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Neogene pollen assemblage from the Thakkhola-Mustang Graben, central Nepal Himalaya

The north-south trending Thakkhola-Mustang Graben is
located in the Tibetan-Tethys Zone of central Nepal between
83°50”-84° east longitudes and 29°-28°50” north latitudes
bounded by South Tibetan Detachment Fault System (STDS)
(Burch el et al. 1992) to the south and Indus-Tsangpo Suture
Zone (ITSZ) to the north. This graben is a part of normal
faulting system affecting the whole Tibetan Plateau (Molnar
and Tapponnier 1978). The basement rock of the graben is
consisting of a thick and nearly continuous lower Paleozoic
to lower Tertiary marine sedimentary succession.
The basement rocks of Paleozoic to Mesozoic ages
unconformably overlain by Neogene to Quaternary age
sediments (Fort et al. 1982; Yoshida et al. 1984). These
Neogene deposits have been divided in to ve formations:
the Tetang Formation, the Thakkhola Formation, the
Sammargaon Formation, the Marpha Formation and the
Kaligandaki Formation. Older Miocene Tetang and Thakkhola
formations are disconformably overlained by upper Pliocene
to upper Pleistocene Sammargaon and Marpha formations,
respectively (Fig.1B). The Holocene Kaligandaki Formation
is in a cut-and- ll relation with these older formations. The two
older Thakkhola and Tetang formations lie unconformably on
a substratum of the high strain rocks of the deformed Tibetan-
Tethys sedimentary sequences and they are separated by a
low angle (~5°) unconformity (Fort et al. 1982; Adhikari and
Wagreich 2011 a,b).
In this paper, we report the palynological content of samples
from a succession of the Tetang and Thakkhola formations.
The data are discussed in the context of paleoenvironmental
evolution of the southern margin of Tibet.
Twenty-six samples were collected from the black to grey
clay beds of the Tetang and Thakkhola formations. The
samples were prepared in the laboratory following the
methods described by Zetter (1989), and Ferguson at al.
(2007). In order to remove any contamination from the
recent pollen from the atmosphere the samples were cleaned
with scrapper, crushed them to powder and treated with
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to remove any carbonate contain in
it. This was followed by the treatment with Hydro uoric acid
(HF) and boiled for half an hour to remove silicate minerals
from the samples. The samples were then forwarded to
chlorination and acetolysis a then washed with distilled
water and glacial acetic acid in each step and centrifuged
at the rate of 2000 rpm for 2-3 minutes to remove the ner
fraction of the sediments from the sample. Finally the
organic material was separated from the inorganic residue
using heavy liquid Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2). The residue thus
obtained was washed several times with distilled water and
mixed with glycerin for microscopic observation. In general,
the state of preservation of the polynomorphs was very poor.
More than 19 families and genera of pollen were identi ed
from all of the samples (Table 1). A high percentage of
Neogene pollen assemblage from the Thakkhola-Mustang Graben,
central Nepal Himalaya
*Basanta Raj Adhikari1 and Khum Narayan Paudayal2
1Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal
2Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
The Thakkhola-Mustang Graben lies north of the Dhaulagiri-Annapurna ranges and south of the Yarlung-Tsangpo Suture
Zone. The basement of Thakkhola-Mustang Graben is composed of Tibetan-Tethyan sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic and
Mesozoic ages, which are unconformably overlain by continental debris of Neogene to Quaternary age. Stratigraphically, the
Thakkhola-Mustang Graben sediments have been divided into ve formations namely the Tetang Formation, the Thakkhola
Formation, the Sammargaon Formation, the Marpha Formation and the Kaligandaki Formation. Detailed palynological studies
were carried out to understand the paleoclimate. Lacustrine layers in the Tetang and Thakkhola formations are enriched with
pollen. Pollen analysis shows that the sediments contain dominant alpine trees Abies, Pinus, Keteleeria, Picea Tsuga and
Quercus with some steppe elements such as Artemisia, Compositae, Chenopodiaceae, Plantago and Poaceae. The results
show that during this period, the southern part of Tibet was covered mainly by steppe vegetation, indicating dry climate.
Bulletin of Nepal Geological Society, 2012, Vol. 29, pp. 53-58
grassland taxa and a low percentage of temperate forest
taxa characterize the pollen assemblages. One sample from
Tetang village of the Tetang Formation and one sample from
the Tange Village of the Thakkhola Formation contain more
pollen compared to other samples.
