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The photobiomodulation effect of higher-fluence 808-nm laser
therapy with a flat-top handpiece on the wound healing
of the earthworm Dendrobaena veneta: a brief report
Andrea Amaroli
&Sara Ferrando
&Reem Hanna
&Lorenzo Gallus
Alberico Benedicenti
&Sonia Scarfì
&Marina Pozzolini
&Stefano Benedicenti
Received: 14 June 2016 /Accepted: 14 December 2016
#Springer-Verlag London 2017
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a useful tool employed in
wound healing [1]. Several studies in vitro indicate that
PBM with <500 mW average power and 3–10 J/cm
enhances the wound healing process in a wide range of con-
ditions in humans [2]. However, a lot of confusion still reigns
in this field since, to date, the correct laser parameters of de-
posited energy density that effectively promote cell rescue
without significant side effects are still elusive. To date, lim-
ited evidences suggest that the energy can be applied with the
same efficiency from cellular to organismic level [3].
Furthermore, there are issues using low-power and fluence
settings in the adoption of a standardized and worldwide use
protocol. The interaction between a tissue and energy in the
range of 600–1400 nm is based on scattering. When this type
of energy goes through a tissue, a rapid decrease in its density
can be observed [3]. Subsequently, it gets dispersed missing
the target and failing a real therapeutic effect [3].
Within this context, a novel flat-top handpiece
(AB2799) has been recently produced (LAMBDA SpA,
Italy). This particular probe provides homogeneous irradi-
ation and energy density by using relatively high power
densities and fluences with less risk of causing thermal
damage [4]. Our previous results using 808 nm with this
device at higher fluence (64 J/cm
continuous-wave (CW) showed an increase of mitochon-
drial activities such as oxygen consumption and ATP pro-
duction in the unicellular organism Paramecium
primaurelia [4–6] enhancing both its swimming speed
[4] and its fission rate rhythm [7]. In the current work,
we moved from the unicellular to the multicellular level.
Invertebrate species are as diverse as flies and worms and
share a lot of genes and molecular pathways with humans.
More than 90% of the domains that can be identified in
human proteins are present in fruit fly and worm proteins
while 61% of fruit fly proteins and 43% of worm proteins
have high sequence similarities to predicted human pro-
teins [8]. Furthermore, the gene conservation of earth-
worms is closer to humans than worms like the well-
known animal model Caenorhabditis elegans [9]. Thus,
we set up a new animal model based on the earthworm
*Stefano Benedicenti
Andrea Amaroli
Sara Ferrando
Reem Hanna
Lorenzo Gallus
Alberico Benedicenti
Sonia Scarfì
Marina Pozzolini
Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences, University of
Genoa, Corso Europa 26, 16132 Genoa, Italy
Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostic,
University of Genoa, Largo R. Benzi 10, 16132 Genoa, Italy
Department of Oral Surgery, Dental Institute, King’sCollege
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS,
Lasers Med Sci
DOI 10.1007/s10103-016-2132-3
Dendrobaena veneta to evaluate the effectiveness of the
flat-top handpiece at 808 nm on the wound healing pro-
cess of the earthworm by examining the macroscopic,
histological, and immunohistochemical changes on the ir-
radiated tail-excised earthworms with respect to controls.
Materials and methods
Experimental setting
D. veneta (Phylum: Annelida, Class: Oligochaeta) adult ma-
ture hermaphrodite earthworms were used in these exper-
iments. They were obtained from Redbug S.r.l. (Milano,
Italy), acclimated in laboratory into organic soil at the
temperature of 22 ± 1 °C and oatmeal fed. Selected spec-
imens with a similar length, weight, and color were rinsed
with water and anesthetized on an ice block for a few
minutes. Twenty caudal segments were excised from the
animals and half was used as controls while the other half
was irradiated with a 808-nm diode using a flat-top
handpiece (AB2799, Doctor Smile–LAMBDA SpA–
Vicenza, Italy), with a fluence of 64 J/cm
and a power
of 1 W in CW.
