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A Genetic Algorithm Based Form-finding of Tensegrity Structures with Multiple Self-stress States

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering


A form-finding method of tensegrity systems is a process of finding an equilibrium configuration and a key step in the design of tensegrity. Over the past few years, several studies have been made on the form-finding methods of tensegrity systems, however, these methods are limited in the tensegrity systems with multiple self-stress states. In this study, a numerical method is presented for form-finding of tensegrity structures with multiple states of self-stress by using a force density method combined with a genetic algorithm. The proposed method can design the desired tensegrity shape through a genetic algorithm with appropriate constraints. The design variable can be uniquely defined in the case of multiple states of self-stress using only the constraint of the member types. An eigenvalue decomposition of the force density matrix and a singular value decomposition of the equilibrium matrix are performed repeatedly in order to determine a feasible solution for nodal coordinates and force densities. A genetic algorithm is then adopted to uniquely define a single integral feasible set of force densities. Several numerical examples are presented to prove efficiency in searching for self-equilibrium configurations of tensegrity structures. In all cases, the single integral feasible self-stress states can be obtained.
155Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering/January 2017/162
A Genetic Algorithm Based Form-nding of Tensegrity Structures
with Multiple Self-stress States
Seunghye Lee1, Jaehong Lee2 and Joowon Kang*3
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Sejong University, Korea
2 Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Sejong University, Korea
3 Professor, School of Architecture, Yeungnam University, Korea
A form-nding method of tensegrity systems is a process of nding an equilibrium conguration and a key
step in the design of tensegrity. Over the past few years, several studies have been made on the form-nding
methods of tensegrity systems, however, these methods are limited in the tensegrity systems with multiple
self-stress states. In this study, a numerical method is presented for form-finding of tensegrity structures
with multiple states of self-stress by using a force density method combined with a genetic algorithm. The
proposed method can design the desired tensegrity shape through a genetic algorithm with appropriate
constraints. The design variable can be uniquely dened in the case of multiple states of self-stress using only
the constraint of the member types. An eigenvalue decomposition of the force density matrix and a singular
value decomposition of the equilibrium matrix are performed repeatedly in order to determine a feasible
solution for nodal coordinates and force densities. A genetic algorithm is then adopted to uniquely dene a
single integral feasible set of force densities. Several numerical examples are presented to prove efciency in
searching for self-equilibrium congurations of tensegrity structures. In all cases, the single integral feasible
self-stress states can be obtained.
Keywords: tensegrity structure; force density method; form-nding; genetic algorithm; self-stress state
1. Introduction
Tensegrities are spatial, reticulated and lightweight
structures that consist of a set of discontinuous
compressive components inside a set of continuous
tensile components (Ali et al., 2010). The design of
tensegrities is divided into three distinct steps: form-
nding, structural stability and load analysis (Schenk,
2005). A key step in the design of tensegrity structures
is the determination of their equilibrium conguration,
known as form-nding. Recently Tibert and Pellegrino
(2011) announced a review of available form-nding
methods, offering a review and classication of seven
form-nding methods for tensegrity structures.
As pioneering work in form-finding, the force
density method was first proposed by Schek (1974)
for cable structures. The concept of the force density
method is based on the force-length ratio (or force
densities). Estrada et al. (2006) presented a multi-
parameter form-finding procedure for tensegrity
structures using the force-density method. Masic
et al. (2005) extended the force-density method by
explicitly incorporating shape constraints for general
and symmetric tensegrity structures. Zhang and Ohsaki
(2006) presented the adaptive force density method for
the form-nding problem of tensegrity structures. Most
recently, Tran and Lee (2010) proposed a numerical
method for tensegrity structures based only on the
given topology and member types. They also presented
an approach for a form-finding method of tensegrity
structures with multiple states of self-stress (Tran and
Lee, 2011).
Most form-nding methods assume a given topology
and try to nd equilibrium congurations using some
given constraints. A different approach is to find the
topology with a genetic algorithm. A genetic algorithm
provides up-to-the-minute search techniques by
adapting mechanisms found in genetics (Goldberg,
1989). Recently, several studies have researched the
form-finding methods of tensegrity structures using
genetic algorithms for searching self-equilibrium
topology. Paul et al. (2005) used genetic algorithms
to develop from an initial arbitrary topology into a
stable one. Xu and Luo (2010) presented a form-
finding method of irregular tensegrities based on the
genetic algorithm. Yamamoto et al. (2011) proposed a
genetic algorithm based form-nding method to obtain
*Contact Author: Joowon Kang, Professor,
Yeungnam University, 280 Daehak-Ro, Gyeongsan,
Gyeongbuk 38541, Korea
Tel: +82-53-810-2429 Fax: +82-53-810-2036
( Received April 4, 2016 ; accepted November 18, 2016 )
156 JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Seunghye Lee
tensegrity structures with fewer design variables.
Koohestani (2012) provided an efcient form-nding
method using a genetic algorithm that is used as an
optimization technique. However, most of these studies
used symmetric constraints in searching suitable forms
of the tensegrities.
