of a unit is learning-oriented, employees will also receive a clear signal that the unit encourages and underlines mutual learning among members of the organization to generate new or renew existing knowledge (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994;Haldorai et al., 2021;Keeling et al., 2020). In this kind of unit that underlines LO, members will take the initiative to summarize and share their experience, discuss with colleagues, search new knowledge to solve existing problems, accumulate personal knowledge to the unit level, and finally create new or renew existing routines based on the collected knowledge. ...
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The study proposes a frontline deliberate learning (FDL) process involving knowledge generation, knowledge articulation, and knowledge codification, which enable organizations to capture knowledge embedded in the frontlines. It examines the antecedent effects of three orientations (i.e., performance, learning, and customer orientation) at both the individual dispositional level and strategic business unit (SBU) level on frontline deliberate learning. The proposed model was tested using survey data from multiple respondents from the healthcare industry. The results indicate that knowledge articulation plays a mediating role in the influence of knowledge generation on knowledge codification. Individual performance, learning, and customer orientation primarily affect knowledge generation. However, these three orientations at the unit level have different effects on knowledge articulation and the unit level’s codification.
... Achieving ambidexterity is challenging because managers need to make difficult and prudent decisions shaped by short-term interests and unforeseen factors, and some present benefits may need to be sacrificed for the future success (Ghoshal -Bartlett 1994;Smith -Lewis 2011). Brion et al. (2010) highlighted that focused organizations have lower performance than ambidextrous ones. ...
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The financial industry has undergone several changes in recent years. One of these changes is the emergence of financial technology (FinTech) companies that are radically transforming the industry, posing a significant challenge to traditional commercial banks. In this study, we examined the responses of the Hungarian banks to the emergence of innovative FinTech startups and explored the benefits and barriers of the FinTech accelerator programs launched by banks. We conducted 27 semi-structured interviews with top executives of banks, FinTech startups and scaleups, investors and regulators to identify the potential benefits and barriers during the cooperation between banks and FinTechs. The most important results of our research show that during the partnership, several advantages can be gained by both parties. Still, the realization of these benefits is significantly hindered by the excessive exploitation focus of banks. Ambidextrous internal champions or suppliers of the banks are needed for successful cooperation between FinTechs and banks.
... When they see the organization holistically, they "have the bubble" (Roberts & Rousseau, 1989), an overall gestalt understanding of the system to which only top leaders can aspire. When they have a first-hand, top to ground level knowledge of the organization, they know the "smell of the place" (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994), they are emotionally in touch with the pulse of the organization. The exercise of zooming out allows managers to see strategy holistically or to embrace what Collis (2021) called the "complete strategy landscape" (p. ...
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Presenting the emergence of new organizational designs in a novel way, this insightful book blends theory and practice to examine major trends and directions, the key ideas that underpin organizational design and how these ideas might be applied. The authors explore how, in a world characterized by relentless change and volatility, traditional bureaucracies of the past are increasingly regarded as being too slow and centralized. Instead, emerging ideas, such as platforms, ecosystems, holacracies, agility and improvisation are gaining purchase. Focusing on key trends and forms of design, the book offers an approach to organizing that accommodates paradoxes and offers a fresh view on managing organizational design. Rich in anecdotes and examples, the Elgar Introduction to Designing Organizations will be a useful guide for business and management scholars and advanced students with a focus on organizational studies and innovation. It will be beneficial for business managers thinking about how to design their organization so that it is fit for contemporary purposes.
... Performance elements are defined by the behaviourframing attributes of discipline and stretch, whereas social elements are captured by relational attributes of support and trust [28,29]. 'Discipline' induces team members to voluntarily strive to meet all the expectations generated by their explicit or implicit commitments, while 'stretch' induces them to voluntarily strive for more, rather than less ambitious objectives. ...
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Agile approaches being practised by multiple teams operating remotely are widely adopted for large software development efforts these days. An agile setting is typically characterized by flexibility, to accommodate changing customer demands for continuous delivery of business value. A distributed setting brings about multiple demands for stability, in terms of a push for clear specification of requirements and design, and a big picture product definition. Therefore, implementing agile distributed development (ADD) projects results in an inherent conflict that must be reconciled. This article attempts to provide nuanced clarity on the notion of conflict between flexibility and stability and its management across variants of an ADD setup. Through multiple case studies, our findings suggest that the specific mode of agile project engagement and distributed team configuration drives the response to flexibility and stability respectively. Leveraging ambidexterity as a theoretical lens, this study contributes to the literature by providing insights beyond the earlier conceptualization of flexibility-stability conflict for the ADD setting. It considers contextual elements to understand the dynamics of conflicting forces. An empirical contribution of this research is the managerial framework that should assist practice in future implementations.
