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Does turbidity induced by Carassius carassius limit phytoplankton growth? A mesocosm study

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Sustainable development, while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend, is one of the most important development goals. In this review, the theories of five sustainable development pathways are presented, followed by a discussion on the influences of involuntary and voluntary practices. Specifically, this paper reviews the literature on limits to growth and on planetary boundaries, examines the critique of green growth, and outlines the debate between degrowth and a-growth. Then, the importance of economic recession as an involuntary instrument and working time reduction policies as a voluntary instrument in mitigating environmental pressure is examined. Policy implications are highlighted in the final section.
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Does turbidity induced by Carassius carassius limit
phytoplankton growth? A mesocosm study
Hu He
&En Hu
&Jinlei Yu
&Xuguang Luo
&Kuanyi Li
&Erik Jeppesen
Zhengwen Liu
Received: 17 March 2016 /Accepted: 11 December 2016 / Published online: 20 December 2016
#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
Abstract It is well established that benthivorous fish in shal-
low lakes can create turbid conditions that influence phyto-
plankton growth both positively, as a result of elevated nutri-
ent concentration in the water column, and negatively, due to
increased attenuation of light. The net effect depends upon the
degree of turbidity induced by the benthivores. Stocked
Carassius carassius dominate the benthivorous fish fauna in
many nutrient-rich Chinese subtropical and tropical shallow
lakes, but the role of the species as a potential limiting factor in
phytoplankton growth is ambiguous. Clarification of this re-
lationship will help determine the management strategy and
cost of restoring eutrophic lakes in China and elsewhere. Our
outdoor mesocosm experiment simulating the effect of high
density of crucian carp on phytoplankton growth and commu-
nity structure in eutrophic shallow lakes suggests that stocking
with this species causes resuspension of sediment, thereby
increasing light attenuation and elevating nutrient concentra-
tions. However, the effect of light attenuation was insufficient
to offset the impact of nutrient enhancement on phytoplankton
growth, and significant increases in both phytoplankton bio-
mass and chlorophyll aconcentrations were recorded. Crucian
carp stocking favored the dominance of diatoms and led to
lower percentages (but not biomass) of buoyant
cyanobacteria. The dominance of diatoms may be attributed
to a competitive advantage of algal cells with high sedimen-
tation velocity in an environment subjected to frequent crucian
carp-induced resuspension and entrainment of benthic algae
caused by the fish foraging activities. Our study demonstrates
that turbidity induced by stocked crucian carp does not limit
phytoplankton growth in eutrophic waters. Thus, removal of
this species (and presumably other similar taxa) from subtrop-
ical or tropical shallow lakes, or suspension of aquaculture, is
unlikely to boost phytoplankton growth, despite the resulting
improvements in light availability.
Keywords Crucian carp .Nutrients .Resuspension .
Suspended solids .Phytoplankton community .Shallow
lakes .China
In most shallow lakes, benthivorous fish such as common carp
(Cyprinus carpio) are important factors determining water
clarity (Weber and Brown 2009;Bernesetal.2013; Villizzi
et al. 2015). Benthivorous fish select food by sucking in sed-
iment and ejecting all but the retained food particles back into
the water column. The process often causes sediment resus-
pension, resulting in non-algal turbidity (hereafter referred to
as Bturbidity^) in the water column (Richardson et al. 1995).
Communicated by: Thomas Hein
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s11356-016-8247-z) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
*Hu He
State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing
Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, 73 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, China
College of Animal Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,
Hohhot 010018, China
Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Research, Beijing 100049,
Department of Ecology and Institute of Hydrobiology, Jinan
University, Guangzhou 510632, China
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:50125018
DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-8247-z
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Due to the higher temperature, they have higher metabolic and excretion rates, earlier and more frequent reproduction, and smaller sizes than temperate fish species (Teixeira-de Mello et al., 2009;Jeppesen et al., 2010). One of the most detrimental effects of benthi-omnivorous fish is reworking of sediment at the sediment-water interface (bioturbation) (Meysman et al., 2006), which leads to reduced water transparency, enhanced internal nutrient loading (Breukelaar et al., 1994;Scheffer et al., 2003;Volta et al., 2013;Pledger et al., 2017), and consequently increased phytoplankton growth and eutrophication (Zambrano et al., 2001;He et al., 2017;Liu et al., 2020;Chen et al., 2021). ...
