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Abstract and Figures

The influence of major Quaternary climatic changes on growth and decay of the Greenland Ice Sheet, and associated erosional impact on the landscapes, is virtually unknown beyond the last deglaciation. Here we quantify exposure and denudation histories in west Greenland by applying a novel Markov-Chain Monte Carlo modelling approach to all available paired cosmogenic 10Be-26Al bedrock data from Greenland. We find that long-term denudation rates in west Greenland range from >50 m/Myr in low-lying areas to ~2 m/Myr at high elevations, hereby quantifying systematic variations in denudation rate among different glacial landforms caused by variations in ice thickness across the landscape. We furthermore show that the present day ice-free areas only were ice covered ca. 45% of the past 1 million years, and even less at high-elevation sites, implying that the Greenland Ice Sheet for much of the time was of similar size or even smaller than today.
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Received 19 May 2016 |Accepted 6 Dec 2016 |Published 18 Jan 2017
One million years of glaciation and denudation
history in west Greenland
Astrid Strunk1, Mads Faurschou Knudsen1, David L. Egholm1, John D. Jansen2, Laura B. Levy1, Bo H. Jacobsen1
& Nicolaj K. Larsen1,3
The influence of major Quaternary climatic changes on growth and decay of the Greenland
Ice Sheet, and associated erosional impact on the landscapes, is virtually unknown beyond the
last deglaciation. Here we quantify exposure and denudation histories in west Greenland by
applying a novel Markov-Chain Monte Carlo modelling approach to all available paired
cosmogenic 10Be-26Al bedrock data from Greenland. We find that long-term denudation rates
in west Greenland range from 450 m Myr 1in low-lying areas to B2 m Myr 1at high
elevations, hereby quantifying systematic variations in denudation rate among different
glacial landforms caused by variations in ice thickness across the landscape. We furthermore
show that the present day ice-free areas only were ice covered ca. 45% of the past 1 million
years, and even less at high-elevation sites, implying that the Greenland Ice Sheet for much of
the time was of similar size or even smaller than today.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14199 OPEN
1Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 2, Aarhus 8000, Denmark. 2Institute of Earth and Environmental Science, University
of Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Str 24, Potsdam 14476, Germany. 3Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen,
Øster Voldgade 5-7, Copenhagen K 1350, Denmark. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.S. (email:
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 8:14199 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14199 | 1
The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has been waxing and waning
through multiple glacial-interglacial cycles over the past
few millions of years, thereby sculpting the landscape we
observe today. Little is known of the temporal and spatial extent
of the GrIS before the last deglaciation, because subsequent
erosion has removed most of the evidence. Indeed, the Greenland
ice-core records span only the last B100 kyr (ref. 1), hence the
glacial history predating the last glacial cycle remains elusive. As
the GrIS advanced onto the continental shelf during the
Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), it efficiently eroded deposits
from earlier interglacial and glacial periods, leaving only scattered
onshore2–4 and offshore5–8 fragments of the longer-term geolo-
gical record. Most Quaternary deposits preserved between the
outer coast and the present ice margin have a Lateglacial or
Holocene origin, pointing to efficient erosion and a rapid ice
retreat across this area during the last deglaciation9,10. Over
previous glacial cycles, the ice sheet presumably expanded to
cover the continental shelf and then retreated inboard of the
present ice margin, but well-dated geological evidence testing this
hypothesis is lacking.
The origin and age of the ice-sculpted landscapes in Greenland
may be studied via quantification of past denudation rates (that is,
the removal of mass via physical and chemical weathering), in
particular spatial variations in denudation rate. Bedrock erosion
rates averaged over the Quaternary in Greenland are relatively
unconstrained, but estimated at B40 m Myr 1based on
North Atlantic marine sediment volumes11,12. This bulk
estimate combines sediment yield from diverse erosion regimes,
including diffusive areal scouring and incision focused along
valley troughs and fjords. Large parts of the fjord landscapes cut
into the west Greenland coastal margin were shaped by selective
linear glacial erosion, characterized by large spatial differences in
erosion due to variations in the subglacial thermal regime13. Here,
deep troughs and/or fjords dissect low-relief plateaus that
presumably were preserved over multiple glacial cycles under
thin and weakly erosive, cold-based ice. The troughs, in contrast,
were carved by thick ice masses with basal ice at the pressure-
melting point, which facilitates sliding and efficient bedrock
erosion14. Identifying how and when the present topography of
Greenland was established entails quantifying spatial patterns of
past denudation rates, which presents a considerable challenge in
such landscape settings imprinted by differential thermal glacial
Cosmogenic nuclides provide a widely used tool for quantify-
ing landscape denudation rates and exposure history17. The
method utilizes the constant bombardment of Earth by cosmic
rays produced in supernova explosions, which gives rise to
secondary cosmic-ray cascades in the atmosphere. When the
secondary neutrons and muons penetrate an exposed rock
surface, nuclear reactions produce in situ terrestrial cosmogenic
nuclides (TCNs), of which common nuclides used for dating
purposes are 10Be and 26Al (ref. 17). Depending on the geological
setting, TCNs are commonly used to date the timing of exposure,
which in glacial landscapes typically means the last deglaciation,
or to constrain the denudation rate of a bedrock surface. Repeated
intervals of burial and exposure during successive glacial and
interglacial periods cause discontinuous TCN production. This
imposes additional difficulties for constraining denudation rates,
because the exposure/burial history at a given site is generally also
In order to accommodate complex exposure histories, paired
10Be-26Al measurements can be used to estimate a minimum-
limiting total history and the relative proportion of exposure
versus burial, by utilizing that the two nuclides have different
half-lives. Under constant exposure, the two nuclides will
accumulate following a predictable ratio controlled by the
production rates and half-lives, whereas the ratio during periods
of burial is governed by the half-lives only18,19. This approach,
however, has two major shortcomings: It ignores the ongoing
erosion and resultant loss of nuclides back through time, and
secondly it fails to resolve the alternating nature of exposure and
burial through multiple glacial and interglacial periods.
Paired 10Be-26Al bedrock data from high-elevation sites in west
Greenland and the Baffin Bay area indicate long and complex
exposure histories with significant periods of burial, suggesting
preservation under weakly erosive, cold-based ice over
several glacial cycles18,19. In contrast, recently published results
from high-elevation surfaces elsewhere in west Greenland
(Uummannaq), suggest near-continuous exposure throughout
much of the middle and late Quaternary—possibly as nunataks
during the LGM and prior glacial maxima20.
