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Control and eradication of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus type 2 using a modified-live type 2 vaccine in combination with a load, close, homogenise model: An area elimination study



Background Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) causes significant animal and economic losses worldwide. The infection is difficult to control and PRRSV elimination at local level requires coordinated intervention among multiple farms. This case study describes a successful elimination of PRRSV from all 12 herds on the Horne Peninsula, Denmark, using a combination of load, close, homogenise (LCH) using PRRSV type 2 modified-live vaccine, optimised pig flow, and’10 Golden Rules’ (10GR) for biosecurity management. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first successful European PRRSV area elimination project documented in detail. The PRRSV type 2 modified-live vaccine was used as part of the LCH method in breeding herds. Complete or partial depopulation was performed in some infected herds. A simplified biosecurity protocol (10GR) based on the McREBEL™ system of pig flow management, was employed in all herds and at all times throughout the study. Results At study commencement, all herds were infected with PRRSV, and most were actively shedding virus. In just over 18 months, all 12 herds on the Horne Peninsula were confirmed to be PRRSV negative by polymerase chain reaction testing and negative for antibodies against PRRSV by enzyme–linked immunosorbent assay testing. All herds were subsequently obtained ‘Specific Pathogen Free’ status for PRRSV. Conclusions This study provides compelling evidence suggesting that an area elimination plan combining LCH with PRRSV type 2 vaccination, optimised pig flow, and 10GR for biosecurity management can effectively eliminate PRRSV from a geographic area. Additionally this study confirms the value of a previously unpublished, simplified alternative to the McREBEL system for controlling PRRSV. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13028-016-0270-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
DOI 10.1186/s13028-016-0270-z
Control anderadication ofporcine
reproductive andrespiratory syndrome virus
type 2 using a modied-live type 2 vaccine
incombination witha load, close, homogenise
model: an area elimination study
Poul H. Rathkjen1* and Johannes Dall2
Background: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) causes significant animal and economic
losses worldwide. The infection is difficult to control and PRRSV elimination at local level requires coordinated inter-
vention among multiple farms. This case study describes a successful elimination of PRRSV from all 12 herds on the
Horne Peninsula, Denmark, using a combination of load, close, homogenise (LCH) using PRRSV type 2 modified-live
vaccine, optimised pig flow, and’10 Golden Rules’ (10GR) for biosecurity management. To the authors’ knowledge, this
is the first successful European PRRSV area elimination project documented in detail. The PRRSV type 2 modified-live
vaccine was used as part of the LCH method in breeding herds. Complete or partial depopulation was performed in
some infected herds. A simplified biosecurity protocol (10GR) based on the McREBEL system of pig flow manage-
ment, was employed in all herds and at all times throughout the study.
Results: At study commencement, all herds were infected with PRRSV, and most were actively shedding virus. In
just over 18 months, all 12 herds on the Horne Peninsula were confirmed to be PRRSV negative by polymerase chain
reaction testing and negative for antibodies against PRRSV by enzyme–linked immunosorbent assay testing. All herds
were subsequently obtained ‘Specific Pathogen Free’ status for PRRSV.
Conclusions: This study provides compelling evidence suggesting that an area elimination plan combining LCH with
PRRSV type 2 vaccination, optimised pig flow, and 10GR for biosecurity management can effectively eliminate PRRSV
from a geographic area. Additionally this study confirms the value of a previously unpublished, simplified alternative
to the McREBEL system for controlling PRRSV.
Keywords: Area regional control, Elimination, Modified-live vaccine, Load close homogenise, PRRS
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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS)
is one of the most prevalent viral swine diseases in the
world, responsible for substantial economic losses world-
wide [1]. In the US, PRRS is estimated to cause annual
losses of around $664 million [2]. A 2012 economic anal-
ysis in nine Dutch sow herds found that the mean eco-
nomic loss per sow per 18-week outbreak of PRRSV was
126 [3].
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome is
caused by the PRRS virus (PRRSV) and was first reported
in the late 1980s [4]. Two PRRSV genotypes have been
described: type 1 and type 2, isolated in Europe and
North America, respectively. Sequence comparison has
Open Access
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica
1 Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH, Binger Straße 173,
55216 Ingelheim, Germany
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
highlighted significant genetic differences between them
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome causes
high morbidity and mortality, poor reproductive per-
formance and slow piglet growth rates [1]. e extent
of reproductive symptoms varies depending on age,
pregnancy status and stage of gestation [6, 7]. In non-
pregnant sows, PRRS can develop without symptoms,
or cause appetite loss or fever [6]. In pregnant sows, the
virus may cross the placenta during late gestation, infect
developing foetuses and increase the risk of abortion,
early farrowing and foetal death [8, 9]. Neonatal and
nursery pigs may experience respiratory distress, listless-
ness, pneumonia, high fever, anorexia, conjunctivitis and
growth retardation [6, 1012]. In growing and finishing
pigs, the severity of PRRS varies from no detectable signs
to fatal pneumonia, depending on the viral strain and the
presence of opportunistic bacterial or viral coinfections
At both herd and individual level, PRRSV infection is
difficult to control for several reasons. PRRSV infection
can be completely cleared by the porcine immune sys-
tem, but considerable gaps remain in our understanding
of the immunological response to PRRSV [14]. In the
field, the diversity of PRRSV is increasing [15]. Levels of
genetic similarity between vaccine and field challenge
have often been used as a predictor of vaccine efficacy,
but the ability of a vaccine to protect against a certain
field virus is not linked to the level of sequence homology
it shares with the challenging strain: the degree of genetic
similarity does not predict the cross-protective ability of
the vaccine [14]. Despite these challenges, vaccination
is a popular method of controlling PRRS and reducing
losses caused by it. Multiple vaccines are commercially
available [11].
Accepted PRRSV control and elimination models for
multiple herds include herd closure with either total herd
replacement or with normal herd replacement rates, and
depopulation/repopulation of infected herds [16, 17].
Herd closure involves preventing entry of new animals,
while depopulation/repopulation involves complete
removal of PRRSV-positive animals from a herd, clean-
ing and decontaminating the site, then replacing with
PRRSV–negative animals bred elsewhere [17]. Depopu-
lation/repopulation is effective, but expensive because of
requirements for large external breeding projects [17] and
loss of productivity after depopulation [2]. Alternatively,
the load, close, homogenise (LCH) (also known as load,
close, expose) model allows the PRRSV status to stabilise
in a breeding herd before introduction of new PRRSV-
negative animals [18, 19]. Using this model, PRRSV can
be completely eliminated from large breeding (sow) herds
[14] without incurring substantial losses of productive
time (i.e. time without weaned pigs) for the breeding herd.
LCH is accomplished by loading herds with gilts before
closing the herds to new animals for minimum of 200days
[14]. Uniform PRRS status must then be achieved either
by simultaneous vaccination or by inoculation with serum
containing resident virus [19]. e LCH model is inex-
pensive compared with depopulation/repopulation of a
breeding stock [20], and broadly recognised as effective at
stabilising PRRSV-positive breeding herds [21, 22], but it
requires stringent biosecurity measures to prevent virus
transmission within the herd.
e Management Changes to Reduce Exposure to
Bacteria to Eliminate Losses (McREBEL) system was
developed in 1994 to reduce the spread of PRRSV and
secondary bacterial infections among farrowing house
pigs, and to nursery pigs [2224]. e McREBEL system
helps stabilise PRRSV infection within the breeding herd
and reduce mortality among infected nursery pigs [24].
e McREBEL system has several advantages, but the sys-
tem can be difficult to implement for many reasons. For
example, farm staff can be unwilling to abandon cross-
fostering and perform piglet euthanasia, and staff incen-
tive plans need to be reviewed to ensure its success [24].
e Horne Peninsula is a region in the southern Danish
island of Funen, approximately 50 kilometres southwest
of Odense. e peninsula is a naturally limited geograph-
ical area; it is surrounded with water on three sides, and
spans approximately 6 kilometres North to South, and
10 kilometres East to West. It is an area with intensive
pig farming: 12 herds are situated on the peninsula, and
include breeding, wean-to-finish and finishing produc-
tion, but no other herds are situated within 4km.
Until the current elimination plan started, all farms on
the Horne Peninsula repeatedly experienced PRRS out-
breaks despite multiple attempts to control the virus.
Common problems were periodic outbreaks of abortion,
many stillborn piglets, poorly-lactating sows, poorly–
performing piglets at weaning, and high mortality in one
particular finisher herd. Different attempts to control the
PRRSV in the area had already been tried, but with low
success. Prior control attempts included depopulation,
vaccinating incoming gilts with PRRS modified-live vac-
cine (MLV) in quarantine and systematically implement-
ing some McREBEL rules to varying degrees. Overall, a
systematic approach to control or eliminate PRRSV from
the whole area was needed.
e objective of this area elimination case study was to
eliminate PRRSV infection as defined by absence of pigs
with PRRSV and corresponding antibodies from all herds
on the Horne Peninsula, Denmark, using a combination
of LCH using PRRS modified-live type 2 vaccine, opti-
mised pig flow, and implementation of’10Golden Rules’
(10GR) for biosecurity management.
