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Metabolic Damage: do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?


Abstract and Figures

Several researches have proposed that a prolonged period of caloric restriction (CR) may have a permanent, adverse effect on basal metabolism, fostering the development of obesity. This reported metabolic slowing has been associated with a reduction in resting metabolic rate (RMR) beyond what is predicted by the change in body composition, promoting the idea that metabolism can be permanently damaged. This systematic review investigates if prolonged CR exhibits a permanent, negative effect on basal metabolism. Here we review the literature reporting weight loss and weight regain of individuals who were initially within a healthy weight range, such as the long-term Minnesota starvation experiment, in addition to research on chronically undernourished individuals, such as patients with anorexia nervosa, before and after recovery. Quantification of basal metabolism before and after prolonged CR revealed that body composition is the most critical factor in determining absolute RMR in neutral energy balance. Changes in energy balance induce a rapid yet reversible increase or decrease in RMR. Previous reports may have come to erroneous conclusions in favor of the metabolic damage hypothesis because they did not examine the full recovery period in the Minnesota experiment or neglected the influence of energy balance on RMR. Our findings indicate that the theory of permanent, diet-induced metabolic slowing in non-obese individuals is not supported by the current literature.
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During
Underfeeding Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Anastasia Zinchenko¹*
Menno Henselmans¹
1. Bayesian Bodybuilding R&D
Department, Bayesian
Bodybuilding, Lingsesdijk 46B,
4207 AE Gorinchem,
The Netherlands.
* Correspondence:
Key words: metabolic damage,
metabolic slowing, weight regain,
weight loss, weight cycling
Several researches have proposed that a prolonged period
of caloric restriction (CR) may have a permanent, adverse
effect on basal metabolism, fostering the development of
obesity. This reported metabolic slowing has been
associated with a reduction in resting metabolic rate
(RMR) beyond what is predicted by the change in body
composition, promoting the idea that metabolism can be
permanently damaged. This systematic review investigates
if prolonged CR exhibits a permanent, negative effect on
basal metabolism.
This paper reviews literature reporting weight loss and
weight regain of individuals who were initially within a
healthy weight range, such as the long-term Minnesota
starvation experiment, in addition to research on
chronically undernourished individuals, such as patients
with anorexia nervosa, before and after recovery.
Quantification of basal metabolism before and after
prolonged CR revealed that body composition is the most
critical factor in determining absolute RMR in neutral
energy balance. Changes in energy balance induce a rapid
yet reversible increase or decrease in RMR. Previous
reports may have come to erroneous conclusions in favor
of the metabolic damage hypothesis because they did not
examine the full recovery period in the Minnesota
experiment or neglected the influence of energy balance
on RMR. Our findings indicate that the theory of
permanent, diet-induced metabolic slowing in non-obese
individuals is not supported by the current literature.
Medical Research Archives, Vol. 4, Issue 8, December 2016
Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │2
1. Introduction
Previous research has suggested that
a prolonged period of caloric restriction
(CR) leads to a permanent decrease in
resting metabolic rate (RMR) that goes
beyond the value expected from the
present body composition [14].
Metabolic slowing, originating from
adaptive thermogenesis (AT) in a calorie-
restricted state, was hypothesized to be
irreversible upon the return to neutral
energy balance [1] and lead to „metabolic
damage‟. Metabolic damage refers to a
weight loss induced decrease in RMR that
is beyond the value expected from the
present body composition and persists
after weight regain.
It was suggested that metabolic
damage is responsible for post-diet weight
regain of overweight and obese
individuals if weight-reduced individuals
do not maintain a high level of physical
activity or a calorie restricted state [1]. A
recent study examining RMR of
participants of “The Biggest Loser”
challenge, who lost on average 58 kg in
30 weeks and regained approximately 41
kg in the following 6 years, found that the
participants had a significantly lower
RMR relative to their pre-dieting level
even after nearly reverting to their initial
body composition [4].
Reports reanalyzing the data from
the Minnesota experiment [5] suggested
that permanent metabolic slowing also
occurs in lean individuals. In this study,
32 healthy young men underwent severe
caloric restriction for 24 weeks with a
targeted weight loss of approximately 1 kg
per week. The weight regain phase
consisted of two phases: a 12-week
controlled rehabilitation period and an 8-
week ad libitum period, in which the
subjects did not follow a prescribed diet;
however, their food intake was still
recorded. After reanalyzing the data from
this experiment, Dulloo and coworkers
observed a disproportionate rate of fat
recovery relative to fat-free mass (FFM)
recovery and proposed that it is the reason
for favorable fat gain after CR [68].
Furthermore, the same researchers
Medical Research Archives, Vol. 4, Issue 8, December 2016
Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │3
suggested that weight loss diets make “the
lean fatter, because CR-induced feedback
signals suppress RMR normalization until
the initial fat mass (FM) is fully recovered
(“fat-stores memory”) [8, 7]. The post-diet
shift towards an unfavorable body
composition may result in repeated dieting
attempts and increase the risk of becoming
overweight [8]. Indeed, repeated weight
cycling has been associated with weight
gain over time [9] and is speculated to
increase the risk of all-cause and
cardiovascular mortality [10].
Considering that the majority of the
population in Western countries is
dissatisfied with their appearance [11] and
about one half of individuals who are
within the reference weight range reported
undergoing weight loss interventions in
order to lose weight [12], a permanent
RMR reduction after dieting may present
a health hazard to the general population.
For this reason, this paper investigates
whether diet-induced metabolic slowing is
responsible for the difficulty in
maintaining reduced body weight.
