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The Partial Least Squares Approach to Structural Equation Modeling



Provides a nontechnical introduction to the partial least squares (PLS) approach. As a logical base for comparison, the PLS approach for structural path estimation is contrasted to the covariance-based approach. In so doing, a set of considerations are then provided with the goal of helping the reader understand the conditions under which it might be reasonable or even more appropriate to employ this technique. This chapter builds up from various simple 2 latent variable models to a more complex one. The formal PLS model is provided along with a discussion of the properties of its estimates. An empirical example is provided as a basis for highlighting the various analytic considerations when using PLS and the set of tests that one can employ is assessing the validity of a PLS-based model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
... Para calcular los p-valores asociados a cada uno de los parámetros estimados (cargas, coeficientes de regresión) se usará Bootstrapping que permite examinar la estabilidad de las estimaciones ofrecidas por el análisis PLS a través de un procedimiento de re-muestreo (Chin, 1998). Para tratar los valores perdidos, se emplea el método de Pairwise deletion donde, con el fin de mantener la máxima información posible, para cada análisis, la eliminación por pares solo elimina aquellos casos que muestran valores faltantes en cada par de variables. ...
... Estos valores permiten soportar H1, H2, H3, H5, H8, H9 y H10 dado que sus coeficientes son significativos y superiores a 0,3. Siguiendo a Chin (1998), se puede afirmar que existe una relación causal entre dos constructos del modelo si el valor β entre ellas es mayor o igual a 0,2 y además es significativo estadísticamente. Las hipótesis H4, H6 y H7 no son significativos al 5 %, si bien la H4 sí resulta significativa al 10 %. ...
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En los últimos años, la literatura académica sugiere la necesidad de innovar en los enfoques pedagógicos, especialmente en la enseñanza superior, con el objetivo de mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje de las generaciones más jóvenes. En este sentido, la gamificación, que combina motivación intrínseca y extrínseca, surge como una herramienta con el potencial de satisfacer las expectativas de los estudiantes más jóvenes. Este estudio se centra en analizar los factores que influyen en la aceptación de la gamificación por parte de los estudiantes universitarios, empleando la teoría de la autodeterminación y el modelo de aceptación de la tecnológica. La combinación de ambas teorías ha permitido proponer y testar un modelo explicativo utilizando ecuaciones estructurales para analizar las relaciones de causalidad entre los constructos, proporcionando una comprensión más robusta y detallada de los factores que influyen en la aceptación de la gamificación en el contexto de aplicación. Los resultados del estudio sugieren que el aprendizaje colaborativo mejora la facilidad de uso percibida, la utilidad percibida, la actitud y la intención de uso de los estudiantes. Además, la competencia percibida aumenta la utilidad percibida y la autonomía mejora la facilidad de uso. Estos hallazgos proporcionan una perspectiva valiosa al objetivo de estudio debido a la metodología empleada y subrayan la importancia de entender los factores que afectan la aceptación de la gamificación. Comprender estos factores permitirá a los educadores y desarrolladores de juegos diseñar estrategias más efectivas, no solo en contabilidad, sino también en otras disciplinas de la educación superior.
... The results obtained from Cronbach's α reliability coefficient are satisfactory, ranging between 0.8 and 0.9, recommended values for advanced stages of research (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). The analysis of composite reliability yields satisfactory results, which far exceed the minimum required, 0.7 (Chin, 1998). Furthermore, all the constructs of the structural model obtain values for the average variance extracted, greater than 0.5 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981), so we can confirm the reliability and convergent validity of the measurement instrument of the structural model. ...
Purpose – This study examines the influence of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) for sustainability on sustainable practices within the hotel sector, and its impact on brand equity and guest satisfaction. It further assesses the moderating effect of guests’ generational cohorts. Methodology/Design/Approach – Employing a quantitative approach, the research analyzes data from 280 guests at Spanish hotels using Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression. Findings – Findings highlight the significance of IMC for sustainability in driving sustainable practices, which positively affect brand equity and guest satisfaction. The study also uncovers generational differences in the impact of sustainable practices on brand equity. Originality of the research – This study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the strategic role of sustainability and IMC in the hotel industry, particularly in enhancing brand equity and guest satisfaction. The examination of the moderating role of generational cohorts provides new insights into the nuanced ways in which different age groups perceive and value sustainability in their lodging choices. By doing so, it offers hotel managers a valuable guide for tailoring their sustainability initiatives and marketing communications to meet the diverse expectations of their guests, thereby achieving competitive advantages in a rapidly changing environment.
