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Treibhaus Berlin: Worin besteht das Anregungspotenzial der „Creative City“ für das Entwickeln von innovativen Schulkulturen? Eine erste Skizze zu einem Forschungsprojekt im Aufbau



Inspiriert durch die Lektüre von Walter Benjamins Pariser Passagenwerk und Alfred Kerrs Berliner Tagebüchern und Briefen, ebenso angeregt durch die anwachsende Literatur zur Creative City in den Sozialwissenschaften begann Dr. Bröcher im Oktober 2015 mit ausgedehnten Feldstudien in Berlin. Das treibende Erkenntnisinteresse war und ist dabei ein pädagogisches und richtet sich auf das Entwickeln von innovativen Schulkulturen. Dazu mietet/e er sich, jeweils für mehrere Tage, über Airbnb in wechselnde Wohnungen in Mitte, Charlottenburg, Prenzlauer Berg, Neukölln, Schöneberg, Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg etc. ein, um die sozialen, kulturellen, geographischen und ökonomischen Verhältnisse vor Ort, die einzelnen Quartiere, Kieze, Szenen, Lebensweisen und Lebenskontexte zu erkunden. Die Stadt hat seit dem Mauerfall, wie bereits im 19. Jahrhundert und während der Weimarer Republik, den Status einer kreativen, dynamischen und schillernden Metropole, vergleichbar mit New York, London oder Paris, die Menschen aus aller Welt in ihren Bann zieht, indem sie der Entwicklung von Identitäten und Lebensentwürfen Raum gibt. Soziale Spannungsfelder und Verwerfungen, die es natürlich auch gibt, scheinen dieses Bild nicht zu trüben und die Kreativität und die innovative Kraft dieser Stadt nicht abzubremsen. Die Frage, die Dr. Bröcher nun im Kontext der transatlantischen Kooperation mit Dr. Painter und Dr. Davis verfolgt, lautet: Inwiefern zeigen sich Kreativität und Innovation auf der sozialen, kulturellen und ökonomischen Ebene in Berlin und in seinen verschiedenen Bezirken und Quartieren? In einer späteren Projektphase soll dann der folgenden Frage nachgegangen werden: Und was davon spiegelt sich bereits in der pädagogischen Arbeit von Schulen wieder? Die Untersuchung der Stadt soll also, in einem zweiten Schritt, durch die Analyse von Schulprogrammen, Schulkulturen und schulischer Pädagogik in Berlin ergänzt werden, um zu sehen, in welchem Umfang und in welcher Form Kreativität und Innovation schon jetzt in den städtischen Bildungsreinrichtungen vorhanden sind. Im dritten Schritt sollen die gefundenen Ergebnisse der Stadtforschung in aufbereiteter Form den Berliner (und allen anderen) Schulen zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um Impulse und Anregungen zu geben. Mit einigen ausgewählten Berliner Schulen sollen, in einem vierten Projektabschnitt, zusätzlich exemplarisch Schulentwicklungsprozesse in der beschriebenen Richtung gemeinsam unternommen werden. Die qualitativ-ethnographisch angelegte Studie arbeitet mit teilnehmender Beobachtung, Feldtagebuch, visueller Foto-Dokumentation, narrativen Interviews, Cultural Mapping, Online-Recherchen u.a. Bezüglich der Schulen sollen qualitative Interviews, Fokusgruppen und Schulprogrammanalysen zur Anwendung kommen. Mit dieser Pilotstudie geht es zunächst darum, die Möglichkeiten eines größer angelegten Forschungsprojektes zu erkunden und auszuloten.
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The aim of this paper is to question the normative interpretations of resilience as they apply to the local cultural economy. The paper has three sections, the first sets out the received notion of resilience that is atomistic and closed (Mode A), and contrasts it with another version (Mode B) which is social and open. The second section reviews some of the important characteristics of the cultural economy and indicates why it is particularly sensitive to local embedding. The third section contrasts resilience informed policy frameworks of Mode A and Mode B. The paper concludes that a form of local capacity building applied to the particularities of the cultural economy, and place, offer a more productive strategy for resilience.
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A ‘creative industry cluster’ refers to a type of urban quarter that has a high concentration of cultural activities and creative industry companies with on-site networks that create added value. It is often used as a developmental strategy that promotes cultural industries and individual creativities through the provision of conducive cultural surroundings and agglomerative effects. This article examines a transplanted version of creative industry clusters in China, ‘chuangyi chanye jijuqu’ (abbreviated as ‘CCJQ’) to explore their impact on China’s cultural milieu for the development of cultural and creative industries. A questionnaire survey was conducted within seven sampled quarters, and it was complemented with interviews with quarter administrators and tenants. The survey results show that although CCJQs do contain some functional clustering effects, they do not effectively support small, creative industry companies or individuals, and continue cultural policies that suppress the growth of culture and creativities. The characteristics of the CCJQs in reality differ from creative industry clusters’ functions in theory.
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This article examines the intercept of the notions of creative city and sustainability, aiming at conceptual clarifications of debates on combining these topics and related urban policies. Firstly it explores the emergence of creative city’s discourses and practices and their significance, then the conditions of sustainability of the urban development, and finally the arts’ role in achieving urban creativity and sustainable development. While acknowledging the importance of the environmental-ecological aspect, the focus of this article is on the social and cultural aspects of sustainability in the development of creative cities. The main argument is that different approaches to the issues of creativity and sustainability as well as different strategies for developing the sustainable creative city depend not only on various levels of urban space and agents considered but also on values they share. While claims to scientific objectivity are common, most approaches towards these issues are not merely descriptive but necessarily normative. Therefore, the ideological assumptions and implications of these topics are relevant. The debate is exemplified by Scott’s polemical meditation versus Florida on the nature and significance of the creative city, highlighting not only its positive but also its “darker”, i.e., non-sustainable dimensions. The article concludes by showing that the creative city concept does not only re-produce the dominant market order (as it is the dominant objective today) but could instead relate to communal identity, social belongingness, and a deeper sense of place as formulated by the broader demands of sustainability.
