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A Catalogue of the Bulgarian Lepidoptera species reported and collected from the caves and galleries in Bulgaria (Insecta: Lepidoptera)



Abstract: In the “Catalogue” all existing speleological and entomological literature concerning Microlepidoptera and Macrolepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths) fauna, found in caves and galleries, are presented together with the results of several years’ studies by the authors. For every individual species, that is extant in every reported cave and gallery, as well as the authors who have made the report, is included. New data, most recently gathered are reported as well. Several species are new for the cave fauna of Bulgaria, some others are all together new to the caves. One species is new for the Bulgarian fauna. The number of the established up until now Lepidoptera species in the caves and galleries in Bulgaria is 32.
Atalanta (May 1996) 27(1/2):433-448, Würzburg, ISSN 0171-0079
A catalogue of the Bulgarian Lepidoptera species reported
and collected from the caves and galleries in Bulgaria
(Insecta, Lepidoptera)
Sto ya n Be s h k o v & Bo y an Petr o v
received 2.11.1996
Abs tract: In the “Catalogue” all existing speleological and entomological literature concern
ing Microlepidoptera and Macrolepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths) fauna, found in caves and
galleries, are presented together with the results of several years’ studies by the authors. For
every individual species, that is extant in every reported cave and gallery, as well as the
authors who have made the report, is included. New data, most recently gathered are re
ported as well. Several species are new for the cave fauna of Bulgaria, some others are all
together new to the caves. One species is new for the Bulgarian fauna. The number of the
established up until now Lepidoptera species in the caves and galleries in Bulgaria is 32.
For a considerable length of time the Bulgarian cave fauna has been of interest to many
researchers, both Bulgarians and foreign. Although considerable data concerning the fauna
of Lepidoptera of the caves and galleries in Bulgaria exists, having been published in nu
merous articles, up until now only one study (Skalski, 1972) concerns the Lepidoptera cave
fauna. This article however explores only a small part of the country, the Iskar Gorge, (the
Lakatnik Railway Station area). All other data are published in the speleological literature
(Beron, 1972, Beron, 1975, Beron, P. & V. Gueorguiev, 1967, Gueorguiev & Ber on, 1962)
and other, or in lepidopterological ones (Beshkow, 1992, Beshkov, 1995, Buresch, 1934,
Buresc h, 1936, Buresch, 1939, Buresch & Tuleschkow 1932, 1935, 1936, Ganev, 1985,
Kolev, 1993) and others. For the above reasons, including the difficult access to most of the
articles quoted, having been published in various journals in Bulgaria and abroad, and in
several languages, we deemed it necessary to collect and publish all data concerning the
Bulgarian butterflies and moths fauna reported from the caves and galleries. In this cata
logue, we have provided the data we have collected over a period of years. For each of the
species we offer all of the caves and galleries and the authors that have reported them, as
well as our latest data. The order of the families is given according to Leraut (1980) and ANE
(1988). The systematics of the family Noctuidae is given according to Fibiger & Hacker
(1990; 1992).
Most of the unpublished data presented here has been collected by the authors (primary by
B. Petrov) as a result of several years’ research on the fauna of caves conducted throughout
the country. The names of all of the colleagues and friends who were so kind to collect
material for the preparation of this Catalogue are mentioned in the text. The materials without
any mentioned collector have been collected by the author S. Beshkov. The entire material
has been determined by S. Beshkov. For the purpose of avoiding future misunderstandings,
all of the Microlepidoptera species, as well as the specimens of the genus
Auto p h ila
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some others Noctuidae and Geometridae, are determined taking into account their differ
ences in the genitals. All the mentioned material is found in the collection of S. Beshkov.
Family Tineidae
Mentioned as “trogloxen ?" in Gueorguiev & Beron (1962).
Reported from:
“Souhata (“Razhishkata”) Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge,
19.X. 1939, two specimens, Pittioni leg., det. Buresch (Gueorguiev & Beron, 1962; Beron,
M on opi s ob vie lla
([D en is & Schi ffe rmü lle r], 1775)
Trogloxen (G u eor guiev & B er on , 1962; Ber on , 1994).
The upper entrance of the “Parnitzite” Cave near to Bezhanovo Village, Cherven Bryag Re
gion, 21.1.1995, B. Petrov & P. Stoev leg. 4 males specimens (Gen. preps 1—2./06.II. 1995,
Beshkov) on guano and clay.
Reported from:
“Zmeiovi Doupki” Cave near to Sliven Town, one specimen in September 1942, N. Radev
leg., det. Buresch as
M on op is fe rru gi ne lla
Hübner, 1785 (Gueorguiev & Beron, 1962).
M o 
nop is fe rr ug ine lla
Hübner, [1813] according to Leraut (1983) and ANE (1988) is a synonym
M on op is ob vi ella
([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775).
M on opi s rus ticella
(Hübner, 1796) =
sa ture lla
(Haworth, 1828)
“Tilki-lnhi” Cave near to Ostrovitza Village, Kardzhali Region, East Rhodopi Mts, 17.XI.1991,
one female specimen, B. Petrov & T. Ivanova leg., Gen. prep. 3./19.XII.1994, Beshkov.
“Kolibata” Cave near to Beledie Han Village, Kostinbrod Region, 02.111.1994, B. Petrov leg.
one female specimen, Gen. prep. 4./19.XII.1994, Beshkov.
The upper entrance of the “Parnitzite” Cave near to Bezhanovo Village, Cherven Bryag Re
gion, 21.1.1995, B. Petrov & P. Sto ev leg. 1 male specimen (Gen. prep. 3./06.II. 1995, Besh
kov) on guano and clay.
New for the cave fauna of Bulgaria.
Further data of the cave-dwelling Tineid moths, as well as illustrations and descriptions of the
species and their genitalia, wing venation, substrate and distribution of some species with a
key to determination exist in the the Taxonomic Review of the World Cave-Dwelling Species
from Robinson (1980).
Family Yponomeutidae
Y pso lop hu s w olf sc hla eger i
(R eb el, 1941)
Trogloxen (G u eor gu iev & Be ron, 1962; Be ron , 1975; Bero n, 1994).
Reported from:
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“Souhata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge (Rebel, 1941;
Gueorg uie v & B eron , 1962; Beron , 1975) as
C ero sto ma w olf schl ae ge ri
Rbl . Souhata
Doupka" Cave is the type locality of the species.
D ig iti va lv a
gran/fe//a Treitsch ke, 1833
Trogloxen (G u eorguie v & Bero n, 1962; Bero n, 1975; Beron, 1994).
“Doupcheto” Cave near to “Lepenitza” Pit, 16 km from Velingrad Town, West Rhodopi Mts,
25.XI.1993, in a depth 25 -8 m, B. Petrov and P. Sto ev collected 3 males specimens, Gen.
preps. 5—7./19.XII.1994, Beshk ov.
Reported from:
‘Temnata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge (S kalski, 1972;
Beron, 1972; Beron , 1975).
“Razhishkata” (“Souhata”) Doupka” Cave, near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar
Gorge, 19.X.1939, two specimens, Pittioni leg., det. Bures ch (Gu eor guie v & Ber on , 1962;
Skalski, 1972; Beron, 1975).
“Bacho Kiro” Cave (“Dryanovskata Peshtera” Cave) near to Dryanovo, Gabrovo Region (G u e
org uiev & Beron, 1962; Tulesh kov, 1930; Sk als ki, 1972).
D igi tiva lv a pu iic aria e
(Kl imesc h, 1956)
Trogloxen (Ber on, 1975; Ber on , 1994).
