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... This paper follows a case study methodology to explore, from a historical perspective, the trajectory of SAWA policies in Colombia. This approach allows tracing the development of phenomena over time and at different scales -international, national, local -to account for how processes unfold, what the actors' roles are over time, and in which ways context shaped the process (Bartlett & Vavrus, 2016). I used two data sources to answer the research questions: semistructured interviews (n = 48) with key informants and secondary document analysis. ...
... abstract -The article deals with the relationship between population aging and Adult Education in the city of São Paulo (SP) and aims to debate the challenges generated by longevity that need to be faced by state and municipal governments. A demographic and educational diagnosis of the municipality's elderly population was made and for theoretical and methodological basis, the contributions of Di Pierro (2017) and Lima (2007) to the study of Adult Education, of Debert (2012) to the issues of aging stand out, and Bartlett and Vavrus (2017) to carry out the comparative case study in state and municipal education networks. It was concluded that public management needs to adopt an intersectoral approach, overcome the compensatory vision and strengthen Adult Education, intensifying the active search for elderly people with low education, in addition to including the theme of aging in the continued training of teachers and technicians. ...
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RESUMO O artigo trata da relação entre o envelhecimento populacional e a Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) na cidade de São Paulo (SP) e visa debater os desafios gerados pela longevidade que precisam ser enfrentados pelos governos estadual e municipal. Foi feito um diagnóstico demográfico e educacional da população idosa do município e para fundamentação teórica e metodológica destacam-se as contribuições de Di Pierro (2017) e Lima (2007) para o estudo da EJA, de Debert (2012) para as questões do envelhecimento, e de Bartlett e Vavrus (2017) para a realização do estudo de caso comparativo nas redes estadual e municipal de educação. Concluiu-se que a gestão pública precisa adotar uma abordagem intersetorial, superar a visão compensatória e fortalecer a EJA, intensificando a busca ativa por pessoas idosas com baixa escolaridade, além de incluir a temática do envelhecimento nas formações continuadas de docentes e técnicos.
... This study used a qualitative case study research design to elicit an in-depth and detailed investigation of the effects of SEL on 6 apathetic PNP ED students' SE skills and AW performance [44]. ...
... 52 When cases are compared, the underlying assumption is that the selected cases are both similar and distinct enough as examples of the same general phenomenon. 53 The selection criteria for the cases are the following: ...
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The adaptive reuse of industrial heritage has the potential to create distinctive cityscapes. Based on a comparative study of the regeneration of two former brownfield sites in Norway, we analyse the role industrial heritage plays in the initial planning phases. By using branding and brandscaping as a point of departure, we ask how textual and visual presentations are integrated in the early planning documents as a way to signalise the role assigned to industrial heritage. The method used is referred to as an intertextual plan study and combines two methodological stances: a critical reading of planning documents and case study approach. Key terms such as culture, history, quality and conservation are frequently used in the reports. Although a considerable group of photos and images provide positive associations to evoke atmosphere, the actual number of historical buildings and infrastructures selected for adaptive reuse is limited. In the initial planning phases industrial heritage through text and images functions primarily as a rhetoric means in branding the sites' future character.
... Data yang berhasil dikumpulkan, kemudian, diolah dan dianalisis dengan teknik yang disebut analisis kesenjangan (gap analysis) (Kim & Ji, 2018;Langford et al., 2008;;Bastian, 2018;Baskarada, 2014;Khalifa, 2019;Bartlett & Vavrus, 2016).). Analisis kesenjangan adalah teknik analisis data penelitian untuk menemukan adanya kesenjangan antara kerangka pengembangan dan implementasi suatu praktik tertentu dalam sebuah organisasi dengan situasi faktualnya untuk kemudian sedapat mungkin memberikan solusi atas kesenjangan yang ditemukan tersebut (lihat misalnya Sudarto, 2019). ...
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This study aims to demonstrate how the various principles and procedures utilized in the DataOps methodology can be deployed to boost the performance of the Indonesian government financial data analytics. It is an exploratory case study using data sources in the form of data management documentation in a broader sense and deploying gap analysis technique. The study found that the implementation of current government finance data analytics has not been able to establish a data governance structure that balances the agility and governance aspects as one of the DataOps principles and is a prerequisite for a data-driven organization. One indication is that the "SLDK" ("Sistem Layanan Data Keuangan", the financial data service system) has no feature that provides self-service data access to its users under the data access authority pertaining to them. This study proposes some recommendations in the following areas: (1) development of a library portal for government financial data; (2) development of generally accepted standard data formats; and (3) conversion of data formats for reports that many users need (such as central or local government financial reports) into an easier to process standard data formats (e.g., JSON or XML). ABSTRAK Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana berbagai prinsip dan prosedur dalam metodologi DataOps dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja analitika data keuangan negara. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus eksploratif dengan sumber data berupa dokumentasi manajemen data dalam pengertian luas, dan analisis kesenjangan (gap analysis) sebagai teknik analisis data. Penelitian menemukan bahwa implementasi data analytics keuangan negara yang saat ini berjalan belum dapat membentuk struktur tata kelola data yang mampu menyeimbangkan antara aspek agility dengan governance sebagai salah satu prinsip DataOps dan juga prasyarat tercapainya data-driven organization. Salah satu indikasinya adalah belum adanya fitur dari Sistem Layanan Data Keuangan (SLDK) yang memungkinkan pengguna data melakukan self-service data access sesuai dengan kewenangan akses data yang telah ditetapkan bagi pengguna yang bersangkutan. Kajian ini mengajukan rekomendasi berupa: (1) pengembangan portal pustaka data keuangan negara; (2) pengembangan format data standar yang diterima umum; dan (3) konversi format data laporan yang dibutuhkan oleh banyak pengguna (laporan keuangan pemerintah pusat/daerah) menjadi format data standar yang lebih mudah diolah (misalnya JSON atau XML). Kata kunci: analitika data, agility, budaya organisasi, keputusan, operasional.