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
e study area included all 12 herds on the Horne Pen-
insula: five finisher herds, four breeding herds, two
wean-to-finish herds, and one gilt quarantine (Table1).
Breeding herds contained sows, gilts ready for breed-
ing, and weaned piglets. Wean-to-finish herds received
weaned piglets from breeding herds and raised them
until slaughter. Finisher herds received piglets at around
11weeks of age, and raised them until slaughter.
In total, the herds on the peninsula contained approxi-
mately 15,000 animals. Movement of animals between
the 12 herds was coordinated in two separate pig flows:
Flow 1 and Flow 2. All animals in Flow 1 originated from
F1B1 and F1B2, and all animals in Flow 2 originated from
F2B1 and F2B2. eherds in each flow were controlled
by four separate owners who worked closely with each
other. PRRSV-negative gilts were imported into F2B1
only after completing 12weeks in all in, all out (AIAO)
quarantine: no other herds received animals from outside
of the Horne Peninsula. Animals were exported out of
the Horne Peninsula from the nursery of F1B2 only. All
other animal movements were within the herds on the
Layout offarm buildings
Breeding herds contained separate areas: farrowing
rooms and nursery rooms. F1WF1 had four nursery
rooms and six finisher rooms: all were separate, but all
pigs entered through one nursery room and passed
through others whilst in transit. Similarly, pigs moving
from nursery to finisher rooms passed through several
rooms containing piglets of other ages. At study com-
mencement, F1WF1 operated as continuous flow. F1WF2
comprised two barns: a nursery and a finishing barn,
both of which had multiple rooms. AIAO production was
observed in all rooms in both the nursery and finishing
barns. Finishing herds contained pigs separated into dif-
ferent rooms by age group, and AIAO production was
observed. F1Q consisted of two adjacent buildings, con-
nected by corridors. One building housed pregnant sows
and finishers that arrived from F1B2, and the other build-
ing housed gilts in acclimatisation and quarantine. Sepa-
rate rooms were entered from the corridor, and rooms
did not share airspace and were not connected under the
floor slats. Strict AIAO production was observed.
Study timeframe
e study began in the first week of July, 2013.
Week 0
Load close homogenise was commenced at Week 0 in
F1B1 and F1B2. At Week 0, F1Q was loaded with gilts
10–32weeks of age, and sites with sows and gilts were
closed for the next 29weeks. All sows, gilts (existing and
newly-introduced), boars and piglets (older than 1week)
Table 1 Overview ofherds included inthe study
F1B1 Flow 1 Breeding Herd 1, F1B2 Flow 1 Breeding Herd 2, F1F1 Flow 1 Finisher Herd 1, F1F2 Flow 1 Finisher Herd 2, F1Q Flow 1 Quarantine, F1WF1 Flow 1 Wean-
Finish 1, F1WF2 Flow 1 Wean-Finish 2, F2B1 Flow 2 Breeding Herd 1, F2B2 Flow 2 Breeding Herd 2, F2F1 Flow 2 Finisher Herd 1, F2F2 Flow 2 Finisher Herd 2, F2F3 Flow 2
Finisher Herd 3
Herd name Owner Type of
production Number andtype
ofanimals Age ranges, weeks Approximate
weight ranges, kg
Flow 1
F1B1 Owner 1 Breeding 500 sows Piglets: 0–4 Piglets: 1–7
F1B2 Owner 1 Breeding 300 sows Piglets: 0–4
Weaned piglets: 4–12 1–7, 5–30
F1Q Owner 1 Gilt quarantine 200 pregnant sows
550 gilts
1000 finishers
12–18 30–120
F1WF1 Owner 2 Wean-to-finish 1220 finishers 4–18 7–110
F1WF2 Owner 3 Wean-to-finish 2000 finishers 4–18 7–110
F1F1 Owner 2 Finishing 1000 finishers 11–18 30–110
F1F2 Owner 4 Finishing 800 finishers 11–18 30–110
Flow 2
F2B1 Owner 5 Breeding 400 sows
2000 growers Piglets: 1–4
Weaned piglets: 4–12 1–7
F2B2 Owner 5 Breeding 320 sows
1300 growers Piglets 1–4
Weaned piglets: 4–12 1–7
F2F1 Owner 6 Finishing 1600 finishers 11–18 30–110
F2F2 Owner 7 Finishing 900 finishers 11–18 30–110
F2F3 Owner 5 Finishing 1000 finishers 11–18 30–110
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
on all sites except F2B1 and F2B2 were homogenised by
vaccination with 2 ml PRRSV type 2 MLV (Ingelvac®
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc., St. Joseph, MO,
USA). F2B1 and F2B2 were already PRRSV positive-
stable at study commencement, so homogenisation was
deemed unnecessary. From Weeks 0–10, Finisher pigs
in F2F1, F2F3 and F2F3 were vaccinated with 2ml PRRS
type 2 MLV upon arrival from F2B1 and F2B2, to avoid
introducing naïve pigs. Vaccinations were performed
according to the manufacturer’s guidelines on dose and
administration (Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH,
Depopulation commenced in F2B1 and F2B2. e
nursery rooms containing the two oldest age groups (pig-
lets older than 8weeks) were depopulated.
Weeks 2–4
All piglets in F1B1 and F1B2 were vaccinated with 2ml
PRRSV type 2 MLV when they reached 7 days of age.
Vaccination of sows, boars and gilts was repeated at
Week 4. All animals in F2F1, F2F2 and F2F3 that had not
been vaccinated previously were also vaccinated at Week
Weeks 6–16
On a rolling basis from Week 6 to 16, all weaned piglets
(3 weeks of age) that had not already been vaccinated
when entering breeding herd nurseries or wean-to-finish
nurseries, were vaccinated with 2ml PRRSV type 2 MLV
upon arrival.
At Week 16, depopulation of nursery rooms in F1B2,
and partial depopulation of nursery rooms in F1WF1
All timesthroughout the study
Sampling and diagnostic testing to determine PRRSV
shedding and exposure status continued every 5 weeks
from study commencement, until all herds were con-
firmed PRRSV and antibody negative by polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorb-
ent assay (ELISA), respectively.
e 10GR for biosecurity and pig flow management
were employed in all herds and at all times throughout
the study (Table2). ese rules were devised in 2005 by
Boehringer Ingelheim, and are based on the principles of
the McREBEL system for disease management [23].
10 Golden Rules forbiosecurity management
Staff members received training in the 10GR from
the responsible veterinarian on each farm. Training
emphasised the importance of open and frequent com-
munication among staff members. To ensure optimal
compliance with the 10GR, farms were audited by the
farm veterinarian at 5-week intervals throughout the
study. If the audit found that the 10GR were not being fol-
lowed, this was communicated to the staff, and corrected.
Sampling anddiagnostic testing ofPRRSV status
Piglets were randomly selected from among all parity
sows. To determine PRRSV status among weaning-age
piglets 8weeks before study commencement, blood sam-
ples were taken from 3-week old (pre-wean) piglets, and
piglets 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8weeks after weaning in breeding
herd nurseries. Samples were then taken at 5-week inter-
vals throughout the study. Serum was harvested from the
blood samples by routine methods.
In breeding and WF herds, blood samples were taken
from at least 30 animals at each time point, and com-
prised samples from a minimum of 5 animals per age
group (each week of age). ese sample sizes were ade-
quate to detect at least one positive sample with 95% con-
fidence if the prevalence of PRRSV positive pigs was 10%
or higher [25], and to meet the sample size requirements
needed for declaring of PRRSV free Specific Pathogen
Free (SPF) status [26].
In finisher herds, blood samples were taken from at
least 20 animals. is sample size was adequate to detect
at least one positive sample with 95% confidence if the
prevalence of PRRSV positive pigs was 15% or higher.
Fewer samples were taken from finisher herds than from
breeding and WF herds because it was assumed that if
pigs were infected with PRRSV during the early finishing
period, the prevalence of infected pigs would be higher.
is sample size also met the sample size requirements
needed for declaration of PRRS free SPF status in routine
monitoring of negative herds.
Individual serum samples were used to evaluate PRRSV
exposure status (indicated by the presence of PRRSV
antibodies in serum). An ELISA method (IDEXX Herd-
Check PRRS X3 ELISA, IDEXX Laboratories Inc., West-
brook, ME, USA) was used to detect PRRSV antibodies.