Reported from;
‘Temnata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge (S kalski, 1972;
Ber on , 1972; Bero n, 1975).
"Kozarskata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge (Skalski,
1972; Be ro n, 1972; Bero n, 1975).
Family Alucitidae
A luc ita hu eb ne ri
Walle ng ren, 1859
Trogloxen (Gueorguiev & Beron , 1962; Beron, 1994).
Reported from:
‘Temnata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge as
(Walle ng re n, 1859) tw o specimens, 13.V.1924 leg. and det. Bure sch (Gueo rg uie v
& Ber on, 1962; Be ron , 1975).
“Golema Podlisca" Cave, Tarnovo Region (Buresch, 1936; Gueorguiev & Beron, 1962 ).
“Kalugerova Doupka" Cave near to Tarnovo Town, one specimen, 21.11.1926, leg. and det.
Buresch (Gueorguiev & Beron, 1962).
“Dalbokata Peshtera" Cave near to Kotel Town, Sliven Region, 27.IX.1924, one specimen
Radev leg., det. Buresch (Gueorguiev & Beron, 1962).
A luci ta c ym m ato da cty la
Zell er , 1852
"Prilepnata Peshtera” Cave, East Rhodopi Mts, Sredna Arda Railway Station, Kardzhali Re
gion, 31.111.1992;
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"Tilki-lnhi” Cave, near to Ostrovitza Village, Kardzhali Region, East Rhodopi Mts, 01.IV.1992,
1 male Gen. prep. Beschkov, 4./23.IV.1993;
“Razklonenata Peshtera” Cave (Gugini) between Koulich and Oreshari Villages, Arda valley,
East Rhodopi Mts. 03.IV. 1992.
“Starshelitza" Cave above Goleshovo Village, 1000 m, SW Bulgaria, South Pirin Mts, 29.XI.
1992 three female specimens (B. Petrov leg. Gen. prep. Besh kov , 2.-4./27.IV.1993.); Idem,
20.111.1993 five specimens Gen. prep. Beshkov, 5.-9./23.IV.1993;
Kresnensko Defile Gorge, Station Stara Kresna, 200m, 01.10.1988 in gallery; Idem, 05.III.
1994, one female specimen, Gen. prep. 1./19.XII.1994, Beshk ov.
Melnik Town, Sandanski Region, 400 m, 02.11.1990 one female in gallery.
“Salievata Peshtera” Cave near to Gospodintzi Village, Gotze Delchev Region, SW Bulgaria,
02.XI.1994, B. Pet rov leg. one female specimen, Gen. prep. 4./16.XI.1994, Beshkov.
“Maarata” Cave by Madretz Village, Perperek Region, East Rhodopi Mt, 10.X.1995, B. Pe
trov and P. Stoev leg. 1 female specimen, Gen. prep. 3./26.XI.1995, Beshko v.
New for the cave fauna of Bulgaria.
A luc ita p oe cilo da cty la
Alph er aky , 1876
Gallery by Stara Kresna Railway Station, Sw Bulgaria, 05.111.1994, one male specimen, Gen.
prep. 2./19.XII.1994, Bes hko v.
This species has never been reported for the fauna of caves and galleries in Bulgaria. New
species for the Bulgarian fauna.
Family Nymphalidae
In ac his io
(Linn ae us, 1758)
"Emenskata Peshtera” Cave near to Emen Village, Veliko Tarnovo Region, 12.1.1989, Vl.
Beshkov observed approximately 30 specimens at a depth between 3 0 -80 m
"Starshelitza” Cave above Goleshovo Village, 1000m, Sw Bulgaria, South Pirin Mts, 29.XI.
1992 (B. Pe trov leg.).
Galleries “Katakombite” near to the Black-Sea Coast, Aladja Manastir, 31. VII. 1993., P. Mitov
leg. two male specimens.
“Souhata Peshtera” Cave near to Velingrad Town, West Rhodopi Mts, 25.XI. 1993, one spe
cimen, B. Petro v and P. Sto ev observed.
“Goliamata Kauna” Cave, West Rhodopi Mts, near to Zabardo Village, 1250m, 25.XI.1993,
Vl. Beshkov observed 3 specimens;
Gallery near to Mala Tcharkva Village, Rila Mts, 05.11.1994, 1 specimen, Vl. B eshkov leg.
“Dinevata Pesht” Cave near to Gintzi Village, West Stara Planina Mts, 05.XI.1995, one spe
cimen, Vl. Beshkov observed.
“Svinskara Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station, 27.XI.1994, B. Petrov observed.
Gallery near to Dolna Byala Rechka Village, Barshetz Region, West Stara Planina Mts, 21.1.
1995, Vl. Beshk ov & I. Pandur ski observed 10 specimens.
Gallery near to Rila Town, 600m alt., 11.11.1995, V l. Beshk ov observed single specimen.
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Gallery above Gorna Byala Rechka Village, Vrachanska Stara Planina Mts, 620 m, 24.XI.
1995, Vl. Beshkov leg. 6 specimens.
Gininata Pestera Cave near to Sadovetz Village, Pleven Region, 17.XII.1995, B. Petrov leg.
1 specimen.
Cave No. 3218, Dodalitza 2, Thairdere, Trigrad Region in Rhodopi Mts, 30.XI. 1995, B. Petrov
leg. 1 specimen.
Gallery near to Melnik Town, Sandanski Region, SW Bulgaria, 21.X. 1995, S. Beshkov &
V. Gashtarov leg. 7 specimens.
N ym ph alis p ol yc hlo ro s
(Lin na eu s, 1758)
Gallery near to Melnik Town, Sandanski Region, Sw Bulgaria, 13.IX.1992, one specimen;
Idem, 21 .X.1995, S. Beshkov & V. Gashtarov leg. 2 specimens; in the gallery of the Kordopu-
lovata Kashta Museum in Melnik Town, 14.IX.1995, 11 specimens, S. Beshko v & B. Goater
“Aram iiska Dupka” Cave near to Levunovo Village, Petrich Region, SW Bulgaria, 05.XII.1994,
V. Gashta rov leg., two specimens.
"Aramiiska Dupka” Cave near to Levunovo Village, Petrich Region, SW Bulgaria, 1.1996,
V. Gashtaro v leg., 1 male specimen.
The species has never been reported from the caves and galleries in Bulgaria.
A glais u rtic ae
(Lin na eu s, 1758)
"Golyamata Kauna” Cave near to Zabardo Village, West Rhodopi Mts, 1250m, 25.XI.1993,
VI. Beshkov observed 1 specimen.
The species has never been reported for the fauna of the caves and galleries in Bulgaria.
Family Saturniidae
S atu rn ia sp irit
([D en is & Sc hif fer mu lle r], 1775)
Trogloxen (Gue org uiev & Bero n, 1962; Beron, 1994).
Reported from:
“Doupkite” Cave near to Tchepelare Town, 1150 m, Smolyan Region, West Rhodopi Mts,
(Ra dev , 1928, Gueo rgu iev & Be ron, 1962).
In Radev (1928:129) the species is mentioned only with the Bulgarian name Malkoto Pau-
novo Oko” without any scientific name. Following this report, Gue orguiev & Ber on (1962:
334) without any explonation reported the species as
S atu rnia spini.
We consider that this
species has to be
S atu rn ia pa vo nia
(Linn ae us, 1758) for the reason that the Bulgarian name
in Rad ev (1928) corresponds to this species and the day of the collecting (30.VI.1924) and
altitude (1150 m) are more suitable for
S atu rn ia pav on ia
L. But it is more possible the spe
cimen to belong to
In ac his io
(L.) as well as.