... Trust. One of the major conditions for successful knowledge transfer seems to be trust between the actors involved in the transfer processes (Hislop, 2005;Bradach & Eccles, 1989;Gulati, 1995;Ghosal & Barlett, 1994;Tsai & Ghoshal, 1998;Nielsen & Ciabuschi, 2003). It is observed in IBM that F-2-F interaction is also recognised as an effective mechanism in building trust among the knowledge contributor and user. ...
p>We use the case study style of qualitative research to investigate the current understanding of the theory and practice of knowledge transfer through assessing empirically the transmission mechanisms by which people transfer their knowledge at BMI Laboratory, identifying the factors that influence the choice of knowledge transfer mechanism, discovering the perceived role of knowledge storage and the knowledge administration within the knowledge transfer process, and exploring an integrated and comprehensive framework that might be implemented to promote successful knowledge transfer. The Lab has been chosen purposively to learn more about the issues central to knowledge transfer and to allow themes associated with the research questions to emerge, which are then interpreted to give a grater understanding of the issues, employing Miles and Huberman procedure of data analysis and presentation. The outcomes of the study provide insights into the phenomena surrounding knowledge transfer, which based on case evidence leads to an interesting decision tree of media user for different transfer situations. The empirical evidence also suggests a hybrid approach in a sense that one approach, be it personalisation or codification, alone can not meet all the situations. Furthermore, an attempt is also made to develop a sound and robust knowledge transfer framework , integrating knowledge storage and the knowledge administrator within the knowledge transfer process. The framework encompasses five components: the actors engaged in the process; the typology of the knowledge that is transferred; the mechanisms used; the repositories where knowledge is stored; and the knowledge administrator to manage and maintain knowledge. The model explains a systematic and holistic perspective on knowledge transfer implementation, viewing knowledge transfer as an interactive and dynamic process. Use of the case study is reasonable and appropriate for this kind of exploratory research, and it is likely that given the topic and the research study this thesis yields some very interesting findings concerning knowledge transfer in a real-world setting.</p
... Similarly, in a culture where everything is described as a contract, it will not be easy to trust the employee to get the job done (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1994). When culture goes beyond mere transactions to create an emotional connection between the employer and the employees, it will create shared solid values that endure the test of time. ...
Purpose Organisational researchers have always highlighted the role of leadership during crisis. However, anecdotal evidence shows that leadership often fails when the culture does not back them during a crisis. Hence, actively initiating and developing a culture of excellence (CoE) become all the more relevant during a crisis. This paper aims to understand the role of CoE in building a resilient organisation. Furthermore, it aims to contribute to the understanding of building CoE practices in small businesses. Design/methodology/approach The paper reviews relevant literature and gathers evidence from VDart Inc, a digital talent management and services firm based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. A case study design based on retrospective and real-time data collection is performed to investigate CoE practices before and during the Covid-19 crisis. Findings The findings argue that, most often, the culture and not just the leadership determines the fate of an organisation undergoing crisis. From the case evidence, the authors identify reinforce the culture, invest in cultural custodians, seek order, keep them close and industry thought-leadership (“RISK-It”) CoE practices for fostering resilience in small- and medium-sized enterprises/businesses (SMEs) for managing crises. Originality/value The authors contribute to knowledge in fostering proactive resilience in small businesses, showing how SMEs should invest in building a CoE when their organisations are stable instead of searching for strong leaders and unique strategies during a crisis. Later, during the crisis, just by reinforcing their CoE using RISK-It CoE practices, leaders and managers would be able to leverage any turbulence to the advantage of their organisations.
... Les barrières liées au récepteur de la connaissance sont : (1) l'absence de motivation révélée par la réticence de certains récepteurs à accepter des connaissances de l'extérieur, (2) l'absence de la capacité absorptive (Cohen et Levinthal, 1990) lorsque les récepteurs s'avèrent incapables d'exploiter des sources extérieures de connaissances, valoriser, assimiler et appliquer les nouvelles connaissances avec succès, et (3) le manque de capacité de rétention qui empêche d'avancer et conduit toujours à mettre fin aux connaissances déjà utilisées et à revenir au point zéro. Enfin, les barrières liées au contexte qui sont : (1) le contexte aride puisque le contexte fertile basé sur les systèmes formels et les sources de coordination affecte le nombre de tentatives de transfert des connaissances ainsi que le résultat de ces tentatives (Ghoshal et Bartlett, 1994) et (2) la relation ardue (laborieuse et éloignée) entre la source et le récepteur pourrait créer des difficultés supplémentaires dans le transfert dépendant, dans une certaine mesure, de la facilité de la communication (Arrow, 1974) et de l'"intimité" de la relation globale entre l'unité source et l'unité réceptrice (Marsden, 1990). ...