Fig.1: Location map of the Thakkhola-Mustang Graben
(Adhikari and Wagreich 2011a). A) Regional geological
map of the Nepal Himalaya B) Geological map of the
Thakkhola-Mustang Graben showing the graben ll
units. The location B is shown in Fig. A
Seven samples out of seventeen samples collected from
the Tetang Formation at Tetang village contain pollen. All
samples were carbonaceous clay with plant fossils in some
samples. Sediments display a higher percentage of Pinus,
Quercus and Keteleeria with Abies and Tsuga and low
concentration of Betula and Juglans (Plate I, II and III).
The upper horizon of the Tetang Formation is dominantly
lacustrine sediments, which are rich in pollen.
Similarly, only ve samples out of nine contain pollens in
the Thakkhola Formation. Sample collected from the Chaile
section and Tange sections are rich of pollen and spores.
Sample taken from the Chaile section is characterized by
a presence of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms pollen.
Pinus, Quercus, Tsuga, Fagus, Juglans, Betula, Tilia, Salix,
Acer, Fraxinus and Plantago are the dominant pollen grains.
Pteridophyte spores are found in the sample taken from Tange
section. Lycopodiaceae, Polypodiaceae and Pteridaceae
families dominate these spores. Most dominant pollen grains
are Pinus, Quercus, Plantago, Poaceae, Compositae and
Artimisia in the Tange section (Plate I, II & III).
Table no. 1: Neogene pollen assemblage of the Thakkhola-
Mustang Graben
Phylum Family Genus Fig.
Pteridophytes LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodiaceae 1
Family indetermined 4
Gymnosperms PINACEAE Abies 5
Keteleeria 6
Picea 7
Pinus 8
Tsuga 9
Angiosperms FAGACEAE Quercus 10
Fagus 11
Fagaceae ? 12
Betula 15
OLEACEAE Fraxinus 19
Ligustrum 20
gen. indet. 21
ROSACEAE Rosaceae gen. indet. 22
Parthenocissus 23
Vitaceae 24
CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodiaceae gen.
indet. 25
POACEAE Poaceae gen. indet. 27
Tubi orae
Compositae gen.
ASTERACEAE Artemisia 29
Undetermined 30
Basanta Raj Adhikari and Khum N. Paudayal
The pollen assemblage include arboreal taxa (such as Pinus,
Betula, Keteleeria, Juglans, and Quercus), shrub taxa
(such as Oleaceae) and herbaceous taxa, which are mainly
Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Poaceae and Rosaceae. The
palyno oras of the Thakkhola and Tetang formations may
reveal that paleotemperature is the key factor in controlling
long-term trend and uctuations in Neogene vegetation
in Thakkhola-Mustang Graben. Pinus is usually over-
represented because of its high pollen production and long
distance dispersion (Denton and Karlen 1973; Wang and
Wang 1983) and the percentage of Pinus below 10% are
insigni cant (Faegri and Iverson 1989). Therefore, they are
generally regarded as being exotic. Presence of Keteleeria in
Tetang Formation may indicate the warm climate but it can
be reworked from the older sediments. Yoshida et al. (1984)
suggested the dry climate during the deposition of Tetang
Formation based on the high percentage of Ephedra spores.
Betula, Quercus and Juglans are very sensitive to humidity
and their pollen contents increase with rainfall (Sun et al.
1996). Therefore, presence of these taxa in Thakkhola-
Mustang Graben indicates temperate forest increased
signi cantly, implying a relatively humid climate. Presence
of high percentage of Plantago, Poaceae, Artimisia and
Chenopodiaceae in Thakkhola Formation indicate the
arid climate. They show that mostly steppe vegetation
was dominant during the deposition time of Thakkhola
Formation. This steppe vegetation might caused by the
Himalayan barrier. The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau could
exert a profound effect upon atmospheric circulation and
environmental changes of Asia. It would form a water vapor
barrier, so that the water vapor carried by the south-west
monsoon could not reach the Tibetan Plateau (Ruddiman
and Kurzbach 1989), leading to the decrease of rainfall
and gradual vegetation change to arid grasslands in the
Thakkhola-Mustang Graben.
Graben sediments are composed of braided uvial deposits
with lacustrine deposits in different level of the succession.
