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2.1. E-learning as a method of employees’ development and training
Aleksandra CZARNECKA
Summary: Nowadays, all organizations leading their business are forced to compete
with other entities. Significant for the enterprise is to achieve an advantage over other
companies. To a large extent this is dependent on workers currently employed by the
company. Therefore, concerns are devoting more and more attention to their
employees. This is reflected not only in ensuring good atmosphere at work and fair
wages. Moreover it is also creating opportunities for self-realization and self-
development. Employees who have the opportunity to improve their qualifications and
skills are more productive and loyal. Furthermore, they do not think about changing
job because their company cares about the appropriate development. Each employee is
solely responsible for his professional development. The organization is not obligated
to develop the staff competence. However, it shall give them the right tools and
support at work, so that they can pursue to improve their competence. The authors in
the article want to introduce e-learning, as a modern method of improving the
profession. It is a method which offers many advantages and facilities that can be used
in individual improvement and training of large groups of employees. E-learning helps
in the process of teaching through computers and the Internet. It is the perfect
complement to the traditional teaching process. Technological changes and growing
availability of the Internet Services bring new possibilities. The combination of a text,
an audio, a static image and a video makes possible sharing of all kinds of information
and knowledge in an interesting and effective way. The authors emphasize how
important it is for business people the freedom of choice and flexibility, so that
everyone can learn at their own pace, in the selected location and time.
Keywords: e-learning, advantages and disadvantages of e-learning, employee’s
development, professional improvement
Unstable economic situation in Poland as well as in the world, causes that managerial
staff of modern enterprises searches for the sources of savings, also in the area of HR
management. Such activities should not be based on reduction of labour costs, rather
on maximization of efficiency and quality of human resources. Rational investments in
employees and their development is an action helping the organization to maintain its
competitive advantage.
In order to define any rational way of investing in personnel these days, an
organization needs to apply necessary HR policy, which will systematically regulate
the human potential factor.
DOI: 10.18515/dBEM.M2017.n01.ch09
Czarneczka, A. – Daróczi, M.
Employee skills and innovative operations are some possible areas where human
resources can become part of core competencies. These core competencies are special
capabilities that create high value and differentiates the certain organization from its
competitors. The aims of our article are as follows:
‐ to give a short overview about the growing importance of education and training;
‐ to describe the essence and meaning of the employees’ development;
‐ to evaluate the different types of e-learning and distance learning as part of the
talent management and development.
The growing importance of education and training
The possibilities of billions of students and employees connected by mobile devices
will be multiplied in the near future by the help of up-to-date investigations in the
fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, autonomous vehicles, nanotechnology,
biotechnology and 3-D printing. According to Klaus Martin Schwab (founder and
executive chair of the World Economic Forum) the fourth industrial revolution will
arrive in the near future (Table 1).
Table 1: Navigating the next industrial revolution (http 1)
Revolution Year Characteristics of industrial revolutions
1. 1784
The first revolution - used water and steam power to mechanize
2. 1870
The second revolution - used electric power to create mass
3. 1969
The third revolution - used electronics and information technology to
automate production.
4. ????
The fourth revolution - is characterised by a fusion of technologies
that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological
We do not yet know too much about the fourth industrial revolution, but one thing
seems to be clear: the response to it must be integrated and comprehensive, involving
all stakeholders of the global polity, from the public and private sectors to academia
and civil society. Schwab (2016, http1) is convinced of one thing, that in the future,
talent, more than capital will represent the critical factor of production. This will give
rise to a job market increasingly segregated into “low-skill/low-pay” and “high-
skill/high-pay” segments, which in turn will lead to an increase in social tensions.
All these changes and challenges are forcing companies to re-examine the way they do
business. Business leaders and senior executives need to understand their changing
environment, challenge the assumptions of their operating teams, and relentlessly and
continuously innovate (http 1; Turek and Dunay, 2014; Ptak and Daróczi, 2014).
According to the American Bill Gates (MS) by 2025, two-thirds of all jobs in the US
will require education beyond high school. At the current rate the US is producing
college graduates, however, USA is expected to face a shortfall of 11 million skilled
workers to fill those roles over the next ten years. The problem is not that not enough
students want to go to college. More students are enrolling in higher education
programs than ever before. The problem is that too many drop out before completing
their degrees, especially students from low-income families. A student from a wealthy
2.1. E-learning as a method of employees’ development and training
family in the US is eight times more likely to earn a bachelor’s degree by age 24 than a
student from a low-income family. Encouraging more low-income and first-generation
college students to get college degree is critical – not just for the students themselves,
but also for the health of America’s economy (http 2).