Recent advances in Monte Carlo modelling techniques make it
possible to constrain the history of long-term erosion and
exposure-burial periods by exploiting more efficiently the
differences in production and radioactive decay rates of paired
TCNs21,22. The Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) model
approach developed by Knudsen et al. (ref. 21) is based on the
assumption that the exposure/burial history can be divided into
two distinct regimes: (i) glacial intervals with subglacial erosion
and, due to shielding by the overlying ice sheet, no exposure, and
(ii) interglacial intervals experiencing active subaerial erosion and
full exposure, assuming no significant shielding by for example,
snow, till, or vegetation (see ‘Methods’ section). The rates of
glacial and interglacial erosion may differ and vary spatially, but
for any particular bedrock sample the two erosion rates are
uniform throughout all glacials and interglacials, respectively. The
MCMC model does not include sudden individual erosion events,
such as subglacial plucking, but integrates the effects of plucking
events over time. By integrating the glacial and interglacial
erosion rates, it is possible to compute a robust, long-term
denudation rate for each sample. The exposure/burial history is
determined by applying a threshold value to a stacked benthic
marine d18O record23, which is a proxy for past global land-ice
In this study, we apply the new MCMC inversion model21 to
all available 10Be-26Al bedrock data from west Greenland,
encompassing 49 samples altogether. The most realistic and
up-to-date landscape information is integrated as boundary
conditions in the model set-up, which enable us to quantify past
denudation rates combined with exposure/burial histories. We
show that the denudation rate decreases with increasing elevation,
from 450 m Myr 1in low-lying areas to 1–5 m Myr 1at high-
elevation summit flats (4850 m a.s.l.). We also find that the
majority of samples are consistent with presence of an ice cover
ca. 45% of the past 1 Myr, whereas the fraction of ice-covered
periods was smaller (10–20%) at many high-elevation sites.
Denudation rates and landscape evolution in west Greenland.
The paired 10Be-26Al bedrock data derive from four study sites in
west Greenland. We apply the MCMC approach to all samples
displaying a simple exposure 10Be age of 20 kyr or more. The
simple exposure ages are calculated based on the assumption of
continuous exposure, no inherited TCNs, and no post-glacial
erosion. The samples with an exposure 10Be age of 20 kyr or more
are believed to violate these preconditions, based on comparisons
with ages from boulders and radiocarbon ages of proglacial lake
sediments. The relevant samples include 11 samples from
Upernavik19, 19 samples from Uummannaq20,24,25, 10 samples
from Itilleq26 and 9 samples from Sukkertoppen20, the two latter
sites both belonging to the Sisimiut area (Fig. 1). The
2NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 8:14199 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14199 |
Uummannaq and Upernavik areas have high relief with deep
fjords that stretch from the present ice margin to the coast. The
samples located close to Sisimiut are from (i) a low-relief area
between the fjords (Itilleq), and (ii) from summit plateaus around
a local ice cap (Sukkertoppen).
All four sites were sampled across a wide range of elevations
from valleys to summits and show an overall trend of increasing
simple exposure 10Be age with altitude (Fig. 2a). From this we
identify an elevation threshold, above which all samples display
non-negligible inheritance, which must derive from periods of
exposure associated with earlier interglacials or ice-free periods.
Inheritance is defined by a nuclide inventory that exceeds
post-glacial production and implies inefficient bedrock erosion
(o2–3 m) over the last glacial period. In reality, however, it is not
possible to define a specific threshold below which there with
certainty is no inheritance. Our results show that high-elevation
summit flats (4850 m a.s.l.) yield the slowest long-term
denudation, typically B1–5 m Myr 1, whereas sites at lower
elevations have denudation rates of 15–20 m Myr 1(Fig. 2b).
There are exceptions to the general trend, as some low-elevation
samples have denudation rates o10 m Myr 1, demonstrating
some spatial variations in the erosion processes shaping the
landforms. The overall pattern of decreasing denudation rates
with increasing elevation is nonetheless consistent with the
distribution of minimum-limiting exposure and burial ages in
such landscapes19,27–29. This trend reflects that glacial erosion is
more efficient in fjords and valleys where the ice is thick enough
to be warm-based and reach the pressure-melting point at the
ice-bedrock interface. The low erosion rates found at inter-fjord
uplands are consistent with the presence of cold-based ice,
which is frozen to the ground and only moves due to internal
deformation, thereby preserving the high-elevation areas30. The
differential erosion has a major influence on the overall evolution
of the landscape and is key to understanding the age of landforms
and their development through the latter half of the Quaternary.
Our analyses further reveal that samples with non-detec-
table TCN inheritance must have total denudation rates
450 m Myr 1(See Supplementary Data 1). The denudation
rates in the fjord troughs (where TCN inheritance is negligible)
are therefore in excess of 50 m Myr 1and potentially one or two
orders of magnitude higher, as reported by previous studies based
on sediment yields31 .
Overall, the denudation rates modelled over the past 1 Myr
support the notion of selective linear erosion along the GrIS
margins as denudation rates drop more than an order of
magnitude with increasing elevation. We cannot exclude
the possibility that the spatial patterns of differential erosion
are somewhat influenced by bedrock erodibility, caused by
for example, variations in bedrock fracture density or orienta-
tion32,33. The linear appearance and the fairly uniform
orientation of the fjords certainly support the notion of a
structural inheritance within these glacially eroded landscapes15.
The low denudation rates at high elevations imply as little as
3–15 m of summit lowering, if extrapolated over the entire
Dye 3
ODP 646
326.5 ±33.4 kyr
305.5 ± 31.2 kyr
73.3 ± 7.4 kyr
54.5 ± 5.3 kyr
21.5 ± 2.1 kyr
60.7 ± 5.8 kyr
35.5 ± 3.5 kyr
71.0 ± 6.8 kyr
104.0±10.1 kyr
25.6 ± 2.5 kyr
93.2 ±9.5 kyr
51.7 ± 4.9 kyr
112.1 ±10.7 kyr
49.0 ± 4.7 kyr
63.0 ± 6.1 kyr
42.6 ± 4.1 kyr 14-GROR-02
25.1 ± 2.4 kyr
55.5 ± 5.3 kyr
50.2 ± 4.9 kyr
85.1 ± 8.2 kyr
91.3 ±9.2 kyr
238.3 ± 24.0 kyr
117.6 ±11.9 kyr
103.9 ±10.4 kyr
33.7 ± 3.3 kyr
83.9 ± 8.4 kyr
42.7 ± 4.2 kyr
73.7 ± 7.3 kyr
81.0 ± 8.1 kyr
53.0 ± 5.2 kyr
52.3 ± 5.2 kyr
64.2 ± 6.4 kyr
43.4 ± 4.3 kyr
52.4 ± 5.2 kyr
152.0 ±15.2 kyr
181.8 ±18.4 kyr
70.0 ± 7.1 kyr
128.7 ±12.9 kyr
37.2 ± 3.7 kyr
26.5 ± 2.7 kyr
25.7 ± 2.6 kyr
33.8 ± 3.3 kyr
23.3 ± 2.3 kyr
22.9 ± 2.2 kyr
87.3 ±8.8 kyr
36.5 ±4.6 kyr
*52.8 ±5.1 kyr
50.1 ±4.8 kyr
34.6 ±3.5 kyr
Figure 1 | Overview maps of sample sites and simple exposure 10Be ages. (a) South Greenland overview with coloured boxes marking the four TCN
sample sites and black circles marking points of pre-LGM Quaternary data5,7,36.(b) Uummannaq area with sample sites containing 10Be and 26Al bedrock
data19. The point marked with an asterisk represents 3 sample sites, which are shown in the top left box. The scale bar is 50 km wide. (c) Sample sites with
10Be and 26Al bedrock data20,24,25 from the Upernavik area. The scale bar is 25 km wide. (d) Sisimiut area, covering samples from two sites; the inter-fjord
site Itilleq26 (red) and samples from the margins of the local ice cap Sukkertoppen20 (yellow). The scale bar is 50 km wide. The data points shown in
(bd) meet the criteria of being applicable to the MCMC model approach, by having simple exposure 10Be ages above 20 kyr and a 26Al/10Be ratio below