Lacustrine layers in the Tetang and Thakkhola formations
are enriched with pollen. Pollen analysis shows that the
sediments contain dominant alpine trees Abies, Pinus,
Keteleeria, Picea Tsuga and Quercus with some steppe
elements such as Artemisia, Compositae, Chenopodiaceae,
Plantago and Poaceae. The results show that during this
period, the southern part of Tibet was covered mainly by
steppe vegetation, indicating dry climate. It is presumed that
the paleoclimate during the sediment deposition time of the
Thakkhola-Mustang Graben was signi cantly warmer than
the present-day climate.
This paper is part of the Ph. D. thesis by the rst author at
the University of Vienna, Austria. This study was supported
by the Austrian Academic Exchange Service (OEAD). We
would like to acknowledge Michael Wagreich, Department
of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, University of Vienna
for fruitful discussion. We are very greatful to K. K. Acharya
and Y. N. Timsina for eldwork assistance. Our deep
gratitude goes to Ilse Draxler, Department of Palynology,
Geological Survey of Austria, Reinhard Zetter, Department
of Paleontology, University of Vienna for their help in pollen
analysis and identi cation.
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Neogene pollen assemblage from the Thakkhola-Mustang Graben, central Nepal Himalaya
1. Lycopodiaceae, LM X 200, 2. Polypodiaceae, LM X 200, 3. Pteris sp., LM X 200 4. Fam. indet., LM X 200, 5 . Abies sp.
LM X 200, 6. Keteleeria sp. LM X 200, 7. Picea sp., Equatorial view, LM X 200, 8a. Pinus sp., Equatorial view, LM X 600,
8b. Pinus sp., Polar view, LM X 600, 9. Tsuga sp., Polar view, LM X 600, 10a. Quercus sp., Equatorial view, LM X 600, 10b.
Quercus sp., Polar view, LM X 600, 11a. Fagus sp., Equatorial view, LM X 600, 11b. Fagus sp., Polar view, LM X 600, 12.
Fagaceae (?), Equatorial view, LM X 600
Basanta Raj Adhikari and Khum N. Paudayal
13. Juglans sp., LM X 600, 14. Alnus.sp., Polar view, LM X 600 , 15 . Betula sp., Polar view, LM X 600, 16. Tilia sp., Polar
view, LM X 600 , 17. Salix sp., Equatorial view, LM X 600, 18. Acer sp., Polar view, LM X 600, 19a. Oleaceae (Fraxinus),
Equatorial view, LM X 600, 19b. Oleaceae, Polar view, LM X 600, 20a. Oleaceae (Ligustrum), Equatorial view, LM X 600,
20b. Oleaceae, Polar view, LM X 600, 21. Caryophyllaceae, LM X 600, 22a. Rosaceae, Equatorial view, LM X 600, 22b.
Rosaceae, Polar view, LM X 600, 23a. Parthenocissus sp., Equatorial view, LM X 600, 23b. Parthenocissus sp., Polar view,
LM X 600, 24a. Vitaceae (?), Equatorial view, LM X 600, 24b. Vitaceae (?), Polar view, LM X 600
Neogene pollen assemblage from the Thakkhola-Mustang Graben, central Nepal Himalaya
25 . Chenopodiaceae, LM X 600, 26. Plantago sp., LM X 600, 27. Poaceae, LM X 600, 28. Compositae, Polar view, LM X
600, 29. Artemisia sp., LM X 600, 30. Unidenti ed, Polar view, LM X 600
Basanta Raj Adhikari and Khum N. Paudayal
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Keteleeria is a small genus of Pinaceae now mainly restricted to eastern Asia. Although this genus has been documented with a wide distribution in the geologic record of Europe, North America, and Asia, its history in low‐latitude areas (including South China) has remained obscure. In this paper, a fossil wood of Keteleeria sp. is described from the Late Pleistocene (29–27 ka BP) of the Maoming Basin, South China. This wood is the most ancient megafossil evidence of Keteleeria within the modern distribution area of this genus. The fossil records of Keteleeria suggests that this thermophyllous genus migrated into South China by the Middle Pleistocene escaping from glacial cooling and became widespread over this region in the Late Pleistocene beginning from the interglacial stage preceding the Last Glacial Maximum. The analysis of growth‐rings in the fossil wood and its comparison with those of modern Keteleeria davidiana indicates that in the Late Pleistocene of Maoming Basin (29–27 ka BP) there was a humid climate with less pronounced seasonality of precipitation than that seen in the subtropical monsoonal climate of modern northeastern Vietnam. Apparently, the Maoming Basin was influenced by interglacial regime with summer‐monsoon circulation. The previously proposed method to distinguish between evergreen and deciduous conifers based on growth ring anatomy, is not reliable because of the wide variance and ambiguity in its results. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Nepal lies in heart of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogeny. The destruction of Tethys with upshot of the oceanic circulation causes major climate events during the Cenozoic that endured pertinent changes in flora and fauna in the Nepal Himalaya. Many paleoclimate records show changes during late Miocene. We reviewed late Cenozoic climate and environmental changes, reconstructed from pollens, stable isotopes and paleosols from the Nepal Himalaya. The palynological assemblages of Siwalik rock sequence from Surai Khola and Karnali section indicate the tropical-subtropical to warm temperate climate system during 16-5.2 Ma but grassland (C4 vegetation) starts to emerge from ~8-5 Ma, also showed by Paleosols study from Pakistan to Nepal. The increases in δ 18 O carbonate in fossil mollusks from the Siwaliks in Nepal suggests a gradual decrease in rainfall over the past 11 Ma but dramatically a strong monsoon climate (strong-wet-dry seasonality) appeared at 10.7 Ma suggested by the sub-annular stable isotope data and later ~9 Ma increased aridity. A tropical evergreen upper montane forest with MAT between 15.6-21.7 °C and MAP between 823-1682 mm was revealed from Coexistence Approach in the Pleistocene palynological assemblage from Kathmandu valley. The δ 13 C in a charcoal analysis suggests extreme dry with weaker southwest monsoon during the last 700 ka and aridity continued to 600 ka suggested by palynological study, organic geochemical record from total organic carbon (TOC), carbon/nitrogen and δ 13 C with low pCO 2 , enhancing C4 plants. The fossil diatom assemblages in the valley revealed warm climatic condition at about 450 and 390 ka but palynological assemblages revealed a cool and rather wet climate during 400 ka. The Coexistence Approach applied from pollen, macro plant remains like seed, fruits and leaves shows MAT between 13.8-17°C and MAP of 1065-1682 mm at 53 ka and starts to appear dry climate suggested by the δ 13 C and δ 18 O isotopes in opercula and mollusk shells at around 40 ka. The climate was cold and very dry up to 26-19 ka and got mild and wet in 19-15 ka indicated by the pollens. The palynological evidence from Thakkhola graben indicate a dry climate, C3 vegetation emergence shown by stable carbon isotope (δ 13 C) values and mixed vegetation of C3 and C4 plants shown by δ 13 C values from the carbonates indicating warmer and dry climate during Neogene Period. The charcoal data and carbon stable isotope ratios between 6200 and 4500 yr B.P. suggest dominancy of C4 plants in north and sparse trees in the southern part representing the dominancy of a drier climate but paleosols suggest the decreased vegetation cover and rapid erosion after 4500 yr B.P. in this section.
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Located at the northern side of the Higher Himalayan Range, the Thakkhola Mustang graben is filled with thick (at least 850m) detrital series of probably Plio-Pleistocene age, the Tetang and Thakkhola Formations. The significance of the graben and its palaeogeographical implications at the scale of the Range are discussed: sharp relations appeared between occurrences of deformation uplift and palaeogeographical changes (drainage directions, types of climates and soils, glaciations). A relative chronology is given, which is discussed and compared with recent data concerning Tibet. -from Authors
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One of the commonly quoted weaknesses of pollen analysis is its poor taxonomic resolution, which can be achieved with the Light Microscope (LM). This prevents detailed palaeoecological interpretations from being made. Although the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) has been widely available for almost 40 years, it is rarely used in routine palaeopalynological research. The usual reason given is that single-grain techniques are too time-consuming. However, this need not be the case. By combining LM and SEM, fossil pollen grains can be identified more accurately. Moreover, it is possible to distinguish between similar, but botanically distinct, taxa. In this way, palaeopalynology can supply phylogeneticists and palaeoclimatologists with a plethora of useful data.
Pollen-climate response surfaces of major taxa from surface pollen data of Northern China is studied. Response surfaces are nonlinear functions that describe the way in which each taxon's expected abundance (the response variables) depends on the combined effects of several environmental variables (prediction variables). Response surfaces for 8 major taxa - Pinus, Picea, Betula, Artemisia, Ephedra, Chenopodiaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae - from 215 surface pollen samples and related climatic data (mean July temperature and annual precipitation) have been generated by analysis of second- or third-degree polynomial regression. Surface samples were collected from surface soil under natural vegetation of Northern China. The results can be used to re-evaluate the ecological significance of abundances of some taxa by quantifying the paleoclimatic variables from fossil pollen abundances.