In this paper, the work by Tran and Lee (2011)
is extended to obtain unique feasible sets of force
densities by using the force density method combined
with a genetic algorithm. The proposed method can
determine multiple shapes of a tensegrity through a
genetic algorithm with appropriate constraints. That
is, the desired shape of the tensegrity can be obtained
by adjusting suitable constraints. The procedure only
requires the topology and the types of members (i.e.,
either compression or tension). First, the eigenvalue
decomposition (EVD) of the force density matrix is
implemented to determine the nodal coordinates that
compose the equilibrium matrix. Second, the multiple
states of force densities are obtained through the
singular value decomposition (SVD) of the equilibrium
matrix. A genetic algorithm is then performed to
uniquely dene a single integral feasible set of force
densities. Finally, this process is iteratively performed
to determine the range of feasible sets of the nodal
coordinates and the force densities until the required
rank deciencies of the force density and equilibrium
matrices for the case of multiple states of self-stress
are met. Several numerical examples of tensegrity
structures with multiple states of self-stress are
presented to demonstrate the efciency and accuracy
of the proposed method.
2. Formulation of Self-equilibrium Equations
2.1 Basic Assumptions
In this study, the basic assumptions regarding
tensegrity structures are stated as follows:
· The topology of the structure in terms of nodal
connectivity is known.
· Members are connected by pin-joints.
· No external load is applied and the self-weight
of the structures is neglected during the form-
nding procedure.
· There are no dissipative forces acting on the
· Neither local nor global buckling are considered.
2.2 Self-equilibrium Equations
A topology of d-dimensional (d = 2 or 3) tensegrity
structure with b members and n free nodes can be
expressed by a connectivity matrix C (Rb×n) as
discussed in (Tran and Lee, 2010). Since a tensegrity
system does not required any support (xed node), in
this study, only the free node is considered. According
to Fig.1., if member k connects nodes i and j (i < j), the
ith and jth elements of the kth row of the C matrix are
then set to 1 and -1, respectively, as follows:
When the external load and self-weight are ignored,
the equilibrium equations in each direction of a general
tensegrity structure given by (Schek, 1974) can be
stated as
Refer to the Cartesian coordinate system (O-xyz),
the nodal coordinate vector x, y and z are used.
The notation Q (Rb×b) is diagonal square matrix,
calculated by
where q (Rb×n) suggested by Schek (1974) is the force
density vector. Each component of this vector is the
member force fk to length of element lk (k = 1, 2, 3…,
b) ratio (qk = fk/lk). The equilibrium equations (Eq. (2))
can be rewritten as follows:
where D (Rn×n) is the force density matrix (Tiber and
Pellegrino, 2011, Estrada et al., 2006), or stress matrix
(Connelly, 1982).
Eq. (2) can be reorganized as
where A (Rdn×b) is known as the equilibrium matrix,
dened by
Fig.1. Illustration of the Schematic Diagram for Two-dimensional
Tensegrity Systems
i (xi, yi)
j (xj, yj)
 (1)
Qdiag (3)
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
CTQCx (2a)
CTQC (2b)
CTQCz (2c)
Qdiag (3)
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
 (1)
CTQCx (2a)
CTQC (2b)
CTQCz (2c)
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
 (1)
CTQCx (2a)
CTQC (2b)
CTQCz (2c)
Qdiag (3)
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
 (1)
CTQCx (2a)
CTQC (2b)
CTQCz (2c)
Qdiag (3)
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
 (1)
CTQCx (2a)
CTQC (2b)
CTQCz (2c)
Qdiag (3)
 (5)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
157JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Seunghye Lee
Eq. (4) shows the relationship between force density
matrix D and nodal coordinates, and Eq. (5) illustrates
the relationship between the equilibrium matrix A
and force densities. Generally, both mechanical and
geometrical parameters are obtained as a result of the
form-nding process.
2.3 Rank Deciency Conditions
In this form-finding procedure for tensegrity
structures, two rank deficiency conditions (rank
deciency conditions of force density and equilibrium
matrices) are required. For a d-dimensional tensegrity
structure with n free nodes, a dimension of rank
deciency of D (null space) can be expressed as
where rD = rank (D). The rank deficiency of D (nD)
has at least one state of self-stress, since the sum of
the elements of row or column of force density matrix
is always equal to zero, and nD has at least d useful
particular solutions (Tran and Lee, 2010). Therefore,
the rank deciency condition is dened as
The second rank deficiency condition is related to a
dimension of null space of the equilibrium matrix A as
where rA = rank (A). The dimension of null space of
the equilibrium matrix A is identical to "s" known
as the number of independent states of self-stress.
This study is limited to a consideration of tensegrity
structures with multiple states of self-stress, which
ensures the existence of at least two states of self-stress
and can be stated as
3. Algorithm
3.1 Force Density Method
In the proposed method, the dimension size, the
connectivity of nodes, and the type of each member
are only required for a form-nding procedure. Based
on the type of each member, the initial force density
coefficients of cables and struts are automatically
assigned as +1 and -1, respectively.
Firstly, the connectivity matrix C is composed by
Eq. (1) for the given of the connectivity of nodes.
The force density matrix is then calculated from the
initial force density vector and the nodal coordinates
are adopted from the eigenvalue decomposition of the
force density matrix D.
