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Abstract and Figures

p>The development of information and communication technology affected many aspects of life, including economical state. E-commerce is an activity of selling or buying goods and services through the internet by using electronic media. The optimization of e-commerce could be carried out by advertising. Google AdWords is one of online advertising technologies that provides benefits in the business of e-commerce. This research was aimed to analyze and describe the improvement of the e-commerce sales by using Google AdWords. The research design was qualitative research design by utilizing secondary data from Google, Inc. Based on the result of the research, the e-commerce sites received increasing visits to the websites, increasing numbers of the new customers, increasing sales, and even business expansion. It could be concluded that Google AdWords was highly useful to enhance e-commerce. The researcher suggested to utilize Google AdWords online-advertising system in the e-commerce activities. Future researchers are suggested to use the revealed data as the basis of further research in relevant field. Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 60-67 </p
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S.Z. Za and I. Tricahyadinata (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 60-67
DOI: 10.3126/ijssm.v4i1.16433
Full text of this paper can be downloaded online at &
An Analysis on the Use of Google AdWords to Increase E-Commerce Sales
Saida Zainurossalamia Za*and Irsan Tricahyadinata
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
*Corresponding author’s email:
The development of information and communication technology affected many aspects of life, including economical
state. E-commerce is an activity of selling or buying goods and services through the internet by using electronic media.
The optimization of e-commerce could be carried out by advertising. Google AdWords is one of online advertising
technologies that provides benefits in the business of e-commerce. This research was aimed to analyze and describe the
improvement of the e-commerce sales by using Google AdWords. The research design was qualitative research design
by utilizing secondary data from Google, Inc. Based on the result of the research, the e-commerce sites received
increasing visits to the websites, increasing numbers of the new customers, increasing sales, and even business
expansion. It could be concluded that Google AdWords was highly useful to enhance e-commerce. The researcher
suggested to utilize Google AdWords online-advertising system in the e-commerce activities. Future researchers are
suggested to use the revealed data as the basis of further research in relevant field.
Keywords: Google AdWords; e-commerce; sales.
The development of the technology brings impact to many
aspects of life, including economic and business. Internet
technology becomes an important aspect in life, changes
the way people learn, find information, communicate, and
even shop (Google, Inc., 2007). The activity of selling and
buying which was carried out in traditional way by a
meeting between the seller and the buyer, nowadays could
be carried out online through the internet. The huge
change of the technology in the field of communication,
software application and computer hardware, web browser
technology, and multimedia facilitates the information
search towards particular goods and services that people
The activity of selling and buying by using electronic
media and the internet is defined as e-commerce (Franco
& Regi, 2016; Gao, 1999; Gupta, 2014). E-commerce is
chosen as current system of selling since it has many
benefits for the customers and the seller. The advantages
of e-commerce use could also be seen in a short and long
period of time. By using e-commerce, the information of
the products could be spread in larger scale, which allows
the consumers to choose the goods with their best price,
offers unlimited, fast communication and information
access, time and cost efficient, and improve the quality of
the service (Gao, 1999).
Besides providing services to the customers, the focus on
e-commerce activities includes the aspects of business
transaction, marketing, and advertising (Franco & Regi,
2016). Advertising nowadays could be conducted easily.
The customers would look for the desired goods or
services by typing the keywords into the search engine. As
one of mostly used search engines, Google provides
advertising facility for the e-commerce users as well.
Advertising through the internet began on October 1994 in
the form of banner in a web page. As a search engine
company, Google changed the advertising method of a
business to their customers (Mehta et al., 2007). In 2000,
Google released an advertising program based on the
keywords, named AdWords. AdWords could be utilized to
enhance marketing activities through search engine.
AdWords would display the advertisement which contains
a link to the e-commerce sites that match the keywords
Research Article
S.Z. Za and I. Tricahyadinata (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 60-67
Full text of this paper can be downloaded online at &
typed on Google search engine. AdWords advertisements
are displayed in the web pages from the result of searching
and in another site which belongs to Google Search and
Content Network.
The use of AdWords in e-commerce could increase search
query and the visit rate of an e-commerce website. If the
visit rate is increasing, the sales of the offered goods and
services would be increasing as well. This article would
elaborate the data which demonstrates the ability of
AdWords in increasing e-commerce sales. Moreover, there
would be elaboration on the advantages of the use of
Google AdWords from different perspectives in the scope
of e-commerce.
Statements of Problem
Based on the background of the study, the following are
the problems that were being observed.
1. How was the influence of using Google AdWords
towards the e-commerce sales?