La thèse aborde la problématique de transfert de connaissances dans les environnements médiatisés à l'ère de la massification de données. Nous proposons une méthode d'aide à la décision multicritère MAI2P (Multicriteria Approach for the Incremental Periodic Prediction) pour la prédiction périodique et incrémentale de la classe de décision à laquelle une action est susceptible d'appartenir. La méthode MAI2P repose sur trois phases. La première phase est composée de trois étapes : la construction d'une famille de critères pour la caractérisation des actions ; la construction d'un ensemble des “Actions de référence” représentatif pour chacune des classes de décision ; et la construction d'une table de décision. La deuxième phase s'appuie sur l'algorithme DRSA-Incremental que nous proposons pour l'inférence et la mise à jour de l'ensemble de règles de décision suite à l'incrémentation séquentielle de l'ensemble des “actions de référence”. La troisième phase permet de classer les “Actions potentielles” dans l'une des classes de décision en utilisant l'ensemble de règles de décision inféré. La méthode MAI2P est validée sur un contexte des MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) qui sont des formations en ligne caractérisées par une masse importante de données échangées entre un nombre massif d’apprenants. Elle a permis la prédiction hebdomadaire des trois classes de décision : Cl1 des “Apprenants en risque” d'abandonner le MOOC; Cl2 des “Apprenants en difficulté” mais n'ayant pas l'intention d'abandon ; et Cl3 des “Apprenants leaders” susceptibles de soutenir les deux autres classes d'apprenants en leur transmettant l'information dont ils ont besoin. La prédiction est basée sur les données de toutes les semaines précédentes du MOOC afin de prédire le profil de l'apprenant pour la semaine suivante. Un système de recommandation KTI-MOOC (Recommender system for the Knowledge Transfer Improvement within a MOOC) est développé pour recommander à chaque “Apprenant en risque” ou “Apprenant en difficulté” une liste personnalisée des “Apprenants leaders”. Le système KTI-MOOC est basé sur la technique de filtrage démographique et a l'objectif de favoriser l'appropriation individuelle, des informations échangées, auprès de chaque apprenant
... Certainly, organizational contexts are more advantageous to internally generated variations. Within a light projection, there are many elements responsible for stimulating bottom-up entrepreneurship (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1994): effective support for the implementation and development of innovative ideas; a climate of mutual trust; a high degree of managerial rigor as well as an adequate level of organizational scope driven by senior management. In a more difficult projection, the decentralized, flexible but also flat organizational structures benefit the appearance and the increase of the internally generated variations. ...
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Based on the strategic management processes, it is particularly necessary to initiate but also develop a connection between CSR integration through a dynamic approach and the social philosophy of management, a systematic analysis of the processes that strategically manage CSR and the socially oriented implementation of the topic strategic integration of CSR. Related to these research topics we need to know closely the strategic management processes that integrate CSR, how they work, what influences strategic change and especially how we can define the management tools used to support the implementation of social management philosophy. In this sense, it is absolutely necessary to initiate a theoretical model that highlights, from an organic point of view but also structurally, the dynamics of the relations supported by the philosophy of social management.
... That is, instead of imposing formal structures on organization members, organizations would achieve ambidexterity through a supportive organizational context that allows individuals to "judge for themselves how best to allocate time between the conflicting demands of exploration and exploitation" (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004). Building on the analyses of Ghoshal and Bartlett (1994), Gibson and Birkinshaw (2004) suggest four attributes that can facilitate ambidextrous individuals' behavior: flexibility, discipline, mutual support, and trust. Organizations should be able to balance performance management variables (discipline and flexibility) with social context variables (mutual support and trust) to achieve contextual ambidexterity (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004;Raisch & Birkinshaw, 2008). ...
