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Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach

  • Institute of Physics at São Carlos, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Federal University of Technology - Paraná, Brazil

Abstract and Figures

Many real-world systems can be studied in terms of pattern recognition tasks, so that proper use (and understanding) of machine learning methods in practical applications becomes essential. While many classification methods have been proposed, there is no consensus on which methods are more suitable for a given dataset. As a consequence, it is important to comprehensively compare methods in many possible scenarios. In this context, we performed a systematic comparison of 9 well-known clustering methods available in the R language assuming normally distributed data. In order to account for the many possible variations of data, we considered artificial datasets with several tunable properties (number of classes, separation between classes, etc). In addition, we also evaluated the sensitivity of the clustering methods with regard to their parameters configuration. The results revealed that, when considering the default configurations of the adopted methods, the spectral approach tended to present particularly good performance. We also found that the default configuration of the adopted implementations was not always accurate. In these cases, a simple approach based on random selection of parameters values proved to be a good alternative to improve the performance. All in all, the reported approach provides subsidies guiding the choice of clustering algorithms.
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Clustering algorithms: A comparative
Mayra Z. Rodriguez
, Cesar H. CominID
*, Dalcimar Casanova
, Odemir M. Bruno
Diego R. Amancio
, Luciano da F. Costa
, Francisco A. Rodrigues
1Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil,
2Department of Computer Science, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil,
3Federal University of Technology, Parana
´, Parana
´, Brazil, 4São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of
São Paulo, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
Many real-world systems can be studied in terms of pattern recognition tasks, so that proper
use (and understanding) of machine learning methods in practical applications becomes
essential. While many classification methods have been proposed, there is no consensus
on which methods are more suitable for a given dataset. As a consequence, it is important
to comprehensively compare methods in many possible scenarios. In this context, we per-
formed a systematic comparison of 9 well-known clustering methods available in the R lan-
guage assuming normally distributed data. In order to account for the many possible
variations of data, we considered artificial datasets with several tunable properties (number
of classes, separation between classes, etc). In addition, we also evaluated the sensitivity of
the clustering methods with regard to their parameters configuration. The results revealed
that, when considering the default configurations of the adopted methods, the spectral
approach tended to present particularly good performance. We also found that the default
configuration of the adopted implementations was not always accurate. In these cases, a
simple approach based on random selection of parameters values proved to be a good alter-
native to improve the performance. All in all, the reported approach provides subsidies guid-
ing the choice of clustering algorithms.
In recent years, the automation of data collection and recording implied a deluge of informa-
tion about many different kinds of systems [18]. As a consequence, many methodologies
aimed at organizing and modeling data have been developed [9]. Such methodologies are
motivated by their widespread application in diagnosis [10], education [11], forecasting [12],
and many other domains [13]. The definition, evaluation and application of these methodolo-
gies are all part of the machine learning field [14], which became a major subarea of computer
science and statistics due to their crucial role in the modern world.
Machine learning encompasses different topics such as regression analysis [15], feature
selection methods [16], and classification [14]. The latter involves assigning classes to the
PLOS ONE | January 15, 2019 1 / 34
Citation: Rodriguez MZ, Comin CH, Casanova D,
Bruno OM, Amancio DR, Costa LdF, et al. (2019)
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach.
PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210236.
Editor: Hans A Kestler, University of Ulm,
Received: December 26, 2016
Accepted: December 19, 2018
Published: January 15, 2019
Copyright: ©2019 Rodriguez et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All datasets used for
evaluating the algorithms can be obtained from
Funding: This work has been supported by
FAPESP - Fundac¸ão de Amparo àPesquisa do
Estado de São Paulo (grant nos. 15/18942-8 and
18/09125-4 for CHC, 14/20830-0 and 16/19069-9
for DRA, 14/08026-1 for OMB and 11/50761-2 and
15/22308-2 for LdFC), CNPq - Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Cientı
´fico e Tecnolo
´gico (grant
nos. 307797/2014-7 for OMB and 307333/2013-2
objects in a dataset. Three main approaches can be considered for classification: supervised,
semi-supervised and unsupervised classification. In the former case, the classes, or labels, of
some objects are known beforehand, defining the training set, and an algorithm is used to
obtain the classification criteria. Semi-supervised classification deals with training the algo-
rithm using both labeled and unlabeled data. They are commonly used when manually labeling
a dataset becomes costly. Lastly, unsupervised classification, henceforth referred as clustering,
deals with defining classes from the data without knowledge of the class labels. The purpose of
clustering algorithms is to identify groups of objects, or clusters, that are more similar to each
other than to other clusters. Such an approach to data analysis is closely related to the task of
creating a model of the data, that is, defining a simplified set of properties that can provide
intuitive explanation about relevant aspects of a dataset. Clustering methods are generally
more demanding than supervised approaches, but provide more insights about complex data.
This type of classifiers constitute the main object of the current work.
Because clustering algorithms involve several parameters, often operate in high dimensional
spaces, and have to cope with noisy, incomplete and sampled data, their performance can vary
substantially for different applications and types of data. For such reasons, several different
approaches to clustering have been proposed in the literature (e.g. [1719]). In practice, it
becomes a difficult endeavor, given a dataset or problem, to choose a suitable clustering
approach. Nevertheless, much can be learned by comparing different clustering methods. Sev-
eral previous efforts for comparing clustering algorithms have been reported in the literature
[2029]. Here, we focus on generating a diversified and comprehensive set of artificial, nor-
mally distributed data containing not only distinct number of classes, features, number of
objects and separation between classes, but also a varied structure of the involved groups (e.g.
possessing predefined correlation distributions between features). The purpose of using artifi-
cial data is the possibility to obtain an unlimited number of samples and to systematically
change any of the aforementioned properties of a dataset. Such features allow the clustering
algorithms to be comprehensive and strictly evaluated in a vast number of circumstances, and
also grants the possibility of quantifying the sensitivity of the performance with respect to
small changes in the data. It should be observed, nevertheless, that the performance results
reported in this work are therefore respective and limited to normally distributed data, and
other results could be expected for other types of data following other statistical behavior. Here
we associate performance with the similarity between the known labels of the objects and
those found by the algorithm. Many measurements have been defined for quantifying such
similarity [30], we compare the Jaccard index [31], Adjusted Rand index [32], Fowlkes-
Mallows index [33] and Normalized mutual information [34]. A modified version of the pro-
cedure developed by [35] was used to create 400 distinct datasets, which were used in order to
quantify the performance of the clustering algorithms. We describe the adopted procedure
and the respective parameters used for data generation. Related approaches include [36].
Each clustering algorithm relies on a set of parameters that needs to be adjusted in order to
achieve viable performance, which corresponds to an important point to be addressed while
comparing clustering algorithms. A long standing problem in machine learning is the defini-
tion of a proper procedure for setting the parameter values [37]. In principle, one can apply an
optimization procedure (e.g., simulated annealing [38] or genetic algorithms [39]) to find the
parameter configuration providing the best performance of a given algorithm. Nevertheless,
there are two major problems with such an approach. First, adjusting parameters to a given
dataset may lead to overfitting [40]. That is, the specific values found to provide good perfor-
mance may lead to lower performance when new data is considered. Second, parameter opti-
mization can be unfeasible in some cases, given the time complexity of many algorithms,
combined with their typically large number of parameters. Ultimately, many researchers resort
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach
PLOS ONE | January 15, 2019 2 / 34
for LdFC), Nu
´cleo de Apoio àPesquisa (LdFC) and
CAPES - Coordenac¸ão de Aperfeic¸oamento de
Pessoal de
´vel Superior (Finance Code 001).
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
to applying classifier or clustering algorithms using the default parameters provided by the
software. Therefore, efforts are required for evaluating and comparing the performance of
clustering algorithms in the optimization and default situations. In the following, we consider
some representative examples of algorithms applied in the literature [37,41].
Clustering algorithms have been implemented in several programming languages and pack-
ages. During the development and implementation of such codes, it is common to implement
changes or optimizations, leading to new versions of the original methods. The current work
focuses on the comparative analysis of several clustering algorithm found in popular packages
available in the R programming language [42]. This choice was motivated by the popularity of
the R language in the data mining field, and by virtue of the well-established clustering pack-
ages it contains. This study is intended to assist researchers who have programming skills in R
language, but with little experience in clustering of data.
The algorithms are evaluated on three distinct situations. First, we consider their perfor-
mance when using the default parameters provided by the packages. Then, we consider the
performance variation when single parameters of the algorithms are changed, while the rest
are kept at their default values. Finally, we consider the simultaneous variation of all parame-
ters by means of a random sampling procedure. We compare the results obtained for the latter
two situations with those achieved by the default parameters, in such a way as to investigate
the possible improvements in performance which could be achieved by modifying the
The algorithms were evaluated on 400 artificial, normally distributed, datasets generated by
a robust methodology previously described in [36]. The number of features, number of classes,
number of objects for each class and average distance between classes can be systematically
changed among the datasets.
The text is divided as follows. We start by revising some of the main approaches to cluster-
ing algorithms comparison. Next, we describe the clustering methods considered in the analy-
sis, we also present the R packages implementing such methods. The data generation method
and the performance measurements used to compare the algorithms are presented, followed
by the presentation of the performance results obtained for the default parameters, for single
parameter variation and for random parameter sampling.
