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Higher-order beam elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation for three-dimensional elasticity

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Abstract and Figures

This study thoroughly examines various higher-order three and four-node beam elements for use in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF). The paper carefully investigates which potential benefits and drawbacks the utilization of higher-order ANCF beam elements without in-slope vectors has in the case of the usage of full three-dimensional elasticity. When the elastic forces for shear-deformable ANCF beam elements are calculated using full three-dimensional elasticity—especially in the form of the St. Venant–Kirchhoff material law—Poisson locking severely deteriorates the accuracy of the numeric results. As shown in this paper, an existing approach to preventing this locking phenomenon for three-node beam elements can still produce unsatisfying results in load cases involving bidirectional bending. The results of this study show that enriching the polynomial basis used to approximate the beam kinematics provides a natural solution to this issue. As will be seen, these findings for three-node elements can also be extended to four-node elements. When using a sufficient approximation order in transverse directions, satisfying accuracy can be achieved both in conventional one-dimensional bending and in the above-mentioned bidirectional load case.
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Nonlinear Dyn (2017) 88:1075–1091
DOI 10.1007/s11071-016-3296-x
Higher-order beam elements based on the absolute nodal
coordinate formulation for three-dimensional elasticity
Henrik Ebel ·Marko K. Matikainen ·
Vesa-Ville Hurskainen ·Aki Mikkola
Received: 4 December 2015 / Accepted: 14 December 2016 / Published online: 28 December 2016
© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016
Abstract This study thoroughly examines various
higher-order three and four-node beam elements for use
in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF).
The paper carefully investigates which potential ben-
efits and drawbacks the utilization of higher-order
ANCF beam elements without in-slope vectors has in
the case of the usage of full three-dimensional elas-
ticity. When the elastic forces for shear-deformable
ANCF beam elements are calculated using full three-
dimensional elasticity—especially in the form of the
St. Venant–Kirchhoff material law—Poisson locking
severely deteriorates the accuracy of the numeric
results. As shown in this paper, an existing approach
to preventing this locking phenomenon for three-node
beam elements can still produce unsatisfying results
in load cases involving bidirectional bending. The
H. Ebel (B)
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics,
University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, 70569 Stuttgart,
M. K. Matikainen ·V.-V. Hurskainen ·A. Mikkola
Mechanical Engineering, Lappeenranta University of
Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta,
V.-V. Hurskainen
A. Mikkola
results of this study show that enriching the polyno-
mial basis used to approximate the beam kinematics
provides a natural solution to this issue. As will be
seen, these findings for three-node elements can also
be extended to four-node elements. When using a suffi-
cient approximation order in transverse directions, sat-
isfying accuracy can be achieved both in conventional
one-dimensional bending and in the above-mentioned
bidirectional load case.
Keywords Continuum beam elements ·
Three-dimensional elasticity ·St. Venant–Kirchhoff
material ·Princeton beam experiment ·Numerical
1 Introduction
The computer analysis of multibody system dynam-
ics has become increasingly important in advanced
machine system design. Increased computational power
and enhanced formulations are making it possible
to solve progressively more sophisticated mathemat-
ical models describing the dynamic behavior of com-
plex systems. Nevertheless, computational efficiency
is an important consideration for the multibody system
dynamics analyst, and the level of detail for a mechan-
ical system model should not be any greater than is
needed to yield a sufficiently accurate numerical result.
In multibody system dynamics, an acceptable simpli-
fication for the analysis of motion and forces in many
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... С учетом (19) получим ...
... Рис. 1. Неструктурированные шестигранные сетки для модели пружины и пневматического актуатора (в том числе в разрезе) (а), эталонная шестигранная для задачи деформирования куба (б), перемещения вдоль осей Ozи Oy для теста Принстон (в, г) Пример 2. Перейдем к тесту, осуществленному в Принстонском университете, США (далее тест Принстон) [10,19] о деформировании прямоугольной балки длиной 0.508 м вдоль оси Ox, шириной 3.2024×10 −3 м вдоль Oy и высотой 12.377×10 −3 м вдоль Oz. Параметры линейно-упругого материала E = 2.07 × 10 11 Па, ν = 0.3. ...
... На рисунке 1в представлены результаты перемещения конца балки вдоль оси Oz, где присутствует наибольшая жесткость конструкции на изгиб и, как следствие, наиболее явно проявляются эффекты сдвигового запирания. При расчетной шестигранной сетке, содержащей 700 слоев ячеек вдоль оси Ox (где каждый слой состоит из 8 ячеек, равномерно распределенных в плоскости Oyz), расхождение полученных МКЭ в терминах ANCF значений u 1 z с данными u [19] z , представленными в статье [19] (на основе ячеек типа 3843 и других элементов более высокого порядка), не превышает 1.5%. Для сетки, состоящей из 300 слоев, расхождение значений u 2 z с данными u [19] z не превышает 12%, при этом для 150 слоев максимальное отличие в результатах u 3 z достигает 40%. ...