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We explore digital entrepreneurship in the banking and financial sector through the concept of organizational ambidexterity (AO), which is defined as the balance between the exploration of new activities and the efficient exploitation of existing activities. We examine how AO can help meet the challenges of viability and sustainability faced by fintech, which are startups that combine the attributes of digital technologies and finance. Based on interviews with founders/managers, our results show the development of a “mixed ambidexterity”, which combines exploration and exploitation activities. Contrary to the dominant scientific discourse, different forms of ambidexterity do not in themselves constitute “pure” or opposed forms. They can be combined using managerial levers to develop “multi-ambidextrous” structures, particularly in dynamic and competitive technological environments. Our research contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by a reflection through the managerial concept of AO. We propose an entrepreneurial approach based on entrepreneurs’ capacities to reconcile exploration and exploitation. We therefore extend our understanding of entrepreneur behavior through the concept of AO and address the lack of research on this concept in the entrepreneurship literature. Theoretical and practical implications are proposed for designing ambidextrous entrepreneurial organizations.
... Furthermore, firms need a certain level of task-related stretch to push their employees for ambitious goals (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1994;de Vasconcelos et al., 2019). In this sense, stretch can be an element that supports cross-functional collaboration and therefore enhances the climate for innovation. ...
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Literature does not provide a detailed explanation of the role of climate for innovation in the relationship between cross-functional collaboration and corporate innovation performance. The aim of this explorative study is therefore to investigate the complex interaction between cross-functional collaboration, climate for innovation and firms’ innovation performance. Based on the analysis of a random data sample of heads of works councils of 450 large-sized firms in Germany, working with innovation, this paper finds, that there is an effect between cross-functional collaboration and innovation performance which is complementary mediated by innovation climate. Overall, this finding leads to the conclusion that companies need to balance ‘soft’ factors as cross-functional collaboration and ‘hard’ factors as stretch in order to stimulate a productive innovation climate. Firms, which systematically work with and succeed in this balancing act, have also higher chances for increasing their innovation performance.
What dynamic capabilities are needed to sucessfully contribute within an ecosystem? Successful companies have opened their boundaries and are leveraging external knowledge, resources, and skills. Macroeconomic developments and regulations, constantly changing customer requirements, and technological advancements lead to high dynamics and complexity. The key to transformation and effective adaptation of business models is an open and permissive organizational culture and new management practices. These are based on synergistic and systemic leadership approaches. Three ecosystem capabilities are highly relevant—openness, agility and ambidexterity. Openness internalizes the open innovation approach and promotes curiosity, motivation, and flexibility within the organizational structure to drive the creation of new ideas and solutions. Agility, precicely inter-organizational agility, is crucial for collaboration and communication and is characterized by adaptability, speed, and customer centricity. Ambidexterity is the ability to bring diametrically opposed things into a holistic context and to tackle them simultaneously. All three key principles are closely intertwined, significantly impacting knowledge, learning, and the innovative capacity of each player, who creates distinct value within an open and digital ecosystem.
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Podstawowym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie specyfiki i złożoności zarządzania strategicznego za pomocą koncepcji paradoksu. Dziś, gdy globalizacja, innowacje, hiperkonkurencja i wymagania spo-łeczne tworzą coraz bardziej dynamiczne i skomplikowane środowisko, paradoks staje się ważnym na-rzędziem badawczym do zrozumienia współczesnych organizacji i zarządzania nimi. Paradoks jako metateoretyczna perspektywa wnosi do nauk o zarządzaniu solidny aparat badawczy, umożliwiający głębsze zrozumienie konstrukcji, relacji i dynamiki występujących w otoczeniu napięć organizacyj-nych, wzbogacając jednocześnie istniejące teorie i procesy teoretyzowania. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury przedmiotu przedstawiona została autorska taksonomia paradoksów związanych z zarzą-dzaniem strategicznym. Słowa kluczowe: koopetycja, oburęczność, paradoks, paradoksalny menedżer, taksonomia paradok-sów, umiar, zarządzanie strategiczne Kody klasyfikacji JEL: D81, M21 1
Research Proposal
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Resumen El objetivo de este estudio consiste en explorar el proceso de desarrollo de las capacidades dinámicas, la resiliencia y la ambidiestría en las organizaciones, a través de un análisis detallado de las interacciones entre sus componentes. Se llega a la conclusión de que el progreso de estas dimensiones conlleva tensiones en la organización, dado que son imperativas para prosperar en el actual entorno empresarial dinámico; simultáneamente, los desafíos potenciales y las barreras representan obstáculos significativos para su efectiva implementación. Palabras clave: Capacidades dinámicas, Resliencia, Ambidiestría organizacional. Abstract The aim of this study is to explore the process of development of dynamic capabilities, resilience and ambidexterity in organizations, through a detailed analysis of the interactions between its components. It is concluded that the progress of these dimensions brings tensions in the organization, since they are imperative to thrive in the current dynamic business environment; simultaneously, potential challenges and barriers represent significant obstacles to its effective implementation.
