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Soft Modular Robotic Cubes: Toward Replicating Morphogenetic Movements of the Embryo


Abstract and Figures

In this paper we present a new type of simple, pneumatically actuated, soft modular robotic system that can reproduce fundamental cell behaviors observed during morphogenesis; the initial shaping stage of the living embryo. The fabrication method uses soft lithography for producing composite elastomeric hollow cubes and permanent magnets as passive docking mechanism. Actuation is achieved by controlling the internal pressurization of cubes with external micro air pumps. Our experiments show how simple soft robotic modules can serve to reproduce to great extend the overall mechanics of collective cell migration, delamination, invagination, involution, epiboly and even simple forms of self-reconfiguration. Instead of relying in complex rigid onboard docking hardware, we exploit the coordinated inflation/deflation of modules as a simple mechanism to detach/attach modules and even rearrange the spatial position of components. Our results suggest new avenues for producing inexpensive, yet functioning, synthetic morphogenetic systems and provide new tangible models of cell behavior.
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Soft Modular Robotic Cubes: Toward
Replicating Morphogenetic Movements of the
Andrea Vergara
, Yi-sheng Lau
, Ricardo-Franco Mendoza-Garcia
, Juan
´bal Zagal
1Departamento de Ingenierı
´a Meca
´nica, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Escuela Universitaria de
´a Meca
´nica, Universidad de Tarapaca
´, Arica, Chile
These authors contributed equally to this work.
These authors also contributed equally to this work.
In this paper we present a new type of simple, pneumatically actuated, soft modular robotic
system that can reproduce fundamental cell behaviors observed during morphogenesis; the
initial shaping stage of the living embryo. The fabrication method uses soft lithography for
producing composite elastomeric hollow cubes and permanent magnets as passive docking
mechanism. Actuation is achieved by controlling the internal pressurization of cubes with
external micro air pumps. Our experiments show how simple soft robotic modules can serve
to reproduce to great extend the overall mechanics of collective cell migration, delamination,
invagination, involution, epiboly and even simple forms of self-reconfiguration. Instead of
relying in complex rigid onboard docking hardware, we exploit the coordinated inflation/
deflation of modules as a simple mechanism to detach/attach modules and even rearrange
the spatial position of components. Our results suggest new avenues for producing inexpen-
sive, yet functioning, synthetic morphogenetic systems and provide new tangible models of
cell behavior.
Cells are the fundamental building block of living organisms. During morphogenesis, cells are
able to contract, change their intercellular adhesion forces and even migrate, organizing them-
selves into different tissues that ultimately give rise to more complex structures and organs
[1,2]. Researchers have tried to build modular self-reconfigurable robots imitating the capacity
of cells to construct systems of varying morphology and function [3]. The development of this
type of robots might result in more versatile and robust machines, capable of adapting their
shape and function to account for new tasks, circumstances and even recover after damage [4].
Modular robots have been constructed using rigid materials, with cell-resembling docking
units often carrying computation, sensing, actuation and energy storage capabilities, and have
demonstrated self-reconfiguration, and even self-replication abilities under well-controlled
experimental conditions [57].
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0169179 January 6, 2017 1 / 17
Citation: Vergara A, Lau Y-s, Mendoza-Garcia R-F,
Zagal JC (2017) Soft Modular Robotic Cubes:
Toward Replicating Morphogenetic Movements of
the Embryo. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169179.
Editor: Josh Bongard, University of Vermont,
Received: March 9, 2016
Accepted: December 13, 2016
Published: January 6, 2017
Copyright: ©2017 Vergara et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: Funded by Office of Naval Research
Global Grant Number N62909-16-1-2164. The
funders had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of
the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
While cells are inherently soft, current rigid implementations of modular robots fail at
reproducing fundamental cell behaviors that require elements to shrink, squeeze and stretch
while controlling connections to other units [8,9]. These capabilities are especially observed
during the morphogenetic movements of gastrulation, the initial shaping stage of the embryo
[10]. During this process, cells exhibit several mechanical behaviors (see Fig 1). Cells are able
to expand and contract, migrate, attach to each other (cell adhesion), and detach from each
other (cell delamination). Sheets of cells are able to bend inward (invagination), roll inward
(involution), spread by thinning (epiboly) and other mechanically complex behaviors like
detach and migrate freely (ingression) create longer but thinner arrays (intercalation), and
even converge and extend (convergent extension). These set of behaviors allow the generation
of infinite variation of living shapes, ranging from the primordial primitive streak to complex
structures of intricate organs such as the heart. Mechanical forces and behavior result in bio-
chemical changes that ultimately define function and structure of the cell [11]. Creating modu-
lar machines with the capability to replicate these movements will serve to better understand
the way nature creates shape as well as to advance toward artificial systems that can grow and
Recently a door to soft robotics was opened, and the new field is rapidly expanding with
results on new soft actuators, soft sensors and intelligent soft mechanisms [12]. These robots
are usually implemented with rubber, silicone or deformable material and are expected to
overcome some of the limitations of current rigid robotics. Soft robots are expected to be more
compliant, flexible, robust, light, stable, cheap and even simpler. For example, while many
components are today required for the implementation of a joint or a linear actuator, only one
Fig 1. Outline of some of the fundamental cell behaviors that take place during morphogenesis.
During expansion/contraction cells change their volume. During migration cells are able to travel to different
locations. Cell adhesion involves the capability of cells to bind to other cells or substrate. Cell delamination
involves splitting apart groups of cells. Cell invagination is a type of folding that creates a pocket. Cell
involution is the generation of an inward curvature that results in a new underlying layer. Cell epiboly involves
spreading of cell layers. During ingression cells detach from a main structure to migrate. During intercalation
cells from different rows interpolate creating longer but thinner arrays. Convergent extension involves cells
that converge in one direction to achieve extension in another perpendicular orientation.
Soft Modular Robotic Cubes: Toward Replicating Morphogenetic Movements of the Embryo
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soft structure might be required using soft robotic technologies [13,14]. Soft robots can manip-
ulate delicate objects, conform to their surroundings, move in cluttered environments, and
exhibit dramatic shape deformation [15].