Macroscopic analysis
All experimental specimens were examined on a Zeiss stereo-
microscope, and images were acquired with a Cellpad E
(TiEsseLab S.r.l., Italy).
Histochemical and immunohistochemical analysis
All experimental specimens were placed in individual boxes
(Ø19 cm), with 60 g of organic soil and 50 ml of water. After
24 h of recovery, both the control and laser-treated earth-
worms were rinsed with water and placed on a wet block of
Then, 10 caudal body segments were further excised
from all animals (10 controls and 10 treated). All segments
were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (7.4 pH), paraffin em-
bedded, and sagittally sectioned into 5 μm-thick slides.
The hematoxylin-eosin staining was used for histological
observations while the immunohistochemistry analysis
was performed by using the anti-acetylchlinesterase
(AChE) rabbit polyclonal antibody (dilution 1:200)
(Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA) followed by Alexa488
chicken anti-rabbit antibody (Invitrogen, USA) (dilution
1:800). The specimens were examined using a Leica
DMRB light and epifluorescence microscope. The images
were taken by a Leica CCD camera DFC420C (Leica,
Germany). Image analysis was performed by using
ImageJ v3.91 software. Each experiment was carried out
three times.
Immunoblot analysis
This analysis was performed to evaluate the specificity of the
immunorecognition of the anti-AChE rabbit polyclonal anti-
body. D. veneta protein lysates were obtained and blotted by
standard methods [10]. Band detection was performed using
the ChemiDoc MP system (Bio-Rad, USA).
Fig. 1 Diagram of experimental
design (A,B). Wound healing
process cartoon in control (A’)and
irradiated (B’)Dendrobaena
veneta specimens 24 h after
Lasers Med Sci
Results and discussion
The establishment of experimental animal models allows the
researchers to deepen their knowledge on human physiology
and diseases [11]. Recently, the use of vertebrate models has
been repeatedly challenged for ethical reasons inspiring the
setup of new invertebrate model organisms of diseases with
limited sentience. In this study, we used a new wound healing
model (Fig. 1) in the earthworm D. veneta to study the effects
of the 808-nm laser therapy.
All the earthworms survived during the experiments and
beyond and looked healthy despite the amputations,
confirming the results of a previous study on earthworm re-
generation [12].
After caudal dissections, macroscopic observations of the
wound sites (Fig. 2a) allowed us to detect all the tissues of the
body wall (epidermis, muscular layer, coelom’scells,blood
vessel, alimentary canal). As compared to control-dissected
animals, irradiated-dissected animals (Fig. 2b) immediately
after treatment showed a clear muscular contraction at the
wound site pointed out by the dorsal-ventral thinning of the
body and the internalization of the alimentary tract which in
fact disappeared from the wound site only in the irradiated
earthworms. Furthermore, at 24 h, a significant wound closure
Fig. 2 Effect of 808-nm laser therapy on wound repair in Dendrobaena
veneta.a–dMacroscopic images of amputated specimens. aNon-
irradiated control specimen. bSpecimen immediately after irradiation. c
Twenty-four-hour control specimen. dTwenty-four-hour irradiated
specimen. e–nHematoxylin-eosin-stained histological sections. e
Twenty-four-hour control specimen with evident coelomic plug. fDetail
of 24-h control specimen coelomic cavity. i,lDetails of 24-h control
specimen coelomic plug. gTwenty-four-hour irradiated specimen.
