All chapters of this book are included in the supplementary resources section (Linked data).
RAVON (Reptile, Amphibian & Fish Conservation the
Netherlands) started in 1999 with the compiling of all
records of amphibians and reptiles in the Netherlands. Different
databases were brought together and enormous
amounts of ‘paper records’ were digitized. These data, combined
with ecological knowledge from scientific publications
and the experience of many professional and voluntary
specialists, are brought together in this book. This
book is an account of the present knowledge of the morphology,
ecology, behaviour, diversity, threats and conservation
of Dutch amphibians and reptiles, including extensive
accounts on sea turtle observations and some introduced
species. Chapters on cultural history and the history of herpetology
in the Netherlands are also included. This book
presents the distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the
Netherlands up to 2007.
This book introduces you to all species of amphibians and reptiles to be found in the Netherlands. It describes them all, including rare visitors like seatortoise and other non endemic occasional guests. It tells about how to recognize different species, their way of life, behavior, distribution inside and outside the Netherlands, protection and methods of inventarisation. In general it gives information about research methods, monitoring and protection.
The book is richly illustrated with full colour photos, drawings, distribution maps and graphs. A CD with sounds of frogs and toads is included. This book is part of the series Nederlandse Fauna. It is published in Dutch, with short English summaries.