... Cronbach's alpha value exceeding 0.7 is generally deemed acceptable for ensuring the reliability of research instruments (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981) have established the discriminant validity of the constructs. In addition, AVE values for each construct being greater than the maximum shared variance (MSV) and the square root of AVE values exceeding inter-construct correlations, as per the criteria set by Chin (1998) have further confirmed the discriminant validity. These results have provided robust evidence supporting both convergent and discriminant validity would enable researchers to proceed with SEM. ...
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Emotional intelligence (EI) in recent years has emerged as a key component of effective leadership as the leader of an organization needs to understand the emotions of their own and others and match their behaviors with other stakeholders. This ensures transformational leadership (TL), considered critically important today to an organization for lasting success (Makkar & Basu, 2017; Baba et al., 2021). Against such a backdrop, the study aims to examine the causal relationship between EI and TL. Taking the sample data from Nepalese commercial banks, this study has employed a pre-diagnostic test of data and information to check their reliability through Cronbach’s alpha test by following average variance extracted (AVE) to check the discriminant validity, Chi-square statistics and degrees of freedom (CMIN/DF), the goodness of fit index (GFI), adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI), comparative fit index (CFI) to check the fitness of model and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) for structural equation modeling (SEM). The study has come to reaffirm the theoretical validity of the premise that EI has a significant positive impact on TL as its critical determinants such as self-awareness (SA), self-management (SM), social awareness (SoA), and relationship management (RM) have a positive and significant impact on TL. However, gender has not moderated the relationship between EI and TL whereas age has significantly moderated the relationship between EI and TL.
... Para evaluar el modelo, hemos utilizado el coeficiente de determinación R², que representa la cantidad de varianza explicada en una variable dependiente por las variables independientes. El valor de R 2 de fatiga de redes sociales fue de 0,181, superando el umbral recomendado de 0,100 (Chin, 1998), lo que sugiere que el modelo entero explicó suficiente varianza en los constructos endógenos. ...
Las redes sociales han transformado radicalmente nuestras interacciones sociales, convirtiéndose en uno de los canales de comunicación más utilizados. En este contexto, la identificación social con los influencers ha fomentado una mayor implicación y dependencia de las redes sociales. Sin embargo, aún falta comprender cómo contribuye a la fatiga en las redes sociales y cómo se relaciona con el reconocimiento del algoritmo y la sobrecarga de información. Este estudio se propuso explorar estas relaciones en 336 jóvenes universitarios (76,8% mujeres) de 18 a 23 años, utilizando un enfoque de mediación serial a través de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados destacan la importancia de entender cómo la identificación social con influencers afecta la fatiga en las redes sociales, así como la relevancia del reconocimiento del algoritmo y la sobrecarga de información en este proceso. Estos hallazgos enriquecen nuestra comprensión de los mecanismos subyacentes a la fatiga en las redes sociales y enfatizan la necesidad de considerar aspectos cognitivos y perceptivos en futuras investigaciones y en el diseño de intervenciones prácticas.
... Moreover, we employed Average Variance Extracted (AVE) scores to assess convergent validity, with recommendations from Chin (1998). Chin proposed that AVE values should be equal to or greater than 0.50 for convergent validity. ...
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Our research endeavors to investigate the correlation between favoritism and student psychology, concurrently exploring the potential mediating in luence of classroom management. We gathered primary data from 120 students in higher educational institutions in Karachi, Pakistan. The analysis, conducted using Smart PLS v.3.3.5 and IBM SPSS v.26, revealed noteworthy impacts of favoritism on both students, Learning psychology, and classroom management. However, no signi icant relationship emerged between classroom management and students' psychology. Furthermore, the study indicated that classroom management does not serve as a mediating factor in the relationship between favoritism and students' learning psychology. The indings underscore the signi icance of teachers evaluating their behavior and intentions in the classroom, given that the overall class environment is shaped by their actions. Favoritism was iden-ti ied as a detrimental factor in luencing students' learning psychology, resulting in diminished self-esteem and motivation. The study emphasizes the necessity of eliminating favoritism to promote equality among students and stimulate their active participation.