Particular attention was devoted to
research on RMR related to the present
body composition of subjects who
previously underwent a prolonged period
of CR but were no longer in an energy-
restricted state. This context aimed to
control for body composition and
eliminate transient effects of CR, such as
the CR induced reduction in spontaneous
physical activity [13], that influence
energy expenditure. If a sustained
suppression of RMR occurs after weight
loss dieting, then a return to the initial
body composition should result in a lower
RMR relative to the baseline and
compared to weight-matched control
subjects without a history of weight
cycling („metabolic damage‟).
2. Methods
2.1. Used terms
In this review, the terms resting
metabolic rate (RMR), resting energy
expenditure (REE), basal metabolic rate
(BMR), basal energy expenditure (BEE),
sleeping metabolic rate (SMR) and
sleeping energy expenditure (SEE) are
Medical Research Archives, Vol. 4, Issue 8, December 2016
Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │4
used interchangeably to report previous
findings that differed in terminology but
used a comparable experimental
measurement methodology, specifically
indirect calorimetry after an overnight
2.2. Literature search
An electronic literature search was
conducted in the PubMed database using
the keywords caloric restriction, caloric
deficit, weight loss, diet, starvation,
underfeeding, malnourished, anorexia,
anorectic, weight regain, weight gain,
refeed, overfeeding, weight change,
weight maintenance, basal metabolic rate,
basal metabolism, metabolic rate,
metabolism, energy expenditure, BMR,
BEE, RMR, REE, SMR and SEE in any
combination using the Boolean operators
AND and OR. Titles and abstracts of
human studies published until December
2015 were assessed for their relevance for
this review.
Articles were selected when they
contained the information required to
determine changes of FM, FFM and RMR
following weight loss and subsequent
weight regain or weight regain relative to
the weight-reduced state for malnourished
Bibliographies of relevant original
research articles and reviews were
screened for additional relevant
2.3. Data analysis
To test the metabolic slowing
hypothesis, three equations were used that
were previously used to calculate RMR in
the literature [1416]. The fat mass
percentage (FM%) based equations
developed by Bosy-Westphal and
coworkers [14], with each equation
specific to a particular FM% range, are
particularly suitable for the RMR
prediction of individuals who experienced
significant weight loss with a subsequent
weight regain. These equations were
shown to give a comparable precision to
accurate organ mass based RMR
predictions, unlike many other formulas
that only incorporate weight or only lean
body mass and fat mass [17]. Potential
Medical Research Archives, Vol. 4, Issue 8, December 2016
Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │5
error in the prediction of absolute RMR
due to individual variability [18] or
inaccuracies resulting from differences in
body composition measurements (e.g.
DEXA vs. BIA) [17] can be eliminated by
using predicted RMR as a normalization
factor [17]. If the measured RMR differs
from the predicted value, then the
difference between the predicted and
measured value should stay constant
throughout the study. Thus, the RMRm/p-
ratio of measured to predicted RMR as
used previously [16] was used to relate
the metabolic state of subject groups
before and after weight loss across a
number of studies.
𝑅𝑀𝑅𝑚/𝑝− 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =𝑅𝑀𝑅𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑
A constant RMRm/p-ratio throughout
the weight change intervention suggests
that the metabolic rate changes in
proportion to the changing body
composition. A decrease in RMRm/p-ratio
indicates a decreased basal metabolism
beyond what is expected based on the
body composition change; an increase
indicates an increase in metabolic rate
beyond what is expected based on the
body composition change.
For the conversion of energy units,
the relationship 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ was
used. RMR values for Minnesota
experiment subjects were calculated using
the factor 20.5 kJ/L oxygen [6].
2.4. Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was conducted
using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0.0 with
additional manual calculations in Excel
from Microsoft Office Professional Plus
2013. Data are presented as means (M)
plus standard deviations (SD) unless
otherwise specified.
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │6
3. Results
3.1. Metabolic damage during
weight loss and regain interventions in
normal weight individuals
To examine the relationship
between RMR and body composition over
time, we calculated the RMRm/p-ratio for
the subjects of the Minnesota experiment
(Table 1). The data calculated with all
three equations [1416] was consistent in
showing that the RMRm/p-ratio decreased
over the semi-starvation period compared
to baseline and subsequently increased in
correspondence with body weight regain
over the controlled 12-week reefed period.
Two months after the subjects transitioned
to the ad libitum diet, the RMRm/p-ratio
calculated with the equations reported by
Bosy-Westphal and coworkers [14]
returned exactly to the baseline value
without a significant difference between
baseline and the end of the recovery
period (p = .98). The use of the equation
adapted from Doucet and coworkers [15]
showed a trend towards a higher post-
dieting RMRm/p-ratio (t(10) = 2.09,
p = .06). The calculations based on the
third equation [16] gave a significantly
higher RMRm/p-ratio after semi-starvation
and subsequent weight regain compared to
baseline (t(10) = 2.61, p = .03).
Collectively, these data suggest that the
subjects maintained their relative
metabolic rate or even experienced an
increase in their body composition
adjusted basal metabolism compared to
baseline. In fact, despite incomplete FFM
recovery after 20 weeks of rehabilitation
(t(10) = 2.7, p = .02), the subjects‟
measured RMR was significantly higher
than at baseline (t(10) = 2.42, p = .04).