The tendencies are very similar, there is also a shortfall of skilled workers in Hungary
and many students drop out before completing their studies especially in the
engineering study programs. E-learning and distance education can help the students of
the low-income families. Bernard Marr (best-selling author, key-note speaker and
leading business and data expert) concluded that the roll of boss as mentor seems to
have fallen by the wayside somewhat in recent years, but people are still craving that
kind of development role from their managers. Studies show that employees feel
prouder of accomplishing harder work. but they need the right support to get there.
Leaders have to watch for opportunities to teach, to provide additional support, or to
invite the right training for the employees. Individual development needs to be a part
of every job description (http 3).
The essence and meaning of the employees’ development
The organizations aimed at activity and development, need to strongly focus on
conscious and planned creation of their brands. The tool useful in such process may be
HR policy understood as „a systemized group of assumptions and instructions, which
are aimed at optimal shaping personal and interpersonal relationships in organizational
units in order to assure these units’ efficiency, without compromising personal
development of their members. The scientific aim of HR policy is then stimulation of
employees, staff behaviours helpful in the organization’s objectives achievement”
(Wajda, 2003, pp.138-139). The employees’ behaviours shaping, requires careful
consideration of aspects and areas responsible for development oriented staff attitudes.
Such attitude enables the efficient functioning of any modern enterprise in the
environment that evolves dynamically, because of the rapid technical and
technological progress, or increasing demands of consumers. Therefore, they have to
constantly care of the development of their employees. With their knowledge and new
competence, they would be sources of innovations, innovative ideas or solutions that
further could result in a form of competitive advantage. Such approach becomes very
significant in the services sector (Łazorko, 2011). Development is also a chance to the
employees themselves, who achieving new skills, increase their worth and strength on
the labour market (Gadomska-Lila, Rudawska, Platonoff, 2009).
The development of human resources is based on enabling employees’ learning and
qualification increase, which eventually leads to the growth of their competence. The
general aim of these assets development is assuring the personnel organization
stimulating the employees’ features, which are the most demanded in terms of the
enterprise’s objectives. These objectives are achieved, when the organization cares for
every employee to obtain knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties, and
whenever these skills are constantly developed in manner enabling the maximization
of personnel potential (Armstrong, 2004, p.425).
Czarneczka, A. – Daróczi, M.
Development of the employee competence basically may be divided into two stages
‐ education before starting professional work (schools, universities, practice,
trainings, probations);
‐ education simultaneous with professional work (trainings and improving of
qualifications, as well as professional career (Szałkowski, 2002; Illés et al., 2015).
Higher educational institutions shall provide a framework which combines theoretical
and practical approach (Dunay et al., 2015), which will enable the graduates to use
their knowledge at their future workplaces.
Because of the special care, that in a recruitment process there are accepted only the
highly skilled, qualified and well educated candidates, it should be considered that
their professional potential should be constantly developed. At the same time, the key
aspect of this type of development has to be highlighted. Managerial staff should focus
on taking care of the possibilities of updating and developing the employees’
competence. Creating the proper conditions for development with a passive dimension,
should be connected with active operations based on initiating and orientation in a way
that it corresponds to the present and future needs of an enterprise.
In its broad understanding, development of human resources may be understood as
„purposeful configurations of the action of enriching knowledge, development of
skills, shaping the values, attitudes, motivations and skills, as well as taking care of
physical and mental condition of the employees, or the actions causing an increase in
work efficiency and increase in the market value of human resources” (Pocztowski,
2007, p.274).
On the basis of the above mentioned definition it may be clearly stated that
development of an employee is a process, both completing knowledge, as well as
learning new skills and competence, necessary for having the tasks effectively
performed on the presently occupied position, or the future one.
It may be clearly concluded that the aim of the development of the personnel is to
create such a situation, in which knowledge, skills and qualifications of the employees,
would enable the organization achieving its goals:
‐ firstly, increasing efficiency of the organization functioning;
‐ secondly, meeting the needs of employees in the aspect of creating his
professional career taking into account individual aspirations and aims
(Gadomska-Lila, Rudawska, Platonoff, 2009, p.211).
Process of development of human resources should be encouraged by proper
conditions within organizations, such as: HR strategy correlated with general
organizational strategy, organizational culture, system of remuneration, or motivations.
Such philosophy normally includes strategic management of human resources,
described in the Schuler’s model. In this model, the original role is played by the
organization strategy, identifying the enterprise’s needs, which are associated with
specific qualities. Defining needs and forming a strategy, vision and specific strategic
aims related both, to external and internal conditions. This creates a basis for stages of
strategic staff management, from HR philosophy, through personnel strategy, to the
final personnel processes and practices (Listwan, 2004, p.49-50).
