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Clues to the paradoxes of knowability: Reply to Dummett and Tennant



truth as knowability. He ponders Fitch’s paradox of knowability, 1 which threatens any such conception. Dummett maintains that the anti-realist’s error is to offer a blanket characterization of truth, expressed by the following knowability principle: any statement A is true if and only if it is possible to know A. Formally, Tr(A) iff ‡K(A) To remedy the error, Dummett’s proposes the following inductive characterization of truth: (i) Tr(A) iff ‡K(A), if A is a basic statement; (ii) Tr(A and B) iff Tr(A) & Tr(B); (iii) Tr(A or B) iff Tr(A) v Tr(B); (iv) Tr(if A, then B) iff (Tr(A) Æ Tr(B)); (v) Tr(it is not the case that A) iff ¬Tr(A), where the logical constant on the right-hand side of each biconditional clause is understood as subject to the laws of intuitionistic logic. 2 The only other principle in play in Dummett’s discussion is
Clues to the Paradoxes of Knowability:
Reply to Dummett and Tennant
(Analysis 62.2, 2002, pp. 143-150)
Berit Brogaard & Joe Salerno
In ‘Victor’s Error’ (2001) Dummett considers the semantic anti-realist’s conception of
truth as knowability. He ponders Fitch’s paradox of knowability,1 which threatens any
such conception. Dummett maintains that the anti-realist’s error is to offer a blanket
characterization of truth, expressed by the following knowability principle: any statement A
is true if and only if it is possible to know A. Formally,
Tr(A) iff K(A)
To remedy the error, Dummett’s proposes the following inductive characterization of truth:
(i) Tr(A) iff K(A), if A is a basic statement;
(ii) Tr(A and B) iff Tr(A) & Tr(B);
(iii) Tr(A or B) iff Tr(A) v Tr(B);
(iv) Tr(if A, then B) iff (Tr(A) Æ Tr(B));
(v) Tr(it is not the case that A) iff ¬Tr(A),
where the logical constant on the right-hand side of each biconditional
clause is understood as subject to the laws of intuitionistic logic.2
The only other principle in play in Dummett’s discussion is
(+) A iff Tr(A),
which, as he notes, the anti-realist is likely to accept.3
With the restriction on the knowability principle, expressed by clause (i), the
knowability paradox is blocked. That is because Fitch’s paradoxical result requires the
substitution of ‘B & ¬K(B)’ for ‘A’ in the knowability principle.4 And the conjunction ‘B
1 The paradox of knowability derives from more general results found in Fitch (1963).
2 Excluded here are Dummett’s clauses for existential and universal statements. They do not enter into our
3 Dummett’s discussion involves only the left-to-right formulation of (+). However, we will make use
subsequently of the right-to-left formulation.
4 The paradox may be summarized as follows. Clearly we are non-omniscient, so there is statement B such
that B & ¬K(B). From the anti-realist’s unrestricted knowability principle, it follows that it is possible to
know B & ¬K(B). However, using standard modal resources, it can be shown independently that it is
& ¬K(B)’ is not basic. This is obvious if by ‘basic’ Dummett means ‘atomic’ or ‘truth-
functionally simple’.
As it stands, Dummett’s treatment of the paradox is unprincipled. The only reason
we are given for restricting the knowability principle to basic statements is that it blocks
Fitch’s result. But that is not our main criticism. Even if the restriction can be well
motivated, alternative formulations of the paradox may be developed against Dummett’s
inductive characterization of truth. Below we consider permutations on Fitch’s result that
satisfy Dummett’s restriction on the knowability principle.
Dummett admits that something more substantial needs to be said about which
statements are basic statements. And he says one thing further about how one must proceed
toward this end:
if [t]his inductive characterization of truth is to be comprehensive, the basic
statements must include all those that cannot be represented as in any of
the forms governed by clauses (ii) to [(v)], or by any supplementary
clauses. (Dummett 2001: 2)
Consider epistemic statements of the form ‘K(B)’. Are they basic? Dummett’s inductive
account underdetermines an answer to this question. Such statements are not governed by
the provided clauses. So either such epistemic statements are basic, or their truth conditions
are to be given by supplementary clauses. Either way, Dummett’s account gets into trouble.