The square force density matrix D can be factorized
as follows by using the eigenvalue decomposition
(Meyer, 2000).
where Φ (Rn×n) is the orthogonal matrix whose ith
column is the eigenvector basis
i (Rn)is of D. Λ
(Rn×n) is the diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements
are the corresponding eigenvalues, i.e., Λii =
i. The
i of Φ corresponds to eigenvalue
i of Λ.
The eigenvalues are in increasing order as
It is clear that the number of zero eigenvalues of D
is equal to the dimension of its null space. The first
d+1 eigenvectors of Φ, corresponding to the first
d+1 smallest eigenvalues, respectively, are chosen as
nodal coordinates [x, y, z] for d-dimensional tensegrity
structure. Subsequently, these nodal coordinates are
substituted into Eq. (5) to select the candidates for a set
of force densities by the singular value decomposition
of the matrix A.
where U and W matrices are orthogonal matrices. V is
a diagonal matrix with non-negative singular values of
A. The matrices W from Eq. (13) can be expressed as
(Pellegrino, 1993).
As a result, the general solution q
¯ of Eq. (5) that lies
in the null space of A is formulated as
where the coefcients ci are arbitrary values and qi (Rb,
i = 1,2, , s) are the particular solutions of Eq. (5).
A genetic algorithm is then used to obtain the
coefficients ci related to a set of force densities that
satisfy Eq. (4). Finally, the process is iteratively
calculated to search for a feasible set of the nodal
coordinates and force densities until Eq. (8) is satised.
Additionally, the vector of unbalanced forces
f (Rdn)
dened as follows can be used to evaluate the accuracy
of the results:
The Euclidean norm of
f is used to dene the design
error as
3.2 Genetic Algorithm
As pointed out in the previous section, a genetic
algorithm is used to obtain a set of the coefficients
ci and force densities q
¯ in Eq. (15). These problems
are formulated as constrained optimization problems
that draw feasible solutions from form-finding. The
key point in developing a form-finding method for a
tensegrity structure using genetic algorithms is how to
dene tness functions and constraints. In this study,
the fitness function combined with coefficients ci is
constructed to minimize it using a genetic algorithm;
the magnitude of ci is assumed to be a unit. Also, the
 (1)
CTQCx (2a)
CTQC (2b)
CTQCz (2c)
Qdiag (3)
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
 (1)
CTQCx (2a)
CTQC (2b)
CTQCz (2c)
Qdiag (3)
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
 (1)
CTQCx (2a)
CTQC (2b)
CTQCz (2c)
Qdiag (3)
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
 (1)
CTQCx (2a)
CTQC (2b)
CTQCz (2c)
Qdiag (3)
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
 (9)
 (10)
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (17)
 (18c)
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (17)
 (18c)
 (11)
 (12)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (17)
 (18c)
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (17)
 (18c)
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (17)
 (18c)
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (17)
 (18c)
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (18c)
158 JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Seunghye Lee
fitness function is provided with penalty functions
to significantly improve accuracy. The process of
determining a unique feasible set q
¯ is formulated as a
constrained optimization problem as
Towards a more effective algorithm, three constraints
are added into the objective function shown as follows:
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
Constraint 3
in which Γ denotes the total set of the force density,
Γcable is the set of the force density for cable members,
and Γstrut is the set of the force density for strut
members. In Eq. (18a), qc and qs are force densities
that are allowed to take a value from 0 to + 1 for cables
and from -1 to 0 for struts, respectively. In Eq. (18b),
subscript i and j denote element numbers in the equal k
group, 0 is then used to dene the tolerance. Eq. (18a)
indicates the unilateral condition for tensegrity, which
is necessary in order to have a unique value for force
density. On the other hand, Eq. (18b) and Eq. (18c) are
optional constraints for drawing the desired shape of
the tensegrity from the optimization problem. Eq. (18b)
denotes grouping constraints indicating that the force
density values of the members are identical if they are
in the same group k. Eq. (18c) is optional constraints
for two distinct members that are in a linear relation to
each other. In the previous paper (Tran and Lee, 2011),
the members are required to be grouped based on the
symmetry of the structure in order to find the single
integral feasible self-stress state.
These can be time-consuming and it is often
difficult to perform suitable groupings. However, in
this study, the force density can be uniquely defined
for the tensegrity with multiple states of self-stress
even for grouping constraints. If any regular form of
a tensegrity structure is necessary, the other optional
constraints can be applied to the fitness function. In
other words, the specic solutions can be derived in a
versatile manner using the appropriate constraints, and
user-dened shapes can be achieved as well.
3.3 Solution Procedure
An outline of the form-nding process is shown in
Fig.2. The feasible sets of the nodal coordinates and
the single integral force densities of the tensegrity
structures can be simultaneously defined by the
proposed form-nding method through the following
• Initialization:
(1) Specify the dimension size, the connectivity
of nodes, and the type of each member (cable
or strut). An initial force density vector set is
needed to determine the rst generation. Assign
the initial force density coefficients of cables
and struts as +1 and −1, respectively.
(2) Dene the connectivity matrix C by Eq. (1).
