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Abstract and Figures

Background: Recent research has compared explosive deadlift to kettlebell training observing their effects on strength. The kettlebell swing is a popular practical exercise as it shares share a hip hinge movement with the explosive deadlift, but the two have not been compared. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the Flourishing Creativity & Literacy IJKSS 5 (1):1-7, 2017 2 effects of kettlebell swing vs. explosive deadlift training on strength and power. Methods: Thirty-one recreationally resistance-trained men (age = 23.1 ± 2.3 years, height = 175.5 ± 6.6 cm, mass = 83.9 ± 13.8 kg, 1RM deadlift = 159.9 ± 31.7 kg) were randomly assigned to one of two groups [kettlebell swing group (KBG) n = 15, or explosive deadlift group (EDLG) n = 16]. Vertical jump height, isometric mid-thigh pull (MTP), and 1RM deadlift were measured pre and post training. Both groups trained twice per week for 4 weeks. Volume and load were increased after the first 2 weeks of training. Results: A 2 (time) x 2 (group) mixed factor ANOVA revealed a significant (P<0.05) increase in deadlift 1RM (pre: 159.9 ± 31.7 kg, post: 168.9 ± 31.8 kg) and vertical jump height (pre: 56.6 ± 9.9 cm, post: 57.9 ± 9.7 cm) for both groups, but were not significantly different between groups. There were no significant changes in MTP. Conclusions: Strength and conditioning professionals may use both kettlebell swings and explosive deadlifts to increase deadlift strength and vertical jump power.
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International Journal of Kinesiology & Sports Science
ISSN 2202-946X
Vol. 5 No. 1; January 2017
Australian International Academic Centre, Australia
Effects of Kettlebell Swing vs. Explosive Deadlift Training
on Strength and Power
Matthew R. Maulit
Center for Sport Performance and Human Performance Lab, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92834-6870, USA
David C. Archer
Center for Sport Performance and Human Performance Lab, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92834-6870, USA
Whitney D. Leyva
Center for Sport Performance and Human Performance Lab, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92834-6870, USA
Cameron N. Munger
Center for Sport Performance and Human Performance Lab, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92834-6870, USA
Megan A. Wong
Center for Sport Performance and Human Performance Lab, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92834-6870, USA
Lee E. Brown (Corresponding author)
Center for Sport Performance and Human Performance Lab, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92834-6870, USA
Jared W. Coburn
Center for Sport Performance and Human Performance Lab, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92834-6870, USA
Andrew J. Galpin
Center for Sport Performance and Human Performance Lab, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92834-6870, USA
Received: 9-12- 2016 Accepted: 25-01- 2017 Published: 31-01- 2017
doi:10.7575/aiac.ijkss.v.5n.1p.1 URL:
Background: Recent research has compared explosive deadlift to kettlebell training observing their effects on
strength. The kettlebell swing is a popular practical exercise as it shares share a hip hinge movement with the
explosive deadlift, but the two have not been compared. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the
Flourishing Creativity & Literacy
IJKSS 5 (1):1-7, 2017 2
effects of kettlebell swing vs. explosive deadlift training on strength and power. Methods: Thirty-one recreationally
resistance-trained men (age = 23.1 ± 2.3 years, height = 175.5 ± 6.6 cm, mass = 83.9 ± 13.8 kg, 1RM deadlift =
159.9 ± 31.7 kg) were randomly assigned to one of two groups [kettlebell swing group (KBG) n = 15, or explosive
deadlift group (EDLG) n = 16]. Vertical jump height, isometric mid-thigh pull (MTP), and 1RM deadlift were
measured pre and post training. Both groups trained twice per week for 4 weeks. Volume and load were increased
after the first 2 weeks of training. Results: A 2 (time) x 2 (group) mixed factor ANOVA revealed a significant
(P<0.05) increase in deadlift 1RM (pre: 159.9 ± 31.7 kg, post: 168.9 ± 31.8 kg) and vertical jump height (pre: 56.6 ±
9.9 cm, post: 57.9 ± 9.7 cm) for both groups, but were not significantly different between groups. There were no
significant changes in MTP. Conclusions: Strength and conditioning professionals may use both kettlebell swings
and explosive deadlifts to increase deadlift strength and vertical jump power.
Keywords: vertical jump, isometric mid-thigh pull, hip hinge.
1. Introduction
Power production, which is the product of force and velocity, is arguably the most important characteristic required
of athletes in numerous sports. The ability to produce force quickly is essential in explosive movements like
jumping, throwing, and sprinting. Hinge exercises, those involving flexion or extension at the hip and knee,
significantly affect the power produced in the aforementioned movements. Many methods for improving rate of
force production in the hip hinge pattern exist, but the rise in kettlebell training popularity poses both specific and
relevant questions. For this reason, traditional hip hinge exercises like the barbell deadlift, while previously shown
to increase peak force and power, are now being compared to exercises like the kettlebell swing (Blatnik et al.,
2014; Otto, Coburn, Brown, & Spiering, 2012; Swinton, Stewart, Keogh, Agouris, & Lloyd, 2011).
It has previously been shown that kettlebell swing training improves rapid lower body force production, but not peak
force as much as traditional weightlifting movements (Lake & Lauder, 2012; Otto et al., 2012). Results such as these
are no surprise considering the kettlebell lacks the capacity for high loads in comparison to a loaded barbell.
However, speed of movement during the kettlebell swing may be more specific to athletic movements making it an
ideal exercise for explosive strength development. Based on the concepts of velocity specific training, the kettlebell
swing may have an advantage over the explosive deadlift in enhancing performance. However, the ability to
optimally and accurately load a barbell for the purposes of power training adaptations has not been achieved with
the kettlebell swing. In response to this, the current study sought to examine loaded kettlebell training for the
purposes of power production. The isometric mid-thigh pull highly correlates with weightlifting movements
emulating a similar hip extension pattern seen during performance of the kettlebell swing therefore force output
during this test was used for load determination (Beckham et al., 2013). Additionally, progressive overload in
previous kettlebell research was achieved through either uniform alterations to load across subjects, by increasing
volume of sets and repetitions, or increasing work to rest ratios (Jay et al., 2011; Jay et al., 2013; Lake & Lauder,
2012; Manocchia, Spierer, Lufkin, Minichiello, & Castro, 2013; Otto et al., 2012). The present study sought to
achieve overload through increases in intensity and decreases in volume. How the improvements in power output
from kettlebell training compare with more traditional exercises like the deadlift is yet unclear. Therefore, the
purpose of this study was to compare the effects of four weeks of kettlebell swing versus explosive deadlift training
on performance.