Here is the dilemma.
First, let us suppose that statements of the form ‘K(B)’ are basic. Arguably they are,
since they are not truth-functionally complex. This allows substitutions of ‘K(B)’ for ‘A’
in clause (i). Consider the following result:
1. B & ¬K(B) Assumption
2. Tr(K(B)) ´ KK(B) by clause (i)
3. Tr(B) ´ K(B) by clause (i)
4. ¬KK(B) from 1 and 2, utilizing (+)
5. K(B) from 1 and 3, utilizing (+)
logically impossible to know B & ¬K(B). That is because a conjunction is known, only if its conjuncts
are known. And to know the left conjunct is to contradict the right conjunct. The anti-realist is forced to
admit that we are not non-omniscient. An unwelcome consequence indeed.
Line 1 is the Fitch conjunction, which is true for some statement B since we are non-
omniscient. Lines 2 and 3 are substitution instances Dummett’s clause (i), on the
assumption that ‘K(B)’ and ‘B’ are basic. The inference to line 4 is abbreviated. We take
the right conjunct of 1, and apply (+). This gives us ¬Tr(K(B)). From line 2, it follows that
¬KK(B). Line 5 follows similarly from the left conjunct of 1 conjoined with line 3.
Consider the following closure principle: if a conditional is necessary, then if the
antecedent is possible so is the consequent. Since anti-realism is standardly taken to be a
necessary thesis, it can be admitted that when the antecedent is possible the consequent is
possible as well: A Æ ‡‡K(A).5 Substituting ‘K(B)’ for ‘A’, this principle entails
K(B) Æ ‡‡KK(B). Then, applying this formula to line 5 gives us ‡‡KK(B).
6. ‡‡KK(B) from 5, by closure, clause (i) and (+).
7. KK(B)) at w1from 6
8. KK(B) at w2from 7
9. KK(B) in actuality by the transitivity of
10. Contradiction from 4 and 9
If line 6 is actually true, then there is an accessible world w1 at which KK(B). And then, at
a world w2, which is accessible from w1, it is true that KK(B). Now if is transitive, then w2
is accessible from the actual world, since w2 is accessible from w1 and w1 is accessible from
the actual world. So if is transitive, in actuality KK(B). This contradicts line 4.
So Dummett’s inductive characterization of truth is not sufficient to salvage the
analysis of truth as possible knowledge. If ‘K(B)’ is basic and is transitive, then
Dummett’s inductive characterization of truth falls prey to the same problem it was meant to
solve. The lesson is that Dummett has not quite put is finger on the source of the problem.
One might object that we simply need to treat as non-transitive. But this has not
yet been argued for. And it would not be very interesting simply to suppose the non-
transitivity of , having no reason other than the threat of the revised Fitch paradox to
5 Strictly, the necessity of both anti-realism and (+) gives us the necessity of A Æ K(A), which gives us
A Æ ‡‡K(A).
motivate the supposition. Pending further discussion, the supposition of non-transitivity is
ad hoc.
Turning to the second horn of the dilemma, it may be objected that ‘K(B)’ is to be
treated as a non-basic statement, in which case a supplementary clause is owed to the reader.
Which constructive condition explains the truth of ‘K(B)’? Whatever it is, it is not ruled out
a priori that the clause will have as a consequence the KK thesis:
(KK) o(K(B) Æ KK(B)).
After all, if ‘K(B)’ is constructively true (i.e., if there is a finite and surveyable discourse
that verifies ‘it is known that B’), it is arguable that this can be turned into a constructive
verification of ‘KK(B)’ (i.e., there is a finite and surveyable discourse that verifies ‘it is
known that it is known that B’). Further discussion is required to establish the validity of
the KK thesis. The suggestion here is merely that it is not, for the constructive anti-realist,
an implausible commitment.