2. What were the advantages of using Google
AdWords in e-commerce?
Objectives and Significance of the Study
According to the statements of the problem, the objectives
of the study were.
1. To analyze the influence of using Google
AdWords towards e-commerce sales.
2. To explain the advantages from the use of Google
AdWords in e-commerce.
This study is expected to transfer theoretical and practical
significance as the following.
1. This study is expected to deliver information to
the people about the advantages of using Google
AdWords to support e-commerce activities.
2. This study is expected to deliver information to
the people who would like to increase e-
commerce sales by using the technology of
Google AdWords.
3. The result of this study is anticipated to be the
source of useful information and reference for
similar studies.
Theoretical Framework
The Development of Technology and E-Commerce
The internet is an effective means of advertising and
information distribution of the products. Trading through
the internet has been popular alongside the development of
technology nowadays. Through the internet, the selling of
goods and services could be carried out globally. There are
lots of different definitions about e-commerce. The
following are some of the definitions (Gao, 1999).
According to Riggins and Rhee (1998), e-
commerce is an activity of selling and buying
goods and services through the internet.
According to Zwass (1996), e-commerce is an
activity to share business information, maintain
business relation, and carry out a business
transaction by using telecommunication network.
Therefore, e-commerce is not only about selling
and buying products through the internet, but also
about various business progresses between
organizations to achieve the goals.
According to Treese and Stewart (2003), e-
commerce is a global use of the internet to sell
and buy goods and products, including the service
after the sales. In this case, internet is an active
mechanism to advertise and distribute the
information about the products.
According to Minoli and Minoli (1999), e-
commerce is a selling activity through the
internet, especially website.
E-commerce is well-known as an activity of buying and
selling products through the internet. However, any
transaction which is carried out through electronic devices
could be defined as e-commerce (Niranjanamurthy et. al.,
Based on those definitions, electronic commerce or e-
commerce is an activity of selling and buying goods,
services, or another business matter which utilize the
internet or website. E-commerce might include different
types of business. There are lots of business that run
through the internet, that in the past five years, e-
commerce has been developed as one of important aspects
of internet and it is predicted that it would be gradually
developed (Franco & Regi, 2016).
The main characteristics of e-commerce, especially the e-
commerce website-based are: (1) include the exchanges
and processing of information through communication and
computer network, including e-commerce software; (2) the
majority of transactions are automatic; (3) include various
business services such as email across organizations,
online directory, order service, and management system
and statistic report (Gao, 1999).
The Strengths of E-commerce as a Selling Means
The main difference between e-commerce and traditional
commerce is in terms of the way to exchange information
and the sales process. In traditional commerce, the sales
are carried out by direct meeting, by telephone, or
correspondence, while the sales in e-commerce are done
by the means of internet or another communication
network. Moreover, the transaction in traditional
commerce is processed manually, but in e-commerce, the
S.Z. Za and I. Tricahyadinata (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 60-67
Full text of this paper can be downloaded online at &
transactions are automatic. Besides giving service to the
customers, the e-commerce activities include many aspects
such as business transaction, marketing, and advertising.
Some advantages obtained from the use of e-commerce
could be seen from consumers and business side (Franco
& Regi, 2016).
a) It is more comfortable since the customers’ only
need to look for the desired products in the
internet through search engine and the result
would be displayed in a few seconds.
b) The customers have more options since they
could compare the products without visiting the
c) Easier to compare the products because the
specification of the products are available online.
d) Easier to find a review to a product. There are lots
of reviews which explain the strength and
weaknesses of the products, so that the consumers
would feel more convinced in buying the product.
e) The consumers could get the best price since
there are many e-commerce sites that compete to
give the best prices.
On the other hand, the advantages of e-commerce for
business side are:
a) Increasing the numbers of the consumers because
the people from all over the world could access
the products anytime.
b) Increasing the sales and the profits rate.
c) The products could be accessed anytime, for 24
hours, every day, throughout the year. This non-
stop service allows permanent contract with the
customers (Liliana, 2006).
d) Expanding the business by appropriate
presentation of information and suitable
marketing strategy.
e) The transaction is easier and faster.
f) There is no third-hand person or retailer because
the seller directly communicates with the buyer
(Rajaraman, 2000).
The Efforts to Increase E-commerce Sales
To increase e-commerce sales, there are 10 steps that
could be carried out (Able Solutions Corporation, 2016).