2.1. E-learning as a method of employees’ development and training
E-learning – distance learning
The pace of technological changes occurring nowadays is incredible. Internet became
the most popular source of information and the channel of communication. These
changes caused that the new possibilities opens while sharing information and
Distance learning, is a form of didactic information transferring to dispersed listeners,
using various media forms. This form does not require direct, personal contact between
teacher and students. English language contains many terms describing remote forms
of education, such as: distance learning, distance teaching, distance education,
teleteaching, teaching by network, telematic education. Some of these terms, like:
distance learning and distance teaching, which define remote forms of learning and
teaching, are not treated equally in Polish literature, even though they are used as
synonyms in English papers (Clarke, 2007). Both of these terms are complementary,
and as such, they describe the process of learning – teaching, which altogether is
named as distance education. The literature contains such terms describing remote
education as teleteaching, which means remote education with use of
telecommunication devices, teaching by network, which is education provided through
the computer networks, and telematic education, which signifies didactic process made
with modern telecommunication devices in large distances between teachers and
The remote education enables didactic process to appear, where its participants remain
far from each other, and developed computer and telecommunication technologies,
including Internet, make the whole process possible (Janczyk, Sznirch, Wójtowicz,
2010, p.195).
Although the process of implementing e-learning in Poland has been lasting for over
several years, it is still a marginal element of the system of education. Regardless the
fact that this form of education is being more often used, it is still something new and
little known, causing mistrust and suspicion, as unpopular and unavailable (Wilkin,
2009, p.25).
As the specialists in this subject claim, this form of education could be a significant
tool, accelerating the process of implementing the necessary changes in the Polish
system of education (Mischke, 2008).
E-learning is a distance-learning using modern devices and information technologies,
special software and specially prepared teaching material. E-learning may be an
individual teaching form, or function as a complementation for the traditional forms of
learning (http 4).
In order to understand the possibilities given by e-learning as an educational method,
there should be discussed a definition formulated by M. Kubiak who claims that
„distance learning is a method of conducting educational process in the conditions that
teachers and students are away from each other (sometimes it is a significant distance)
and do not meet in the same place, using for sharing information – apart from the
traditional means of communication- also modern tele-communicational technologies,
transferring voice, video, computer data, and printed materials. Modern technologies
also enables direct contact in the real time, between the teacher and student, by means
Czarneczka, A. – Daróczi, M.
of audio- or video- conference, dependent on the distance between them” (Kubiak,
2000, p.12). D. Keeng created his definition of distance learning by specification
conditions necessary for its appearance. This brings us to the following e-education
factors list (Koczy, 2007, p.35-42):
‐ teacher and students separated from each other;
‐ media used in didactic process;
‐ mutual communication (indirect);
‐ education system (platform) supervision;
‐ necessary technical and technological backgrounds and necessary teams.
It is possible to define e-learning after considering four ways of education, such as:
formal, informal, unofficial and accidental. The general idea of education information
is always on a first place, and the information society we build today works mainly in
digital forms, having Internet as its main source. This medium has many receivers and
transfers a lot of information in various forms (in time and space) which constitutes
technical means of communication. Despite its huge opportunities, using Internet
required breaking barriers of traditional education and modification of teacher’s role.
As a consequence, the learning processes assumingly based on the personal activity are
no more so strictly connected to formal education, despite its organizational and
directional role. Electronic (digital) form of information becomes a symbol of e-
learning processes. One should stress direct relation between this form of education
and IT skills, becoming equally important to reading and writing, which is an
indispensable skill in information society (Janczyk, 2008).
Particularly in higher education there is an increasing tendency to create virtual
learning environment (VLE), which is in connection with the managed information
system (MIS), create a managed learning environment (MLE). On the international
service market we can observe a development of MOOC - massive open online
courses, that allow us to attend remotely and for free the academic course selected by
us. These courses can be ended by final exam. University student status is not required.
Catalog of English-language courses can be found e.g. on the website MOOC List.
There are MOOCs universities in 98 countries all over the world their share is shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Top three of 98 countries USA, India, China – MOOCs University (http 5)
2.1. E-learning as a method of employees’ development and training
Open Educational Resources (OER) in higher education have the potential to triple in
use as primary courseware over the next five years, from 4 percent to 12 percent,
according to a survey of more than 500 faculty by Cengage Learning Inc (which is an
educational content, technology and services company for the higher education). The
use of OER for supplemental learning materials may nearly quadruple in size, from 5
percent to 19 percent (http 6).
Cengage interviewed industry experts and surveyed OER primary adopters,
supplemental adopters and non-adopters. Overall, just 4% of the higher education
respondents use OER as primary materials. The subject of mathematics (13%) and
computing (11%) had the highest usage, while English (2%) and psychology (1%) had
the lowest according to the survey (http 6).