• Iterations:
(3) By the number of s, perform EVD (Eq. (11))
and SVD (Eq. (13)) to dene nodal coordinates
[x,y,z] and force densities q, respectively.
(4) Perform the genetic algorithm (Eq. (17)) to
dene the coefcients ci through Eq. (15). And
then evaluate accuracy of the results q
¯ through
Eq. (16).
(5) If the design error
f is greater than stopping
criteria, the results are substituted into matrix D
of Eq. (4) and go to Step 4.
• Termination:
(6) The process is terminated until Eq. (16) has
been checked. The nal coordinates and force
density vector are the solutions.
Fig.2. Outline of the Proposed Form-nding Procedure
[x y z] 0
 
( 1, 2, , )
qi s
Design error < tolerance
[x y z]
[x y z]
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (18c)
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (17)
 (18c)
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (17)
 (18c)
 (11)
 (12)
 (13)
 (14)
 (15)
 (16)
 (17)
 (17)
159JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Seunghye Lee
4. Numerical Examples
In this section, numerical examples of tensegrity
structures with multiple states of self-stress are
presented to demonstrate the efciency of the proposed
method. Based on the algorithm developed, both the
connectivity matrix and the force density vector are
simultaneously defined with the nodal connectivity
and the type of each member. Note that all of the force
densities given in tables were normalized with respect
to the force density coefcient of Element 1.
Each run of the genetic algorithm is conducted for
200 maximum generations, using a population size of
200. The convergence of all results was veried using
a stopping criteria
f = 0.01, and the tolerance 0 of the
constraints is set to 0.01.
4.1 2D Hexagonal Tensegrity Structure with Eight
The initial topology of the 2D hexagonal tensegrity
structure with two state of self-stress (s=2) is shown in
Fig.3. The tensegrity comprises three struts and eight
cables, and the structure is composed of six nodes
and 11 members; i.e. n = 6 and b = 11. The only basic
information is the connectivity matrix C and the type
of each member.
Firstly, the initial force density set is applied to
determine the rst generation data, namely, the force
density matrix for the equilibrium equation (Eq.
(4)). The initial force density coefficients of cables
and struts are assigned as +1 and −1, respectively.
Secondly, from the EVD of the force density matrix
D, the nodal coordinates are adopted, which in turn
leads to a new force density set from the SVD of the
equilibrium matrix A. The form-finding process is
terminated until Eq. (16) has been checked.
The member type (Constraint 1) and grouping
constraints (Constraint 2) are applied to the minimum
optimization problems so that the force density output
coincides with those of the previous study (Tran and
Lee, 2011). In the previous study, a linear relation
between member group 2 and 3 is imposed to obtain a
single integral feasible pre-stressed mode. Despite the
fact that the linear relation is not needed in the present
study, the relation (q3 = 1.5q2, 2 and 3 indicate groups)
is imposed to draw the same results for a comparison.
Since the 2D hexagonal tensegrity structure has two
states of self-stress (s=2), two force density sets of the
elements could be obtained as follows:
Finally, the general force density solution set q
¯ of
Eq. (5) is obtained as shown in Table 1. Table 2. shows
that the general force density solution sets are in good
agreement with those of previous studies. All of the
force densities given in Table 2. were normalized with
respect to the force density coefcient of Element 1.
Table 2. Comparison of the Force Densities Obtained by the
Proposed Method with the Previous Study
Group Element Tran and Lee (2011) Present
11-4 1.0 1.0
2 5-6 2.0 2.0
37-8 3.0 3.0
4 9-10 -2.5 -2.5
511 -0.5 -0.5
Table 1. The Force Density Sets and Coefcients for Two State
of Self-stress (s=2). 2D Hexagonal Tensegrity Structure
Elem. No. q1q2c1c2q
1 -0.316 -0.301 0.392 -0.316 0.153
2 -0.316 -0.301 0.153
3 -0.316 -0.301 0.153
4-0.316 -0.301 0.153
50.440 -0.145 0.306
60.440 -0.145 0.306
70.123 -0.446 0.459
80.123 -0.446 0.459
9 -0.281 0.296 -0.382
10 -0.281 0.296 -0.382
11 0.158 0.150 -0.076
Table 3. Comparison of the Force Densities Obtained by the
Proposed Method with the Previous Study. 3D Three-strut
Octahedral Cell
Present Tran and Lee
1, 2, 3
1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
41.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
50.7 1.4 0.5 0.5
60.8 1.4 0.5 0.5
7 0.7 1.4 0.5 0.5
8 0.8 1.4 0.5 0.5
9 0.7 1.4 0.5 0.5
10 0.8 1.4 0.5 0.5
11 0.7 1.4 0.5 0.5
12 0.8 1.4 0.5 0.5
13 -1.7 -2.4 -1.5 -1.5
14 -1.8 -2.4 -1.5 -1.5
15 -1.5 -2.9 -1.0 -1.0
6 5
(2) (4)
(9) (10)
(5) (6)
Fig.3. The Initial Topology of the 2D Hexagonal Tensegrity
Structure with Eight Cables. The Struts and Cables are Depicted
by Thick and Thin Lines, Respectively
(10) (12)
Fig.4. The Initial Topology of the 3D Three-strut Octahedral Cell
160 JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Seunghye Lee
4.2 3D Three-strut Octahedral Cell
The 3D three-strut octahedral cell is a tensegrity
with three struts and 12 cables as shown in Fig.4. The
input parameters for this example are n = 6 and b = 15
and d = 3. After investigating the rank deciency of the
force density matrix, the tensegrity is formed to have
three self-stress states (s = 3).