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We consider a finite element approach to solving the problem of elasticity theory in terms of absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF), in which large body displacements are described in a global reference frame without using any local coordinate system. The main feature of the method is the absence of gyroscopic effects and, as a result, constancy of the mass matrix and the vector of the generalized force of gravity. In contrast to the traditional ANCF approach, the sets of nodal degrees of freedom of the finite element are formed only on the basis of absolute coordinates of nodes, which allows us to solve the problem using, in particular, unstructured hexahedral meshes. To construct the stiffness matrix, we apply a second-order automatic differentiation algorithm, which ensures its symmetrical form (Hessian matrix) and is analytically accurate in calculating the derivative. This approach also makes it possible to carry out calculations for models of hyperelastic materials without the corresponding Piola-Kirchhoff tensor. It has been shown that within the framework of discretization of the equation of motion, along with the well-known Newmark numerical integration scheme, it is possible to use the HTT-α scheme, which is unconditionally stable, second-order accurate and dissipative for high frequencies. We present several examples of solving static and dynamic elasticity problems for compressible and incompressible models of hyperelastic materials, in which the functions of internal energy density of the body are specified in terms of the deformation gradient.
... Compared with the eight-node solid element (or the twenty-node hexahedron element), the ANCF beam elements can be computationally more efficient (Obrezkov et al., 2021). In addition, with the cross-sectional higher-order polynomial (Matikainen et al., 2014;Shen et al., 2014;Ebel et al., 2017;Orzechowski and Shabana, 2016) or warping function (Tang et al., 2022) interpolations on the cross sections, the in-plane and out-of-plane warping deformations can be obtained computational effectively while needing fine cross-sectional mesh via dozens of solid elements on the section. ...
... Among various locking alleviation methods compared in Patel and Shabana (2018) and Obrezkov et al. (2022b), the enhanced continuum mechanics generally showed the best results via many benchmarks but limited the material models that can be employed to those that satisfy the elastic tensor split rule (Obrezkov et al., 2022b), such as the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff model. However, the enhanced continuum mechanics cannot fully cure the locking for some ANCF beam elements, as shown in the so-called Princeton beam experiment (Ebel et al., 2017;Tang et al., 2022;Obrezkov et al., 2022b). It is important to note that the enhanced continuum mechanics and strain split approaches over-predicted the deformation of a pre-curved cantilever beam in Patel and Shabana (2018). ...
... By increasing the order of the polynomial expansion in the transverse directions, significant improvements in both convergence rate and accuracy were observed. This enhancement applies to both beam elements and plate elements, as evidenced by studies such as Shen et al. (2014), Ebel et al. (2017), Orzechowski and Shabana (2016), Patel and Shabana (2018) and Matikainen et al. (2014), just name a few. These higher-order beam elements can also capture the displacement deviation away from the original planar plane, i.e., the cross-sectional warping deformation (Shen et al., 2014;Orzechowski and Shabana, 2016). ...
... This is due to the fact that slopes instead of infinitesimal rotations are used as nodal coordinates. In regard to the development of the ANCF beam elements, generally there are two main research directions, i.e., the gradient deficient elements [26][27][28] and the fully parameterized elements [29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. The former is parameterized as a centerline and therefore in its nodal coordinates that has only the gradients of the position vector with respect to the beam axis. ...
... Nonetheless, for the transverse low-order beam elements (see [29][30][31]) the cross-sectional deformation modes are very simple and will always be flat [37], which are similar to the Timoshenko beam model. But by the transverse higher-order beam elements (see [32][33][34][35]), the cross-sectional warping and distortion with more complex modes can be captured, where that proposed by the authors of [33] has been applied to some challenging nonlinear dynamics problems [38][39][40][41][42]. ...