2. Methods
2.1 Study Design
Participants were randomly assigned to four weeks of either kettlebell swing or explosive deadlift training. Testing
was performed prior to and after the 4-week training protocol. Performance variables were measured via the
countermovement vertical jump, maximal isometric mid-thigh pull, and 1RM deadlift. Progressive overload was
achieved through increases in load.
2.2 Participants
Thirty-one males (age = 23.13 ± 2.38 years, height = 175.52 ± 6.66 cm, weight = 83.97 ± 13.85 kg) with at least one
year resistance training experience, and experience with both exercises (two times per week) volunteered.
Experimental procedures were approved by the University Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects, and all
participants read and signed an informed consent prior to participation. The first week entailed two laboratory visits,
which included testing and familiarization with the two exercises. Familiarization specifically included three sets of
five repetitions of each exercise style. Upon completion of the first week, subjects were randomly assigned to either
the explosive deadlift, or kettlebell swing training groups. Participants were instructed not to perform either of the
exercises outside of the research study. Each group trained twice per week for four weeks with 48-72 hours between
visits. Following the 4-week training protocol, subjects were retested on the same performance measures as week 1.
Dietary instructions were to adhere to their normal eating habits. Subjects were excluded if they were presently
using any dietary or performance enhancing substances.
2.3 Procedures
Prior to testing, each subject’s height and mass were measured using a stadiometer (752KL, Seca; Ontario, CA,
USA) and a digital scale (ES200L, Ohaus Corporation; Pinebrook, NJ, USA). They also performed a dynamic
warm-up before testing and each training session, which included a lunge with torso rotation, knee hugs, walking
IJKSS 5 (1):1-7, 2017 3
hamstring stretch, and Frankensteins (forceful kicks with a toe touch at the top of the kick) for a distance of 10
meters each.
2.4 Vertical Jump
Vertical jump height was measured using a jump station (EPIC, JS; Lincoln, NE, USA). They were performed on an
AMTI force plate (Advanced Mechanical, Inc.; Watertown, MA, USA) for the measurement of peak power, and
ground reaction force. Each participant performed three countermovement vertical jumps with 1-minute rest
intervals. The highest score of the three jumps was recorded and used for analysis.
2.5 One Repetition Maximum Testing
Pre- and posttest 1RM deadlift testing was performed by having participants stand with their feet shoulder-width
apart, and toes pointed moderately outward. Squatting down, they grasped the bar with a pronated or alternated grip,
and knees inside fully extended arms. The use of lifting straps (ROGUE Fitness, Ohio Lifting Straps; Columbus,
OH, USA) was required regardless of grip style. Before movement began the bar rested approximately 1 inch from
the shins over the distal end of the metatarsals. Upper body position included a flat or slightly arched back, upright
chest, neck slightly hyperextended, and eyes looking forward. Movement began by extending the hips and knees
while maintaining a flat back. Bar path remained as close to the shins as possible until past the knees at which point
the hips came forward and the bar came into contact with the thighs. Once they reached full knee extension and were
standing completely upright the downward movement phase began. Downward movement was defined by hip and
knee flexion, and maintaining a flat back position until the weight reached the floor. Exercise technique was cross-
referenced with guidelines of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). The warm-up protocol
included 10 reps at 50% estimated 1RM, 5 reps at 70%1RM, 3 reps at 80%1RM, and 1 rep at 90%1RM (Archer et
al., 2016). Following the warm-up, participants were allotted three attempts (3-5 minutes rest between attempts) to
achieve their 1RM.
2.6 Maximal Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull
Three maximal isometric mid-thigh pulls were performed on the same force plate pre- and posttest. The participant
stepped into a power rack (ROGUE Fitness; Columbus, OH, USA) customized for the placement of a barbell at any
height. Lifting straps were utilized throughout testing as the participants grasped the bar with either a pronated or
alternated grip. Knee angle was assessed with a handheld goniometer to ensure angles were between 125-135º, and
body position was similar to the second pull of the snatch. Each participant first performed three warm up pulls at
50%, 75%, and 100% of maximal effort, but was instructed to be as still as possible in order to minimize force
output before the initiation of the test. Upon completion of the warm up pulls, three maximal pulls were performed
with one minute rest intervals. These methods previously elicited RFD and peak force scores, which significantly
correlated to weightlifting performance involving hip extension similar to the exercises included in the present study
(Beckham et al., 2013).
2.7 Kettlebell Swing Training
Participants in the kettlebell swing group (KBG) trained with a KettleClamp (KettleClamp; Simpsonville, SC, USA)
handle attached to a dumbbell with combined weight approximately 10-12.5% of peak delta force produced during
the maximal isometric mid-thigh pull. The kettlebell swing began by grasping the kettlebell with a two-handed
pronated grip, elbows locked out, and feet slightly outside shoulder width. The back was flat, and the neck was
neutral or slightly extended throughout the movement. Feet were planted in the ground from toe to heal. During the
downward movement the kettlebell passed above the knee as the knees and hips flexed. Knee flexion at the bottom
of the swing ranged between 140-145º. The upward swing began as the hips and knees extended rapidly until the
body formed a straight line at the top of the swing. Arms were fully extended anteriorly, and the kettlebell did not
pass chin height. A linear periodization training model was used and began with 4 x 5 (sets x reps) in weeks 2-3 with
a load of 10% peak delta force from the isometric mid-thigh pull, and concluded in weeks 4-5 using a 6 x 4 setup at
12.5%. Researcher instructions reiterated the importance that all swings be performed at maximal velocity, but never
at the sacrifice of proper technique. By increasing intensity and altering volume, progressive overload was achieved.