This paper describes the design and fabrication of soft modular robotic cubes based on
magnetic adhesion and pneumatic actuation. The parsimonious design of robotic units allows
complex group behavior that resembles, to a large extent, some of the key morphogenetic
movements of living cells. We demonstrate how soft modules can autonomously and purpo-
sively be detached and even self-reconfigured without relying on unit-embedded active
undocking mechanisms but instead using the coordinated inflation of modules. We also char-
acterize the mechanical behavior of modules and design walking controllers for three modular
configurations. Finally we characterize their behavior in reality and simulation.
Related Work
Onal and Rus introduced the concept of soft modular robots to literature [16]. They created a
soft actuator made of two silicone halves, a non-extensible and an extensible one, which per-
formed two-dimensional motion by bending in one direction when used alone or two direc-
tions when glued back-to-back to another actuator. The authors followed a modular approach
by bonding actuators into serial and parallel configurations that, in combination with control
sequences of electro-pneumatic valves, enabled different locomotion modes. Germann et al.
proposed an active electrostatic connection mechanism for joining extremely lightweight soft
modules [17]. On a different work his group also studied how chains made of soft ring-shaped
limbs can display predictable folding behaviors when released over a flat surface [18]. They
showed how chains constructed with different softness presets would lead to different curvilin-
ear shapes when retracted. Kwok et al. designed a magnetic connector to join soft robots with
hard components [19]. Their device uses an integrated expansive bladder to allow remote dis-
assembly. Morin et al. proposed techniques for fabricating inflatable cubes from thin elasto-
meric tiles [20]. The use of double-tapper dovetails served at increasing the contact area before
gluing tiles by their edges. They manually arranged cubes into different configurations using
soft peg/recess surface connectors. Locomotion capabilities of preassembled soft modular sys-
tems have been studied in simulation and real implementations of chained inflatable spheres
[21,22]. Rus and Vona introduced rigid modular robots able to achieve two-dimensional self-
reconfiguration thanks to expansion/contraction of their flat faces [23]. Before us, Yu et al.
visualized the potential of imitating fundamental cell movements with modular robots [24].
To validate their concept, they built the Morpho modular robot whose modules were linear
actuators made of rigid materials covered with fabric. The authors combined the modules into
assemblies that resulted in quick changes of shapes that they called “self-deformation”. Our
work presents a new soft modular system that is able to autonomously self-reconfigure and
reproduce various important cell behaviors. The design uses permanent magnets for inter-
module self-aligned bonding and relies on simple coordinated inflation of modules to achieve
remote assembly/disassembly.
Design and Construction
Our design was made with strong actuation, simplicity, and lightness in mind. We were
focused on producing a system that reproduces the general aspects of cell-environment in-
teraction rather than the complex physics of cell motility, adhesion or expansion. Simple
inspection of gastrulation in drosophila [9] led us to choose three basic requirements for mod-
ules: They should (1) allow control of expansion/contraction, (2) adapt their shape to fit sur-
rounding space and (3) have the ability to attach and detach to each other. We used a silicon
Soft Modular Robotic Cubes: Toward Replicating Morphogenetic Movements of the Embryo
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elastomer (Ecoflex 00–30, Smooth-on, to fabricate the robotic
modules with soft lithography [25]. The silicone is very soft and strong allowing for up to
900% strain before fracture. Fig 2 shows the fabrication process. Modules are 20×20×20mm
(8cc) elastomeric cubes with a hollow core to enable pneumatic actuation by inflation, and a
disc-shaped cavity on every face to hold Neodymium cylindrical permanent magnets (Dura-
mag 3000 Gauss NdFeB Neo magnet, 6mm dia ×2mm thk) that serve for docking (Fig 2C and
2D). Rigid 3D-printed frames were used to avoid magnets from collapsing toward the center
of the cubes, to provide a smooth transition between hard magnets and extremely soft silicone,
as well as to improve bonding by increasing the contact area between the different materials.
Frames fit tightly inside the disc-shaped holes of the soft body as shown in Fig 2D. The frames
and required molds were 3D printed with photopolymer resin (RGD240, Stratasys, http:// using a high resolution 3D printer (ObJet 30, Stratasys, http://www. The liquid polymer precursor was mixed and then poured into the 3D printed
molds shown in Fig 2A and 2B.
The docking system results in homogeneous modules with gendered connecting faces,
where three faces release a north-pole magnetic field and the other three a south-pole field (Fig
2C). The induced soft lattice structure constraints each module face to find a reversed polarity
face in front. Modules can aggregate into arbitrary 3D shapes as long as their magnetic orienta-
tion matches the preexisting cubic lattice orientation and inter-module connection strength
allows shape preservation [26]. Connection strength evaluations (S3 Appendix) indicated that
up to eight modules can be vertically suspended on a single column and three modules cantile-
ver. Pneumatic actuation and magnetic docking are compatible choices with the soft nature of
Fig 2. Fabrication of soft robotic modules. The process begins by producing two silicone bodies using
multi-part 3D printed molds: the upper body (a) and the lower body (b). Removable pins hold the interior
discs used to create cavities on each face. The resulting silicone bodies are glued together and magnet
subassemblies are introduced inside the resulting disc-shaped cavities (c). The insert shows how magnets
are introduced inside a wrapping frame to enlarge contact surface with silicone and improve bonding. The
resulting module is finally shown in (d).
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the modules as they lack of internal mechanisms that would interfere with the elasticity other-
wise. The size of modules was chosen to be as small as possible to simplify the scalability of the
The fabrication also relies in two multi-part molds. The first served for casting the upper
body (Fig 2A) of a cube and the second for producing the lower body (Fig 2B) of a cube. These
bodies are glued together using the same silicone resin that makes up the body. Curing liquid
polymer on molds takes 20 minutes at 60˚C; a process which otherwise might take up to four
hours at room temperature. Magnets are then inserted on each face and covered with a sealing
drop of silicone that prevents them from being pulled apart from the assembly. A final curing
stage is executed during additional 10 minutes at 60˚C. The final step consists on producing a
small air inlet on one vertex of the cube and then introducing a 3mm airline. The resulting
cube weights 10 grams (S3 Fig shows photo series of the manufacturing process).
Actuation is achieved by volumetric changes induced by computer-controlled pres-
surization of modules. Each module is connected to a dedicated pneumatic line driven by a
miniature diaphragm air compressor (Thinker, 60 kPa pressure, 60 mL/min air flow) for
pressurization and a solenoid valve (12v, 26 kPa max pressure, normally closed) for pressure
relief. The electro-pneumatic setup (see S1 Appendix and S4 Fig) considers independent cir-
cuits for each module. The activation signals of air pumps and relief valves are driven by an
Arduino Leonardo ( The low current signals were amplified with
2N2222 transistors.