7.5. (bd) Simple exposure 10Be ages are calculated using Cronus Version 2.3 (ref. 45) and the Lal (1991)/Stone (2000) scaling scheme40,41. Figure 1 was
created using QGIS software46. All satellite images are from Landsat8, August 2016, courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 8:14199 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14199 | 3
Quaternary period. However, we consider this to be a minimum
estimate, as the patterns and pace of glacial erosion may have
changed systematically over time. Specifically, we envisage that
the erosional contrast between high surfaces and glacial troughs
has grown over time in response to the topographic change, as the
increasing relief around emerging fjords steered more and more
ice into the fjords and away from the inter-fjord uplands, which
furthermore experienced isostatic uplift14. Erosion may therefore
have been more uniformly distributed (that is, faster at high
surfaces and slower in troughs) during the early glaciations and
before the deep fjords were formed. Our MCMC model cannot
capture such transitions, as it assumes that rates of glacial and
interglacial denudation are uniform in time. The MCMC model
does, however, illuminate a robust and systematic elevation-
dependence of denudation rates within the most recent
Glaciation history in West Greenland. The quantification of
denudation rates is tied to an estimate of the most likely exposure
history, defined by the d18O threshold for each sample. The
exposure histories make it possible to calculate the cumulative
sum of exposure time over the alternating ice-free and ice-cov-
ered periods over the past 1 Myr. This cumulative, simulated
exposure/burial history is conceptually more advanced than the
minimum-limiting exposure and burial durations defined by the
simplest pathway to explain a point on the two-isotope diagram
(Fig. 3a), because it takes into account the most likely timing of
ice-free and ice-covered periods based on a proxy for past global
ice volume. For all samples, it is possible to define an exposure-
burial history that is consistent with the measured 10Be and 26Al
data. The proportion of cumulative exposure during the last
1 Myr, defined by the d18O threshold value, varies from o15% to
490%. There is no obvious relationship between the proportion
of cumulative exposure time and elevation, but samples char-
acterized by a relatively low degree of cumulative exposure
(o25%), or by a high degree of cumulative exposure (475%),
tend to derive from sites at high elevations relative to the
surrounding topography (Fig. 3b). As expected, the cumulative
exposure time is closely linked to the 26Al/10Be ratio, with high
26Al/10Be ratios corresponding to high proportions of cumulative
exposure (Fig. 3c). In general, the uncertainties associated with
estimates of cumulative exposure proportions are relatively high,
but they are considerably smaller for samples with a high degree
and, in particular, low degree of exposure. For samples with a low
degree of cumulative exposure, it is only possible to simulate
26Al/10Be ratios as low as the measured ratios if the exposure is
limited to short intervals during the warmest interglacial periods.
It is possible, however, that the low-ratio samples were exposed
for longer periods of time before the last 3–4 glacial cycles, but
such a scenario is beyond the present modelling capability of the
MCMC approach, as it requires non-uniform erosion rates
and/or a time-dependent d18O-threshold level.
The notion of high-elevation surfaces around Uummannaq that
remained free of ice during the LGM and earlier glacial maxima
was born from high 26Al/10Be ratios indistinguishable from the
production ratio of B6.75 (ref. 20). Here, we demonstrate that
the paired nuclide data from Uummannaq and Sukkertoppen
displaying high 26Al/10Be ratios are fully consistent with burial
during glacial maxima, including an LGM ice cover lasting
15–20 kyr (Fig. 3c). Due to the uncertainty on the measured TCN
concentration, it is not possible to firmly establish whether these
high-elevation surfaces were ice covered or ice free during the
LGM and earlier glacial maxima, as ice-free conditions also
remain a possibility for samples with 26Al/10Be ratios indis-
tinguishable from the production ratio. However, the majority
(39 out of 49) of the samples point to all three areas being ice
covered during glacial maxima. On the basis of the cumulative
exposure histories of the samples from Sisimiut, Uummannaq,
and Upernavik, we constrain the most likely exposure-burial
history associated with the waxing-waning GrIS in these three
Only 10Be data
Simple exposure 10Be age (kyr)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Altitude (m a.s.l.)
5 101520253035
Denudation rate (m Myr–1)
Altitude (m a.s.l.)
Figure 2 | Simple exposure 10Be ages and long-term denudation rates as a function of altitude. (a) Simple exposure 10Be ages tend to increase with
elevation. Above a certain threshold (dashed line), all bedrock samples contain a cosmogenic signal inherited from periods before the most recent
glaciation. The grey zone marks the limit used to constrain the timing of the Holocene deglaciation (10–16 kyr) for all sites (see ‘Methods’ section). 10Be
ages are calculated using Cronus Version 2.3 (ref. 45) and the Lal (1991)/Stone (2000) scaling scheme40,41.(b) Total denudation rates over the last 1 Myr
based on application of the MCMC approach to samples with a simple exposure 10Be age above 20 kyr and a 26Al/10Be ratio below 7.5. All three sites in
west Greenland show a clear trend of decreasing denudation rate with increasing elevation. Diamonds represent samples from the same previous studies,
but with information from 10Be only (that is, no 26Al data were available). The rates of denudation associated with these samples have larger uncertainties.
Error bars are defined as the first and third quartiles of the 200,000 iterations per sample.
4NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 8:14199 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14199 |
areas. We first compute the most likely exposure-burial history
for samples with a simple exposure 10Be age above 20 kyr
and 26Al/10Be ratios lower than the production ratio (See
Supplementary Data 1), and we apply Chauvenet’s criterion34
to exclude outliers (for example, samples GU110 and NAG11).
This provides an estimate of the broad-scale behaviour of the
GrIS at Sisimiut, Uummannaq and Upernavik (Fig. 4),
respectively, which on average suggests ice-free conditions for
B55% of the last 1 Myr. On the basis of our analysis of exposure/
burial histories, we propose that the expanding GrIS did not
engulf these areas in west Greenland when Marine Isotope Stage
(MIS) 5e terminated and was succeeded by the subsequent
Weichselian/Wisconsin glacial period. The GrIS appears to have
expanded across these three areas at around the onset of MIS 4
(B72 kyr ago). The average exposure/burial histories, based on
samples with 26Al/10Be ratios indistinguishable from the
production ratio (Fig. 4), suggest that most of the
high-elevation surfaces around Uummannaq were ice free for
almost 90 kyr before the LGM, during which the high surfaces on
average may have been ice covered for B18 kyr. Considerable
spatial variation is indicated by a few sites only experiencing
ice-free conditions during peak interglacial periods (for example,
GU110). However, in light of uncertainties, we advise some care:
the notion of ice advance and retreat occurring everywhere in the
landscape simultaneously is overly simplistic. At some sites, the
exposure-burial histories were possibly further complicated by
partial shielding associated with thin ice covers, meaning that the
TCN production was not completely halted during glacial
periods. The presence of such thin overlying ice covers would
prolong the estimated duration of ice-covered periods, but exert
negligible effect on the estimated erosion rates.