Figure 1. Kettlebell Swing
IJKSS 5 (1):1-7, 2017 4
2.8 Explosive Deadlift Training
The explosive deadlift training group (EDLG) lifted a barbell loaded with 30%-40% of their 1RM as previous
research has shown peak power readings at this intensity with this specific exercise (Kaneko, Fuchimoto, Toji, &
Suei, 1983; Swinton et al., 2011). Technique of the explosive deadlift is similar to the standard deadlift (detailed in
the “One Repetition Maximum” section under “Procedures”), but the participant was instructed to extend the hips
and knees at maximal velocities during the upward phase. Feet remained planted throughout the entirety of the
exercise. Movement was slower during the downward movement to ensure subsequent explosive lifts began with
proper form and velocity. Linear periodization was also implemented in this training as it began in weeks 1-3
utilizing a 4 x 5 protocol at 30%1RM, and concluded in weeks 4-5 with a 6 x 4 setup at 40%1RM. Similar to the
kettlebell training group, progressive overload was obtained through an increase in intensity and an alteration in
Figure 2. Explosive Deadlift
2.9 Statistical Analyses
Multiple 2 (time) x 2 (group) mixed factor ANOVAs were utilized to compare vertical jump height, peak power
(PP), and ground reaction force (GRF), 1RM deadlift, maximal isometric mid-thigh pull rolling rate of force
development (RRFD), and delta force. Upon a significant interaction, a follow-up simple ANOVA was used. An
alpha level of 0.05 was used to determine significance.
3. Results
3.1 1RM Deadlift Scores
For deadlift 1RM, there was no significant interaction or main effect for group. There was a significant main effect
for time, where post was greater than pre (see Table 1).
Table 1. 1RM Deadlift. Mean (SD) of one repetition maximum (1RM) deadlift (kg) between kettlebell swing (KBG)
and explosive deadlift groups (EDLG) and as a total group (grand mean)
Deadlift 1RM
164.8 (32.4)
173.0 (32.4)
155.2 (31.4)
165.2 (31.8)
159.9 (31.7)
168.9 (31.8)*
* Significantly greater than pre
3.2 Vertical Jump Scores
For vertical jump height (cm), there was no significant interaction or main effect for group. There was a
significant main effect for time, where post was greater than pre (see Table 2).
For vertical jump peak power (W), there was no significant interaction or main effect for time. There was a
significant main effect for group, where KBG was greater than EDLG (see Table 2).
For vertical jump GRF, there was no significant interaction or main effect for time. There was a significant
main effect for group, where KBG was greater than EDLG. (see Table 2).
IJKSS 5 (1):1-7, 2017 5
Table 2. Vertical Jump Variables. Mean (SD) of Vertical Jump (cm), Ground Reaction Force (N), Peak Power (W),
Between Kettlebell Swing Group (KBG), and Explosive Deadlift Group (EDLG) and as a total group (grand mean)
Grand Mean
* Significantly greater than pre
** Significantly greater than EDLG
3.3 Maximal Isometric MTP Scores
For isometric MTP delta force, there was no significant interaction or main effects for group or time (see
Table 3).
For isometric MTP rolling rate of force development (RRFD), there was a significant interaction of group
and time (see Table 3). KBG had significantly greater RRFD at 50 ms than 250 ms, 100 ms than 250 ms,
150 ms than 200 and 250 ms, and 200 ms than 250 ms (see Table 3). EDLG had significantly greater
RRFD at 150 ms than 250 ms, and 200 ms than 250 ms (see Table 3).
Table 3. Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Variables. Mean (SD) of Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull (MTP) Delta Force (N),
Rolling Rate of Force Development (RRFD N/ms) Between Kettlebell Swing Group (KBG) and Explosive Deadlift
Group (EDLG) and as a total group (combined)
Delta Force
* Significantly greater than RRFDpeak250ms
** Significantly greater than RRFDpeak200ms and RRFDpeak250ms
4. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of kettlebell swing versus explosive deadlift training on
performance. The main findings were increases in 1RM deadlift, and vertical jump height for both training groups
which may be due to a combination of neural and biomechanical adaptations following periodized velocity specific
resistance training (Hill, 1938; Kaneko et al., 1983; Tillin, Pain, & Folland, 2012; Wilson, Newton, Murphy, &
Humphries, 1993). The current study affirms velocity specific resistance training of the hip hinge movement can
lead to increases in performance such as the vertical jump (Adams, O'Shea, O'Shea, & Climstein, 1992). McBride
IJKSS 5 (1):1-7, 2017 6
and Triplett previously found that velocity of training and load lifted are highly correlated with the development of
strength and power (McBride, Triplett-McBride, Davie, & Newton, 2002). Essentially, faster movements increase
velocity and slower movements increase strength. This concept was applied to the current study when identifying a
training load for the kettlebell swing as no previous research had attempted to identify proper training loads for
power development with this implement. A kettlebell weight of 10-12.5% of the maximal isometric MTP was used
to allow for fast, forceful movement of the implement. Previous studies utilizing 30-40%1RM in the deadlift elicited
increases in velocity, and this was also confirmed in the current study (Swinton et al., 2011). Additionally, previous
research on periodized kettlebell training did not manipulate load as in the current study. Previous studies have
utilized various approaches to manage intensity including an RPE scale, work to rest ratios, difficulty of exercise
choice, participant’s mass, or simply uniformly increased load for all participants (Jay et al., 2011; Jay et al., 2013;
Manocchia et al., 2013). Otto et al. utilized a linear periodization program over the course of a 6-week training study
comparing traditional weightlifting and kettlebells, in which progressive overload was achieved through increases in
volume and velocity of movement (Otto et al., 2012). Similar to the present study, they found that both training
groups significantly increased vertical jump height. The current study also followed a traditional linear periodization
protocol, but progressive overload was achieved through increases in load with decreases in volume. The starting
kettlebell load was 10% of a maximal isometric MTP for the first two weeks of training, and was increased to 12.5%
for the final two weeks. Utilization of a commercial clamp allowed for customization of the kettlebell load for each
participant. Since increases in vertical jump were realized the present study confirms that manipulation of kettlebell
swing load, and a reduction in volume over the course of a periodized training program can lead to performance
increases. Therefore the results of the current study provide an alternate method to the increases in volume and
velocity of movement used by Otto et al. previously (Otto et al., 2012). What was unexpected in the current study
was the ability of the KBG to increase their 1RM deadlift. There are a number of reasons why this could have
occurred with the most likely explanation being greater neural activation. Adams found that training with 70-
100%1RM loads increased power of the vertical jump (Adams et al., 1992). In the current study, essentially the
opposite was found: power training increased strength performance. Aagaard examined heavy resistance training
and its effects on RFD and impulse (Aagaard, Simonsen, Andersen, Magnusson, & Dyhre-Poulsen, 2002). Both
significantly increased and correlated highly with EMG increases in the initial phase of muscle contraction between
0-200 ms. Aagaard concluded that while velocity was low with high resistance, attempting to lift the weight as fast
as possible led to increased RFD. Therefore, it may be that while loads were low in the current study, participants’
attempt to move as fast as possible may have led to increased motor unit activation. Similarly, previous studies
comparing kettlebell training to traditional weightlifting have shown transfer to other exercises. Kettlebell exercise
has been found to increase 1RM back squat, 1RM power clean, 3RM bench press, and 3RM clean and jerk (Aagaard
et al., 2002; Manocchia et al., 2013). A biomechanical analysis performed by McGill demonstrated similar hip hinge
movement patterns between various kettlebell exercises, and traditional weightlifting and powerlifting movements
(McGill & Marshall, 2012). Therefore, these shared movement patterns could contribute to the increase in 1RM
deadlift over time. Variation within a periodized resistance training program is also essential to positive adaptations
and increases in performance (Garhammer, 1979). According to Selye’s general adaptive syndrome (GAS) a new
stressor or stimulus must occur to lead to adaptation (Selye, 1956). Without the introduction of new stimuli into a
training program an athlete can experience staleness syndrome, in which their body grows accustomed to the
stresses consistently placed upon it. Since the participants recruited for this study had previous resistance training
experience, it is possible there was a novel training effect caused by the introduction of new exercises into their
resistance training program. New stimuli send the body into an alarm phase thereby causing the body to resist these
new stresses thus leading to adaptation (Selye, 1956). Therefore, novel training could have also assisted in the
participants’ increases in performance in the 1RM DL and vertical jump.