The following is a description of the different behaviors that where reproduced with the coor-
dinated actuation of the soft modules:
We characterized the capability of soft modules to expand and contract when controlling their
internal pressurization. We measured the volumetric expansion of cubes as function of their
internal pressure (see Fig 3A). An expansion of 106% respect to initial external volume results
when applying a pneumatic pressure of 15 kPa. We also measured the dynamic transient
response to a 137.9 kPa impulse (see Fig 3B) applied to the input hose over a very short period
of time. The figure shows how a rapid volumetric expansion (1277%) can be achieved after
200 ms.
Fig 3. Volumetric Response of Modules. a) Volumetric expansion vs pressure. b) Instantaneous volumetric
expansion response to a 138 kPa pressure impulse showing a rapid expansion of the module. Models
described on Eqs 1and 2are fitted to the data.
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Eq 1 models the normalized volumetric expansion as function of the static pressure P
inside a module. The constant ΔV
describes the volumetric expansion at which accelerated
expansion takes place, and P
) is the maximum pressure which can be applied to
a module before failure.
DVchamberðPoÞ ¼ DVtln Pmax
Pmax Po
Eq 2 adds time dependency to the same model by considering the dynamics required to
build up pressure inside a module, P
(1 e
), resulting on an expression of the volu-
metric expansion as function of time t.RC is the time constant and P
is the maximum instan-
taneous pressure inside a module. We fitted both models to the experimental data (see model
on Fig 3A and 3B) resulting in the following values for the different constants: ΔV
= 28.2%,
= 15.6 kPa for the static case and ΔV
= 28.2%, P
= 138 kPa, RC = 2 ms, P
= 137.9 kPa
for the dynamic case. The later high level of pressure was only sustained during the very short
transient. S2 Appendix explains both models and details the methodology used during these
DVchamberðtÞ ¼ DVtln Pmax
Pmax Pi1et
! ð2Þ
The soft modular units are able to attach to each other thanks to the magnetic force taking
place between their faces. We measured the attraction force between a pair of facing magnets
as function of distance and we fitted a quadratic model to the data. Equation S10 describes
resulting model. S7 Fig shows the experimental data together with the fitted model. Detailed
explanations of the measuring setup and model are presented in S3 Appendix.
Although the current locking mechanism still limits the scalability to only three modules
suspending cantilever, several modules can be connected when supported over a horizontal
surface or when floating on water. We tested the capability of a group of eight interconnected
modules to purposively incorporate and attach new units while moving horizontally. Fig 4
shows a sequence of images displaying how a group of six connected modules is able to travel
Fig 4. Cell adhesion during collective migration. A sequence of images displaying how a group of six
connected modules is able to travel (from right to left) thanks to the coordinated inflation of modules. At time
t = 8m:40s an adhesion occurs resulting in a new module incorporated to the group. The new seven-element
robot continues travelling sideways until a new module adheres at t = 18m:48s. Then the resulting eight-
element robot continues moving sideways.
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(from right to left) thanks to the coordinated inflation of modules. At time t = 8m:40s adhesion
between the group and a new module occurs. The seven-element robot continues travelling
along its own axis until a new module adheres at t = 18m:48s. The resulting eight-element
robot continues moving. As the worm-like system incorporates new modules to itself, they are
also incorporated to actuation by means of external coordination provided by a host computer
and a motion capture system (Optitrack,
Collective Migration
Inflation of a single isolated module does not result in any motion. Therefore we tested the
locomotive capabilities of systems constructed using groups of soft modular robotic units. We
measured the performance of these systems under simulation (VoxCad, http://www.voxcad.
com) and then using real physical modules (see Fig 5). Details of the simulation implementa-
tion are presented in S4 Appendix. Sinusoidal volumetric sequences (Equation S11) com-
manded the inflation of simulated modules and binary sequences (Equation S12) commanded
the inflation of real modules. Signals were shifted ¼phase with respect to their immediate
neighbor’s actuation command (See S1 Appendix for details). Measured displacements of all
three systems are shown in Fig 6A for the simulated systems, and Fig 6B for their real physical
implementation. Displacement of System 1, or the worm-like system, took place predomi-
nantly in the longitudinal direction and was consistently fastest. Inspection of video sequences
(S1 Video) shows how peristaltic wave [27] propagation results in the overall displacement of
the system. System 2, or compound cube, shows a small displacement toward the bottom.
Finally, System 3, or legged, moves left and right without showing a noticeable total displace-
ment. Despite speed magnitude differences observed between simulation and reality (Fig 6)
one can appreciate how simulation allows predicting the overall trend of these systems.
The ability to purposively detach modules is required to mimic the delamination capabilities
of living cells and is widely recognized as a requirement for achieving self-reconfiguration.
Fig 5. Instantaneous images taken during the locomotion of three different systems assembled using
soft modular robotic units. a) System 1, a worm configuration, b) System 2, a 2×2×2 deformable cube c)
System 3, a two legged machine. The timestamp is displayed on the left column in minutes:seconds format.
Corresponding simulated systems are displayed on top. Red arrows indicate an estimated displacement
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Usually providing a modular unit with actuation and control to enable detachment is expen-
sive since modules should be embedded with the circuitry and mechanical actuators for dock-
ing/undocking (e.g. electro magnets). We found that coordinated inflation/deflation of soft
neighboring modules can be used as an alternative method to detach specific areas of a soft
modular assembly. Fig 7 shows a sequence of images taken while a group of nine units
detaches certain elements thanks to the inflation of the central module. Despite the symmetry
of the actuation pattern, detachments take place on the lower right portion of the structure.
This symmetry break can be explained by small variations on the thickness of the silicone layer
that covers magnets. This mode of detachment is a remarkable property of these soft modular
Fig 6. Characterization of locomotion. Displacement as function of time recorded from the three simulated(a) and real
(b) systems shown in Fig 5. Experiments show consistency between the predicted behavior in simulation and measured
behavior in reality. For example, system 1 consistently shows the ability to travel faster and at constant pace.
Fig 7. Cell Delamination. A sequence of images showing a behavior that resembles cell delamination on a
modular system constructed with nine units. The sequence illustrates how inflation on a central module
produces two detachments on the lower right portion of the image.
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robots and promises to become an alternative for discharging the onboard complexity of mod-
ular machines while enabling purposive localized detachment.