This essay offers for discussion two contentious issues: the need for non-reductive approaches to investigations of the urban and the need for explicit inclusion of subjectivities and sensuality in urban research. It presents fragments of a major international research project into urban intensity, Measuring the non-Measurable (Mn'M), which was conducted at Keio University, Tokyo. It is polemological as, in de Certeau's tradition, it hopes to help “force theory to recognise its own limits.” The main emphasis of issues of subjectivity and sensuality are found in: (1) our efforts to define urban intensity/quality, (2) various techniques to find and identify such qualities, and (3) ways of capturing, (re)presenting and sharing those subtle urban energies which escape easy, if any, definition. Capturing and representing the urban is viewed here as the task of mapping – of a non-traditional kind. A discussion about mapping subjectivities and sensualities constitutes the main body of the paper. The first part outlines key aspects of the theoretical background, then presents concrete examples constituting fragments from a number of dérive sessions conducted in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok and Singapore. The pattern of the second part of the essay changes in order to present prospects for further research and different practices opened up by those dérive sessions, or drifts, The style in the second part of this article abandons standard journal formatting in order to enable concepts to flow and cascade, drift and stutter. A text about mapping takes the form of a map. Such writing-as-mapping aims to stimulate readings other than those intended by the author. It asks questions and hints at the answers. What is a map? Why map? How to map? How to map what is difficult to even define? Or, indirectly, might maps capture qualities such as the earthiness of terra, or the sensuality of the human?
In the Province of Ontario, Canada, there is a well-established and detailed methodology for mapping tangible cultural assets, such as theatres, museums, and art galleries. However, methodologies for mapping intangible cultural assets, such as spiritual values, cultural identity, social cohesion, and heritage, are much less developed. Despite these procedural difficulties, many communities in Ontario have attempted to map their intangible cultural assets. Several of these efforts engaged citizens in story-telling about the community in order to uncover the intangible cultural dimensions of the community. This article describes and analyzes the efforts of communities to tell “stories of place” and to situate these stories within a cultural mapping protocol that heavily emphasizes tangible cultural assets. Building on a study of 64 cultural mapping projects in Ontario between 2009 and 2012, it examines how citizen engagement was linked with the mapping of intangible cultural assets in these communities, and highlights several of the most interesting projects. It also assesses the limitations of mainstream cultural mapping methodologies in capturing intangible cultural assets and tentatively suggests several elements of an alternative methodology that might address some of these shortcomings.
In this paper, we set out to develop new ways to identify and document local cultural elements in sites that are undergoing transformation. By drawing on the insights of cultural studies, screenwriting, scenography and service design, we build a multidisciplinary design framework for mapping culture that pays attention to the ways in which intangible cultural resources of a place could be brought into interaction with its users. As our empirical case, we focus on the Abattoir, a set of derelict but attractive slaughterhouse buildings that are in the process of being converted into commercial and civic premises. All in all, the paper suggests that this kind of multidisciplinary design framework can be used to improve the audience reception and engagement of cultural mapping activities. From the perspective of service design, it is possible to analyse how the audience experiences the results of mapping, and whether this experience could be improved. Screenwriting and scenography, for their part, can be used to express the mapping results in an impressive narrative and site-specific form, supported by affective, visual and spatial elements.
This case study explores how a group of college graduates in their late 20s who all grew up in a small, economically depressed New England city conceptualized and organized their transitions into adulthood. The central question is how these young adults navigated between expectations of individualistic trajectories of social mobility, self-realization, and geographic mobility on the one hand and commitment to family, cultural and social continuity, and geographic rootedness on the other. The key finding is that the majority of the study population wanted to find a way to make their personal as well as professional lives in or at least closely connected to their community of origin, and created narratives that reconciled the divergent expectations of staying and leaving.
Declining availability and affordability of inner-city space for cultural production were identified as major issues for Melbourne in the 2000s. The city’s Creative Spaces program was designed to redress this by providing affordable space for creative use in the public and private sectors. Rather than following the global ‘creative city’ strategies of the time, in which low and non-profit-making artists are relegated to the service class or displaced, the program’s advocates used the language of culture-led regeneration to win political support for the fundamental place of the arts in the city. Avoiding temporary, ‘activating’ uses of space, the program gives access to long-term affordable studio space, and as part of the largest arts program of any local government in Australia, helps maintain Melbourne as a site of cultural production as well as consumption.
Major urban cities across the United States have strategically considered sport-based economic development. This investigation examined the role that sport played in revitalization of downtown Detroit, Michigan, the 18th largest city in the United States. Detroit is home to four professional sport franchises, three of which have sport facilities anchored in downtown. Historically, Detroit has been known for its role in the global automobile industry and the prowess of its professional sport teams. Due to Detroit’s major demographic and economic losses due to the downturn of the automobile industry, viable strategic options for sustaining the economy are needed. This case study utilized interviews with an expert panel of economic development stakeholders. Semistructured questions were used to facilitate the interview. From the interviews, three themes emerged: (1) sport facilities and franchises as an economic development catalyst of downtown; (2) sport’s role in enhancing the image of downtown; and (3) challenges to the role of sport in the revitalization of downtown Detroit. Important findings of the study included: (1) sport plays a role in driving the economy of downtown Detroit; (2) sport facilities and their programming are important attractions for downtown revitalization in Detroit; and (3) sport cannot solely sustain the economy in the city nor the downtown area and its use as an economic development tool must be considered cautiously.