... Compared to the inactive mandarin fish, snakehead travelled back and forth between the sediment and water surface in our mesocosms, causing stronger sediment disturbance and thereby translocation of more nutrients from the benthic to the pelagic zones (Shormann and Cotner, 1997;Dantas et al., 2018), although TN and TP at the end of experiment were not statistically significant. The phenomenon that fish-induced sediment resuspension increases algal concentrations has been well elucidated in many benthi-omnivorous fish (e.g., common carp and crucian carp) studies (Roozen et al., 2007;Badiou and Goldsborough, 2015;He et al., 2017;Han et al., 2022). Our study showed that the non-algal turbidity was augmented by benthi-piscivorous fish in the absence of predation. ...
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Subtropical lakes are often dominated by benthi-omnivorous fish (e.g., crucian carp) that may substantially disturb sediments and thereby increase water turbidity and nutrient concentrations. Piscivores stocking is sometimes used to control these benthi-omnivores in the expectation that they will reduce their adverse effects on the water quality. However, in shallow subtropical lakes the benthic foraging activities of piscivorous fish may also disturb sediments, a topic that has not yet been well elucidated. Here, we conducted a 6-day mesocosm experiment to explore the bioturbation effects of two native subtropical piscivorous fish (i.e., snakehead, Channa argus and mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi) in prey fish (crucian carp, Carassius carassius) present and absent scenarios. Our results showed that in mesocosms without prey, both snakehead and mandarin fish greatly increased the concentrations of suspended solids. However, the concentrations of total, organic and inorganic suspended solids were significantly higher in the mesocosms with snakehead than in those with mandarin fish, suggesting that snakehead has higher bioturbation effects than mandarin fish. When crucian carp were present, we found that both snakehead and mandarin fish significantly reduced prey abundance, whereas piscivore stocking did not significantly decrease the suspended solids and nutrient concentrations. Our study revealed differential effects of two subtropical piscivorous fish species on sediment disturbance and water quality, and we suggest that for lake restoration with piscivores stocking, mandarin fish are a better option than snakehead fish as their predation effect was equal but the strength of sediment disturbance by mandarin fish was lower than that of snakehead.
... The study revealed that different turbidity conditions influence the development of phytoplankton. Some phytoplankton species may be more adaptive to high turbidity, while others may prefer clear water conditions (He et al. 2017). The changes in turbidity conditions can cause competition between phytoplankton species (Hilaluddin et al. 2020). ...
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Tambaru R, Burhanuddin AI, Haris A, Amran MA, Massinai A, Muhiddin AH, Yaqin K, Firman, Yuliana. 2024. Diversity and abundance of phytoplankton in Bone Bay, South Sulawesi, Indonesia and its relationship with environmental variables. Biodiversitas 25: 624-631. Ecological studies of phytoplankton have been widely conducted in various bays around the world. However, such research is still limited in Bone Bay, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the diversity and abundance of phytoplankton in Bone Bay and the relationships with environmental factors. Data collection was conducted in the dry season (May to June 2023) at four stations, namely Bajoe Harbor (PB), Cappa Ujung (CU), Libureng (LB), and Tongke-Tongke (TT). At each station, seawater samples were collected and environmental variables were measured including temperature, salinity, pH, currents, and nutrients (i.e. Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonium, Orthophosphate, and Silicate). In general, the environmental variables in the studied area were within the range of optimal condition for phytoplankton to grow and develop. There were three classes of phytoplankton recorded, namely Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, and Dinophyceae, with a total of 31 genera were identified. Chaetoceros, Thallasionema, and Rhizosolenia were the dominant genera. The average abundance of phytoplankton was significantly different among stations with the highest was found in CU and PB compared to that in LB and TT (p-value <0.01). PCA analysis showed that phytoplankton abundance was related to high orthophosphate concentrations, silicate, and turbidity at the PB and CU stations, while the opposite condition occured at the LB and TT stations. Based on the diversity and abundance of phytoplankton, Bone Bay, South Sulawesi is now still in good condition, yet monitoring studies are recommended to see the changes in the future.