Invagination and Involution
We examined the potential of a group of 24 modules to reproduce the fundamental mechanics
of cell invagination and involution. These behaviors require modular structures to flex, a pro-
cess that can be reproduced by combining elements that expand while others dwindle. To
reduce module-surface friction we performed this experiment, as well as the remainder tests,
inside a vat containing water. The module buoyancy enabled lateral displacements while keep-
ing structures submerged at the bottom of the recipient. We assembled a soft beam made of
two parallel rows having twelve modules each, as shown in Fig 8. First we tested the capability
of the system to flex by inflating the lower row elements and keeping the upper row unactuated
(See Fig 8A). Then we tested the possibility of alternating the direction of curvature along the
beam. We used the inflation pattern shown in Fig 8B where the first and last three elements of
the upper row are inflated as well as the fourth up to the ninth element of the lower row. As a
result, the assembly transitioned from a rectangular to a curvy shape that shows two curvature
inflections. S4 Appendix shows an example of shapes that can be achieved when using eighty
simulated modules. These behaviors demonstrate the potential of a group of soft modular
robots to resemble to a great extend the cellular behaviors of invagination and involution.
A simple experiment to replicate epiboly consisted on arranging eight modules on a row and
then actuating over the arrangement to achieve linear extension. Fig 9 displays results from
applying this procedure. Initially the group of modules is unactuated. At t = 1s the eight
Fig 8. Cell invagination. Underwater experiments using a rectangular beam assembled using 24 soft
modular robots. a) Transition from rectangular to curved shape. b) Transition from rectangular to double
inflection curvature. Inflation patterns are displayed on a lower box using red for inflated modules and light
blue for unactuated modules. Time stamps are in the format seconds:centiseconds.
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modules are pressurized (b) reaching an axial extension of 29% with respect to initial length at
t = 2.05s.
We explored the ability of groups of soft modular robots to reconfigure themselves into different
layouts. We built four modular setups by combining different number of actuated and unactuated
modules. The remaining figures illustrate sequences of images displaying the inflation of modules
and resulting reconfigurations for each setup. Each frame displays a time stamp together with a
box illustrating the pattern of inflated modules in red and resting modules in light blue. The fol-
lowing sub-sections describe each configuration together with the experimental findings.
Setup 11-actuated, 11-unactuated (11A-11U). Fig 10 displays a sequence of cell behav-
iors that enable the transition from an initial ‘C’ structure (a) to a final ‘O’ disposition (l). The
reconfiguration is achieved by first producing a curvature on the exterior portion of the struc-
ture (b) by activating eleven modules located at the periphery. As a result form this behavior a
group of modules adheres to their neighbors closing the ‘C’ into an ‘O’ (c). Then delamination
takes place (e) producing a vertical streak on the center of the structure. At this point the
peripheral modules are deactivated resulting in the migration of a group of four modules
toward the center (h-i). This results in a new stable configuration (j-l).
Setup 2-actuated, 14- unactuated (2A-14U). Fig 11 displays a sequence of cell behaviors
that enable the transition from an initial ‘C’ structure (a) to a final ‘T’ disposition (i). First the
lower-center module is inflated (b), this results in the closing of the ‘C’ with the transition of
Fig 9. Cell Epiboly. Underwater experiments with a row of eight soft modules. The sequence of images
displays a behavior that resembles the cellular behavior of epiboly. Initially modules are not pressurized. At
t = 1s modules are pressurized resulting in 29% linear extension of the array at t = 2.05s. Time stamps are in
the format seconds:centiseconds.
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two modules toward the left. The module deactivates (d). Next the upper-center module acti-
vates (e) and deactivates (h) resulting in the new stable ‘T’ shape (i).
Setup 3-actuated, 13- unactuated (3A-13U). Fig 12 displays an alternative actuation
sequence that results in equivalent topological change as previous situation (Transition from
‘C’ to ‘T’). In this case actuation takes place on two lateral and one central module. First the
two lateral modules are inflated (b) resulting in the closure of the ‘C’ toward the center. Then
the lateral modules are deactivated (d) and the upper-center module activates (f) and deacti-
vates (i) resulting in the new stable ‘T’ shape (i).
Setup 2-actuated, 6-unactuated (2A-6U). Fig 13 displays a case of reconfiguration
achieved with a reduced number of modules. Eight modules were initially configured into a
square missing one of its vertices (a). Two diagonally opposite modules inflate (b) producing
the anti-clockwise rotation and translation of the upper-center module toward the left. Simul-
taneously the left most center module moves upside right and rotates clockwise resulting in a
new inter-module attachment (c) with subsequent detachment (d). Finally modules are deacti-
vated and a new stable squared shape emerges (e-f).
Setup 2-actuated, 17-unactuated (2A-17U). In this case we investigated the possibility of
achieving different output configurations by keeping the same initial setup and just modifying
the actuation pattern. Fig 14 displays an initial ‘E’ configuration (a). Actuation on a lower-left
module (b) results in the partial displacement of one column from the right toward the center
(c). The displacement is then consolidated by the actuation of a lower-right module (d,e)
which results in the final ‘F’ configuration. Fig 15A displays the same ‘E’ initial configuration
as shown on Fig 14A. In this case the actuation order is inverted and the lower-right module is
first actuated (b). This results in the partial displacement of the central column toward the left
Fig 10. Self-Reconfiguration on configuration 11A-11U. Demonstration of self-reconfiguration on a group
of 22 modules submerged in water. a) The group is initially configured in a ‘C’ shape. At t = 1s the outer
modules are inflated (b) producing a closure of the shape (c). A delamination between four central modules
takes place at t = 5.4s (e). Deactivation of peripheral modules results in migration of a group of four modules
toward the center (h-i) resulting into a new stable configuration (j-l). Time stamps are in the format seconds:
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Fig 11. Self-Reconfiguration on setup 2A-14U. Demonstration of self-reconfiguration on a group of 16
modules submerged in water. Initially a lower-center module is inflated (b) resulting in the closing of the ‘C’.
Subsequently the module deactivates (d). Then the upper-center module activates (e) and deactivates (h)
resulting in the new stable ‘T’ shape (i). Time stamps are in the format seconds:centiseconds.
Fig 12. Self-Reconfiguration on setup 3A-13U. Demonstration of self-reconfiguration on a group of 16
modules submerged in water. The two lateral modules are first inflated (b) resulting in the closure of the ‘C’.