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This study identifies and predicts the factors that determine journalists’ acceptance of VR in journalism and news production, and their intention to adopt this technology in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). A total of 787 online survey responses were analyzed. On a theoretical level, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) constructs were used to identify the independent variables and develop the research hypotheses. The study found that perceived efficiency of VR is related to the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of VR in journalism. Respondents’ behavioral intentions to accept and adopt VR in journalism are contingent upon how these journalists perceive VR as an innovative way to reach audiences and engage them. The paper contributes to our understanding of respondents’ behavioral intentions to accept and adopt VR in journalism. Those intensions are contingent upon how these journalists perceive VR as an innovative way to reach audiences and engage them, including how various media outlets around the world are using VR.
Purpose Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is one of the most diffused AI technologies, capable of generating manifold forms of content, including music, text, images and synthetic data. The purpose of this study is to analyze the determinants that affect GenAI acceptance and its outcomes on both the explorative and exploitative forms of innovation. Design/methodology/approach The study employs a conceptual framework based on the technology-organization-environment (TOE) paradigm. Through Smart-PLS analysis, it examines empirical data retrieved from an online survey where 302 manufacturing companies took part. Findings It is found that GenAI has the potential to facilitate both exploratory and exploitative innovation, particularly via the moderating effect of environmental dynamism. Hence the adoption of GenAI has potential to improve organizational performance. Originality/value The study is the first empirical project to investigate factors that influence manufacturing firms' adoption of GenAI. As the first project to have integrated the TOE paradigm when examining the impact of environmental dynamism on exploratory and exploitative innovation, the study emphasizes the double innovation potential of GenAI in organizational performance improvement.
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This study investigates the adoption of performance-based budgeting (PBB) in Iraq’s Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHE), addressing challenges in aligning budgeting practices with performance outcomes. Motivated by gaps in the literature on public sector budget reforms, particularly in Iraq and other developing countries, the study surveys 317 MOHE employees. It employs partial least squares structural equation modelling to analyze internal and external factors and the moderating roles of transactional and servant leadership styles. The findings reveal that transactional leadership significantly enhances PBB facilitation, while servant leadership has an indirect effect, emphasizing the need for a balanced leadership approach. By contributing to contingency theory, the study highlights the critical role of facilitators in PBB implementation and aligns with global public sector budgeting reforms. These results provide strategic insights for higher education administrators and policymakers, particularly in contexts with centralized governance and limited financial autonomy. Despite focusing on Iraq’s higher education sector, the insights may have implications for other developing nations facing similar challenges and suggest avenues for future research, including qualitative studies to explore these dynamics further.
This research departs from the large number of social media users as a means for carrying out marketing activities. And it also aims to explore the impact of vloggers on customer interest in the products being marketed. Specifically, this research examines whether attitudes towards vlogger recommendations have an impact on attitudes towards brand advertising, and what effect it has on consumer purchasing intentions. This research applies a mono cross-sectional quantitative analysis method. Data collection was assisted using surveys through questionnaires distributed to predetermined samples. Vloggers have quite a big impact on customer perceptions because of their closeness to customers who often describe vloggers as friends and respect their opinions. This study shows that what is important is not the benefits they provide. felt from the information obtained from the vlog. The strongest relationship in this research is attitudes towards vloggers and attitudes towards brands which emphasize content creators in building brand awareness. This article provides a clear picture of the exploration of the impact of vloggers on customer perceptions.
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The objective of this special issue on Advanced PLS-SEM Applications in Business Research is to introduce these advances to a wider audience. It demonstrates the application of these methods in generating new insights on existing or refined models and theories. Additionally, it outlines novel methodological advances of the PLS-SEM method.
Canonical correlation analysis is commonly considered to be a general model for most parametric bivariate and multivariate statistical methods. Because of its capability for handling multiple criteria and multiple predictors simultaneously, canonical correlation analysis has a great deal of appeal and has also enjoyed increasing application in the behavioral sciences. However, it has also been plagued by several serious shortcomings. In particular, researchers have been unable to determine the statistical significance of individual parameter estimates or to relax assumptions of the canonical model that are inconsistent with theory and/or observed data. As a result, canonical correlation analysis has found more application in exploratory research than in theory testing. This paper illustrates how these problems can be resolved by expressing canonical correlation as a special case of a linear structural relations model.