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The Protection of the Right to Education by International Law: Including a Systematic Analysis of Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Martinus Nijhoff, 2006, International Studies in Human Rights, Vol. 82)



A trend has emerged of not defining education as a “human right” anymore, but of rather calling it a “human need”. This has paved the way for an ever increasing commercialisation of education, excluding the poor from access to education. A problem at a different level is that states often do not know what is expected of them when realising the right to education as protected by international law. This relates to the complex nature of this right, which is simultaneously a civil and political and an economic, social and cultural right. This book seeks to affirm education as a “human right” and to describe the various state duties flowing from the right to education. It refers to the provisions on the right to education found in instruments of international law and systematically analyses article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The book is of interest to students, teachers, researchers, legal practitioners and state and international officials dealing with international human rights law.
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... Every child, whether born in or out of wedlock, is entitled to social protection." (Beiter 2005) ...
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This research study critically examines the child protection laws in Pakistan within the framework of international standards. It aims to identify and dissect the shortcomings and inadequacies in Pakistan's legal framework concerning the safeguarding of children's rights. Employing a rigorous methodological approach the research begins with an extensive overview of the international conventions and treaties ratified by Pakistan. including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and other relevant international instruments. The study analyzes the existing child protection laws and regulations in Pakistan, tracking their evolution, effectiveness, and implementation. It reveals significant gaps in legal definitions, inconsistent enforcement, and disparities across provinces within Pakistan's child protection laws. Furthermore, the research identify several challenges hindering the practical realization of children's rights, such as issues related to access to justice, awareness, and the roles of various stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies and civil society. By juxtaposing the domestic legal framework with international standards, the study pinpoints misalignments and deviations, underscoring the urgent need for reforms. The findings highlight the imperative of aligning Pakistan's domestic legislation with global expectations to safeguard children's rights and well-being. This study aims to inform policymakers, legal practitioners, and advocates dedicated to advancing child protection in Pakistan and fostering compliance with international obligations. The proposed recommendations serve as a roadmap for legal and policy reforms necessary to enhance the protection of children's rights in Pakistan.
... Law v Minister for Basic Education Eastern Cape (Centre for Child Law v Minister for Basic Education Eastern Cape, 2012) to refer to "the child's ability to enrol and as a result attend school". Beiter is of the view that "accessibility means that educational institutions and programmes have to be accessible to every person and it encompasses three aspects, namely accessibility without discrimination, physical and economical accessibility" (Beiter, 2005). Woolman and Fleisch posits that in order to ensure that there exist an effective economically accessibly education it is required that those learners who are destitute and live in relative destitution must be helped and supported accordingly by the government in order to make sure that they access quality education (Woolman & Fleisch, 2009 Due to the fact that transport was not provided for, some learners had to drop out of school as their families could not afford the bus fare whereas it was difficult for some families to pay out the transportation costs from their incomes because most of them depended on government grants and or pensions. ...
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The South African educational sector and the learners continues to witness restricted access due to deleterious conduct of school management personnel such as school principals and or teachers. This remains a pervasive problem despite the provisions of section 29 of the 1996 Constitution, which provides for the right to access education. Learners are still denied access to education and educational institutions and this problem escalate unabated by those entrusted with responsibilities to promote access and protect learners such as school principals and teachers. Looking into the case of Moko and other predecessor cases reviewed in this study, the paper argue that there is a need to promote access and improve awareness interventions in order to enlighten those entrusted with the responsibilities to combat any conduct aimed at devaluating access to education.
... According to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, education shall strike a balance between fostering physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing as well as the intellectual, social, and practical components of learning. The right to education is sometimes referred to as enlightenment or an entry point right (Beiter 2005). Thus, the right must allow the educated to take charge of their lives and promote the growth of their country, which is critical for ensuring public good. ...
... Deklarasi Dunia tentang Pendidikan untuk Semua dan Rangka Kerja Tindakan untuk Memenuhi Keperluan Pembelajaran Asas 1990 (World Declaration on Education For All 1990)Dalam usaha menggalakkan literasi dan pendidikan, Perhimpunan Agung Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu melalui Resolusi 42/104 pada 7 Disember 1987 telah mengisytiharkan tahun 1990 sebagai Tahun Literasi Antarabangsa.[35] Idea untuk mewujudkan pendidikan untuk semua bermula pada November 1989 dalam Persidangan Agung UNESCO. ...
