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Breeding electric zebras in the
fields of Medicine.
Federico Cabitza*,**, PhD
* Department of Informatics, University of Milano-
Bicocca, Milan, Italy
**IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milan, Italy
A Tale of progress and opportunity
Rob is an excellent and expert radiologist. He is a
physician who can use a wide set of advanced techniques
in medical imaging like X-rays, CT, and MRI examinations
to diagnose patients with many types of illness. Rob is in
his late forties and many believe he will soon become the
head of the radiology department of the hospital: when
he makes a point in a meeting, few would contradict him.
Many colleagues know that they can rely on him for an
informed second opinion in case they have to cope with
a difficult case. Some even believe that he is the most
talented and knowledgeable radiologist of the hospital.
For this job, Rob earns a quite good salary: last year this
was $380,000, which yet is not extraordinary for
radiologists with his expertise; according to the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, that amount is just the median
salary for physicians in his position. That notwithstanding
Rob does not work to get rich. His passion for his job is
genuine. To become such a radiologist, the competition
for Rob had been long and fierce: after the high school,
he had to get accepted for a 4-year university and then
obtain a bachelor’s degree with excellent medical school
grades and very high university scores; then he had to
collect a number of enthusiastic letters of
recommendation on his attitude and competences to
enter a medical school as a resident, where he practiced
general medicine and surgery for one year before
applying for a further 4-year training program in the field.
During this latter program, Rob had to interpret, both day
and night, tens of thousands of imaging studies, while
also counseling patients and communicating and
discussing results with his referring colleagues. Over
© 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-
NC-ND 4.0 license
nd/4.0/. The author shares this contribution as a preliminary and
provisional work-in-progress from which he will extract passages and
excerpts to draft derivative works. If you want to cite this work in any
of yours, please contact the author at: cabitza @
time, his skills became clear and widely recognized at work.
Specialists like neurologists and orthopedists who refer
patient to radiologists for digital imaging examinations
usually disregard the radiologists’ report when they consider
the resulting images: they also know how to read images, do
not want to be influenced in their decisions, and above all, do
not want to reduce the analogical richness of an image to the
discrete rigidity of verbal labels and ordinal categories
reported in the radiological report. However, when the
specialists of the hospital of Rob see that a report has been
signed by him, they usually read it carefully and consider it
Probably also for his reputation, one day Rob was involved in
a reliability study in regard to the early diagnosis of
Tuberculous Meningitis (TBM). This is a serious disease that
usually kills two patients out of three and leaves one patient
out of two with serious neurological consequences. In this
study Rob, and other nine colleagues from several other
hospitals, were supposed to assess a number of CT scans to
assess and classify the entity of Basal Meningeal
Enhancement (BME), that is a classic neuroradiologic
features of TBM
. The results of this study were soon
published and two particular aspects disquieted Rob. The
intra-rater agreement (measured by means of the Fleiss’
kappa statistic) assessed the extent Rob “agreed with
himself” on the same CT scan being shown to him twice at
different times during the day and in a random order with
other control images: it was fair but not too high (0.55), i.e.,
he agreed with himself slightly more than 2 times out of
three. However, the inter-rater agreement, that is the extent
his findings were confirmed by the other colleagues involved
in the study, was even lower (0.35), just half of the times. This
This situation is inspired by the study reported in: Botha, H., Ackerman, C.,
Candy, S., Carr, J. A., Griffith-Richards, S., & Bateman, K. J. (2012). Reliability
and diagnostic performance of CT imaging criteria in the diagnosis of
tuberculous meningitis. PloS one, 7(6), e38982.
Figure 1. A zebra melting into a bar code. Artistic picture by
Nevit Dilmen (2013, CC 0).
result was not a thrashing of the radiologists’ skills and
knowledge. All the contrary, their diagnosis was still
considered accurate as a whole, but showing some
important variability: this could be traced back to a
number of factors, like the reporting surgeon (and
probably Rob was among the best raters), the device
used to display the images, the radiologist’s experience,
and even the work shift (being agreement lower at the
end of intense work shifts or by night). The authors of the
study just commented on this point that the criteria for
BME assessment needed to be standardized and
validated in more thoroughly prospective cohort studies
and that this kind of assessment was worthy of further
Some years later, the management of the hospital where
Rob worked was contacted by an important IT company
that proposed to provide the radiology department with
a novel decision support system, called “Zebra Hunter”
a state-of-the-art machine learning system, in exchange
of the expertise necessary to optimize it and the
availability for hosting a series of experiments on its
accuracy and reliability. However, the Zeb (how it was
dearly called by its designers) was already very good in
detecting anomalies and relevant traits of digital
imaging: its accuracy for TBM cases, for instance, was
90% by means of a complex convolutional neural
network. The management understood that this
partnership could bring positive publicity and accepted
to adopt this system in the idea that it could only improve
the performance and accuracy of the radiological
department. Moreover, it was decided that the Zeb
should be used by radiologists only (and not, for instance
by the neurologists): expert radiologists, like Rob, had to
validate any of the Zeb’s suggestions and decide whether
to integrate them in their reports or not: these reports
should not indicate whether the diagnosis was
performed with the aid of the Zeb or without it. In other
words, nothing should look different at the terminals of
the department, although patients and physicians knew
that the radiologists had an extra oomph for their daily
job. Indeed, Zeb was used extensively and IT designers
and radiologists worked intensively and closely together
since its first deployment: its performance improved very
soon, and its accuracy reached an impressive 98% on
many types of images, while for others it was
nevertheless above 85%: glowing figures that tied the
Unlikely as it may sound, the name for this fictional software is not
based, nor even inspired, by the Imaging analytics platform by Zebra
Medical Vision Inc. All Rights Reserved ( That
notwithstanding, both systems ground on a famous medical saying,
although probably from an opposite viewpoint.