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
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Table 1. Changes in body composition and metabolic parameters over the
course of the Minnesota experiment
Body weight (kg)
(RMR (kcal))
Baseline, n = 32
S - 24 wk, n = 32
R - 12 wk, n = 32
836 MJ
947 MJ
1097 MJ
1192 MJ
R - 20 wk, n - 20
Calculated with equation
based on
Bosy-Westphal et
al. [14]
Camps et al.
Doucet et al.
Baseline, n = 32
S - 24 wk, n = 32
R - 12 wk, n = 32
R - 20 wk, n - 20
M mean; SD standard deviation; S - 24 end of the semi-starvation period of 24
weeks; R -12 after 12 weeks controlled refeed;
R -20 after 20 weeks recovery (12 weeks controlled and 8 weeks ad libitum diet), n =
subject number, recovery % - percentage of the regained weight during controlled
refeed relative to the weight lost in semi-starvation period (recovery % = 100*[R12-
S24]/[baseline - S24]), Baseline20 baseline data for the 20 subjects examined at the
time point R 20
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │8
The rate of body fat gain and RMR
recovery in the controlled rehabilitation
period was influenced by energy intake
(Table 1). The subjects were divided into
4 groups that received diets differing in
caloric content. Initially, in the
experimental design, it was planned that
the groups‟ energy intakes increased in 1.6
MJ (400 kcal) increments, from the lowest
energy group consuming 400 kcal more
than each subject‟s estimated energy
maintenance requirements at the end of
starvation to a group consuming a diet
with an energy content of 6.7 MJ (1600
kcal) above energy maintenance
requirements. However, the subsequent
analysis of the diets showed that the
groups received supplements of a lower
calorific value than planned and the two
lowest calorie groups recovered only to a
small degree in the first 6 weeks. For this
reason, the energy intake was increased in
the second half of the controlled
rehabilitation period. In the entire 12-
week rehabilitation phase, not only body
weight, but also the RMRm/p-ratio, which
inherently controls for body composition,
increased in relation to energy intake
(Figure 1). The group with the highest
energy intake had a significantly higher
RMRm/p-ratio compared to the group with
the lowest energy intake (t(14) = 3.23, p =
.006). The RMRm/p-ratio correlated
strongly and significantly with total
energy intake in the refeeding period
using the equation based on Doucet et al.
[15] (r = .97, p = .034). For the other two
equations [14, 16], a clear trend was
observed for the association between
energy intake and the RMRm/p-ratio
(r = .95, p = .054; r = .94, p = .06;
Previous computational modeling of
energy metabolism during semi-starvation
and refeeding also indicated that RMR is
higher in positive energy balance
compared to a calorie-restricted state
despite identical body composition [19].
The RMR in week 12 of the semi-
starvation phase was significantly lower
than the measured RMR in recovery week
12 despite identical FFM. The validity of
this finding remained after controlling for
body composition and including FM in the
model. Analysis based on all of our
equations [1416] showed that the
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │9
RMRm/p-ratio during semi-starvation was
significantly lower than after 12 weeks of
controlled refeeding (Table 2). Moreover,
in the lowest energy group, the RMRm/p-
ratio in the recovery period was
significantly higher than during semi-
starvation even though the subjects had
significantly lower average FFM and
identical FM. Collectively, these findings
suggest that energy intake has an acute
effect on RMR.
Figure 1. Changes in the RMRm/p-ratio related to energy intake. Different energy intake
levels during the 12 week recovery period (gray) led to different recovery rates of the
RMRm/p-ratio. Despite an identical starting point after semi-starvation (white) and controlling
for body composition, groups receiving diets of a higher caloric content showed faster
RMRm/p-ratio recovery. Different shapes represent the RMRm/p-ratio values calculated using
different equations; circles - Bosy-Westphal et al. [14], squares - Camps et al. [16] and
rectangles - Doucet et al. [15].
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │10
Table 2. Paired samples t-tests for the RMR-ratio, calculated with three RMR
prediction equations, and body composition for week 12 of the semi-starvation
period and week 12 of the recovery period
week 12
week 12
All subjects (n = 32)
p value
RMR-ratio calculated with
equation based on
Bosy-Westphal et al. [14]
< .001
Camps et al. [16]
< .001
Doucet et al. [15]
< .001
Low-calorie group (n = 8)
p value
FM (kg)
FFM (kg)
RMR (MJ/d)
RMR (kcal/d)
RMR-ratio calculated with
equation based on
Bosy-Westphal et al. [14]
Camps et al. [16]
Doucet et al. [15]
M mean; SD standard deviation; t paired t-test statistics; df degrees of freedom.
The results of other studies from the
literature search are in line with the above
data. Grande and coworkers subjected 25
young, normal weight men to a three week
long caloric restriction phase (4.18 MJ/d
(1000 kcal/d)) followed by a 20 day
period of overfeeding (≥ 22.2 MJ/d (5300
kcal/d)) [20]. The subjects experienced
significant weight loss and a decrease in
RMR. Eight days after transitioning to an
energy surplus diet, the subjects` RMR
returned to baseline, even though their
body weight was still 3.2 kg below
Müller et al. [21] performed a
sequential weight change experiment
Medical Research Archives, Vol. 4, Issue 8, December 2016
Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │11
consisting of a seven day long overfeeding
period, a 21 day long energy restriction
period and a subsequent 14 day long
refeeding period. Bodyweight, RMR and
RMRm/p-ratio increased as a result of
overfeeding (50% above energy
requirements) and decreased when the
subjects underwent severe CR (50%
below energy requirements). At the end of
the final refeeding period, when the
subjects were still in an energy surplus,
the RMRm/p-ratio was above the baseline
value (1.22 vs. 1.20), despite identical
body composition compared to baseline.