Lateral modules are then deactivated (d). Next the upper-center module activates (f) and deactivates (i)
resulting in the new stable ‘T’ shape.Time stamps are in the format seconds:centiseconds.
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(c). The displacement is then consolidated by the actuation of the lower-left module (d,e)
which results in a different final ‘C’ configuration.
This research demonstrates how simple pneumatically actuated soft modular robots can
achieve self-reconfiguration and mimic various cell behaviors observed during morphogenesis.
The fabrication method uses soft lithography for producing composite elastomeric hollow
cubes and permanent magnets as passive docking mechanism. Instead of relying on rigid
onboard-actuated docking mechanisms, we exploit the coordinated inflation/deflation of
modules as a mechanism to detach and rearrange the position of specific modules. While tra-
ditional approaches to modular robotics would suggest the need of embedding modules with
active latching mechanisms we observe how reconfiguration of units can be obtained thanks
to the coordinated inflation of modules. Previous studies have suggested forms of modular
reconfiguration on rigid heterogeneous robots without relying on active latching mechanisms
[28]. Our results demonstrate that reconfiguration can be achieved with passive latching on
Fig 13. Self-Reconfiguration on setup 2A-6U. Demonstration of self-reconfiguration on a small group of 8
modules submerged in water. Two diagonally opposite modules inflate (b) producing the anti-clockwise
rotation and translation of the upper-center module toward the left. At the same time the left most center module
moves upside right and rotates clockwise resulting in a new inter-module attachment (c) and subsequent
detachment (d). Finally a new stable squared shape emerges (e-f). Time stamps are in the format seconds:
Fig 14. Self-Reconfiguration on setup 2A-17U, First Actuation Pattern. First part demonstrating how
varying actuation pattern results in different configurations. A group of 19 modules is initially configured into an
‘E’ shape (a). In this case the lower-left module is first inflated (b) and then the lower-right module is inflated
(d,e). This actuation pattern results in a final ‘F’ shape. Time stamps are in the format seconds:centiseconds.
Soft Modular Robotic Cubes: Toward Replicating Morphogenetic Movements of the Embryo
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even simpler homogenous modular robots, without having recourse to sophisticated mechani-
cal implementations.
Departing from the same initial configuration we showed how different final configuration
states can be consistently achieved when applying different control patterns.
While initial and final configurations are compatible with a rigid lattice we observe that self-
reconfiguration is in general achieved thanks to the capability of soft modules to break a rigid lat-
tice and sustain stable intermediate configurations that are only possible due to their elastic nature.
A thorough understanding of this self-reconfiguring process requires modeling the details of the
magneto-elastic interaction between modules, which is beyond the scope of the present study.
We also demonstrated how collective migration can be accomplished by a group of soft
modules. In this case modules are able to migrate in the same direction while maintaining
their inter-module connections. Similarly as in the case of living cells [29][30] we also verify
that modules migrate more efficiently in groups rather than by themselves.
Our experiments also showed how simple soft modules can reproduce to great extend the
overall mechanics of cell delamination, invagination, involution and epiboly. While other cell
behaviors still remain unexplored (ingression, intercalation, convergent extension, etc.) our
results already expose an interesting avenue for producing inexpensive, yet functioning, syn-
thetic morphogenetic systems.
Supporting Information
S1 Appendix. Actuation of soft robotic modules.
S2 Appendix. Modeling the expansion of soft modular robotic cubes.
S3 Appendix. Characterization of inter module connection strength.
S4 Appendix. Simulation of soft modular robotic cubes.
S1 Fig. Pneu-electic diagram displaying the connections used for modulating the internal
pressurization of soft modules. The air line of each soft module is driven by an independent
Fig 15. Self-Reconfiguration on setup 2A-17U, Second Actuation Pattern. Second part demonstrating
how varying actuation pattern results in different configurations. A group of 19 modules is initially configured
into the same ‘E’ shape (a) as in Fig 14A. In this case the lower-right module is first inflated (b) and then the
lower-left module is inflated (d,e). This inverted actuation pattern results in a different ‘C’ shape. Time stamps
are in the format seconds:centiseconds.
Soft Modular Robotic Cubes: Toward Replicating Morphogenetic Movements of the Embryo
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0169179 January 6, 2017 14 / 17
pneu-electric circuit. Each circuit contains a diaphragm compressor for pressurization and a
solenoid valve for relief, each one is activated using a transistor driven by 5v digital signals pro-
duced by an Arduino board.
S2 Fig. A simulation of eighty modules reproducing a double inflection behavior that
resembles invagination. Inflated modules are displayed in blue and unactuated modules are
shown with green. Time stamps are in the format seconds:centiseconds.
S3 Fig. Photos taken during the fabrication of one soft module. 1. Filling molds with sili-
cone. 2. Taking parts out from the mold. 3. Cutting residual material. 4–6. Gluing together dif-
ferent parts. 7. Inserting magnet inside the frame. 8. Module showing one magnet sub-
assembly inside.
S4 Fig. The actual pneumatic setup displaying solenoids, pneumatic pumps and lines.
S5 Fig. Illustration of an unactuated empty module (left) and a heavily pressurized module
(right) displaying a volumetric expansion 700% superior to initial volume.
S6 Fig. Illustration of the setup used for measuring volumetric expansion of modules. a)
Power source. b) Air pump. c) Manometer. d) Beaker. E) Module under water.
S7 Fig. Attraction force vs distance measured for a pair of magnets (Duramag 3000 Gauss
NdFeB Neo magnet). The figure also displays the model (Equation S10) fitted to the data.
S8 Fig. a) Attraction force measurement setup. Distance was modulated by adding paper
sheets (0.1mm thk) between magnets. The force was measured as the resulting weight required
to detach magnets. Adding drops of water to the canister served to increase weight. b) Vertical
arrangement of modules. c) Cantilever arrangement of modules.
S9 Fig. Images taken during the rapid volumetric response to an impulse of 137.9kPa.
Time stamps are in milliseconds.
S1 Video. Experiments of Self-Reconfiguration, Invagination and Locomotion.
S1 File. Supporting CAD.
We thank laboratory assistance provided by Joakin Ugalde.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: JCZ RFMG.
Soft Modular Robotic Cubes: Toward Replicating Morphogenetic Movements of the Embryo
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0169179 January 6, 2017 15 / 17
Data curation: AV JCZ RFMG YL.