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A sufficiently accurate prediction of mechanics behavior for thin-walled structures has always received much attention in the development of beam theory. This paper proposes a novel modeling approach for thin-walled beams in the framework of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation, in which cross-sectional warping and distortion effects can be explicitly captured by using the Taylor-like polynomials as the description of the kinematics of beam cross-section. Meanwhile, the linear Lagrange interpolation and the cubic Hermite interpolation are respectively adopted for the off-axis vectors of the position coordinates, where it is found that the thin-walled beam elements constructed from the latter have a faster convergence rate. Elastic forces and the Jacobian of the thin-walled composite beams are derived on the basis of nonlinear continuum mechanics, which will therefore contain a strong coupling between various deformations. Furthermore, their efficient calculation scheme is presented by separating the axial and transverse variables of shape functions and by expressing the vector and matrix quantities in terms of their components. By comparison to finite shell element, the accuracy and characteristic features of the new elements are illustrated.
... However, the focus of this paper is on the reduction of computational complexity in dynamic equations to enhance computational efficiency, without employing methods to address the locking problem. Nevertheless, the locking issues can be effectively alleviated using the approaches outlined in the works of Nachbagauer et al. [68], Bauchau et al. [69], Gerstmayr et al. [70], Ebel et al. [71], and Patel and Shabana [72]. ...
The viscoelastic dynamic model of flexible multibody coupled with large rotation and deformation can be described by the Absolute Nodal Co-ordinate Formulation (ANCF). However, with the increase of degrees of freedom, the computational cost of viscoelastic multibody systems will be very high. In addition, for non-proportionally viscoelastic flexible multibody systems, the orthogonality and superposition of complex modes only exist in the state space. In this investigation, a systematical procedure of model reduction method for viscoelastic flexible multibody systems de-scribed by ANCF is proposed based on the complex modal synthesis method. Firstly, the whole motion process of the system is divided into a se-ries of quasi-static equilibrium configurations. Then the dynamic equation is locally linearized based on the Talor expansion to obtain the constant tangent stiffness matrix and damping matrix. The initial modes and modal coordinates need to be updated for each subinterval. A modal selection criterion based on the energy judgment is proposed to ensure the energy conservation and accuracy by the minimum number of truncations. Finally, three numerical examples are carried out as verification. Simulation results indicate that the method proposed procedure reduces the system scale and improves the computational efficiency under the premise of ensuring the simulation accuracy.
... Типичными примерами являются лента транспортера, бурильная колонна в криволинейной скважине, шина автомобиля. Примеры стержневых, пластинчатых и оболочечных конечных элементов в формализме ANCF приведены в работах [3][4][5][6]. ...
Conference Paper
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A method for modeling the dynamics of flexible bodies allowing an arbitrary gross motion, large elastic displacements and small deformations is considered. Equations of motion are derived in absolute nodal coordinates by finite element method using the known Craig-Bampton approach. The method is intended for modeling elastic solids, shells and rods included in a multibody system. Examples of practical use in modeling the dynamics of a car tire, air spring, mechanical springs are given.
A new 12-DOF beam element is proposed to simulate large deformation and large rotation based on the 24-DOF ANCF beam element proposed before. The centerline of the beam is interpolated by Hermite shape functions, and the frame of the beam is interpolated by linear shape functions. To reduce DOFs, the Lie-group method is used to normalize and orthogonalize the frame on each node of the beam. This way of using the Lie-group method keeps a linear relationship between the nodal vectors and shape functions and leads to the constant mass matrix and stiffness matrix. Therefore, the generalized elastic and inertial forces do not require Gaussian integration at each time step. To avoid singularity of the rotation, a relative rotation vector is adopted, correspondingly, the generalized-a integrator based on the Lie group is used to solve the dynamic equations. To improve the convergency speed and alleviate the shear locking and Poisson locking problems of this element, the assumed natural strain method (ANS) is adopted. To improve the calculational accuracy of axis stretching and torsion effects, the enhanced assumed strain method is adopted. The formulas presented in this paper have been successfully tested in several static and dynamic examples of other ANCF beam elements and analytic solutions.
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Many modern applications of the flexible multibody systems require formulations that can effectively solve problems that include large displacements and deformations having the ability to model nonlinear materials. One method that allows dealing with such systems is continuum-based absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF). The objective of this study is to formulate an efficient method of modeling nonlinear nearly incompressible materials with polynomial Mooney–Rivlin models and volumetric energy penalty function in the framework of the ANCF. The main part of this paper is dedicated to the examination of several ANCF fully parameterized beam elements under incompressible regime. Moreover, two volumetric suppression methods, originating in the finite element analysis, are proposed: a well-known selective reduced integration and F-bar projection. It is also presented that the use of these methods is crucial for performing reliable analysis of models with bending-dominated loads when lower-order elements are employed. The results of the simulations carried on with considered elements and proposed methods are compared with the results obtained from commercial finite element package and existing ANCF implementation. The results show important improvement as compared with previous applications and good agreement with reference results.