It should also be noted that standardly the anti-realist takes K(A)’ to be factive.6
Accordingly, the anti-realist embraces the principle
(F) if K(A), then A, for all A.
With a treatment of ‘K(B)’ as non-basic, and a commitment to (KK) and (F), a new
permutation on Fitch’s paradox may be formulated against Dummett’s inductive
characterization of truth:
1. B & ¬K(B) Assumption
2. ®(K(B) Æ K(K(B))) from (KK)
3. Tr(B) Æ K(B) by clause (i)
4. K(B) from 1 and 3, utilizing (+)
5. K(K(B)) from 4 and 2, by closure
6. K(B) from 5, by (F)
7. K(B) & ¬K(B) from 1 and 6
Once again we discover a version of the paradox that Dummett’s inductive characterization
fails to block. Importantly, this version treats ‘K(B)’ as a non-basic statement.
6 For recent discussions of this anti-realist commitment, see Tennant (forthcoming, 2002) and Wright
In conclusion, Dummett sketches an anti-realist conception of truth that boasts of
having evaded Fitch’s paradox of knowability. The important work is done by his
restriction on the knowability principle. Dummett’s primary error is not that the restriction
fails to be motivated in a principled manner, though it does so fail. The more important error
consists in Dummett’s failure to realize that, even granting the restriction, versions of the
paradox threaten his conception of truth. Dummett has not adequately diagnosed the source
of the problem.
The results presented herein are problematic for other treatments that restrict the
knowability principle in order to evade the paradox of knowability. Neil Tennant (1997:
273-74) offers a restriction less demanding than Dummett’s. His proposal may be
summarized as follows:
Every true statement A is knowable, where ‘K(A)’ is not self-
A defence of this clause is all that is needed to block the problematic substitution of
‘B & ¬K(B)’ for ‘A’ in the knowability principle. After all, K(B & ¬K(B)) is self-
contradictory. Nonetheless, the two versions of the paradox presented herein do not require
this, or any other, substitution that violates Tennant’s restriction.
Moreover, an additional paradox threatens Tennant’s analysis of anti-realism. It
hinges on the anti-realist’s interpretation of the possibility operator. Let us grant that (KK)
is invalid and that is non-transitive. This liberates the restriction strategist from the
paradoxes developed earlier. One non-transitive candidate is that of epistemic possibility. If
a statement A is epistemically possible, then it is consistent with what is known that A.7
7 The following counter-model illustrates the non-transitivity of epistemic possibility:
w1: {KA, ¬KKA}
w2: {¬KA, A}
w3: {K¬A, ¬A}
Since we are now presupposing the invalidity of KK, w1 does not by itself present a problem. And since
we are presupposing Tennant’s restriction on the knowability principle, the anti-realist (who takes the
knowability principle to be true at w2) is not committed (via Fitch’s reasoning) to the impossibility of w2.
Trivially, if it known that ¬A, we may conclude that it is not epistemically possible
that A. In symbols,
(*) If K¬A, then ¬A
This principle becomes useful below.
The problem with epistemic possibility is that it renders anti-realism inconsistent
with the claim that there are undecided statements. Worse, it entails that there are no
undecided statements, necessarily. An undecided statement is one for which neither it nor its
negation is known. Formally,
A is undecided just in case ¬KA & ¬K¬A.
Let us suppose (for our primary reductio) that there is an undecided statement:
(1) $A(¬KA & ¬K¬A)
This is an exceedingly modest assumption. In fact, it is intuitionistically weaker that the
non-omniscience thesis, A & ¬KA, appearing in the Fitch paradoxes. If line 1 is true, then
some instance of it is true:
(2) ¬KA & ¬K¬A.
Since line 2 does not violate Tennant’s restriction (i.e., K(¬KA & ¬K¬A) is not self-
contradictory), we may apply anti-realism to it. It follows from anti-realism that it is possible
to know 2:
(3) K(¬KA & ¬K¬A).
Now let the anti-realist suppose for reductio that it is known that A is undecided:
(4) K(¬KA & ¬K¬A)
Knowing a conjunction entails knowing each of the conjuncts. Therefore,
(5) K¬KA & K¬K¬A.