5. Conclusion
Both the KBG and EDLG improved explosively in the vertical jump and forcefully in the deadlift. Therefore, due to
the short training duration, it can be reasonably assumed that neural, hypertrophic, or biomechanical factors were
primarily responsible for the improvements. Results of the current study demonstrate and reinforce that power and
strength training affect each other positively (Aagaard et al., 2002; Adams et al., 1992; Hill, 1938). Future research
should attempt to identify proper loads for the kettlebell, and compare different hip hinge exercises to the kettlebell
swing. Strength and conditioning professionals can utilize both the kettlebell swing and explosive deadlift to
increase power and strength.
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... One of the most common kettlebell exercises are kettlebell swings, explosive movements featuring varying degrees of ankle, knee, and hip joint extension depending upon swing variation. Several training studies have examined the efficacy of kettlebell swing training on a variety of metrics, such as vertical jump [5][6][7][8], sprinting [5,9], and strength, including one repetition maximum for deadlifts [7], squats [6,8], and power cleans [8]. While some of the results have demonstrated kettlebell swing training to provide similar results as various resistance [5][6][7] or fitness [9] training programs, results within other studies have demonstrated resistance training to be superior to evoking performance enhancement [6,8]. ...
... One of the most common kettlebell exercises are kettlebell swings, explosive movements featuring varying degrees of ankle, knee, and hip joint extension depending upon swing variation. Several training studies have examined the efficacy of kettlebell swing training on a variety of metrics, such as vertical jump [5][6][7][8], sprinting [5,9], and strength, including one repetition maximum for deadlifts [7], squats [6,8], and power cleans [8]. While some of the results have demonstrated kettlebell swing training to provide similar results as various resistance [5][6][7] or fitness [9] training programs, results within other studies have demonstrated resistance training to be superior to evoking performance enhancement [6,8]. ...
... Several training studies have examined the efficacy of kettlebell swing training on a variety of metrics, such as vertical jump [5][6][7][8], sprinting [5,9], and strength, including one repetition maximum for deadlifts [7], squats [6,8], and power cleans [8]. While some of the results have demonstrated kettlebell swing training to provide similar results as various resistance [5][6][7] or fitness [9] training programs, results within other studies have demonstrated resistance training to be superior to evoking performance enhancement [6,8]. Perhaps the different outcomes following kettlebell swing training interventions could be attributed to differences in the swing variations (e.g., overhead swings [OHS], shoulder height swings [SHS]), duration of training, training loads (e.g., kettlebell mass), or the progression of training loads through the training period. ...
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This study sought to identify the changes in ankle, knee, and hip joint kinetics with increasing load while performing the kettlebell overhead swing (OHS). Women (n = 18, age: 29.4 ± 5.3 years, 69.7 ± 8.9 kg) with a minimum of 6 months of kettlebell swing training experience performed fifteen repetitions of the kettlebell OHS with three different kettlebell masses (8 kg, 12 kg, 16 kg) in a counterbalanced order. Ankle, knee, and hip joint kinematics were captured within a 12-camera infrared motion capture space, while standing atop two force plates collecting ground reaction force (GRF) data. Post hoc results of statistically significant joint by mass interactions (p < 0.05) of the net joint moment impulse, work, and peak power revealed the hip demonstrating the greatest increase in response to load, followed by the ankle (p < 0.05). The knee joint kinetics changed very little between the masses. Pairwise post hoc comparisons between the joints at each mass level support the kettlebell OHS as being a hip dominant exercise, with the knee making the second largest contribution, despite contributions not changing across kettlebell masses. Collectively, these results provide practitioners with objective evidence regarding the mechanical demands and effects of load changes on the kettlebell OHS.
... На думку фахівців з гирьового спорту, головна причина, що українські спортсмени не перемагають на чемпіонаті світу у ривку гирі є те, що наші найкращі спортсмени суттєво поступаються провідним спортсменам світу у фізичній підготовці [2,4,5]. З постійними змінами правил змагань у гирьовому спорті, які спрямовані на зростання видовищності, змінюються і вимоги до фізичної підготовки гирьовиків. ...
... 4. "Протяжка" гирі двома руками. 5. Утримання гирі вгорі на прямій руці. ...