Similar results were obtained from
five individuals who spent two years in a
biosphere with a restricted energy intake
[13]. One week after the biosphere exit,
total sleeping energy expenditure (SEE)
was significantly lower compared to
control subjects. However, after reverting
to a body composition similar to that of
the control subjects, the difference was no
longer present.
3.2. Metabolic damage in
malnourished individuals
An extreme case of long-term
energy restriction occurs in chronically
undernourished individuals, such as
patients with anorexia nervosa or
malnourished populations with a poor
socioeconomic status. The RMR of these
individuals, when expressed in absolute
terms, is lower compared to well-
nourished, healthy individuals [2226].
However, accounting for body
composition offsets the relative RMR
difference (Table 3). The weighted
average of the RMRm/p-ratio, calculated
with both the equation from Bosy-
Westphal and coworkers [14] and Doucet
and coworkers [15], showed that the RMR
of malnourished individuals corresponds
to their body composition, whereas a
slightly lower RMRm/p-ratio was found
using the equation from Camps and
coworkers [16]. The total RMR increases
in some cases even exceeded the predicted
values when malnourished individuals
regained weight [2729]. Additionally, the
absolute RMR value of weight recovered
patients with anorexia nervosa does not
Medical Research Archives, Vol. 4, Issue 8, December 2016
Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │12
differ from weight-matched individuals
with no history of eating disorders [24,
30]. As such, metabolic damage does not
appear to reliably occur in malnourished
Table 3. The ratio of measured to predicted RMR (RMRm/p-ratio) calculated with
three different RMR prediction equations
et al. [14]
Camps et al. [16]
Doucet et al. [15]
Subjects, sample size
Anorectic women, 6
Anorectic women, 87
Anorectic women, 10
Anorectic women, 12
Anorectic women, 25
Severely undernourished men, 30
Severely undernourished women, 25
Weighted average RMRm/p-ratio
Medical Research Archives, Vol. 4, Issue 8, December 2016
Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │13
3.3. Metabolic damage in
competitive athletes
More data contradicting diet-
induced metabolic suppression comes
from two case studies of natural
bodybuilders undergoing contest
preparation [31, 32]. These athletic, young
males consumed a calorie-restricted diet
for up to six months to achieve body fat
levels of 4.5% and 7.5%. In both cases,
total RMR decreased along with weight
loss. In the study conducted by Robinson
and coworkers [32], the actual RMR
exceeded the predicted values during the
course of the entire study with a constant
RMRm/p-ratio of 1.19 - 1.20, suggesting
that the athlete did not experience
negative metabolic adaptations in the state
of caloric restriction beyond what is
expected from his changes in body
In contrast, another athlete [31]
experienced an RMRm/p-ratio decrease in
the weight loss phase. However, post-
contest weight regain increased his
RMRm/p-ratio. In fact, the ratio was
identical 13 weeks before and after the
competition (0.87) with a value in
between baseline (1.28) and after 26
weeks caloric restriction (0.74). Figure 2
depicts the body composition and
metabolic changes over time of both
The same scenario was observed in
12 competitive wrestlers in a seven-month
weight cycling period [33]. These athletes
lost on average 4.8 kg during the
competition season and regained 6.8 kg in
five to six weeks after the last
competition. While in an energy deficit,
their average RMRm/p-ratio decreased
from 1.29 to 1.12; however, it increased to
1.31 upon weight regain.
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │14
Figure 2. Changes in FFM (gray), FM (black) and RMRm/p-ratio (white) during weight loss
(athlete 1 and 2) and weight regain (athlete 2). Week 0 indicates the end of caloric restriction
for both athletes.
4. Discussion
Our findings contradict the
hypothesis that basal metabolism
permanently slows down to favor fat gain
or is permanently damaged by undergoing
a prolonged period of caloric restriction
[1, 7].
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │15
The discrepancy between our
findings and previous reports has several
potential reasons. Previous studies
revising the Minnesota experiment did not
analyze the complete recovery period and
disregarded the varying recovery
conditions, i.e. energy balance, among the
subjects. The 12-week post-starvation
recovery period analyzed by Dulloo and
coworkers [7, 34] was not sufficient for
full metabolic recovery: full restoration of
the RMRm/p-ratio occurred after 20 weeks
of refeeding. The lack of complete
recovery within 12 weeks was not
surprising, considering that in the first half
of the 12-week controlled recovery period
the subjects received diets containing
fewer calories than initially planned and
one half of the subjects rehabilitated only
to a small degree. Notably, Dulloo and
coworkers [7] did not take into account
that the subjects were divided into 4
groups that received diets of a different
caloric content during the 12 weeks of
controlled rehabilitation. The groups
receiving diets of a higher caloric content,
consuming up to 4.2 MJ/d (1014 kcal/d)
more than the low calorie group,
experienced faster body weight and RMR
recovery than the low calorie group. Not
taking into account this significant
difference in energy intake may be the
reason why the researchers [7, 34]
concluded that RMR recovers in relation
to the degree of FM recovery without
being influenced by the recovery of the
more metabolically active FFM. The
findings here provide evidence that faster
RMR recovery and higher FM
replenishment resulted from a higher
caloric intake (Figure 1), contradicting the
idea that faster RMR recovery is primarily
a function of fat store replenishment.