Our results reveal a glaciation history for west Greenland that
is in accordance with the sparse geological evidence available,
which suggests ice-free conditions in the fjord area for the
Holocene, the early Weichselian/Wisconsin, and during MIS 5e
(ref. 2). We find that ice-free periods associated with interglacials
MIS 5e, MIS 11 and MIS 21 stand out in all three areas as longer
than other ice-free intervals. Based on a reconstruction of Arctic
temperatures from a Siberian lake, MIS 11 is considered
significantly warmer than other interglacials35. Therefore, if the
10Be concentration (atoms g–1)
20 40 60 80 100
Altitude (m a.s.l.)
Proportion of cumulative
exposure over 1 Myr (%)
Proportion of cumulative
exposure over 1 Myr (%)
20 40 60 80 100
Figure 3 | Linking nuclide concentrations to exposure history. (a) Plot of 26Al/10Be ratio against 10Be concentration for all samples used in the MCMC-
based quantification of complex exposure histories. The upper black line marks the development of the ratio under constant exposure and the lower black
line marks the end points of an infinite number of different steady-state erosion rate scenarios with constant exposure. Error bars are based on
uncertainties of the 26Al and 10Be concentrations. (b) Sample altitude plotted against percentage of time exposed over the last 1 Myr for each sample.
(c) Plot of 26Al/10Be ratio against percentage of time exposed over the last 1 Myr for each sample. There is a clear correlation between 26Al/10Be ratios and
the percentage of exposure over the last 1Myr based on the MCMC-modelled exposure history. The horizontal dashed line marks the production ratio of
26Al/10Be and the vertical dashed line marks 87% of exposure in 1 Myr, which corresponds to 15kyr of ice cover during the LGM. Error bars are defined as
the first and third quartiles of the 200,000 iterations per sample.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 8:14199 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14199 | 5
interior of southern Greenland was completely deglaciated, as
geological findings suggest7,36, it most likely happened during
MIS 11, which appears to have been both warm and relatively
long-lasting. Our results also indicate that the ice-covered periods
with the longest duration coincide with deposits of marine glacial
debris flows in the Davis Strait5,37 (Fig. 4). Four of these five long-
lasting ice-covered periods, where the ice extent reached the
Greenland shelf, most likely experienced 450 kyr of continuous
ice cover, except for most high-elevation plateau locations that
probably were ice-covered only during glacial maxima (Fig. 4c,
red line).
In summary, we illustrate how multiple paired cosmogenic
nuclides can be used to shed light on the response of the GrIS to
climate change during the last 1 Myr. We constrain the most
likely glaciation histories and differential denudation rates in the
fjord areas of west Greenland, and hereby quantify rates of
lowering associated with various glacial landforms. Our applica-
tion of the MCMC modelling approach to paired cosmogenic
nuclides opens new avenues for quantifying glacial and
interglacial denudation rates, which are essential to understand
long-term landscape evolution and the origin of the glacial
landscape we observe today.
Markov-Chain Monte Carlo inversion approach and model set-up.The novel
MCMC inversion model21 used in this study to quantify past denudation rates and
exposure/burial histories includes four model parameters; the interglacial and
glacial erosion rates (in m Myr 1), as well as the timing of the last deglaciation
(in kyr) and the d18O-threshold level (in %). Application of the d18O-threshold
level to the global benthic marine d18O record23, which is a proxy for changes in
past global ice volume, is used to define the exposure/burial history in the model
simulations, following the idea presented by Stroeven et al.38. The stacked d18O
record is smoothed using a 5-kyr running window so it reflects the major marine
isotope stages (MISs) and sub-stages. The smoothed d18O record thus allows
changes in exposure/burial regimes in the model set-up that are consistent with the
available knowledge of large-scale glacial advances and retreats in Scandinavia30.
The Holocene deglaciation is a free parameter in the model and we apply a set of
wide boundary values, allowing the deglaciation to take place between 10–16 kyr in
all three areas. This is a rather conservative estimate based on bedrock-boulder
pairs from each of the three areas10,19,24–26 and allows considerable variation due
to elevation and distance to present ice margin. The interval of the Holocene
benthic δ18O
(67 °N)
(73 °N)
(71 °N)
5.0 4.4 3.8 3.2
Modeled burial and exposure history
Age (kyr)
diatom productivity
0.5 1
ice margin
Bur Exp Bur Exp Bur Exp
Ice free Ice cover
Figure 4 | Climate and modeled glaciation history in west Greenland throughout the last 1 Myr. (a) The stacked benthic marine d18O record23 is a proxy
for global ice volume and is divided into numbered marine isotope stages (MIS). We determine the exposure history by applying a threshold to this global
climate record. (b) The diatom productivity curve from Lake El’gygytgyn35, which is a temperature proxy based on limnic Arctic data, indicating very warm
conditions during MIS 11. (c) Quantification of the most likely periods of exposure (‘Exp’ and green coloration) and burial by ice cover (‘Bur’ and blue
coloration) based on 39 bedrock samples (black lines) from four sites in the Fjord Area of west Greenland19,20,24–26 (the Sisimiut exposure/burial history
covers the sample sites Itilleq and Sukkertoppen). Red lines mark the glaciation history of samples that only have experienced very short durations of burial
and therefore have 26Al/10Be ratios at or above the production ratio of 6.75. The red lines are based on three samples from Sisimiut and seven samples
from Uummannaq. It is likely that the ice sheet extended to the shelf edge and deposited glacial debris flows during the five most prolonged ice-covered
6NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 8:14199 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14199 |
deglaciation also frames the possible range of d18O-threshold values, which are
allowed to vary between 3.6%and 4.7%. For samples with 26Al/10Be ratios
indistinguishable from the production ratio of ca. 6.75, we expand the d18O
boundary values to 3.6–5.0%, allowing for the possibility of continuous exposure
throughout the last 1 Myr. The glacial and interglacial erosion rates have broad
boundary values of 0.1–1,000 m Myr 1. We used all available paired 26Al/10Be
data for bedrock samples in Greenland with a simple exposure 10Be age above
20 kyr and a 26Al/10Be ratio below 7.5. Ratios above this level are unlikely to form
in any burial and/or exposure scenario and they cannot be simulated based on the
currently known muonic and spallogenic production rates.
We follow the procedure demonstrated by Knudsen et al.21 and compute the
production and decay/erosion of 10Be and 26Al throughout the Quaternary for
different combinations of the model parameters, and compare the results to the
measured concentrations between each simulation. We use a sea level high-latitude
10Be production rate of 4.01 atoms g 1per year and 26Al production rate of 27.07
atoms g 1per year, based on the calibration set by Borchers et al.39 for 10Be and
26Al surface production rates and the Lal (1991)/Stone (2000) scaling scheme40,41
for all 49 samples from the three areas in west Greenland (see Supplementary
Data 1).
The Metropolis-Hastings MCMC technique42,43 is used to map the family of
model parameters that provides the best, weighted least-squares fit to the measured
data. For each sample, we use four ‘random walks’, which start at different places in
the model space, to ensure that the result does not depend on the starting position
of the search through the model space. A burn-in phase of 1,000 iterations is used
to make a crude initial search of the model space, whereas 50,000 iterations and an
acceptance ratio of 0.4 are used in the main MCMC phase, when finding the most
probable scenarios amongst the 4 50,000 iterations. To estimate the model
parameters for each walker, we use the median of the 200,000 simulations, whereas
the associated uncertainties are based on the 25% and 75% quartiles.