Related works
Previous approaches for comparing the performance of clustering algorithms can be divided
according to the nature of used datasets. While some studies use either real-world or artificial
data, others employ both types of datasets to compare the performance of several clustering
A comparative analysis using real world dataset is presented in several works [20,21,24,25,
43,44]. Some of these works are reviewed briefly in the following. In [43], the authors propose
an evaluation approach based in a multiple criteria decision making in the domain of financial
risk analysis over three real world credit risk and bankruptcy risk datasets. More specifically,
clustering algorithms are evaluated in terms of a combination of clustering measurements,
which includes a collection of external and internal validity indexes. Their results show that no
algorithm can achieve the best performance on all measurements for any dataset and, for this
reason, it is mandatory to use more than one performance measure to evaluate clustering
In [21], a comparative analysis of clustering methods was performed in the context of text-
independent speaker verification task, using three dataset of documents. Two approaches were
considered: clustering algorithms focused in minimizing a distance based objective function
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach
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and a Gaussian models-based approach. The following algorithms were compared: k-means,
random swap, expectation-maximization, hierarchical clustering, self-organized maps (SOM)
and fuzzy c-means. The authors found that the most important factor for the success of the
algorithms is the model order, which represents the number of centroid or Gaussian compo-
nents (for Gaussian models-based approaches) considered. Overall, the recognition accuracy
was similar for clustering algorithms focused in minimizing a distance based objective func-
tion. When the number of clusters was small, SOM and hierarchical methods provided lower
accuracy than the other methods. Finally, a comparison of the computational efficiency of the
methods revealed that the split hierarchical method is the fastest clustering algorithm in the
considered dataset.
In [25], five clustering methods were studied: k-means, multivariate Gaussian mixture,
hierarchical clustering, spectral and nearest neighbor methods. Four proximity measures were
used in the experiments: Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient, cosine similarity and
the euclidean distance. The algorithms were evaluated in the context of 35 gene expression
data from either Affymetrix or cDNA chip platforms, using the adjusted rand index for perfor-
mance evaluation. The multivariate Gaussian mixture method provided the best performance
in recovering the actual number of clusters of the datasets. The k-means method displayed
similar performance. In this same analysis, the hierarchical method led to limited perfor-
mance, while the spectral method showed to be particularly sensitive to the proximity measure
In [24], experiments were performed to compare five different types of clustering algo-
rithms: CLICK, self organized mapping-based method (SOM), k-means, hierarchical and
dynamical clustering. Data sets of gene expression time series of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae
yeast were used. A k-fold cross-validation procedure was considered to compare different
algorithms. The authors found that k-means, dynamical clustering and SOM tended to yield
high accuracy in all experiments. On the other hand, hierarchical clustering presented a more
limited performance in clustering larger datasets, yielding low accuracy in some experiments.
A comparative analysis using artificial data is presented in [4547]. In [47], two subspace
clustering methods were compared: MAFIA (Adaptive Grids for Clustering Massive Data
Sets) [48] and FINDIT (A Fast and Intelligent Subspace Clustering Algorithm Using Dimen-
sion Voting) [49]. The artificial data, modeled according to a normal distribution, allowed the
control of the number of dimensions and instances. The methods were evaluated in terms of
both scalability and accuracy. In the former, the running time of both algorithms were com-
pared for different number of instances and features. In addition, the authors assessed the abil-
ity of the methods in finding adequate subspaces for each cluster. They found that MAFIA
discovered all relevant clusters, but one significant dimension was left out in most cases. Con-
versely, the FINDIT method performed better in the task of identifying the most relevant
dimensions. Both algorithms were found to scale linearly with the number of instances, how-
ever MAFIA outperformed FINDIT in most of the tests.
Another common approach for comparing clustering algorithms considers using a mixture
of real world and artificial data (e.g. [23,2628,50]). In [28], the performance of k-means, sin-
gle linkage and simulated annealing (SA) was evaluated, considering different partitions
obtained by validation indexes. The authors used two real world datasets obtained from [51]
and three artificial datasets (having two dimensions and 10 clusters). The authors proposed a
new validation index called Iindex that measures the separation based on the maximum dis-
tance between clusters and compactness based on the sum of distances between objects and
their respective centroids. They found that such an index was the most reliable among other
considered indices, reaching its maximum value when the number of clusters is properly
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach
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A systematic quantitative evaluation of four graph-based clustering methods was performed
in [27]. The compared methods were: markov clustering (MCL), restricted neighborhood
search clustering (RNSC), super paramagnetic clustering (SPC), and molecular complex detec-
tion (MCODE). Six datasets modeling protein interactions in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
84 random graphs were used for the comparison. For each algorithm, the robustness of the
methods was measured in a twofold fashion: the variation of performance was quantified in
terms of changes in the (i) methods parameters and (ii) dataset properties. In the latter, con-
nections were included and removed to reflect uncertainties in the relationship between pro-
teins. The restricted neighborhood search clustering method turned out to be particularly
robust to variations in the choice of method parameters, whereas the other algorithms were
found to be more robust to dataset alterations. In [52] the authors report a brief comparison of
clustering algorithms using the Fundamental clustering problem suite (FPC) as dataset. The
FPC contains artificial and real datasets for testing clustering algorithms. Each dataset repre-
sents a particular challenge that the clustering algorithm has to handle, for example, in the
Hepta and LSum datasets the clusters can be separated by a linear decision boundary, but have
different densities and variances. On the other hand, the ChainLink and Atom datasets cannot
be separated by linear decision boundaries. Likewise, the Target dataset contains outliers.
Lower performance was obtained by the single linkage clustering algorithm for the Tetra,
EngyTime, Twodiamonds and Wingnut datasets. Although the datasets are quite versatile, it is
not possible to control and evaluate how some of its characteristics, such as dimensions or
number of features, affect the clustering accuracy.
Clustering methods
Many different types of clustering methods have been proposed in the literature [5356].
Despite such a diversity, some methods are more frequently used [57]. Also, many of the com-
monly employed methods are defined in terms of similar assumptions about the data (e.g., k-
means and k-medoids) or consider analogous mathematical concepts (e.g, similarity matrices
for spectral or graph clustering) and, consequently, should provide similar performance in typ-
ical usage scenarios. Therefore, in the following we consider a choice of clustering algorithms
from different families of methods. Several taxonomies have been proposed to organize the
many different types of clustering algorithms into families [29,58]. While some taxonomies
categorize the algorithms based on their objective functions [58], others aim at the specific
structures desired for the obtained clusters (e.g. hierarchical) [29]. Here we consider the algo-
rithms indicated in Table 1 as examples of the categories indicated in the same table. The
Table 1. Clustering methods considered in our analysis and the respective libraries and functions in R employing the methods. The first column shows the name of
the algorithms used throughout the text. The second column indicates the category of the algorithms. The third and fourth columns contain, respectively, the function
name and R library of each algorithm.
Algorithm name Category Function in R Library in R
k-means Partitional k-means stats
clara Partitional clara cluster
hierarchical Linkage agnes cluster
EM Model-based mstep,estep mclust
hcmodel Model-based hc mclust
spectral Spectral methods specc kernlab
subspace Based on subspaces hddc HDclassif
optics Density optics dbscan
dbscan Density dbscan dbscan
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach
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algorithms represent some of the main types of methods in the literature. Note that some algo-
rithms are from the same family, but in these cases they posses notable differences in their
applications (e.g., treating very large datasets using clara). A short description about the
parameters of each considered algorithm is provided in S1 File of the supplementary material.
Regarding partitional approaches, the k-means [68] algorithm has been widely used by
researchers [57]. This method requires as input parameters the number of groups (k) and a
distance metric. Initially, each data point is associated with one of the kclusters according to
its distance to the centroids (clusters centers) of each cluster. An example is shown in Fig 1(a),
where black points correspond to centroids and the remaining points have the same color if
the centroid that is closest to them is the same. Then, new centroids are calculated, and the
classification of the data points is repeated for the new centroids, as indicated in Fig 1(b),
where gray points indicate the position of the centroids in the previous iteration. The process
is repeated until no significant changes of the centroids positions is observed at each new step,
as shown in Fig 1(c) and 1(d).
The a priori setting of the number of clusters is the main limitation of the k-means algo-
rithm. This is so because the final classification can strongly depend on the choice of the num-
ber of centroids [68]. In addition, the k-means is not particularly recommended in cases where
the clusters do not show convex distribution or have very different sizes [59,60]. Moreover,
the k-means algorithm is sensitive to the initial seed selection [41]. Given these limitations,
many modifications of this algorithm have been proposed [6163], such as the k-medoid [64]
and k-means++ [65]. Nevertheless, this algorithm, besides having low computational cost, can
provide good results in many practical situations such as in anomaly detection [66] and data
segmentation [67]. The R routine used for k-means clustering was the k-means from the stats
package, which contains the implementation of the algorithms proposed by Macqueen [68],
Hartigan and Wong [69]. The algorithm of Hartigan and Wong is employed by the stats pack-
age when setting the parameters to their default values, while the algorithm proposed by Mac-
queen is used for all other cases. Another interesting example of partitional clustering
algorithms is the clustering for large applications (clara) [70]. This method takes into account
multiple fixed samples of the dataset to minimize sampling bias and, subsequently, select the
best medoids among the chosen samples, where a medoid is defined as the object ifor which
the average dissimilarity to all other objects in its cluster is minimal. This method tends to be
efficient for large amounts of data because it does not explore the whole neighborhood of the
Fig 1. Illustration of the k-means clustering method. Each plot shows the partition obtained after specific iterations of the algorithm. The centroids of
the clusters are shown as a black marker. Points are colored according to their assigned clusters. Gray markers indicate the position of the centroids in
the previous iteration. The dataset contains 2 clusters, but k= 4 seeds were used in the algorithm.
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach
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data points [71], although the quality of the results have been found to strongly depend on the
number of objects in the sample data [62]. The clara algorithm employed in our analysis was
provided by the clara function contained in the cluster package. This function implements the
method developed by Kaufman and Rousseeuw [70].
The Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure (OPTICS) [72,73] is a density-
based cluster ordering based on the concept of maximal density-reachability [72]. The algo-
rithm starts with a data point and expands its neighborhood using a similar procedure as in
the dbscan algorithm [74], with the difference that the neighborhood is first expanded to
points with low core-distance. The core distance of an object pis defined as the m-th smallest
distance between pand the objects in its -neighborhood (i.e., objects having distance less than
or equal to from p), where mis a parameter of the algorithm indicating the smallest number
of points that can form a cluster. The optics algorithm can detect clusters having large density
variations and irregular shapes. The R routine used for optics clustering was the optics from
the dbscan package. This function considers the original algorithm developed by Ankerst et al.