The results here challenge the
hypothesis of a “metabolic memory,
which states that thermogenesis is
suppressed until fat stores revert to their
initial size (“fat-stores memory”) [7]. The
findings here suggest that the suppression
of basal metabolism, which is a
component of thermogenesis [35], is a
function of caloric intake and changes in
body composition. Even though the
subjects in the low-calorie group did not
experience full metabolic recovery due to
their low energy intake, their RMRm/p-
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
Copyright 2016 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │16
ratio was still significantly higher in the
recovery period than in the semi-
starvation period, despite a less favorable
body composition (Table 2). In contrast,
positive energy balance following CR
readily undoes short-term AT and restores
thyroid hormone levels and SNS activity
[21, 28]. Thus, RMR measurements taken
in a calorie-restricted state, without
considering the influence of energy
balance on RMR, may potentially yield
misleading results in favor of the
metabolic damage hypothesis.
Another reason for the finding of
purported metabolic damage in previous
studies is that RMR predictions in favor of
the „metabolic slowing‟ hypothesis that
showed a decrease in RMR originated
from weight loss studies on obese
individuals. These studies appear to have
overestimated the actual RMR [1] of post-
obese individuals due to the fact that their
predictions were based on FM and FFM
changes without accounting for changes in
FFM relative to organ mass, as described
earlier [17, 36].
It is important to note that AT was
frequently observed in well-nourished
individuals subjected to a period of acute
energy restriction [37], even though here
the RMR of chronically undernourished
individuals corresponded to their body
composition (Table 3), suggesting that AT
was absent during chronic CR [37].
A limitation of this review is that the
data on individual subjects is lacking for
the majority of research studies. As such,
data on body composition and metabolic
parameters were only suitable for
statistical analysis in the Minnesota
experiment. Additionally, pre-anorexic
data on RMR from anorexia nervosa
patients are absent, making before and
after RMR comparisons impossible.
Another limitation of the current research
is that some research studies were limited
either by their length, consisting of a total
three week diet- and refeeding period, or
contrasted by single-case studies done on
bodybuilders that are limited in their
sample size. Future research may further
our understanding of human metabolic
changes by investigating multiple weight
cycling phases in various populations with
sufficient sample sizes to achieve
satisfactory statistical power.
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Metabolic Damage: Do Negative Metabolic Adaptations During Underfeeding
Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
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5. Conclusion
Body composition is the most
influential determinant of RMR in neutral
energy balance. Short-term changes in
energy balance induce metabolic
adaptations that change RMR
correspondingly. During long-term caloric
restriction, AT occurs and RMR often
decreases relative to FM and FFM loss
[37]. Positive energy balance undoes the
negative metabolic effects of AT and
causes RMR to return to a level that is
appropriate for the body composition at
that time. The findings here show that
human metabolism is highly plastic and
rapidly adapts to changes in energy
availability and body composition. This
stands in contrast to the hypothesis of an
inflexible metabolism that is susceptible
to metabolic damage during prolonged
caloric restriction. As such, the presence
of metabolic damage in non-obese
individuals is not supported by the current
Conflict of interest: none
Financial support: none
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Persist After Refeeding in Non-Obese Populations?
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... Often, observed decreases in RMR go beyond the reduction that would be predicted based on the loss of body mass alone (Camps et al., 2013;Johannsen et al., 2012;Rosenbaum et al., 2008). These reductions have even been reported to persist for years after the period of energy restriction has ended, even when body mass is partially restored (Fothergill et al., 2016), although full restoration of the prior body composition generally fully reverses any such negative metabolic adaptations (Zinchenko and Henselmans, 2016). Fat-free mass is the largest contributor to RMR (Stubbs et al., 2018), and reductions in FFM as a result of energy restriction may partially explain the prolonged metabolic effects of weight loss. ...
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of intermittent versus continuous energy restriction on body composition, resting metabolic rate, and eating behaviors in resistance-trained females. Thirty-eight resistance-trained females (mean ± standard deviation age: 22.3±4.2 years) were randomized to receive either six weeks of a continuous 25% reduction in energy intake (n= 18), or one week of energy balance after every two weeks of 25% energy restriction (eight weeks total; n= 20). Participants were instructed to ingest 1.8 g protein/kilogram bodyweight per day and completed three weekly supervised resistance training sessions throughout the intervention. There were no differences between groups for changes over time in body composition, resting metabolic rate, or seven of the eight measured eating behavior variables (p > 0.05). However, a significant group-by-time interaction for disinhibition (p < 0.01) from the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire was observed, with values (± standard error) in the continuous group increasing from 4.91 ± 0.73 to 6.17 ± 0.71, while values in the intermittent group decreased from 6.80 ± 0.68 to 6.05 ± 0.68. Thus, diet breaks do not appear to induce improvements in body composition or metabolic rate in comparison with continuous energy restriction over six weeks of dieting, but may be employed for those who desire a short-term break from an energy-restricted diet without fear of fat regain. While diet breaks may reduce the impact of prolonged energy restriction on measures of disinhibition, they also require a longer time period that may be less appealing for some individuals.
... From a biological standpoint, it makes sense that the body reacts in order to reduce the energy gap induced by 'voluntary starvation', becoming more efficient in response to food restriction. However, it is not fully understood whether adaptive thermogenesis is a permanent consequence of weight loss or is reversed after a period of weight stability at a newly reduced body weight (35,73) . ...