The following are the 10 steps:
a) Make use of the mobile technology to create a
website or responsive application.
b) Prioritize the access speed of the website as
maximum as possible. Pay attention to the factors
which affect the speed of loading the page.
c) Optimize the visitors’ experience by facilitating
the steps of shopping and establishing good
d) Sell more products.
e) Utilize the advertising which use PPC (pay per
click) system. One of online advertisings which
uses this system is Google AdWords.
f) Conduct a remarketing by making the use of the
advertiser, including Google AdWords.
g) Improve the quality of the pages that display the
h) Use seasonal events that could increase e-
commerce activities to the busiest state.
i) Optimize the display of buy button to help the
customers to buy the products.
j) Understand the concept of micro moments. A
micro moment is a marketing concept initiated by
Google about how to understand consumers’
behavior alongside the changes of media and
Google AdWords and Its Advantages in E-commerce
Google AdWords is an online advertising from Google
which uses bidding system so that the advertisement made
by the owner of e-commerce appears in the Google
webpage search. The display of the advertisement would
appear on the top or right part of the searching results.
When a user types a keyword or phrase on Google search,
Google would display any related advertisements. Google
AdWords users would pay if there is a customer who
clicks the displayed advertisement. The clicked
advertisement leads the customer to the website of e-
commerce owner (Ireland, 2012). Fig. 1 shows the place of
Google AdWords advertisement on the searching page.
The increase of sales through AdWords happens since the
advertisement is displayed on the Google search page or
another page belongs to Google Network. Google
AdWords could be selected as good marketing tools
because it could introduce the products on sales.
Moreover, we do not need expensive invest to advertise
the products by Google AdWords. Google AdWords
allows the owner of e-commerce to reach the customers in
many countries which have less contact, so that it could
support the increase of the sales (Erkkilä et al., 2003).
S.Z. Za and I. Tricahyadinata (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 60-67
Full text of this paper can be downloaded online at &
Fig. 1: The position of Google AdWords advertisement on the Google search page
(Source: Ireland, 2012)
There are 10 aspects that should be noticed in using
Google AdWords (Alcouffe, 2013). Those aspects are
important to increase the income and win the competition
on sales. Those 10 aspects are elaborated as follows:
a) Make sure to choose and set the keywords well.
Selected keywords and query should be relevant
and include all of the potencial keywords search.
b) Make sure to set the match type and search terms
monitoring to the search terms must be conducted
regularly to increase or decrease relevant
keywords in the account.
c) Increase the Ad rank by designing and organizing
the groups of keywords.
d) Create an attractive advertisement. Attractive
advertisement is an advertisement which shows
advantages that would be obtained by the
customers so that they would be interested in
seeing the advertisement.
e) Try to use RLSA Campaigns. The use of RLSA
campaign could increase the conversion volume
and conversion rate.
f) Set a bid to defeat the competitors.
g) Take profits from mobile traffics in AdWords.
h) Let AdWords automatically set the bid to increase
conversion to achieve the set goals.
i) Create the display as attractive as possible to
establish the account.
j) Increase the performance by setting the campaign
with private setting.
Research Method
This study utilized qualitative research design. It was
aimed to analyze and describe the use of Google AdWords
to increase e-commerce sales. The source of the data was
secondary data from the previous researches in relevant
field. The use of secondary data was due to the limitation
of time of the study and the existed sources (Johnston,
2014). The data was in the form of the percentage of
increasing sales from several e-commerce sites after using
Google AdWords obtained from Google, Inc. The data
analysis was conducted by comparing and describing the
percentage of increasing e-commerce sales and
interpreting with existing theoretical supports. The result
of interpreting was utilized to draw the conclusions.
The increasing e-commerce sales obtained from success
stories Google, Inc (2013) could be seen in the Table 1
According to the data in Table 1, it was known that
through the use of AdWords, there were increasing
numbers of some e-commerce aspects. The increase could
be indicated from the query volume, increasing numbers of
visits, increasing numbers of the customers, and increasing
sales. The data which demonstrated the increasing query
volume could be seen in the website of Liberty Insurance
was 300%. The data which indicated the increasing
number of visits could be seen from ST701, CVWorks,
and The highest level of the visits was
obtained by about 200%.
Meanwhile, the data of the increasing numbers of the
customers was demonstrated by,, and The
highest increasing numbers of the customers was which got 97%. The most
increasing aspects was the increasing numbers of sales. E-
commerce sites with increasing sales were Samsung
Singapore, Qoo10, Amari Hotels,, Diem
Sang Viet, HBM, IT WORKS,, PT
Wahana Indonesia Transport, and Adorable Baby
Clothing. The highest increasing numbers on the aspect of
sales was Adorable Baby Clothing which obtained 610%...