... Following this disconnection, Carassius auratus, a benthic omnivore, has become one of the three dominant capture fish of Lake Honghu. So far, C. brachygnathus and Carassius auratus, two omnivorous fish species, have become the dominant capture fish of the lake [33]. The rise of C. brachygnathus reflects further anthropogenic disturbances [12], indicating intensified fish stocking, water pollution, and over-exploitation of aquatic vegetation during the past two decades or more [6]. ...
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Since 2017, a fishing moratorium has been enforced in Lake Honghu as part of Chang–Jiang’s biodiversity conservation strategy. However, given that the lake is a semi-closed aquatic ecosystem and no longer serves as a habitat for certain fishes of the mid–lower Chang–Jiang basin, the efficacy of this moratorium remains uncertain. To address the question from a trophic ecology perspective, a stomach content analysis was performed on captured anchovies of C. brachygnathus, a current predominant species in Lake Honghu, from November 2020 to October 2021. The results showed that copepods, shrimps, and macrophytes were the main components of this anchovy’s diet, and there were size-related shifts in diets. The dominance of C. brachygnathus, a pelagic–littoral omnivore in this lake, implies a lacustrine environment shift triggered by continued human disturbances. The utilization of macrophytes as the main food items by large-sized anchovies of Lake Honghu has partially contributed to the rapid degradation of submerged vegetation. This highlights the need to remove large-sized individuals of C. brachygnathus and Carassius auratus, another benthic-omnivorous dominant fish, in order to effectively restore the aquatic vegetation and ecosystem of Lake Honghu. The current implementation of fishing moratoriums in subtropical shallow floodplain lakes such as Lake Honghu should be reviewed critically.
... Following this disconnection, Carassius auratus, a benthic omnivore, has become one of the three dominant capture fish of Lake Honghu. So far, C. brachygnathus and Carassius auratus, two omnivorous fish species, have become the dominant capture fish of the lake [34]. The rise of C. brachygnathus reflects further anthropogenic disturbances [12], indicating intensified fish stocking, water pollution, and overexploitation of aquatic vegetation during the past two decades or more [6]. ...
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Since 2017, a fishing moratorium has been enforced in Lake Honghu as part of Chang-Jiang’s biodiversity conservation strategy. However, given that the lake is a semi-closed aquatic ecosystem, and no longer serves as a habitat for certain fishes of the mid-lower Chang-Jiang basin, the efficacy of this moratorium remains uncertain. To address the question from a trophic ecology perspective, a stomach content analysis was performed on captured anchovies C. brachygnathus, a current predominant species in Lake Honghu, from November 2020 to October 2021. Results showed that copepods, shrimps, and macrophytes were the main components of this anchovy's diet, and had size-related shifts in diets. The dominance of C. brachygnathus, a pelagic-littoral omnivore in this lake, implies a lacustrine environment shift triggered by continued human disturbances. The utilization of macrophytes as the main food items by large-sized anchovies of Lake Honghu partially contributed to the rapid degradation of submerged vegetation. This highlights the need to remove large-sized individuals of C. brachygnathus and Carassius auratus, another benthic-omnivorous dominant fish, in order to effectively restore the aquatic vegetation and ecosystem of Lake Honghu. The current implementation of fishing moratoriums in subtropical shallow floodplain lakes such as Lake Honghu should be reviewed critically.
... crispus increase the chlorophyll content of leaves and the shoot length ( Figure 2b, d), aiding adaptation to low-light stress Ferreira et al., 2016). However, it was difficult to fully compensate for low light's adverse effects on submerged plants (He et al., 2017), resulting in the reduced growth of P. ...