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This review examines the metabolic adaptations that occur in response to negative energy balance and their potential putative or functional impact on appetite and food intake. Sustained negative energy balance will result in weight loss, with body composition changes similar for different dietary interventions if total energy and protein intake are equated. During periods of underfeeding, compensatory metabolic and behavioural responses occur that attenuate the prescribed energy deficit. While losses of metabolically active tissue during energy deficit result in reduced energy expenditure, an additional down-regulation in expenditure has been noted that cannot be explained by changes in body tissue (e.g. adaptive thermogenesis). Sustained negative energy balance is also associated with an increase in orexigenic drive and changes in appetite-related peptides during weight loss that may act as cues for increased hunger and food intake. It has also been suggested that losses of fat-free mass (FFM) could also act as an orexigenic signal during weight loss, but more data are needed to support these findings and the signalling pathways linking FFM and energy intake remain unclear. Taken together, these metabolic and behavioural responses to weight loss point to a highly complex and dynamic energy balance system in which perturbations to individual components can cause co-ordinated and inter-related compensatory responses elsewhere. The strength of these compensatory responses is individually subtle, and early identification of this variability may help identify individuals that respond well or poorly to an intervention
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Bodybuilding competitions are becoming increasingly popular. Competitors are judged on their aesthetic appearance and usually exhibit a high level of muscularity and symmetry and low levels of body fat. Commonly used techniques to improve physique during the preparation phase before competitions include dehydration, periods of prolonged fasting, severe caloric restriction, excessive cardiovascular exercise and inappropriate use of diuretics and anabolic steroids. In contrast, this case study documents a structured nutrition and conditioning intervention followed by a 21 year-old amateur bodybuilding competitor to improve body composition, resting and exercise fat oxidation, and muscular strength that does not involve use of any of the above mentioned methods. Over a 14-week period, the Athlete was provided with a scientifically designed nutrition and conditioning plan that encouraged him to (i) consume a variety of foods; (ii) not neglect any macronutrient groups; (iii) exercise regularly but not excessively and; (iv) incorporate rest days into his conditioning regime. This strategy resulted in a body mass loss of 11.7 kg's, corresponding to a 6.7 kg reduction in fat mass and a 5.0 kg reduction in fat-free mass. Resting metabolic rate decreased from 1993 kcal/d to 1814 kcal/d, whereas resting fat oxidation increased from 0.04 g/min to 0.06 g/min. His capacity to oxidize fat during exercise increased more than twofold from 0.24 g/min to 0.59 g/min, while there was a near 3-fold increase in the corresponding exercise intensity that elicited the maximal rate of fat oxidation; 21% V ̇ O 2max to 60% V ̇ O 2max. Hamstring concentric peak torque decreased (1.7 to 1.5 Nm/kg), whereas hamstring eccentric (2.0 Nm/kg to 2.9 Nm/kg), quadriceps concentric (3.4 Nm/kg to 3.7 Nm/kg) and quadriceps eccentric (4.9 Nm/kg to 5.7 Nm/kg) peak torque all increased. Psychological mood-state (BRUMS scale) was not negatively influenced by the intervention and all values relating to the Athlete's mood-state remained below average over the course of study. This intervention shows that a structured and scientifically supported nutrition strategy can be implemented to improve parameters relevant to bodybuilding competition and importantly the health of competitors, therefore questioning the conventional practices of bodybuilding preparation.
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Excessive physical activity is one of the most paradoxical features of anorexia nervosa (AN). However, there is individual variation in the degree of physical activity found in AN-patients. As a result, marked differences in energy expenditure may be expected. Furthermore, exercise has a positive impact on a variety of psychological disorders and the psychopathology may be different in AN displaying high exercise levels versus AN displaying low exercise levels. We analyzed the energy metabolism and psychological data in low-level exercise and high-level exercise AN-patients compared with healthy, age matched controls. REE was decreased in AN-patients compared with controls but not when adjusted for body surface area or lean body mass. No differences in TDEE between AN- patients and controls were observed. Subgroup analyses showed that the percentage of high-level AN- exercisers was higher compared with controls. This subgroup had increased resting EE, total daily EE and scored higher on depression and the EDI-item "Drive for thinness" compared with low-level AN-exercisers. We identified a significant subgroup of high-level AN-exercisers (66%) with consecutive increased energy requirements. An easy way for clinicians to assess the amount of exercise before and in the course of treatment is a single question in the established Eating Disorder Inventory-SC (EDI-SC).
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Background: Diet-induced weight loss is accompanied by adaptive thermogenesis, ie, a disproportional or greater than expected reduction of resting metabolic rate (RMR). Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether adaptive thermogenesis is sustained during weight maintenance after weight loss. Design: Subjects were 22 men and 69 women [mean ± SD age: 40 ± 9 y; body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)): 31.9 ± 3.0]. They followed a very-low-energy diet for 8 wk, followed by a 44-wk period of weight maintenance. Body composition was assessed with a 3-compartment model based on body weight, total body water (deuterium dilution), and body volume. RMR was measured (RMRm) with a ventilated hood. In addition, RMR was predicted (RMRp) on the basis of the measured body composition: RMRp (MJ/d) = 0.024 × fat mass (kg) + 0.102 × fat-free mass (kg) + 0.85. Measurements took place before the diet and 8, 20, and 52 wk after the start of the diet. Results: The ratio of RMRm to RMRp decreased from 1.004 ± 0.077 before the diet to 0.963 ± 0.073 after the diet (P < 0.001), and the decrease was sustained after 20 wk (0.983 ± 0.063; P < 0.01) and 52 wk (0.984 ± 0.068; P < 0.01). RMRm/RMRp was correlated with the weight loss after 8 wk (P < 0.01), 20 wk (P < 0.05), and 52 wk (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Weight loss results in adaptive thermogenesis, and there is no indication for a change in adaptive thermogenesis up to 1 y, when weight loss is maintained. This trial was registered at as NCT01015508.