In the previous study (Tran and Lee, 2011), in order
to nd the single integral feasible self-stress state, the
symmetry properties of the structure are required.
The method requires appropriate grouping in
order to obtain a single feasible pre-stressed mode.
Accordingly, a trial and error scheme should be
employed to find an appropriate grouping. In this
study, three cases of this example are performed. First,
only the constraint for the member type (Eq. (18a))
is applied (Constraint [1]). As a second case, the
grouping constraint (Eq. (18b)) is added to the member
type constraint (Constraint [1, 2]). The members are
grouped according to the geometry and symmetry. The
nal case (Constraint [1, 2, 3]) is performed using all
three constraints (member type (Eq. (18a)), grouping
(Eq. (18b)), and force density ratio among the members
(Eq. (18c)).
In the rst and the second cases, the obtained force
densities differ from those of the previous study as in
Table 3. To obtain identical results, the specic force
density ratio constraint of element 1 and 5 (q
¯1 = 2q
is additionally imposed to the fitness function. As a
result, the same force density values are obtained,
as presented in Table 3. Fig.5. shows the case of
Constraint [1], Constraint [1, 2], and Constraint [1, 2,
3], respectively. As shown in Fig.5., the different shape
of the tensegrity is achieved by applying different
constraints. Even for a tensegrity with a multiple self-
stress status, form-nding can be achieved by simply
imposing a member type constraint. If the obtained
shape of the tensegrity is not satisfactory, an alternative
shape can be obtained by adjusting grouping or ratio
constraints only. The desired shape of the tensegrity
can be obtained by imposing appropriate constraints.
4.3 3D Six-strut Tensegrity
A 3D six-strut tensegrity has six struts and 24 cables,
and the initial topology has 12 nodes and 30 elements
(Fig.6.). After investigating rank deficiency, the
structure obtained two states of self-stress (s = 2). This
example is also performed using two constraint cases.
Firstly, only the constraint for the member type
(Eq. (18a)) is applied. As the second scenario, two
constraints, member type (Eq. (18a)) and grouping (Eq.
(18b), are provided. The second case used in this study
is the same as that used in the condition of the previous
study (Tran and Lee, 2011). Fig.7.(a) and 7.(b) show a
comparison between the nal topologies obtained by
two cases. Each case achieved a single integral feasible
self-stress state. Table 4. shows the obtained force
density coefcients. According to Table 4., the results
of the second scenario agreed well with those of the
previous study.
For the purpose of designing an arbitrary tensegrity
shape, a new constraint condition is provided for
fitness function. A linear force density ratio between
Element 28 and 30 is additionally imposed q28 = q30. In
this example, since using all three constraints is a strict
restriction for obtaining a single feasible self-stress
state, the grouping constraint is not provided. Fig.7.(c)
shows a newly-designed 3D six-strut tensegrity shape.
This new tensegrity shape differs from other shapes in
Fig.7.; the results of force densities differ signicantly
Fig.5. The Obtained Geometry of the 3D Three-strut Octahedral
Cell by Using (a) Constraint [1], (b) Constraint [1, 2], and
(c) Constraint [1, 2, 3]
Fig.6. The Initial Topology of the 3D Six-strut Tensegrity
161JAABE vol.16 no.1 January 2017 Seunghye Lee
from that of other cases as shown in Table 4. (Constraint
[1, 3]). This indicates that the specic solutions can be
versatile in derivation using the appropriate constraints.
Also, it shows that any number of different shapes
of the single integral feasible self-stress state can be
5. Conclusions
In this study, a numerical method using a force
density method combined with a genetic algorithm has
been proposed as a form-nding process for tensegrity
structures with multiple states of self-stress. The
proposed method comprises equilibrium equations
using a force density method.
Both the eigenvalue decomposition of the force
density matrix and the singular value decomposition of
the equilibrium matrix are iteratively executed to nd
the range of feasible sets of the nodal coordinates and
the force densities. Then a genetic algorithm is used to
nd a unique feasible set of force densities. The method
could be adapted simply to determine the uniquely
defined force density. The feature of the proposed
method is that a grouping or symmetric constraint is
not required to find the single integral feasible self-
stress state. The desired tensegrity shapes can be
designed through a genetic algorithm with appropriate
constraints. Three examples of tensegrity structures
with multiple states of self-stress are performed. A
very good performance of the proposed method has
been shown in the numerical examples; they clearly
show that the specific solutions can be derived with
versatility using the appropriate constraints.
This research was supported by a grant (NRF-
2015R1C1A2A01055897) fr om NR F (National
Research Foundation of Korea) funded by MEST
(Ministry of Education and Science Technology) of
Korean government.