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Family Geometridae
X an tho rh oe flu ctu at a
(Lin na eu s, 1758)
Gallery above Gorna Byala Rechka Village, Vrachanska Stara Planina Mts, 800 m, 05.VI.
1994, B. Petrov and P. St oev leg. 1 male specimen (Beshko v, 1995).
Neb ula n eb ula ta
(Treitsc hk e, 1828)
“Gininata Peshtera” Cave near to Sadovetz Village, Pleven Region, 09.VII.1990, 1 male
specimen (Gen. prep. Beschkov, 2./23.IV.1993) - on a dusk wall at approximately 10-12 m
New species for the cave fauna of Bulgaria.
Tr ipho sa sa ba ud iata
(Duponchel, 1830)
Trogloxen (Gueor guiev & Be ron, 1962). According to (Be ron, 1972; Ber on , 1975; Beron ,
1994) this species is a subtroglophil. We also consider this species as a subtroglophil.
“Haidushkata Peshtera" Cave near to Devintzi Village, Pleven Region, 08.VII.1990;
Cave "14” near to “Prohodna” Cave, Karloukovo district, 23.X.1993, B. Petr ov leg.
“Morovitza” Cave near to Glozhene Village, Teteven Region, 9 00-1 000 m, between 5 0-
100m from entrance, 01.XI.1993, one male specimen, B. Petrov leg.
"Souhata Peshtera" Cave near to Velingrad Town, West Rhodopi Mts, 25.XI.1993, one spe
cimen, B. Petrov and P. St oev observed.
"Gorna Karanska DoupkaCave near to Yagodina Village, West Rhodopi Mts, 26 .XI.1993,
3 specimens, Vl. Beshkov observed.
"Kama Doupka" Cave near to Yagodina Village, West Rhodopi Mts, 26.XI.1993, 4-5 spe
cimens, Vl. Beshkov observed.
“Mechata Doupka” Cave near to Bov Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge, 30.1.1994, B. Petrov
& P. Stoev collected 1 male specimen.
“Kolibata" Cave near to Beledie Han Village, Kostinbrod Region, 02.111.1994, B. Petr ov leg.
one male specim en; 20.XI.1994, B. Petrov leg. one male specimen;
“Dinevata Pesht” Cave, near to Gintzi Village, West Stara Planina Mts, 05.XI.1994, about 30
specimens observed, Vl. Besh kov; 25.XI.1994 the same quantity, Vl. Beshkov observed.
The Cave near to Philipovtzi Village, Tran Region, 12.XI.1994, approximately 30 specimens,
Vl. Beshkov observed;
“Vodnata" gallery by Siristna Reka River in the region between Iskretzki Sanatorium and
Mecha Polyana 800m, Svoge Region, 02.1.1995, Vl. Beshkov and P. Beron observed 15-20
specimens at a depth 20 to 50 m
"Svinskata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station, 27.XI.1994, 2 specimens, B. Pe
trov leg.
Gallery near to Dolna Byala Rechka Village, Barshetz Region, West Stara Planina Mts, 21.1.
1995, Vl. B eshkov & I. Pandurski observed 12-15 specimens; Idem, 24.XI.1995, Vl. Be
shkov leg. 10 specimens.
Gallery by Siristna Reka River in the region between Iskretzki Sanatorium and Mecha Poly
ana 700m, Svoge Region, 25.XI.1995, Vl. Beshkov leg. 10 specimens.
Reported from:
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“Kuminceto” (“Propastite”) Cave near to Ganchevtzi Village, Trjavna District (B ures ch , 1924;
Bure sch & Tule sc hko w, 1936; Gu eorguie v & Ber on, 1962).
"Venetzo 1-G ornjata” Cave near to Tcheliustnitza Village, Michailovgrad Region (B eron,
1972; Beron, 1975).
“Stanishina Doupka” Cave near to Repljana Village, Vidin Region (Beron, 1972; Beron,
“Goljamata Doupka” Cave near to Repljana Village, Vidin Region (Ber on, 1972; Beron,
“Doupkata v Presecheno” Cave near to Repljana Village (Beron, 1972; Beron, 1975).
The Caves near to Beledie Han Village, West of Sofia, Kostinbrod Region (B ur esc h & Tu
les ch kow , 1936).
“Temnata Doupka" Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge (Bur es ch , 1926;
Bur es ch , 1934; Bure sch & Tules ch kow , 1936; Gu eor guie v & Ber on, 1962; Skalski, 1972;
Beron, 1975).
“ZadanenkaCave near to Karlukovo Village, Iskar Gorge (Bure sch & Tul esc hk ow , 1936),
(Gueorg uie v & B er on, 1962; Ber on, 1975).
"Marina Doupka" Cave near to Breze Village, Svoge District, West Stara Planina Mts, (Bu
resc h & Tul esc hk ow, 1936; G ue org uie v & B er on , 1962; Ber on , 1975).
“Razhishkata (“Souhata”) Doupka” Cave, near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge
(Bure sch & Tuleschko w, 1936; Gueor guie v & Ber on , 1962; Ber on, 1975).
“Vodnata Doupka” Cave near to Tzerovo Village, Iskar Gorge (Bu resch & Tul es chkow , 1936;
Gueorg uie v & Ber on, 1962; Beron, 1975).
“Vodni Pech” (“Pechova Doupka”) Cave near to Oreshetz Railway Station, Vidin Region (Bu
resc h & Tul esc hkow, 1936; Gueo rgu iev & Beron, 1962; Bero n, 1975).
"Douhlata" Cave near to Bosnek Village, Pernik Region (Gueo rguiev & B eron , 1962).
The Caves near to Dryanovo Town, Gabrovo Region (Bures ch & Tulesch kow, 1936).
Tr ipho sa d ub ita ta
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Trogloxen (Gueorgu iev & Ber on , 1962); Subtroglophil (B eron, 1972; Be ron, 1975; Beron,
1994). We consider this species as a subtroglophil.
Cave near to Bosnek Village, Vitosha Mts, 18.VII.1989, E. Naneva leg.
"Haidoushkata Peshtera” Cave near to Devintzi Village, Pleven Region, 08.VII.1990.
“Han Maara” Cave, Central Stara Planina Mts, near to “Ray” chalet, in altitude 1500 m, 08.XII.
1992, B. Petrov leg.;
Gallery “Ourvich” near to Pancharevo Village, Iskar Valley, Sofia Region, 17.X.1993, B. Pe
trov leg.;
“Morovitza” Cave near to Glozhene Village, Teteven Region, 9 00-1000 m, between 5 0-
100m from entrance, 01 .XI.1993, one female specimen, B. Petrov leg.;
“Doupcheto” Cave near to “Lepenitza” Pit, 16 km from Velingrad Town, West Rhodopi Mts,
25.XI. 1993, one specimen, B. Pe trov .and P. Stoev observed.
“Mechata Doupka” Cave nearto Bov Railway Station in the IskarGorge, 30.1.1994, B. Petrov
& P. St oev collected 2 female specimens.
"Dinevata Pesht” Cave near to Gintzi Village, West Stara Planina Mts, 05.XI.1995, 4 spe
cimens, Vl. B eshkov observed; Idem, 25.XI.1994 the same quontity, Vl. Beshkov observed.
Gallery nea rto Rila Town, 600m alt., 11.11.1995, Vl. Beshkov observed three specimens.
‘Toplya” Cave neat Golyama Zhelyazna Village, 11.111.1995, B. Petrov leg.