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Limitations of current methods: Normalization of resting energy expenditure (REE) for body composition using the 2-compartment model fat mass (FM), and fat-free mass (FFM) has inherent limitations for the interpretation of REE and may lead to erroneous conclusions when comparing people with a wide range of adiposity as well as before and after substantial weight loss. Experimental objectives: We compared different methods of REE normalization: (1) for FFM and FM (2) by the inclusion of %FM as a measure of adiposity and (3) based on organ and tissue masses. Results were compared between healthy subjects with different degrees of adiposity as well as within subject before and after weight loss. Results: Normalizing REE from an “REE vs. FFM and FM equation” that (1) was derived in obese participants and applied to lean people or (2) was derived before weight loss and applied after weight loss leads to the erroneous conclusion of a lower metabolic rate (i) in lean persons and (ii) after weight loss. This is revealed by the normalization of REE for organ and tissue masses that was not significantly different between lean and obese or between baseline and after weight loss. There is evidence for an increasing specific metabolic rate of FFM with increasing %FM that could be explained by a higher contribution of liver, kidney and heart mass to FFM in obesity. Using “REE vs. FFM and FM equations” specific for different levels of adiposity (%FM) eliminated differences in REE before and after weight loss in women. Conclusion: The most established method for normalization of REE based on FFM and FM may lead to spurious conclusions about metabolic rate in obesity and the phenomenon of weight loss-associated adaptive thermogenesis. Using %FM-specific REE prediction from FFM and FM in kg may improve the normalization of REE when subjects with wide differences in %FM are investigated.
Objective: To measure long-term changes in resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition in participants of "The Biggest Loser" competition. Methods: Body composition was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and RMR was determined by indirect calorimetry at baseline, at the end of the 30-week competition and 6 years later. Metabolic adaptation was defined as the residual RMR after adjusting for changes in body composition and age. Results: Of the 16 "Biggest Loser" competitors originally investigated, 14 participated in this follow-up study. Weight loss at the end of the competition was (mean ± SD) 58.3 ± 24.9 kg (P < 0.0001), and RMR decreased by 610 ± 483 kcal/day (P = 0.0004). After 6 years, 41.0 ± 31.3 kg of the lost weight was regained (P = 0.0002), while RMR was 704 ± 427 kcal/day below baseline (P < 0.0001) and metabolic adaptation was -499 ± 207 kcal/day (P < 0.0001). Weight regain was not significantly correlated with metabolic adaptation at the competition's end (r = -0.1, P = 0.75), but those subjects maintaining greater weight loss at 6 years also experienced greater concurrent metabolic slowing (r = 0.59, P = 0.025). Conclusions: Metabolic adaptation persists over time and is likely a proportional, but incomplete, response to contemporaneous efforts to reduce body weight.
Background: Adaptive thermogenesis (AT) is the fat-free mass (FFM)-independent reduction of resting energy expenditure (REE) to caloric restriction (CR). AT attenuates weight loss and favors weight regain. Its variance, dynamics, and control remain obscure. Objectives: Our aims were to address the variance and kinetics of AT, its associations with body composition in the context of endocrine determinants, and its effect on weight regain. Design: Thirty-two nonobese men underwent sequential overfeeding (1 wk at +50% of energy needs), CR (3 wk at -50% of energy needs), and refeeding (2 wk at +50% of energy needs). AT and its determinants were measured together with body composition as assessed with the use of quantitative magnetic resonance, whole-body MRI, isotope dilution, and nitrogen and fluid balances. Results: Changes in body weight were +1.8 kg (overfeeding), -6.0 kg (CR), and +3.5 kg (refeeding). CR reduced fat mass and FFM by 114 and 159 g/d, respectively. Within FFM, skeletal muscle (-5%), liver (-13%), and kidneys (-8%) decreased. CR also led to reductions in REE (-266 kcal/d), respiratory quotient (-15%), heart rate (-14%), blood pressure (-7%), creatinine clearance (-12%), energy cost of walking (-22%), activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) (-38%), and plasma leptin (-44%), insulin (-54%), adiponectin (-49%), 3,5,3'-tri-iodo-thyronine (T3) (-39%), and testosterone (-11%). AT was 108 kcal/d or 48% of the decrease in REE. Changes in FFM composition explained 36 kcal, which left 72 kcal/d for true AT. The decrease in AT became significant at ≤3 d of CR and was related to decreases in insulin secretion (r = 0.92, P < 0.001), heart rate (r = 0.60, P < 0.05), creatinine clearance (r = 0.79, P < 0.05), negative fluid balance (r = 0.51, P < 0.01), and the free water clearance rate (r = -0.90, P < 0.002). SNS activity and plasma leptin, ghrelin, and T3 and their changes with CR were not related to AT. Conclusion: During early weight loss, AT is associated with a fall in insulin secretion and body fluid balance. This trial was registered at as NCT01737034.