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The article examines the problems of developing the special endurance of athletes who specialize in kettlebell snatch. The kettlebell snatch with one change of hands is a high-speed, powerful, repetitive movement that is performed for 10 minutes. The analysis of scientific and methodical literature showed that athletes who specialize in kettlebell snatch use the interval training method to develop special endurance. In contrast to this technique, we suggest alternating interval and continuous methods, implementation at the special preparatory stage and in the competitive period of competitive actions in modes - once in a microcycle lasting more than 5 minutes and once during a stage lasting more than 10 minutes. The aim of the study is to investigate the current problems of the development of special endurance of athletes who specialize in kettlebell snatch. The tasks: to study the modern theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of special endurance of athletes who specialize in kettlebell snatch; to justify a complex of special preparatory exercises and practical recommendations for the development of special endurance of athletes who specialize in kettlebell snatch. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, data of Internet; pedagogical observation; documentary method; methods of mathematical statistics. The protocols of the 2021 World Championship have been analyzed. It was found that the members of the national team of Ukraine among male athletes show an average result that is 11.9% lower than the world champions. The average result of Ukrainian female athletes is 102 reps, and that of world champions is 175.2 reps, the difference is 73.2 reps (41.7%). It was established that the main reason for insufficiently high results of Ukrainian athletes is the low level of special endurance development. In this regard, a complex of special preparatory exercises and practical recommendations for the of athletes’ special endurance development have been developed and substantiated. Based on the analysis of the protocols of the World Championship, it was determined that the level of preparation of domestic athletes was insufficient, compared to athletes of the leading countries of the world. The results of the study allow us to state that the application of the proposed practical recommendations and a set of exercises, the duration of approaches and the rest intervals between them, will contribute to the development of athletes’ special endurance, which, in general, will have a positive effect on improving the competitive results of members of the national team of Ukraine in kettlebell lifting.
... The optimal training duration for improving power is 4-6 weeks for high-intensity training, which can be performed without causing the central nervous system to experience undue strain or fatigue. This study's results are consistent with those of research on the effects of biweekly KT on knee joint strength [58]. These strength gains are believed to improve the pitcher's stride length. ...
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Background The purpose of this study was to determine how the combination of plyometric training (PT), which builds strength through fast, repetitive extensions and contractions, and kettlebell training (KT), using a device that is smaller than a barbell and allows for strength and full-body work, affects the physical performance and performance of high school pitchers during the season. Material/Methods Participants (n=30 males; age group=16–19 years) were randomized into 3 groups: compound training group (CTG) (n=10), plyometric training group (PTG) (n=10), and kettlebell group (KTG) (n=10). All groups performed training twice weekly for 4 weeks. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were conducted on isokinetic strength to measure strength, vertical jump (VJ) to measure power, dynamic balance (Y-balance), and ball speed (BS) to measure baseball performance. Results We found there was increased strength, VJ, Y-balance, and BS in the CTG, PTG, and KTG (p=.000). CTG had significantly different results than PTG and KTG (p=.000). There was a significant difference in increased strength of the right knee joint flexors between PTG and KTG (p=.000). Conclusions CTG, PTG, and KTG for pitchers during the season improved significantly. These results suggest that combination training, rather than just 1 type of training, affects pitchers’ strength, VJ, Y-balance, and BS during the season.
... Commercial kettlebells (Figure 1) are offered in capacities that vary from 3 pounds to 100 pounds (or more) [14]. The weights that are used with kettlebell swings are usually limited to 70 pounds and are determined on the basis of a particular relative load [15][16][17][18][19]. The kettlebell has a variety of possible clinical applications, including dynamic flexibility exercises and power training [20]. ...
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A kettlebell is a weight made of cast iron shaped like a ball with a handle. Commercial kettlebells are offered in capacities that vary from 3 pounds to 100 pounds (or more). The kettlebell has a variety of possible clinical applications, including dynamic flexibility exercises and power training. Players' efficacy during the game can be improved by developing their strongest potential prior to exercising and efficiently converting that strength to power as the event draws near. Strengthening has been recommended as an effective means to avoid injuries, build muscle strength, and enhance one's health in relation to performance in the game. This type of training focuses on the hip, thigh, core, and abdominal muscles to help with appropriate lower-limb alignment and the recruitment of muscle patterns. Kettlebell training is a flexible and useful strategy for improving players' performance in a variety of sports. It adds value to athlete training programs by enhancing strength, power, endurance, explosive power, and postural coordination.
... Its relatively low technical demands and use of relatively light loads makes this exercise effective in power development via quick force production in the low-er extremities (Lake & Lauder, 2012). In addition, the power generated during the movement enables greater activation of motor units, which can be beneficial in the development of strength (Maulit et al., 2017). ...
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Kettlebell swing exercises have been proposed as a method for developing power, strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity. There are two distinctive techniques or styles of kettlebell swing: Russian (RKBS) and American (AKBS), and the purpose of this study was to quantify the specific differences within each exercise. The aim of this paper was to determine which style offers greater mechanical output in the form of power, velocity and momentum, with consideration of energy expenditure and injury risk, and which represents a safer version of training operator for developing specific dimensions of strength and power along with muscular endurance. The selected population of physically active men (n=15; age: 27.5±4.5 years; height: 185.9±14.1 cm; weight: 96.1±11.1 kg; kettlebell swing experience: 3.6±2.4 years) were recruited to perform kettlebell swings of both styles. They performed eight maximal swings using a 24 kg kettlebell (~25% bodyweight), during which the concentric and eccentric phases and their respective amplitude, duration, peak and mean velocity, momentum and average power were analysed. The results of the paired sample t-test showed a statistically significant difference between styles in cycle duration, momentum, amplitude and velocities, while power generated was similar for both styles. In conclusion, both styles are viable training options, though the RKBS style presents a potentially safer alternative due to its biomechanical properties.
... After six weeks of training, the vertical jump test and standing long jump test values were increased in both the kettlebell and hip thrust training groups.This study agrees with the study done by Hill, 1938;Kaneko et al., 1983 12,13 mentioned that the speed of movement during the kettlebell swing might be more specific to athletic movements,which makes it an ideal exercise for explosive strength development. 24,25 Velocity-specific resistance training of the hip hinge movement can lead to increases in performance, such as the vertical jump 14 16 .Hip thrust exercise activates hip extensors majorly 9 . This study correlates well with the present study-moreover, the standing long jump test increases in groups A and B. The mean percentage increase in SLJ was 2.46(0.62) ...