S.Z. Za and I. Tricahyadinata (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 60-67
Full text of this paper can be downloaded online at &
Table 1: The Increase of E-commerce Sales Using Google Adwords
S.N. E-commerce Name Increasing Aspect Increasing Rate
Samsung Singapore
Increasing sales rate 60%
Increasing sales rate 10,2%
Rapid increase on the aspect of
the visit to the website -
Amari Hotels
Increasing sales rate from the
website 44%
Increasing numbers of new
customers in each month 10%
Increasing income after using
2 times
Increasing daily traffic on the
website 70%
Diem Sang Viet
Increasing sales of distributed
cellular phone 100%
Increasing sales in less than a
S.Z. Za and I. Tricahyadinata (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 60-67
Full text of this paper can be downloaded online at &
Table 1: The Increase of E-commerce Sales Using Google Adwords
S.N. E-commerce Name Increasing Aspect Increasing Rate
Increasing sales 200%
Liberty Insurance Vietnam
Increasing inquiry volume 300%
Lunch Actually
Business expansion in other
countries 3 countries
Increasing sales 500%
PT Wahana Indonesia Transport
Increasing sales and business
Increasing numbers of new
Increasing numbers of traffic to
the website 200%
Increasing numbers of new
customers 97%
Adorable Baby Clothing
Increasing sales 610%
(Source: Success Stories Data from Google, Inc., 2013)
S.Z. Za and I. Tricahyadinata (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 60-67
Full text of this paper can be downloaded online at &
The Use of Google AdWords to Increase E-commerce
The result of the analysis demonstrated that the use of
Google AdWords could increase e-commerce sales. The
sales rate in each e-commerce websites were different,
however, those increasing sales provided great advantages
for the business. One of the factors which affected the
increasing sales was due to the increasing visits to the e-
commerce websites.
AdWords is a program which displays the advertisement
based on the keywords that the users type on the Google
search engine. When a shopper looks for goods or services
in, he would type specific keywords and
Google would display an advertisement in which that if it
is clicked, it leads to the e-commerce website. The
following is the mechanism of Google search.
When a user visits, he would type a keyword
and click Google search button. This stage is named search
query. As a response, Google would display the search
webpage which consists of the website list related to the
search query. The most relevant websites shows up first.
Besides the websites in the search list, Google also
displays relevant AdWords advertisements. Those
advertisements are labelled sponsored links, which appear
on top or on the right side of the search page.
AdWords advertisements not only appear on the Google
search page. Google distributes the searching results and
advertisements to the partners that belong to Google’s
Search and Content Network (Google, Inc., 2007).
Consequently, the advertisement spreads largely and its
chance to be seen and accessed by the shoppers would be
higher as well. The result of the research reveals that the
visits to the observed e-commerce websites was rapidly
increasing, such as in ST701, CNWorks, Liberty
Insurance, and
One of e-commerce sites which took as a part of e-
commerce success stories in the use of AdWords was
Qoo10. Qoo10 had 10.2% increasing sales and increasing
search traffic for more than 15% (Google, Inc., 2013).
Qoo10 which was known for the pioneer of Asian e-
commerce could sell various products such as books,
cosmetics, and electronic devices in six countries:
Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Hongkong, and
Japan. In a day, Qoo10 carried out 30.000 transaction and
integrated 1.000.000 users. Until now, by the use of
Google AdWords, those numbers keep increasing.
The Benefits of Google AdWords in Increasing Many
Aspects of E-commerce
Based on the data presented in the findings, it is revealed
that the use of Google AdWords possesses beneficial roles
in e-commerce business. Those benefits could be
categorized into four aspects: increasing query volume,
increasing numbers of visits to the websites, increasing
number of the customers, and the most essential thing is
increasing sales.
Increasing query volume indicates the numbers of search
to the keywords which are relevant to the e-commerce
sites. The use of AdWords is highly related to the selection
of the keywords (Alcouffe, 2013). The keyword used in
AdWords would be utilized as a basis of the compatibility
between the keyword which is typed by the user.
Moreover, there are also increasing numbers in the aspect
of visits to the e-commerce websites. The visit from the
users to the website is an important factors since it gives
the chance to the shoppers to see the products. If they are
interested in the products, display and the service, they
could be a customer. Those aspects are highly related to
each other and possess a role in increasing the sales.
Conclusions and Suggestions
Based on the result of the analysis and the discussion, the
conclusions are drawn as follows:
1. Google AdWords could be utilized to support e-
commerce activities. The use of Google AdWords
is beneficial to increase e-commerce sales.