Applying principle (*) to each of the conjuncts gives us
Now notice that the truths at w2 are consistent with what is known at w1, so w2 is epistemically
accessible from w1. Moreover, the truths at w3 are consistent with what is known at w2, so w3 is
accessible from w2. Nonetheless, w3 is not accessible from w1, since there is a truth at w3 that contradicts
something that is known at w1. So epistemic possibility is not transitive.
(6) ¬KA & ¬K¬A
Given the assumption of anti-realism, we derive the contradiction ¬A & ¬¬A. So the anti-
realist must reject our assumption at line 4.
(7) ¬K(¬KA & ¬K¬A)
Resting only on the assumption of anti-realism, which the anti-realist takes to be known, line
7 is now known:
(8) K¬K(¬KA & ¬K¬A).
But then, by (*), it is epistemically impossible to know that A is undecided:
(9) ¬K(¬KA & ¬K¬A).
But this contradicts line 3, which rests merely upon anti-realism and line 2. Line 2 is the
instance of the undecidedness claim at line 1. A contradiction then rests on anti-realism
conjoined with undecidedness. The anti-realist must reject the claim of undecidedness:8
(10) ¬$A(¬KA & ¬K¬A).
Since anti-realism is taken to be a necessary thesis, it must be admitted by the anti-realist
that, necessarily, there are no undecided statements:
(11) o¬$A(¬KA & ¬K¬A).
Line 11 says, necessarily, no statement is such that it and its negation are not known.
Denying in this way that there is an undecided statement boasts of a kind of epistemic
completeness that we are in no position to endorse a priori. After all, it is more likely that we
will leave some stones unturned. Denying undecidedness in favor of epistemic
completeness is bad enough, but things are worse. We see that anti-realism (a necessary
thesis) entails the necessity of that completeness. But whether a statement is known is often
a contingent matter. And so, whether such statements are undecided is a contingent matter as
8 Percival (1990) provides an analogous criticism against a defence proposed in Williamson (1988).
Williamson suggests that the intuitionistic consequences of conjoining the knowability principle with the
Fitch conjunction, B & ¬K(B), are harmless once constructively interpreted. In particular he suggests that
In defence of Tennant’s strategy, one might object that ‘K(¬KA & ¬K¬A)’ is (or
ought to be) self-contradictory. It entails line 5 of the above result:
(5) K¬KA & K¬K¬A.
Consider the left conjunct (i.e., “it is known that A is unknown”). Upon the development
of a constructive interpretation of the knowledge operator, it may turn out that ‘knowing that
A is unknown’ entails ‘it is known that ¬A’. Formally,
(**) If K¬KA, then K¬A.
In that case, the left conjunct of 5 would contradict the right conjunct.
But there are clear counterexamples to (**). Let ‘A’ state that there is a particular
fossil buried in a particular remote location, and suppose that we do not know whether A.
And suppose that astronomers have learned that the sun just went supernova and that we
have seven minutes before the destruction of the Earth and all its inhabitants. In that
situation we may know that A is not known (by anyone ever) without knowing ¬A. It would
be crazy to think that A is false (i.e., the fossil is not there), just because the explosion of the
sun will soon destroy all of the evidence. And yet, that is what we should think, if (**) is
Whether the undecidedness paradox threatens Tennant’s characterization of truth is
underdetermined. Not enough has been said about the logic of and K. Nevertheless, we
are left with some clues about how the restriction strategist is to proceed. (KK) had better be
invalid, if K(A) is factive. Anti-realist possibility should not be transitive. And (*) should
be invalid. That is, knowing the negation of A had better not imply the impossibility of A, as
it does with the epistemic treatment of possibility.
Our conclusion is that the restriction strategies proposed thus far are insufficient to
treat the real problem. The paradoxes presented herein turn on basic logic and the ways in
B Æ ¬¬K(B) holds under a constructivist interpretation. Percival shows, much to the dismay of the
constructive intuitionist, that B Æ ¬¬K(B) is intuitionisically inconsistent with undecidedness.
which operates on epistemic statements. If a restriction strategy can be vindicated, this will
be known only after we have formally analysed the anti-realist’s notion of possibility.9
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Edwardsville, IL 62026, USA
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843, USA
Dummett, D. 2001. Victor’s error. Analysis 61: 1-2.