Coelomic plug is thinner than control. hDetail of 24-h control specimen
coelomic cavity. m,nDetails of the 24-h irradiated specimen plug area. o,
pAChE immunofluorescence on histological sections. oTwenty-four-
hour control specimen; intense immunoreactivity in the plug area high-
lights the non-cholinergic AChE. pTwenty-four-hour irradiated
specimen; immunoreactivity is evident in the cholinergic innervated
zones, while it is very reduced in the plug area. qImmunoblot. Lane 1:
markers. Lane 2:D. veneta homogenate. The antibody recognizes only
one band of molecular mass at 70 kDa. ac alimentary canal, ace
alimentary canal epidermis, bblood, bv blood vessel, ccoelomocytes,
cl chloragogen cell, eepidermis, mmuscle, pe peritoneum, pl coelomic
plug, sseptum. Scale bars,100μm
Lasers Med Sci
is observable only in the irradiated samples compared to con-
trols (Fig. 2d vs c). These findings seem to confirm
Shamirzaev’s[13] and Moskvin’s[14] results that showed
marked spasmolytic properties of the low-power laser irradi-
ation, likely due to Ca
signaling in the adjacent muscle’s
cells. This provides a coordination of myocyte contraction
subsequently inducing the laser therapeutic effect.
The contraction of the body and the mechanical thinning of
its walls in the irradiated animals with respect to controls were
confirmed by the histological sections performed 24 h after
treatment (Fig. 2e, control, vs g, irradiated). Furthermore, 24 h
after treatments, controls showed a wide coelom delimited by
the peritoneum and by the chloragogen layer, which
enveloped the gut externally (Fig. 2e, f) while the irradiated
samples showed a slim ventral body with a compressed coe-
lom (Fig. 2g, h).
The main difference between the controls and the irradiated
samples was the formation of the coelomic plug, which was
evident in the histological sections of the control animals
(Fig. 2e, i, l and scheme in Fig. 1(A)) and significantly re-
duced in the irradiated ones (Fig. 2g, m, n and scheme in Fig. 1
It is known that the coelomic plug is formed by passive
flow of coelomocytes and by active migration of cells from
other segments [15] as also displayed in the scheme in Fig. 1.
The formation of a smaller plug in the irradiated samples
could be due to the muscular contraction, which would slow
down the leakage of coelomic fluid and of coelomocytes from
the wound, causing an abatement of the inflammatoryprocess.
In the earthworm like other higher animals and human
species, inflammation is a complex biological response of
vascular tissues to infection caused by pathogens and/or dam-
aged cells [16]. In humans, the cholinergic system is involved
in the basic functions of the skin like proliferation and differ-
entiation of keratinocytes, cell adhesion and migration, blood
circulation, angiogenesis, and other immune reactions [16].
In the skin inflammatory process, in particular, the enzyme
AChE has shown an active non-cholinergic role [16]. The
nematode C. elegans AChE has great similarity to the human
AChE. In the Oligochaeta, through the D. veneta genome
sequencing (SRA database srx404365), a partial sequence
covering the 53% of the C-terminal epitope used for the gen-
eration of the rabbit polyclonal anti-AChE antibody can be
retrieved. Homology analysis of D. veneta partial sequence
via blastn algorithm shows a 49% identity to human AChE.
Indeed, our immunoblot analysis, using the abovementioned
antibody, seems to confirm the genome sequencing data,
showing a single polypeptide band with a coherent molecular
mass around 70 kDa (Fig. 2q).
AChE immunohistochemistry of sagittal sections obtained
24 h after treatments show the presence of AChE in the nerve
fibers on the peritoneal layer of the coelom, on the muscular
cells of the septum, and, only in the control animals, in a non-
innervated area of the wound, which corresponds to the coe-
lomic plug (Fig. 2o, control, vs p, irradiated). Indeed, the
optical density (OD) quantification of fluorescence in the area
of the coelomic plug shows a significant reduction of AChE
expression (p<0.001,by paired ttest) in the irradiated sam-
ples (673 ± 32.5 OD) as compared to the controls (2432 ± 150
OD) clearly indicating a laser anti-inflammatory effect.
In conclusion, the flat-top handpiece 808-nm phototherapy
with higher power and fluence promotes the wound healing in
the D. veneta new animal model through muscular contrac-
tion, which reduces the wound area, and via inhibition of the
inflammatory process demonstrated by the reduction of the
coelomic plug and of the non-cholinergic AChE production.
Compliance with ethical standards
Funding statement Fund from any funding agency was not procured.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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