Formal analysis: AV JCZ RFMG YL.
Funding acquisition: JCZ.
Investigation: AV JCZ RFMG YL.
Methodology: JCZ RFMG AV.
Project administration: JCZ.
Resources: JCZ.
Software: AV JCZ YL.
Supervision: JCZ RFMG.
Validation: AV JCZ.
Visualization: JCZ AV RFMG.
Writing original draft: JCZ AV RFMG.
Writing review & editing: JCZ AV RFMG.
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Supplementary resources (14)

... For the purpose of enabling robust 3D structure formation, self-assembly, and selfdisassembly, we require the connectors between blocks to have four properties: secure connection, error-tolerant attachment, reliable detachment, and power efficiency. Due to the lack of inherent mobility of each individual unit, most existing shape-changing modular robotic systems either depend entirely on manual assembly (23,(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39) or partially (40)(41)(42). In addition, permanent magnets are commonly employed for connection (19,20,43), but strong magnets are difficult to separate for detachment. ...
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Modular robots are currently designed to perform a variety of tasks, primarily focusing on locomotion or manipulation through the reconfiguration of rigid modules. However, the potential to integrate multiple functions, such as making each robot deployable and capable of building lattice structures for self-construction and infrastructure creation, remains largely unexplored. To advance the field, we hypothesize that combining tensegrity principles with modular robotics can create lightweight, deformable units capable of integrating three critical functions within a single design: navigating varied terrains, manipulating arbitrary shape objects, and assembling weight-sustainable, active large infrastructures. Here, we designed untethered modular robots that are deformable, lightweight, deployable, outdoor-scale, capable of bearing loads, and capable of 3D attachment and detachment. With these characteristics, the system can form various 3D structures using different assembly methods, such as walking into position or being transported by rotorcraft. The deformability and lightweight nature of each block enable the assembled structures to dynamically change shape, providing new capabilities such as added compliance during locomotion and manipulation and the ability to interact with the environment in tasks like tent and bridge assemblies. In summary, we suggest that integrating lightweight and deformable properties into modular robot design offers potential improvements in their adaptability and multi-functionality.
... This evolution offers new modes of actuation, mobility, and even safer interactions with humans [1,3,12,13]. Soft Modular Robots: These robots, with their increased flexibility, can perform a variety of functions by deforming into different shapes from various initial configurations [1,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]. For instance, Zhao et al. [24] developed identical self-reconfigurable blocks called Starblocks, which can achieve diverse forms of locomotion by assembling into configurations such as a self-assembled wheel or a quadruped. ...
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Recent large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated promising capabilities in modeling real-world knowledge and enhancing knowledge-based generation tasks. In this paper, we further explore the potential of using LLMs to aid in the design of soft modular robots, taking into account both user instructions and physical laws, to reduce the reliance on extensive trial-and-error experiments typically needed to achieve robot designs that meet specific structural or task requirements. Specifically, we formulate the robot design process as a sequence generation task and find that LLMs are able to capture key requirements expressed in natural language and reflect them in the construction sequences of robots. To simplify, rather than conducting real-world experiments to assess design quality, we utilize a simulation tool to provide feedback to the generative model, allowing for iterative improvements without requiring extensive human annotations. Furthermore, we introduce five evaluation metrics to assess the quality of robot designs from multiple angles including task completion and adherence to instructions, supporting an automatic evaluation process. Our model performs well in evaluations for designing soft modular robots with uni- and bi-directional locomotion and stair-descending capabilities, highlighting the potential of using natural language and LLMs for robot design. However, we also observe certain limitations that suggest areas for further improvement.
... Magnets have been widely applied in modular ports. Both Vergara et al [14] and Lee and Rodrigue [15] proposed magnetic reconfigurable schemes, enabling the assembly time of soft robotic connections to be shortened to less than 1 s. The magnetic connections rely on electromagnets to control the module connections. ...
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Currently, soft robots demonstrate the considerable promise for various applications. However, soft actuators tend to be damaged more easily compared to rigid mechanical components. The common practice of replacing soft actuators typically requires manual intervention and a longer duration. In this paper, we design an adaptive gripping port (AGP) for soft robotic interactions, which is used for fast switching and connectivity. Through a combination of theoretical modeling, fabrication, and experimental analysis, its gripping, releasing, and sealing capabilities are demonstrated. We present four types of the AGP with different internal bladder structures, demonstrating maximal enhancements in griping capability and sealing performance of up to 50% and 40%, respectively. Experiments show the AGP’s adaptability to connectors of various sizes, accommodating diameters from 0 mm to 15.76 mm under negative pressure driving. The relationship between gripping force, maximum sealing pressure, connector diameter, and driving pressure is studied. We also exhibit collaborations with a circular gripper and soft grippers incorporating the AGP to verify the possibility of their interactions.
... Another efficient way to develop a complex terrestrial robot is to make it modular which enables them to adapt to the unstructured real environment and simplifies hardware modifications and maintenance [17], [18], [19]. There are soft modular robots [20], [21] which are solely made by soft components, however, their limited control, actuation, and locomotion capabilities have hampered their potential for complex real-world tasks. On the other hand, hybrid modular robots [6], [7], [22], [23], [24] which have a mix of soft parts as well as rigid parts combine the advantages of both systems and can be more versatile and adaptable. ...
Soft robots can adapt to their environments, which makes them suitable for deploying in disaster areas and agricultural fields, where their mobility is constrained by complex terrain. One of the main challenges in developing soft terrestrial robots is that the robot must be soft enough to adapt to its environment, but also rigid enough to exert adequate force on the ground to locomote. In this paper, we report a pneumatically driven, soft modular appendage made of silicone for a terrestrial robot capable of generating specific mechanical movement to locomote in the desired direction. We used Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations to assess the soft leg's bending behavior, validated against the physical leg. Additionally, we performed blocked force analysis to understand its force generation capabilities. We developed a soft-rigid-bodied tethered robot prototype and tested it on ground and underwater environments to evaluate its locomotion performance. The robot demonstrated successful forward and backward movement as well as left and right turns, both on the ground and underwater. We explored the object manipulation and transportation capability of the robot by adding two additional soft appendages as a gripper. The robot demonstrated its ability to effectively manipulate and transport objects of varying nature, including rigid items such as a 3D-printed plastic box and fragile objects like an egg. The maximum load-carrying capacity of the robot was also investigated both on the ground and aquatic medium. Our design approach provides a straightforward, cost-effective, and efficient method for creating versatile soft appendages for a robot that is capable of terradynamic locomotion. This approach showcases its potential applicability in underwater search and rescue missions.
