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The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Its Impact on Labor Market and Beyond



Our inventions defined the work we engaged infor centuries; created new industries and employment opportunities around them. They, however, had often unforeseen consequences that affected the way we lived, interacted with each other, and redefined our societal rules. The established narration portrays the impact of major technological leaps in civilization on employment as temporary disruptions: Many finds themselves without employment taken away from them by efficient, laborsaving inventions, but, in the long run, through gradual adaptations, improved education and gaining higher qualifications, everyone benefits. In this chapter, the authors explore the impact of the rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) in relations to the labor market. The authors argue that this rather optimistic, even naïve scenario, collapses while confronted with the exponential growth of AI; in particular, with the potential arrival of syneoids - robotic forms of "strong AI" possessing, or even exceeding, the full range of human cognitive abilities.
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DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1656-9.ch003
Chapter 3
The Rise of Articial
Its Impact on Labor
Market and Beyond
Our inventions defined the work we engaged in for centuries; created new industries
and employment opportunities around them. They, however, had often unforeseen
consequences that affected the way we lived, interacted with each other, and re-
defined our societal rules. The established narration portrays the impact of major
technological leaps in civilization on employment as temporary disruptions: Many
finds themselves without employment taken away from them by efficient, laborsaving
inventions, but, in the long run, through gradual adaptations, improved education
and gaining higher qualifications, everyone benefits. In this chapter, the authors
explore the impact of the rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) in relations
to the labor market. The authors argue that this rather optimistic, even naïve sce-
nario, collapses while confronted with the exponential growth of AI; in particular,
with the potential arrival of syneoids – robotic forms of “strong AI” possessing, or
even exceeding, the full range of human cognitive abilities.
Robert Niewiadomski
Dennis Anderson
St. Francis College, USA
The Rise of Articial Intelligence
We know that blind evolutionary processes can produce human-level general intel-
ligence, since they have already done so at least once. Evolutionary processes with
foresight—that is, genetic programs designed and guided by an intelligent human
programmer—should be able to achieve a similar outcome with far greater efficiency.
(Nick Bostrom, Superintelligence, Paths, Dangers, Strategies)
The unique urge to create an artificial man has a long tradition dating back to the
dawn of Western intellectual history, “Hephaestus, the master craftsman, grants a
human voice (…) to his golden mechanical handmaidens (Gera, 2003, p. 114)” and
Jewish folklore includes many versions of golems –anthropomorphic beings cre-
ated from clay. Myths, religions, and popular culture displayed this obsession with
varying intensity thorough history. Pamela McCorduck (1979), who investigated
this phenomenon, concludes that, as humans, we have been engaged in this pecu-
liar form of self-reproduction by attempting to fulfill the urgent desire, bypassing
the ordinary means, in order to recreate what is the essential to us. Contemporary
incarnation of this ancient desire can be observed in robotics.
Currently, we are on the verge of an unprecedented technological revolution
involving intelligent robots powered by artificial intelligence (AI). It is important
to note that what we are experiencing at this stage Google self-driving cars,
Apple Siri, Google Photo Search, robots exhibiting behavior similar to human- are
examples of so called “weak AI (WAI).The concept asserts that machines could
act as if they were intelligent. It is a sort of limited intelligence. To the contrary,
“strong AI” (SAI) is the higher level of AI, often referred to as “artificial general
intelligence” (AGI) –it entails the possibility of machines actually thinking (Rus-
sell & Norvig, 1995). According to this view SAI would possess the full range of
human cognitive abilities. Such AI, would, as predicted, experience exponential
growth, and quite swiftly reach a level exceeding human capacities – a point often
referred to as “singularity.” If we assume a physicalist position regarding the nature
of human consciousness, we ought to also seriously consider the possibility that
SAI would be, at some point, able to genuinely experience subjective mental states
such as consciousness. The emergence of consciousness in SAI could be perhaps
an incremental process, similar to varying degrees of mental capacities in animals.
The terminology attempting to capture this phenomenon varies and it does not
quite reflect its full nature and scope. For the purpose of our investigation, we will
refer to it as the syneoid –a term derived from Greek συνειδητός (corresponding to
English conscious) and the suffix –oid suggesting “likeness” or “form of” as well
as bearing resemblance to android (human-like robot).
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