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Submerged macrophytes play a key role in the restoration of shallow eutrophic lakes. However, in some subtropical lakes, benthivorous fishes dominate the fish assemblages and influence the growth of submerged plants. A comprehensive understanding of the direct and indirect effects of benthivorous fishes on submerged plants is important. We conducted mesocosm experiments to examine the effects of three densities of benthivorous fish, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, on the water properties, the growth, asexual reproduction, and the germination of turions of Potamogeton crispus L. Our results showed that fish disturbance increased TN, TP, PO4-P, NH4-N, and NO3-N of the water, raising the extinction coefficient K, Chl a, and the periphyton biomass. Benthivorous fish disturbance reduced the total biomass, root length, relative growth rate (RGR), and branching number while increasing the plant height of P. crispus. The P stoichiometric homeostasis coefficient (H P) (except turions) and H N was lower in plant tissues due to fish disturbance. Benthivorous fish disturbances promoted turions formation (e.g., increased turions total numbers and biomass) of P. crispus. Moreover, P. crispus exhibited transgenerational plasticity for benthivorous fish affecting turion emergence. The maximum final germination rate occurred only when fish density in the mother plant grow experiment matched that in the turion germination experiment. Turions generated by P. crispus disturbed by low-density fish exhibited increased germination rates. Our findings suggest that controlling benthivorous fish reduces its indirect and direct effects on submerged vegetation, facilitating the successful restoration of these plants.
... The strong ability of benthic fish to disturb sediment can have a negative effect on water quality (Weber and Brown 2015;Gu et al. 2018). Ammonia nitrogen (NH4 + -N), total phosphorus (TP), and total suspended solids (TSS) in water have all been shown to rise due to benthic fish activity (He et al. 2017;Chen et al. 2020b). Besides, the sediment resuspension and excretion by benthic fish can raise nutrient levels in water column, resulting in phytoplankton blooms (Breukelaar et al. 1994;Matsuzaki et al. 2009). ...
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In shal low eutrophic lakes, submersed macrophytes are essential for maintaining a clear water state and they are significantly affected by benthic fish disturbance, light availability, and sediment types. We conducted a mesocosm experiment with benthic fish (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), two light regimes, and submerged macrophyte (Vallisneria natans) growing in two sediment types to investigate the ecological effects of benthic fish and light regimes on water quality and the growth of submersed macrophyte. Our findings indicated that the benthic fish increased the concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total dissolved phosphorus in the overlying water. The effects of benthic fish on ammonia–nitrogen (NH4+-N) and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) contents were related to light regimes. Fish disturbance indirectly promoted the growth of macrophytes growing in sand by increasing NH4+-N content in overlying water. However, the increasing Chl-a content stimulated by fish disturbance and high light regime reduced the growth of submersed macrophytes growing in clay due to shading. Macrophytes with different sediments had different strategies coping with light. Plants growing in sand responded to low light mainly by adjusting the leaf and root biomass allocation, whereas plants growing in clay responded to low light by physiologically adjusting the soluble carbohydrate content. The findings of this study might help restore lake vegetation to some degree, and using nutrient-poor sediment might be an appropriate method to avoid the detrimental effects of fish-mediated disturbances on the growth of submerged macrophytes.
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Biomanipulation by piscivore stocking has been widely used for restoration of temperate shallow lakes, but long-term results have been mixed. In warm (i.e., subtropical/tropical) lakes where omni-benthivorous fish prevail, the effects of piscivore stocking on small fish, plankton communities, and water quality have not been well elucidated yet. Here, we conducted a mesocosm experiment in the subtropics to examine the top-down and bottom-up effects of stocking of a native piscivorous fish, mandarin fish (Siniperca scherzeri). The experiment consisted of two treatments (piscivore present/absent) in triplicate, lasting for 90 days and including two periods. Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) were stocked twice to simulate the recruitment of small fishes. Our results showed that stocking of mandarin fish significantly reduced the abundance of crucian carp but did not increase zooplankton biomass nor reduced the phytoplankton biomass, the concentrations of nutrients or suspended solids, suggesting that both top-down and bottom-up control of phytoplankton were unaffected by stocking mandarin fish. Moreover, the presence of mandarin fish did not help maintain a clear water state in the period of crucian carp recruitment. Our results indicate that piscivore stocking may not help control phytoplankton biomass in subtropical shallow mesocosms, at least on the short term.