Serum samples from each age group were pooled, and
used to determine PRRSV shedding status (indicated
by the presence of viral DNA in serum). Reverse tran-
scriptase PCR (rtPCR) was used to detect PRRSV RNA.
Combining PCR and ELISA increased the confidence
that detection would occur if pigs were exposed to
A herd was declared to have a positive exposure
status (ELISA positive; presence of anti-PRRSV anti-
bodies) if one or more individual serum samples was
positive (Sample: Positive ratio cut off >0.4). A herd
was declared to have a positive shedding status (PCR
positive; presence of PRRSV RNA) if one or more
pooled serum samples was PCR positive for PRRSV
RNA. PRRSV was considered eliminated from a herd
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
after PRRSV RNA or antibodies were not detected after
testing at four consecutive time points (taken at 5week
PRRS status ofherds, andocial declaration ofPRRSV
Specic Pathogen Free status
roughout the study, overall PRRS status of herds
throughout the study was classified according to the
American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV)
terminology, taking into account both PRRSV shed-
ding and exposure status [27]. Herds were classified as
either: negative (ELISA negative and PCR negative),
positive-stable (ELISA positive but PCR negative); or
positive-unstable (ELISA positive and PCR positive).
In addition, declaration of PRRSV free SPF status was
sought, according to the regulations from SPF–SUS,
Denmark [26]. PRRSV SPF status can be granted only
when PRRSV has been eliminated (proven PCR and
ELISA negative) from a herd. To meet the requirements
for PRRSV free SPF declaration, 30 PRRSV-negative sen-
tinel gilts were placed into each herd after samples from
herds tested both PCR and ELISA negative. PRRSV free
SPF status was confirmed if the sentinels remained PCR
and ELISA negative after 6months.
Table 2 The 10 Golden Rules
AIAO all in all out, MLV modied-live vaccine, PRRSV porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Rule Rationale
1 Minimise cross-fostering and movement of piglets: cross-foster only
surplus piglets The immune system is immature in newborn piglets; immunity depends
on passive immunisation transmitted via colostrum [37]. Piglets
receive optimal protection from their own mothers so should only be
moved if a sow cannot support her whole litter. Furthermore, moving
piglets to other sows causes weight loss in both moved piglets and
their new litter mates [38]
2 Avoid cross-fostering after 48 h Maternal immune protection starts to decrease when piglets reach
3 days of age [37]. Cross-fostering before maternal protection
decreases is strongly recommended
3 Avoid spreading disease when handling piglets by keeping piglets in
pens Urine, blood, faeces and semen are vehicles for PRRSV transmission;
special attention should be paid to the use of equipment (e.g. needles
and castration equipment)
4 Change needles between litters PRRSV is easily transmitted among pigs by needles, so regular replace-
ment of needles (at least between litters) is recommended. Diseased
piglets should be treated after healthy piglets
5 Do not move diseased piglets Diseased piglets often have compromised immunity and comorbidities
that increase the likelihood that they are also carrying PRRSV. Their
viral load is also likely to be higher, increasing the risk of spreading
infection. Therefore diseased piglets should remain with the same
sow to limit viral spread: if a piglet is too weak for this, it should be
6 Wean all piglets from each batch simultaneously, and ban weaned
piglets from the farrowing rooms Holding smaller piglets back in the farrowing rooms for quality before
they are weaned can jeopardise PRRS control programmes [39]. Such
piglets are more likely to be diseased, and to spread PRRSV to others
7 Maintain strict AIAO batch production at all times from weaning to
finishing After piglets are weaned, batch production should continue, and should
be either by site, barn or room. If a batch is not completely removed
before placement of new pigs, infection pressure rapidly increases. Do
not share needles, equipment, personnel and protective equipment
between batches (unless cleaned and disinfected)
8 Avoid contact between age groups Risk of infection is increased 13-fold if contact is permitted between
growing pigs of different ages during restocking of rooms [40]. Mixing
PRRSV-positive pigs in one age group with PRRSV-negative, non-
vaccinated pigs in other age groups greatly increases PRRSV shedding
[41, 42]
9 Avoid contact between sows and piglets (<6 months of age) Breeding herds and grower/finisher pigs should never be in contact (i.e.
when moving pigs and sows around the farm) because cross-contam-
ination between groups can occur
10 Introduce incoming and home-produced gilts via quarantine. Admin-
ister PRRSV MLV upon entry to quarantine areas Natural immunisation of gilts should be avoided because it cannot be
monitored or controlled. If natural immunisation occurred just before
entering a breeding site, there would be a high risk of introducing
wild-type PRRSV to the breeding herd. While in quarantine, gilts
should be immunised twice with PRRS MLV (vaccinations should be
administered 4 weeks apart)
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
Time taken toeliminate PRRSV fromall farms onthe Horne
e study extended from July 2013 to July 2015. All herds
on the Horne Peninsula were initially PRRSV positive-
unstable except F2B1 and F2B2, which were positive-
stable (Fig.1; Additional file1). All herds had confirmed
PRRSV free SPF status by April 2015; less than 2years
after study commencement (Table3).
Elimination inbreeding herds
F1B1 and F1B2 were initially weaning PCR and ELISA
positive piglets. By September 2013, both were weaning
PCR negative, but ELISA positive piglets. ree-week old
piglets remained ELISA positive on all sampling points
until July 2014 (51weeks after LCH was implemented).
ese antibodies were presumed to be maternal because
no samples were PCR positive at the same time points.
Virus was detected in 5-week old and 7-week old pig-
lets in the F1B2 nursery in November 2013. e virus
was isolated from the ELISA and PCR positive piglets in
F1B2, and the virus gene open reading frame 5 (ORF-5)
was sequenced (Bioscreen GmBH, Hannover, Germany),
and shown to have 99.17% sequence homology to the
PRRSV type 2 MLV strain. e nursery was depopulated
to prevent the virus spreading to the sows. e oldest
pigs (26–32kg) were exported out of the peninsula, but
the youngest pigs (14–26kg; too small to be sold) were
moved to isolation rooms in F1Q, where they were vac-
cinated and slaughtered at a later time point. Remaining
piglets that were considered to be negative were moved
to F1WF2. e empty nursery was cleaned and disin-
fected before repopulation, and no virus was subse-
quently detected on the site.
In November 2014, two samples (both from F1B2)
tested close to the ELISA assay cut-off, and in March
2015, another sample (from F1B2) tested ELISA positive.
None of these samples were simultaneously PCR posi-
tive so all were assumed to be false-positives (Additional
PCR testing of samples from 10 week old piglets in
F1B1 and F1B2 nurseries revealed that PRRSV remained
present until Week 23 (Fig.2). No virus was detected in
any 10-week old piglets from Week 28 onwards.
At study commencement, F2B1 and F2B2 were PRRSV
positive-stable, and weaning PRRSV PCR negative pig-
lets. Piglets became PCR positive in the later nursery
rooms, so the two rooms containing the oldest age groups
were depopulated. F2B1 and F2B2 received PRRSV free
SPF status in July 2014.
Elimination inwean‑to‑nish andnisher herds
F1WF1 was partially depopulated in October 2013,
after piglet vaccination (at weaning) stopped, and then
all piglets tested PCR negative until February 2014. Up
to 20% of piglets continued to test ELISA positive until
age 6–7weeks, probably due to the presence of maternal
antibodies (Additional file3).