Fitch, F. B. 1963. A logical analysis of some value concepts. Journal of Symbolic
Logic 28: 113-18.
Percival, C. 1990. Fitch and intuitionistic knowability. Analysis 50: 182-87.
Tennant, N. 1997. Taming of the True. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tennant, N. forthcoming 2002. Victor vanquished. Analysis.
Williamson, T. 1988. Knowability and constructivism. Philosophical Quarterly 38: 422-
Wright, C. 2001. On being in a quandary: relativism, vagueness, logical revision.
Mind 110: 45-98.
9 We are grateful to Neil Tennant for invaluable correspondence.
... More specifically relevant is the suggestion by Brogaard and Salerno (2002) that a restriction to basic propositions leads to new paradoxes. Their 'revenge paradox' depends on an inference ♦♦E(E p) ♦E(E p). ...
... Therefore, the revenge paradox does not arise. Rosenkranz (2004) argues more generally that Brogaard and Salerno (2002) have demonstrated the incompatibility of two inference rules that they assumed in addition: ...
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Husserl’s theory of fulfilment conceives of empty acts, such as symbolic thought, and fulfilling acts, such as sensory perceptions, in a strict parallel. This parallelism is the basis for Husserl’s semantics, epistemology, and conception of truth. It also entails that any true proposition can be known in principle, which Church and Fitch have shown to explode into the claim that every proposition is actually known. I assess this logical challenge and discuss a recent response by James Kinkaid. While Kinkaid’s proposal saves one direction of the parallel for semantics, it gives up the parallelism for truth. I spell out a different response which meshes naturally with Husserl’s account of meaning. If the parallelism is restricted to a class of basic propositions, the truth of non-basic propositions can be defined inductively, without leading to the paradox. I then discuss objections that have been raised against a similar proposal by Dummett. The result is that exegetically plausible and popular interpretations of Husserl’s correlationism are indeed challenged by Church and Fitch. But when taking into account the ‘logical adumbration’ of propositional blindspots, truth and possible fulfilment can be connected without paradox.
... Stephenson (2022, 151, n. 24) notes that Brogaard and Salerno (2002) have given a similar argument. Indeed, Brogaard and Salerno (2002, 146) give a similar argument, with the following differences. ...
... We have also argued that the factivity principle (FACT), in combination with 16 In contrast, Tennant (2009) retracted his earlier endorsement of an unrestricted factivity principle (Tennant 2000(Tennant , 2002 and he investigated different restrictions on the factivity principle, including the restriction to ontic, non-epistemic formulas. The retraction was motivated by an argument developed by Brogaard and Salerno (2002), which made use of the KK principle, and which led to an epistemic collapse result. Williamson (1992, 65) allowed instances of the knowledge operator in his factivity principle, but he rejected the KK principle, because it would lead to a modal collapse result. ...
Stephenson (2022) has argued that Kant’s thesis that all transcendental truths are transcendentally a priori knowable leads to omniscience of all transcendental truths. His arguments depend on luminosity principles and closure principles for transcendental knowability. We will argue that one pair of a luminosity and a closure principle should not be used, because the closure principle is too strong, while the other pair of a luminosity and a closure principle should not be used, because the luminosity principle is too strong. Stephenson’s argument also depends on a factivity principle for transcendental knowability, which we will argue to be false.
... SeeWilliamson (1992) andBrogaard and Salerno (2002) for related arguments. 21 It is precisely at this point where matters are different for empirical truths, so that a version of the old knowability proof can be adapted to that case. ...
... Though seeBrogaard and Salerno (2006) for a response. ...