Compilation of the model output.As the results obtained with the four different
walkers are very similar, we use the average of all simulations for each sample
(200,000) to estimate the model parameters, which, in turn, makes it possible to
estimate the total denudation rate as well as the exposure/burial history. The
exposure/burial history associated with each sample emerges by applying the
median d18O threshold value (Supplementary Fig. 1) to the global marine benthic
d18O record23, hereby defining periods of exposure and burial as the intervals
below/above this threshold, respectively. Supplementary Fig. 2 shows an example of
the d18O threshold value for one sample. The exhumation history and total
denudation rate over the last 1 Myr are estimated for each sample by integrating
the glacial and interglacial erosion rates (Supplementary Fig. 1) with the burial/
exposure history, and subsequently computing the median exhumation history
based on the 200,000 simulations (example of exhumation history is shown in
Supplementary Fig. 3). The minimum denudation rate of 450 m Myr1
computed for low-lying areas and glacial troughs are based on 25% quartiles from
samples with uncertainties that overlap the timing of the Holocene deglaciation.
We compile the exposure/burial history for each of the three areas (Supplementary
Fig. 4) by taking the average median d18O threshold value of all samples with a
simple exposure 10Be age exceeding 20 kyr. The samples within each area are
additionally grouped into samples with 26Al/10Be ratios below the production ratio
(6.75) and samples with ratios above, or indistinguishable from, 6.75.
Till-cover sensitivity.We test the effect of a till cover during exposure periods,
which would dampen the nuclide production and could cause too-young exposure
ages if not taken into account. To understand how the reduced nuclide production
due to the presence of a till cover with variable thickness affects the estimate of the
denudation rate and d18O-threshold value, we apply the correction factor for till
using equation (1) (ref. 17):
ftill ¼ezrL1ð1Þ
to the nuclide production rates, using a till density of 2,200 kg m 3(ref. 44).
Supplementary Fig. 5a–f shows how four different samples (GU041, GU113,
14-GROR-40 and 13-GROR-70) respond to till with a thickness varying from 0.1 m
to 1.0 m covering the bedrock during 25, 50 or 100% of the ice-free periods. The
samples derive from three different sites and represent different elevations and
landscape settings. The lowermost points in each subplot show the modelled
denudation rate (Supplementary Fig. 5a–c) and d18O-threshold value
(Supplementary Fig. 5d–f) without till cover.
In general, the d18O-threshold value is less affected by till cover than the
denudation rate, but the effect is indistinguishable with regard to both denudation
rate and exposure history (determined by d18O-threshold value) for most of the
samples. Except for one sample, it is only in the most extreme cases of 0.5–1.0 m of
till cover during 100% of the ice-free periods that the results are significantly
affected by the presence of till. The presence of a till cover would result in
denudation rate estimates that are slightly too high and d18O-threshold value
estimates slightly too low, if the till cover is not accounted for. The magnitude of
these effects depends on the duration and thickness of the till cover. In general, till
covers are rarely observed today in the sampled regions, and we do therefore not
expect till cover to present a significant problem when estimating the landscape
history in west Greenland based on TCNs.
Data availability.The authors declare that the main data supporting the findings
of this study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information files.
Extra data are available from the corresponding author on request.
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M.F.K. and N.K.L thank the Villum Foundation’s Young Investigator Programme for
their support. J.D.J. was supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. D.L.E. was
supported by the Danish Council for Independent Research. We thank Lee Corbett and
Arjen Stroeven for highly constructive and helpful reviews.
Author contributions
A.S., N.K.L. and M.F.K. designed the study and A.S. performed the calculations. D.L.E.,
B.H.J. and L.B.L. helped interpreting the results. A.S., N.K.L. and M.F.K. wrote the paper
with contributions from D.L.E. and J.D.J.
Additional information
Supplementary Information accompanies this paper at
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Reprints and permission information is available online at
How to cite this article: Strunk, A. et al. One million years of glaciation and denudation
history in west Greenland. Nat. Commun. 8, 14199 doi: 10.1038/ncomms14199 (2017).
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rThe Author(s) 2017
8NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 8:14199 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14199 |
... Currently available AHe data from the Maniitsoq region do not provide any record of Cenozoic processes that may have affected the (south-)western margin of Greenland, such as Paleogene rifting and break-up 26,42 , incision and erosion leading to formation of planation surfaces during Paleogene-Neogene times 10,11 , or glacial erosion and fjord incision in the Quaternary 43,44 . This lack of record is either because the magnitude of erosion or the thermal effects of these processes were insufficient to affect the AHe system or some of these processes were absent in the study area. ...
... The magnitude of an erosional event potentially leading to the formation of a planation surface was ≤3.5 km. The magnitude of glacial erosion onshore has not exceeded~3.5 km even at the water level of the fjords, where the greatest amount of attrition is expected as documented by cosmogenic isotopes 44 . ...
... This crystalline basement with its peneplain was then buried by Paleozoic (and potentially Mesozoic) sediments, reaching depths of <8 km in some places as constrained by Paleozoic ZHe data and thermal modelling results, and then re-exhumed from below this sedimentary cover during the Mesozoic. Block-faulted crystalline basement with peneplain remnants were then modified by glacial erosion in the Quaternary 43,44 . A Neoproterozoic peneplain finds support in the occurrences of Paleozoic cover sequences that were deposited on low-relief basement further north in Greenland 53 and more generally in the Canadian 54 and Baltic shields 55 . ...
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Passive continental margins (PCMs) represent the interface between the marine and terrestrial realms. However, topographic evolution of PCMs is often difficult to decipher due to paucity of the preserved geological record. Here, we report uranium-thorium-helium ((U-Th)/He) analysis of the Precambrian crystalline basement from southern West Greenland that help constrain the process of rifting between Greenland and North America and contributes to the debate about the West Greenland PCM development. The majority of zircon (U-Th)/He dates (220-580 Ma) imply several kilometres of burial of the basement by Paleozoic (and potentially Mesozoic) sediments. Apatite (U-Th)/He dates (80-230 Ma) record thermal processes associated with extensional tectonism starting in the Late Triassic and passive margin formation in the Early Cretaceous. Our data provide no evidence of thermal activity during Cenozoic times, suggesting that the thermal effects of Paleogene rifting and break-up were negligible and the magnitude of Cenozoic erosion was <3.5 km in the study area.
... This approach has been widely used in formerly glaciated regions of e.g. Greenland (Corbett et al., 2013;Strunk et al., 2017;Andersen et al., 2020) and Scandinavia (Andersen et al., 2018;Knudsen and Egholm, 2018) to successfully assess glacial erosion efficiency and denudation rates. Depleted 26 Al/ 10 Be ratios in many glacial bedrock and erratic samples clearly violate the steady-state assumption due to repeated and extensive burial under thick ice masses with low erosive potential, i.e. cold-based glaciers. ...
... Although glacial shielding is one of the best documented processes to cause 26 Al/ 10 Be-ratio lowering in bedrock of high-latitude, formerly glaciated regions (e.g. Corbett et al., 2013;Strunk et al., 2017;Andersen et al., 2018;2020), it was barely considered when assessing CWD rates from modern stream sediments. In the following, we ...