From an interpretation of Landsat imagery of Tibet the most recent structures appear to be normal faults that trend approximately north-south. Fault plane solutions of 14 earthquakes in the central part of the Tibetan Plateau indicate large components of normal faulting. The solutions are not well constrained, but for the most reliable ones the T axes are oriented approximately east-west. Only the margins of the high plateau, where elevations are lower, do fault plane solutions show active thrust faulting. These observations imply an east-west extension of most of Tibet at the present time. We relate this pattern to the collision of India and Eurasia and to deformation of an especially weak Tibetan crust and upper mantle. India applies to a pressure to Eurasia that maintains Tibet at a high uniform altitude, and the hydrostatic head caused by this elevation transmits the pressure northward. Accordingly, Tibet is the pressure gauge of Asia. At the same time a small east-west strain (or flow) of the lower crust and upper mantle of Tibet's position relative to India at the present time is analogous to that of a 'dead' triangle plastic material indented by a rigid indenter (India).
Six transects mapped across the boundary between the Tibetan sedimentary sequence and the underlying Greater Himalayan metamorphic sequence in southern Tibet demonstrate that a series of gently north-dipping normal faults, the South Tibetan detachment system, separates these two rocks sequences. Down-to-the-north movement on the detachments was Miocene to perhaps Pliocene in age and contemporaneous with structurally lower south-vergent thrusting within the Himalayan orogen to the south; thus, shortening and extension were contemporaneous and parallel at two different levels within the Himalayan and south Tibetan crust. Mapping during this study indicates that the South Tibetan detachment system continues for at least 700 km along strike in the physiographic Higher Himalaya, and regional relations suggest that the detachment system may traverse nearly the entire 2,000 km length of the Himalaya. Rocks in the footwall of the detachment system contain mylonitic fabrics and show evidence of progressively more brittle deformation as the detachment system evolved. Footwall rocks are juxtaposed against weakly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks, some of which contain conodonts that yield coloration indices corresponding to temperatures no higher than 350°C. Petrologic data from some transects suggest that roughly 10 km of crust was eliminated by movement on the detachment system. At least 35 km of northward displacement is demonstrable along the profile at Qomolangma (Everest). The hanging wall of the detachment system contains mostly north-dipping normal faults, many of which are thought to sole into the detachment at depth. In the western-most profile, a large, north-vergent synformal anticline has the geometry of a typical retrocharriage structure and the fold is interpreted to be part of a broad zone of down-to-the-north normal shear. The two eastern profiles indicate at least two periods of movement on the South Tibetan detachment system, and the easternmost profile contains a north-dipping normal fault that cuts the detachment system. North of the South Tibetan detachment system, normal faults extend for about 100 km, normal fault-bounded Neogene basins are present, and at least one Miocene metamorphic core complex is recognized. Thus, the Higher Himalaya and southernmost Tibet contain late Cenozoic structures typical of areas of regional extension, although they were formed in an area of regional shortening. We interpret these relations as the result of topographic collapse of the southern edge of Tibet, driven by gravity acting on the high-standing plateau and triggered by melting and leucogranite production within the midcrust. At the same time as extension was occurring at higher crustal levels, convergence and crustal shortening were occurring at lower crustal levels. Between the South Tibetan detachment fault and the main subduction zone a wedge of midcrustal material, bounded by a thrust fault at its base and a normal fault at its top, was extruded relatively southward out from beneath the topographically high Miocene Tibetan plateau. Extension and southward extrusion of this midcrustal wedge appear to be reflected in the modern topography of southern Tibet.
Geologic evidence indicates that net vertical uplift occurred on a large (kilometer) scale and at accelerating rates during the middle and late Cenozoic in plateaus of southern Asia and the American west. Based on this evidence, General Circulation Model sensitivity tests were run to isolate the unique effects of plateau uplift on climate. The basic direction of most of these simulated responses to progressive uplift is borne out by changes found in the geologic record. The modeled changes result from increased orographic diversion of westerly winds, from cyclonic and anticyclonic surface flow induced by summer heating and winter cooling of the uplifted plateaus, and from the intensification of vertical circulation cells in the atmosphere caused by exchanges of mass between the summer-heated (and winter-cooled) plateaus and the mid-latitude oceans. -from Authors