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This paper draws out and connects two neglected issues in Kant’s conception of a priori knowledge. Both concern topics that have been central to contemporary epistemology and to formal epistemology in particular: knowability and luminosity. Does Kant commit to some form of knowability principle according to which certain necessary truths are in principle knowable to beings like us? Does Kant commit to some form of luminosity principle according to which, if a subject knows a priori, then they can know that they know a priori? I defend affirmative answers to both of these questions. And by considering the special kind of modality involved in Kant’s conceptions of possible experience and the essential completability of metaphysics, I argue that the combination of knowability and luminosity principles leads Kant into difficulty.
... Clearly, this strategy prevents the outcome of the original Church-Fitch paradox, but, as it has been argued, it is unable to avoid more complex versions of the knowability paradox (see e.g. Brogaard and Salerno (2002). But restricting the scope of A-R is just the first step in this approach. ...
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Knowing that some state of affairs—expressed by a proposition, p—is possible (Ks◊p), and the possibility that one knows that p (◊Ksp) have, quite obviously, different meanings. This paper focuses only on their logical relationship—whether they entail one another. I will argue for the following three claims: (i) the basic verificationist principles of anti-realism, at least in their simplest forms, and in conjunction with some other, intuitively reasonable principles, do entail that these two concepts are substitutionally equivalent. (ii) Our pre-theoretical expectations question this outcome, as counterexamples can be manufactured. I will also argue that this substitutional equivalence has further, highly counter-intuitive implications. (iii) Finally, I will argue that some of the standard strategies to avoid the well-known paradoxes of anti-realism (as e.g. the Church–Fitch paradox) fail to (dis-)solve this new paradox, while others may be able to do that, but only at a considerable price. However, the introduction of a moderate anti-realist truth operator, the actual objective of this paper, does dissolve the paradox, and arguably at an affordable price.
... ) q 5, AR C right-left 11 Due to Brogaard and Salerno (2006), building on work in Williamson (1992), Brogaard and Salerno (2002), and Rosenkranz (2004). ...
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A novel solution to the knowability paradox is proposed based on Kant’s transcendental epistemology. The ‘paradox’ refers to a simple argument from the moderate claim that all truths are knowable to the extreme claim that all truths are known. It is significant because anti-realists have wanted to maintain knowability but reject omniscience. The core of the proposed solution is to concede realism about epistemic statements while maintaining anti-realism about non-epistemic statements. Transcendental epistemology supports such a view by providing for a sharp distinction between how we come to understand and apply epistemic versus non-epistemic concepts, the former through our capacity for a special kind of reflective self-knowledge Kant calls ‘transcendental apperception’. The proposal is a version of restriction strategy: it solves the paradox by restricting the anti-realist’s knowability principle. Restriction strategies have been a common response to the paradox but previous versions face serious difficulties: either they result in a knowability principle too weak to do the work anti-realists want it to, or they succumb to modified forms of the paradox, or they are ad hoc. It is argued that restricting knowability to non-epistemic statements by conceding realism about epistemic statements avoids all versions of the paradox, leaves enough for the anti-realist attack on classical logic, and, with the help of transcendental epistemology, is principled in a way that remains compatible with a thoroughly anti-realist outlook.
I present two arguments that aim to establish logical limits on what we can know. More specifically, I argue for two results concerning what we can know about questions that we cannot answer. I also discuss a line of thought, found in the writings of Pierce and of Rescher, in support of the idea that we cannot identify specific scientific questions that will never be answered.