best performances by the humans and that were totally
irrespective of the work load, occasional resource shortages,
the more or less frantic pace of hospital work. And mood
The vignette can stop here. It already inspires us a number of
questions. Some high-level questions are often addressed in
both the Academic and white literature. One question is
whether Zeb and systems like it will be used (and its bills be
paid) more to increase hospital efficiency, prolong continuity
of care, reduce health system costs, or improve care quality
and outcomes. Moreover: are all these objectives positively
correlated, or rather incompatible? Analysts also wonder if
the almost sudden availability in the market of a number of
“super Rob” (or at least, “tireless Rob”) would cause a
reduction of the salaries of expert radiologists like the real
Rob, as well as of the demand by hospitals and hence the
society for this medical role. As in the vignette above, we
could think of the advent of a new medical role, probably
extending the traditional skills of the radiologists, that can
establish and maintain a trustworthy interface between the
intelligent machine, kept as a sort of solitary oracle, and the
rest of the socio-technical environment, that is anyone
wanting to get access to the predictive services. This new
radiologist would be an “information specialist”
, i.e.,
someone who could properly feed in the machine and then
interpret and make sense of its output and still filter and
process it to make this “collaborative” advice be meaningful
for the other physicians, the patients and all of the care
givers. After all, approximately one century ago, this is exactly
how the professional role of the radiologist was established
and empowered: as an interface between the new X-ray
equipment and the rest of the hospital physicians asking for
the new type of consultation
. Moreover, exactly 40 years
ago, Maxmen, an influential psychiatrist and professor at
Columbia University, foresaw and advocated that within
2025 doctors would be substituted by a new “Medic-Machine
for the better provision of healthcare services.
However, we are more interested in subtler and more eerie
questions: for instance, we wonder whether, and how, Zeb
will affect the decisions of the doctors who use it, including
Rob. Maybe Zeb would help novices learn how to interpret
both easy and difficult images; improve the residents’ skills
more quickly also by challenging them with tricky simulations
based on real cases; and teach also expert radiologists how
to solve cases that before its arrival would be too difficult for
Jha, S., & Topol, E. J. (2016). Adapting to artificial intelligence: radiologists
and pathologists as information specialists. JAMA, 316(22), 2353-2354.
Reiser, S. J. (1981). Medicine and the Reign of Technology. Cambridge
University Press.
Maxmen, J. S. (1976). The post-physician era: Medicine in the twenty-first
a fast analysis and require several meetings, or worse yet,
further examinations for the patient. Conversely, Zeb
would perhaps undermine the self-confidence of the
expert radiologists like Rob, after a few times that their
interpretation differ from Zeb’s and this latter proved to
be the correct one. Likewise, it could make the young or
less brilliant radiologists more lazy and dependent on its
recommendations. Thus the main point here is whether
systems like Zeb have the potential to actually deskill or
“spoil” the physicians in the long run. After all, Rob and
colleagues know that they can make mistakes, especially
under time pressure or after 10 hours of work shift, while
Zeb, also thanks to their daily feedback, has become
almost 100% accurate on most kinds of imaging.
Unfortunately, the radiologists know that Zeb will
misclassify (either in terms of false negatives, or false
positives) almost one case every day: they cannot let
down their guard. Zeb is not infallible, but nevertheless
its opinion must be held in very high esteem, just like
Rob’s opinion was, and still is, when he is at its best. More
subtly, we also wonder if doctors will be allowed not to
follow Zeb’s advice. We are not speaking of a legal
limitation, as accountability and responsibility will be at
the human side for a long time still. Rather we are
wondering whether ignoring Zeb will be socially or
professionally blameworthy. Being against Zeb could
seem a sign of obstinacy, arrogance, or presumption:
after all that machine is right almost 98 times out of 100
for many pathologies, and no radiologist could seriously
think to perform better than this. Probably novices and
young radiologists would restrain themselves from
defending their diagnostic hypothesis if different from
the Zeb’s one; but what about the seniors like Rob? Will
using Zeb, and any similar system, either increase or
decrease the number of “zebras”
that doctors will
pursue whenever they hear hoofbeats? After all, Zeb will
mention many alternative explanations all together with
its best recommendation, even those that no radiologist
would ever think of. Furthermore, how will this kind of
decision support change the “political” status of
radiologists like Rob towards the hospital management
and other heads; the reputation-based hierarchical
relationships among radiologists; the trust relationships
between the radiologists and the other specialists; the
tensions and collaborative dynamics between the IT staff
and the physicians? Lastly, can we exclude that doctors
will also use systems like Zeb to practice a stronger and
more surreptitious defensive medicine, that is to choose
Zebras in the medical jargon are the anomalies, the odd signs, the
diseases so rare that most doctors never encounter them in regular
medical practice. This term comes after the aphorism “When you hear
hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras”.