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Orang kurang upaya berhak kepada perkara-perkara asas yang diperlukan dalam kehidupan sama seperti seorang manusia yang berkeupayaan, seperti akses kepada pendidikan, pekerjaan, perubatan, maklumat dan persekitaran fizikal. Hak orang kurang upaya terhadap semua akses tersebut telah menjadi antara hal perkara yang kian mendapat perhatian dan diterjemahkan dalam bentuk instrumen antarabangsa yang melibatkan hak asasi manusia. Kemunculan Konvensyen Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu tentang Hak Orang Kurang Upaya (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) telah menjadi satu titik tolak yang paling penting dalam dunia orang kurang upaya kerana hingga sekarang, Konvensyen tersebut merupakan instrumen antarabangsa yang paling lengkap dan menggariskan hampir semua hak-hak yang dijamin bagi orang kurang upaya serta menjadi rujukan utama hampir semua negara di dunia bagi perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan ketidakupayaan dan kebolehaksesan orang kurang upaya. Sebelum wujudnya Konvensyen Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu tentang Hak Orang Kurang Upaya, terdapat instrumen-instrumen antarabangsa yang telah wujud dan menjadi pemangkin kepada perjuangan hak orang kurang upaya terhadap akses-akses yang dinikmati oleh orang berkeupayaan. Kewujudan instrumen-instrumen antarabangsa tersebut membuktikan wujudnya sokongan antarabangsa untuk melaksanakan perkara-perkara yang digariskan dalam Konvensyen tersebut ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Perkara yang menjadi persoalan di sini ialah adakah terdapat peruntukan-peruntukan dalam instrumen-instrumen antarabangsa sedia ada yang memberikan perlindungan dan jaminan kepada orang kurang upaya terhadap akses-akses yang diperlukan untuk kesinambungan hidup mereka? Sejauh manakah instrumen-instrumen antarabangsa yang wujud memperuntukkan hak orang kurang upaya kepada akses-akses penting tersebut? Persoalan ini perlu dijawab dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif secara analisis undang-undang, iaitu dengan meneliti dengan lebih khusus peruntukan-peruntukan dalam beberapa instrumen antarabangsa berkaitan hak orang kurang upaya terhadap semua akses yang penting dan diperlukan untuk kesinambungan hidup golongan tersebut. Artikel ini akan mengenal pasti instrumen-instrumen antarabangsa berkenaan dengan hak orang kurang upaya kepada akses-akses untuk kelangsungan hidup dan melihat skop dan ruang lingkup instrumen-instrumen antarabangsa tersebut dalam menjamin hak-hak orang kurang upaya.
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La formación política guarda una relación estrecha con el derecho a la educación, un derecho fundamental reconocido internacionalmente, que debe entenderse desde una perspectiva amplia para evitar cualquier tipo de limitación o discriminación. Por ello, resulta fundamental promover su difusión en los ámbitos académico y jurídico. Las constantes transformaciones que ha sufrido nuestra sociedad han impulsado el análisis de la evolución educativa y la inclusión de nuevos conocimientos, como la política, en los centros educativos. No obstante, persisten prejuicios en torno a su enseñanza, lo que dificulta su reconocimiento expreso en el ordenamiento jurídico, a pesar del enfoque universal de la educación. Por esa razón, el objetivo principal de este estudio es establecer fundamentos jurídicos que respalden su reconocimiento en la Constitución y resaltar su conexión con el derecho a la educación.
Millions of people from Ukraine have been forced to flee their homes to seek safety, protection, and assistance owing to armed conflict. This study aims to draw a parallel between the meaning and importance of the initial impact of Russian military aggression in February 2022 and the recent plight of Ukrainian refugees on Romania's territory. It is based on the results of a dedicated thematic survey of Ukrainian refugees as part of fieldwork carried out by the authors between March and April 2022 and a survey launched by the United Nations Refugee Agency in Romania between October 2022 and August 2023. The study emphasises the importance of raising awareness and building solidarity and support to counterbalance the effects of the crisis with respect to: (i) refugees in their hometowns and losses incurred; (ii) refugees' needs, help provided, and expectations; (iii) the need to integrate refugees into different fields of daily life; and (iv) a return to Ukraine.
Involvement of children with migration history in the Russian education system is a necessary condition for their integration into the host society, their future economic and social success. Less than 20% of migrant children living in our country attend schools. But even their education causes serious problems due to poor knowledge of the Russian language, gaps in general education, and upbringing in a different ethno-cultural environment, often differing in its values and accepted rules of behavior. Russia and foreign states are implementing a variety of legal and organizational measures aimed at solving these problems and social adaptation of migrant children. The subject of this article is the analysis and generalization of the most effective practices.
The increase in the desire to see the enhancement of the fundamental rights of individuals has necessitated a need to ensure quality education. The emerging concept of experiential education has been on the increase as it is seen as a sure means of driving the realisation of rights. In this chapter, the perspective of education in Nigeria is explored from an inclusive paradigm. It is argued that to prioritise the rights of the child towards an inclusive education, there is a need for a paradigm shift from the much-established curriculum and norm of imparting knowledge, thereby providing the child with varied viewpoints that prepare them for the diverse environment. In addition, it discusses the need to improve teacher welfare, quality space and a conducive environment, among other challenges that affect education in Nigeria. It further discusses the impact of an inclusive approach in driving capacity building. It concludes that the path of ensuring well-grounded education can only be achieved by consistency and exposure to an inclusive approach.
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In international and regional human rights law, the right to education is arguably one of the most important rights since it is a social, economic, and cultural right and has a direct bearing on the enjoyment of civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights. For vulnerable groups, emphasis has always been placed on the need to respect, protect, fulfil, and promote the right to education, given the crucial role it plays in promoting peace, stability, and socio-economic and personal development. Two critical issues arise when looking at the children of refugees and asylum seekers: firstly, their vulnerability as involuntary migrants who have fled their home countries and settled in another country. Secondly, as children, they remain vulnerable to different forms of exploitation. Against this background, and in view of the huge number of refugees and asylum seekers in Cameroon, this study examines some of the measures taken by Cameroon to give effect to her international obligations as a State Party to numerous human rights instruments (both international and regional) recognising the right to compulsory and free primary education for children. To do this, the study commences with an assessment of the international human rights framework and identifies the various obligations created by those instruments that serve as benchmarks for evaluating whether Cameroon has fulfilled her international and regional obligations. The study analyses the challenges encountered in this regard and offers some insights on what could be done to surmount those challenges.