What are the essential dynamic capabilities required within an ecosystem? Successful organisations have dismantled their barriers and harnessed external knowledge, resources, and expertise. Macroeconomic shifts, evolving regulatory landscapes, constantly changing customer demands, and technological advancements contribute to high levels of dynamism and complexity. The crux of transforming and effectively adapting business models lies in cultivating an open and permissive organizational culture, underpinned by innovative management practices rooted in synergistic and systemic leadership approaches. We found three ecosystem capabilities that stand out as particularly crucial – openness, agility, and ambidexterity. Openness embraces the principles of open innovation, fostering curiosity, motivation, and adaptability within the organizational framework to facilitate the creation of novel solutions. Agility plays a pivotal role within a collaborative and communicative ecosystem, characterized by adaptability, speed, and a customer-centric focus. Ambidexterity entails the capacity to reconcile and address seemingly opposing elements within a holistic context simultaneously. These three fundamental principles are intricately interconnected and employ significant influence over an organization’s knowledge, learning, and innovation processes, ultimately contributing to the generation of fragmented value within an open and digital ecosystem.
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This paper explores how intra-organizational networks promote contextual organizational resilience in multinational companies (MNCs). According to Lengnick-Hall et al. (2011), the contextual elements of resilience are psychological safety, social capital, power diffusion, and network resources. Since multinational companies are, by definition, geographically dispersed and heterogeneous, the study investigates the extent to which a network structure promotes contextual resilience and thus prepares MNCs for the new normal. The results of a case study conducted in an MNC are presented. The study was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020), and the pandemic was used as an example of shock to analyze how the network influences resilience during a shock. The results demonstrate that a cohesive network can promote contextual resilience by increasing connection and thus psychological safety, social capital, power diffusion, and access to network resources. With its focus on interaction, exchange, and relationship in addressing challenges and opportunities, this research aims to contribute to a relational view of economy (Wieland 2020, Biggiero et al. 2022).
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This study presents paradoxical tensions as the ‘missing link’ at the intersection of the entrepreneurial family and family firm management: a link that crucially affects innovation-related decisions such as ambidexterity. Specifically, the study argues that the relationship between family cohesion and organizational ambidexterity within entrepreneurial family firms is mediated by paradoxical tensions (latent and salient). Drawing on survey data from 206 German family firms, support is found for the hypotheses advanced. Building on cognitive resource theory, this study demonstrates that differently perceived paradoxical tensions in entrepreneurial family firms have different meaningful effects on organizational ambidexterity. Implications for theory and future research are discussed.
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Objetivo: Analisar como as respostas estratégicas de um negócio maduro (Contact Center) levaram ao desenvolvimento da ambidestria contextual em um cenário de inovação disruptiva. Originalidade/Relevância: A ambidestria organizacional tem sido objeto de diferentes estudos, quando a organização se torna capaz de equilibrar ações estratégicas de naturezas distintas e conflitantes com importantes avanços, mas, há espaço para discutir desafios e aspectos relacionados à ambidestria contextual (Rainsch & Birkinshaw, 2008; Brun, 2016) no cenário brasileiro. Método: Abordagem qualitativa e uso do estudo de caso único, coleta de dados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, formulário e grupo focal com gestores e participantes da equipe de trabalho, garantindo a triangulação de dados. Para análise foi utilizada técnica de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Aumentou a agilidade de resposta à inovação disruptiva e aumento do grau de exigência dos consumidores, também houve resistência às mudanças empreendidas que precisa ser melhor observada pelos gestores. Ocorreu desenvolvimento da ambidestria contextual com construção de contexto comportamental de alto desempenho, com enfoque ainda desequilibrado entre desempenho e suporte social. Conclusões: Apesar do estímulo à criação de contexto de alto desempenho, a empresa não foi capaz de garantir a capacidade de ambidestria contextual da organização como um todo.