for the most plausible option that defends them against
potential controversies (whereas plausibility is estimated by
the machine), or worse yet, to make Zeb a scapegoat to
indulge in excusing both personal and teamwork failures (i.e.,
those related to collaboration and communication failures)?
We acknowledge and purport the open nature of these
questions, as well as of any related question that any
ethically engaged designer of medical technology should
address. That notwithstanding, we will try to address some
of them in the next sections.
Explaining Machine Learning in the Ward
It does not sound inappropriate to state that “data-intensive
approaches to medicine based on predictive modeling”
what we will denote in what follows simply as Machine
Learning (ML) has come to medicine to stay. However, the
inquiring medical doctor could rightly ask, to go beyond –or
better yet, behind - common buzzwords: what's machine
learning? Put in very short terms, it's about learning by
machines. The medical doctor could then urge: why the hell
machines should learn? As it is clear to any computer science
freshmen as well as experienced programmer, programming
a machine, that is writing sets of instructions to have the
machine do what we want, is a difficult, often frustrating and
time-consuming task, which is also prone to many errors:
thus, as noted by Mitchell
, ever since the first computers
were built, programmers wondered whether they might be
made to learn by themselves, that is to improve
automatically with experience. On the other hand, the idea
that machines can learn is not that weird if one purposely sets
aside the common notion that relates learning to knowing to
adopt the viewpoint that relates learning to the
improvement of performance. Research on machine learning
then tells nothing about how people learn, but rather how
machines can improve their performance over time. If this
answer did not satisfy the medical doctor above (and she
would not be entirely wrong), maybe further motivation
could come from answering another related question: what
can machines learn? In this case the short answer would be:
the hidden structure binding data together (and probably so
the related aspects of the reality that data represent).
Discovering and making this structure explicit would be
extremely difficult on the basis of formal logic, symbolic
reasoning and mathematical modelling, which are all
techniques that have been mastered by humans for
centuries. On the contrary, a number of computational
algorithms have recently proved to be very effective in
Neff, G. (2013). Why big data won't cure us. Big data, 1(3), 117-123.
Mitchell, T. M. (1997). Machine learning. 1997. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw
Hill, 45, 37.
detecting correlations and functional relationship among
data, especially when these data are “big”. The next
question would follow naturally in the mind of the
curious doctor: but how can a machine actually learn this
hidden structure? Answering this question would entail
some more explanations, as it regards the very idea of
learning that is considered in the expression “machine
learning” and how this idea and the related techniques
can help medical doctors practice medicine and health
Thus, put in general terms, any machine (and in fact any
system, be it a software program or a human student), is
said to learn in regard to a task T from experience E if,
given a performance metrics P (also called objective
function or scoring function), the latter’s scores
“improve” over time in carrying out T. A common
example of P is counting the number of errors done over
the number of attempts, whereas the system is said to
learn from experience if P decreases over time. A
Machine Learning (ML) approach just automatizes this
process, which is called learning in this specific ambit, so
that a machine, most of the times a software program,
can play this game by itself, and improve its performance.
A sound ML approach regards the optimization of a
decision model and doing this requires the definition of
these three things: the task (to learn), T; the experience
(to learn from), E; and how to evaluate the model, P: just
a PET (remember this for later). Similarly, Domingos
(2012) summarizes ML problems as the “combination of
just three components”: representation (basically of T
and E); evaluation (i.e., computing P over a
representation of T to see if it is good enough for some
practical aim); and optimization (of the representation of
T to achieve a better-scoring P). In traditional ML
techniques applied to medicine, the task T is usually
medical classification (usually applied to prognosis, but
also to diagnosis and treatment choice increasingly), and
the experience E is a set of cases already classified by
human experts. From a computational perspective yet,
the task T is usually tantamount to the production (or
selection) of one value, y, (be this either a nominal class
or a number) from a set of possible values (Y), given an x
Barr, A. (2015) Google Mistakenly Tags Black People as ‘Gorillas,’
Showing Limits of Algorithms. The Wall Street Journal. Accessed on 01/11/2017
Datta, A., Tschantz, M. C., & Datta, A. (2015). Automated
experiments on ad privacy settings. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing
Technologies, 2015(1), 92-112.