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Background:Lumbo-pelvic control and flexibility of body parts enhances peak performance and prevents musculoskeletal injury.Kettlebell training and Hip thrustexercise are emerging strength training methodsforimprovingcore and hip strengthtoincreasevertical jump and standing long jump capacity in athletes. The study aims to compare the effects of kettlebell swing and hip thrust exercise on strength and power performance in recreational athletes. Method:Thirty recreational athletes were randomly allocated to kettlebell swing (group A) and hip thrust group (group B).Strength and power performance were assessed before and aftersix weeks of training using vertical jump height (VJH) and standing long jump test(SLJ), respectively. Results:'t' is significant in both groups. The mean percentage increase in the vertical jump is more significant in group B,and the percentage increase inthe Standing long jump is similar in both groups. Conclusion:Both kettlebell swing and hip thrust training are effective in increasing strength and power performance. The hip thrust is more effective than the kettlebell swing in improving strength in recreational athletes.
... Its techniques involve tension and relaxation and are said to improve healthrelated fitness [11]. In trial with participants (younger), there were progress in upper-limb perseverance [12], vertical jump and dynamic balance [13], leg power and trunk stamina [14], standing long jump and strength of grip [15], VO2 [16], and 1RM barbell deadlift [17]. Physical fitness and Aerobic exercise can be compared to anaerobic exercise, which includes running short distances and strength training. ...
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Background: Aerobics exercise training and kettlebell training is recommended to prevent and control overweight/obesity. Purpose: The aim of the this research is to assess the improvement in various variables related to health fitness among obese adults on administrating a twelve weeks aerobics exercise training and kettlebell training. Materials and Methods: Total sixty male adults with obese (Mean ± SD; age: 18.92 ± 1.54 yrs.; height: 172.4 ± 5.4 cm.; weight: 84.4 ± 6.3 kg) were randomly allocated into three equal (n = 20) groups: Aerobic Exercise Training (AET), Kettlebell Training (KBT) and a control group. The AET & KBT training protocol was performed three days per week for 12 weeks. All the selected variables of physical fitness has been examined at baseline and 12 weeks. Control group does not perform any exercise. Analysis and findings: There were significant difference in terms of Flexibility (F), Muscular Endurance (ME), Muscular Strength (MS) and Cardiovascular Endurance (CE), between the AETG & KBTG have been compared with control group (p < 0.05). Body Composition (BF) significant reductions in AET & KBT groups have been compared with control group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that AET & KBT protocols have greater effects than control group on health related physical fitness variables in obese male adult individuals. It is recommended that schools and colleges should administrate the aerobic exercise session and kettlebell training among adults for better health perspectives.
... The kettlebell swing has been prescribed with 8-12RM (Lyons et al., 2017) and a 20RM load (Sørensen et al., 2021). Additionally, less common methods have also been used such as: percentage of isometric strength (Maulit et al., 2017), loads based on body weight (Lake & Lauder, 2012a;Levine et al., 2020), expert opinion (Farrar, Mayhew & Koch, 2010), peak power (Kartages et al., 2019) and Rating of Perceived Exertion (Meigh et al., 2022). These methods can be used to guide training prescription, however, assessing RM also provides a method of assessing performance change within a chosen exercise following training interventions (McMaster et al., 2014). ...
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Background Research into the kettlebell swing has increased in the last decade. There has been a paucity of literature assessing an individual’s ability to perform the kettlebell swing exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine the test-retest reliability of the one and five repetition maximum (1RM and 5RM) kettlebell swing. Materials & Methods Twenty four recreational resistance-trained participants performed an isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) and two familiarization sessions followed by three test sessions for each RM load approximately one week apart, using a custom-built plate-loaded kettlebell. On each test occasion, subjects completed a series of warm-up sets followed by 3–4 progressively heavier kettlebell swings to a standardized height until 1RM or 5RM was reached. Test-retest reliability was calculated using the intra-class correlation (ICC) and typical error was represented as the coefficient of variation (CV%) with 90% confidence limits (90% CL). The smallest worthwhile change (SWC%) representing the smallest change of practical importance, was calculated as 0.2 × between-subject standard deviation. The relationship of kettlebell swing performance and maximum strength was determined by Pearson correlation with ±90% CL between the absolute peak force recorded during IMTP and 1RM or 5RM. Results Results demonstrated a high test-retest reliability for both the 1RM (ICC = 0.97, 90% CL [0.95–0.99]; CV = 2.7%, 90% CL [2.2–3.7%]) and 5RM (ICC = 0.98, 90% CL [0.96–0.99]; CV = 2.4%, 90% CL [1.9–3.3%]), respectively. The CV% was lower than the SWC for both the 1RM (SWC = 2.8%, 90% CL [1.9–3.5]) and 5RM (SWC = 2.9%, 90% CL [1.9–3.6]) kettlebell swing. The correlation between IMTP absolute peak force and the 1RM (r = 0.69, 90% CL 0.43–0.83) was large and very large for the 5RM (r = 0.75, 90% CL [0.55–0.87]). Conclusions These results demonstrate the stability of 1RM and 5RM kettlebell swing performance after two familiarization sessions. Practitioners can be confident that changes in kettlebell swing 1RM and 5RM performance of >3.6 kg represent a practically important difference, which is the upper limit of the 90% CL.
... After six weeks of training, the vertical jump test and standing long jump test values were increased in both the kettlebell and hip thrust training groups.This study agrees with the study done by Hill, 1938;Kaneko et al., 1983 12,13 mentioned that the speed of movement during the kettlebell swing might be more specific to athletic movements,which makes it an ideal exercise for explosive strength development. 24,25 Velocity-specific resistance training of the hip hinge movement can lead to increases in performance, such as the vertical jump 14 16 .Hip thrust exercise activates hip extensors majorly 9 . This study correlates well with the present study-moreover, the standing long jump test increases in groups A and B. The mean percentage increase in SLJ was 2.46(0.62) ...
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Background:Lumbo-pelvic control and flexibility of body parts enhances peak performance and prevents musculoskeletal injury.Kettlebell training and Hip thrustexercise are emerging strength training methodsforimprovingcore and hip strengthtoincreasevertical jump and standing long jump capacity in athletes. The study aims to compare the effects of kettlebell swing and hip thrust exercise on strength and power performance in recreational athletes. Method:Thirty recreational athletes were randomly allocated to kettlebell swing (group A) and hip thrust group (group B).Strength and power performance were assessed before and aftersix weeks of training using vertical jump height (VJH) and standing long jump test(SLJ), respectively. Results:'t' is significant in both groups. The mean percentage increase in the vertical jump is more significant in group B,and the percentage increase inthe Standing long jump is similar in both groups. Conclusion:Both kettlebell swing and hip thrust training are effective in increasing strength and power performance. The hip thrust is more effective than the kettlebell swing in improving strength in recreational athletes.