Rebuilding a clear-water state dominated by submerged macrophytes is essential for addressing eutrophication, yet the impact of benthic fish on water quality is complex. We conducted two experiments to explore the interaction of submerged plants and benthic fish on the water quality. Experiment I investigated the water clearing effects of submerged macrophytes with varying coverage (from 0% to 40%) before and after the removal of benthic fish. Experiment II explored the impacts of benthic fish at different densities on aquatic ecosystems with and without submerged macrophytes. The results showed that an increase in submerged macrophytes coverage significantly enhanced the reduction of some major water quality parameters. We assert that the coverage of submerged macrophytes should not be lower than 40% to establish and sustain a clear-water state in shallow lakes. However, benthic fish significantly weaken the ability of submerged macrophytes to improve water quality. Surprisingly, the presence or absence of macrophytes may reverse the role of benthic fish in freshwater ecosystems. When macrophytes are present, benthic fish can cause water quality to deteriorate. Conversely, when macrophytes are absent, benthic fish with a density of ≤ 10 g/m3 can restrict the growth of phytoplankton by directly consuming algae or by disturbing sediments to increase turbidity, thereby potentially improving water quality. But the detrimental effects of benthic fish with higher densities may gradually outweigh their benefits to water clarity. Therefore, the percentage of submerged macrophyte cover in combination with the density of benthic fish play crucial roles in shaping the ecological effects of benthic fish and overall ecosystem dynamics. These findings underscore the importance of understanding ecosystem interactions and have practical implications for the management of shallow lakes.
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As the most widely distributed freshwater fish worldwide, common carp Cyprinus carpio can be either invasive or ‘naturalised’ in most areas of introduction. This leads to different levels of perception regarding its role in freshwater ecosystems, with experimental research focusing either on its ‘middle-out’ impacts or overall function in limnological processes. At the same time, the large scales at which carp dynamics operate may severely limit the validity of laboratory and, oftentimes, field experiments in extrapolating results to real-world ecosystems. In this study, 129 laboratory, field and ‘natural’ experiments were systematically reviewed through causal criteria analysis, and within an historical/biogeographical and risk assessment context. Of the 19 countries where experiments were conducted, only four were considered as ‘low risk’ and one as ‘no risk’, the other being ‘medium’ to ‘high risk’. Experimental findings from 373 component-wise assessments supported the framework of effects on water quality, vegetation, invertebrates and vertebrates, with the latter including also amphibians and waterfowl, previously unreported. Stronger evidence was provided by natural and field relative to laboratory experiments, reflecting the reductionism of the latter. Critical biomass for an impact was highly dependent on experimental set-up, even though the overall threshold of ≈200 kg ha−1 under natural conditions supported recent findings. Management of carp should reflect the level of current and potential risk posed by the species in its different areas of distribution, thereby accounting for projections of further spread but also for unsuccessful colonisation. Future experimentation should favour a holistic→reductionist over a reductionist→holistic approach.
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We examined the interactions of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and nutrient additions on water quality, sedimentation rates, and submerged macrophyte biomass in mesocosms in Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada. We wanted to determine if carp and nutrients interacted synergistically to increase phytoplankton biomass. A two-by three duplicated, factorial design had the following treatments: (1) control mesocosms with no carp or nutrient additions; (2) low carp density and no nutrient additions; (3) high carp density and no nutrient additions; (4) no carp and nutrient additions; (5) low carp density and nutrient additions; and (6) high carp density and nutrient additions. The presence of carp increased ammonia concentrations, turbidity, and phytoplankton biomass as expected but did not increase total reactive phosphorus concentrations. The presence of carp did not appear to interact synergistically with nutrient additions to increase phytoplankton as has been suggested by others. In mesocosms with high carp density and receiving nutrient enrichment, phytoplankton appeared to be suppressed relative to mesocosms receiving nutrient enrichment only, and nutrient enrichment and low carp density. Overall, the presence of carp appears to mimic the effects of eutrophication. Our results demonstrate that carp can cause a shift from a clear, macrophyte dominated state to a turbid phytoplankton-dominated state at a biomass of less than 600 kg ha-1.