Ash, J. S., Berg, M., & Coiera, E. (2004). Some unintended
consequences of information technology in health care: the nature of
from an n-dimensional domain X. In other words, T can be
represented as a functional mapping from X, the data we
possess, to Y, the data we want to predict or infer from X, i.e.,
a function f so that y = f(x). This mathematical way to see the
completion of a task should not look odd to a layman, neither
to a medical doctor. This is is just a general way to see both
classification and regression tasks, for instance, the diagnosis
of a medical case or the prediction of a lab exam result.
Computer scientists like to use a functional representation
whenever a task can be formulated in terms of the
association of either a category or a number (the ‘y’) with a
set of data (the coordinates of a point ‘x’, that describe or
represent a case on a multidimensional space of attributes or
features). ML techniques aim to approximate this function f
by inducting hypothetical functions (a set of f', or the
hypothesis space) from a limited set of mappings (yi=f(xi)) by
improving the score of an evaluation function P applied to a
f'. The set of mappings is what we above called experience E
(also training experience), that is the “knowledge” that it is
available in regard to the task at hand. ML algorithms
(learners) are said to learn the underlying structure binding
together X and Y, that is the “real” function f. Now, computer
scientists usually are concerned with the increasing and
efficient optimization of the classifiers/predictors, that is the
f’, modelling the above structure.
The Unintended Consequences of Machine Learning in
So far so good. In the third and last part of this work-in-
progress we want to focus on the potential unintended
consequences of using ML in support of medical practice.
However, we will not consider the consequences of mistakes
by ML algorithms like those that recently hit the headlines for
patent discrimination based on either race
or gender
Rather, we want to focus on the unintended consequences of
ML at its best, when its accuracy in automatic classification is
considered at least acceptable or even comparable to (if not
even higher than) that of human practitioners. This kind of
exercise is not completely new: A comprehensive framework
of Unintended Consequences (UC) was developed by Ash
almost ten years ago
in regard to health IT and then also
applied to computerized order entry
. We believe that many
patient care information system-related errors. Journal of the American
Medical Informatics Association, 11(2), 104-112.
Campbell, E. M., Sittig, D. F., Ash, J. S., Guappone, K. P., & Dykstra, R. H.
(2006). Types of unintended consequences related to computerized
provider order entry. Journal of the American Medical Informatics
Association, 13(5), 547-556.
Ash, J. S., Sittig, D. F., Poon, E. G., Guappone, K., Campbell, E., & Dykstra, R.
H. (2007). The extent and importance of unintended consequences related
to computerized provider order entry. Journal of the American Medical
Informatics Association, 14(4), 415-423.Ash, Joan S., Dean F. Sittig, Richard
of the types of unintended consequences considered in
that framework could also be related to accurate (and we
emphasize accurate) ML-driven decision support systems
(MLDSS), especially: “untoward changes in
communication patterns and practices; negative
emotions; generation of new kinds of errors; unexpected
changes in the power structure; and overdependence on
the technology”. That notwithstanding, here we want to
introduce some potential ailments that are more peculiar
of the extensive use of MLDSS, like: empirical anopsia
and conversational hypoacousia, which both regard the
representation of the available Experience (E) and the
input of the MLDSS; probabilistic tinnitus, which regards
the representation of the outcome of the task (T) and
hence the output of the MLDSS; epistemic sclerosis,
which regards the representation of the performance of
the task itself; metric paroxysm, that regards the very
way performance is assessed (that is, P); and lastly,
semiotic desensitization, judgemental atrophy and
oracular rush which derive from relying too much on the
“accurate” output of the MLDSS and its effect on the
interpretative work of medical doctors. Many of these
problems are related to a common cause: overreliance.
This in its turn comes from an excess of trust in the power
of ML models and the DSS based on these latter models.
This trust is stoked, on one hand, by the biases that
dubbed “pro-innovation” and “human
substitution”: that is believing that a new technology is
inherently better than anything already in use and that,
once a task has been automated, the automating
technology must be as good as, or even better than, any
human involved in that task. On the other hand, this trust
is influenced by any kind of literature, both white and
academic, reporting very high accuracy rates for the
latest ML implementations in healthcare, ranging from
80% to 99% [RIF]. This has spread a sort of metric
paroxysm, that is an ill-grounded trust in numeric
measures of the performance of ML-based classifiers.
While the most wide spread metrics of such a
performance, that is accuracy (i.e., error rate), is
probably also the most deceptive one (cf. the accuracy
Dykstra, Emily Campbell, and Kenneth Guappone. "The unintended
consequences of computerized provider order entry: findings from a
mixed methods exploration." International journal of medical
informatics 78 (2009): S69-S76.
Harrison, M. I., Koppel, R., & Bar-Lev, S. (2007). Unintended
consequences of information technologies in health care—an
interactive sociotechnical analysis. Journal of the American medical
informatics Association, 14(5), 542-549.
Greenhalgh, T. (2013). Five biases of new technologies. Br J Gen
Pract, 63(613), 425-425.