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Background: Upper body powers are the major fitness component of majorities of games which is necessary to improve. Kettle bell swing stimulus for upper body performance is little unique, that is sufficient to increase both maximum strengths with explosive execution. Objective: To evaluate the effects of kettlebell high-intensity interval training protocol on upper body power. Method: The randomized control trials (RCT) on amateur athletes were conducted at I-8 Active Gym at I-8 Markaz Islamabad Pakistan after approval from CEO. Data was collected through non probability convenience sampling technique. A total of n=40 volunteer amateur athletes were recruited without neuromuscular injury in the last 6 months and randomly divided experimental and control groups. The experimental group received Kettelbell Exercises and the participants in the control group, on the other hand, went about their regular lives without engaging in any fitness training. Subjects were assessed before and after 12 weeks using Medicine ball throw tests, measured by distance covered in centimetre (cm) for upper body explosive power. The medicine ball throw test was used to upper body strength. All statistical analyses were calculated by the SPSS statistical package. Result: The mean age of the study participants was 21.66 ±1.71. The mean weight and height were 62.55±4.04 kg and 5.78±0.14 feet respectively. All participants were in the normal BMI range (20.11±0.62). Both groups were comparable at the baseline (p≥0.05) in upper body strength. While after 8th week experimental group showed more significant improvement with large effect size (95.94±9.52 ver. 83.60±11.20, MD=12.34, p=0.001, d=1.07) in upper body power as compare to control group. Conclusion: The Kettle Bell High Intensity Interval Training (KB-HIIT) program is beneficial for enhancing upper body explosive strength. Keywords: High Intensity Interval Training, kettle bell exercises, power, strength.
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Background: The use of chains in resistance training is a way to accommodate the muscular strength curve. Short-term training and jump squats have been shown to increase back squat strength, but not in conjunction with each other or with chains. Jump squats have also been used to increase jump height and power. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of short-term jump squat training with and without chains on strength and power. Methods: Thirty-one resistance-trained men volunteered to participate (age = 23.87 ± 2.2 years, height=174.87 ± 6.94 cm, mass = 82.74 ± 14.95 kg) and were randomly assigned to one of three groups [control (C) = 10, no chains (NC) =10, or chains (CH) = 11]. Participants had their jump height (VJ) and back squat strength (BS) tested before and after a week of training. The NC and CH groups performed three training sessions consisting of five sets of three reps of jump squats at 30% 1RM with 30s rest between sets. The CH group had 20% of their load added by chains when standing erect. The C group did not train. Results: A 3 (group: CH, NC, C) x 2 (time: pre, post) mixed factor ANOVA revealed a significant (p = 0.006) interaction for back squat 1RM. Both the CH (pre 142.56 ± 20.40 kg; post 145.66 ± 19.59 kg) and NC (pre 150.00 ± 15.23 kg; post 154.77 ± 15.09 kg) groups significantly increased while the C (pre 157.27 ± 25.35 kg; post 156.36 ± 24.85 kg) group showed no difference. There were no significant interactions (p =0.32) or main effects for VJ (C = pre 50.59 ± 9.39cm; post 51.29 ± 9.68cm; NC = pre 55.29 ± 5.23cm; post 57.39 ± 5.22cm; CH = pre 46.19 ± 5.02; post 47.45 ± 4.62.) Conclusions: The CH group was able to increase strength while lifting less overall weight. Coaches may use short-term training with chains to yield a similar increase in back squat strength as without chains. Keywords: variable resistance, back squats, novel, vertical jump
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The purpose of this investigation was to examine how load would affect peak power (PP) of the bar, body and system (bar + body) during the deadlift. Eight healthy males (age = 22.00 ± 2.38 years; height = 1.80 ± 0.05 m; body mass = 88.97 ± 14.88 kg; deadlift one repetition maximum [1RM] = 203.44 ± 21.59 kg, 1RM/BM = 2.32 ± 0.31) with a minimum of 2 years' resistance training experience and a deadlift 1RM over 1.5 times their bodyweight participated in the investigation. During the first session, anthropometric data were recorded and a 1RM deadlift was obtained from the participants. During the second session, participants performed two repetitions at intensities of 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90% of their 1RM in a randomized order. Three-dimensional videography with a force plate was used for data collection and analysis. Peak force (PF), peak velocity (PV), an d PP were calculated for the bar, body, and system (bar + body) during the deadlift. PP occurred at 50%, 30%, and 70% of 1RM for the bar, body, and system, respectively. The optimal loading for the deadlift exercise may vary depending on the desired stimulus and whether the bar, body, or system variables are of most interest. Key pointsPeak power of the bar, body and system vary depending upon load.Loading should be chosen according to desired training effect, with considerations for sport specificity.Additional exercises should be investigated concerning the effect of various loads on power.
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Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between weightlifting performance (snatch, clean and jerk, and total) and variables obtained from the isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP). Methods: Twelve weightlifters, ranging from novice to advanced, performed the IMTP 10 days after a competition. Correlations were used to evaluate relationships between variables of the IMTP and absolute and scaled competition results. Results: Unscaled competition results correlated strongly with IRFD (0-200ms: r=0.567-0.645, 0-250ms: r=0.722-0.781) while results correlated weakly with Peak IRFD (5ms window, r=0.360-0.426). Absolute peak force values correlated very strongly with absolute values for the competition performance (r=0.830-0.838). Force at 100ms, 150ms, 200ms and 250ms also correlated strongly with competition results (r=0.643-0.647, r=0.605-0.636, r=0.714-0.732, r=0.801-0.804). Similar findings were noted for allometrically scaled values. Conclusion: Measures of average IRFD probably represent a more relevant variable to dynamic performance than does Peak IRFD (5ms). Maximum isometric strength also is likely to have a strong role in weightlifting performance.