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Although catchment-wide denudation rates inferred from in situ cosmogenic nuclide concentrations measured in stream sediments has represented a groundbreaking progress in geomorphology over the last three decades, most of these studies rely on 10Be concentrations only. It seems that this current and routine one-nuclide approach to infer catchment-wide denudation rates has somehow overshadowed two key assumptions that are cos-mogenic steady-state and short sediment transit time at the catchment scale. Although a paired-nuclide approach allow testing these assumptions, it is rarely performed on stream sediments and this can become highly problematic in slow-eroding, formerly glaciated contexts. In this study, we thus measure both 10Be and 26Al in stream sediments pertaining to twenty-one rivers draining an entire low mountain range: the Vosges Massif (NE France). The latter exhibits a sharp gradient between its southern and northern part in terms of lithology, morphometry and climate. Moreover, if its northern part remained void of glacial cover during Quaternary cold stages, its southern part was significantly and repeatedly glaciated. We aim to assess the factors that control the denudation of the Vosges Mountains and to quantitatively explore the impact of both repeated glacial cover and storage of glacially derived sediments on 26Al/10 Be ratios, hence cosmogenic (un-)steadiness in modern river samples. Our results first show that elevation, slope, channel steepness and precipitation are primarily organised along a N-S increasing trend. 10 Be-and 26 Al-derived catchment-wide denudation rates accordingly range from 34 ± 1 to 66 ± 2, and 41 ± 3 to 73 ± 7 mm/ka, respectively, in thirteen investigated catchments that are in cosmogenic equilibrium. Lithological contrasts may control the pattern of denudation with a higher erodibility of the sandstone dominated catchment to the north compared to the crystalline-dominated catchments to the south. Our results also show that catchments in strong cosmogenic disequilibrium (26Al/10 Be ratios from 1.4 to 5.2) spatially cluster in the SW part of the Vosges Mountains that was the most intensively glaciated during Quaternary cold stages. If this precludes any conclusion about controlling factors at the whole massif scale, this study is the first to quantify the impact of past glaciations on cosmogenic (un-)steadiness measured in stream sediments. A statistically significant relationship between the degree of depletion of the 26Al/10 Be ratios and the spatial pattern of glaciation is found: the larger the former glacial cover in each catchment, the lower the 26Al/10 Be ratio. Equally important is the significant correlation reported between the degree of depletion of the 26Al/10 Be ratios and the proportion of glacial and fluvio-glacial deposits within each catchment. These two relationships underline the link between cosmogenic unsteadiness in the stream cosmogenic signal and long-lasting and repetitive ice shielding, and complex sediment routing systems in glacial environments, respectively. We thus argue to systematically measure 26Al in complement to 10Be and to test the steady-state assumption when it comes to infer catchment-wide denudation rates from modern stream sediments, especially in slow eroding, formerly glaciated landscapes.
... Such plateaux host modern ice caps that are cold-based and-given the absence of significant erosional landforms or meltwater features on the plateaux-have likely experienced cold-based ice cover throughout much of the Quaternary, either from expanded local ice caps, or cold-based portions of the Greenland ice sheet. This difference in thermal regime is supported by inherited cosmogenic isotope signals on such Greenlandic plateau surfaces (Strunk et al., 2017, Briner et al., 2014. Elsewhere in Greenland, ice drawdown by ice streams in landscapes of selective linear erosion has been invoked as a means of starving peripheral high elevation plateaux of erosive ice (Roberts et al., 2013, Lane et al., 2016, Beel et al., 2016. ...
... The high-elevation autochthonous blockfields are likely to have remained ice-free for much of the Quaternary and/or been periodically covered by thin, non-erosive ice (Strunk et al., 2017). Dual 10 Be/ 26 Al nuclide concentrations from bedrock and erratic samples at 900-500 m a.s.l. in Dove Bugt -south of the study area -highlight slow rates of plateau erosion since 0.6-1.0 ...
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Understanding ice stream dynamics over decadal to millennial timescales is crucial for improving numerical model projections of ice sheet behaviour and future ice loss. In marine‐terminating settings, ice shelves play a critical role in controlling ice‐stream grounding line stability and ice flux to the ocean, but few studies have investigated the terrestrial lateral geomorphological imprint of ice shelves during deglaciation. Here, we document the terrestrial deglacial landsystem of Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier (79N) in Northeast Greenland, following the Last Glacial Maximum, and the margin’s lateral transition to a floating ice shelf. High‐elevation areas are influenced by local ice caps and display autochthonous to allochthonous blockfields that mark the interaction of local ice caps with the ice stream below. A thermal transition from cold‐ to warm‐based ice is denoted by the emplacement of erratics onto allochthonous blockfields. Below ~600 m a.s.l. glacially abraded bedrock surfaces and assemblages of lateral moraines, ‘hummocky’ moraine, fluted terrain, and ice‐contact deltas record the former presence of warm‐based ice and thinning of the grounded ice stream margin through time. In the outer fjord a range of landforms such as ice shelf moraines, dead‐ice topography, and weakly developed ice marginal glaciofluvial outwash was produced by an ice shelf during deglaciation. Along the mid‐ and inner‐fjord areas this ice shelf signal is absent, suggesting ice shelf disintegration prior to grounding line retreat under tidewater conditions. However, below the marine limit, the geomorphological record along the fjord indicates the expansion of the 79N ice shelf during the Neoglacial, which culminated in the Little Ice Age. This was followed by 20th Century recession, with the development of a suite of compressional ice shelf moraines, ice‐marginal fluvioglacial corridors, kame terraces, dead‐ice terrain, and crevasse infill ridges. These mark rapid ice shelf thinning and typify the present‐day ice shelf landsystem in a warming climate.
... Right: 26 Al. situ weathering pits, the lack of glacially moulded surfaces and the presence of autochthonous blockfield this indicates the presence of coldbased ice, or long-term exposure to periglacial conditions, or a mixture of both, with minimal glacial erosion experienced over extended time periods (Rea et al., 1996;Beel et al., 2016;Ballantyne, 2018;Strunk et al., 2017). In Dove Bugt, to the south of the study area, paired Fig. 7. ...
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The Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) is the main artery for ice discharge from the northeast sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) to the North Atlantic. Understanding the past, present and future stability of the NEGIS with respect to atmospheric and oceanic forcing is of global importance as it drains around 17% of the GrIS and has a sea-level equivalent of 1.6 m. This paper reconstructs the deglacial and Holocene history of Nioghalvfjerdsbrae (or 79N Glacier); a major outlet of the NEGIS. At high elevation (>900 m asl) autochthonous blockfield, a lack of glacially moulded bedrock and pre LGM exposure ages point to a complex exposure/burial history extending back over half a million years. However, post Marine Isotope Stage 12, enhanced glacial erosion led to fjord incision and plateaux abandonment. Between 900 and 600 m asl the terrain is largely unmodified by glacial scour but post LGM erratics indicate the advection of cold-based ice through the fjord. In contrast, below ~600 m asl Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden exhibits a geomor-phological signal indicative of a warm-based ice stream operating during the last glacial cycle. Dated ice marginal landforms and terrain along the fjord walls show initial thinning rates were slow between ~23 and 10 ka, but post-10 ka it is evident that Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden deglaciated extremely quickly with complete fjord deglaciation below ~500 m asl between 10.0 and 8.5 ka. Both increasing air and ocean temperatures were pivotal in driving surface lowering and submarine melt during deglaciation, but the final withdrawal of ice through Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden was facilitated by the action of marine ice sheet instability. Our estimates show that thinning and retreat rates reached a maximum of 5.29 ma − 1 and 613 ma − 1 , respectively, as the ice margin withdrew westwards. This would place the Early Holocene disintegration of this outlet of the NEGIS at the upper bounds of contemporary thinning and retreat rates seen both in Greenland and Antarctica. Combined with recent evidence of ice stream shutdown during the Holocene, as well as predictions of changing ice flow dynamics within downstream sections of the NEGIS catchment, this suggests that significant re-organisation of the terminal zone of the ice stream is imminent over the next century.