Valverde-Albacete, F. J., & Peláez-Moreno, C. (2014). 100%
classification accuracy considered harmful: The normalized
), the specialist literature is still looking for the best
concise way to express a classifier quality and compare
classifiers: specificity, sensitivity, precision, the F-score (that
is the harmonic mean of sensitivity and precision), the
Youden index, the diagnostic OR/DOR, the Area Under the
ROC curve (AUC), just to mention the most common ones.
Still too many ways to shoot at a moving target. However, as
noted by Kuhn and Johnson
the value of a ML model
emerges more from a complex trade-off between its
accuracy and its explainability, which must be evaluated
qualitatively, rather than by means of a single figure. But
even more radically than this, the quality of a medical DSS
should be probably traced back to the improvement of
outcome and, to guarantee this on the long run, satisfaction
and ease of the decision makers (i.e, the medical doctors).
Paradoxically less accurate MLDSS could be better, in terms
of impact on outcome, than the mostly accurate ones, e.g.,
because the former ones do not undermine the doctors’ self-
confidence or disrupt consolidated team practices (more on
this later). Value is to be found in the ratio between benefits
(for patients, doctors, and hospital managers, either tangible
and intangible ones) and costs, the economic, the cognitive
and the failure-related ones. In this light, even simple and
common measures of technical accuracy, like sensitivity and
specificity, must be taken with caution and possibly seen
beyond their mere numeric value to be considered for what
they actually mean in situated and embodied clinical
practice: e.g., by considering the extent false negative rates
reassure human diagnosticians about their indispensability;
false positive rates makes them increasingly mistrustful (and
hence willing to quit using the system or disuses it, even if it
brings value); and low error rates make them increasingly
reliant on the allegedly accurate aid. In particular,
Parasuraman and Riley
observed how overreliance on (any)
technology can lead to either its misuse or abuse. Abuse is
use irrespective of the stunning lack of evidence base for the
efficacy and cost effectiveness of DSS in the Dickensian
where medical doctors work on a daily basis, that is
the repression of the clues that should instead make people
wary of the actual capability of technology to really improve
outcome, a subtype of overreliance that could be called
information transfer factor explains the accuracy paradox. PloS one, 9(1),
Kuhn, M., & Johnson, K. (2013). Applied predictive modeling (pp. 389-
400). New York: Springer.
Parasuraman, R., & Riley, V. (1997). Humans and automation: Use,
misuse, disuse, abuse. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors
and Ergonomics Society, 39(2), 230-253.
Coiera, E. Evidence-based health
informatics/ Accessed on the 06/01/2017.
overconfidence. However, since prediction for either the
better or the worse is always difficult, (especially about
the future, as ironically noted by Niels Bohr), a more
blameworthy attitude seems another type of
overreliance, i.e., overdependance, or misuse. This is the
use of the technology beyond actual needs, just because
it’s either more handy, faster or just more convenient. In
so doing, users can end up by forgetting any contingency
plan, that is any alternative system that could substitute
the automated one whenever this fails, is interrupted or
breaks down. Even worse, misuse can weaken the skills
(or deskill
) of misusers that are related to the
automated function in the long run. In particular, we call
judgemental atrophy the progressive process of
deskilling of medical doctors in regard to the ability to
arrive to a sound conclusion and knowledgeable opinion
by following a process of observation, reflection and
analysis of observable signs and available data. We refer
to judgement, because this ailment does not regard only,
nor primarily, a cognitive impairment regarding
knowledge and medical competence, but more subtly a
lack of self-confidence, an enervation of the will to take
a stance and also, sometimes, even some risk. Thus, this
UC regards the side effect of any interference of MLDSS
on the very content or timing of the process of decision
making, be this either individual or collective in case of
medical teams, about a clinical case. It is difficult to
envision how this class of new DSS will affect the
physicians’ self-confidence, hierarchical power
relationships or the relationship with patients. That
notwithstanding, we can inspect this broad phenomenon
in some more details by distinguishing between empirical
anopsia, conversational hypoacousia and probabilistic
tinnitus: the former two regard the input, the latter one
the output of the models yielded by ML computing. In
particular, empirical anopsia and conversational
hypoacousia are sensory defects of the doctors that
come up by “overemphasizing structured and
data entry and information retrieval with
respect to a more holistic assessment of the patient’s
conditions. Let’s see each of these potential
shortcomings in some more details. Empirical anopsia
is a consequence of overrelying on the available data as
a trustful representations of the clinical phenomena the
data relate to. While it is undisputed that any sensor,
including the human eye, is sensitive to only a limited
amount of the perceivable stimuli, and rightly so
Carr, N. (2015). The glass cage: Where automation is taking us.
Random House.