... This case was about uncovering the perceptions of biosecurity in a community of school teachers and was bounded by teachers' perceptions of biosecurity during a biosecurity crisis. An interpretive mode of inquiry as recommended by Bartlett & Vavrus (2017) to be used in conjunction with case study research was used. Case study research advocates for close collaboration between the researcher and participants, allowing the participants to give accounts of their experiences (Crabtree & Miller, 1999). ...
The disease COVID-19 caused by the newly discovered severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that develops into severe illness and death in some people who contract the virus has propelled terms associated with biosecurity such as vector transmission and herd immunity into the public domain. However, little is known about how young people understand these terms. Considering that maintaining biosecurity is a key concept in New Zealand society, education about it is very scant. In this paper, data collected during a biosecurity outbreak in Auckland, New Zealand, is used to argue for biosecurity education in schools for young people. The purpose of this study was to uncover perceptions of biosecurity of teachers who were affected by the regulations set in place during the fruit fly outbreak in Auckland. Data was gathered via personal interviews with teachers. The results show that teachers support the inclusion of biosecurity teaching and learning in schools. Furthermore, teachers predicted social consequences if biosecurity education was not implemented. Given the support from teachers, this paper argues that such education could provide a platform from which the next generation of young people could be better informed on how to deal with biosecurity-related pandemics at both national and global levels.
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In this work, we explore how locally led innovations can advance sustainable energy access in low-income regions of Africa. Given the emphasis of the Sustainable Development Goals on the importance of affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy, we critically assess how local innovations can address the unique challenges of regions characterized by informality and low purchasing power and where existing grid-based electricity supply is weak. Through case studies, we highlight successful initiatives in expanding energy services access, including product bundling, pay-as-you-go financial models, leveraging existing supply chains, and securing strong funding support. Our findings underscore the importance of local ownership, contextual knowledge, and the adaptation of innovations to specific socio-economic and cultural conditions. By comparing the case studies, we identify common strategies that can contribute to the effectiveness of local innovations in improving energy access and sustainability that can inform efforts to replicate and scale up such initiatives. We conclude by identifying common elements contributing to the success of these cases and their significance, focusing on those crucial for achieving speed, scale, and impact.
Der Beitrag kontextualisiert Singapurs Datafizierung seiner Hochschulsteuerung innerhalb aktueller erziehungswissenschaftlicher Steuerungsdebatten. Als Fall ist Singapur deshalb interessant, da es die Datafizierung seines Bildungswesens durch Big Data Ansätze vorantreibt. Gleichzeitig bleibt Singapur in Datafizierungsdebatten jedoch weitgehend unbeachtet bleibt. Der Beitrag beleuchtet, auf welche Weise Hochschulsteuerung im Stadtstaat datafiziert wird, und nimmt insbesondere die Erzeugung und Verwendung von Datenseen sowie beteiligte Akteure in den Blick. Er diskutiert hierbei eine Erweiterung von Singapurs Steuerungsraum, neue Datenanalyse- und Steuerungsaktivitäten, sowie Kooperationen mit globalen Technologieunternehmen und damit zusammenhängende Steuerungswirkungen.
Collaboration among several different actors is of vital importance in co-creation and for new value creation. The MultiCreation approach defined by Petrevska-Nechkoska et al. for collaboration among academia, policy makers, businesses, community, and civil society organizations was the foundation for generalizing a new model that will contribute to defining the distinctive roles for co-creation and establishing the processes of creating new values. The MultiCreation approach was focused on establishing the fundamentals for a competitive and compatible model for successful co-creating approach and action in line with internationally recognized norms and standards, as well as with the requirements that are imposed by new technologies and changes and to add a vision that underscores prospective scientific, technological, and societal trends. In this chapter, taking into account the theoretical foundations, the already established Triple Helix model, Quadruple Helix model, Quintuple Helix model, N-tuple Helix model and the extensive inspiration in the literature review, as well as upon the qualitative comparative analysis of three case studies which generated and traced the MultiCreation approach in different problem-based missions we are able to propose a generic n-units (turbine) model for collaboration and co-creation. There are three types of roles in the model: Initiator, Facilitator, and Implementer. Each of these types of roles can be populated and represented by n-actors from various profiles. Number and types of actors depend on the nature of the existing problem that can be addressed by co-creation. Finally, a generic iterative co-creation process model has been developed. This model consists of three different interconnected stages with intertwined processes in each stage: Collaboration in Problem identification, Collaboration in Solutions identification, and Collaboration in Problem solving and solution implementation. With this we are wrapping up a design process of several years in projects, incorporating multiple disciplines and modeling the learnings for generic use in diverse contexts and domains, fit for use of the MultiCreation approach.
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The Mixed Methods Working Group, sponsored by the Spencer Foundation, included senior-level scholars and funders who use or support the use of multiple methods in education research. The group was convened to discuss guidelines for mixed methods research that addresses broad and enduring educational problems in an increasingly diverse and unequal society by capitalizing on the complementary strengths of different methods. The challenging education issues of today require sophisticated theorizing and the collection of complex data using mixed methods. Using these tools to capture educational phenomena, and the forces driving them, strengthens education policy and its outcomes.