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Gallery above Gorna Byala Rechka Village, Vrachanska Stara Planina Mts, 520 m, 24.XI.
1995, Vl. Beshkov leg. 2 specimens.
Gallery by Siristna Reka River in the region between Iskretzki Sanatorium and Mecha Poly
ana 700m, Svoge Region, 25.XI.1995, Vl. Beshkov leg. 3 specimens.
Gininata Pestera Cave near to Sadovetz Village, Pleven Region, 17.XII.1995, B. Petr ov leg.
1 female specimen.
Cave No. 3218, Dodalitza 2, Thairdere, Trigrad Region in Rhodopi Mts, 30.XI.1995, B. Petrov
leg. 1 female specimen.
Reported from:
"Razhishkata ("Souhata”) Doupka" Cave, near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge,
21 .XI.1924 two specim ens (leg. and det. Bure sch ) (Gueo rgu iev & Beron , 1962).
“Temnata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge (Slivov, 1968;
Bero n, 1972; Ber on, 1975).
“Dryanovskata Peshtera” Cave near to Kotel Town (B ure sch & Tuleschko w, 1936; Gu eor
guie v & Ber on , 1962).
“Dalbokata Peshtera” Cave near to Kotel Town (Bures ch & Tule schkow, 1936; Gueo rgu iev
& Beron, 1962).
“Ledenika” Cave near to Vratza Town (B ure sch & Tul esc hko w, 1936; Gue org uiev & Bero n,
E up ithec ia unda ta
(Freyer, 1840)
Trogloxen ? (Gueorg uiev & Beron, 1962).
Reported from:
Cave in the Karlovsky Balkan (Karlovska Stara Planina Mts) in altitude 150 0-1 600 m as
Tep hro cly stia und ata
Frr. (=
scr ip taria
Herrich-Sc haffe r) (Dren ow sk i, 1930; Gueo rgu iev
& Beron, 1962).
Family Sphingidae
M ac rog loss um ste la tar um
(Linnaeu s, 1758)
"Kolibata” Cave near to Beledie Han Village, Kostinbrod Region, 20.XI.1994, B. Petrov leg.
one male specimen.
New species for the cave fauna of Bulgaria.
Family Noctuidae
Hyp ena rostr ali s
(Linn ae us, 1758)
Trogloxen according to Gu eor guie v & Beron (1962) and Ber on (1995).
Gallery near to Melnik Town, Sandanski Region, Sw Bulgaria, 02.-03.ll.1990, many spe
cimens; Idem, 13.IX.1992,7 specimens; Idem, 21 .X.1995, S. Beshkov & V. Gashtarov leg. 20
specimens; In the gallery of the Kordopulovata Kashta Museum in Melnik Town, 14.IX.1995,
4 specimens, S. Beshkov & B. Goater leg.
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“Starshelitza" Cave above Goleshovo Village, 100 0-1 100 m, South Pirin Mts, SW Bulgaria,
29.XI.1992, B. Petrov leg.; Idem, 20.111.1993, one specimen.
Gallery by Stara Kresna Railway Station, Kresna Gorge, Sw Bulgaria, 05.111.1994; Idem,
13.IX.1995, S. Besh kov & B. Goater leg. about 10 specimens.
Gallery near to Banichan Village, Gotze Delchev Region, 01.XI.1994, B. Pe trov leg. 1 male
and 1 female specimens in 8 m depth;
“Salievata Peshtera" Cave near to Gospodintzi Village, Gotze Delchev Region, Sw Bulgaria,
02.XI.1994, B. Petr ov leg. one male specimen.
“Svinskata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station, 27.XI.1994, 3 specimens, B. Pe
tro v leg.
“Prilepnata Peshtera” Cave, Sredna Arda Railway Station, Kardzhali Region, East Rhodopi
Mts, 31.111.1992.
"Maarata” Cave by Madretz Village, Perperek Region, East Rhodopi Mt, 10.X.1995, B. Pe
tro v and P. Stoev leg. 2 male specimens.
“Aramiiska Doupka” Cave near to Levunovo Village, Petrich Region, SW Bulgaria, 1.1996,
V. Gashtarov observed 2 males specimens.
Gininata Pestera Cave near to Sadovetz Village, Pleven Region, 17.XII.1995, B. Petro v leg.
1 female specimen.
Reported from:
“Kalugerova DoupkaCave near to Tarnovo Town (Bures ch & Tulesch ko w, 1935; Gueor-
guie v & Ber on , 1962).
H ype na ob es alis
Tre its chke, 1829
“Imamkaya” Cave, the Region of ModarTop, 1200m, West Rhodopi Mts, 26.IX.1994, B. Pe
tro v observed (Be shkov, 1995).
“Modarska Peshtera” Cave, West Rhodopi Mts, the Region of Modar Top, 1300 m, West
Rhodopi Mts, 26.IX.1994, B. Pet rov leg. 3 males and 2 females specim ens (Be shkov, 1995).
H ype na p al pa lis
(H ub ne r, 1796)
Trogloxen or subtroglophil.
Gallery between Madzharovo Town and Borislavtzi Village, East Rhodopi Mts, 07.VII.1992,
3 male and one female specimens at between 2 0 -60 m depth (Gen. prep. Bes hko v, 1./23.IV.
1993, male); Idem, 02.IX.1992, collected 2 female specimens in deep 20 -100 m (Bes hk ov,
1995); Idem, 23.VII.1993, in depth between 20 to 100m - collected 11 female and 3 male
specimens (B esh kov , 1995).
“Zandana” Cave near to Ploski Village, Sandanski Region, SW Bulgaria, 02.IV. 1994, B. Pe
trov leg. 2 females specimens;
Reported from:
“Starata” Cave near to Peshtera Town, West Rhodopi Mts (Ko le v, 1993).
Reported in Kucinic (1990) for three caves in Croatia (in Velebit Mts and Dalmatia).
S co lio ptery x lib at rix
(Lin na eu s, 1758)
Trogloxen according to Gu eo rgu iev & Beron (1962); Beron & Gueo rg uiev, (1967); Subtro
glophil according to Beron (1972, 1975; Bero n, 1994). In our opinion the species is subtro
©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter
"Stoykovitza" Cave above Goleshovo Village, 1000 m, Slavyanka (= Alibotush) Mts, SW Bul
garia, 11.111.1990, one specimen, G. Stoyanov leg.
“Starshelitza” Cave above Goleshovo Village, 100 0-1 100 m, South Plrin Mts, SW Bulgaria,
20.111.1993, one specimen;
Gallery in Melnik Town, Sw Bulgaria, 02.11.1990; Idem, 21.X.1995, S. Beshkov & V. Gashta-
rov leg. one female specimen.
“Haidoushkata Peshtera” Cave near to Devintzi Village, Pleven Region, 08.VII.1990;
“Souhata Pesht” Cave near to Gintzi Village, Petrochan Region, 29.XII.1985;
Gallery “Ourvich, 17.X.1993, B. Petrov leg.;
“Morovitza" Cave near to Glozhene Village, Teteven Region, 9 0 0-1 000 m, between 5 0-
100 m from entrance, 01.XI. 1993, B. Petrov leg.
“Doupcheto” Cave near to “Lepenitza” Pit, 16 km from Velingrad Town, West Rhodopi Mts,
25. XI. 1993, 2 specimens, B. Petro v and P. Stoev observed.
“Lepenitza" Cave near to Velingrad Town, West Rhodopi Mts, 25.XI.1993, about 50 spe
cimens to 50 m depth from the entrance, B. Petrov and P. Stoev observed.