Ash et al. (2004). Op. Cit.
depending on what it is considered relevant to take a certain
course of action, empirical anopsia occurs when there is a
lack of awareness of the essential arbitrariness of the aspects
that any data structure and its values depict of a real and
continuous phenomenon, as well as of those elements of this
phenomenon that any of its representations amplifies,
conceals or, worse yet (necessarily), distorts. It is the partial
“blindness” of considering not only the available data but any
possible data as a sufficient “proxy” and substitute of the
phenomenon that these are supposed to render into a
discrete (often either numerical or codified), transportable
(mobile) and immutable form
If empirical anopsia regards the intrinsic and -to some extent-
unavoidable inadequacy of the representation of medical
cases (broadly speaking), that is of the knowledge base that
constitutes the “training experience” (E) on which machine
learning algorithms rely on to build progressively accurate
classifying and predictive models, probabilistic tinnitus is a
more specific condition. It regards the output of these
classifiers and predictors. As widely known, tinnitus is the
perception of a ringing noise in the ears that affects the
perception of external sounds. This noise can be either low
pitched or high pitched: in the former case we can speak of
low-frequency tinnitus, while in the latter case we can speak
of this disorder as acting as a sort of high-pass filter that
attenuates or eliminates the perception of sounds with
frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency. Speaking out of
metaphors, this condition represents the potential harmful
consequences of two typical ways to present ML results, that
is either as clear-cut categories or sharp numerical values
(e.g., normal/pathologic, diagnosis A/diagnosis B), or with a
ranking of possible resulting classes or values expressed in
probabilistic terms (e.g., diagnosis A 78%, diagnosis B 10%).
Likewise, probabilistic tinnitus is a disease coming in two
variants: when results are displayed in the ranking form there
is low-frequency tinnitus in that low-probability conditions,
i.e., the sound of improbable but yet possible the zebras, can
affect the perception of the hoofbeats of the more plausible
horses, and hence prejudice the interpretation of medical
doctors in also considering what, without the DSS, they
would have never thought of (thus leading to possible
overprescription of unnecessary diagnostic examinations);
on the other hand, when results are presented in terms of
clear-cut categories, high-pass probabilistic tinnitus can
occur, as higher probability diagnoses simply end up by
hiding a whole spectrum of less probable but yet possible
options, thus leading to a form of over-simplification of
Anopsia is a medical term that indicates any defect in the visual field,
from enlarged blind spot to colour vision deficiencies.
Latour, B. (1986). Visualization and cognition. Knowledge and society,
6(1), 1-40.
complex cases that could nevertheless present some
important comorbidity. Conversational hypoacousia also
regards the representation of the case but, as the
reference to the hearing hints at, this ailment relates
closely to the patient-doctor relationship: it regards the
fact that doctors using an ML DSS could be even less
interested (than commonly assumed [RIF]) in the
discursive element of the symptom reporting by the
patient, its proxemic dimension, as well as the narrative
one, as all of these elements are the less suitable ones to
be fed into the DSS and usually not as much useful to
enable accurate ML-based processing as structured data,
codes, and numeric measures instead are. This problem
closely relates to the following one.
Semiotic desensitization. With this expression we call the
progressive decrease of responsiveness and sensitivity of
physicians with respect to the material, bodily, analog
and continuous signs of the patient who stands in front
of them, in favor of the discrete data proposed by
electronic patient records, registries and decision
support tools. These data are the measured and digitized
(that is, often numerical but also categorical)
counterparts of the patient’s signs, which are produced
by any kind of automated probe, sensor and device.
Therefore, semiotic desensitization is a consequence of
the “quantified patient”
. This tantalizing
representation of the patient, seen as a set of features, is
just the “big” amount of data that it is necessary to make
machine learning tools increasingly accurate and reliable;
that is to make systems like the DSS the optimal
intermediary between the actual body of the patient who
turns to doctors for help and care, and the required
decisions that doctors have to make on how to intervene
on that body to solve the patient’s problems. Oracular
rush regards the attitude by which doctors could tend to
consult the machine as soon as they can, after collecting
few elements of the anamnesis and of the physical
examination, and sooner than a more conservative
approach, known as “wait and see” would suggest to wait
for clearer signs and confirmed diagnosis. This could lead
to overdiagnosis and overtesting, which it is known bring
negative consequences on the patient wellbeing [RIF].
Lastly, but perhaps the most subtly dangerous
consequence: Epistemic sclerosis
. This is a specific risk
related to the application of machine learning to human
Smith, G. J., & Vonthethoff, B. (2016). Health by numbers?
Exploring the practice and experience of datafied health. Health
Sociology Review, 1-16.
In pathology as well as in botany, a sclerosis is a hardening of a
tissue, usually by thickening or lignification.
classification: as said above, these are techniques of
supervised classification that “learn” the underlying structure
that binds the above mentioned empirical data (i.e., features)
to their categorical interpretation (predetermined classes).