Un certain nombre de philosophes ont soutenu que toute vérité peut être connue. Ils font valoir que la vérité ne s'applique qu'aux expressions linguistiques signifiantes et notre compréhension de ces expressions consiste en notre capacité à déterminer leur vérité dans les circonstances appropriées. Par conséquent, bien qu'il existe de nombreuses vérités que nous ne pouvons pas connaître en pratique, tout énoncé vrai est signifiant et donc connaissable en principe. Un argument logique simple dû à Frederic Fitch (1963) semble montrer que ce principe de connaissabilité se réduit à l'affirmation absurde qu'il n'existe aucune vérité qui ne soit jamais connue. Ce résultat, connu sous le nom de paradoxe de la connaissabilité, a fait l'objet d'un grand nombre de tentatives de résolution dans le cadre de la logique épistémique, et l'exposé et l'évaluation de ces solutions constituent une partie considérable de la présente étude. Cependant, son objectif premier est d'étudier les implications philosophiques du paradoxe. Je soutiens que l'intérêt principal du paradoxe ne réside pas dans la question de sa résolution potentielle, mais dans les perspectives que son étude offre sur les positions philosophiques qu'il est censé compromettre. La première partie de l'étude présente le vérificationnisme du cercle de Vienne avec un accent particulier sur la philosophie de Moritz Schlick et sa thèse de décidabilité universelle. La deuxième partie étudie le paradoxe de la connaissabilité et les stratégies qui ont été mises en avant pour le résoudre. La troisième partie est consacrée à l'anti-réalisme de Michael Dummett et tente de clarifier le rôle du principe de connaissabilité dans son défi bien connu au réalisme. La quatrième et dernière partie se concentre sur les approches du paradoxe qui sont directement motivées par les considérations vérificationnistes sous-jacentes au principe de connaissabilité. Plusieurs solutions vérificationnistes différentes au p aradoxe seront présentées, et leurs réponses diverses montrent que le raisonnement de Fitch touche à certaines des questions les plus fondamentales de cette philosophie.
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Do considerations in the theory of meaning pose a challenge to classical logic, and in particular to the law of excluded middle? Michael Dummett suggested an affirmative answer to this question, and advocated a form of logical revisionism. In his 1981 study “Anti-Realism and Revisionism,” Crispin Wright developed a critique of Dummett’s case for logical revisionism, but in more recent work (e.g., his 1992 book Truth and Objectivity ), Wright has advanced an argument in favour of logical revisionism. This chapter investigates the nature and limitations of anti-realist revisionism, and offers a critique of Wright’s arguments in favour of logical revisionism. It also develops an alternative proposal about how revisionism might proceed.
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The purpose of this paper is to provide a partial logical analysis of a few concepts that may be classified as value concepts or as concepts that are closely related to value concepts. Among the concepts that will be considered are striving for, doing, believing, knowing, desiring, ability to do, obligation to do , and value for . Familiarity will be assumed with the concepts of logical necessity, logical possibility, and strict implication as formalized in standard systems of modal logic (such as S4), and with the concepts of obligation and permission as formalized in systems of deontic logic. It will also be assumed that quantifiers over propositions have been included in extensions of these systems.
This paper addresses three problems: the problem of formulating a coherent relativism, the Sorites paradox and a seldom noticed difficulty in the best intuitionistic case for the revision of classical logic. A response to the latter is proposed which, generalised, contributes towards the solution of the other two. The key to this response is a generalised conception of indeterminacy as a specific kind of intellectual bafflement - Quandary. Intuitionistic revisions of classical logic are merited wherever a subject matter is conceived both as liable to generate Quandary and as subject to a broad form of evidential constraint. So motivated, the distinctions enshrined in intuitionistic logic provide both for a satisfying resolution of the Sorites paradox and a coherent outlet for relativistic views about, e.g., matters of taste and morals. An important corollary of the discussion is that an epistemic conception of vagueness can be prised apart from the strong metaphysical realism with which its principal supporters have associated it, and acknowledged to harbour an independent insight.
A logical analysis of some value concepts Fitch and intuitionistic knowability Taming of the True Victor vanquished Knowability and constructivism On being in a quandary: relativism, vagueness, logical revision
  • F B Fitch
  • C Percival
  • N Tennant
Fitch, F. B. 1963. A logical analysis of some value concepts. Journal of Symbolic Logic 28: 113-18. Percival, C. 1990. Fitch and intuitionistic knowability. Analysis 50: 182-87. Tennant, N. 1997. Taming of the True. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Tennant, N. forthcoming 2002. Victor vanquished. Analysis. Williamson, T. 1988. Knowability and constructivism. Philosophical Quarterly 38: 422- 32. Wright, C. 2001. On being in a quandary: relativism, vagueness, logical revision