As every learning method, e-learning has its advantages and disadvantages of being
used in practice. Firstly, the advantages would be discussed, they mainly include:
˗ reduction of the costs of learning;
˗ great flexibility of the educational forms and lack of territorial limitations;
˗ centralization of the learning process;
˗ standardization of knowledge, and repetitive quality of education;
˗ contrary to appearances, facilitated contact with the lecturer;
˗ comfort of a training organization, as well as its contextuality, multithreading and
˗ interactivity and engaging form of teaching;
˗ possibility of better use of organization knowledge and better recognition and
understanding of its human capital;
˗ possibility of being a complementary teaching method for the main one;
˗ possibility of a dialogue among the participants of the training in order to
exchange information, views and knowledge;
˗ possibility of education for disabled people, who can learn, or study in the places
of their accommodation, not looping the availability of the same sources of
knowledge, as their healthy colleagues (Hyla, 2009, p.27; Stecyk, 2008).
Apart from the above mentioned advantages, unfortunately e-learning also has
numerous limitations and disadvantages that do not occur in case of traditional
According to the researchers of the subject (Siemieniecki 2007, Hyla, 2009), the most
significant minuses of e-learning are:
˗ limitations of the groups of interpersonal communication;
˗ being dependent on technology (equipment and connection quality, quality and
type of software) and knowledge (both on the side of the teacher and learner);
˗ time consuming and expensive analyses, preparing of multimedia teaching
materials, as well as their conservation;
˗ complexity of the organization of a learning process;
˗ limitations of social networks by being isolated from the teacher and the group;
˗ limitations concerning the data shared and participation in the functional classes,
e.g. laboratories, experiments, etc.;
˗ features of the Internet, destructive for the user (a lot of interesting information,
not only connected with education);
Czarneczka, A. – Daróczi, M.
˗ lack of the motivating atmosphere characteristic for traditional school, or group;
˗ the necessity to have the predispositions for self-education, training, and self-
The above presented statement including advantages and disadvantages of e-learning
was created on the basis of more or less adequate observations and opinions of the
users of the systems of e-learning, selected by the authors of various publications and
experts in this subject.
In order to meet the condition of profitability and efficiency of implementation of this
form of development in personnel in the organization, here is important the awareness
of its strategic using in the areas in which it is reasonable and may bring greater
profits. It should not be treated as standard teaching tool. System oriented using of e-
learning, adjusting it to the specificity of organization makes consideration of the long-
term aims and predicting the scale of impact and repeatability (Wilkin, 2009, p.26).
The above proves, that e-learning may be treated as training and development tool, but
also as an innovative instrument of institutional and social changes, which need to be
seen as modifications of human behaviour patterns, social interactions, temporal aspect
of social structure and institutions (Wilkin, 2009, p.25).
Polish and international researchers and experts (i.a. Janczyk, Sznirch and Wójtowicz,
2010, p.195.; Jelonek, Nowicki and Ziora, 2014), in their surveys discover, that e-
learning is facing great opportunities in modern remote forms of education. It is
significant, however, that e-learning needs to be supported by traditional forms and we
should avoid applying it alone in the general education process.
Our research proves, that e-learning with its easy access to individual learning systems,
brings particular advantages to such social groups as: disabled, working persons and
citizens of small towns and villages. The respondents admit, that e-learning is the most
efficient form of education for grown-ups and in such education areas, as trainings,
professional courses, part-time learning, which is related to the lack of time for
learning and lack of free choice of learning place and schedule. Major advantage of
this didactical form is individualization of learning and easy, constant and fast access
to the didactic materials. Disadvantages and limits of e-learning stressed by the
respondents are also vital. The most commonly noticed disadvantage is weak
stimulating for learning and lack of personal contact with lecturers and other students.
This limit is caused by the fact, that humans are social beings, who need support and
motivation provided by the direct contact with others. Majority of respondents assess
their experience with e-learning as positive. They find knowledge received this way is
equal to the traditional ways, and sometimes even higher.
In the consciousness of employers, as well as employees, existing of the need for
constant and systematic development is obvious. At the same time, the need for
training is understood. As mentioned in various sources (Wilkin, 2009) since several
years educational activity of many adult Poles increases. Unfortunately, the process is
selective, has relatively little scope and takes place mainly in a traditional way.
2.1. E-learning as a method of employees’ development and training
Conditions of development of the new forms of education unfortunately are not
favourable, which is a result of a lack of knowledge and reliable information about
these forms of education, as well as suspicion towards the new things. Even though
e-learning is a didactic and technological innovation, so far not fully accepted, it seems
that because of numerous disadvantages, it is worth being popularized and used in
practice of teaching at various educational levels.
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