This operation is aimed at representing what we can know
about these things, their functional relation and apply this
(optimized) knowledge to new observations. Epistemic
sclerosis occurs whenever this simple operation risks to
freeze the always-to-some-extent arbitrary, unreliable, and
idiosyncratic mapping between the sign-data dyad and the
right class identified by one (or few) observers. These latter
observers, as widely known but often overlooked in the
Academic literature, many times just do not agree with each
other, and sometimes even with themselves: this is the
known case of both inter- and intra-rater reliability, or
observer variability. Often in the medical literature variability
is not considered a problem at all, as long as clinicians achieve
an agreement and solve opinion conflicts. However, as
pointed out by
, to decide what the “true” category is on a
majority basis cannot be appropriate if raters are few;
moreover, doing it on a consensus basis is not entirely free of
risks, both in case consensus is achieved after open discussion
or by anonymous voting. Researchers should consider if
observer variability is not related to an intrinsic ambiguity of
the phenomena observed, rather than to an interpretative
deficiency. However, the impact of observer variability on ML
cannot be overestimated. Indeed, a ML approach risk to
freeze into the decision model two serious and often
neglected biases: selection bias, occurring when training data
(the above experience E) are not fully representative of the
natural case variety due to sampling and sample size; and
classification bias, occurring when the single categories
associated by the raters to the training data oversimplify
borderline cases (i.e., cases for which the observers do not
agree, or could not reach an agreement), or when the raters
misclassify the cases (for any reason). In both cases, the
decision model would surreptitiously embed biases, mistakes
and discriminations and, worse yet, even reiterate and
reinforce them on the new cases processed. If ML specialists
were more aware of this, they could become more wary of
classifications where the original data present relevant inter-
or intra-rater disagreements. In those cases, MLDSS designers
could explore the opportunity to transform dichotomous
values into a multi-class range of four values: a 1/0 domain
(e.g., pathological vs. normal) could be transformed into one
including the following values: 1, 0, 1-and-0 and even a “mu”
Svensson, C. M., Hübler, R., & Figge, M. T. (2015). Automated
Classification of Circulating Tumor Cells and the Impact of Interobsever
Variability on Classifier Training and Performance. Journal of immunology
research, 2015.
"Mu" may be used similarly to "N/A" or "not applicable," following the
popular interpretation by Robert Pirsig and Douglas Hofstadter of the
value. The former case could be used when an even
number of raters could choose one option instead of the
other; the latter could be used whenever clinicians
recognized cases that are really borderline and that could
not be settled on the basis of a majority-based consensus.
What ML specialists often ignore is that many times
physicians reach diagnosis on a “best guess” basis and
likely according to elements that either are not
represented properly in the available data nor
represented at all. Thus the mapping between training
experience (E) is fraught with an uncertainty that current
ML algorithms just do not address. Thus, accepting that
reality can be difficult if not impossible to be classified can
be key when a black-box model of ML risks to freeze a
forcedly orderly association between data and their
“standard” interpretation and make doctors more careful
in their judicious decisions. In regard to the black-boxness
of ML models, this is often considered the problem of the
use of ML in DS. It is argued that MLDSS should not be
evaluated only in terms of accuracy (i.e., error rates), but
also in terms of interpretability, in primis by the doctor
enacting the decision. This latter dimension is much
harder to assess, and various synonyms have been
proposed: explainability, intelligibility, transparency,
. Ironically enough, the more the
models take biological-inspired names (e.g., random
forests, neural networks), the less understandable the
, not only for doctors and laymen, in general,
but also for the engineers themselves. The point is not
that MLDSS do not give explanations for their
suggestions: after all these explanations could be either
selected from a predefined set or composed ad-hoc by a
further automatic mapping. The problem rather lies in the
impossibility for the doctor to “open” the black box and
uderstand why certain classes should be associated to
certain patient features, let alone “try” himself (like in a
sort of simulation) the mapping between a case and the
most appropriate decision instead of having to rely on
blind faith. Paradoxically, what in a human context could
be said to relate to creativity, ingenuity and intuitivity
in a MLDSS context could be seen as a problem of opacity
and, worse yet, ill-grounded trust, i.e., trust on the
capabilities of an actual “Clever Hans horse”
, rather
than on a reliable decision companion. Overfitting models
famous Zen Buddhism koan whenever categorical thinking is
considered to be an unnecessary stretch or even a delusion. To this
respect we also recall the famous Tao Te Ching saying: "The five
colors [that is thinking of colors in terms of only five linguistic
categories] make man's eyes blind" (cf. Lecture on Zen by Alan Watts)
Lipton, Z. C. (2016). The mythos of model interpretability. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1606.03490.
Carstensen, J. (2016) Is Artificial Intelligence Permanently
Inscrutable? Despite new biology-like tools, some insist interpretation
(that is models very well trained on a sample of all possible
data that yet do not properly represent the whole population)
could be “horses” that are much better in getting their carrot
than helping their master do math.