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Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are key factors that limit phytoplankton growth in freshwater lakes. Controlling external P loading is a widely recognized measure for reducing eutrophication, but the usefulness of limiting N inputs remains under debate. Shallow lakes with frequent sediment resuspension events exacerbate internal P loading and limit the potential for in-lake P reduction. A two-way factorial mesocosm experiment was carried out using two levels of N inputs (with and without addition of potassium nitrate as N source) and sediment resuspension (with and without resuspension) for 35 days in order to examine the effect of N inputs on phytoplankton growth during sediment resuspension events. N addition alone did not affect phytoplankton biomass in mesocosms in treatments without sediment resuspension, likely due to the P limitation. However, internal P loading, via sediment resuspension, shifted mesocosms from P- to N-limited systems in which N addition significantly boosted phytoplankton biomass. Our results suggested that external loading comprising N alone may enhance phytoplankton growth in shallow, eutrophic lakes with frequent resuspension events like Lake Taihu, China. In such lakes, P-only management is unlikely to usefully reduce eutrophication, and a strategy to reduce both N and P is needed.
Background In recent decades, many attempts have been made to restore eutrophic lakes through biomanipulation. Reducing the populations of planktivorous and benthivorous fish (either directly or through stocking of piscivorous fish) may induce ecosystem changes that increase water transparency and decrease the risk of algal blooms and fish kills, at least in the short term. However, the generality of biomanipulation effects on water quality across lake types and geographical regions is not known. Therefore, we have undertaken a systematic review of such effects in eutrophic lakes in temperate regions throughout the world. Methods Searches for literature were made using online publication databases, search engines, specialist websites and bibliographies of literature reviews. Search terms were developed in English, Danish, Dutch and Swedish. Identified articles were screened for relevance using inclusion criteria set out in an a priori protocol. To reduce the risk of bias, we then critically appraised the combined evidence found on each biomanipulation. Data were extracted on outcomes such as Secchi depth and chlorophyll a concentration before, during and/or after manipulation, and on effect modifiers such as lake properties and amounts of fish removed or stocked. Results Our searches identified more than 14,500 articles. After screening for relevance, 233 of them remained. After exclusions based on critical appraisal, our evidence base included useful data on 128 biomanipulations in 123 lakes. Of these interventions, 85% had been made in Europe and 15% in North America. Meta-analysis showed that removal of planktivores and benthivores (with or without piscivore stocking) leads to increased Secchi depth and decreased chlorophyll a concentration during intervention and the first three years afterwards. Piscivore stocking alone has no significant effect. The response of chlorophyll a levels to biomanipulation is stronger in lakes where fish removal is intense, and in lakes which are small and/or have high pre-manipulation concentrations of total phosphorus. Conclusions Our review improves on previous reviews of biomanipulation in that we identified a large number of case studies from many parts of the world and used a consistent, repeatable process to screen them for relevance and susceptibility to bias. Our results indicate that removal of planktivorous and benthivorous fish is a useful means of improving water quality in eutrophic lakes. Biomanipulation tends to be particularly successful in relatively small lakes with short retention times and high phosphorus levels. More thorough fish removal increases the efficacy of biomanipulation. Nonetheless successes and failures have occurred across a wide range of conditions.