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We used mapping of bedrock lithology, bedrock fractures, and lake density in Inglefield Land, northwest Greenland, combined with cosmogenic nuclide (10Be and 26Al) measurements in bedrock surfaces, to investigate glacial erosion and the ice-sheet history of the northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet. The pattern of eroded versus weathered bedrock surfaces and other glacial erosion indicators reveal temporally and spatially varying erosion under cold- and warm-based ice. All of the bedrock surfaces that we measured in Inglefield Land contain cosmogenic nuclide inheritance with apparent 10Be ages ranging from 24.9 ± 0.5 to 215.8 ± 7.4 ka. The 26Al/10Be ratios require minimum surface histories of ~150 to 2000 kyr. Because our sample sites span a relatively small area that experienced a similar ice-sheet history, we attribute differences in nuclide concentrations and ratios to varying erosion during the Quaternary. We show that an ice sheet history with ~900 kyr of exposure and ~1800 kyr of ice cover throughout the Quaternary is consistent with the measured nuclide concentrations in most samples when sample-specific subaerial erosion rates are between 0 and 2 x 10-2 mm yr-1 and subglacial erosion rates are between 0 and 2 x 10-3 mm yr-1. These erosion rates help to characterize arctic landscape evolution in crystalline bedrock terrains in areas away from focused ice flow.
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Accurate estimates of past topography are required to reliably reconstruct past ice sheets to infer paleoclimate. For this reason, understanding erosion rates across East Greenland is crucial to constrain landscape evolution driven by tectonics and climate-dependent erosion rates. Here we analyse published apatite fission track (AFT) data to constrain the spatial pattern of AFT bedrock ages across the landscape. We compare these bedrock ages with published detrital distribution to highlight ambiguity in the pattern of erosion. In contrast to earlier work, we regress a simple model of exhumation pace through the bedrock ages such that age can vary both as a function of elevation and position. The resulting iso-age surfaces enable us to determine potential source areas for detrital AFT ages distributions. We find that old ages observed in detrital distributions are just as likely to be sourced from low-elevation locations that are far from the coast, as high elevation locations close to the coast. Additional data from lower temperature systems are thus required to make firm conclusions on landscape evolution in the region and distinguish between the two landscape-forming scenarios.
Erosion beneath glaciers and ice sheets is a fundamental Earth-surface process dictating landscape development, which in turn influences ice-flow dynamics and the climate sensitivity of ice masses. The rate at which subglacial erosion takes place, however, is notoriously difficult to observe because it occurs beneath modern glaciers in a largely inaccessible environment. Here, we present 1) cosmogenic-nuclide measurements from bedrock surfaces with well constrained exposure and burial histories fronting Jakobshavn Isbræ in western Greenland to constrain centennial-scale erosion rates, and 2) a new method combining cosmogenic nuclide measurements in a shallow bedrock core with cosmogenic-nuclide modelling to constrain orbital-scale erosion rates across the same landscape. Twenty-six 10Be measurements in surficial bedrock constrain the erosion rate during historical times to 0.4–0.8 mm yr-1. Seventeen 10Be measurements in a 4-m-long bedrock core corroborate this centennial-scale erosion rate, and reveal that 10Be concentrations below ~2 m depth are greater than what is predicted by an idealized production-rate depth profile. We utilize this excess 10Be at depth to constrain orbital-scale erosion rates at Jakobshavn Isbræ to 0.1–0.3 mm yr-1. The broad similarity between centennial- and orbital-scale erosion rates suggests that subglacial erosion rates have remained relatively uniform throughout the Pleistocene at Jakobshavn Isbræ.
The maximum extent and elevation of the Greenland Ice Sheet in southwestern Greenland during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 26–19.5 ka) is poorly constrained. Yet, the size of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the LGM helps to inform estimates of past ice-sheet sensitivity to climate change and provides benchmarks for ice-sheet modeling. Reconstructions of LGM ice extents vary between an inner continental shelf minimum, a mid-shelf position, and a maximum extent at the shelf break. We use three approaches to resolve LGM ice extent in the Sisimiut sector of southwestern Greenland. First, we explore the likelihood of minimum versus maximum Greenland Ice Sheet reconstructions using existing relative sea-level data. We use an empirical relationship between marine limit elevation and distance to LGM terminus established from other Northern Hemisphere Pleistocene ice sheets as context for interpreting marine limit data in southwestern Greenland. Our analysis supports a maximum regional Greenland Ice Sheet extent to the shelf break during the LGM. Second, we apply a simple 1-D crustal rebound model to simulate relative sea-level curves for contrasting ice-sheet sizes and compare these simulated curves with existing relative sea-level data. The only realistic ice-sheet configuration resulting in relative sea-level model-data fit suggests that the Greenland Ice Sheet terminated at the shelf break during the LGM. Lastly, we constrain the LGM ice-sheet thickness using cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al, and 14C exposure dating from two summit areas, one at 381 m above sea level at the coast, and another at 798 m asl 32 km inland. Twenty-four cosmogenic radionuclide measurements, combined with results of our first two approaches, reveal that our targeted summits were likely ice-covered during the LGM and became deglaciated at ca. 11.6 ka. Inventories of in situ 14C in bedrock at one summit point to a small degree of inherited 14C and suggest that the Greenland Ice Sheet advanced to its maximum late Pleistocene extent at 17.1 ± 2.5 ka. Our results point to a configuration where the southwestern part of the Greenland Ice Sheet reached its maximum LGM extent at the continental shelf break.
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Long-term rates of subaerial and episodic subglacial erosion by predominately cold-based ice cover are determined for tors on weathered plateaus on Cumberland Peninsula. By measuring terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in differentially weathered surfaces on a given tor, we reconstruct the complex exposure and erosion history involving recurring cold-based ice cover. The style and rate of subaerial and subglacial erosion at multiple tor sites on Cumberland Peninsula are assessed with a Monte Carlo approach that computes plausible exposure histories based on a proxy record of global ice volume. Constant subaerial erosion rates by weathering are low (<2 mm ka-1), corroborated by nuclide concentrations measured on two tors located on coastal ridge crests that have likely never been glaciated. Summit plateaus intermittently covered by cold-based ice throughout the Quaternary have experienced episodic subglacial erosion by plucking of fractured bedrock with rates between 1 and 16 mm ka-1. Variation of episodic erosion rates is associated with topographic position of the sampled tors and bedrock fracture density. Most of the tors were last glacially plucked in pre-ultimate glaciations, not during the Wisconsinan glaciation. Furthermore, the new approach provides evidence for the extent of ice coverage during the late Wisconsinan, which is significant if no erratics are available for exposure dating. Despite late Pleistocene intervals of ice cover and glacial plucking, tor-studded landscapes of Cumberland Peninsula are of considerable antiquity.