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Explosive leg power is a key ingredient to maximizing vertical jump performance. In training, the athlete must use the most effective program to optimize leg power development. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of three training programs - squat (S), plyometric (P) and squat-plyometric (SP) - in increasing hip and thigh power production as measured by vertical jump. Forty-eight subjects were divided equally into four groups: S, P, SP or control (C). The subjects trained two days a week for a total of seven weeks, which consisted of a one-week technique learning period followed by a six- week periodized S, P or SP training program. Hip and thigh power were tested before and after training using the vertical jump test, and the alpha level was set at 0.05. Statistical analysis of the data revealed a significant increase in hip and thigh power production, as measured by vertical jump, within all three treatment groups. The SP group achieved a statistically greater improvement (p < 0.0001) than the S or P groups alone. Examination of the mean scores shows that the S group increased 3.30 centimeters in vertical jump, the P group increased 3.81 centimeters and the SP group increased 10.67 centimeters. The results indicate that both S and P training are necessary for improving hip and thigh power production as measured by vertical jumping ability. (C) 1992 National Strength and Conditioning Association
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Effects of weightlifting vs. kettlebell training on vertical jump, strength, and body composition. J Strength Cond Res 26(5): 1199-1202, 2012-The present study compared the effects of 6 weeks of weightlifting plus traditional heavy resistance training exercises vs. kettlebell training on strength, power, and anthropometric measures. Thirty healthy men were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: (a) weightlifting (n = 13; mean ± SD: age, 22.92 ± 1.98 years; body mass, 80.57 ± 12.99 kg; height, 174.56 ± 5.80 cm) or (b) kettlebell (n = 17; mean ± SD: age, 22.76 ± 1.86 years; body mass, 78.99 ± 10.68 kg; height, 176.79 ± 5.08 cm) and trained 2 times a week for 6 weeks. A linear periodization model was used for training; at weeks 1-3 volume was 3 × 6 (kettlebell swings or high pull), 4 × 4 (accelerated swings or power clean), and 4 × 6 (goblet squats or back squats), respectively, and the volume increased during weeks 4-6 to 4 × 6, 6 × 4, and 4 × 6, respectively. Participants were assessed for height (in centimeters), body mass (in kilograms), and body composition (skinfolds). Strength was assessed by the back squat 1 repetition maximum (1RM), whereas power was assessed by the vertical jump and power clean 1RM. The results of this study indicated that short-term weightlifting and kettlebell training were effective in increasing strength and power. However, the gain in strength using weightlifting movements was greater than that during kettlebell training. Neither method of training led to significant changes in any of the anthropometric measures. In conclusion, 6 weeks of weightlifting induced significantly greater improvements in strength compared with kettlebell training. No between-group differences existed for the vertical jump or body composition.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a worksite intervention using kettlebell training to improve postural reactions to perturbation and jump performance.This single-blind randomized controlled trial involved 40 adults (n=40) from occupations with a high prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and discomfort (mean age 44 years, body mass index 23 kg/m2, 85% women). A blinded examiner took measures at baseline and follow-up. Participants were randomly assigned to a training group - doing kettlebell swings three times a week for 8 weeks - or to a control group. The outcome measures were postural reactions to sudden perturbation and maximal countermovement jump height.Compared to the control group, the training group significant decreased stopping time following perturbation (-109ms, 95% CI [-196:-21]). Jump height increased significantly in the training group (1.5cm, 95% CI [0.5:2.5]), but this was non-significantly different from control.Kettlebell training improves postural reactions to sudden perturbation. Future studies should investigate whether kettlebell training can reduce the risk of low-back injury in occupations with manual material handling or patient handling where sudden perturbations often occur.
The aim of this study was to establish the effect that kettlebell swing (KB) training had on measures of maximum (half squat-HS-1 repetition maximum [1RM]) and explosive (vertical jump height-VJH) strength. To put these effects into context, they were compared with the effects of jump squat power training (JS-known to improve 1RM and VJH). Twenty-one healthy men (age = 18-27 years, body mass = 72.58 ± 12.87 kg) who could perform a proficient HS were tested for their HS 1RM and VJH pre- and post-training. Subjects were randomly assigned to either a KB or JS training group after HS 1RM testing and trained twice a week. The KB group performed 12-minute bouts of KB exercise (12 rounds of 30-second exercise, 30-second rest with 12 kg if <70 kg or 16 kg if >70 kg). The JS group performed at least 4 sets of 3 JS with the load that maximized peak power-Training volume was altered to accommodate different training loads and ranged from 4 sets of 3 with the heaviest load (60% 1RM) to 8 sets of 6 with the lightest load (0% 1RM). Maximum strength improved by 9.8% (HS 1RM: 165-181% body mass, p < 0.001) after the training intervention, and post hoc analysis revealed that there was no significant difference between the effect of KB and JS training (p = 0.56). Explosive strength improved by 19.8% (VJH: 20.6-24.3 cm) after the training intervention, and post hoc analysis revealed that the type of training did not significantly affect this either (p = 0.38). The results of this study clearly demonstrate that 6 weeks of biweekly KB training provides a stimulus that is sufficient to increase both maximum and explosive strength offering a useful alternative to strength and conditioning professionals seeking variety for their athletes.
Kettlebells are a popular implement in many strength and conditioning programs and, their benefits are touted in popular literature, books and videos. However, clinical data on their efficacy is limited. The purpose of this study was to examine whether kettlebell training transfers strength and power to weightlifting and powerlifting exercises and improves muscular endurance. Thirty-seven subjects were assigned to an experimental (EXP n=23; mean age = 40.9 ± 12.9) or a control group (CON; n=14; mean age = 39.6 ± 15.8 years), range 18-72 years. Participants were required to perform assessments including a barbell clean and jerk, barbell bench press, maximal vertical jump, and 450 back extensions to volitional fatigue before and after a 10-week kettlebell training program. Training was structured in a group setting for 2 days per week for 10 weeks. A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to determine group x time interactions and main effects. Post hoc pairwise comparisons were conducted when appropriate. Bench press revealed a time x group interaction and a main effect (p < 0.05). Clean and jerk and back extension demonstrated a trend toward a time x group interaction, but it did not reach significance (p = 0.053). However, clean and jerk did reveal a main effect for time (p < 0.05). No significant findings were reported for maximal vertical jump. Results demonstrate a transfer of power and strength in response to 10 weeks of training with kettlebells. Traditional training methods may not be convenient or accessible for strength and conditioning specialists, athletes, coaches and recreational exercisers. The current data suggest that kettlebells may be an effective alternative tool to improve performance in weightlifting and powerlifting.