Whether dieting makes people fatter has been a subject of considerable controversy over the past 30 years. More recent analysis of several prospective studies suggest, however, that it is dieting to lose weight in people who are in the healthy normal range of body weight, rather than in those who are overweight or obese, that most strongly and consistently predict future weight gain. This paper analyses the ongoing arguments in the debate about whether repeated dieting to lose weight in normal-weight people represents unsuccessful attempts to counter genetic and familial predispositions to obesity, a psychosocial reaction to the fear of fatness or that dieting per se confers risks for fatness and hence a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic. In addressing the biological plausibility that dieting predisposes the lean (rather than the overweight or obese) to regaining more body fat than what had been lost (i.e. fat overshooting), it integrates the results derived from the re-analysis of body composition data on fat mass and fat-free mass (FFM) losses and recoveries from human studies of experimental energy restriction and refeeding. These suggest that feedback signals from the depletion of both fat mass (i.e. adipostats) and FFM (i.e. proteinstats) contribute to weight regain through the modulation of energy intake and adaptive thermogenesis, and that a faster rate of fat recovery relative to FFM recovery (i.e. preferential catch-up fat) is a central outcome of body composition autoregulation in lean individuals. Such a temporal desynchronization in the restoration of the body's fat vs. FFM results in a state of hyperphagia that persists beyond complete recovery of fat mass and interestingly until FFM is fully recovered. However, as this completion of FFM recovery is also accompanied by fat deposition, excess fat accumulates. In other words, fat overshooting is a prerequisite to allow complete recovery of FFM. This confers biological plausibility for post-dieting fat overshooting - which through repeated dieting and weight cycling would increase the risks for trajectories from leanness to fatness. Given the increasing prevalence of dieting in normal-weight female and male among young adults, adolescents and even children who perceive themselves as too fat (due to media, family and societal pressures), together with the high prevalence of dieting for optimizing performance among athletes in weight-sensitive sports, the notion that dieting and weight cycling may be predisposing a substantial proportion of the population to weight gain and obesity deserves greater scientific scrutiny. © 2015 World Obesity.
Background: Chronic starvation is accompanied by a reduction in resting energy expenditure (REE). It is not clear whether this is due mainly to a reduction in body mass or also involves a significant reduction in the cellular metabolic rate of the fat-free mass (FFM). Objectives: The main goal was to compare measured REE (REEm) with REE predicted by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry modeling of organ-tissue mass (REEp) in malnourished patients with severe anorexia nervosa (AN) and in healthy lean control subjects. REE adjusted for FFM and fat mass was also compared between the groups. Design: This was a cross-sectional study of 30 patients with AN and 25 lean control subjects. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry. Body composition was modeled using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and REE was predicted for each group based on organ-tissue mass. Results: REEm was significantly lower than REEp in subjects with AN (854 ± 41 vs 1080 ± 25 kcal/d, P < .001), but not in control subjects. In addition, REE adjusted for both FFM and fat mass was significantly lower in the subjects with AN (1031 ± 37 vs 1178 ± 32 kcal/d, P < .01). Finally, compared with the lean control subjects, both organ and skeletal muscle mass were approximately 20% smaller in subjects with AN. Conclusions: Chronic starvation is accompanied by a significant reduction in the metabolic rate of the FFM. The organs and/or tissues accounting for this are unknown. In addition, this study suggests that protein is mobilized proportionately from organs and skeletal muscle during starvation. This too may be an adaptive response to chronic starvation.
Unlabelled: Bodybuilding is a sport in which competitors are judged on muscular appearance. This case study tracked a drug-free male bodybuilder (age 26-27 y) for the 6 mo before and after a competition. Purpose: The aim of this study was to provide the most comprehensive physiological profile of bodybuilding competition preparation and recovery ever compiled. Methods: Cardiovascular parameters, body composition, strength, aerobic capacity, critical power, mood state, resting energy expenditure, and hormonal and other blood parameters were evaluated. Results: Heart rate decreased from 53 to 27 beats/min during preparation and increased to 46 beats/min within 1 mo after competition. Brachial blood pressure dropped from 132/69 to 104/56 mmHg during preparation and returned to 116/64 mmHg at 6 mo after competition. Percent body fat declined from 14.8% to 4.5% during preparation and returned to 14.6% during recovery. Strength decreased during preparation and did not fully recover during 6 months of recovery. Testosterone declined from 9.22 to 2.27 ng/mL during preparation and returned back to the baseline level, 9.91 ng/mL, after competition. Total mood disturbance increased from 6 to 43 units during preparation and recovered to 4 units 6 mo after competition. Conclusions: This case study provides a thorough documentation of the physiological changes that occurred during natural bodybuilding competition and recovery.
An important goal during weight loss is to maximize fat loss while preserving metabolically active fat-free mass (FFM). Massive weight loss typically results in substantial loss of FFM potentially slowing metabolic rate. Our objective was to determine whether a weight loss program consisting of diet restriction and vigorous exercise helped to preserve FFM and maintain resting metabolic rate (RMR). We measured body composition by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, RMR by indirect calorimetry, and total energy expenditure by doubly labeled water at baseline (n = 16), wk 6 (n = 11), and wk 30 (n = 16). At baseline, participants were severely obese (× ± SD; body mass index 49.4 ± 9.4 kg/m(2)) with 49 ± 5% body fat. At wk 30, more than one third of initial body weight was lost (-38 ± 9%) and consisted of 17 ± 8% from FFM and 83 ± 8% from fat. RMR declined out of proportion to the decrease in body mass, demonstrating a substantial metabolic adaptation (-244 ± 231 and -504 ± 171 kcal/d at wk 6 and 30, respectively, P < 0.01). Energy expenditure attributed to physical activity increased by 10.2 ± 5.1 kcal/kg.d at wk 6 and 6.0 ± 4.1 kcal/kg.d at wk 30 (P < 0.001 vs. zero). Despite relative preservation of FFM, exercise did not prevent dramatic slowing of resting metabolism out of proportion to weight loss. This metabolic adaptation may persist during weight maintenance and predispose to weight regain unless high levels of physical activity or caloric restriction are maintained.