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(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig.7. The Obtained Geometry of the 3D Three-strut Octahedral
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Table 4. Comparison of the Force Densities Obtained by the
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Present Tran and
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[1, 2]
[1, 3]
1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
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17 1.1 1.6 7.5 1.6
18 1.1 1.6 7.5 1.6
19 1.1 1.6 7.5 1.6
20 1.1 1.6 7.5 1.6
21 1.4 1.6 4.3 1.6
22 1.4 1.6 4.3 1.6
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26 -1.3 -1.6 -5.9 -1.6
27 -1.3 -1.6 -5.9 -1.6
28 -1.3 -1.6 -5.9 -1.6
29 -1.6 -2.2 -10.4 -2.2
30 -1.9 -2.2 -5.9 -2.2
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... With the development of numerical analysis technology, numerical analysis methods are widely used in the form finding analysis of grid structures and branching columns. The existing algorithm mainly involves the principles of notable dynamic relaxation method [4,1], genetic algorithms [5,6], form-finding methods based on numerical method [7], sensitivity method [8], etc. Xu [9] introduced form-finding and shape optimization of branching columns based on graphic statics. Tu [10] also presented a form-finding method of branching columns based on grouping strategy and generalized inverse matrix theory. ...
... (3) can be rewritten as shown in Eq. (7). Eq.(8) can be obtained by expanding Eq. (7). ...
... (3) can be rewritten as shown in Eq. (7). Eq.(8) can be obtained by expanding Eq. (7). ...
The shape generation is one of the key problems in the research of grid structures and branching columns. The existing algorithms are only applicable to a single grid structure or branching column, but the interaction between grid structures and branching columns should be sufficiently considered in the design process. According to this research gap, a form-finding and intelligent optimization algorithm is presented for the grid structures with branching columns in this study. Firstly, the force density method is used to generate the shape of integral structures and the bending moment is removed completely. Since the members of branching columns are mainly subjected to axial compression, the buckling capacity can be the determining factor in the design. Secondly, the corresponding iterative optimization is utilized based on the form-finding analysis of branching columns by using the updated force density method (UFDM), which is combined with the Euler’s buckling theory. The buckling capacity of branching columns can be maximized by using the UFDM. The intelligent section selecting algorithm is also added to the iterative optimization, which automatically selects the appropriate sectional size according to its internal force and material design strength. The applicability of the proposed algorithm is verified by analyzing numerical examples which come from actual projects.
... This algorithm, inspired by the process of natural selection and genetics, was first presented by Holland [40]. In the case of tensegrity, the genetic algorithm is mostly used as a form-finding method for regular [27,[41][42][43] and irregular [44][45][46] structures. ...
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The aim of the paper is to find the appropriate self-stress state of the tensegrity structures. The first approach provides exact solutions but is suitable for simple structures. In the second approach proposed in this research, it is assumed that the forces of the self-stressed state are a set of randomly selected values, which are then optimized by a genetic algorithm. This procedure is intended for more elaborate structures, for which the spectral analysis identifies many self-stress states that need to be superimposed. Two approaches are used, i.e., the spectral analysis of the compatibility matrix and the genetic algorithm. The solution procedures are presented on the example of a simple two-dimensional truss. Next, three different tensegrity domes are considered, i.e., Geiger, Levy and Kiewitt. The significant difference between these domes lies in the cable system. The obtained results are compared with those documented in the literature. It follows from the considerations that the self-stressed states found in the literature are not always accurate (forces do not balance themselves). The presented results confirm the effectiveness of the genetic algorithm for finding self-balanced forces of the existing structures. The method is relatively simple and provides sufficiently accurate results.
We study ensembles of elastic rods that are tensioned by a small set of inextensible cables. The cables induce forces that deform the initially straight, but flexible rods into 3D space curves at equilibrium. Rods can be open or closed, knotted, and arranged in arbitrary topologies. We specifically focus on equilibrium states with no contacts among rods. Our setup can thus be seen as a generalization of classical tensegrities that are composed of rigid rods and tensile cables, to also support rods that elastically deform. We show how this generalization leads to a rich design space, where complex target shapes can be achieved with a small set of elastic rods. To explore this space, we present an inverse design optimization algorithm that solves for the length and placement of cables such that the equilibrium state of the rod network best approximates a given set of input curves. We introduce appropriate sparsity terms to minimize the number of required cables, which significantly simplifies fabrication. Using our algorithm, we explore new classes of bending-active 3D structures, including elastic tensegrity knots that only require a few internal cables. We design and fabricate several physical models from basic materials that attain complex 3D shapes with unique structural properties.
Tensegrity structures, characterized by enhanced stiffness, slender struts, and superior buckling resistance, have found wide-ranging applications in fields such as engineering, architecture, art, biology, and robotics, attracting extensive attention from researchers. The form-finding process, a critical step in the design of tensegrity structures, aims to discover the self-equilibrated configuration that satisfies specific design requirements. Traditional form-finding methods based on force density often require repeated steps of eigenvalue decomposition and singular value decomposition, making the process complex. In contrast, this paper introduces a new intelligent form-finding algorithm that uses the force density method and combines the Coati optimization algorithm with Graph Neural Networks. This algorithm avoids the complex steps of eigenvalue and singular value decomposition and integrates the physical knowledge of the structure, making the form-finding process faster and more accurate. In this algorithm, various force densities are initially randomized and input into a trained Graph Neural Networks to predict a fitness function’s value. Through optimizing the constrained fitness function, the algorithm determines the appropriate structural force density and coordinates, thereby completing the form-finding process of the structure. The paper presents seven typical tensegrity structure examples and compares various form-finding methods. The results of numerical examples show that the method proposed in this paper can find solutions that align with the super-stable line more quickly and accurately, demonstrating its potential value in practical applications.