[72]. An hierarchical clustering structure from the output of the optics algorithm can be con-
structed using the function extractXi from the dbscan package. We note that the function
extractDBSCAN, from the same package, provides a clustering from an optics ordering that is
similar to what the dbscan algorithm would generate.
Clustering methods that take into account the linkage between data points, traditionally
known as hierarchical methods, can be subdivided into two groups: agglomerative and divisive
[59]. In an agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm, initially, each object belongs to a
respective individual cluster. Then, after successive iterations, groups are merged until stop
conditions are reached. On the other hand, a divisive hierarchical clustering method starts
with all objects in a single cluster and, after successive iterations, objects are separated into
clusters. There are two main packages in the R language that provide routines for performing
hierarchical clustering, they are the stats and cluster. Here we consider the agnes routine from
the cluster package which implements the algorithm proposed by Kaufman and Rousseeuw
[70]. Four well-known linkage criteria are available in agnes, namely single linkage, complete
linkage, Ward’s method, and weighted average linkage [75].
Model-based methods can be regarded as a general framework for estimating the maximum
likelihood of the parameters of an underlying distribution to a given dataset. A well-known
instance of model-based methods is the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. Most
commonly, one considers that the data from each class can be modeled by multivariate normal
distributions, and, therefore, the distribution observed for the whole data can be seen as a mix-
ture of such normal distributions. A maximum likelihood approach is then applied for finding
the most probable parameters of the normal distributions of each class. The EM approach for
clustering is particularly suitable when the dataset is incomplete [76,77]. On the other hand,
the clusters obtained from the method may strongly depend on the initial conditions [54]. In
addition, the algorithm may fail to find very small clusters [29,78]. In the R language, the pack-
age mclust [79,80]. provides iterative EM (Expectation-Maximization) methods for maximum
likelihood estimation using parameterized Gaussian mixture models. Functions estep and
mstep implement the individual steps of an EM iteration. A related algorithm that is also ana-
lyzed in the current study is the hcmodel, which can be found in the hc function of the mclust
package. The hcmodel algorithm, which is also based on Gaussian-mixtures, was proposed by
Fraley [81]. The algorithm contains many additional steps compared to traditional EM meth-
ods, such as an agglomerative procedure and the adjustment of model parameters through a
Bayes factor selection using the BIC aproximation [82].
Another class of methods considered in our analyses is spectral clustering. These methods
emerged as an alternative to traditional clustering approaches that were not able to define
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach
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nonlinear discriminative hypersurfaces [83]. The main advantage of spectral methods lies on
the definition of an adjacency structure from the original dataset, which avoids imposing a
prefixed shape for the clusters [84]. The first step of the method is to construct an affinity
matrix A2RNxN , where the value in the j-th row and k-th column indicates the similarity
between points jand k. This matrix can be regarded as a weighted graph representation of the
data. Then, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix are used for partitioning the data
according to a given criterion. Many different types of similarity matrices can be used, a
popular choice being the Laplacian matrix [85]. Spectral methods involve the potentially
demanding process of calculating the eigenvectors of the similarity matrix [54]. The function
specc from the kernlab R package implements the algorithm of Jordan and Weiss [86], which
employs a kernel function to compute the affinity matrix from the data. The function is
defined as A
= exp(||x
), where x
and x
are points to be clustered into ksubsets
and σ
controls how rapidly the affinity matrix A
falls off with the distance between x
and x
A recent discussion about the relationship between the spectral and kmeans algorithms can be
found in [87]. The weighted kernel kmeans is a generalization of the kmeans method. It can be
used to locally optimize the graph partitioning objectives into k disjoint partitions or clusters.
Usually, this task would be performed by some spectral algorithm using eigenvectors to help
determine the partitions. However, depending on the size of the dataset, computing a large
number of eigenvectors can become computationally expensive. The authors show that the
weighted kernel kmeans algorithm can be used to aid in optimizing a number of graph parti-
tioning objectives.
In recent years, the efficient handling of high dimensional data has become of paramount
importance and, for this reason, this feature has been desired when choosing the most appro-
priate method for obtaining accurate partitions. To tackle high dimensional data, subspace
clustering was proposed [49]. This method works by considering the similarity between
objects with respect to distinct subsets of the attributes [88]. The motivation for doing so is
that different subsets of the attributes might define distinct separations between the data.
Therefore, the algorithm can identify clusters that exist in multiple, possibly overlapping, sub-
spaces [49]. Subspace algorithms can be categorized into four main families [89], namely: lat-
tice, statistical, approximation and hybrid. The hddc function from package HDclassif
implements the subspace clustering method of Bouveyron [90] in the R language. The algo-
rithm is based on statistical models, with the assumption that all attributes may be relevant for
clustering [91]. Some parameters of the algorithm, such as the number of clusters or model to
be used, are estimated using an EM procedure.
So far, we have discussed the application of clustering algorithms on static data. Neverthe-
less, when analyzing data, it is important to take into account whether the data are dynamic or
static. Dynamic data, unlike static data, undergo changes over time. Some kinds of data, like
the network packets received by a router and credit card transaction streams, are transient in
nature and they are known as data stream. Another example of dynamic data are time series
because its values change over time [92]. Dynamic data usually include a large number of fea-
tures and the amount of objects is potentially unbounded [59]. This requires the application of
novel approaches to quickly process the entire volume of continuously incoming data [93], the
detection of new clusters that are formed and the identification of outliers [94].
Materials and methods
Artificial datasets
The proper comparison of clustering algorithms requires a robust artificial data generation
method to produce a variety of datasets. For such a task, we apply a methodology based on a
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach
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previous work by Hirschberger et al. [35]. The procedure can be used to generate normally dis-
tributed samples characterized by Ffeatures and separated into Cclasses. In addition, the
method can control both the variance and correlation distributions among the features for
each class. The artificial dataset can also be generated by varying the number of objects per
class, N
, and the expected separation, α, between the classes.
The main difficult in generating datasets with the aforementioned properties is the defini-
tion of a proper covariance matrix Rfor the considered features. A valid covariance matrix
must be positive semi-definite [95], which is hard to ensure. However, for a given matrix
G2Rnm, the matrix R=GG
is guaranteed to be positive semi-definite [95]. Thus any ran-
dom matrix Gcan define a valid respective covariance matrix. As a consequence, additional
constraints on matrix Gcan be imposed for the generation of datasets with the required prop-
erties. Hirschberger et al. [35] developed a robust approach to generate such a matrix given the
first two statistical moments of the co-variance distribution of a set of Fartificial features. The
resulting covariance matrix contains variances and co-variances drawn from such distribution.
Here we consider a normal distribution to represent the elements of R.
For each class iin the dataset, a covariance matrix R
of size F×Fis created, and this matrix
is used for generating N
objects for the classes. This means that pairs of features can have dis-
tinct correlation for each generated class. Then, the generated class values are divided by αand
translated by s
, where s
is a random variable described by a uniform random distribution
defined in the interval [1, 1]. Parameter αis associated with the expected distances between
classes. Such distances can have different impacts on clusterization depending on the number
of objects and features used in the dataset. The features in the generated data have a multivari-
ate normal distribution. In addition, the covariance among the features also have a normal dis-
tribution. Notice that such a procedure for the generation of artificial datasets was previously
used in [36].
In Fig 2, we show some examples of artificially generated data. For visualization purposes,
all considered cases contain F= 2 features. The parameters used for each case are described in
the caption of the figure. Note that the methodology can generate a variety of dataset configu-
rations, including variations in features correlation for each class.
In this study, we considered the following values for the artificial dataset parameters:
Number of classes (C): The generated datasets are divided into C= {2, 10, 50} classes.
Number of features (F): The number of features to characterize the objects is F= {2, 5, 10,
50, 200}.
Number of object per class (N
): we considered Ne = {5, 50, 100, 500, 5000} objects per
class. In our experiments, in a given generated dataset, the number of instances for each
class is constant.
Mixing parameter (α): This parameter has a non-trivial dependence on the number of clas-
ses and features. Therefore, for each dataset, the value of this parameter was tuned so that no
algorithm would achieve an accuracy of 0% or 100%.
We refer to datasets containing 2, 10, 50 and 200 features as DB2F, DB10F, DB50F, DB200F
respectively. Such datasets are composed of all considered number of classes, C = {2, 10, 50},
and 50 elements for each class (i.e., Ne = 50). In some cases, we also indicate the number of
classes considered for the dataset. For example, dataset DB2C10F contains 2 classes, 10 features
and 50 elements per class.
For each case, we consider 10 realizations of the dataset. Therefore, 400 datasets were gener-
ated in total.
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Evaluating the performance of clustering algorithms
The evaluation of the quality of the generated partitions is one of the most important issues in
cluster analysis [30]. Indices used for measuring the quality of a partition can be categorized
into two classes, internal and external indices. Internal validation indices are based on infor-
mation intrinsic to the data, and evaluates the goodness of a clustering structure without exter-
nal information. When the correct partition is not available it is possible to estimate the quality
of a partition measuring how closely each instance is related to the cluster and how well-sepa-
rated a cluster is from other clusters. They are mainly used for choosing an optimal clustering
Fig 2. Examples of artificial datasets generated by the methodology. The parameters used for each case are (a) C = 2, Ne = 100 and α= 3.3. (b) C = 2, Ne = 100 and
α= 2.3. (c) C = 10, Ne = 50 and α= 4.3. (d) C = 10, Ne = 50 and α= 6.3. Note that each class can present highly distinct properties due to differences in correlation
between their features.
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algorithm to be applied on a specific dataset [96]. On the other hand, external validation indi-
ces measure the similarity between the output of the clustering algorithm and the correct parti-
tioning of the dataset. The Jaccard, Fowlkes-Mallows and adjusted rand index belong to the
same pair counting category, making them closely related. Some differences include the fact
that they can exhibit biasing with respect to the number of clusters or the distribution of class
sizes in a partition. Normalization helps prevent this unwanted effect. In [97] the authors dis-
cuss several types of bias that may affect external cluster validity indices. A total of 26 pair-
counting based external cluster validity indices were used to identify the bias generated by the
number of clusters. It was shown that the Fowlkes Mallows and Jaccard index monotonically
decrease as the number of clusters increases, favoring partitions with smaller number of clus-
ters, while the Adjusted Rand Index tends to be indifferent to the number of clusters.
Here, we adopt the most traditional external indexes, which are the Jaccard Index (J) [31],
Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) [32], Fowlkes Mallows Index (FM) [33] and Normalized Mutual
Information (NMI) [34]. In order to define the cluster external index, we consider the follow-
ing concepts. Let U= {u
. . .u
} represent the original partition of a dataset, where u
a subset of the objects associated with cluster i. Equivalently, let V= {v
. . .v
} represent the
partition found by a cluster algorithm. We denote as athe number of pairs of objects that are
placed in the same group in both Uand V. Mathematically, acan be computed by
where n
is the number of objects belonging to both subset u
and v
Let bindicate the number of pairs of objects belonging to the same group in Ubut different
groups in V, i.e.
where n
. Let cbe the number of pairs of objects belonging to different groups in Uand
to the same group in V, which can be written as
where n
The Jaccard Index (J), Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) and Fowlkes Mallows (FM) index can
then be defined based on a,b,c:
ARI ¼Pi;j
h i=n
h iPi
h i=n
FM ¼affiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
We also consider the normalized mutual information (NMI) as a quality metric because it
quantifies the mutual dependence between two random variables based on well-established
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concepts of information theory [98]. The NMI measure is defined as [99]
where Cis the random variable denoting the cluster assignments of the points, and Tis the
random variable denoting the underlying class labels on the points. I(C,T) = H(C)H(C|T) is
the mutual information between the random variables Cand T.H(C) is the Shannon entropy
of C.H(C|T) is the conditional entropy of Cgiven T.
Note that when the two sets of labels have a perfect one-to-one correspondence, the quality
measures are all equal to unity.
Previous works have shown that there is no single internal cluster validation index that out-
performs the other indices [100,101]. In [101] the authors compare a set of internal cluster val-
idation indices in many distinct scenarios, indicating that the Silhouette index yielded the best
results in most cases.
The Dunn’s validation index quantifies not only the degree of compactness of clusters, but
also the degree of separation between individual clusters. The goal is therefore to maximize the
inter-cluster distance while minimizing the intra-cluster distance, where c
represents the i-th
cluster of the partition. The index is calculated as
DU ¼min
where dist(c
) is the minimal distance between clusters c
and c
, and
diamðclÞ ¼ max x;y2clkxyk. A high value of this measure indicates that a compact and well-
separated cluster.
The Silhouette index (SI) computes for each point a width depending on its membership
inside a cluster.
where nis the total number of points, a
is the average distance between point iand all other
points in its own cluster, and b
is the minimum of the average dissimilarities between iand
points in other clusters. The interval of the silhouette index values is 1SI 1. The partition
with the highest SI is taken to be optimal.
Results and discussion
The accuracy of each considered clustering algorithm was evaluated using three methodolo-
gies. In the first methodology, we consider the default parameters of the algorithms provided
by the R package. The reason for measuring performance using the default parameters is to
consider the case where a researcher applies the classifier to a dataset without any parameter
adjustment. This is a common scenario when the researcher is not a machine learning expert.
In the second methodology, we quantify the influence of the algorithms parameters on the
accuracy. This is done by varying a single parameter of an algorithm while keeping the others
at their default values. The third methodology consists in analyzing the performance by ran-
domly varying all parameters of a classifier. This procedure allows the quantification of certain
properties such as the maximum accuracy attained and the sensibility of the algorithm to
parameter variation.
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Performance when using default parameters
In this experiment, we evaluated the performance of the classifiers for all datasets described in
Section Artificial datasets. All unsupervised algorithms were set with their default configura-
tion of parameters. For each algorithm, we divide the results according to the number of fea-
tures contained in the dataset. In other words, for a given number of features, F, we used
datasets with C= {2, 10, 50, 200} classes, and N
= {5, 50, 100} objects for each class. Thus, the
performance results obtained for each Fcorresponds to the performance averaged over dis-
tinct number of classes and objects per class. We note that the algorithm based on subspaces
cannot be applied to datasets containing 2 features, and therefore its accuracy was not quanti-
fied for such datasets.
In Fig 3, we show the obtained values for the four considered performance metrics. The
results indicate that all performance metrics provide similar results. Also, the hierarchical
method seems to be strongly affected by the number of features in the dataset. In fact, when
using 50 and 200 features the hierarchical method provided lower accuracy. The k-means,
spectral, optics and dbscan methods benefit from an increment in the number of features.
Interestingly, the hcmodel has a better performance in the datasets containing 10 features than
in those containing 2, 50 and 200 features, which suggests an optimum performance for this
algorithm for datasets containing around 10 features. It is also clear that for 2 features the per-
formance of the algorithms tend to be similar, with the exception of the optics and dbscan
methods. On the other hand a larger number of features induce marked differences in perfor-
mance. In particular, for 200 features, the spectral algorithm provides the best results among
all classifiers.
We use the Kruskal-Wallis test [102], a nonparametric test, to explore the statistical differ-
ences in performance when considering distinct number of features in clustering methods.
First, we test if the difference in performance is significant for 2 features. For this case, the
Kruskal-Wallis test returns a p-value of p= 6.48 ×10
, with a chi-squared distance of χ
41.50. Therefore, the difference in performance is statistically significant when considering all
algorithms. For datasets containing 10 features, a p-value of p= 1.53 ×10
is returned by the
Kruskal-Wallis test, with a chi-squared distance of χ
= 52.20). For 50 features, the test returns
a p-value of p= 1.56 ×10
, with a chi-squared distance of χ
= 41.67). For 200 features, the
test returns a p-value of p= 2.49 ×10
, with a chi-squared distance of χ
= 40.58). Therefore,
the null hypothesis of the Kruskal–Wallis test is rejected. This means that the algorithms
indeed have significant differences in performance for 2, 10, 50 and 200 features, as indicated
in Fig 3.
In order to verify the influence of the number of objects used for classification, we also cal-
culated the average accuracy for datasets separated according to the number of objects N
. The
result is shown in Fig 4. We observe that the impact that changing N
has on the accuracy
depends on the algorithm. Surprisingly, the hierarchical, k-means and clara methods attain
lower accuracy when more data is used. The result indicates that these algorithms tend to be
less robust with respect to the larger overlap between the clusters due to an increase in the
number of objects. We also observe that a larger N
enhances the performance of the hcmodel,
optics and dbscan algorithms. This results is in agreement with [90].
In most clustering algorithms, the size of the data has an effect on the clustering quality. In
order to quantify this effect, we considered a scenario where the data has a high number of
instances. Datasets with F = 5, C = 10 and Ne = {5, 50, 500, 5000} instances per class were cre-
ated. This dataset will be referenced as DB10C5F. In Fig 5 we can observe that the subspace
and spectral methods lead to improved accuracy when the number of instances increases. On
the other hand, the size of the dataset does not seem to influence the accuracy of the kmeans,
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Fig 3. Average performance of the seven considered clustering algorithms accordingto the numberof features in the dataset. All artificial datasets
were used for evaluation. The averages were calculated separately for datasets containing 2, 10 and 50 features. The considered performance indexes are
(a) adjusted Rand, (b) Jaccard, (c) normalized mutual information and (d) Fowlkes Mallows.
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Fig 4. Average performance of the seven considered clustering algorithms according to the number of objects per class in the dataset. All
artificial datasets were used for evaluation. The averages were calculated separately for datasets containing 5, 50 and 100 objects per class. The
considered performance indexes are (a) adjusted Rand, (b) Jaccard, (c) normalized mutual information and (d) Fowlkes Mallows.
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clara, hcmodel and EM algorithms. For the spectral, hierarchical and hcmodel algorithms, the
accuracy could not be calculated when 5000 instances per class was used due to the amount of
memory used by these methods. For example, in the case of the spectral algorithm method, a
lot of processing power is required to compute and store the kernel matrix when the algorithm
Fig 5. Performance of the algorithms when the number of elements by class correspond to Ne = 5, 50, 500, 5000. The plots correspond to the ARI, Jaccard and FM
indexes averaged for all datasets containing 10 classes and 5 features (DB10C5F).
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is executed. When the size of the dataset is too small, we see that the subspace algorithm results
in low accuracy.
It is also interesting to verify the performance of the clustering algorithms when setting dis-
tinct values for the expected number of classes Kin the dataset. Such a value is usually not
known beforehand in real datasets. For instance, one might expect the data to contain 10 clas-
ses, and, as a consequence, set K= 10 in the algorithm, but the objects may actually be better
accommodated into 12 classes. An accurate algorithm should still provide reasonable results
even when a wrong number of classes is assumed. Thus, we varied Kfor each algorithm and
verified the resulting variation in accuracy. Observe that the optics and dbscan methods were
not considered in this analysis as they do not have a parameter for setting the number of clas-
ses. In order to simplify the analysis, we only considered datasets comprising objects described
by 10 features and divided into 10 classes (DB10C10F). The results are shown in Fig 6. The top
figures correspond to the average ARI and Jaccard indexes calculated for DB10C10F, while the
Silhoute and Dunn indexes are shown at the bottom of the figure. The results indicate that set-
ting K<10 leads to a worse performance than obtained for the cases where K>10, which sug-
gests that a slight overestimation of the number of classes has smaller effect on the
performance. Therefore, a good strategy for choosing Kseems to be setting it to values that are
slightly larger than the number of expected classes. An interesting behavior is observed for
hierarchical clustering. The accuracy improves as the number of expected classes increases.
This behavior is due to the default value of the method parameter, which is set as “average”.
The “average” value means that the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean
Fig 6. Performance of the algorithms when changing the expected number of clustersKin the dataset. The upper plots correspond to
the ARI and Jaccard indices averaged for all datasets containing 10 classes and 10 features (DB10C10F). The lower plots correspond to the
Silhouette and Dunn indices for the same dataset. The red line indicates the actual number of clusters in the dataset.
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(UPGMA) is used to agglomerate the points. UPGMA is the average of the dissimilarities
between the points in one cluster and the points in the other cluster. The moderate perfor-
mance of UPGMA in recovering the original groups, even with high subgroup differentiation,
is probably a consequence of the fact that UPGMA tends to result in more unbalanced clusters,
that is, the majority of the objects are assigned to a few clusters while many other clusters con-
tain only one or two objects.
The external validation indices show that most of the clustering algorithms correctly iden-
tify the 10 main clusters in the dataset. Naturally, this knowledge would not be available in a
real life cluster analysis. For this reason, we also consider internal validation indices, which
provides feedback on the partition quality. Two internal validation indices were considered,
the Silhouette index (defined in the range [1,1]) and the Dunn index (defined in the range
[0, 1]). These indices were applied to the DB10C10F and DB10C2F dataset while varying the
expected number of clusters K. The results are presented in Figs 6and 7. In Fig 6 we can see
that the results obtained for the different algorithms are mostly similar. The results for the Sil-
houette index indicate high accuracy around k = 10. The Dunn index displays a slightly lower
performance, misestimating the correct number of clusters for the hierarchical algorithm. In
Fig 7 Silhouette and Dunn show similar behavior.
The results obtained for the default parameters are summarized in Table 2. The table is
divided into four parts, each part corresponds to a performance metric. For each performance
metric, the value in row iand column jof the table represents the average performance of the
method in row iminus the average performance of the method in column j. The last column
Fig 7. Performance of the algorithms when changing the expected number of clustersKin the dataset. The upper plots correspond to
the ARI and Jaccard indices averaged for all datasets containing 10 classes and 2 features (DB10C2F). The lower plots correspond to the
Silhouette and Dunn indices for the same dataset. The red line indicates the actual number of clusters in the dataset.
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of the table indicates the average performance of each algorithm. We note that the averages
were taken over all generated datasets.
The results shown in Table 2 indicate that the spectral algorithm tends to outperform the
other algorithms by at least 10%. On the other hand, the hierarchical method attained lower
performance in most of the considered cases. Another interesting result is that the k-means
and clara provided equivalent performance when considering all datasets. In the light of the
results, the spectral method could be preferred when no optimitization of parameters values is
Table 2. Average difference of accuracies obtained when clustering algorithms are used with their default configuration of parameters. In general, the spectral algo-
rithm provides the highest accuracy rate among all evaluated methods.
Algorithm hierarchical k-means clara spectral hcmodel subspace optics dbscan EM MAcc
NMI hierarchical - -28.59% -25.89% -42.10% -22.65% -16.72% -13.01% -9.59% -10.29% 40.99%
k-means 28.59% - 2.70% -13.51% 5.94% 11.87% 15.58% 19.00% 18.30% 69.58%
clara 25.89% -2.70% - -16.21% 3.24% 9.17% 12.88% 16.30% 15.60% 66.88%
spectral 42.10% 13.51% 16.21% - 19.45% 25.38% 29.09% 32.51% 31.81% 83.09%
hcmodel 22.65% -5.94% -3.24% -19.45% - 5.93% 9.64% 13.06% 12.36% 63.64%
subspace 16.72% -11.87% -9.17% -25.38% -5.93% - 3.71% 7.13% 6.43% 57.71%
optics 13.01% -15.58% -12.88% -29.09% -9.64% -3.71% - 3.42% 2.72% 54.00%
dbscan 9.59% -19.00% -16.30% -32.51% -13.06% -7.13% -3.42% - -0.70% 50.58%
EM 10.29% -18.30% -15.60% -31.81% -12.36% -6.43% -2.72% 0.70% - 51.28%
ARI hierarchical - -31.58% -29.06% -46.82% -18.27% -30.42% -0.58% -9.14% -10.07% 21.34%
k-means 31.58% - 2.52% -15.24% 13.31% 1.16% 31.00% 22.44% 21.51% 52.92%
clara 29.06% -2.52% - -17.76% 10.79% -1.36% 28.48% 19.92% 18.99% 50.40%
spectral 46.82% 15.24% 17.76% - 28.55% 16.40% 46.24% 37.68% 36.75% 68.16%
hcmodel 18.27% -13.31% -10.79% -28.55% - -12.15% 17.69% 9.13% 8.20% 39.61%
subspace 30.42% -1.16% 1.36% -16.40% 12.15% - 29.84% 21.28% 20.35% 51.76%
optics 0.58% -31.00% -28.48% -46.24% -17.69% -29.84% - -8.56% -9.49% 21.92%
dbscan 9.14% -22.44% -19.92% -37.68% -9.13% -21.28% 8.56% - -0.93% 30.48%
EM 10.07% -21.51% -18.99% -36.75% -8.20% -20.35% 9.49% 0.93% - 31.41%
Jaccard hierarchical - -17.46% -14.36% -30.97% -8.20% -17.94% 9.54% -1.62% -2.93% 31.95%
k-means 17.46% - 3.10% -13.51% 9.26% -0.48% 27.00% 15.84% 14.53% 48.81%
clara 14.36% -3.10% - -16.61% 6.16% -3.58% 23.90% 12.74% 11.43% 45.71%
spectral 30.97% 13.51% 16.61% - 22.77% 13.03% 40.51% 29.35% 28.04% 62.32%
hcmodel 8.20% -9.26% -6.16% -22.77% - -9.74% 17.74% 6.58% 5.27% 39.55%
subspace 17.94% 0.48% 3.58% -13.03% 9.74% - 27.48% 16.32% 15.01% 49.24%
optics -9.54% -27.00% -23.90% -40.51% -17.74% -27.48% - -11.16% -12.47% 21.81%
dbscan 1.62% -15.84% -12.74 -29.35% -6.58% -16.32% 11.16% - -1.31% 32.97%
EM 2.93% -14.53% -11.43% -28.04% -5.27% -15.01% 12.47% 1.31% - 34.28%
FM hierarchical - -14.98% -10.64% -25.57% -6.47% -15.22% 9.25% -0.53% -0.41% 49.44%
k-means 14.90% - 4.26% -10.67% 8.43% -0.32% 24.15% 14.37% 14.49% 64.34%
clara 10.64% -4.26% - -14.93% 4.17% -4.58% 19.89% 10.11% 10.23% 60.08%
spectral 25.57% 10.67% 14.93% - 19.10% 10.35% 34.82% 25.04% 25.16% 75.01%
hcmodel 6.47% -8.43% -4.17% -19.10% - -8.75% 15.72% 5.94% 6.06% 55.91%
subspace 15.22% 0.32% 4.58% -10.35% 8.75 - 24.47% 14.69% 14.81% 64.66%
optics -9.25% -24.15% -19.89% -34.82% -15.72% -24.47% - -9.78% -9.66% 40.19%
dbscan 0.53% -14.37% -10.11% -25.04% -5.94% -14.69% 9.78% - 0.12% 49.97%
EM 0.41% -14.49% -10.23% -25.16% -6.06% -14.81% 9.66% -0.12% - 49.85%
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One-dimensional analysis
The objective of the one-dimensional analysis is to verify how sensitive the accuracy of the
clustering algorithms is to the variation of a single parameter. In addition, this analysis is also
useful to verify if a very simple optimization strategy can lead to significant improvements
in performance. For the one-dimensional analysis, we considered the databases DB2C2F
(with α= 2.5), DB10C2F (with α= 4.3), DB2C10F (with α= 1.16), DB10C10F (with α= 1.75),
DB2C200F (with α= 0.87) and DB10C200F (with α= 1.09). For each parameter, we varied its
values while keeping the other parameters at their default configuration. The effect of varying
the values of a single parameter Pwas quantified by comparing the obtained accuracy Γ(x)
when the parameter takes the value xand the accuracy Γ
achieved with the default configu-
ration of parameters. The improvement in performance was quantified in terms of the average
(hSi) and maximum value (max S), given by
hSi ¼ 1
GðxÞ Gdef
ð Þ;ð10Þ
max S¼max
xðGðxÞ Gdef Þ;ð11Þ
where n
is the cardinality of all possible values taken by the parameter Pin our experiments.
We also measured the sensitivity of varying the values of Pusing the standard deviation ΔS:
GðxÞ Gdef hSið Þ2#1=2
In addition to the aforementioned quantities, we also measured, for each dataset, the maxi-
mum accuracy obtained when varying each single parameter of the algorithm. We then calcu-
late the average of maximum accuracies, hmax Acci, obtained over all considered datasets. In
Table 3, we show the values of hSi, max S,ΔSand hmax Accifor datasets containing two fea-
tures. When considering a two-class problem (DB2C2F), a significant improvement in perfor-
mance (hSi= 10.75% and hSi= 13.35%) was observed when varying parameter modelName,
minPts and kpar of, respectively, the EM, optics and spectral methods. For all other cases, only
minor average gain in performance was observed. For the 10-class problem, we notice that an
inadequate value for parameter method of the hierarchical algorithm can lead to substantial
loss of accuracy (16.15% on average). In most cases, however, the average variation in perfor-
mance was small.
In Table 4, we show the values of hSi, max S,ΔSand hmax Accifor datasets described by 10
features. For the the two-class clustering problem, a moderate improvement can be observed
for the k-means, hierarchical and optics algorithm through the variation of, respectively,
parameter nstart,method and minPts. A large increase in accuracy was observed when varying
parameter modelName of the EM method. Changing the modelName used by the algorithm led
to, on average, an improvement of 18.8%. A similar behavior was obtained when the number
of classes was set to C= 10. For 10 classes, the variation of method in the hierarchical algorithm
provided an average improvement of 6.72%. A high improvement was also observed when
varying parameter modelName of the EM algorithm, with an average improvement of 13.63%.
Differently from the parameters discussed so far, the variation of some parameters plays a
minor role in the discriminative power of the clustering algorithms. This is the case, for
instance, of parameters kernel and iter of the spectral clustering algorithm and parameter iter.
max of the kmeans clustering. In some cases, the effect of a unidimensional variation of
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parameter resulted in reduction of performance. For instance, the variation of min.individuals
and models of the subspace algorithm provided an average loss of accuracy on the order of
hSi= 20%, depending on the dataset. Similar behavior is observed for the dbscan method, for
which the variation of minPts causes and average loss of accuracy of 20.32%. Parameters metric
and rngR of the clara algorithm also led to marked decrease in performance.
In Table 5, we show the values of hSi, max S,ΔSand hmax Accifor datasets described by
200 features. For the two-class clustering problem, a significant improvement in performance
was observed when varying nstart in the k-means method, method in the hierarchical algo-
rithm, modelName in the hcmodel method and modelName in the EM method. On the other
hand, when varying metric,min.individuals and use in, respectively, the clara, subspace, and
hcmodel methods an average loss of accuracy larger than 10% was verified. The largest loss of
accuracy happens with parameter minPts (49.47%) of the dbscan method. For the 10-class
problem, similar results were observed, with the exception of the clara method, for which any
parameter change resulted in a large loss of accuracy.
Multi-dimensional analysis
A complete analysis of the performance of a clustering algorithm requires the simultaneous
variation of all of its parameters. Nevertheless, such a task is difficult to do in practice, given
Table 3. One-parameter analysis performed in DB2C2F and DB10C2F. This analysis is based on the performance (measured through the ARI index) obtained when
varying a single parameter of the clustering algorithm, while maintaining the others intheir default configuration. hSi, max S,ΔSare associated with the average, standard
deviation and maximum difference between the performance obtained when varying a single parameter and the performance obtained for the default parameter values.
We also measure hmax Acci, the average of best ARI values obtained when varying each parameter, where the average is calculated over all considered datasets.
Algorithm Parameter hSi
max S
(%) hmax Acci
(%) hSi
max S
(%) hmax Acci
k-means iter.max 0.05 2.37 14.46 51.5 0.04 0.91 4.49 47.3
k-means nstart 1.98 5.62 16.73 51.9 1.24 1.98 6.80 47.9
k-means algorithm 0.29 2.46 6.63 49.8 -0.92 1.29 0.65 45.0
clara metric -1.52 8.10 11.27 49.6 -3.66 5.36 5.10 42.5
clara samples -0.10 3.82 6.39 52.3 -0.21 3.03 7.48 47.5
clara sampsize -2.78 12.96 27.31 54.0 -0.54 2.92 4.88 47.1
clara rngR -0.16 3.19 4.19 51.0 -4.53 4.04 -0.03 41.7
hierarchical metric 5.27 22.28 63.65 23.3 1.83 3.64 9.26 42.3
hierarchical method 2.07 36.90 100.0 57.2 -16.15 21.26 15.89 46.5
hierarchical par.method 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.5
spectral kernel -0.61 10.42 39.45 43.7 -0.3 2.84 6.78 48.0
spectral kpar 7.36 16.78 33.3 44.6 -1.83 3.16 3.35 43.5
spectral iter 1.14 19.19 85.34 54.1 0.06 2.62 5.84 47.9
spectral mod.simple -2.11 9.7 33.32 43.0 0.54 2.02 4.5 47.7
hcmodel modelName -2.41 19.48 29.89 60.0 -0.56 3.26 6.44 48.4
hcmodel use -2.14 10.14 12.58 57.4 -0.50 1.11 2.19 47.5
EM z 1.71 8.77 19.34 33.9 7.04 8.30 28.17 45.4
EM modelName 10.75 26.18 66.64 64.4 0.14 6.25 16.20 45.0
optics eps 0.0 0.03 0.04 16.6 -10.06 8.67 0.02 5.4
optics minPts 11.35 18.42 72.97 45.7 -4.97 15.5 30.32 13.7
optics Xi -0.16 1.7 3.05 17.4 -10.07 8.67 1.52 5.6
dbscan minPts 3.68 11.68 53.0 35.4 -0.9 6.92 21.05 26.7
dbscan eps 0.49 14.91 54.42 33.9 -2.81 5.7 18.91 27.1
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach
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the large number of parameter combinations that need to be taken into account. Therefore,
here we consider a random variation of parameters aimed at obtaining a sampling of each
algorithm performance for its complete multi-dimensional parameter space.
The methodology is applied as follows. Considering the one-dimensional variation of
parameters, presented in the previous section, we identify the parameter bounds, [P
where the classification either does not significantly change anymore or provides substantially
smaller performance when compared to the default parameter value. Such bounds define the
interval where the parameter will be randomly sampled. In order to generate the values for a
given set of parameters P
,. . .,P
of an algorithm, we randomly sample each parameter
according to a uniform distribution defined in the interval ½PðiÞ
max. This procedure gen-
erates sets of parameter values, which are then used to evaluate the performance of the algo-
rithms. For each algorithm, 500 sets of parameters were generated.
The performance of the algorithms for the different sets of parameters was evaluated
according to the following procedure. Consider the histogram of ARI values obtained for the
Table 4. One-parameter analysis performed in DB2C10F and DB10C10F. This analysis is based on the performance obtained when varying a single parameter, while
maintaining the others in their default configuration. hSi, max S,ΔSare associated with the average, standard deviation and maximum difference between the performance
obtained when varying a single parameter and the performance obtained for the default parameter values. We also measure hmax Acci, the average of best ARI values
obtained when varying each parameter, where the average is calculated over all considered datasets.
DB2C10F DB10C10F
Algorithm Parameter hSi
max S
(%) hmax Acci
(%) hSi
max S
(%) hmax Acci
k-means iter.max 0.30 8.13 36.36 53.2 0.14 1.92 6.41 56.6
k-means nstart 5.26 12.0 36.36 53.5 2.68 2.65 9.43 57.8
k-means algorithm -0.35 6.72 25.5 42.3 -2.11 3.3 2.71 52.7
clara metric -10.9 22.31 25.05 51.8 -16.63 6.84 -5.1 37.6
clara samples 1.04 8.94 25.05 60.4 -4.83 8.96 10.26 51.9
clara sampsize 0.44 13.94 37.31 61.0 -4.46 9.97 14.18 57.6
clara rngR -2.89 15.08 25.05 56.9 -14.75 6.29 -5.21 39.3
hierarchical metric 4.82 21.46 96.0 9.7 1.15 8.52 27.18 19.2
hierarchical method 8.76 21.93 100.0 43.7 6.72 25.52 71.1 61.5
hierarchical par.method 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.8
spectral kernel 0.64 15.91 50.56 87.9 1.3 7.13 15.81 82.3
spectral kpar -1.08 16.88 50.56 88.1 -2.25 5.81 6.03 71.7
spectral iter -0.96 15.91 50.56 87.9 0.45 7.27 20.01 79.8
spectral mod.simple 3.36 15.72 50.56 87.9 -1.35 7.55 14.24 78.7
subspace models -1.77 36.80 97.4 100.0 -22.44 8.92 -6.7 69.6
subspace init -0.78 23.47 97.4 99.5 -0.57 9.29 11.13 87.4
subspace algo -1.32 1.99 0.27 88.9 0.7 1.1 1.9 87.4
subspace min.individuals -26.9 43.17 10.73 90.9 -12.32 16.6 7.78 89.1
hcmodel modelName 3.70 24.23 75.6 51.3 3.63 4.89 14.4 61.5
hcmodel use -0.92 17.68 51.47 49.1 -1.86 6.09 10.69 55.9
EM z 1.68 8.62 18.99 29.9 -0.35 5.49 15.06 43.3
EM modelName 18.80 31.93 96.62 100.0 13.63 16.09 64.52 91.6
optics eps 0.0 0.03 0.04 32.1 -0.01 0.02 0.03 35.8
optics minPts 6.96 15.35 52.38 55.1 7.16 11.72 31.5 53.2
optics Xi -1.11 3.44 7.23 33.5 0.43 1.51 3.9 37.6
dbscan minPts -19.61 30.78 11.19 45.2 -20.32 17.66 9.67 43.0
dbscan eps -1.53 17.65 59.26 55.2 -4.72 14.32 35.4 52.0
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random sampling of parameters for the k-means algorithm, shown in Fig 8. The red dashed
line indicates the ARI value obtained for the default parameters of the algorithm. The light
blue shaded region indicates the parameters configurations where the performance of the algo-
rithm improved. From this result we calculated four main measures. The first, which we call p-
value, is given by the area of the blue region divided by the total histogram area, multiplied by
100 in order to result in a percentage value. The p-value represents the percentage of parameter
configurations where the algorithm performance improved when compared to the default
parameters configuration. The second, third and fourth measures are given by the mean, hRi,
standard deviation, ΔR, and maximum value, max R, of the relative performance for all cases
where the performance is improved (e.g. the blue shaded region in Fig 8). The relative perfor-
mance is calculated as the difference in performance between a given realization of parameter
values and the default parameters. The mean indicates the expected improvement of the algo-
rithm for the random variation of parameters. The standard deviation represents the stability
of such improvement, that is, how certain one is that the performance will be improved when
Table 5. One-parameter analysis performed in DB2C200F and DB10C200F. This analysis is based on the performance obtained when varying a single parameter, while
maintaining the others in their default configuration. hSi, max S,ΔSare associated with the average, standard deviation and maximum difference between the performance
obtained when varying a single parameter and the performance obtained for the default parameter values. We also measure hmax Acci, the average of best ARI values
obtained when varying each parameter.
DB2C200F DB10C200F
Algorithm Parameter hSi
max S
(%) hmax Acci
(%) hSi
max S
(%) hmax Acci
k-means iter.max 0.08 8.26 33.51 62.4 -0.01 3.98 13.59 71.7
k-means nstart 10.66 28.51 71.14 77.9 15.05 8.42 31.49 90.7
k-means algorithm -9.01 8.52 8.07 38.5 -5.39 4.4 6.45 60.4
clara metric -17.6 26.37 20.66 54.8 -31.72 12.38 -10.84 25.5
clara samples 6.96 17.77 31.62 77.1 -26.54 10.57 -3.01 35.2
clara sampsize -1.17 24.21 34.23 79.3 -10.34 21.99 30.35 69.5
clara rngR -14.6 23.73 20.66 62.0 -35.55 11.33 -10.84 24.1
hierarchical metric 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
hierarchical method 12.63 31.36 100.0 71.9 17.25 35.22 99.98 92.1
hierarchical par.method 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
spectral kernel 0.19 29.84 40.2 94.0 -0.33 4.6 10.99 82.4
spectral kpar 4.32 23.57 40.2 100.0 -3.61 5.59 10.99 76.5
spectral iter 0.23 30.01 40.2 93.0 0.08 4.08 10.99 81.5
spectral mod.simple -1.0 33.26 40.2 93.0 0.43 4.58 10.99 83.0
subspace models -1.46 22.6 68.96 82.0 -12.26 25.34 63.42 79.0
subspace init 0.54 22.22 45.52 55.7 -0.07 16.83 34.49 46.9
subspace algo 1.41 13.69 37.79 45.7 10.44 19.3 37.09 57.8
subspace min.individuals -12.74 24.61 65.52 53.4 -3.4 18.16 31.59 55.3
hcmodel modelName 20.12 35.47 92.61 74.7 30.54 31.34 71.77 95.10
hcmodel use -11.46 24.1 4.65 32.4 -6.23 13.70 18.31 36.90
EM z 4.79 15.7 49.48 31.8 -3.38 4.44 1.76 33.6
EM modelName 17.3 21.93 73.35 69.3 14.93 25.26 51.29 77.5
optics eps 0.01 13.60 16.00 38.0 0.0 5.77 12.36 54.9
optics minPts 1.71 19.83 42.3 63.5 9.92 14.84 33.76 81.4
optics Xi -0.59 13.72 21.80 38.9 0.17 5.89 12.46 57.8
dbscan minPts -49.47 30.8 18.81 70.7 -33.16 34.3 12.35 78.4
dbscan eps -13.4 31.09 24.41 77.2 6.67 8.81 24.59 87.6
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doing such random variation. The maximum value indicates the largest improvement
obtained when random parameters are considered. We also measured the average of the maxi-
mum accuracies hmax ARIiobtained for each dataset when randomly selecting the parame-
ters. In the S2 File of the supplementary material we show the distribution of ARI values
obtained for the random sampling of parameters for all clustering algorithms considered in
our analysis.
In Table 6 we show the performance (ARI) of the algorithms for dataset DB2C2F when
applying the aforementioned random selection of parameters. The optics and EM methods are
the only algorithms with a p-value larger than 50%. Also, a high average gain in performance
was observed for the EM (22.1%) and hierarchical (30.6%) methods. Moderate improvement
was observed for the hcmodel, kmeans, spectral, optics and dbscan algorithms.
Fig 8. Distribution of ARI values obtained for the random sampling of the k-means parameters. The algorithm
was applied to dataset DB10C10F, and 500 sets of parameters were drawn.
Table 6. Multi-parameter analysis performed in dataset DB2C2F. The p-value represents the probability that the classifier set with a random configuration of parameters
outperform the same classifier set with its default parameters. hRi,ΔRand max Rrepresent the average, standard deviation and maximum value of the improvement
obtained when random parameters are considered. Column hmax ARIiindicates the average of the best accuracies obtained for each dataset.
Algorithm p-value
(%) hRi
max R
(%) hmax ARIi
EM 68.1 22.1 21.7 69.6 69.0
hierarchical 43.9 30.6 33.6 100.0 63.0
clara 29.2 4.9 4.7 27.3 60.0
hcmodel 25.8 13.3 8.2 29.9 63.0
k-means 21.7 13.2 3.9 21.4 55.0
spectral 47.0 14.7 13.9 85.3 59.0
optics 71.1 18.8 16.6 73.0 46.1
dbscan 39.8 17.0 15.9 51.5 41.9
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The performance of the algorithms for dataset DB10C2F is presented in Table 7. A high p-
value was obtained for the optics (96.6%), EM (76.5%) and k-means (77.7%). Nevertheless, the
average improvement in performance was relatively low for most algorithms, with the excep-
tion of the optics method, which led to an average improvement of 15.9%.
A more marked variation in performance was observed for dataset DB2C10F, with results
shown in Table 8. The EM, kmeans, hierarchical and optics clustering algorithms resulted in a
p-value larger than 50%. In such cases, when the performance was improved, the average gain
in performance was, respectively, 30.1%, 18.0%, 25.9% and 15.5%. This means that the random
variation of parameters might represent a valid approach for improving these algorithms.
Actually, with the exception of clara and dbscan, all methods display significant average
improvement in performance for this dataset. The results also show that a maximum accuracy
of 100% can be achieved for the EM and subspace algorithms.
In Table 9 we show the performance of the algorithms for dataset DB10C10F. The p-values
for the EM, clara, k-means and optics indicate that the random selection of parameters usually
improves the performance of these algorithms. The hierarchical algorithm can be significantly
improved by the considered random selection of parameters. This is a consequence of the
Table 7. Multi-parameter analysis performed in dataset DB10C2F. The p-value represents the probability that the
classifier set with a random configuration of parameters outperform the same classifier set with its default parameters.
hRi,ΔRand max Rrepresent the average, standard deviation and maximum value of the improvement obtained when
random parameters are considered. Column hmax ARIiindicates the average of the best accuracies obtained for each
Algorithm p-value
(%) hRi
max R
(%) hmax ARIi
EM 76.5 7.5 8.0 35.8 51.4
clara 54.7 2.3 1.8 9.0 51.0
k-means 77.7 2.2 1.7 6.9 49.0
hcmodel 28.4 2.7 2.5 6.8 49.0
hierarchical 36.6 5.9 4.2 21.7 49.0
spectral 40.0 2.3 1.6 8.0 52.0
optics 96.6 15.9 9.2 39.2 39.9
dbscan 30.6 3.7 3.6 21.9 29.1
Table 8. Multi-parameter analysis performed in dataset DB2C10F. The p-value represents the probability that the classifier set with a random configuration of parame-
ters outperform the same classifier set with its default parameters. hRi,ΔRand max Rrepresent the average, standard deviation and maximum value of the improvement
obtained when random parameters are considered. Column hmax ARIiindicates the average of the best accuracies obtained for each dataset.
Algorithm p-value
(%) hRi
max R
(%) hmax ARIi
EM 70.8 30.1 29.9 96.6 100.0
hierarchical 52.0 25.9 31.4 100.0 80.0
subspace 11.1 43.1 45.4 97.4 100.0
clara 44.9 6.5 6.3 37.3 70.0
hcmodel 38.4 31.8 25.3 81.2 70.0
k-means 50.1 18.0 7.1 62.4 60.0
spectral 48.9 9.9 18.5 31.5 90.0
optics 62.1 15.5 11.2 52.4 56.6
dbscan 43.3 5.0 6.5 23.8 50.9
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default value of parameter method, which, as discussed in the previous section, is not appropri-
ate for this dataset.
The performance of the algorithms for the dataset DB2C200F is presented in Table 10. A
high p-value was obtained for the EM (65.1%) and k-means (65.6%) algorithms. The average
Table 9. Multi-parameter analysis performed in dataset DB10C10F. The p-value represents the probability that the classifier set with a random configuration of parame-
ters outperform the same classifier set with its default parameters. hRi,ΔRand max Rrepresent the average, standard deviation and maximum value of the improvement
obtained when random parameters are considered. Column hmax ARIiindicates the average of the best accuracies obtained for each dataset.
Algorithm p-value
(%) hRi
max R
(%) hmax ARIi
EM 86.0 17.1 15.5 69.1 100.0
clara 72.1 7.1 4.4 22.8 68.0
k-means 83.0 4.3 2.3 12.0 60.0
hcmodel 53.4 7.4 4.6 17.5 64.0
hierarchical 51.9 32.1 19.4 72.9 68.0
spectral 49.1 5.6 4.1 19.7 87.3
subspace 10.7 7.5 4.7 21.4 99.3
optics 75.3 13.2 8.0 32.1 56.0
dbscan 7.4 6.1 4.7 20.9 46.2
Table 10. Multi-parameter analysis performed in dataset DB2C200F. The p-value represents the probability that the classifier set with a random configuration of param-
eters outperform the same classifier set with its default parameters. hRi,ΔRand max Rrepresent the average, standard deviation and maximum value of the improvement
obtained when random parameters are considered. Column hmax ARIiindicates the average of the best accuracies obtained for each dataset.
Algorithm p-value
(%) hRi
max R
(%) hmax ARIi
EM 65.1 39.1 29.3 91.2 100.0
hierarchical 40.8 50.6 44.3 100.0 100.0
clara 44.9 23.0 8.9 34.2 81.3
hcmodel 35.3 62.3 27.7 92.6 75.5
k-means 65.6 35.4 24.6 71.1 89.1
spectral 15.9 28.4 36.3 75.4 100.0
Subspace 15.9 27.6 21.5 73.5 97.2
optics 56.8 16.1 13.6 53.5 64.4
dbscan 11.7 14.0 9.6 34.0 77.8
Table 11. Multi-parameter analysis performed in dataset DB10C200F. The p-value represents the probability that the classifier set with a random configuration of
parameters outperform the same classifier set with its default parameters. hRi,ΔRand max Rrepresent the average, standard deviation and maximum value of the improve-
ment obtained when random parameters are considered. Column hmax ARIiindicates the average of the best accuracies obtained for each dataset.
Algorithm p-value
(%) hRi
max R
(%) hmax ARIi
EM 75.6 31.7 18.3 71.7 100.0
clara 73.8 22.8 11.9 58.0 93.1
k-means 96.8 18.9 8.1 42.1 99.5
hcmodel 51.8 60.0 12.0 76.2 100.0
hierarchical 68.6 36.8 43.2 100.0 99.2
spectral 46.0 10.0 6.0 26.0 100.0
optics 78.5 17.7 8.4 37.9 83.1
dbscan 24.9 10.7 4.9 24.6 88.5
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gain in performance in such cases was 39.1% and 35.4%, respectively. On the other hand, only
in approximately 16% of the cases the Spectral and Subspace methods resulted in an improved
ARI. Interestingly, the random variation of parameters led to, on average, large performance
improvements for all algorithms.
In Table 11 we show the performance of the algorithms for dataset DB10C200F. A high p-
value was obtained for all methods. On the other hand, the average improvement in accuracy
tended to be lower than in the case of the dataset DB2C200F.
Clustering data is a complex task involving the choice between many different methods,
parameters and performance metrics, with implications in many real-world problems [63,
103108]. Consequently, the analysis of the advantages and pitfalls of clustering algorithms is
also a difficult task that has been received much attention. Here, we approached this task
focusing on a comprehensive methodology for generating a large diversity of heterogeneous
datasets with precisely defined properties such as the distances between classes and correla-
tions between features. Using packages in the R language, we developed a comparison of the
performance of nine popular clustering methods applied to 400 artificial datasets. Three situa-
tions were considered: default parameters, single parameter variation and random variation of
parameters. It should be nevertheless be borne in mind that all results reported in this work
are respective to specific configurations of normally distributed data and algorithmic imple-
mentations, so that different performance can be obtained in other situations. Besides serving
as a practical guidance to the application of clustering methods when the researcher is not an
expert in data mining techniques, a number of interesting results regarding the considered
clustering methods were obtained.
Regarding the default parameters, the difference in performance of clustering methods
was not significant for low-dimensional datasets. Specifically, the Kruskal-Wallis test on
the differences in performance when 2 features were considered resulted in a p-value
of p= 6.48 ×10
(with a chi-squared distance of χ
= 41.50). For 10 features, a p-value of
p= 1.53 ×10
= 52.20) was obtained. Considering 50 features resulted in a p-value of
p= 1.56 ×10
for the Kruskal-Wallis test (χ
= 41.67). For 200 features, the obtained p-value
was p= 2.49 ×10
= 40.58).
The Spectral method provided the best performance when using default parameters, with
an Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) of 68.16%, as indicated in Table 2. In contrast, the hierarchical
method yielded an ARI of 21.34%. It is also interesting that underestimating the number of
classes in the dataset led to worse performance than in overestimation situations. This was
observed for all algorithms and is in accordance with previous results [44].
Regarding single parameter variations, for datasets containing 2 features, the hierarchical,
optics and EM methods showed significant performance variation. On the other hand, for
datasets containing 10 or more features, most methods could be readily improved through
changes on selected parameters.
With respect to the multidimensional analysis for datasets containing ten classes and two
features, the performance of the algorithms for the multidimensional selection of parameters
was similar to that using the default parameters. This suggests that the algorithms are not sen-
sitive to parameter variations for this dataset. For datasets containing two classes and ten fea-
tures, the EM, hcmodel, subspace and hierarchical algorithm showed significant gain in
performance. The EM algorithm also resulted in a high p-value (70.8%), which indicates that
many parameter values for this algorithm can provide better results than the default configura-
tion. For datasets containing ten classes and ten features, the improvement was significantly
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lower for almost all the algorithms, with the exception of the hierarchical clustering. When a
large number of features was considered, such as in the case of the datasets containing 200 fea-
tures, large gains in performance were observed for all methods.
In Tables 12,13 and 14 we show a summary of the best accuracies obtained during our
analysis. The tables contain the best performance, measured as the ARI of the resulting parti-
tions, achieved by each algorithm in the three considered situations (default, one- and multi-
dimensional adjustment of parameters). The results are respective to datasets DB2C2F,
DB10C2F, DB2C10F, DB10C10F, DB2C200F and DB10C200F. We observe that, for datasets
containing 2 features, the algorithms tend to show similar performance, specially when the
number of classes is increased. For datasets containing 10 features or more, the spectral algo-
rithm seems to consistently provide the best performance, although the EM, hierarchical, k-
means and subspace algorithms can also achieve similar performance with some parameter
tuning. It should be observed that several clustering algorithms, such as optics and dbscan,
aim at other data distributions such as elongated or S-shaped [72,74]. Therefore, different
results could be obtained for non-normally distributed data.
Table 13. Summary table for the performance of clustering algorithms in datasets DB2C10F and DB10C10F. ARI
represents the average accuracy obtained when
considering the default parameters of the algorithms. ARIbestprepresents the average of the best accuracies obtained when varying a single parameter. ARIbestrrepresents the
average of the best accuracies obtained when parameters are randomly selected.
DB2C10F DB10C10F
# Algorithm ARI
1subspace 89.9 100.0 100.0 86.1 89.1 99.3
3EM 23.4 100.0 100.0 40.9 91.6 100.0
2spectral 82.4 88.1 90.0 70.9 82.3 87.3
4clara 53.0 61.0 70.0 51.9 57.6 68.0
5hcmodel 34.2 51.3 70.0 54.2 61.5 64.0
6k-means 36.6 53.5 60.0 52.0 57.8 60.0
7hierarchical 0.0 43.7 80.0 13.8 61.5 68.0
8optics 32.1 55.1 56.6 35.8 53.2 56.0
9dbscan 39.4 55.2 50.9 41.1 52.0 46.2
Table 12. Summary table for the performance of clustering algorithms in datasets DB2C2F and DB10C2F. ARI
represents the average accuracy obtained when con-
sidering the default parameters of the algorithms. ARIbestprepresents the average of the best accuracies obtained when varying a single parameter. ARIbestrrepresents the
average of the best accuracies obtained when parameters are randomly selected.
# Algorithm ARI
3EM 32.2 64.4 69.0 38.4 45.4 51.4
2spectral 37.2 54.1 59.0 45.4 48.0 52.0
4clara 51.1 54.0 60.0 46.2 47.5 51.0
5hcmodel 54.0 60.0 63.0 47.1 48.4 49.0
6k-means 48.1 51.9 55.0 45.2 47.9 49.0
7hierarchical 18.0 57.2 63.0 40.5 46.5 49.0
8optics 16.6 45.7 46.1 15.5 13.7 39.9
9dbscan 22.5 35.4 41.9 22.7 27.1 29.1
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Other algorithms could be compared in future extensions of this work. An important aspect
that could also be explored is to consider other statistical distributions for modeling the data.
In addition, an analogous approach could be applied to semi-supervised classification.
Supporting information
S1 File. Description of the clustering algorithms’ parameters. We provide a brief description
about the parameters of the clustering algorithms considered in the main text.
S2 File. Clustering performance obtained for the random selection of parameters. The file
contains figures showing the histograms of ARI values obtained for identifying the clusters of,
respectively, datasets DB10C10F and DB2C10F using a random selection of parameters. Each
plot corresponds to a clustering method considered in the main text.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Cesar H. Comin, Luciano da F. Costa.
Data curation: Mayra Z. Rodriguez, Cesar H. Comin.
Formal analysis: Mayra Z. Rodriguez, Cesar H. Comin, Luciano da F. Costa.
Funding acquisition: Odemir M. Bruno, Diego R. Amancio, Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco
A. Rodrigues.
Investigation: Mayra Z. Rodriguez, Cesar H. Comin.
Methodology: Mayra Z. Rodriguez, Cesar H. Comin, Luciano da F. Costa.
Project administration: Odemir M. Bruno, Diego R. Amancio, Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco
A. Rodrigues.
Resources: Luciano da F. Costa.
Software: Mayra Z. Rodriguez.
Table 14. Summary table for the performance of clustering algorithms in datasets DB2C200F and DB10C200F. ARI
represents the average accuracy obtained when
considering the default parameters of the algorithms. ARIbestprepresents the average of the best accuracies obtained when varying a single parameter. ARIbestrrepresents the
average of the best accuracies obtained when parameters are randomly selected.
DB2C200F DB10C200F
# Algorithm ARI
1subspace 36.4 82.0 97.2 33.1 79.0 -
3EM 17.6 69.3 100.0 33.6 77.5 100.0
2spectral 92.4 100.0 100.0 76.7 83.0 100.0
4clara 66.4 79.3 81.3 56.1 69.5 93.1
5hcmodel 31.7 74.7 75.5 34.1 95.1 100.0
6k-means 40.0 77.9 89.1 60.9 90.7 99.5
7hierarchical 0.2 71.9 100.0 0.04 92.1 100.0
8optics 38.0 63.5 64.4 54.9 81.4 83.1
9dbscan 66.5 77.2 77.8 69.0 87.6 88.5
Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach
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Supervision: Odemir M. Bruno, Diego R. Amancio, Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco A.
Validation: Mayra Z. Rodriguez, Cesar H. Comin, Dalcimar Casanova, Odemir M. Bruno,
Diego R. Amancio, Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues.
Visualization: Mayra Z. Rodriguez.
Writing original draft: Mayra Z. Rodriguez, Cesar H. Comin, Dalcimar Casanova, Diego R.
Amancio, Luciano da F. Costa.
Writing review & editing: Mayra Z. Rodriguez, Cesar H. Comin, Dalcimar Casanova, Ode-
mir M. Bruno, Diego R. Amancio, Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues.
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