2. Google AdWords possesses many benefits that
could be utilized to increase the numbers of visits
to the e-commerce websites, the numbers of new
customers, and to expand the business.
3. Based on the results of the study, the following
are the recommendation from the researcher:
4. Due to the benefits and advantages, the people are
suggested to use Google AdWords to support
their e-commerce activities and to increase the
5. According to the results, the future researchers in
the similar field of study are recommended to
conduct advanced study, by comparing Google
AdWords and another advertising media in
increasing e-commerce sales.
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Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu unit usaha yang berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan perekonomian di Indonesia. Pandemi COVID-19 menjadi penyebab UMKM di berbagai daerah mengalami penurunan pendapatan, termasuk UMKM di Kampoeng Batik Laweyan, sehingga menuntut persaingan usaha beralih ke dunia digital. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Kampoeng Batik Laweyan selaku mitra pengabdian, yaitu (a) menurunnya omzet penjualan dan wisatawan selama pandemi COVID-19, dan (b) mitra belum mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan platform digital dengan baik sebagai media promosi, khsusunya website. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, tim pengabdian mendorong digitalisasi Kampoeng Batik Laweyan menggunakan digital inbound marketing sebagai solusi yang ditawarkan yang meliputi (a) membuat berbagai konten digital yang akan ditampilkan pada website Kampoeng Batik Laweyan, (b) menerapkan search engine marketing sebagai sarana untuk melakukan promosi website. Metode dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan pendekatan service-learning dan transfer pengetahuan dari tim pengabdian kepada pihak Kampoeng Batik Laweyan dengan memenuhi aspek KAP (Kognitif, Afektif, Psikomotorik), dalam bentuk (a) diseminasi informasi; (b) pendampingan; dan (c) monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah konten website berupa 20 artikel dan dua video, serta jumlah pengunjung website Kampoeng Batik Laweyan yang mengalami peningkatan dengan menggunakan Google Ads.
... Before starting the definition of electronic commerce, we must know that the concept of electronic commerce consists of two sections, the first is trade (Commerce) This section expresses a well-known commercial or economic activity through which goods and services are traded following agreedupon rules and regulations. electronic second (Electronic) It is intended to carry out "commercial" economic activity using modern communication technology such as the Internet and other electronic means [12] Writers and researchers in the field of electronic commerce introduced various concepts to it, as he defined it [13] they accomplish transactions or exchange of information between vendors in the virtual world. Ecommerce allows companies to reach all parts of the world to market their products or services without being restricted by geographical boundaries. ...
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Juvenile delinquency is a social phenomenon that includes various deviant behaviors carried out by adolescents, such as brawls, theft, drug use, and other violations of social norms. This study aims to identify the causes, impacts, and prevention efforts for juvenile delinquency. Factors that influence juvenile delinquency include internal aspects, such as low self-control and unstable emotions, as well as external aspects, such as peer influence, ineffective parenting patterns, and an unsupportive social environment. The impact of juvenile delinquency involves physical, emotional, and social losses for both the adolescents themselves and the wider community. Effective prevention efforts involve a holistic approach, namely cooperation between families, schools, communities, and the government. Moral education, strengthening the role of the family, social supervision, and providing positive activities for adolescents are strategic steps that can be implemented. In addition, policies are needed that support adolescent development, such as rehabilitation programs and skills training. This study concludes that handling juvenile delinquency requires synergy from various parties to create an environment that supports the development of adolescents into responsible individuals who contribute positively to society.
Objectives. The purpose of this scientific report is to research and present the results and analyses of a representative scientific study regarding effective communication forms of management in the health sector in Bulgaria. The research was conducted by the Gallup International Balkan team, at the request of Doncheva Yankov, PhD. An author survey was used for the purposes of the research. Material and methods. The method of conduct is “face-to-face” with tablets. The research is representative, the sample is 807 adult Bulgarians. The measurement of the results is based on the “Gallup International Balkan” method. The detailed analysis is authored by the creator of the present scientific work. Results. Among retirees and the unemployed, more effective health communication practices would be classic PR (public relations) approaches. Conventional PR methods would be more relevant for ethnic groups of Roma and Turks, while digital communication forms of management would work better for Bulgarians. General practitioners are the most preferred source of health information, followed by relatives, acquaintances, and neighbors, followed by an online search engine, then TV (television), social network groups and others. Brand awareness is found to be more important than the potential impact of a healthcare company’s website and social media. Google ads arouse more trust among younger people, and Google reviews appear to be more important for people with a more favorable life horizon. Conclusions. Considering the obtained results, we can conclude that effective communication in the health sector can be implemented through hybrid approaches in health PR. Keywords: healthcare, public relations, management, communications, PR.
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Pay-per-click is one of common and important ways in online advertising through Google; but some keywords are usually expensive, and this issue is visible through Google cost-per-click in Google keyword planner tool. It has done many research work in Google advertising formats, but place of studies in field of relationship between Google cost-per-click and keyword search-volume, especially in tourism area is blank. This paper tries to answer of this main question that is there a significant relationship between cost-per-click and keyword search-volume and the number of keyword's word? In other words, does cost-per-click increase or decrease, based on keyword search-volume and the number of keyword's word (multi-word keyword or hyper focused keyword phrases)? Chicago auspicates a mighty increase in tourism 2022 as its announcement an 86 percent growth in visitors in 2021 compared to 2020 and choosing the right keyword in Google search engine by travel agencies can lead to more sales. In this research, I sampled 100 search result through combination of ″chicago+tours″ as a search keyword on (Google USA) and Google keyword planner daily data (December 26, 2022) based on the last 7-10 days, and via regression analysis with least squares and loess model, I tried to investigate the relationship between search-volume and cost-per-click and it will help scholars in future research in this area. This study was carried out within the scope of selected keywords in tourism area in form of cross-sectional. I find that there is no significant relationship between short-tail keywords and cost-per-click. The result of this research shows that some medium or long-tail keywords are more expensive than short-tail keywords with more search results. Another result that was observed is the lack of significant relationship between keyword search-volume and its cost-per-click, so that in some cases, high-search keywords are cheaper than keywords with a low-search.
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n Hungary, 94% of businesses have Internet access and 63% have a website. Moreover, online retail sales will reach HUF 1,203 billion in 2021. In order for companies to achieve the largest possible market share, they can use various digital marketing strategies. They are distinguished according to different methods. One of the most commonly used in practice and in science is inbound (as search engine optimization) and outbound (as advertising). Google Ads, which emerged at the turn of the millennium and defined itself as the world’s first company to use machine learning technology, is a market leader. Their ad system was initially based on keywords, which have since been expanded to include more than 4,800 types of targeting criteria. These targeting options are available for a variety of ad formats. The digital solutions to the billboards of traditional marketing are banner ads, called Display on Google. These ads contain image, video, and text content and aim to interrupt the consumer’s activity and redirect them to the advertiser’s website. Since they are capable of increasing website traffic by up to 300%, this can be interpreted as an opportunity that is also considered favorable by businesses. It is also suitable for testing various content elements, as one of its main indicators, the click-through rate, expresses the relevance of the ad, as several researchers have noted. As the role of artificial intelligence grows, more and more companies are using it as a competitive advantage. Some of their algorithms are capable of generating text, images, videos, or other content. In this study, I leverage the power of display ads and conduct my research in the Google Ads system instead of conducting consumer surveys. I created two ads for the same target audience, with the same budget and settings. The text content for one ad was created by a marketer, the image content was created by a professional photographer, and the content elements for the other ad were provided by Artificial Intelligence. The objective of the article is to study the performance, efficiency, and impact of artificial intelligence-generated content on conversions under real market conditions. The study also includes content created by the players.
Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing communications is a recognized problem in marketing activities in general. Having proven technologies and modern tools, however, many companies ignore marketing analytics, including the reason of complexity and labor intensity of the process. However, the evaluation of the effectiveness of communication activities directly affects the competitiveness of the company. The article discusses the modern technology of call tracking, which allows to link the number of incoming calls with the effectiveness of the advertising channel, show a reliable picture of the consumer's actions, and evaluate the quality of the company's call center. This technology has limitations in its application, mainly in companies where sales or appointments are made by phone, as well as enterprises with complex or expensive products and services that require a long purchase cycle. The authors analyzed the main business sectors, the indicators of which need to be tracked through call tracking technology. What is more, key metrics were identified that should be guided by when choosing a call tracking service to ensure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
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E - Commerce allows consumers to electronically exchange goods and services with no barriers of time or distance. Electronic commerce has expanded rapidly over the past five years and is predicted to continue at this rate, or even accelerate. In the near future the boundaries between "conventional" and "electronic" commerce will become increasingly blurred as more and more businesses move sections of their operations onto the Internet. The e-commerce industry in India is growing at a remarkable pace due to high penetration of internet and sophisticated electronic devices. However, the recent growth rate of e-commerce in India is far lagging behind than other developed countries. The advantages of e- commerce are convenience, Time saving, Options, Easy to compare, Easy to find reviews, Coupons and deals, Increasing customer base, Rise in sales, 24/7, 365 days, Expand business reach, Recurring payments made easy, Instant transactions. There are many big problems and challenged on the way of an online merchant. Factors like safety and security of online money transaction being the biggest problem along with others have curbed the smooth expansion of the online industry in the country.