In this paper, a specific analysis strategy for tensegrity prism units with different complexities and different connectivity is provided. Through the nodal coordinate matrix and connectivity matrix, the equilibrium equation of the structure in self-equilibrium is established, and the equilibrium matrix can be obtained. The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method can be used to find the self-equilibrium configuration. The expression of the torsional angle between the upper and bottom surfaces of the prismatic tensegrity structure, which includes complexity and connectivity, can be obtained through the SVD form-finding method. According to the torsional angle formula of the stable configuration, the mechanical analysis of the single node is carried out, and the force density relationship between elements is gained. The mass, as one of the standards, can be used to evaluate the light structure. This paper also studied the minimal mass of the self-equilibrium tensegrity structure with the same complexity in different connectivity and got the minimal mass calculation formula. The six-bar tensegrity prism unit, including the topology, the force density relationship, the rest length of the element, and the minimal mass with constraints (cables yield, bars yield or buckle), is investigated in this work, which shows the feasibility of systematic analysis of prismatic structures. This paper provides a theoretical reference for prismatic tensegrity units.
Background Very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) is a technique employed in radio astronomy where a signal from a planetary radio source is collected on earth at multiple radio antennae. Working in a network, the time difference of the radio signal reception by the antennae is employed to achieve an effective aperture allowing for the development of a significantly high-resolution images of the space. However, the signal clarity of each individual antenna is dependent on its structural response under environmental conditions. This paper proposes a design optimization framework for VLBI antennae for their performance maximization under aerodynamic gust employing structural geometric nonlinearities.PurposeThe dynamic aeroelastic response of the antenna is attenuated by optimizing actuation length changes in active structural elements to improve the pointing accuracy of the VLBI antenna under wind gust loads. No framework currently exists in the open literature that leverages the principles of tensegrity structures for vibration attenuation of VLBI antenna using control actuations, therefore, the need for such a framework has been established to design high-performance VLBI ground stations.Methods Dynamic aeroelastic gust analysis is performed considering the Power Spectral Density (PSD) with the Davenport spectrum (DS) statistical model and Tuned Discrete Gust analysis with a One-Minus Cosine gust profile. Analyses are performed for two different operating conditions using time-consistent loads (TCL) and time-consistent displacements (TCD).Additionally, the effect of a varying number of active elements for control actuations is analyzed in the boomarm subsystem of the VLBI antenna while minimizing both the pointing error and total strain energy using an optimization framework employing a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA).ResultsA case study was presented to showcase the proposed framework. A reduction of 82.6% with a total strain energy increase of 292.5% was obtained for the primary operating case under PSD gust excitation. On the other hand, at the increased mean wind speeds of the secondary operating case, the developed design algorithm was able to reduce the total pointing error by 80.9% but with a total strain energy increase of 825.3%. Similarly, for TDG analysis with the OMC excitation profile the optimization algorithm reduced the total pointing error by 51.6% with a TSE increase of 2098.1% and 80.5% with a TSE increase of 48.7% for the primary and secondary operating conditions, respectively, when compared to the uncontrolled response.Conclusion It is found that in all subcases analyzed the developed optimization framework successfully found the best response of the antenna using the utopian point method. These results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.
In recent years, the tensegrity structures have been studied and applied extensively in the engineering field because of their unique topology, shape, and stability. An effective force density-informed neural network (FDINN) approach for performing a robust force finding procedure is constructed in this paper by utilizing a fully connected neural network. The design variables as the input values are first transformed into a parameterized neural network, then these neural network’s parameters are updated in the learning process by an error design loss function via backpropagation and standard optimizer to obtain an optimal self-stress configuration as the output values. By using FDINN, this approach is effectively applied for multiple tensegrity models without depending on the amount of data samples and considering the structural symmetric property. The stability of tensegrity structure is investigated by checking tangent stiffness matrix. Various numerical examples are thoroughly carried out to validate for the effectiveness of the present approach.
Low weight and ability to withstand large deformations make tensegrity-based structures attractive for a wide range of applications. It has been reported that given a number of bars (struts), strings (cables) and interconnections between bars and strings, more than one configuration can be arrived at. However, the possibility of taking a tensegrity from one of stable configurations to another has not been reported so far. This paper first explores a Monte Carlo-based method of arriving at different configurations of tensegrity structures having the same number of bars, strings and their interconnections. The results were validated against analytical solutions available in the literature. It then uses the dynamic relaxation method to show the intermediate steps for transforming one configuration into another by the application of a set of external forces. This can lead to multi-usability of tensegrity structures by switching from one stable configuration to other configuration.