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Soft robotic actuation concepts meet and sometimes exceed their natural counterparts. In contrast, artificially recreating natural levels of autonomy is still an unmet challenge. Here, we come to this conclusion after defining a measure of energy- and control-autonomy and classifying a representative selection of soft robots. We argue that, in order to advance the field, we should focus our attention on interactions between soft robots and their environment, because in nature autonomy is also achieved in interdependence. If we better understand how interactions with an environment are leveraged in nature, this will enable us to design bio-inspired soft robots with much greater autonomy in the future.
Robots made from reconfigurable modular units feature versatility, cost efficiency, and improved sustainability compared with fixed designs. Reconfigurable modules driven by soft actuators provide adaptable actuation, safe interaction, and wide design freedom, but existing soft modules would benefit from high-speed and high-strain actuation, as well as driving methods well-suited to untethered operation. Here, we introduce a class of electrically actuated robotic modules that provide high-speed (a peak contractile strain rate of 4618% per second, 15.8-hertz bandwidth, and a peak specific power of 122 watts per kilogram), high-strain (49% contraction) actuation and that use magnets for reversible mechanical and electrical connections between neighboring modules, thereby serving as building blocks for rapidly reconfigurable and highly agile robotic systems. The actuation performance of each hexagonal electrohydraulic (HEXEL) module is enabled by a synergistic combination of soft and rigid components; a hexagonal exoskeleton of rigid plates amplifies the motion produced by soft electrohydraulic actuators and provides a mechanical structure and connection platform for reconfigurable robots composed of many modules. We characterize the actuation performance of individual HEXEL modules, present a model that captures their quasi-static force-stroke behavior, and demonstrate both a high-jumping and a fast pipe-crawling robot. Using embedded magnetic connections, we arranged multiple modules into reconfigurable robots with diverse functionality, including a high-stroke muscle, a multimodal active array, a table-top active platform, and a fast-rolling robot. We further leveraged the magnetic connections for hosting untethered, snap-on driving electronics, together highlighting the promise of HEXEL modules for creating rapidly reconfigurable high-speed robots.
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Biological organisms exhibit phenomenal adaptation through morphology‐shifting mechanisms including self‐amputation, regeneration, and collective behavior. For example, reptiles, crustaceans, and insects amputate their own appendages in response to threats. Temporary fusion between individuals enables collective behaviors, such as in ants that temporarily fuse to build bridges. The concept of morphological editing often involves the addition and subtraction of mass and can be linked to modular robotics, wherein synthetic body morphology may be revised by rearranging parts. This work describes a reversible cohesive interface made of thermoplastic elastomer that allows for strong attachment and easy detachment of distributed soft robot modules without direct human handling. The reversible joint boasts a modulus similar to materials commonly used in soft robotics, and can thus be distributed throughout soft robot bodies without introducing mechanical incongruities. To demonstrate utility, the reversible joint is implemented in two embodiments: a soft quadruped robot that self‐amputates a limb when stuck, and a cluster of three soft‐crawling robots that fuse to cross a land gap. This work points toward future robots capable of radical shape‐shifting via changes in mass through autotomy and interfusion, as well as highlights the crucial role that interfacial stiffness change plays in autotomizable biological and artificial systems.
Conference Paper
Modular and climbing robots have employed electropermanent magnets as a power-efficient alternative to electromagnets for tasks that involve attaching modules or exerting forces on ferromagnetic surfaces. In this paper, we present compliant electropermanent magnets that extend the benefits of electropermanent magnets to the field of soft robotics. We describe a process for designing compliant electropermanent magnets with different materials and mixing ratios to achieve desired properties without sacrificing the mechanical compliance necessary for integration into soft robots. Finally, we characterize the performance of the compliant electropermanent magnets and demonstrate their ability to repeatably and reversibly switch their magnetization ON and OFF.
Soft modular robotics is a research field that pursues body flexibility while maintaining reconfigurability by employing flowable or soft materials as the main constituent materials of modular robots. In soft modular robotics, a hollow structure made of silicone is created, and the inside of the structure is pressurized to generate stretching and bending motions as an actuator module. In general, it is important to design modular robots with reconfigurability, various deformability, and environmental adaptability. Modularization of soft actuators with reconfigurable and diverse deformability allows morphology to be tailored to the desired task. We have developed a soft actuator module, MORI-A, that combines hollow silicone and 3D printable deformable structures (uniaxial shrinking, bending, shearing, uniform contracting, and no deformation). This study proposes a functional extension of the module “MORI-A FleX” for application as a wearable device for physical rehabilitation using this MORI-A module. Our MORI-A FleX connector is a thermoplastic polyurethane flexible connector that can be coated with materials that offer different textures to achieve excellent connectivity and texture variation. We have assembled MORI-A Flex as a rehabilitation device for hand work, assisting the fingers to move harmoniously and enabling them to grasp a slippery, brittle half-boiled egg and a PET bottle containing 200 ml of water in a deactivated state.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The field of modular self-reconfigurable robotic systems addresses the design, fabrication, motion planning, and control of autonomous kinematic machines with variable morphology. Modular self-reconfigurable systems have the promise of making significant technological advances to the field of robotics in general. Their promise of high versatility, high value, and high robustness may lead to a radical change in automation. Currently, a number of researchers have been addressing many of the challenges. While some progress has been made, it is clear that many challenges still exist. By illustrating several of the outstanding issues as grand challenges that have been collaboratively written by a large number of researchers in this field, this article has shown several of the key directions for the future of this growing field
It is suggested that a system of chemical substances, called morphogens, reacting together and diffusing through a tissue, is adequate to account for the main phenomena of morphogenesis. Such a system, although it may originally be quite homogeneous, may later develop a pattern or structure due to an instability of the homogeneous equilibrium, which is triggered off by random disturbances. Such reaction-diffusion systems are considered in some detail in the case of an isolated ring of cells, a mathematically convenient, though biologically unusual system. The investigation is chiefly concerned with the onset of instability. It is found that there are six essentially different forms which this may take. In the most interesting form stationary waves appear on the ring. It is suggested that this might account, for instance, for the tentacle patterns on Hydra and for whorled leaves. A system of reactions and diffusion on a sphere is also considered. Such a system appears to account for gastrulation. Another reaction system in two dimensions gives rise to patterns reminiscent of dappling. It is also suggested that stationary waves in two dimensions could account for the phenomena of phyllotaxis. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a possible mechanism by which the genes of a zygote may determine the anatomical structure of the resulting organism. The theory does not make any new hypotheses; it merely suggests that certain well-known physical laws are sufficient to account for many of the facts. The full understanding of the paper requires a good knowledge of mathematics, some biology, and some elementary chemistry. Since readers cannot be expected to be experts in all of these subjects, a number of elementary facts are explained, which can be found in text-books, but whose omission would make the paper difficult reading.