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Cosmogenic nuclides are typically used to either constrain an exposure age, a burial age, or an erosion rate. Constraining the landscape history and past erosion rates in previously glaciated terrains is, however, notoriously difficult because it involves a large number of unknowns. The potential use of cosmogenic nuclides in landscapes with a complex history of exposure and erosion is therefore often quite limited. Here, we present a novel multi-nuclide approach to study the landscape evolution and past erosion rates in terrains with a complex exposure history, particularly focusing on regions that were repeatedly covered by glaciers or ice sheets during the Quaternary. The approach, based on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique, focuses on mapping the range of landscape histories that are consistent with a given set of measured cosmogenic nuclide concentrations. A fundamental assumption of the model approach is that the exposure history at the site/location can be divided into two distinct regimes: i) interglacial periods characterized by zero shielding due to overlying ice and a uniform interglacial erosion rate, and ii) glacial periods characterized by 100% shielding and a uniform glacial erosion rate. We incorporate the exposure history in the model framework by applying a threshold value to the global marine benthic δ18O record and include the threshold value as a free model parameter, hereby taking into account global changes in climate. However, any available information on the glacial-interglacial history at the sampling location, in particular the timing of the last deglaciation event, is readily incorporated in the model to constrain the inverse problem. Based on the MCMC technique, the model delineates the most likely exposure history, including the glacial and interglacial erosion rates, which, in turn, makes it possible to reconstruct an exhumation history at the site. We apply the model to two landscape scenarios based on synthetic data and two landscape scenarios based on paired 10Be/26Al data from West Greenland, which makes it possible to quantify the denudation rate at these locations. The model framework, which currently incorporates any combination of the following nuclides 10Be, 26Al, 14C, and 21Ne, is highly flexible and can be adapted to many different landscape settings. The model framework may also be used in combination with physics-based landscape evolution models to predict nuclide concentrations at different locations in the landscape. This may help validate the landscape models via comparison to measured nuclide concentrations or to devise new effective sampling strategies.
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Glacial erosion is fundamental to our understanding of the role of Cenozoic-era climate change in the development of topography worldwide, yet the factors that control the rate of erosion by ice remain poorly understood. In many tectonically active mountain ranges, glaciers have been inferred to be highly erosive, and conditions of glaciation are used to explain both the marked relief typical of alpine settings and the limit on mountain heights above the snowline, that is, the glacial buzzsaw. In other high-latitude regions, glacial erosion is presumed to be minimal, where a mantle of cold ice effectively protects landscapes from erosion. Glacial erosion rates are expected to increase with decreasing latitude, owing to the climatic control on basal temperature and the production of meltwater, which promotes glacial sliding, erosion and sediment transfer. This relationship between climate, glacier dynamics and erosion rate is the focus of recent numerical modelling, yet it is qualitative and lacks an empirical database. Here we present a comprehensive data set that permits explicit examination of the factors controlling glacier erosion across climatic regimes. We report contemporary ice fluxes, sliding speeds and erosion rates inferred from sediment yields from 15 outlet glaciers spanning 19 degrees of latitude from Patagonia to the Antarctic Peninsula. Although this broad region has a relatively uniform tectonic and geologic history, the thermal regimes of its glaciers range from temperate to polar. We find that basin-averaged erosion rates vary by three orders of magnitude over this latitudinal transect. Our findings imply that climate and the glacier thermal regime control erosion rates more than do extent of ice cover, ice flux or sliding speeds.
Shallow-water marine sediments of the Kap Kobenhavn Formation at lat 82o30'N, Perry Land, contain an abundance of well-preserved remains of terrestrial vegetation and invertebrate fauna indicative of a mosaic of forest tundra environments having similarities to present conditions in Labrador. The presence of foraminifera faunas, marine molluscs, and 1 mammal species (supported by studies of paleomagnetism and amino acid diagenesis) suggests an age of approx 2 Ma, at the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition. At this time, the arctic tree line was located 2500 km to the N of its present position in the NW Atlantic region, and forest tundra vegetation existed in lowland areas bordering on an Arctic Ocean without perennial sea-ice cover.-Authors
This is the first book to provide a comprehensive and state-of-the-art introduction to the novel and fast-evolving topic of in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides. It presents an accessible introduction to the theoretical foundations, with explanations of relevant concepts starting at a basic level and building in sophistication. It incorporates, and draws on, methodological discussions and advances achieved within the international CRONUS (Cosmic-Ray Produced Nuclide Systematics) networks. Practical aspects such as sampling, analytical methods and data-interpretation are discussed in detail and an essential sampling checklist is provided. The full range of cosmogenic isotopes is covered and a wide spectrum of in-situ applications are described and illustrated with specific and generic examples of exposure dating, burial dating, erosion and uplift rates and process model verification. Graduate students and experienced practitioners will find this book a vital source of information on the background concepts and practical applications in geomorphology, geography, soil-science, and geology.
[1] We present a 5.3- Myr stack ( the " LR04'' stack) of benthic delta(18)O records from 57 globally distributed sites aligned by an automated graphic correlation algorithm. This is the first benthic delta(18)O stack composed of more than three records to extend beyond 850 ka, and we use its improved signal quality to identify 24 new marine isotope stages in the early Pliocene. We also present a new LR04 age model for the Pliocene- Pleistocene derived from tuning the delta(18)O stack to a simple ice model based on 21 June insolation at 65degreesN. Stacked sedimentation rates provide additional age model constraints to prevent overtuning. Despite a conservative tuning strategy, the LR04 benthic stack exhibits significant coherency with insolation in the obliquity band throughout the entire 5.3 Myr and in the precession band for more than half of the record. The LR04 stack contains significantly more variance in benthic delta(18) O than previously published stacks of the late Pleistocene as the result of higher-resolution records, a better alignment technique, and a greater percentage of records from the Atlantic. Finally, the relative phases of the stack's 41- and 23- kyr components suggest that the precession component of delta(18)O from 2.7 - 1.6 Ma is primarily a deep- water temperature signal and that the phase of delta(18)O precession response changed suddenly at 1.6 Ma.
This chapter discusses that identifying the glacial ice sheet margins in Greenland from ground evidence poses a special problem because, except for the youngest period of glaciation, the entire ice margin has stood on the shelf. Therefore, its position has to be often judged from indirect and circumstantial evidence on land, such as the presence or absence of glacial landforms and weathering and their altitudes, and isostatic uplift. It provides the pattern for the interpretation of areas that lack such evidence. Some control on the position and timing of the LGM ice margin is offered by modern glaciological modeling. The chapter also reviews that for the ice-marginal lines three categories of decreasing certainty have been distinguished, which are the presence of (1) both age-evidence and morphological expression, (2) only age or morphological expression, and (3) conceptual, that is, deduced from topography, general shelf bathymetry and comparison with other areas. The expansion of the ice sheet was to a large extent dependant on the drainage capacity of the shelf– its width and size and frequency of cross-shelf troughs. The basic outline of these features are shown on the map, based on the new detailed bathymetric map provided by integrating the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) with the previous Earth-Topography-Five-Minute Gridded Elevation Data Set, and ETOPO5.