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Technological advances have led to vast amounts of data that has been collected, compiled, and archived, and that is now easily accessible for research. As a result, utilizing existing data for research is becoming more prevalent, and therefore secondary data analysis. While secondary analysis is flexible and can be utilized in several ways, it is also an empirical exercise and a systematic method with procedural and evaluative steps, just as in collecting and evaluating primary data. This paper asserts that secondary data analysis is a viable method to utilize in the process of inquiry when a systematic procedure is followed and presents an illustrative research application utilizing secondary data analysis in library and information science research.
From the Book:PREFACE: In 1994, The Economist ranked the Internet between the telephone and the printing press in its long-term impact on the world. Just as those inventions transformed society, so the Internet has already begun a transformation—one that is happening much faster than the earlier revolutions. Commerce, of course, is one arena already feeling the effects of the Internet. In the past few years, we have seen dramatic changes in some businesses, the creation of new businesses, and significant effects on others. In the nineteenth century, fast transportation—the railroad—fundamentally changed commerce. At the end of the twentieth century, the Internet is making fundamental changes to commerce for the next century. We are just at the beginning of the revolution. It is a revolution made possible by technology, offering a tremendous variety of new business opportunities. The technology will continue to change, and change at a rapid pace. New markets will appear; old ones will be transformed or disappear entirely. The short-term changes in technology and markets are important, but the reaction to them must be balanced with a long-term business vision. The challenge is using the technology effectively to achieve business goals. The audience for this book is what we call the "Internet commerce team." This team includes people responsible for business and those responsible for technology. It includes those who develop the strategic vision for a company, and those who put the strategy into action. In other words, the Internet commerce team is the group of people who make Internet commerce happen, from vision to implementation. Our focus isonmaking Internet commerce happen, and making it successful over the long term. In some ways, Internet commerce seems deceptively simple: companies think "let's put up a web site, and watch the money roll in." A year later, they're wondering what happened, and why it wasn't successful. As anyone involved in running a business knows, nothing is ever that easy. The most basic rules of business haven't changed, but the Internet does change the playing field. It offers new markets, new ways to get close to customers, new ways to work with partners. For some, the excitement over Internet commerce has created a "credibility gap" between grand visions of change and the day-to-day problems of running computer systems for a business. It is easy to paint an exciting vision of the future, yet often difficult to figure out to get there. This book aims to help bridge this gap, grounding the vision of change with what is possible for businesses to achieve with the changing technology. Throughout the book, we emphasize both practice and principles—the what and the why. Practices are the actions; the specific ideas for specific circumstances. Principles are the general rules; the elements on which practices are built. As technology changes (or, for that matter, as business models change), the practices will need to change. The principles, in contrast, change more slowly, and can be applied in a wide variety of circumstances. When a team understands the principles underlying what they do, they can adapt to changing circumstances and develop new practices for it. Without that understanding, they can become incapacitated when the situation changes and different practices are needed to be successful. What the technology brings is a combination of new opportunities, changing cost structures, new customers, and faster response times. The technology opportunities must be combined with and tempered by the business goals. This book is about that combination—designing computer systems for doing business on open networks. When we say this book is about design, we mean that it is intended to help with the design process. It doesn't give all the answers—the actual design for your business requirements is likely to be very different from someone else's. Nonetheless, we can explore some of the common issues and critical questions to ask when planning any system for Internet commerce. In the process, we look at some of the key technologies of today, and apply those technologies in several examples. A word of warning: at times it may seem that we are overly concerned with potential problems—the things that can go wrong. These are not reasons to avoid Internet commerce. Rather, we think it is important to approach Internet commerce as you would any other business proposition, understanding the downside as well as the upside, the risks as well as the benefits. On balance, using the Internet for commerce can be a tremendous asset for businesses. Doing everything possible to maximize the chances for success is merely good business. Acknowledgments This book is an attempt to write down what we have learned about Internet Commerce so far. Much of our experience in this area is drawn from our association with Open