“Souhata Peshtera” Cave near to Velingrad Town, West Rhodopi Mts, 25.XI.1993, 2 spe
cimens, B. Petrov and P. Stoev observed;
“Golyamata Kauna" Cave, near to Zabardo Village, 1250m, West Rhodopi Mts, 25.XI.1993,
Vl. B eshkov observed 11 specimens.
‘Tyovnata DoupkaCave, near to Zabardo Village, West Rhodopi Mts, 25.XI.1993, Vl. Be
shkov observed 10 specimens.
"Gorna Karanska DoupkaCave near to Yagodina Village, West Rhodopi Mts, 26.X I.1993,
15 -20 specimens, Vl. Beshko v observed.
“Kama Doupka” Cave near to Yagodina Village, West Rhodopi Mts, 26.XI. 1993, 3 specimens,
Vl. Beshkov observed.
“Dolna Karanska Doupka” Cave near to Yagodina Village, West Rhodopi Mts, 26.XI.1993,
4 specimens, Vl. B eshkov observed.
“Zhilisteto" in “Yagodinskata Peshtera" Cave near to Yagodina Village, West Rhodopi Mts,
26. XI. 1993, 3 sp ec im en s, Vl. Beshkov observed.
“Mashiva Doupka" Cave near to Yagodina Village, West Rhodopi Mts, 26.XI.1993, 15-20
specimens, Vl. Beshkov observed.
“Sanchova Doupka” Cave near to Yagodina Village, West Rhodopi Mts, 26.XI.1993, 5 speci
mens, Vl. B eshkov observed.
“Mechata Doupka” Cave near to Bov Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge, 30.1.1994, B. Petr ov
& P. Stoe v observed.
Gallery above Vada Chalet, 1450m, Rila Mt., 05.11.1994, 17 specimens between 30 -65m ,
collected 12 specimens, Vl. Beshkov leg.
Gallery above Gorna Byala Rechka Village, Vrachanska Stara Planina Mts, 800m, 05.VI.
1994, B. Petrov and P. Stoev leg.;
“Imamkaya” Cave, the Region of ModarTop, 1200m, West Rhodopi Mts, 26.IX .1994, B. Pe
trov observed many specimens;
"Modarska Peshtera” Cave, the Region of Modar Top, 1300 m, West Rhodopi Mts, 26.IX.
1994, B. Petr ov observed many specimens;
“Dinevata Pesht” Cave near to Gintzi Village, West Stara Planina Mts, 05.XI.1994, 3 spe
cimens, Vl. Beshkov observed; 25.XI.1994, 25 -30 specimens, Vl. Beshkov observed at a
©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter
depth between 2 0 -40 m. It seems that during XI, (05.-25.) they came fo r overwintering into
the cave.
Gallery near to Banichan Village, Gotze Delchev Region, 01 .XI. 1994, B. Petrov leg. 1 male
and 1 female specimens at 8 m depth.
Galleries by Siristna Reka River in the region between Iskretzki Sanatorium and Mecha
Polyana 800m, Svoge Region, West Stara Planina Mts, 02.1.1995, Vl. Beshkov and P. Beron
observed 4 -5 specim ens at a depth of 24 to 40 m
Gallery by Stara Kresna Railway Station, Kresna Gorge, SW Bulgaria, at the winter of 1992,
single specimen, V. Gashtarov observed.
Gallery near to Batulia Village, Iskar Gorge, 12.1.1992, at a depth of 30 m 35-4 0 specimens
on 1 m2, observed by Vl. Beshkov.
Galleries between Passarel Village and “Ourvich, Iskar Valley, 18.1.1991, Vl. Beshkov ob
served a single specimen.
Galleries under Izdremetz Top, 1430 m alt., 10.XI.1991 and 03.XII.1991, Vl. Beshkov and
P. Beron observed many specimens.
“Razklonenata Peshtera” Cave (Gugini) between Koulich and Oreshari Villages, Arda valley,
East Rhodopi Mts. 03.IV. 1992.
Gallery near to RilaTown, 600 m alt., 11.11.1995, Vl. Beshkov observed single specimen.
Gallery near to Eleshnitza, Rila Mts, 900m alt., 11.11.1995, Vl. Beshkov observed a single
The gallery above Kirilova (Partizanska) Polyana in Rila Mts, 1600m alt., 11.11.1995, Vl.
Beshkov observed six specimens.
Toplya" Cave near to Golyama Zhelyazna Village, 11.III.1995, B. Petrov leg.
Small cave on Tchairdere River, Trigrad Region in West Rhodopi Mt, 960 m alt., 19.VIII.1995,
S. Beshkov leg. single specimen.
“Maarata” cave by Madretz Village, Perperek Region, East Rhodopi Mt, 10.X.1995, B. Pe
trov and P. Stoev leg. 2 specimens.
“Samara” Cave near to Ribino Village, East Rhodopi Mt, 11 .X.1995, B. Petrov and P. Stoev
leg. 20 specimens.
Gallery above Gorna Byala Rechka Village, Vrachanska Stara Planina Mts, 520 m alt., 24.XI.
1995, Vl. Beshkov leg. 1 specimen.
“Izdremetz” Pit near to Lakatnik Village, 14.1.1996, D. Kozhuharov leg. 1 male specimen
10 0-150 m from the entrance.
Gininata Pestera Cave near to Sadovetz Village, Pleven Region, 17.XII.1995, B. Petrov leg.
2 specimens.
Cave No. 3218, Dodalitza2, Thairdere, Trigrad Region in Rhodopi Mts, 30.XI.1995, B. Petrov
leg. 5 specimens.
Reported from:
“Samuilitza” Cave near to Kunino, Iskar Gorge (Buresch, 1924; Beron, 1975; Gueorguiev &
Beron, 1962).
“Haidoushkata Peshtera” Cave near to Karlukovo, Iskar Gorge (Buresch, 1934; Ber on, 1975;
Gueorguiev & Beron, 1962).
“Zadanenka Cave near to Karlukovo, Iskar Gorge (Buresch, 1939; Beron, 1975; Gueor
guiev & Beron, 1962).
“Mechata Doupka” Cave near to Zhelen Village, Iskar Gorge, one specimen (leg. Petkova,
det. Slivov) (Beron & Gueorguiev, 1967; Beron, 1975).
©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter
“Temnata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station, Iskar Gorge (S livo v, 1968; Ber on,
1972; Ber on , 1975).
“Vodnata Doupka" Cave near to Dolno Ozirovo Village, Michailovgrad Region (Beron , 1972;
Beron, 1975).
“Stanishina Doupka” Cave near to Replyana Village, Vidin Region (B er on , 1972; Bero n,
"Doupkite” Cave near to Byalo Pole Village, Vidin Region (Be ron, 1972; Be ron , 1975).
“Zmeyovi Doupki” Cave near to Hitrevci Village, Tryavna District (Bu re sc h, 1924; Gu eor guie v
& Bero n, 1962).
“Chavkite” Chasm near to Milanovo Village and Sokoletz Top, Iskar Gorge Region (Bu resch ,
1934; Gue or guiev & Ber on , 1962).
"Ezeroto” Cave near to Mladezhko Village in Strandja Mts, Burgas Region, 07.V.1963, (Be
ron , 1972).
C alo cal a elo ca ta
(Esper , [1787])
Trogloxen (G ue orguie v & Ber on , 1962; Beron, 1994).
Reported from:
“Troshana” Cave near to Tarnovo Town (Tuleschkow , 1930; Gueor guiev & Beron, 1962).
Cave above Preobrazhenski Manastir Monastery near to Tarnovo Town (Tule sc hko w, 1930;
Gueo rguiev & Beron, 1962).