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There have been many fundamental change in the world, where globalization has taken place rapidly in recent times. As a result of the changes, trade borders between countries are eliminated, resulting in challenging competitive conditions. In this regard, businesses need to identify and implement various innovation and competition-oriented strategies to adapt to challenging competitive conditions. Businesses need to support intrapreneurship activities to be able to implement such strategies. It is thought that intrapreneurship characteristics such as risk-taking, innovation and proactiveness can support businesses' innovation activities and organisational innovation cultures. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of intrapreneurship of enterprises operating on innovation and organizational innovation cultures in the logistics sector. The sample of this study consists of logistics sector employees. In this context, a questionnaire was applied to logistics sector employees. A total of 321 questionnaires were obtained. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the obtained data and the variables. According to the results of the analysis, it has been determined that the risk-taking dimension has a significant effect on the dimensions of firm innovativeness, shared view, open-mindedness, technological innovation orientation, learning orientation, willingness to take risks and future market orientation. It was determined that the proactivity dimension had a significant effect on the dimensions of internal knowledge sharing, learning orientation, willingness to take risks, and future market orientation. It has been concluded that the innovation dimension has a positive and significant effect on the dimensions of firm innovation, commitment to learning, shared opinion, open-mindedness, internal knowledge sharing, technological innovation orientation, learning orientation, willingness to take risks and future market orientation.
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Este trabajo ha obtenido el Accésit Premio Estudios Financieros 2010 en la modalidad de recursos humanos. La gestión de recursos humanos es un factor en las empresas que posee un gran potencial para ser generador de innovación y de ventaja competitiva. En el presente estudio, se trata de determinar si, en concreto, las prácticas de recursos humanos orientadas a mejorar el compromiso de los empleados con la empresa reportan una identidad común y diferenciadora del resto de empresas, logrando de esta forma una ventaja competitiva sostenible. Todo ello parte de un análisis previo sobre cuáles serían aquellas prácticas de recursos humanos que se corresponden con las prácticas de alto compromiso. Además de la fundamentación teórica, para analizar el objetivo principal señalado, se ha aplicado el método del caso, ayudando a determinar nuevas variables de estudio y permitiendo comprobar si existen realidades empresariales que consigan estos resultados y estudiar cómo lo han conseguido. En esta parte de análisis empírico, se analiza la empresa Semco, una compañía brasileña que ha atraído el interés de los expertos por las innovadoras prácticas de recursos humanos y por su diseño organizativo muy diferente del resto de empresas, que generan una identidad propia que es la base de su ventaja competitiva y por ende de sus buenos resultados.
Digitalization has been increasingly adopted to transform the manufacturing process and considered as effective to achieve product customization, process efficiency, and firm performance for companies. Nevertheless, misalignment among digital initiative and existing operational routines are found in some companies, making the effectiveness of process digitalization initiative (PDI) uncertain. This research empirically investigates the effect of PDI on firm performance. Taking the perspective of dynamic operational capability, this study considers three key organizational factors, i.e., differentiation strategy, absorptive capability and lean production mechanism, that can facilitate firms to align their existing operational processes with digital technology and examine how they affect the implementation of PDI. We employ the long-horizon event study approach using the panel data collected from 168 firms adopting PDI in China during the period between 2006 and 2018. The findings of this study demonstrate that PDI implementation enhances firm performance. The results also show that differentiation strategy and absorptive capacity can enhance the effect of PDI implementation, but lean production has a substitution role in the effect of PDI. This research contributes to the literature on digital transformation and dynamic capability by investigating the actual effects of PDI implementation and exploring the key elements for its success from a novel perspective (i.e., dynamic capability development). This research also provides practical guidelines to enterprises how to conduct effective process digitalization and valuable insights to governments how to support enterprises for digitalization.
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The chemical business in India is under pressure from both internal rivalry and the prospect of inexpensive imports. In the context of the chemical sector in India, the current study focuses on understanding the underlying focus on innovation in the intrinsic organizational design strategy to resist extrinsic transformation agents. It also intends to investigate the impact of innovation strategy on the performance of Indian chemical companies. A poll of executives from chemical companies was conducted. To assess the impact of the antecedents of innovation (combined as the Innovativeness Index) on the performance of chemical manufacturing businesses, a structural equation modelling approach is used. It is possible to argue that as a chemical firm’s relative distinctiveness from its rivals grows, so does its performance, as measured by its capital turnover ratio. The chemical firm’s capital turnover ratio (performance) is also influenced by its relative uncertainty measure—that is, the lower the environmental uncertainty, the more successful the chemical firm is. The relative integration of a chemical company also has a beneficial impact on its performance. The degree to which a chemical business may separate itself from its rivals (relative differentiation), as well as its relative integration with the industry, is influenced by the relative uncertainty of its environment. These inferences may help chemical companies become more successful.