Market, which began operations in April 1994, but we have applied many of the lessons learned about the Internet and about systems design during our earlier careers at Xerox, Digital Equipment, and MIT, as well as from our academic associations with MIT, Harvard, and Stanford University. We would like first to acknowlege the great contributions and support we have received in this endeavor from Shikhar Ghosh, Gary Eichhorn, Andy Payne, Peter Woon, and the rest of our colleagues at Open Market. In one way or another, everyone at Open Market has contributed to this work. The editorial team at Addison-Wesley has been outstanding, with our editor Karen Gettman, editorial assistant Mary Harrington, and the editor who inspired this work, Carol Long. We have been fortunate to have many insightful reviewers for early drafts of our manuscript. Our thanks to Russell Nelson, Nathaniel Borenstein, Marcus Ranum, Richard Smith, Brian Reistad, Dave Crocker, Ray Kaplan, Bruce Schneier, John Adams, John Romkey, Fred Avolio, Kurt Friedrich, Alex Mehlman, Paul Baier, Ian Reid, Jeff Bussgang, and the anonymous reviewers. Writing a book is a challenge not only for the authors, but for our families as well. To our wives, Marie and Catherine, and our daughters, Erica and Samantha, go our thanks and our love. We are truly blessed. Win Treese Cambridge, MA Larry Stewart Burlington, MA
Electronic commerce (E-commerce) is sharing business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions by means of telecommunications networks. Traditional E-commerce, conducted with the use of information technologies centering on electronic data interchange (EDI) over proprietary value-added networks, is rapidly moving to the Internet. The Internet's World Wide Web has become the prime driver of contemporary E-commerce. This paper presents a hierarchical framework of E-commerce, consisting of three meta-levels: infrastructure, services, and products and structures, which, in turn, consist of seven functional levels. These levels of E-commerce development, as well as of analysis, range from the wide-area telecommunications infrastructure to electronic marketplaces and electronic hierarchies enabled by E-commerce. Several nodal problems are discussed that will define future development in E-commerce, including integrating electronic payment into the buying process, building a consumer marketplace, the governance of electronic business, and the new intermediation. The paper also introduces the International Journal of Electronic Commerce, which will provide an integrated view of the new E-commerce.
Conference Paper
How does a search engine company decide what ads to display with each query so as to maximize its revenue? This turns out to be a generalization of the online bipartite matching problem. We introduce the notion of a tradeoff revealing LP and use it to derive two optimal algorithms achieving competitive ratios of 1-1/e for this problem.
Abstract How does a search engine company,decide what ads to display with each query so as to maximize its revenue? This turns out to be a generalization of the online bipartite matching problem. We introduce the notion of a tradeofi revealing LP and use it to derive an optimal algorithm achieving a competitive ratio of 1 ¡ 1=e for this problem.
There has been an unprecedented growth in the usage of telecommunications applications recently such as electronic data interchange email and the Internet. The commercialization of Internet has led many to believe that a new era of electronic commerce has dawned. However, there is confusion regarding what constitutes ecommerce and how companies can best formulate Internet strategies. As this will report, the results of a recent pilot survey suggest that some practitioners view ecommerce as simply buying and selling over the Internet. On the other hand, many researchers believe the practice includes, a wide variety of presale and postsale activities. In addition, there are few frameworks to guide managers in choosing which Internet applications are most suitable to their given situation, how implementation of these interorganizational systems will alter their business relationships, or how companies can use Internet technology to gain competitive advantage. While the popular literature has touted the potential to gain competitive advantage from the use of EDI, the Internet and intranets, there is little direction concerning whether or not long term advantage can be achieved. It is believed that the development of extranets provide a link between the firms intranet and internet strategies that will broaden the relatively narrow definition of ecommerce currently employed by many managers. The article discusses various perspectives on ecommerce and also sheds light on how this difference in perspectives raises concern that managers may view ecommerce too narrowly and therefore may not consider the potential strategic importance of ecommerce technologies. The article discusses the concept of extranet applications.
Marketing and Advertising Using Google: Targeting Your Advertising to the Right Audience
Google Inc (2007) Marketing and Advertising Using Google: Targeting Your Advertising to the Right Audience. Thomson Custom Customer Service.
Qoo10, An E-Commerce Leader in Asia, Increases Sales by 10,2% with Dynamic Search Ads
  • Google Inc
Google Inc (2013) Qoo10, An E-Commerce Leader in Asia, Increases Sales by 10,2% with Dynamic Search Ads. Retrieved December 8, 2016,
E-Commerce: Role of E-Commerce in Today's Business
  • A Gupta
Gupta A (2014) E-Commerce: Role of E-Commerce in Today's Business. International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research 4:1.