Conference Paper
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The absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) is a finite element approach in which beam and plate elements are described using an absolute position and its gradients. It has been especially designed to predict the dynamic behavior of flexible bodies subjected to large deformations in multibody applications. ANCF-based elements may suffer from different locking phenomena and therefore, kinematics and strain energy definitions should be formulated with care. In most cases, the locking phenomena are caused by an imbalance of the base functions. Typically, ANCF-based elements are categorized into two groups based on element parameterization. Elements that have all displacement and gradient fields parameterized are often referred to as fully parameterized elements. When parameterization omits some of the gradient fields, the elements are referred as gradient-deficient elements. However, within gradient-deficient and fully parameterized elements based on hyperelasticity, different locking phenomena may occur caused by low-order cross-section interpolation. To overcome locking, higher order two-node beam and four-node plate elements were introduced in the previous studies. In this study, the higher order derivative terms are employed in the kinematics of the three-node beam elements. The aim of this study is to clarify the behaviour of the three-node higher order gradient ANC-based beam elements based on St. Venant-Kirchhof material. The element's performance is tested by carrying out large deformation static problems. The numerical example showed that the three-node higher-order beam elements converged to the reference solution whereas the previous three-node element based on the St. Venant-Kirchhoff material converged to an incorrect solution. For the studied numerical example, the three-node higher-order beam elements converged to the reference solution whereas the previous three-node element based on the St. Venant-Kirchhoff material converged to an incorrect solution.
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Finite element analysis using plate elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) can predict the behaviors of moderately thick plates subject to large deformation. However, the formulation is subject to numerical locking, which compromises results. This study was designed to investigate and develop techniques to prevent or mitigate numerical locking phenomena. Three different ANCF plate element types were examined. The first is the original fully parameterized quadrilateral ANCF plate element. The second is an update to this element that linearly interpolates transverse shear strains to overcome slow convergence due to transverse shear locking. Finally, the third is based on a new higher order ANCF plate element that is being introduced here. The higher order plate element makes it possible to describe a higher than first-order transverse displacement field to prevent Poisson thickness locking. The term “higher order” is used, because some nodal coordinates of the new plate element are defined by higher order derivatives. The performance of each plate element type was tested by (1) solving a comprehensive set of small deformation static problems, (2) carrying out eigenfrequency analyses, and (3) analyzing a typical dynamic scenario. The numerical calculations were made using MATLAB. The results of the static and eigenfrequency analyses were benchmarked to reference solutions provided by the commercially available finite element software ANSYS. The results show that shear locking is strongly dependent on material thickness. Poisson thickness locking is independent of thickness, but strongly depends on the Poisson effect. Poisson thickness locking becomes a problem for both of the fully parameterized element types implemented with full 3-D elasticity. Their converged results differ by about 18 % from the ANSYS results. Corresponding results for the new higher order ANCF plate element agree with the benchmark. ANCF plate elements can describe the trapezoidal mode; therefore, they do not suffer from Poisson locking, a reported problem for fully parameterized ANCF beam elements. For cases with shear deformation loading, shear locking slows solution convergence for models based on either the original fully parameterized plate element or the newly introduced higher order plate element.
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The present paper contributes to the field of flexible multibody systems dynamics. Two new solid finite elements employing the absolute nodal coordinate formulation are presented. In this formulation, the equations of motion contain a constant mass matrix and a vector of generalized gravity forces, but the vector of elastic forces is highly nonlinear. The proposed solid eight node brick element with 96 degrees of freedom uses translations of nodes and finite slopes as sets of nodal coordinates. The displacement field is interpolated using incomplete cubic polynomials providing the absence of shear locking effect. The use of finite slopes describes the deformed shape of the finite element more exactly and, therefore, minimizes the number of finite elements required for accurate simulations.Accuracy and convergence of the finite element is demonstrated in nonlinear test problems of statics and dynamics.
In this paper, the accuracies of the geometrically exact beam and absolute nodal coordinate formulations are studied by comparing their predictions against an experimental data set referred to as the "Princeton beam experiment." The experiment deals with a cantilevered beam experiencing coupled flap, lag, and twist deformations. In the absolute nodal coordinate formulation, two different beam elements are used. The first is based on a shear deformable approach in which the element kinematics is described using two nodes. The second is based on a recently proposed approach featuring three nodes. The numerical results for the geometrically exact beam formulation and the recently proposed three-node absolute nodal coordinate formulation agree well with the experimental data. The two-node beam element predictions are similar to those of linear beam theory. This study suggests that a careful and thorough evaluation of beam elements must be carried out to assess their ability to deal with the three-dimensional deformations typically found in flexible multibody systems.