F1WF2 received a batch of presumed PCR negative
piglets from F1B2 in November 2013, but PCR positive
Fig. 1 Locations of herds on the Horne Peninsula, and PRRSV status at study commencement. F1B1 Flow 1 Breeding Herd 1, F1B2 Flow 1 Breeding
Herd 2, F1F1 Flow 1 Finisher Herd 1, F1F2 Flow 1 Finisher Herd 2, F1Q Flow 1 Quarantine, F1WF1 Flow 1 Wean-Finish 1, F1WF2 Flow 1 Wean-Finish
2, F2B1 Flow 2 Breeding Herd 1, F2B2 Flow 2 Breeding Herd 2, F2F1 Flow 2 Finisher Herd 1, F2F2 Flow 2 Finisher Herd 2, F2F3 Flow 2 Finisher Herd 3,
PRRS porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
Table 3 Time forherds toobtain ocial PRRS free SPF status
Herd PRRS free SPF status
achieved Notes
F1B1 January 2015 July 2013: weaned ELISA and PCR positive piglets at study commencement
September 2013: weaned PCR negative but ELISA positive piglets
July 2014: three-week old piglets remained ELISA positive until July 2014
F1B2 January 2015 July 2013: weaned ELISA and PCR positive piglets at study commencement
September 2013: weaned PCR negative but ELISA positive piglets
November 2013: sentinels were about to be introduced, but two age groups tested PCR positive
(5-week old and 7-week old piglets in nursery rooms). Sequencing revealed 99.17% homology to
PRRS type 2 MLV
The nursery was depopulated to prevent PRRS spreading to the sows:
Oldest pigs (26–32 kg) were exported out of the area
Younger pigs (14–26 kg) were moved to isolation rooms in F1Q, vaccinated, then eventually
Piglets considered to be PCR negative were moved to F1WF2. (these were the only extra facilities
The nursery was cleaned and disinfected before repopulation
November 2014: two samples were close to the ELISA assay cut-off (SP > 0.4)
March 2015: one sample was ELISA positive, but simultaneously PCR negative. This was assumed to
be false positive
F1WF1 Finishers depopulated in
February 2015 October 2013: partially depopulated
October 2013–February 2014: 20% of samples tested from piglets were ELISA positive until age
6–7 weeks. All samples were PCR negative 100% of pigs older than 7 weeks were ELISA and PCR
February 2014: samples from 17-week old piglets were ELISA positive, but PCR negative
March 2014: 16- and 18-week pigs were found to be PCR and ELISA positive
April 2014: finisher rooms partially depopulated again. The site then remained PCR and ELISA nega-
tive until October 2014
October 2014: samples from 17- to 18-week old piglets were ELISA and PCR positive (possibly from
December 2014: samples from 11-week old piglets were ELISA negative, PCR positive. Samples from
13- to 15-week old piglets were both ELISA and PCR positive
January 2015: Total depopulation
F1WF2 January 2015 November 2013: received a batch of PCR positive pigs from F1B2 (although these were considered
PRRS negative when moved). Lack of compliance with Golden Rule 8 meant the finisher rooms
were continuously PCR positive until October 2014
October 2014: finisher barn depopulated, but infection probably spread to nearby F1WF1. Gradual
repopulation from nursery. Herd then remained PCR and ELISA negative for the remainder of the
F1F1 April 2015 October 2013: received depopulated (30 kg) pigs from F1WF1. Samples tested ELISA and PCR posi-
tive until March 2015, until the whole herd was depopulated
March 2015: repopulated
F1F2 January 2014 November 2013: received PRRS type 2 MLV vaccinated pigs from F1WF1 until October 2013. Partial
depopulation. Received pigs from F1WF1 since November 2013 on an AIAO basis.
F1Q January 2015 July 2013. Mass vaccination of all gilts and sows (two times, 4 weeks apart, according to same
schedule as in F1B1 and F1B2). Gilts remained in quarantine for 12 weeks. These gilts had been
transferred to breeding herds by December 2013
November 2013: received pigs 14–26 kg from F1B2. These pigs were placed in an isolated room,
vaccinated with PRRS type 2 MLV, then later slaughtered to prevent PRRSV from spreading to the
rest of the site
January 2014: PRRS negative gilts bred elsewhere were introduced to gilt quarantine
April 2014: acclimatised (external) gilts were moved to breeding herds
F2B1 July 2014 July 2013: weaned PCR negative piglets at study commencement
F2B2 July 2014 July 2013: weaned PCR negative piglets at study commencement. Nursery rooms containing oldest
two age groups were depopulated
F2F1 August 2015 (but no PRRS
positive pigs since Octo-
ber 2013)
July 2013: received PCR positive piglets from F2B2 at study commencement. From Weeks 0–10, all
finisher pigs were vaccinated after introduction. Partially depopulated, and then only received
PRRS negative animals
October 2013: samples tested PCR negative, and remained negative for the remainder of the study
F2F2 November 2013 July 2013: received PCR positive piglets from F2B2 at study commencement From Weeks 0–10, all
finisher pigs were vaccinated after introduction. Partially depopulated, then received only PRRS
negative animals
November 2013: samples tested PCR negative, and remained negative for the remainder of the
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
piglets were detected shortly afterwards. Despite regu-
lar auditing of procedures by the veterinarian, staff were
not able to comply with Golden Rule 8 (avoid contact
between age groups; Table2). is resulted in finisher
rooms remaining continuously PCR positive until they
were depopulated in October 2014.
F1F2 remained PCR positive until November 2013;
5 months after study commencement, and received
PRRSV free SPF status in April 2014. F2F1 tested PCR
negative in October 2013, and F2F2 and F2F3 tested PCR
negative one month later, and remained both PCR and
ELISA negative for the remainder of the study. PRRSV
free SPF status was declared in October 2013 for F2F1,
and in November 2013 for F2F2 and F2F3.
Re‑infection inF1WF1 andF1F1
In October 2014, just before PRRSV free SPF status was
to be declared for F1WF1, and at the same time that the
finisher rooms of F1WF2 were depopulated due to rein-
fection, 20 and 100% of samples from 17- to 18-week
old piglets, respectively, tested positive by ELISA, and
pooled samples from both age groups were PCR positive
(Additional file3). ree months later, PRRSV had spread
to nearby F1F1, which had also been close to PRRSV
elimination. e re-infection prompted full depopula-
tion of both sites, and no new pigs were introduced until
March 2015. No further samples tested either ELISA or
PCR positive after repopulation. F1F1 was the last on
the peninsula to achieve PRRSV free SPF status, in April
e objective of the area elimination case study reported
here was to eliminate PRRSV from all herds on the Horne
Peninsula, Denmark, using a combination of LCH using
PRRSV type 2 MLV, optimised pig flow, and implementa-
tion of the 10GR for biosecurity management. is study
shows that these techniques, in combination, successfully
eliminated PRRSV from all herds on the Horne Penin-
sula, Denmark, according to Danish SPF-SUS regulations
[26]. Eighteen months later (November 2016), all herds
still retain PRRSV free SPF status. To the authors’ knowl-
edge, this is the first successful European PRRSV area
elimination project documented in detail.
roughout the study, overall PRRS status of herds was
classified according to the AASV terminology, and then
PRRS was deemed eliminated from a herd when PRRS
free SPF status was declared, according to the regula-
tions from SPF–SUS, Denmark [26]. e use of AASV
terminology throughout the study enabled herd status
to be monitored month by month, thus allowing rapid
response to re-infection. PRRS free SPF status was sought
to fetch the maximum price when the pigs were sold.
At study commencement, all herds in both flows tested
PCR positive for PRRSV infection according to AASV
terminology [27], and all except F2B1 and F2B2 were pos-
itive-unstable. F2B1 and F2B2 were positive-stable. ese
initial observations indicated that infection control and pig
flow management techniques were sub-optimal, permit-
ting PRRSV transmission among herds and age groups.
Study commenced in July 2013. Positive-unstable dened as ELISA positive for PRRS antibody, and PCR positive for PRRSV RNA (actively shedding); positive -stable
dened as ELISA positive for PRRS antibody in serum but PCR negative (not shedding)
F1B1 Flow 1 Breeding Herd 1, F1B2 Flow 1 Breeding Herd 2, F1F1 Flow 1 Finisher Herd 1, F1F2 Flow 1 Finisher Herd 2, F1Q Flow 1 Quarantine, F1WF1 Flow 1 Wean-
Finish 1, F1WF2 Flow 1 Wean-Finish 2, F2B1 Flow 2 Breeding Herd 1, F2B2 Flow 2 Breeding Herd 2, F2F1 Flow 2 Finisher Herd 1, F2F2 Flow 2 Finisher Herd 2, F2F3 Flow 2
Finisher Herd 3, PRRS porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
Table 3 continued
Herd PRRS free SPF status
achieved Notes
F2F3 November 2013 July 2013: received PCR positive piglets from F2B2 at study commencement. From Weeks 0–10, all
finisher pigs were vaccinated after introduction. Partially depopulated, then received only PRRS
negative animals
November 2013: samples tested PCR negative, and remained negative for the remainder of the
Fig. 2 PRRSV ELISA and PCR monitoring of 10-week old piglets
in F1B1 and F1B2. A minimum of 5 samples were taken at each
sampling point. ELISA was performed on individual samples; PCR was
performed on a pooled sample at each time point. ELISA enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay, PCR polymerase chain reaction
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
To begin eliminating PRRSV, LCH was initiated in
F1B1 and F1B2. Herd closure avoided introducing
PRRSV from external sites, and decreased the number of
susceptible animals in the herds: both limiting viral trans-
mission [17]. Simultaneous vaccination of all animals at
both Week 0 and Week 4 increased herd immunity and
may have promoted viral elimination by reducing the
number of naïve animals. e vaccine used in this study
is derived from a type 2 (North American) PRRSV strain,
and its efficacy has been clearly demonstrated against
both homologous and heterologous strains [28, 29].
e LCH model is a useful tool for PRRSV area elimi-
nation programs, and has repeatedly allowed control in
individual farms [17, 22]. One of the limitations of LCH
is the need for stringent biosecurity measures to pre-
vent virus transmission. In this study, staff reviewed
internal and external biosecurity procedures and imple-
mented the 10GR, devised in 2005 by Boehringer Ingel-
heim, based on 10years of field experience in controlling
PRRSV spread. e 10GR are based on the principles of
the McREBEL system for disease management [23], and
were developed to simplify the McREBEL procedures
and increase the likelihood of implementation. e 10GR
are reported here for the first time.
e 10GR involved restricting the movement of pigs to
prevent PRRSV transmission between age groups, and
quarantining gilts before introducing them to breeding
herds to avoid infecting them with PRRSV. F1WF1 was
considered the most difficult farm from which to elimi-
nate PRRSV because of its complex pig flow, which made
implementing the 10GR difficult. Despite this difficulty,
the 10GR were stringently followed in all herds, in both
flows, at all times (except in F1WF2, which was unable to
comply with rule 8), and this was ensured through regu-
lar auditing of all farms. is foundation of good man-
agement practice contributed to the success of PRRSV
MLV vaccination and the LCH control model in eliminat-
ing PRRSV from the study area.
A study on transmission of PRRSV between herds in
Ontario concluded that sharing herd ownership and
transportation were among the most important factors
for the spread of PRRSV between herds [30]. Indeed,
sharing of personnel and transportation between F1B1,
F1B2 and F1Q (under the same ownership) may have
contributed to the endemicity of PRRSV in the Horne
Peninsula before this study began. Although shared own-
ership may cause problems, it can also facilitate com-
munication between producers, which is critical to the
success of regional PRRSV control and elimination pro-
jects [31]. e naturally limited geographical area, the
close relationship between the herd owners, and supervi-
sion of all herds by the same veterinarian probably con-
tributed to the successful outcome of this study.
Using a combination of LCH, use of PRRSV type 2
MLV and the 10GR, PRRSV was successfully eliminated
from F1B1 and F1B2 by January 2015. PCR positive pigs
were detected in the nursery of F1B2 in November 2013,
and most animals were exported away from the Horne
Peninsula, or to quarantine in F1Q, but some presumed
PRRSV negative pigs were moved to F1WF2. Unfortu-
nately, these animals re-introduced PRRSV into F1WF2,
and so having an emergency plan to remove infected pigs
from the elimination area as soon as they are detected
is a key learning from this study. We also suggest that
extending the vaccination period of piglets at weaning
to span a whole sow cycle (20weeks) may have avoided
the emergence of PRRSV positive pigs in F1B2. Genetic
sequencing revealed that the virus strain had over 99%
ORF-5 sequence homology to the PRRSV type 2MLV
strain. Although re-infection was disappointing, we were
encouraged that field virus was not detected.
F1WF1 tested PRRSV ELISA and PCR negative in four
sampling points over 6months, but became re–infected
in October 2014, at the same time that F1WF2 finisher
rooms were depopulated following reinfection. F1WF1
and F1WF2 did not share personnel, transportation or
equipment, so the infection in in F1WF1 may have been
due to airborne transmission of PRRSV from F1WF2, less
than 500m away. Airborne transmission was previously
shown under Danish field conditions [32], but no further
investigations to confirm this were undertaken in the
current study.
Depopulation of the oldest pigs in the nurseries of F2B1
and F2B2 helped to immediately disrupt transmission of
PRRSV from nursery to finisher areas, as has been pre-
viously shown [33]. Despite depopulation, nurseries in
breeding herds remained ELISA positive until September
2013, because piglets born to infected sows had maternal
antibodies in serum. is was also the case in nurseries in
F1B1 and F1B2, which also remained ELISA positive for
several months after becoming PCR negative. A combi-
nation of depopulation and strict application of the 10GR
led to the rapid elimination of PRRSV (ELISA and PCR
negative) in F2B1 and F2B2 in just 2months after study
commencement, and declaration of PRRSV free SPF sta-
tus 6 months later. Depopulation of the oldest pigs in
nursery rooms of breeding herds enabled rapid PRRSV
elimination from finisher herds too, by ensuring that no
PRRSV positive piglets were introduced to finisher herds.
e authors note some limitations to the current study.
To show that PRRSV area elimination is possible using
the methods described, the Horne Peninsula was delib-
erately chosen as a limited geographical area, with few
herd owners and simple transportation routes between
herds. e breeding herds in this study were compara-
ble in size and production to the Danish average in 2015
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
(742 sows and 22,077 piglets), while the finisher sites pro-
duced about half as many pigs as the Danish average for
finisher sites (8008 pigs slaughtered in 2015) [34]. How-
ever, the authors acknowledge that elimination would be
far more complex in less well defined areas. e current
project was driven by a small number of stakeholders
who dedicated time to planning and sampling. Extend-
ing this project to larger regions with more owners and
increased animal transport would require substantially
more planning. For example, empty barns would have to
be identified so that PRRSV positive pigs could be moved
from sites close to achieving PRRSV elimination, to pre-
vent setbacks.
Furthermore, larger projects with more owners may
encounter problems with commitment and communi-
cation. In this project, six veterinarians were involved
with overseeing the study, and ensuring implementa-
tion of the 10GR. All but one of these veterinarians were
from the same practice (Porcus Pig Practice), making the
sharing of information and decisions simple. In larger
projects, more stakeholders from different practices
(and perhaps with competing interests) may make com-
munication more difficult. Employment of a full-time
project coordinator would be recommended, as would
involvement of pig producers and representatives from
SEGES Danish Pig Research Centre, slaughterhouses
and SPF-Denmark.
PRRS is one of the most economically devastating
swine diseases, causing substantial animal losses and
medication expenses [35, 36]. In Denmark, the costs of
PRRS are estimated to be between 4 and 139 per sow,
per year [20]. e LCH method is an effective PRRSV
elimination strategy when combined with stringent bios-
ecurity measures: this was further confirmed in the pre-
sent study. A detailed cost-benefit analysis is needed to
understand the return on investment for this area PRRSV
elimination method.
PRRSV was eliminated from all herds on the Horne Pen-
insula, Denmark, in just over 18 months, after employ-
ing a combination of LCH, vaccination using PRRSV
type 2 MLV and the 10GR for biosecurity management.
Eighteen months later (November 2016), all herds still
have PRRSV free SPF status. Elimination may have been
achieved more quickly if the PRRSV positive pigs that
were depopulated from F1B2 had been moved out of
the area: this would have reduced the risk of area spread.
Finally, the 10GR helped improve biosecurity manage-
ment in all farms on the peninsula, and may offer a sim-
plified alternative to the McREBEL system for controlling
10GR: 10 Golden Rules; AIAO: all in, all out; ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorb-
ent assay; LCH: load, close, homogenise; McREBEL: Management Changes to
Reduce Exposure to Bacteria to Eliminate Losses; MLV: modified–live vaccine;
ORF: open reading frame; PCR: polymerase chain reaction; PRRS: porcine
reproductive and respiratory syndrome; PRRSV: porcine reproductive and
respiratory syndrome virus; SPF: specific pathogen free.
Authors’ contributions
JD was the driver and initiator of this area elimination project. He brought
pig producers in the area together and facilitated the decision-making pro-
cess. He was the daily contact, undertook practical training of staff, and per-
formed diagnostic sampling together with his colleagues from Porcus Pig
Practice. JD was directly responsible for the breeding herds in Flow 1. PHR
designed the elimination programme outline, the 10GR, and the diagnostic
programme. He collected, processed and presented diagnostic information
and drafted the manuscript. Both authors have read and approved the final
Authors’ information
JD is a veterinarian: a specialist in pig health and production, and co-owner of
Porcus Pig Practice. PHR is a Veterinarian, Global Technical Manager, PRRS at
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH.
Author details
1 Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH, Binger Straße 173, 55216 Ingel-
heim, Germany. 2 PORCUS svinefagdyrlaeger og agronomer, Oerbaekvej 276,
5220 Odense, Denmark.
The authors would like to thank the veterinarians in Porcus Pig Practice for
providing assistance with diagnostic sampling, and Lars Rasmussen and Jes-
per Bisgaard Sanden; responsible for WF herds and Flow 2 herds, respectively.
Editorial assistance with this manuscript was provided by InterComm
International, Cambridge, UK and this service was funded by Boehringer
Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH.
Competing interests
PHR is currently an employee of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH (Vet-
erinarian, Global Technical Manager PRRS). In connection with presentations
following this study at two meetings for veterinarians and farmers in Denmark,
and for symposia in Romania and the UK, JD received fees for consultancy,
travel and accommodation from Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Denmark.
Consent for publication
Consent for informing public about the results and procedures employed in
this Horne Land PRRS Eradication program has been given by the owners of
the farms that participated.
Additional les
Additional le1. PCR and ELISA results from breeding herds 8 weeks
before study commencement. Additional data showing individual PCR
and ELISA results from piglets of different age groups in the breeding
herds, 8 weeks before study commencement.
Additional le2. Individual value plot of PRRS ELISA status of pre-wean
piglets (3 weeks of age) in LCH breeding herds. Additional data showing
ELISA S:P values on all sampling points for up to 90 weeks after implemen-
tation of LCH, measured in 3-week old piglets.
Additional le3. PCR and ELISA results from F1WF1 (receiving piglets
from LCH breeding herds) until 60 weeks after LCH commencement. Addi-
tional data showing individual PCR and ELISA results from piglets of differ-
ent age groups on the WF1 site, throughout the entire study duration.
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Rathkjen and Dall Acta Vet Scand (2017) 59:4
All diagnostic testing of samples from the study farms was funded by
Boehringer Ingelheim Denmark. Diagnostic samples were collected by
veterinarians from Porcus Pig Practice under normal commercial conditions.
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health GmbH funded the publication fee for
this manuscript.
Received: 4 August 2016 Accepted: 20 December 2016
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porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccine interven-
tion on a population of pigs infected with a heterologous isolate. Vaccine.
... The herd closure and rollover strategy typically involves three steps: (1) Introducing the PRRSV-negative gilts in one batch. To minimize the cost, the amount of PRRSV-negative gilts should be enough for the sow replacement during herd closure; (2) Herd closure until the herd reaches a provisional negative status, which usually takes 210-250 days; (3) Expose all of the animals to the PRRSV live virus at the same time [22,[24][25][26]. The epidemiological basis of this strategy is that if the sow population is infected by PRRSV at the same time and recovers simultaneously, the entire population will establish sterilizing immunity against field strains. ...
... To make sure that all of the sows and gilts are exposed simultaneously, natural exposure may be replaced with simultaneous vaccination of MLV or inoculation with serum containing resident virus [22,[24][25][26]. Yet, deliberate exposure is still a controversial step. ...
... For a PRRS elimination program, the load-close-exposure strategy is the most common choice in most conditions [3,36]. To make sure that every individual of the sow population is exposed simultaneously, natural exposure can be replaced by simultaneous vaccination of MLV or by inoculating pigs with serum containing a live resident virus [25]. However, the deliberate exposure to a live virus raises several concerns. ...
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It is well established that PRRSV elimination is an effective strategy for PRRS control, but published reports concerning successful PRRSV elimination cases in farrow-to-finishing herds are rare. Here, we have reported a successful PRRSV elimination case in a farrow-to-finish herd by employing a “herd closure and rollover” approach with some modifications. Briefly, the introduction of pigs to the herd was stopped and normal production processes were maintained until the herd reached a PRRSV provisional negative status. During the herd closure, strict biosecurity protocols were implemented to prevent transmission between nursery pigs and sows. In the current case, introducing gilts before herd closure and live PRRSV exposure were skipped. In the 23rd week post-outbreak, the pre-weaning piglets started to show 100% PRRSV negativity in qPCR tests. In the 27th week, nursery and fattening barns fully launched depopulation. In the 28th week, nursery and fattening houses reopened and sentinel gilts were introduced into gestation barns. Sixty days post-sentinel gilt introduction, the sentinel pigs maintained being PRRSV antibody negative, manifesting that the herd matched the standard of the provisional negative status. The production performance of the herd took 5 months to bounce back to normal. Overall, the current study provided additional information for PRRSV elimination in farrow-to-finish pig herds.
... As a result, clinical expression of infection can vary substantially between PRRSV strains: highly virulent PRRSV strains cause severe, acute illness, but less virulent strains may only result in sub-clinical disease (Lunney et al., 2010;Ruedas-Torres et al., 2021). The significant impact of PRRSV on pig production has led to consideration and implementation of PRRSV control and eradication both on-farm and regionally (Rathkjen and Dall, 2017;Szabó et al., 2020;Bitsouni et al., 2019). ...
... Successful eradication of PRRSV can be achieved but relies on a coordinated approach comprising early diagnosis and monitoring, biosecurity, herd management and immunisation (Pileri et al., 2017). A clearly defined PRRSV vaccination protocol combined with pig-flow management, tailored to farm-specific conditions, and biosecurity compliance can be effective strategies to eradicate PRRSV on individual farms and eliminate PRRSV regionally (Rathkjen and Dall, 2017;Szabó et al., 2020;Corzo et al., 2010). ...
... While the disease affects both mortality and morbidity in each stage of a pig's life, its severity is not uniform across all stages (Nathues et al., 2017). Although the disease has been endemic in many countries for decades, several countries have embarked on disease eradication programmes in order to improve national pig performance (Rathkjen and Dall, 2017;Szabó et al., 2019). Calculating the potential increase in produced biomass resulting from PRRSV eradication may support these developments and incentivize the implementation of eradication programmes in other countries. ...
... Since then, HP-PRRSV has become one of the most predominant strains in China Li et al., 2024). Despite the development and use of various commercial PRRSV vaccines, the complexity and rapid mutation propensity of PRRSV have led to poor immunological protection in the clinic settings (Corzo et al., 2010;Rathkjen and Dall, 2017). Furthermore, PRRSV-induced immunosuppression, long-term carriage of the virus, and antibody-dependent enhancement pose significant challenges for novel vaccine design (Rahe and Murtaugh, 2017;Cai et al., 2023;Zhang H. et al., 2023). ...
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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a major thread to the global swine industry, lack of effective control strategies. This study explores the regulatory role of a small non-coding RNA, miR-191-5p, in PRRSV infection. We observed that miR-191-5p significantly inhibits PRRSV in porcine alveolar macrophages (PAMs), contrasting with negligible effects in MARC-145 and HEK293-CD163 cells, suggesting a cell-specific antiviral effect. Further investigation unveiled that miR-191-5p directly targets the porcine epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), whose overexpression or EGF-induced activation suppresses type I interferon (IFN-I) signaling, promoting PRRSV replication. In contrast, siRNA-or miR-191-5p-induced EGFR downregulation or EGFR inhibitor boosts IFN-I signaling, reducing viral replication. Notably, this miRNA alleviates the suppressive effect of EGF on IFN-I signaling, underscoring its regulatory function. Further investigation revealed interconnections among miR-191-5p, EGFR and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). Modulation of STAT3 activity influenced IFN-I signaling and PRRSV replication, with STAT3 knockdown countering EGFR activation-induced virus replication. Combination inhibition of STAT3 and miR-191-5p suggests that STAT3 acts downstream in EGFR’s antiviral response. Furthermore, miR-191-5p’s broad efficacy in restricting various PRRSV strains in PAMs was identified. Collectively, these findings elucidate a novel mechanism of miR-191-5p in activating host IFN-I signaling to inhibit PRRSV replication, highlighting its potential in therapeutic applications against PRRSV.
... In the United States, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians takes the lead in PRRSV eradication [7]. In Europe, four countries are free from PRRSV (Norway, Sweden, Finland and Switzerland), and local eradication programs have been launched in Denmark and the Netherlands [8,9]. In Scotland, eradication was extended to the national level in 2018 [10]. ...
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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is the cause of the most severe economic losses in the pig industry worldwide. PRRSV is extremely diverse in Europe, which poses a significant challenge to disease control within a country or any region. With the combination of phylogenetic reconstruction and network analysis, we aimed to uncover the major routes of the dispersal of PRRSV clades within Hungary. In brief, by analyzing >2600 ORF5 sequences, we identified at least 12 clades (including 6 clades within lineage 1 and 3 clades within lineage 3) common in parts of Western Europe (including Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands) and identified 2 novel clades (designated X1 and X2). Of interest, some genetic clades unique to other central European countries, such as the Czech Republic and Poland, were not identified. The pattern of PRRSV clade distribution is consistent with the route of the pig trade among countries, showing that most of the identified clades were introduced from Western Europe when fatteners were transported to Hungary. As a result of rigorous implementation of the national eradication program, the swine population was declared officially free from PRRSV. This map of viral diversity and clade distribution will serve as valuable baseline information for the maintenance of PRRSV-free status in the post-eradication era.
... The implementation of the PRRS eradication program for pigs in Hungary was based on the territorial principle. This meant that PRRS had to be eradicated from the entire pig population of a given administrative unit (district, county and region) within a specified time period [18][19][20][21][22][23][24]. This was the only approach that was highly likely to avoid the infection or re-infection of PRRSV-free pig herds. ...
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Simple Summary The authors’ aim was to summarise the general concept and approach of the Hungarian National PRRS Eradication Program. However, limits on the length of the paper meant that many important points of the process could not be described in full detail. In some cases, previous publications were cited to guide the readers to a more detailed description of particular eradication parts. Abstract Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a widespread infectious disease that is currently a major cause of economic losses in pig production. In Hungary, a National PRRS Eradication Program has been introduced to attain a more efficient, economic, and competitive international market position. The program has been also approved by the EU, but the resulting legal obligations have imposed a burden on Hungarian producers to comply with EU competition rules. The implementation of the program has been carried out by the veterinary authorities with the consent of, continuous support from and monitoring conducted by organisations within the pig sector as well as a scientific committee. The PRRS eradication program in Hungary was based on a regional territorial principle and was compulsory for all pig holdings within the regions. In Hungary, large fattening farms operate as all-in/all-out or continuous flow systems. Large-scale breeding herds are predominantly farrow-to-finish types. Although its significance has decreased in recent decades, 20% of the Hungarian pig population is still kept on small (backyard) farms (<100 animals). All PRRSV-infected large-scale farms had to develop a unit-adapted eradication plan, including external and internal biosecurity measures, vaccinations, etc. It was crucial to render each fattening unit free of the disease, as fattening units play a significant role in spreading the virus within the country. The eradication efforts mainly implemented were depopulation–repopulation methods, but on some farms a testing and removal method has been used. As the eradication progressed over the years, the introduction of infected fattening pigs was restricted. Thanks to these measures, Hungarian large-scale fattening farms became PRRSV-free by the end of 2018. The PRRSV-free status of small-scale herds was achieved by the end of 2015 and was maintained between 2016 and 2021. By 31 December 2021, all breeding pigs in large-scale farms in Hungary were free of wild-type PRRS virus. By 31 March 2022, the total pig population of the country, including all backyard farms and fattening units, achieved PRRSV-free status. The future goal is to ensure and maintain the PRRSV-free status of Hungary via strict import regulations of live animals combined with the continuous and thorough screening of incoming and resident herds for the presence of the virus.
... Sow mass vaccination is used in many herds in Denmark, whereas piglet vaccination is less commonly used (4). The stabilization of the sow herd is relatively easily obtained by mass vaccination and herd closure and can be done without any or only limited change in the production cycle (5). ...
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The impact of different weaning strategies on the downstream circulation of PRRSV has not been widely described. It is, however, believed that mixing pigs of different age groups is increasing the risk of PRRSV circulation in the nursery section. In this study, pigs were sampled in three herds that performed “mixed at weaning (MIX)” and three herds that performed “all in/all out at weaning (AIAO)”. MIX included holding underweighted piglets back in containers for two weeks and then move them to nursery facilities with newly weaned piglets from subsequent batches. Oral fluid samples were collected from four batches of pigs in each herd, three times from weaning until 30kg for each batch, and tested for PRRSV and PRRSV antibodies. Herds that performed MIX at weaning had an eightfold increase in risk of detecting PRRSV in oral fluids compared to herds with AIAO. In total, 41 oral fluid samples from eight batches in MIX herds and five oral fluid samples from two batches in AIAO herds tested positive for PRRSV. The titer of PRRSV-antibodies in oral fluid samples from weaners decreased in most of the batches in the AIAO herds and increased in most MIX herds. In addition to oral fluids, tongue tip samples were collected from dead pigs and tested for PRRSV. In 17 of 23 batches the results of the tongue tip samples correlated with the results of the oral fluid samples (κ = 0.44) indicating a good agreement between the two materials for sampling. Overall, the results of the study confirmed that the weaning strategy had a significant impact on the circulation of PRRSV post weaning.
... When animals get sick, 65.63% (252) of the raisers separate the sick ones from the healthy pigs, with 15.63% (60) separating at least by a 10-m distance. Separating sick pigs was a common practice among swine farmers, but it was advised by Rathkjen and Dall (2017) to not move diseased pigs as they are often immunocompromised and have comorbidities that increase their likelihood of carrying PRRSv. This may be the reason why separating sick animals was positively associated (β = 0.336, p < 0.0001) with the S/P ratio. ...
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Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is a viral disease that causes significant production and economic losses to swine raisers. To estimate the seroprevalence of PRRS in pigs from the backyard and small-hold farms in the province of Leyte, Philippines, a total of 384 pigs were sampled at random from 11 localities and their sera were tested for PRRS antibody using indirect enzyme-linked immunoassay. Univariable and multivariable regression analyses were performed to determine the factors associated with the S/P ratios. Results revealed that the true seroprevalence for PRRS in backyard pigs was 0.28% (0.0001 to 0.0155, 95% CI) and the true herd-level seroprevalence was 1.02% (0.0005 to 0.1588, 95% CI). Factors significantly associated with the S/P ratios were: Large White (breed) (adjusted β = 0.22, p = 0.0014), the presence of goats (adjusted β =-0.63, p < 0.0001) in farm vicinity, disposing wastes to bodies of water (adjusted β = 0.27, p < 0.0001) and separating sick animals (adjusted β = 0.34, p < 0.0001). The very low seroprevalence in the backyard and small-hold pig farms may indicate a low prevalence of PRRS in the province. Practices in backyard farms like disposing of pig wastes to water bodies and separating or moving sick animals were present and may promote the spread of the virus and pose higher risks when future disease outbreaks occur. It is recommended that the government impose proper waste management on backyard swine farms to prevent the spread of PRRS and other economically important swine diseases.
... Studies have indicated that mechanical transport and transmission via contaminated farm materials and environment as well as contaminated vehicles, which are capable of conveying the virus over significant distances contribute to spread of diseases (Mengeling et al., 2000;Pitkin et al., 2009). Therefore, for prevention of the introduction of disease, production systems and biosecurity should be highly considered (Corzo et al., 2010;Rathkjen and Dall, 2017). ...
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Background Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome is a highly infectious disease of swine caused by PRRS virus (PRRSV). Objectives To evaluate the prevalence of PRRSV antibodies in the four districts of hilly and terai regions of Nepal. Toassess the farm characteristics through a questionnaire interview of farmersregarding management practices and PRRS. Methods A cross‐sectional study was conducted from July 2020 to June 2021 to determine the sero‐prevalence of PRRSV in pigs. A total of 180 porcine serum samples were collected from 23 pig farms and tested for PRRSV antibodies by ELISA. Alongside, farm characteristics were also assessed through questionnaire to determine the level of biosecurity measures in the farm, knowledge of the disease and possible control mechanisms. Results Out of 180 samples, 37 were tested positive resulting the overall sero‐prevalence of 20.5%. There was significant association between different districts (p < 0.05) and PRRS prevalence. Prevalence of PRRSV antibody was found higher in Kaski district (10.5%) followed by Sunsari (8.8%) district. Based on age groups, highest prevalence was found in age groups of above 18 months (9.4%), followed by 13–18 months age groups (7.7%). Regarding the knowledge level of the disease, 43% of the farmers responded that they have heard about the disease. Biosecurity practices in the farm was found very poor where only 40% of the farms had disinfectant at the entrance of the farm and 25% pig farmers were found using separate boots while dealing with pigs. Conclusions The findings of this study reveal the presence of PRRSV antibodies in pigs of Nepal. In addition poor biosecurity measures, management practices and poor knowledge level about the disease among farmers highly affect in the control and prevention of disease thereby affecting the pig production and productivity. Therefore, government should develop and implement effective control measures and biosecurity programs.
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Objectives: Describe and benchmark strategies and practices used in the field across the United States to control and eliminate porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus in response to PRRS outbreaks from 2019 to 2021. Materials and methods: A voluntary survey was used to collect information on practices implemented in response to PRRS outbreaks in different herds from 2019 to 2021. Information about herd demographic characteristics, biomanagement practices, diagnostic test and testing results, and production data were collected, collated, standardized, and described according to the herd’s outbreak characteristics. Results: A diversity of biomanagement practices were observed among 86 herd outbreaks. The median time to stability (TTS) was 38.0 weeks (interquartile range (IQR), 32.0-49.0 weeks), and time to baseline productivity (TTBP) was 22.0 weeks (IQR, 15.0-26.0 weeks). The median total production losses (TL) was 3675 pigs per 1000 sows (IQR, 2356-6845 pigs per 1000 sows); TTS and TTBP were longer and TL higher than a study reported ten years ago (26.6 weeks, 16.5 weeks, and 2217 pigs/1000 sows, respectively). Herd closure strategy, herd interventions such as live virus inoculation and modified-live virus vaccine, and biomanagement strategies to reduce virus transmission among sows and pigs were inconsistent among the studied herds. Implications: Under the conditions of this study, management practices used during PRRS outbreaks were highly diverse among herds. In addition, herd closure, interventions, and biomanagement strategies were inconsistent. The TTS and TTBP were longer, and TL was higher than reported 10 years ago.