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A tensegrity structure consists of a set of continuous cables in tension and a set of discontinuous struts in compression. The tensegrity structure can be classified into self-stressed and pre-stressed structures. Present paper interest is in the self-stressed tensegrity structures, since they can free standing without any support while maintaining their self-equilibrium state. In the process form-finding of a tensegrity structure, some constraints are usually introduced for geometry and/or member to ensure uniqueness of the solution. The tensegrity structures are indeterminate problems in most cases. In this paper, a genetic algorithm based form-finding for tensegrity structures is presented to assist designers to obtain tensegrity structures with less design variables. A novel and versatile numerical form-finding procedure which requires only a minimal knowledge of initial structure configuration is adopted. The procedure needs only the prototype of each member, i.e. either compression or tension, and the connectivity information of members. The connectivity of members and its prototype information are encoded to form an individual population used in genetic algorithm searching problems. As for the fitness evaluation to each population, the existence of self-stressed state in each population is sought. At the end, some numerical examples are given to show the efficiency of the present study and its ability in searching new configurations of tensegrity structures.
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Seven form-finding methods for tensegrity structures are reviewed and clas- sified. The three kinematical methods include an analytical approach, a non-linear optimisation, and a pseudo-dynamic iteration. The four statical methods include an analytical method, the formulation of linear equations of equilibrium in terms of force densities, an energy minimisation, and a search for the equilibrium configurations of the struts of the structure con- nected by cables whose lengths are to be determined, using a reduced set of equilibrium equations. It is concluded that the kinematical methods are best suited to obtaining only configuration details of structures that are already essentially known, the force density method is best suited to searching for new configurations, but affords no control over the lengths of the elements of the structure. The reduced coordinates method offers a greater control on elements lengths, but requires more extensive symbolic manipulations.
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We propose an efficient method for the form-finding of tensegrity structures. The force densities of each tensegrity are obtained by the minimisation of a particular objective function, leading to a semi-positive definite force density matrix (a super-stable tensegrity) with a required rank deficiency. A genetic algorithm is used as a global search technique for the minimisation. The geometry of a tensegrity is subsequently formed based on those eigenvectors of the force density matrix corresponding to zero eigenvalues. Furthermore, two other methods are introduced to convert the asymmetrical geometry obtained from the main algorithm into its symmetrical counterparts. This transformation in geometry is performed by finding a suitable linear combination of the mentioned eigenvectors. Examples from well-known tensegrities including prismatic, truncated tetrahedron, expandable octahedron and truncated icosahedron tensegrities are studied using the present method, and the results obtained are compared with those documented in the literature to verify the efficiency of the present method.
A numerical method is presented for form-finding of tensegrity structures with multiple states of self-stress. At the first stage, the range of feasible sets of the nodal coordinates and the force densities are iteratively calculated by the only known information of the topology and the types of members until the required rank deficiencies of the force density and equilibrium matrices are satisfied, respectively. The linear constraints on the force densities which are derived from the obtained configuration’s symmetry properties and/or directly assigned by designers are then utilized to define a single integral feasible force density vector in the second stage. An explanation on the null space of the force density matrix that generates the configurations of the tensegrities is rigorously given. Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the efficiency and robustness in searching new self-equilibrium stable configurations of tensegrity structures with multiple states of self-stress.
In this paper, the form-finding problem of nonregular tensegrities was converted into a constrained optimization problem. A genetic algorithm was used to solve this problem. Two cases of form-finding were considered. In the first case, the number of members, the rest lengths of members, the elastic moduli of members and the connectivity of members were given, and the only variables are the initial locations of nodes. In the second case, the elastic moduli of members were also treated as variables besides the initial locations of nodes. Typical examples were carried out to verify the proposed method.
A new method for network analysis, the “force density method”, is presented. This concept is based upon the force-length ratios or force densities which are defined for each branch of the net structure. It is shown that the force densities are very suitable parameters for the description of the equilibrium state of any general network: the associated node coordinates of the structure are obtained by solving one single system of linear equations. A Gaussian transformation of the topological branch-node matrix yields the equation matrix.A method based on force densities renders a simple linear “analytical form finding” possible. If the free choice of the force densities is restricted by further conditions, the linear method is extended to a nonlinear one. A damped least squares approach is then introduced. In this version the method may be applied to the detailed computation of networks.Moreover, an interesting cross-connection between geometrical minimum way nets and prestressed unloaded structures is derived using the force densities.
Tensegrity structures are spatial structural systems composed of struts and cables with pin-jointed connections. Their stability is provided by the self-stress state in tensioned and compressed members. Although much progress has been made in advancing research into the tensegrity concept, a rapid survey of current activities in engineering practice shows that much of its potential has yet to be accomplished. A design optimization study for a tensegrity-based footbridge is presented in order to further advance the tensegrity concept in modern structural engineering. In the absence of specific design guidelines, design requirements for a tensegrity footbridge are stated. A genetic algorithm based optimization scheme is used to find a cost-effective design solution. The dynamic performance of the tensegrity footbridge is studied through parametric studies. Design results illustrate that the proposed tensegrity-based footbridge meets typical static and dynamic design criteria.