Obviously the risky consequences mentioned above should
not be taken as disjoint categories and indeed we see them
as strongly correlated and mutually affecting, leading to
known phenomena like overdiagnosis, overtesting and
overprescription, but also distreatment (i.e., avoiding risky
treatments for a sort of defensive medicine) and obviously
misdiagnosing (mistaking the diagnosis before contrary
evidence). We conjecture that many times their coexistence
can let even paradoxical phenomena emerge. For instance
very accurate MLDSSs could, in the long term, deskill those
who are supposed to maintain, and update them. Deskilling
could negatively affect their ability to interpret and classify
new images (cf. semiotic desensitization) that regular
maintenance would require to feed into the systems as
training data to increase their accuracy. The paradox lies in
the fact that these systems that undermine the skills of their
janitors could become less and less accurate over time,
although fewer and fewer people could recognize this by that
Those risks can be considered typical of a new generation of
accurate decision support systems, as they are related to
their very essence: DSS are systems designed to help doctors
take decisions, that is make up their mind by “cutting off”
(quite literally) the unlikely and inappropriate options, so that
the best ones remain and can be selected and executed.
These systems are then aids of optimal option selection,
among the alternatives that have been predefined in some
theoretical model, according to more or less explicit data-
driven conditions. Here suffice to hint at the idea that
adopting a “choice support system”, rather than a DSS, would
entail a completely different mindset: whereas choice
denotes “the right, power, or opportunity to choose”, such a
system would be aimed at helping physicians have a
perception of what the right or wrong choice may be,
pondering the odds and risks, being free to choose what, to
the best of her knowledge and beliefs, she deems better for
is impossible.
artificial-intelligence-permanently-inscrutable. Accessed 01/26/2017.
Archived at
after all doctors are not supposed, or maybe just should not always be
supposed, to say why they feel that a certain decision is more appropriate.
B. L. Sturm, “A simple method to determine if a music information
retrieval system is a 'horse',” IEEE Trans. Multimedia 16(6):1636–1644,
personal communication with Mireille Hildebrandt, 2016.
the patient at hand, according to the latter’s needs and
As noted by Neff (2013, cit.), the biggest challenge for the
use of ML in health care is social, not technical. The
challenge is still to understand how people, both patients
and providers, will actually embed automated
classifications and prediction into practice. In this light,
to consider the potential consequences of machine
learning like fanciful diseases is not just a way to dispel
with irony the odds of their occurrence. More than that,
it is a metaphoric way to suggest that, like with biological
disease, we can produce the necessary antibodies to
fight these potential shortcomings related to the
application of new predictive technologies to medicine,
and that prevention, based on better knowledge and
awareness, is far better than cure. Thus, far from being a
Cassandra’s exercise, or worse yet, of any neo-luddite,
the research on the unintended consequences of any
technology adoption finds its most natural justification
on the raising of awareness by a larger portion of its
prospective users and a better sensitivity on the
connected nature of sociotechnical settings: that is the
awareness that if you change something, even a small
thing in a process, unexpected and uncontrolled changes
can spread to elements that one could not suspect to be
connected together: this seems particularly true
especially in those settings where technology can act as
a third actor coming between doctors and patients
thus affecting the quality and function of this
relationships between humans. We believe that the
prudent attitude of a UC research can reduce the odds of
the negative consequences. If these latter ones, right in
virtue of their unexpectedness, occur all our efforts
notwithstanding, UC research can help us manage them
and reduce their impact.
In addition to a prevident attitude, UC research can also
inspire a different approach to health IT design. Inspired
by this approach, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of
some tentative (technological) antidote. In particular, we
are investigating if visualization tools
that provide
doctors with alternative, visual, number-less (i.e.,
analogical) representations of the patient’s conditions
and perceptions, illness evolution and treatment risks
(see Figure 2) could support their choices and also get
them more wary of the validity of clear-cut categories
Swinglehurst, D., Roberts, C., & Greenhalgh, T. (2011). Opening up
the 'black box' of the electronic patient record: A linguistic
ethnographic study in general practice. Communication & medicine,
8(1), 3.
Cabitza, F., Locoro, A., Fogli, D., & Giacomin, M. (2016). Valuable
Visualization of Healthcare Information: From the Quantified Self Data
and quantitative numbers. In so doing, we also aim to
reinforce the idea that medical practice is primarily still an
“art and science of the signs”.
Exactly two hundred years ago, Lander-Beauvais
and proposed to his colleagues this vision of what medicine
should be. Now we are wondering if it is important to
preserve such a vision, in this age in which machines learn
how to datafy medical signs better and faster than any
brilliant student in a Medical School, actually can learn to
interpret them.
The author is deeply grateful to Raffaele Rasoini, MD
cardiologist, and Prof. Giuseppe Banfi, scientific director of
IRCCS Galeazzi, for the fruitful talks and conversations on the
relationship between medicine and ML technology.
to Conversations. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference
on Advanced Visual Interfaces (pp. 376-380). ACM.
Landré-Beauvais AJ (1818). Séméiotique, ou traité des signes des
maladies. Paris: J.A. Brosson
Figure 2: Examples of choice-aiding visualizations: (from top left,
in clockwise direction) a rhesiogram, that is a graphical
representation of how basic emotions (like anger, fear, trust,
sadness and joy) unfold in the patient’s writings; a picture to
render the risk associated with blood pressure (from; a parallel coordinate diagram showing
multivariate patient attributes.