
Salutogene Perspektiven. Zur Entstehung und Förderung von Gesundheit in der Enzyklika

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Salutogenic Perspectives - Developing and Promoting Health in the Encyclica Claude-Hélène Mayer What does Pope Franciscus say about health and health promotion in his 2015 published Eco-Encyclica? Claude-Hélène Mayer reflects on salutogenic perspectives in the encyclica. She poses questions, such as: "What role does the sense of coherence play within the concept of holistic ecology?" or "How can sense of coherence be created according to the encyclica?" Comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness, as the three main components of sense of coherence - based on Aaron Antonovsky's concept of salutogenesis - are analysed within the text. The analysis opens up new perspectives on health in the context of holistic ecology and refers to them on individual, organisational, regional, socio-cultural, and global levels. Value-orientations and constructs of spirituality are explored in this context and are identified as a fundament of environmentally-sensitive and creative actions. Pope Franciscus provides the reader with stimuli for conscious actions in terms of a salutogentic, holistic and dignified lifestyle for present and future generations. Salutogene Perspektiven - Zur Entstehung und Förderung von Gesundheit in der Enzyklika Claude-Hélène Mayer Was sagt Papst Franziskus zur Gesundheit und Gesundheitsförderung in seiner 2015 erschienenen Öko-Enzyklika? Claude-Hélène Mayer setzt sich in ihrem Kapitel zu salutogenen Perspektiven mit dieser Frage auseinander. Das Interesse daran, welchen Platz das Kohärenzgefühl im Kontext einer ganzheitlichen Ökologie einnimmt und wie es nach Papst Franziskus geschaffen werden kann, stehen im Fokus der Analyse. Das Kapitel zeigt auf, wie die drei Komponenten des Kohärenzgefühls - Verstehbarkeit, Handhabbarkeit und Sinnhaftigkeit - in Anlehnung an Aaron Antonovskys Konzept der Salutogenese in der Enzyklika hervorgehoben werden. Der Text eröffnet somit einen neuen Blick auf die Laudato Si und bietet einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Gesundheits-Diskurs im Kontext eines holistischen Umweltkonzeptes. Dabei werden auf individueller, organisationaler, regionaler, sozio-kultureller und globaler Ebene Aspekte der Wertorientierungen und Spiritualitätskonstruktionen hervorgehoben, die eine motivationale Basis für ein umweltgerechtes und kreatives Handeln bieten. Anregungen zum bewussten Handeln im Sinne eines salutogenen, holistischen und würdevollen Lebensstils werden schließlich identifiziert, um einen Ausblick zu geben.

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... Thereby, he synthesises theological and scientific views, conducts a new discourse including ecological and health perspectives, and calls for original visions and strategies for an integrated move forward (Lin 2018). As an international leader combining theological, political and policy-making issues with ecological sciences (Lyon et al. 2018) and mental health (Mayer 2017), he expands on previously published Encyclicals. Scientists from various disciplines have taken the discourses further (George 2017;Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 2017;Maibach et al. 2015), as have members of non-governmental organisations (Club of Rome), and political commentators (Carroll 2017). ...
... The maintenance and reconstruction of health is of high relevance in the holistic ecology of Pope Francis 2015a, b, and the aim is to understand what health is and how it can be developed and/or maintained (Mayer 2017). The Encyclica has been analysed using the theoretical approach of salutogenesis, the study of the development of health (Antonovsky 1979). ...
... Based on the perspective of Antonovsky (1979), Mayer (2017) concludes that holistic health for the individual needs to be constructed in terms of identity-based values, for the community and society in terms of collective values, and for universal humanity by referring to global humanistic values. These health-related values need to be connected systemically in harmony with nature and a higher power, such as God or the belief in oneself, to become implemented in a sustainable, systemic and health-orientated way which includes the different levels of human interaction. ...
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This article aims to build awareness of the growing global crisis in social, economic and environmental terms from different disciplinary approaches. The authors respond to the message of Pope Francis presented in his Encyclical Letter published in 2015. The article provides a short current overview of the discourse and presents three hypotheses anchored in the disciplines of Psychology, Health and Theology for a deeper discussion of Pope Francis’s viewpoints on the challenges to humankind and how to address them. It thereby contributes to the discourse on health and religion with regard to the Pope’s message to the world community. The article leads to an interdisciplinary conclusion and directions for future research and practice.
Health, stress and coping
  • A Antonovsky
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The meaning of sense of coherence in transcultural management
  • C.-H Mayer
Mayer, C.-H. (2011). The meaning of sense of coherence in transcultural management. Münster: Waxmann.
Exploring mental health: theoretical and empirical discourses on salutogenesis
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  • C Krause
Mayer, C.-H. & Krause, C. (Hrsg.)(2012). Exploring mental health: theoretical and empirical discourses on salutogenesis. Lengerich: Pabst Publishers.
Die »Sense of Coherence Scale«. Testhandbuch zur deutschen Version
  • S Singer
  • E Brähler
Singer, S. & Brähler, E. (2007). Die »Sense of Coherence Scale«. Testhandbuch zur deutschen Version. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.