A po pe ste s sp ectru m
(E sper, [1787])
Trogloxen (Gueo rg uie v & Be ro n, 1962; Ber on, 1994). We consider this species as a subtro-
Gallery near to Melnik Town, Sandanski Region, SW Bulgaria, 02.-03.ll.1990, three spe
cimens two of them copulated.
“Starshelitza" Cave above Goleshovo Village, 100 0 -1 100 m, South Pirin Mts, SW Bulgaria,
29.XI.1992, B. Petrov leg.; Idem, 20.111.1993, one specimen, Beshko v leg., in coll. V. Gashta -
rov (Besh kov , 1995).
“Aramiiska Doupka" Cave near to Levunovo Village, Petrich Region, SW Bulgaria, 1.1996,
V. Gas htaro v leg. 2 males and observed a wings from a third specimen.
Reported from:
‘Troshana” Cave near to Tarnovo Town (Tule sch kow , 1930; Buresc h & Tulesc hko w, 1935;
Gueorg uiev & Beron, 1962).
“Kalugerova Doupka" Cave near to Arbanassi Village, Tarnovo Region (Buresch & Tulesch
kow , 1935; Gu eor gu iev & Ber on , 1962).
“Golemata Peshtera” Cave near to Tarnovo Town (Bure sch & Tules ch kow , 1935; Gueor
guie v & B er on , 1962).
A uto ph ila dilu cid a
(Hüb ner, [1808])
Trogloxen (G ue orguiev & Beron, 1962; Be ron , 1994); Subtroglophil (Ber on , 1975). We also
consider this species as a subtroglophil.
"Gininata Peshtera” Cave near to Sadovetz Village, Pleven Region, 09.VII.1990 1 male (Gen.
prep. Beschkov, 3./22.IV.1993); Idem, 17.XII.1995, B. Petrov leg. 1 male specimen, Gen. det.
Beshk ov.
©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter
Cave “in Zadanen Dol", Karlukovo Region, Iskar Gorge, 24.X.1993, B. Petrov leg., Gen.
prep. 1./15.XI.1994, Beshkov.
“Uske” Cave near to Chetirtzi Village, Kyustendil Region, W. Bulgaria, 03.111.1994, B. Petrov
leg. one male specinen, Gen. prep. 1./26.III.1994, Bes hkov.
"Salievata Peshtera” Cave near to Gospodintzi Village, Gotze Delchev Region, SW Bulgaria,
02.XI.1994, B. Pe trov leg. 2 females specimens, Gen. preps. 1./16.XI.1994; 3./16.XI.1994
Besh kov .
“Aramiiska Doupka Cave near to Levunovo Village, Petrich Region, SW Bulgaria, 05.XII.
1994 and 09.XII.1994, V. Gashtarov collected more than 60 specimens, determining them by
taking into account their genitaliia; Idem, 1.1996, V. Gashtarov observed many specimens,
almost all of them in copula, and collected 9 males and 7 females.
Reported from:
Caves near to Lakatnik Railway Station in the Iskar Gorge (Bu resc h & Tul eschk ow , 1935).
‘Temnata Doupka" Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station, Iskar Gorge (Bu res ch & Tul esch
kow, 1935; Gu eor guie v & Be ro n, 1962; Bero n, 1975).
A uto ph ila lim ba ta
(Sta udin ger , 1871)
According to Be ron (1 972,19 75,1 99 5) this species is trogloxen. We consider this species as
a subtroglophil.
Gallery between Madjarovo Town and Borislavtzi Village, East Rhodopi Mts, 17.X.1991, one
female specimen (Gen. prep. Beshkov , 4./22.IV.1993).
“Zandana” Cave near to Ploski Village, Sandanski Region, SW Bulgaria, 02.IV.1994, B. Pe
tro v leg. one male (Gen. prep. 3./23.XI.1994, Beshkov) and one female (Gen. prep. 2./23.XI.
1994, Besh kov) specimens.
"Samara” Cave near to Ribino Village, East Rhodopi Mt, 11 .X. 1995, B. Pet rov and P. Stoe v
leg. 1 male specimen, (Gen. det. Be shk ov).
Reported from:
The Cave near to Stanke Lisichkovo, Blagoevgrad Region, leg. P. Beron (Ga ne v, 1985).
‘Temnata Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station, Iskar Gorge (Skalski, 1972; Be
ro n, 1972; Bero n, 1975).
“Razhishkata (“Souhata) Doupka” Cave near to Lakatnik Railway Station, Iskar Gorge
(Skalsk i, 1972; Ber on , 1972; Be ron , 1975).
A uto ph ila liga min os a
(Ev er sm ann, 1851)
Trogloxen (Ber on, 1994). We consider the species as subtroglophil.
“Aramiiska Doupka Cave near to Levunovo Village, Petrich Region, SW Bulgaria, 05.XII.
1994, V. Gashta rov leg. single specimen.
Gallery near to Melnik Town, Sandanski Region, SW Bulgaria, 09.IX.1988; Idem, 17.XII.
1988, 3 female specimens; Idem, 12.11.1989, 1 male and 1 female specimens; Idem, 0 2 -
03.11.1990, 6 specimens; Idem, 13.IX.1992, 7 specimens; Idem, 21.X.1995, S. Besh kov &
V. Gashtarov leg. 8 specimens; In the gallery of the Kordopulovata Kashta Museum in Melnik
Town, 14.IX. 1995, 3 specimens, S. Besh kov & B. Goater leg.
SW Bulgaria, Kresna Gorge, Stara Kresna Railway Station, in the gallery under the Railway
Station, 25.VIII.1 995,1. Stoyc hev leg. single specimen.
Reported from:
Gallery near to Melnik Town, Sandanski Region, Sw Bulgaria (Besh kow , 1992).
©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter
"Starshelitza” Cave above Goleshovo Village, 100 0-1 100 m, South Pirin Mts, SW Bulgaria,
29.XI.1992, B. Petrov leg. Idem, 20.111.1993 (Besh kov, 1995).
“Salievata Peshtera” Cave near to Gospodintzi Village, Gotze Delchev Region, SW Bulgaria,
02.X I.1994, B. Petrov leg. one female specimen, Gen. prep. 1./16.XI.1994, Beshkov (Besh
kov, 1995).
Gallery by Stara Kresna Railway Station in Kresna Gorge, SW Bulgaria - IX-X (Be shk ow,
1992), 1 female specimen.
“Peshterata” Cave near to Belovo Railway Station, Pazardzhik Region under the name
"A p o-
p es tes ca tap ha ne s
Hb.” (B uresch & Tulesch kow , 1935). Gueorg uiev & Beron (1962) fol
lowing this data reported the same name from the same locality as trogloxen. According to
Hacker (1990),
A uto phi la c ata ph an es
(Hu bn er, [1809-1813]) is “An Atlanto-Mediterranean
species neither inhabiting the Balkans nor the Near East. This name is often given to other
species of this group in older literature” We have also never seen this species in Bulgaria,
and believe that under this name the authors, mentioned above, had recognised two other
A uto ph ila anap ha ne s
Bou rsi n, 1940 or
A uto ph ila liga m ino sa
Ev. As we have never
A uto ph ila a na phan es
Brsn . in Bulgaria, we doubt that it is present in Bulgaria.
lig a m in os a
Ev. is one very local, but is not a very rare species. For this reason, we think that
all previous reports regarding
"A po pe stes ca tap ha ne s
Hb.should be recognized as
A u to 
phila liga m ino sa
P yro is ef fus a
(Bo isd uv al, [1828])
Gallery between Madzharovo Town and Borislavtzi Village, East Rhodopi Mts, 150 m, 02.IX.
