... Urban form can be measured at the city, neighbourhood, and site scales (see Figure 1); these scales define the urban form and are commonly used to identify its effect on other variables (Barros, Martínez, et al., 2017;Cervero and Gorham, 1995;Ewing and Rong, 2008;Stojanovski, 2019;Toker, 2015). Some researchers have defined urban form on a city and neighbourhood scale using variables that include urban compactness, land use, public transportation availability, population density, and the level of settlement sprawl (Burgess, 2000;Cervero and Gorham, 1995;Crane, 1996;Ewing and Cervero, 2017;Ewing and Rong, 2008;Frank and Pivo, 1994;Jabareen, 2006;Newman and Kenworthy, 2000;Seong, Lee, et al., 2021;Stojanovski, 2019). Further, several others have defined urban form on a micro/meso scale (Burchfield, Overman, et al., 2006;Fulton, Pendall, et al., 2001;Heidicar, 2000;Hess, Moudon, et al., 1999;Kang, 2015Kang, , 2017Kang, , 2018Lopez and Hynes, 2006;Neves, da Silva et al., 2021;Osorio, McCullen, Urban Form (Cervero and Gorham, 1995;Jabareen, 2006;Toker, 2015;Osorio et al., 2017;Barros et al., 2017;Stojanovski et al., 2019) Macro ...