It is suggested that a system of chemical substances, called morphogens, reacting together and diffusing through a tissue, is adequate to account for the main phenomena of morphogenesis. Such a system, although it may originally be quite homogeneous, may later develop a pattern or structure due to an instability of the homogeneous equilibrium, which is triggered off by random disturbances. Such reaction-diffusion systems are considered in some detail in the case of an isolated ring of cells, a mathematically convenient, though biologically unusual system. The investigation is chiefly concerned with the onset of instability. It is found that there are six essentially different forms which this may take. In the most interesting form stationary waves appear on the ring. It is suggested that this might account, for instance, for the tentacle patterns on Hydra and for whorled leaves. A system of reactions and diffusion on a sphere is also considered. Such a system appears to account for gastrulation. Another reaction system in two dimensions gives rise to patterns reminiscent of dappling. It is also suggested that stationary waves in two dimensions could account for the phenomena of phyllotaxis. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a possible mechanism by which the genes of a zygote may determine the anatomical structure of the resulting organism. The theory does not make any new hypotheses; it merely suggests that certain well-known physical laws are sufficient to account for many of the facts. The full understanding of the paper requires a good knowledge of mathematics, some biology, and some elementary chemistry. Since readers cannot be expected to be experts in all of these subjects, a number of elementary facts are explained, which can be found in text-books, but whose omission would make the paper difficult reading.
Programmable self-assembly of chained robotic systems holds potential for the automatic construction of complex robots from a minimal set of building blocks. However, current robotic platforms are limited to modules of uniform rigidity, which results in a limited range of obtainable morphologies and thus functionalities of the system. To address these challenges, we investigate in this article the role of softness in a programmed self-assembling chain system. We rely on a model system consisting of “soft cells” as modules that can obtain different mechanical softness presettings. Starting from a linear chain configuration, the system self-folds into a target morphology based on the intercellular interactions. We systematically investigate the influence of mechanical softness of the individual cells on the self-assembly process. Also, we test the hypothesis that a mixed distribution of cells of different softness enhances the diversity of achievable morphologies at a given resolution compared to systems with modules of uniform rigidity. Finally, we illustrate the potential of our system by the programmable self-assembly of complex and curvilinear morphologies that state-of-the-art systems can achieve only by significantly increasing their number of modules.
A soft robot, which consists of multi-deformable spherical cells, is constructed. According to the deflating action and the inflating action of the spherical cells, the size and the shape of each spherical cell can be changed. Thus, the soft robot can move in a narrow complicated passage. In the paper, a modular soft robot is built. The nonlinear relationship between the inflation radius ( R) of each cell and the inflation time ( t) is described to control the action of the spherical cell. The nonlinear dynamic moving process is analyzed with the deflating and inflating modes of each cell. The theoretical analysis of the forward locomotion is counted. Then, two special positions are described, and the moving conditions are presented in details. Last, a simulation and an experiment of three spherical cells are shown to emulate the moving process of the soft robot. It shows that the modular soft robot consisting of multi-deformable spherical modules can move forward with the nonlinear dynamic inflating and deflating process.
This paper describes the fabrication of 3D soft, inflatable structures from thin, 2D tiles fabricated from elastomeric polymers. The tiles are connected using soft joints that increase the surface area available for gluing them together, and mechanically reinforce the structures to withstand the tensile forces associated with pneumatic actuation. The ability of the elastomeric polymer to withstand large deformations without failure makes it possible to explore and implement new joint designs, for example “double-taper dovetail joints,” that cannot be used with hard materials. This approach simplifies the fabrication of soft structures comprising materials with different physical properties (e.g., stiffness, electrical conductivity, optical transparency), and provides the methods required to “program” the response of these structures to mechanical (e.g., pneumatic pressurization) and other physical (e.g., electrical) stimuli. The flexibility and modularity of this approach is demonstrated in a set of soft structures that expanded or buckled into distinct, predictable shapes when inflated or deflated. These structures combine easily to form extended systems with motions dependent on the configurations of the selected components, and, when fabricated with electrically conductive tiles, electronic circuits with pneumatically active elements. This approach to the fabrication of hollow, 3D structures provides routes to new soft actuators.
Conference Paper
This paper describes a modular approach to creating soft robotic systems. The basis of these systems is an elastomeric actuation element powered by direct mechanical energy in the form of pressurized fluids. Fluidic elastomer actuators are fast and inexpensive to fabricate and offer safety and adaptability to robotic systems. Arrangements of these units can yield arbitrarily complex motions and achieve various functionalities. Actuation power can be generated on-board by a pneumatic battery, which harnesses the catalyzed chemical decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen gas, for mobile implementations. The modular nature of these robots enable distributed sensing and computation elements. Composition techniques of such soft robots are defined. Example systems are demonstrated and analyzed.
Conference Paper
A modular robot consists of a set of mechatronic modules that can be connected in many different ways, which makes it possible to build robots of many different shapes from the same basic set of modules. The main contribution of this work is an algorithm that, given the parameters of a module and the number of modules, efficiently can calculate how many different configurations and shapes can be built. These numbers are important because the first is a measure of the self-reconfigurability and the second, given there is a relationship between form and function, the versatility of a modular robot. As an experimental contribution, we enumerate the configuration and shape spaces of square, two-dimensional modules with all possible connector configurations. We proceed to three dimensions and enumerate the spaces of the theoretically interesting sliding cube module, and the M-TRAN and SuperBot modules. Several observations are made, an important one is that the shape spaces of the two physical modules are large even for a small number of modules (103 different shapes using 3 modules). This implies that it is not the lack of shape diversity that holds these modular robots back from being versatile. A result that suggests that if modules are designed right, versatility can potentially be reached even with few modules, which is contrary to the common belief in the community that more is better.