1992, 8- 1 0 specimens in deep between 20-1 00 m, collected 3 female and 4 male spe
cimens (Bes hko v, 1995); Idem, 20.VI.1993, one female on a deep 4 0 -60 m (Beshkov , 1995);
23.VII.1993, 5 specimens.
Reported from the three caves in Croatia (Dalmatia) (Ku cin ic , 1990).
M orm o m aur a
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Trogloxen (G ue org uiev & Ber on , 1962; Bero n, 1994).
Reported from:
"Golema Podlisca" Cave near to Tarnovo Town (Buresch & Tu les chk ow , 1932; Gu eor guie v
& Be ro n, 1962).
D asyp oli a te m pli
(Thun be rg , 1792 )
“Morovitza” Cave near to Glozhene Village, Teteven Region, 900-1 000 m, between 5 0-
100 m from entrance, 01.XI. 1993, B. Petrov observed one alive specimen . Not collected, but
the description corresponds well to the species, and according Petrov it is the same species
as the collected forewing (one forewing of
D asy po lia tem pli,
probably eaten by bat) he had
found in the Cave and it is kept in the collection of Beshkov .
New species for the caves of Bulgaria.
Rhy acia sim ula ns
(Hufnag el , 1766)
©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter
“Gininata Peshtera" Cave near to Sadovetz Village, Pleven Region, 09.V II.1990 one male
specimen in 2 0-3 0 m deep, Gen. prep. 3./25.X.1994, Beshkov (Beshkov , 1995).
“Katakombite” Gallery near to Aladja Manastir, Black-Sea Coast, 17.VIII.1992., P. Mitov leg.
one female specimen.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Vl. B eshkov and Mr. P. Sto ev , both from
Sofia as well as to Mr. Victor Gash tarov (Novo Konomladi Village) for the present material
and invaluable collected data.
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Addresses of the authors
S. Beshkov
13 Mart Street 17
1142 Sofia
B. Petrov
Stefan Milenkov Street 60
1619 Sofia
©Ges. zur Förderung d. Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen e.V. München, download unter
... without localities (DReNoWSki, 1924(DReNoWSki, -1925DReNoWSki, 1928a;; 'eichenzone' Hypena rostralis (Linnaeus, 1758) velingrad (ladzhene) (MaRkoWitScH, 1910;MaRkoWitScH, 1923;BuReScH & tuleScHkoW, 1935: 167); tchepinska Banya (MaRkoWitScH, 1910;MaRkoWitScH, 1923); up to 1400 m. alt. without localities (DReNoWSki, 1924(DReNoWSki, -1925; without localities ; 'eichenzone' (Beshkov, 1995: 206;Beshkov & Petrov, 1996); 'Modarska Peshtera' cave, the Region of Modar top, 1700 m, 26.09.1994 (Beshkov, 1995: 206;Beshkov & Petrov, 1996) (Slivov, 1972: 59;; Peshtera town ; 'Buchenzone' /3); 'Fichtenzone' (GaNev, 1984/3); 'kastrakli' Natural Reserve near Borino village (Slivov & NeStoRova, 1985) ...
... without localities (DReNoWSki, 1924(DReNoWSki, -1925DReNoWSki, 1928a;; 'eichenzone' Hypena rostralis (Linnaeus, 1758) velingrad (ladzhene) (MaRkoWitScH, 1910;MaRkoWitScH, 1923;BuReScH & tuleScHkoW, 1935: 167); tchepinska Banya (MaRkoWitScH, 1910;MaRkoWitScH, 1923); up to 1400 m. alt. without localities (DReNoWSki, 1924(DReNoWSki, -1925; without localities ; 'eichenzone' (Beshkov, 1995: 206;Beshkov & Petrov, 1996); 'Modarska Peshtera' cave, the Region of Modar top, 1700 m, 26.09.1994 (Beshkov, 1995: 206;Beshkov & Petrov, 1996) (Slivov, 1972: 59;; Peshtera town ; 'Buchenzone' /3); 'Fichtenzone' (GaNev, 1984/3); 'kastrakli' Natural Reserve near Borino village (Slivov & NeStoRova, 1985) ...
... tchepinska Reka river valley, Marko Nikolovo railway station (GoGov & loukov, 1964;; 'eichenzone' Devin (tuleScHkov & Slivov, 1975a); up to 1400 m. alt. without localities (DReNoWSki, 1924(DReNoWSki, -1925; tchepinska Reka river valley ; Peshtera town ; velingrad ; 'eichenzone' (GaNev, 1984/3); 'Buchenzone' /3); 'Fichtenzone' (GaNev, 1984/3); 'kastrakli' Natural Reserve near Borino village (Slivov & NeStoRova, 1985) (Beshkov & Petrov, 1996); New: cave No. 3218, Dodalitza 2, Thairdere, trigrad Region (Beshkov & Petrov, 1996) ; orphey chalet near Borino, 14.07.1979, 11.07.1979, ...
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This article gives faunistical data for 937 Macrolepidoptera species, from the area explored. The group Macrolepidoptera is relatively well explored. Our original data, wich cover the biggest part of the Western Rhodopes was collected in different parts of the region, wich different intensity within over 20 years – period. Diurnal moths were collected with the classical methods. Moths were collected on different kinds of lamps, light trap and sugaring. Several problematic species were determined by taking into account the differences in the genitalia, including the everted vesica, some of which are illustrated here. All literature sources and data from faunistical records are also included here. As a result of the research 119 species are reported for the first time in the scientific literature for the Western Rhodopes. One species (Egira bulgarica Beshkov, 2000), which was described as new for the science, here is recognized as a synonym of Egira anatolica. Herein one genus (Plemyria) and three other species: Odontopera graecarius (A. Bang-Haas, 1910), Plemyria rubiginaria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and Eupithecia actaeata Walderdorff, 1869 are reported for the first time in Bulgaria. Zygaena nevadensis gheorghenica Reiss, 1976 is confirmed for Bulgaria.
... Serbia: (Remy, 1953;Jakšić, 2005). Bulgaria: (Beron, 1994(Beron, , 2016Beshkov & Langourov, 2004, 2011Beshkov & Petrov, 1996;Kostova et al., 2016;Zagulajev, 2000). ...
... Beron (1994), who is not a lepidopterist, recorded only 16 species in the caves of Bulgaria. It was only the targeted research of experienced lepidopterists (Beshkov & Petrov, 1996) that doubled this number. In Romania, there is a rich biospeleological tradition from the period of Emil Racoviță (E. ...
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A history of the study of Lepidoptera in caves in Serbia is given. On this basis, a comparative analysis with Lepidoptera species in neighboring countries - Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria, was carried out. The presence of cavernicolous habitats and ecological niches suitable for Lepidoptera was investigated. There is a need to investigate these groups of organisms in Serbia and it is suggested that caves in Serbia be a priority in this research.
... Catocala elocata (Esper, 1787) French Red Underwing, Erebidae. Cave records from: Bulgaria (Jakšić, 2017;Beshkov & Petrov, 1996;Gueorguiev & Beron, 1962;Beron, 1994); Italy (Malavasi, 2005); Spain (Calle, 1982). Alucita huebneri Wallengren, 1859, Alucitidae. ...
