... Thus far, politicians' personality traits have typically been studied via actual politicians' self-assessments (e.g., Best, 2011;Caprara, Barbaranelli, Consiglio, Picconi, & Zimbardo, 2003;Dietrich, Lasley, Mondak, Remmel, & Turner, 2012;Hanania, 2017;Joly, Soroka, & Loewen, 2019;Nørgaard & Klemmensen, 2019;Schumacher & Zettler, 2019), expert ratings (e.g., Constantini & Craik, 1980;Lilienfeld et al., 2012;Nai, 2019;Rubenzer, Faschingbauer, & Ones, 2000;Visser, Book, & Volk, 2017), voters' ratings (e.g., De Vries & Van Prooijen, 2019Wright & Tomlinson, 2018), or speech and statement analyses (e.g., Winter, Hermann, Weintraub, & Walker, 1991). This research, which was conducted in different countries, unequivocally finds that politicians in office score on average higher than the normal population on the traits of extraversion and emotional stability (Best, 2011;Caprara & Vecchione, 2017, p. 220;Hanania, 2017;Nørgaard & Klemmensen, 2019;Weinberg, 2011, p. 139), but also on honestyhumility (Schumacher & Zettler, 2019). However, the latter finding may carry socially desirable content and disagrees with voters' perceptions that often suggest greater narcissism in politicians, i.e., being low on honesty-humility (e.g., De Vries & Van Prooijen, 2019). ...