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Background Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) remains a major threat to swine industry all over the world. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of pathogenesis and immune responses caused by a highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV). Results All piglets experimentally infected with a HP-PRRSV TJ strain virus developed typical clinical signs of PRRS. The percentages of CD3⁺, CD4⁺, and CD8⁺ lymphocytes significantly decreased in the infected group as compared to the uninfected control animals (p < 0.01). Total WBC dropped in the infected animals during the experiment. The level of ELISA antibody against PRRSV increased in 7–10 days after infection and then started to decline. Pathological observations demonstrated various degree lesions, bleeding and necrosis in the lungs of the infected piglets. Conclusions These results clearly indicated that HP-PRRSV TJ strain infection would activate host humoral immune response at the early period post infection and cause severe pathological damages on lungs and inhibit cellular immune response after infection.
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Due to the highly transmissible nature of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), implementation of regional programs to control the disease may be critical. Because PRRS is not reported in the US, numerous voluntary regional control projects (RCPs) have been established. However, the effect of RCPs on PRRS control has not been assessed yet. This study aims to quantify the extent to which RCPs contribute to PRRS control by proposing a methodological framework to evaluate the progress of RCPs. Information collected between July 2012 and June 2015 from the Minnesota Voluntary Regional PRRS Elimination Project (RCP-N212) was used. Demography of premises (e.g. composition of farms with sows = SS and without sows = NSS) was assessed by a repeated analysis of variance. By using general linear mixed-effects models, active participation of farms enrolled in the RCP-N212, defined as the decision to share (or not to share) PRRS status, was evaluated and used as a predictor, along with other variables, to assess the PRRS trend over time. Additionally, spatial and temporal patterns of farmers' participation and the disease dynamics were investigated. The number of farms enrolled in RCP-N212 and its geographical coverage increased, but the proportion of SS and NSS did not vary significantly over time. A significant increasing (p
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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv) is a swine-specific pathogen that causes significant increases in production costs. When a breeding herd becomes infected, in an attempt to hasten control and elimination of PRRSv, some veterinarians have adopted a strategy called load-close-expose which consists of interrupting replacement pig introductions into the herd for several weeks (herd closure) and exposing the whole herd to a replicating PRRSv to boost herd immunity. Either modified-live virus (MLV) vaccine or live field-virus inoculation (FVI) is used. This study consisted of partial budget analyses to compare MLV to FVI as the exposure method of load-close-expose program to control and eliminate PRRSv from infected breeding herds, and secondly to estimate benefit / cost of vaccinating sow herds preventatively. Under the assumptions used in this study, MLV held economic advantage over FVI. However, sensitivity analysis revealed that decreasing margin over variable costs below 47.32,orincreasingPRRSvattributedcostabove 47.32, or increasing PRRSv-attributed cost above 18.89 or achieving time-to-stability before 25 weeks resulted in advantage of FVI over MLV. Preventive vaccination of sow herds was beneficial when the frequency of PRRSv infection was at least every 2.1 years. The economics of preventative vaccination was minimally affected by cost attributed to field-type PRRSv infection on growing pigs or by the breeding herd productivity level. The models developed and described in this paper provide valuable tools to assist veterinarians in their efforts to control PRRSv.
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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a high-consequence animal disease with current vaccines providing limited protection from infection due to the high degree of genetic variation of field PRRS virus. Therefore, understanding host immune responses elicited by different PRRSV strains will facilitate the development of more effective vaccines. Using IngelVac modified live PRRSV vaccine (MLV), its parental strain VR-2332, and the heterologous KS-06-72109 strain (a Kansas isolate of PRRSV), we compared immune responses induced by vaccination and/or PRRSV infection. Our results showed that MLV can provide complete protection from homologous virus (VR-2332) and partial protection from heterologous (KS-06) challenge. The protection was associated with the levels of PRRSV neutralizing antibodies at the time of challenge, with vaccinated pigs having higher titers to VR-2332 compared to KS-06 strain. Challenge strain did not alter the cytokine expression profiles in the serum of vaccinated pigs or subpopulations of T cells. However, higher frequencies of IFN- γ -secreting PBMCs were generated from pigs challenged with heterologous PRRSV in a recall response when PBMCs were re-stimulated with PRRSV. Thus, this study indicates that serum neutralizing antibody titers are associated with PRRSV vaccination-induced protection against homologous and heterologous challenge.
Objective: To estimate the current annual economic impact of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) on the US swine industry. Materials and methods: Data for the analysis was compiled from the US Department of Agriculture, a survey of swine veterinarians on the incidence and impact of PRRSV, and production records (2005 to 2010) from commercial farms with known PRRSV status. Animal-level economic impact of productivity losses and other costs attributed to PRRSV were estimated using an enterprise budgeting approach and extrapolated to the national level on the basis of the US breedingherd inventory, number of pigs marketed, and number of pigs imported for growing. Results: The total cost of productivity losses due to PRRSV in the US national breeding and growing-pig herd was estimated at US 664millionannually,anincreasefromtheUS664 million annually, an increase from the US 560 million annual cost estimated in 2005. The 2011 study differed most significantly from the 2005 study in the allocation of losses between the breeding and the growing-pig herd. Losses in the breeding herd accounted for 12% of the total cost of PRRSV in the 2005 study, compared to 45% in the current analysis. Implications: Despite over 25 years of experience and research, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome remains a costly disease of pigs in the United States. Since 2005, some progress has been made in dealing with the cost of productivity losses due to the disease in the growing pig, but these were offset by greater losses in the breeding herd.
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) caused by PRRS virus (PRRSV) was reported in the late 1980s. PRRS still is a huge economic concern to the global pig industry with a current annual loss estimated at one billion US dollars in North America alone. It has been 20 years since the first modified live-attenuated PRRSV vaccine (PRRSV-MLV) became commercially available. PRRSV-MLVs provide homologous protection and help in reducing shedding of heterologous viruses, but they do not completely protect pigs against heterologous field strains. There have been many advances in understanding the biology and ecology of PRRSV; however, the complexities of virus-host interaction and PRRSV vaccinology are not yet completely understood leaving a significant gap for improving breadth of immunity against diverse PRRS isolates. This review provides insights on immunization efforts using infectious PRRSV-based vaccines since the 1990s, beginning with live PRRSV immunization, development and commercialization of PRRSV-MLV, and strategies to overcome the deficiencies of PRRSV-MLV through use of replicating viral vectors expressing multiple PRRSV membrane proteins. Finally, powerful reverse genetics systems (infectious cDNA clones) generated from more than 20 PRRSV isolates of both genotypes 1 and 2 viruses have provided a great resource for exploring many innovative strategies to improve the safety and cross-protective efficacy of live PRRSV vaccines. Examples include vaccines with diminished ability to down-regulate the immune system, positive and negative marker vaccines, multivalent vaccines incorporating antigens from other porcine pathogens, vaccines that carry their own cytokine adjuvants, and chimeric vaccine viruses with the potential for broad cross-protection against heterologous strains. To combat this devastating pig disease in the future, evaluation and commercialization of such improved live PRRSV vaccines is a shared goal among PRRSV researchers, pork producers and biologics companies. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Viral respiratory diseases remain problematic in swine. Among viruses, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and swine influenza virus (SIV), alone or in combination, are the two main known contributors to lung infectious diseases. Previous studies demonstrated that experimental dual infections of pigs with PRRSV followed by SIV can cause more severe disease than the single viral infections. However, our understanding of the impact of one virus on the other at the molecular level is still extremely limited. Thus, the aim of the current study was to determine the influence of dual infections, compared to single infections, in porcine alveolar macrophages (PAMs) and precision cut lung slices (PCLS). PAMs were isolated and PCLS were acquired from the lungs of healthy 8-week-old pigs. Then, PRRSV (ATCC VR-2385) and a local SIV strain of H1N1 subtype (A/Sw/Saskatchewan/18789/02) were applied simultaneously or with 3h apart on PAMs and PCLS for a total of 18h. Immuno-staining for both viruses and beta-tubulin, real-time quantitative PCR and ELISA assays targeting various genes (pathogen recognition receptors, interferons (IFN) type I, cytokines, and IFN-inducible genes) and proteins were performed to analyze the cell and the tissue responses. Interference caused by the first virus on replication of the second virus was observed, though limited. On the host side, a synergistic effect between PRRSV and SIV co-infections was observed for some transcripts such as TLR3, RIG-I, and IFNβ in PCLS. The PRRSV infection 3h prior to SIV infection reduced the response to SIV while the SIV infection prior to PRRSV infection had limited impact on the second infection. This study is the first to show an impact of PRRSV/SIV co-infection and superinfections in the cellular and tissue immune response at the molecular level. It opens the door to further research in this exciting and intriguing field.