通过食物组成分析和渔获物组成调查, 并结合历年渔获量统计和环境监测资料, 研究了太湖鲫鱼数量变化的规律、机制及与环境间的相互关系。渔获物调查和渔获量统计资料均表明:近年鲫鱼数量不断增加, 已成为太湖仅次于鲚鱼的重要鱼类。2004年渔获物调查中, 鲫鱼占鱼类总重量的8.40%±2.69%, 占鲤、鲫鱼渔获量的65.08%±15.47%;历年渔获量统计显示, 1952-1998年鲤、鲫鱼渔获量相对稳定在1010.1±367.2t、占鱼类总量8.89%±5.33%, 1999年上升达到2547.4t、占9.45%, 2000年达到3708.7t, 占12.18%;年龄组成分析表明, 鲫鱼低龄化趋势在加剧。食性分析表明:在7-12月, 微囊藻占鲫鱼食物体积的83.65%-93.99%。分析认为:太湖鲫鱼以微囊藻为主要食物;富营养化加重为其提供了充足饵料, 实施禁渔期、禁渔区等措施使其繁殖得到保障, 捕捞强度过高导致其年龄组成低龄化、个体小型化。而太湖鲫鱼以蓝藻为主要食物, 可能对蓝藻有抑制作用。Based on the analysis of food content and the survey of the composition in fish catches and the data of fish catches in Lake Taihu, the amount changes of catches of Carassius auratus Linnaeus and Their Mutual Relationship with Environment were studied.The results of the survey of fish composition in 2004 and the statistics data of fish catches from 1952 to 2004 showed that:Within recent years, the catches of Carassius auratus Linnaeus had been increasing and had become the second dominant fishes following Coilia ectenes taihuensis Yen et Lin.The a-nalysis of age structure showed that the percentage of 0⁺ fishes increased and the average fish body size decreased.For example, the percentage of 0⁺Carassius auratus Linnaeus had been increasing according to the trend of y=19.154e0.0566x(y means the percentage of 0⁺fishes %, x means time a).And the average body length had been decreasing according to the trend of y=115.45e-0.0312x(y means body size cm, x means time a).The results of food content analysis showed that:the percentage of blue-algae accounted for about 83.65%-93.99% of food volume of Carassius auratus Linnaeus.Under the conditions of eutrophication in Lake Taihu, Carassius auratus Linnaeus mainly fed on blue-algae;eutrophication resulted in the increasing of blue-algae which could be eaten by the fish.The measures of protecting fishes were carried out to ensure the fish propagating.In addition, the trend of percentage of low age fishes increasing and the trend of body size of the fishes decreasing were caused by over-fishing.Carassius auratus Linnaeus might restrain blue-algae increasing because it mainly fed on blue-algae.
Conference Paper
Fish manipulation has been used to restore lakes in the temperate zone. Often strong shortterm cascading effects have been obtained, but the long term-perspectives are less clear. Fish manipulation methods are far less advanced for warm lakes, and it is debatable whether it is, in fact, possible to create a trophic cascade in warm lakes due to the dominance and high densities of fast-reproducing omnivorous fish. However, other important aims of fish manipulation, for instance, the removal of benthic feeding fish, are to reduce disturbance of the sediment, which not only affects the nutrient level but also the concentration of suspended organic and inorganic matter with reduced clarity as a result, and hampers growth of submerged macrophytes. We conducted a biomanipulation experiment in two basins of Chinese Huizhou West Lake that has remained highly turbid after extensive nutrient loading reduction. A third basin was used as control (controltreatment pairing design). Removal of a substantial amount of plankti-benthivorous fish was followed by planting of submerged macrophytes and stocking of piscivorous fish. We found strong and relatively long-lasting effects of the restoration initiative in the form of substantial improvements in water clarity and major reductions in nutrient concentrations, particularly total phosphorus, phytoplankton and turbidity, while only minor effects were detected for crustacean zooplankton grazers occurring in low densities before, as well as after the restoration. Our results add importantly to the existing knowledge of restoration of warm lakes and are strongly relevant, not least in Asia where natural lakes frequently are used extensively for fish production, often involving massive stocking of benthivorous fish. With a growing economy and development of more efficient fish production systems, the interest in restoring lakes is increasing world-wide. We found convincing evidence that fish removal and piscivores stocking combined with transplantation of submerged macrophytes may have a substantial role in conservation and management of warm water lakes.