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Between 2015 and 2019, the list of Lepidoptera from “cave” habitats (i.e., proper caves, rock shelters and artificial subterranean structures) in Austria grew from 17 to 62 species, although the effort of data collection remained nearly constant from the late 1970s onwards. The newly recorded moths and butterflies were resting in caves during daytime in the warm season, three species were also overwintering there. We observed Catocala elocata at 28 cave inspections, followed by Mormo maura (18), Catocala nupta (7), Peribatodes rhomboidaria, and Euplagia quadripunctaria (6). More than half of the species have been repeatedly observed in caves in Austria or abroad, so their relationship with such sites is apparently not completely random. Since the increase of records in Austria coincided with a considerable rise in the annual number of hot days (maximum temperatures ≥30°C) from 2015 onwards, we interpret the growing inclination of certain Lepidoptera towards daytime sheltering in caves as a behavioral reaction to climate warming.
... The moths fly from May until the autumn/winter and estivate in the hot summer months. They are reported to rest in caves (Beshkov and Petrov 1996;Beshkov and Wegner 2004;Beron et al. 2004;Beron 2015). Trogloxene. ...
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The subterranean fauna of both natural and artificial caves in Albania remains poorly studied. Cave colonisation can be clarified by investigating the same process in artificial underground sites. The existence of such a process can be judged by the composition of specific vertebrate and invertebrate species in every site. The biospeleological study carried out in an artificial cave in Përmet in June 2019 provided the following results: two bat species, i.e. Greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber, 1774) and Mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis species group, probably M. blythii (Tomes, 1857) were observed, a specimen of the Balkan stream frog Rana graeca Boulenger, 1891, representing the first amphibian record for the Albanian cave, was discovered deep inside the cave, nine invertebrate species were found (7 spiders, 1 harvestman and 1 moth), with three of the spider species, i.e. Ceratinella brevis (Wider, 1834), Hogna radiata (Latreille, 1817) and Trachyzelotes barbatus (L. Koch, 1866), being the first records for Balkan caves. All recorded species, except Myotis blythii/myotis (both were previously known), are new to the study area. The total number of species recorded in this site, including the data available in literature, has increased to 29. This high number of species shows that artificial caves, including military installations, represent biodiversity hotspots, comparable to natural underground sites and demand much more attention and further investigations.
... The genus Kaniska is not represented in Europe, and the Euro-Asian Roddia l-album does not occur recently in Bohemia. There are a few more or less anecdotal notes regarding overwintering nymphalines from Bulgaria (Beshkov & Petrov, 1996), former Czechoslovakia (cf. Košel, 1984; Dvořák, 2000 Dvořák, , 2002), France (Sarlet, 1982), Germany (Bronner, 1987; Herhaus & Karthaus, 1996), Poland (Kowalski, 1955), Spain (Escola, 1982) and others. ...
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The results from ten years of surveys and observations of overwintering nymphalid butterflies in various types of underground shelters in SW-W Bohemia, Czech Republic are presented. During these surveys, three species of nymphalid butterflies were encountered; the most commonly observed species was Inachis io (Linneaus), followed by Aglais urticae (Linneaus). Nymphalis polychloros (Linneaus) was encountered in the ten year period only twice. The typical overwintering sites for Inachis io were the ceilings of unheated cellars of buildings, and the entrances of mining tunnels/galleries or natural caves. A special category of underground shelters in the study area was abandoned World War 2 military bunkers. Inachis io frequently hibernates in aggregations of several individuals and Aglais urticae does so less often. The lowest ambient air temperature measured in these underground shelters was –1.1° C. It is believed that these observations represent the longest continuous record of hibernating nymphalid butterflies in underground (or other) shelters in Czech Republic.
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The paper represents results of surveys carried out in the Western Stara Planina Mts within the last four years in order to improve the knowledge of the butterfly fauna, especially in the Bulgarian part of the mountain. A total of 150 species of Lepidoptera (Papilionoidea) was recorded with comments on their distribution in the Bulgarian part of the studied region. Nineteen species were recorded for the first time in the Bulgarian part of the mountain and one species (Apatura metis)-for the Serbian part. It has been found that the highest butterfly diversity is linked to the largest limestone area in the mountain near Komshtitsa Village where 101 species were observed. Interesting records for some rare or endangered species (Muschampia cribrellum, M. tessellum, Lycaena helle, Kirinia climene, Apatura metis, Nymphalis vaualbum, Melitaea didyma, M. arduinna, M. diamina and Brenthis ino) are discussed in detail. The high conservation value of the studied region proves by the species considered as threatened at the European level, of which seven species are included in the Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive, 12 species are listed in the Red Data Book of European butterflies and 26 in the European Red List of Butterflies.
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The biospeleological studies in the Rhodopes started in 1924 and until 1959 concerned only the western part of the mountain. Altogether over 600 caves and potholes are hitherto known from the Bulgarian part of the Western Rhodopes. We report 276 species of invertebrates collected from 120 caves (Bulgaria – 109, Greece – 5, unknown location – 6). In addition, 44 species of parasites on cave-dwelling bats were recorded from different caves in the studied region. Among all cave-dwellers, 30 species (ca. 11%) from the genera Bulgaronethes, Cordioniscus, Trichoniscus, Rhodopioniscus (Isopoda), Lithobius (Chilopoda), Rhodoposoma, Troglodicus, Stygiosoma and Anamastigona (Diplopoda), Troglohyphantes, Palliduphantes, Porrhomma and Centromerus (Araneae), Plusiocampa (Diplura), Plutomurus (Collembola), Duvalius, Bathyscia, Bureschiana, Rhodopiola, Gueorguievella and Paralovricia (Coleoptera) are troglobites. There are only nine stygobites (3% of all cave species) belonging to the genera Eucyclops, Speocyclops, Maraenobiotus (Copepoda), Niphargus (Amphipoda) and Bythinella (Gastropoda). The genera Bulgaronethes, Rhodopioniscus, Rhodoposoma, Stygiosoma, Gueorguievella, Rhodopiola and Paralovricia are endemic to the Western Rhodopes. There are also interesting endemic troglophiles such as the species of the genus Balkanopetalum, Anamastigona and others. The longest cave in the area, Imamova dupka, has the richest invertebrate fauna– 43 species. Six caves are inhabited by more than 20 species. The conservation of caves is discussed in terms of the current nature protection legislation. The speleological and biospeleological studies in the caves of the Greek part of the Western Rhodopes are rather limited. Fourteen trogloxenes and troglophiles and no troglobites have been so far found from five caves.
  • S Beshkow
Beshkow, S. (1992): Faunistic Advances on Bulgarian Lepidoptera. -Boll. Ass. Romana Entomol. 46:37-56.
B. P etrov leg. one male specinen, Gen. prep. 1./26.III.1994, BeshkovSalievata Peshtera " Cave near to Gospodintzi Village, Gotze Delchev Region, SW Bulgaria, 02.XI
" Uske " Cave near to Chetirtzi Village, Kyustendil Region, W. Bulgaria, 03.111.1994, B. P etrov leg. one male specinen, Gen. prep. 1./26.III.1994, Beshkov. "Salievata Peshtera " Cave near to Gospodintzi Village, Gotze Delchev Region, SW Bulgaria, 02.XI.1994, B. Petrov leg. 2 females specimens, Gen. preps. 1./16.XI.1994; 3./16.XI.1994
Prodromus der Lepidopterenfauna Nordbayerns
References: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nordbayerischer Entomologen (1988): Prodromus der Lepidopterenfauna Nordbayerns. -Neue Entomologische Nachrichten 23:1-159.
  • P Leraut
Leraut, P. (1983): Quelques changements dans la nomenclature des Lépidoptères de Fran ce (Lep., Tineidae, Gracillariidae).-Entomologica gallica 1:35-36.