Most classical beam theories assume that the beam cross section remains a rigid surface under an arbitrary loading condition. However, in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) continuum-based beams, this assumption can be relaxed allowing for capturing deformation modes that couple the cross-section deformation and beam bending, torsion, and/or elongation. The deformation modes captured by ANCF finite elements depend on the interpolating polynomials used. The most widely used spatial ANCF beam element employs linear approximation in the transverse direction, thereby restricting the cross section deformation and leading to locking problems. The objective of this investigation is to examine the behavior of a higher order ANCF beam element that includes quadratic interpolation in the transverse directions. This higher order element allows capturing warping and non-uniform stretching distribution. Furthermore, this higher order element allows for increasing the degree of continuity at the element interface. It is shown in this paper that the higher order ANCF beam element can be used effectively to capture warping and eliminate Poisson locking that characterizes lower order ANCF finite elements. It is also shown that increasing the degree of continuity requires a special attention in order to have acceptable results. Because higher order elements can be more computationally expensive than the lower order elements, the use of reduced integration for evaluating the stress forces and the use of explicit and implicit numerical integrations to solve the nonlinear dynamic equations of motion are investigated in this paper. It is shown that the use of some of these integration methods can be very effective in reducing the CPU time without adversely affecting the solution accuracy.
The absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) is a finite-element-based formulation developed for large deformation analysis in multibody applications. During the course of progress of the ANCF, a number of beam, plate and shell elements are introduced. Numerous different kinematic and strain energy definitions have been considered. However, the convergence behavior of ANCF-based beam elements has been investigated in the past primarily only with uniform mesh refinement. The objective of this paper is to study numerically the effects of different mesh refinement strategies within an Euler–Bernoulli beam-type problem solved with two-dimensional ANCF-based beam elements. To this end, h- and p-refinement meshing strategies are implemented for two-dimensional ANCF beam elements. The p-refinement is achieved by adding internal degrees of freedom to the elements. In addition, another p-refinement strategy is studied that employs higher-order derivatives as nodal coordinates. The rates of convergence for the different meshing strategies are calculated based on the known iteratively solved extensible elastica analytical solution. The numerical results indicate that the p-refinement strategy, with increasing number of higher-order derivatives at the element interfaces, in conjunction with h-refinement improves the rate of convergence. For the studied numerical example, this mesh strategy leads to better absolute error of displacement convergence than the uniform h-refinement or the p-refinement with internal nodes. The improvement in rate of convergence results from the use of higher-order derivatives that impose continuity to the bending and axial deformations across the elements, which may smooth the oscillations of bending and the axial strain fields.
In this investigation, a nonlinear finite element method for the large deformation and rotation of cable problems is presented. This method is based on the finite element absolute nodal coordinate formulation that guarantees the continuity of all the displacement gradients and leads to a constant mass matrix. The classical cable theory is first reviewed and the assumptions used in this linear theory are defined in order to demonstrate the basic differences between the linear theory and the nonlinear finite element formulation proposed in this paper for cable applications. The elastic cable forces in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation are obtained in this investigation using a general continuum mechanics approach that accounts for the effect of all geometric nonlinearities. It is shown in this investigation that the use of the general continuum mechanics approach leads to a simpler and more efficient formulation as compared to the use of the assumptions of the linear theory that employs a local finite element coordinate system. The results obtained using the absolute nodal coordinate formulation show a good agreement with the results obtained using the classical cable theory when linear cable problems are considered. The results of this investigation obtained using explicit numerical integration also show the potential of the proposed finite element formulation in the nonlinear analysis of cables that experience large rotations and large deformations. It is also shown that the use of perturbation methods to linearize the finite element equations of motion leads to modal characteristics results that are in a good agreement with the linear theory. The generalization of the procedure presented in this paper to three-dimensional cable problems is demonstrated and the computer implementation in multibody algorithms is discussed.
A new class of beam finite elements is proposed in a three-dimensional fully parameterized absolute nodal coordinate formulation, in which the distortion of the beam cross section can be characterized. The linear, second-order, third-order, and fourth-order models of beam cross section are proposed based on the Pascal triangle polynomials. It is shown that Poisson locking can be eliminated with the proposed higher-order beam models, and the warping displacement of a square beam is well described in the fourth-order beam model. The accuracy of the proposed beam elements and the influence of cross-section distortion on structure deformation and dynamics are examined through several numerical examples. We find that the proposed higher-order models can capture more accurately the structure deformation such as cross-section distortion including warping, compared to the existing beam models in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation.